#but damn............ these older ones rlly hit
shroomsroom · 27 days
Hii!! Can you do Johnny x fem reader fic whos a soc but really nice to him and doesn’t rlly care abt to whole soc vs greasers thing and hangs around with him while with her friends, not caring if they thought of her differently or not. but johnny, he thinks his friends will think something else when they find out hes with a soc so he tries avoiding her whenever his friends are around and reader gets upset and asks him why he explains and says he would introduce her despite still being scared and when he does and he thought it went well since tjey were so nice to her but after she left they all told him that shes not good for him blah blah and like she forgets something so she ends up going back and she hears everything and gets really sad? im sorry if this is too specific and long 😭
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Summary: In which you are friends with Johnny but the gang thinks it's a bad idea Warnings: angst?? Author's Note: writers block hitting harder than my burnt blinkers atp You and Johnny had been good friends for a while now. Well, maybe it was more of a one-sided friendship. He almost always avoided you when you were with your friends or when he was with his. You could understand why he’d avoid you when you were around your friends, they were rowdy and dangerous sometimes, but you just couldn’t understand why he’d keep you from his friends. Deep down, you knew that it was because of the soc versus greaser thing, but as much as you tried to reassure him that you genuinely wanted to be his friend, your friendship stopped pretty much as soon as the school bell rang. 
One day, you stopped him at his locker. “Johnny, I’d really like to meet your friends.” You said, asserting a level of seriousness into your normally lighthearted conversations. “Not a good idea, Y/n” You rolled your eyes. “Oh, please! I promise, I won’t do anything to piss them off!” And with some convincing, you two decided on Sunday to go and meet them. You walked quickly, with a briskness that only came with a happy mood. It was Sunday and you were walking to the ‘Curtis brother’s’ house. You’ve heard of them before but not much could be said about them. You rounded the corner and stepped up the porch, gently knocking. You listened as the chatter ceased and footsteps approached the door. Johnny opened it, a weary smile on his face, he stepped to the side to let you in. “Hello!” You said as you entered and everyone inside got up to greet you. 
There was 1 young boy, 3 guys who sat close together and whispered to each other and 2 older guys. They each introduced themselves, one with less grace than the others. His gruff demeanor threw you off but you tried to be as cheerful as possible throughout the whole conversation.
In your opinion, it went pretty well, and as you bid them goodnight you thought that they thought the same. But as it turns out, you remembered you forgot your purse there and hurried back only to catch a glimpse of their conversation.
“I don't know man, you know about them socs..” the boy known as Sodapop said.
“Swear, she's really nice. And she says she doesn't care about us being greasers.” Johnny tried,
“Yeah? And since when do you trust socs?” Dallas countered and there was a murmur of agreement.
“Best not to associate with them” Darry muttered, and you gasped, Darryl was the nicest out of them all. You damn near broke into tears, a quiet sob escaping your lips. Your purse would have to wait because all you wanted to do was to run home and cry.
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peachpopfizz · 4 months
yk the first couple of episode drops were a bit ehh to me but like.. these two just hit Right. maybe bc i knew what to expect pacing/story wise now? either way, they're def my faves so far, especially ep 5. that's my Favorite favorite :]
spoilers for both eps under the cut, mostly just me blabberin abt what i liked (warning: its alotta alastor)
for ep 5, at first i thought charlastors/radiobelles were winning (and while i don't ship it myself, i was happy for em) but then the realization of 'wait wait wait this isn't romo at all, alastors tryna be a FATHER FIGURE?!' hit instead and i went WILD bc thats 1000% my preferred dynamic for charlie and al. so uh.. yippee dadlastors, sorry charlastors..? gsjahafdaj
also the "Ha! Fuck you." im normal im normal im NORMAL im SOOOO FUCKIN NORMAL (IM CRAZY IM VRAZY I CRAZY IM CRASTY IM FUCKI)
mimzy!! (mimzie??) her intro was abrupt, but she seems like a doll, and her hug with al was real cute. tho i do think she needed that metaphorical kick in the ass abt al's thoughts when it comes to her leeching off his strength for protection. about that..
and one more thing b4 i move onto ep 6, i've already seen some ppl comparing what al did to husk in the hall to angel and val's dynamic, and while i do agree the two are both trapped in unsavory deals (loser, baby literally confirms this) i don't think al's ANYWHERE near as bad as val. was what he did fucked up? oh, yes, definitely. but it really?? shouldn't be surprising??? al's in hell ‘n has all this status for a reason, so i was really just waitin for a moment like that to happen. however, it didn't do any lasting damage. at least i really wouldn't say so. most it did was scare the shit out of husk for a minute, nowhere close to what val does to angel on the daily (see: episode 6). tho im willing to admit i might be lookin thru rose colored glasses bc i love al as a character. my opinion might change when/if the actual conditions of al and husks deal are revealed, but as of rn, i think al acted as he did there bc husk attacked a reeeally sensitive subject. he would've just been the petty bitch he always is if husk said like.. anythin else. oh and uhh yeah im abt 85% sure he and lilith have SOMETHING goin on. idk who the hell else would be powerful enough to have alastor on a leash
..oh yeah, lastly, lucifer was cool :] silly silly guy (with lotsa trauma) that hit me right in the daddy issues. funny tho, i rlly dont have much to say abt the guy despite the ep literally being focused on him. his song with charile was spectacular though, i need to listen to it on its own immediately
okokok, episode 6, finally, hopefully shorter than the mess of text above
first off. vaggie = fallen angel theorists, i would like to bow down and apologize for ever doubting you. i was one of the skeptics, i really was, but the show did it in a way that (albeit rushed, but what hasn't been so far?, thaaanks, 8-episode limit..) made it seem believable, with assdam calling her out for it..
but putting adam aside, uh, lute?? maam?? holy fuck, step on me??? please???? i mean uh. sick character design yk ahah ^^
whats her name.. emily? the younger seraphim girl, i liked her, she was a cutie. she really did just seem like heavens version of charlie. and the older seraphim woman i (expectedly) have mixed feelings abt. i feel like all would've be great it adam got outta her damn ear cause she might've actually be down to try the hotel with em gone.. angel was doing so well
speaking of angel, ANGEL!! oh lookit that character development, charlie's gonna be so fuckn proud!!! also, CHERRI!!!! saw someone else say cherris the devil on angels shoulder while husks the (heh) angel, and i have to say i agree. they both want the best for him, they just have different ways of goin about it.
unsurprisingly, fuck Valentino. although i did notice he was wearing a dress today, so. (through gritted teeth) slay.
thiiink that's all i gotta say for today?? besides the fact that next week is gonna be agonizing, ofc :] buckle up ppl we might get a genuine, emotional chaggie fight come next thursday
..oh yeah!! molly!!! we briefly saw molly!!!! i hope youre absolutely thriving girl, you deserve no less <3
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cosmicck · 2 years
Hi, I have an idea
Mikey hires an assistant and the rest of Bonten keeps hitting on her but she's a lesbian and Mikey won't tell them because he wants amusement and they find out she's gay because Senju comes to pick her up and they kiss
Ig a Senju x Fem!reader?? Other than that its just bonten being dumb asf.
Uh male readers yall is good to read this shit cause its not rlly directed towards senju and fem reader, it's just bonten being dumb, because I lead a male reader blog my dudes👌🏾
Edit idea by @gaybitchfx 👇🏾
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"This is F/n, she will be our new assisstant, so if you need anything, just ask her and dont bother me." Mikey introduces you to the rest of the gang.
"Everyone introduce yourselves."
"Hajime Koknoi, but you can just call me koko darling."
"Haitani Rindou, but just Rin is fine."
"Haitani Ran."
"Haruchiyo Sanzu, just call me Sanzu." He comes up to you, and kisses the back of your hand.
"*ahem*Drug addict." Koko corrects.
"Shut yo bitch ass up coconut."
"Kakucho Hitto."
"Well um...nice to meet you guys..." You slide your hand away a bit from Sanzu.
"Well I'm L/n, F/n ofcourse and I look foward to getting to know yall." You bow.
You and Mikey had been friends for quite some time and he's been there for you ever since you came out, and is always supportive.
But that was something he would never tell people for his own enertainment.
Everytime some guy would hit on you, you would become friends with them and you would always think Mikey told them you were a lesbian.
But ofcourse not.
They would ask you out and Mikey would be laughing his ass off in the end.
Because not only were you gay, but you had a girlfriend, none other then Senju the leader of Brahaman(did I spell that right??)
Then that friendship would be no more, because either they were homophobic, or are just to embarresed to talk to you anymore.
He hasn't done that in some time but today might be the day he will.
"Woah, she's hot." Sanzu whispered slightly.
"Damn she got a nice body..." Koko muttered.
"Imma check if my bedroom has room for two one sec." Ran says running to his room.
"Mother fucker...AY RAN BACK THE FUCK OFF!!" Rindou said running after his older brother.
"Girls hotter than the hottest." Kakucho muttered.
You look over to Mikey who was so close to laughing his ass off but no, he can't laugh yet this is only the beginning.
"Is this...normal??" You question.
"Huh?? Oh yea totallyyy yea." Mikey told an obvious lie and you just nodded somehow believing him anyway.
"Alright then anything I gotta do right now??" You ask.
"Welll lets see, could you get me some-"
"Dorayaki. Got it." You say walking away to grab your Keys and head to the store.
"Damn she know me so well." Mikey sighs.
"I wonder what flavour of paste will be inside..." Mikey sat there day-dreaming about his dorayaki till he felt a nudge on his arm.
"Huh?? Oh, Kakucho. What." He says sounding disappointed that his daydream was over.
"Boss, where did you find that assistant of yours??" He asks.
"Oh, me and F/n go way back we met about a year before I met Ken-chin." He redponds, obviously knowing what question will be asked.
"Boss...I apologize for this...but is she taken??" Kakucho asked eager for him to say no ofcourse.
"Oh noooo, she's singglleee whyyy???" He swoons.
Kakuchos face goes red soon enough. "Oh, um no reason, bye boss!" And just like that he's disappered.
"Now back to my Dorayaki...ah yes...strawberry, or chocolate paste??"
"MIKEY, I GOT YOUR DORAYAKI!!" You yell making Mikey run to you in his dollar store flip-flops.
"What flavour??" He asks demanding.
"Oh they only had chocolate so-"
"Perfect." He says snatching the dorayaki from your hand and walking away.
"Rude bastard, didn't even fucking say thank you." You mutter before you feel your phone buzz in your pocket.
"Yello?? Ah! Senju!"
"Hey dear I was wondering if you wanted f/f(favorite food) for dinner??" She asked.
"Oh yes! I would love some thank you!" You say mouth already watering from imagining the taste.
"OK good cause I already got the ingredientes and I'm already cooking them." She says making you snap out, having a confused look on your face.
"Then why did you ask-"
"K love you bye!" And she hangs up. "Damn, everyone so fuckin' rude today." You roll your eyes, about to walk away till you felt someone tap your shoulder.
"Huh? Oh, whats up Koko??" Looking up at the white haired male as he smiles.
"Nothing much really...I was just wondering if i could have your number??" He asks.
"Uh, why??" You say being totally oblivious.
"W-why?? I-I u-um cause since your an assistant I figured I'll need your number ya know??" He says telling a half-truth.
"Oh...well sure?? Here gimmie your phone." You say making grabby hands.
'Omg this is fucking adorableeee!!' Koko thought as he handed you his phone, watching you put in the number.
"Alright, here you go, it's in." And you hand him back his phone, and walk away.
"I'm never ever washing this phone screen...ever." He says hugging his phone like a psycho.
"F/nnnnnn!" You turn around to see Sanzu beside you making you jump a little in suprise.
"O-oh hey San..zu?? What is this for??" Once you turned to him you saw a huge boque of flowers in front of you.
"Just a welcome gift is all." And a wide smile appears across his face.
You look at him then the flowers.
"Well, thank you, I guess?? I'll put these in something with water." You hesitantly grab the flowers.
"No problem baby girl~" And he ships away like a child.
"Did he just call me- ok whatever I just cant wait till Senju picks me up..." You sigh already wanting to go home.
"Gosh I don't even know where to set these- oh! Hey Rin!" You bump into Rin by suprise.
"Hey, F/n, here." He gives you a box of your f/s(fav snack) which weirdly your not weirded out by I mean it's your f/s...but howd he know??
Eh.whatever. food is food.
"Well thank you.." You walk away slowly, again bumping into someone once again.
Almost falling you feel someone grab your waist looking up to see that its Ran.
"Oh hey Ran-" but being cut off once again you see a ring in your face.
"For you ofcourse." Again you slowly take the gift walking away already having about three of them in your hand.
"God MIKEY!"
"Bitch yell at me again and just put them on that couch or something." He said pointing to the couch to his left.
"Gosh I can't with-"
"F/N!" You roll your eyes.
"Who is it this time- OH SENJU HEY!!" You run up up her embracing her into a hug and giving her a kiss on the lips.
"Hey baby, the food finished earlier than I thought and-"
You look over to see Kaku, Koko, Rin, Ran, and Sanzu with wide mouths.
"Huh?? What is it guys? Oh...MIKEY YOU BASTARD!!"
But you already see the white haired male rolling on the floor laughing and holding his stomach.
"Mikey it aint that funny-"
"BAHAHAHAHAHA DUMBASSESS!! SHES A LESBIAN!! HAHAHAHHA STUPID!!" He laughs and laughs pointing at them as well.
"Wait...YOUR DATING MY SIS-" But Sanzu done did passed out.
"All my dreams...gone..." Kakucho mutters looking down at his hands in sadness.
Rin and Ran still in shock while Koko was fucking crying.
"Mikey shut up." Senju says throwing her shoe at him.
"Gosh lemme get all these gifts- and your shoe, so I can go eat, I'm fucking starving..." you sigh getting your things and Senju's shoe.
"Ah, sorry for not telling you guys, hehe thought this bastard of a friend told you my bad." You chuckle.
"No more marrige..."
"Well played..."
Srry if this is rushed asf I'm just tired srry🥲
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illomilo · 10 months
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sup gvng gvng it's jade n happy openin day 2 us all!! i've brought along kang hanna w the big, ginormous, inflated ego that takes up the whole room [kevin hart vc] damn!! she's ur v own blind spot skele who's v loosely based on alice in borderland's akane heiya!! she's also an ex-olympic hopeful in skeet shooting & only rlly survived the apocalypse bc of her older brother who's the actual olympic champ 🤡 anw if u would like 2 hear me blabber on ab hanna then pls find alla that under the cut but if u wanna get 2 the juicier stuff, hit that LIKE button n ill come rollin :~) also if u r a filthy d*scord user like me pls send me ur @ tq luv u mwah!!
generally the most important info is at the top so: taurus sun / aries moon / leo rising
anw her parents were both olympic hopefuls but they alw just missed the cut so after havin their career go nowhere, they eventually switched gears and became olympic coaches in shooting!! bc their olympic career died down they also decided 2 start a family n that's how haneul first came along, n hanna 4y later!!
but her parents nvr rlly gave up on that dream and they rlly projected their ambition onto haneul n hanna!! what this means is the kang siblings grew up w a v regimented, healthy lifestyle n was taught shootin @ a v young age to hopefully one day fulfil their parents' dreams
the both of them absolutely hated it n from this shared trauma of their parents being coaches first n parents second, they became super duper close n were each others' support system <3 practically raised each other atp
both of them were also honestly rlly talented at shooting ( espc skeet shooting ) but haneul was v clearly the better one, and bc he's older too, naturally his parents prep him for the olympics!! bc hanna is considerably younger, they kinda gave up on her to focus on haneul but don't feel bad for hanna bc she loved that shit
ended up goin a lil wild in sch aka doin wtv she wanted for once in her life including!! bullying!! she was a huge rascal honestly n the prob was that she could get away w wtv she wanted bc her parents frankly only cared ab haneul winning gold..... which he did in the 2016 summer olympics : ))) this boosted her popularity n ego in sch so she loved that shit too
haneul thought that winning gold would make his parents finally happy n that they would ease up but he was wrong!! they j wanted more n nth was ever going to be enough n that's when he realised that he was nvr gettin off this train so!! burnt out n all he sneakily released a statement on his instagram sayin that he is retiring n to avoid gettin his ass whooped, he ran off 2 his maternal grandparents place in busan!! bc hanna is super close w her brother, she kinda tags along cause 🖕 her parents
they're hiding out at their grandparents' place when outbreak day happens!! grandpa eats grandma n hanna shoots him n is traumatised by it, but then grandma turns into a zomb n haneul grabs her crying ass outta there n they bolt to busan qz per the govt's instructions
when things settle they get given their tasks n haneul becomes a blacksmith while hanna's assigned 2 b kitchen help!! hanna ofc hates this, is offended by this, loses interest in life bc of this, until fast forward to fireflies origins when haneul tells her that he's been recruited as a fireflies agent!! hanna realises that if the fireflies succeed in overtaking the kdrt, she will nvr have to look at dirty dishes stacked in the sink again so she signs tf up n picks up a gun for the first time in a long time!!
fireflies wins n hanna and haneul remain as fireflies agents!! this is rly bc a) haneul starts 2 rlly believe in the fireflies, b) hanna will b able to watch his back as an agent herself c) hanna does nawt wanna go back 2 the kitchen and d) they're both rly good at shooting so!!
things settle n haneul even finds love <3 then word ab div4 recruiting volunteers spreads n haneul, being the golden boy and olympian shooter, gets pressured 2 join!! n honestly, he would have in a heartbeat if not for his oopsie baby that's due in 8ish months!! no one knows ab it yet except hanna, but haneul feels torn ab fighting for a cause he genuinely believes in n not wanting to disappoint the fireflies, but also putting his life in danger so his kid may grow up without a father!! the night before div4 starts their mission hanna convinces him to let her join instead bc she wants to prove that she's more than just his sibling ( false she does not give a shit she knows she's top shit but it's the only way to guilt her brother into letting her do this for him ) but yes kids!! that's the story of how ur post-apocalyptic day mulan ends up in div4!!
thank u and more importantly sorry 4 makin u read alla that but !! ive also incl some plots below!! we can use them as startin points 4 our sick cool plots n threads 🤪
orite 20+ skeles line up them gen zs gotta unite!! also anyone who studied hs in seoul it wud b mighty cool for yall to b from the same hs
btw hanna n haneul, hanna is def the annoying one and haneul is rlly like the best most accommodating dude, dependable n mild-mannered, the man u bring home 2 ur parents so anyone who was mayb friends w haneul!! hanna n haneul didn't rlly share their friendships but bc of how close they are, it wouldn't be unlikely for u to have bumped into hanna at one point or another ( n maybe ur even like you are his sister?? damn yall r so different........ 1 is humble 1 is a peacock n yet that's also not the one who won the olympics huh weird )
on the topic of haneul i would love love love 2 have someone b related 2 haneul's girlfriend!! mayb her sibling or cousin or smth!! that would make hanna ur ( distant ) relative <3
also on the topic of haneul bc hanna cannot exist w/o him,, someone who was friends w haneul n not rly w hanna but yall see each other around a lot n mayb yall were both determined 2 volunteer for div4 then one day hanna appears from the shadows n is like don't put haneul's name down for him put mine instead n she tells u her super secret most brilliant plan that can only come from the descendent of einstein himself
hanna can get rly annoyin so mayb back when yall were fireflies agents on patrol she made a snarky comment ab the way u held a gun r u gna tolerate that disrespect!!!!
wud also b funny if back when the kdrt was ruling in busan qz n u were that bitch who were alw tryna sneak in seconds n hanna was like 🖕 refusing 2 help u out unlike the other kitchen hands bc she just didn't want to : )) kdrts rules sorry <3
yall were up in arms during the rebellion or mayb she even mistook u for a traitor / kdrt apologist n held u @ gunpoint until someone stepped in 2 clarify ur position
tw death wud also love 2 explore hanna's emotional side like ik her grandpa was a zomb but she still killed him n that shit haunts her......... mayb u idk found her crying on his birthday n yall had a heart 2 heart n now she's a lil awk around u bc she never lets anyone see her emotional side bc she doesn't have one she's Perfect lil miss can do no wrong <3
wud b cute for hanna 2 innocently crush on someone age appropriate <3 wud lov 2 see her flailing 4 once
also mayb yall dont know each other well n this mission is rlly the first time ur putting each others names 2 ur faces!!! will yall get along or argue?? crystal orb let us know!! 🧐
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starglitterz · 1 year
Quill!!! if it's not too intrusive, pls give us your top 10 y/n moments lol!!!!
HAHAHSKDJKJSD omfg who sent this in 😭😭😭 this is so funny tho i'll def do it (shameless plug btw, i have a whole series based on my irl experiences w romance called to all the boys i've loved before [totally original, ik] u should check it out!!)
these aren't in any particular order btw it's just the ones i rmb HAHA also i think these are pretty recent i tried not to include any of the ones i alrdy have in the series 👍
10. when i went for an anime con and i had just arrived, and after taking a pic w this one cosplayer his friend (in a kirito cosplay) came up to me and asked if he could princess carry me for a pic HSKJDK
9. when i visited my highschool for a festival thing and found out that one of my juniors had a crush on me (and still did??) and had told all his friends abt how cute and pretty he thinks i am HAHAHA (a total ego boost tbh someone should have told him that i am actually not all that)
8. being in a love triangle except it wasn't really a triangle it was like my two guy best friends had crushes on me at the same time and had a falling out over me (not to be amy dunne from gone girl but i did always want 2 guys to fight over me GOODBYE)
7. this one guy that was texting me and asking me on a date kept flirting w me and it was so stupidly lame that it was cute
6. going for my college orientation party and having a few guys ask me for my insta (honestly i had never expected this would happen I WAS SO KJASKJDKSJD ABT IT)
5. at the same orientation party some random older guy tried to hit on me so i ran away and this other guy i had met earlier was rlly nice and waited w me until my transport arrived and texted later to ask if i had gotten home safely 🥺 (the bar for men is like 700 feet under the ground)
4. at the anime con (same as earlier) i got kabedoned by this girl cosplaying gojo and she said i looked rlly cute and i nearly collapsed
3. HAHA I CANT BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT THIS BUT on my birthday i went on the bus to get home and the guy behind me was in my course, and he recognised me so we were talking for a bit until he realised it was my bday, and he literally asked the guy next to him to please switch places so we could sit tgt and he could wish me properly 😭it was so cute he had like golden retriever vibes HAHA and we were talking the entire time it was vv fun
2. yk that thing where u compare hand sizes but then they hold your hand HAHAHA that actually happened to me w one of my new friends 💀 he has rlly nice hands tho so no complaints here PLSKJWDKJS
1, ok guys now this one is some real life kdrama bs istg i felt like it was a movie while it was happening 😭 so basically the bus was pretty much full and i ended up sitting next to this rlly cute guy. and my brain was going 'damn i wanna talk to him', but i had to put my purse away first. so i was trying to put it in my bag, but it slipped and fell onto the floor and he was like 'oh!', and then i had to bend down and pick it up while thinking 'NOO this is so embarrassing he probably thinks im a dumbass'. and then i managaed to embarrass myself further 👍 guess what? while trying to sit back up again i literally hit my head against the chair in front of me and went 'ow!' out loud and the guy was like 'oh no are you okay 😭⁉' and i was like 'yeah... just super embarrassed HAHA' and we started talking from there KJSDKSJD i could talk abt this forever bc so much cute stuff happened but tldr he was like the total package but then i got ghosted BYE
ok thanks for coming to my ted talk as u can see i love talking abt myself pls feel free to ask more but i don't think i have any more romantic experiences atm 😭😭😭 i'm currently trying to manic pixie dream girl one of my guy friends in college so we can see how that goes ig LMAO,,, anyways thanks 4 reading ! interact w this post and give me validation please and thanks <3 (/hj)
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sojutrait · 2 years
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warning this is a long one lmao
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i tried once and failed spectacularly and never tried again 😭😭😭
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ive just been letting the toddlers run wild bc i imagine two werewolves wouldnt be helicopter parents and its honestly sm less stressful 😭😭 like yeah go splash in the toilet and have fun
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hmm like sims aesthetic? idk really its kinda all over the place djfkf id just say nondescript cartoon-yness lmao. and most of my inspo is from real life!
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ty! like i dont want it to seem like im a saint and totally exempt from fucking up but i would hope it would be clear that id never intentionally whitewash a sim, thats quite counterintuitive of literally everything i preach
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thats what its giving atp 😭😭
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PREMONITIONS youre right, i shouldve forced my mom to birth me early so i could properly do my research for ts2 😩😩
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honestly!! ive tried to play both ts2 and ts3 since joining simblr but i literally Can Not, plus the millions of fixes that go in to ensuring they both work properly, it shouldnt come as a surprise to people that the majority of current simmers are only familiar with ts4
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dkjfkfd thats the consensus everyone is coming to but i dont remember last summer being this bad 😭😭 it fully couldve been tho that was before i ever left my simblr bubble lmao
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thank you sm!! ily2 🥺🥺💖💖
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thank you!! like i am not an ea employee plz cut me some slack 😭😭 and im glad u like my dina🥺🥺 just gonna tweak her a bit to make her more like her previous iterations !
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thank you!! and omg that is so exciting, good luck on ur legacy challenge! 💖💖
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i am autistic so i rlly dont know wtf theyre talking about in regards to my tone, i just think im speaking normally lmao. and i wholeheartedly agree with what u said about black simmers, ive def seen other black simmers get the same hate and vitriol over their tone and its sick, and then everyone wonders why ppl leave and simblr “dies”, like its bc yall make it inhospitable
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i love both of those things so ty sm! 🥺💖💖
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thank you!! i’m doing okay, ty for checking in 🥺💖💖
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DJKDFK ty! i honestly didnt think id get so attached to the dog people either 😭😭
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NO SAME i forget im not like 16 anymore 😭😭 i recently came to the realization that its techinally legal for weird older men to hit on me and i havent known peace since ✋
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i actually considered that! or adding that werewolf girl i made in cas a couple days ago bc im so attached to all of them sjddk the thing is id have to human-ify them bc the halabis are set in the boring real world 
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TYY shes my fave townie of all time so ofc i had to do my girl justice 😌😌
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thank u 🤧🤧❤❤❤
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ACTUALLY when i was playing in that save i literally thought damn now i wanna play with ulrike and dina 😭😭 so maybe so 👁
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this is so sweet omfg thank you sm 😭😭❤❤ im so glad ollie brings you comfort, shes one of my fave sims of all time for that same reason so its good to hear other ppl connect with her the same 🥺🥺 and omg sometimes i forget she has the klepto trait until she tries to steal shit 😭😭
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bakugourising · 8 months
watching more dark
ep 3
lol what is she doing with that dead bird
tears for fears pog
“my dad said lipstick is only for prostitutes” “hannah you’re as square as they come” lol
everyone is so mean to mikkel leave him alone !!
so 80s cop is the dude from senior home ?
girl boss alert
the family dynamics in this show r so fucked up it’s fun to watch
she’s spelunking in heels that’s actually tru girl boss behavior
are there aliens in this show
“is this the apocalypse?” “a bit disappointing”
ep 4
at this point i don’t trust anyone in this show
i like magnus for some reason i think just bcuz he has that emo ass haircut
it must be cold in this building everyone has their coats on
men rlly ain’t shit y r they all cheaters
red is a motif but for what
she forgot abt her daughter 😭
not the torture dungeon wtf
nooooo little girl don’t walk away noooo old man don’t walk away
“im being punished” ya mb
another missing kid goddamn this show sure is dark
can the parents stop letting the older siblings hit the younger ones right in front of them wtf
ep 5
noah is a priest!! so the weird guy in the hotel is not the one kidnapping kids??
wait so is this a cult thing ill be honest i thought it was aliens
“some damn affair” i mean that is literally what this is right
the casting is so good and everyone is so good at acting
“i’d never do that” LIAR
…hannah…..we do not stan
wait but y did teenage katherina have that bruise what is happening was hannah not lying
what is that wait that’s totally an alien thing is this an alien cult show
mikkel is jonas’ dad?? but then…. Oh No
i think im missing something wtf is going on
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capfalcon · 11 months
5, 16,21?
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
six speed by current blue!!!!! ive been loving this one this summer blasting in my car. so good and vibey
16:One of your favorite classical songs
despite liking a lot of pop i am actually a very avid classical enjoyer, and i like a lot of modern classical songs, and by far my favorite is 20:17 by olafur arnalds. he also has a couple other songs that i absolutely adore, including spiral, and happiness does not wait. they're hauntingly beautiful classical songs with genuine meaning and i think they're really special. i love how they pay homage to the older, more storied tradition of classical music while being new, and innovative and beautiful in ways that both connects the past and the present.
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
cleopatra by the lumineers!!!! i fucking. love this song so much. it reminds me of a ship (dancasey from sportsnight) but its also just such a good song about like. not measuring up and struggling and ive been relating to it a lot in adult life.
but i must admit it, i would marry you in an instant, damn your wife i'd be your mistress just to have you around is one of the most romantic things ive ever heard
(also, the only gifts from my lord were a birth and a divorce rlly hits for me)
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puppet2611 · 1 year
//from 5.12.23
hey.... im going a lil cray cray over lf x a5 crossover au.. (also 8:11 bcz im a loser for oc x canon :3)(still coping over this stomache) if i dont send smth in 5 minutes shoot me im going too cray cray/j
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lf already kind of has ties to a5 since the entities still being alive and just kinda moving around but not really - maybe ill age up adam and oliver to use as background characters but whos knowss
not canon or anything just a silly little thought but erm. what if all 3 were connected via religion 😁 emilio, natalia, charlotte and isabella from lf already have religious backgrounds, 8:11 practically revolves around religion and a5 entities pretending to be angels could wreck some havoc on the damned basilica teehee,,, since im too silly with char.ai most of the characters mentioned already interacted w/ 8:11 bots to kinda get an idea of how everything would play out even if it was ooc... younger emilio and amelia def actually confided in francis while everyone else was at least a bit suspicious (minus isabella but uhmmm. lore reasons) idk abt the entities since i havent rlly worked on anything but their designs but maybe ill give them different abilities and only one of them knows francis' true intentions:3c
OH YEAH idk if ill ever tell him abt it but maybee i could throw in adams ocs too since bros absolutely batshit insane over 8:11 rn. i have screenshots of him being insanely gay over a french guy btw if anyone wanted to see/j ANYWAY ehheheee maybe felix and samuel knew the martin kids at some point :33 bunch of religiously traumatized kids meeting, what could happen??? (felix and emilio both stabbed their siblings at skme point 💀) ANYWAYS i think sam and samuel would get along not just because uhh similar names but idk since were kinda split between making sam a bitch or actually nice... oh and i never drew sam or amelia properly yet whoops a5 exploded my mind
btw abt the entity mfs id like to think most of them usually stay in human forms except for atlas whos kinda the socially awkward one whod rather stay as an animal so no one tries to talk to him lmfao
but hes also extra so anyone at the basilica sees a fucking bear with antlers and the fur pattern of a deer and gets jumpscared (they all get used to it later and only vistors get jumpscared) OH AND ABT THE OC X CANON STUFF. not rlly shipping i just dk what else to call it but tee hee maybe isabella and vittorino have mad beef because her dad died at the basilica not soon after vitto joined so shes mad sus 😁😁 but only to be a bitch bcz she finds him utterly disgusting. her cousin allen kills him bcz he kinda was suffering anyway and she actually helped plan it loll
everytime girl comes across the stupid hoe they always glare at each other or get in a fight... usually verbal bcz natalia would go rabid if vitto tried to hit bella ykyk
oh and since im trying to align the stories together a bunch of ages r gonna have to change... idk if emilio or oliver is gonna be the older one but there is no way in hell a priest is younger than someone still in school... but then again overthinker wont stop comparing emmy to felix so ion wanna make him too close to blondies age but then again again felix is like 50 now... ill probably make emmy 36 and amelia 41 ig. klaus has too many white hairs to only be 40 anyway/hj but then adams still older than klaus.... i mean ig i could just use the excuse that he dyes his hair since he already has highlights
this is a whole mess uhm.
im unoriginal asf so emilio and jericho can bond over being people pleasers and cupioromantic but their first and only ever crush was abusive 😁😁 (<- definitely not projecting) (i lied. jericho only ever gets with elio bcz of that one time on valentines day irl) (im normal i swear)
bro went from snarky rude ass hoe to the most pathetic bird known to man for silliness reasons/hj
bros insanely mentally unstable, has chronic pain and heart problems, trust problems and definitely either a drinking or smoking problem. hell he can even jack both of them if he wants/j uhm. but i decided to make him less of a mary sue with all the language stuff n shit. idk if i ever mentioned it but who cares its my channel grr/j anyways instead lf the grocery list of languages he can speak, he can only speak english, greek, and belarusian 👍 also asl but idk if youd count that as smth he can speak
still torturing his pathetic ahh but anywayss abt that one tobias/future emilio art. the snake he has was originally gonna be named mobius for his symbolism stuff (and a hi3 ref/silly) but maybee i might rename the snake fang or michael as in adams late husband because uhmmm. what if adam was like a father figure to him when they met and he at some point got him a snake 👍👍 (he wouldve gotten a rabbit but uhm. vitto symbolism. and bro is traumatized from the vittorino ais..)
that is all for neow bcz i need to go take medicine 😭
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scatmaan · 5 years
im sorry but...... .. ..maria is just so😍😍
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matchamabs · 3 years
get ready for some heinous opinions! so im ranking the guys in botw by how hot they are and im taking No criticism. idk if i forgot anyone but i tried
check it out under the cut 
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sorry but this twink is just. average. like Painfully average. hes like white bread. therefore he gets an average score. i can appreciate hes a cute lookin guy? but like. thats it. if u fancy link u probably like mayonnaise. he looks like mayonnaise. grow a fuckin tache or smth dude for the love of god. 5/10 very normal.
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ok im a diehard bird simp but like... this boy is fuckin ugly lmao. hes pretty at the same time tho? nice smile, nice eyes, nice voice but yellow eyebrows? green eyes? red makeup? clown. he’s a bird clown. tho i guess some ppl find clowns hot so this one’s for the pennywise crowd. 5/10. he’s a 10/10 in my heart tho.
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now this is a MAN. u got the good smile, the strong arms, the r i p p l i n g  m u s c l e s. he is a man u can trust. his arm hair is a bit wild but if u dont like his incredible facial hair, then.... idc. 7/10. they made a rock handsome. thats impressive. 3 points off for the forehead vagina tho. dont like that.
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hot fucking damn. this is what we in the biz call a raging dilf. he looks like the kind of dad that never grew out of his punk rock phase. idk how i feel abt the broken traffic light look but its fine. just look into his gorgeous eyes and listen 2 his deep gravelly voice as he tells u to fuck off and leave him alone. perfection. the voice already makes him like 20/10 but the mullet is fucking awful and he should be penalised for that. 8/10. grow a fringe like the rest of us.
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ah the shape of water... ok yeah the fish is fuckable ill grant u that. hes All fuckin torso tho and his eyes r constantly pointing in different directions which is not the Most Flattering Look and he Will hit u with his head handlebars and it will hurt. the 24-pack aint half bad either but i always get this feeling that he looks like he skips... some kind of day. not arm day, not leg day, but... some kind of day. maybe brain day.  8/10. sharp teeth are always sexy.
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10/10. i dont fuckin care if u hate his hair- this man probably invented the most effective hairspray in existence just to make that happen. respect him. u cannot deny hes hot tho like theres just Something about him. the confidence... the attitude... i worry about revealing his eyes tho. theres a 50% chance it will not work in ur favour and he’ll just look heinous. full 10/10 tho. old robbie is also not bad 2 look at if ur not a coward but he Might leave u for an easy bake oven so like. watch out for that.
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well the queen saw something in him??? i genuinely fear the idea of ever getting to see his chin from under that magnificent beard tho. he’s probably got the jawline of a russian power lifter. anyway for an old guy hes not lookin that bad so long as u dont mind a receding hairline. ill b nice. 5/10. for a king u could do worse. ill be taking complaints about this take in my dms. bring a bat. 
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where do i begin. i love beedle. i rlly do but theres.... so much going on. personality is a 10/10, business skills are 10/10/ haircut is -50/10 and the crop top....? well ill give him 10/10 for confidence. 4/10 im sorry he is just a Lot to look at. he looks like rock lee tried to become a slutty pirate king. shonen jump will have a lot to answer for.
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the colour scheme is... better than revali, tho i didnt realise how obnoxious it was until i actually got a good look at him. ive never seen a bird look so top heavy before but this mans got 5 kids so i have nothing but respect for my king. kass is for the dilf crowd that like the dad bods. 8/10 he is quite nice to look at ngl. he’s like revali but light mode.
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ok yunobo is very cute i wont lie but the hair is just massively disarming. idk its all i can think about. is this a goron emo phase?? is that what that is?? ive been staring at it for like 5 minutes and i still cant work out if i like it or not. 5/10 he is a humble lad. 
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under all that gear kohga could look like willem dafoe x50 and id still find him attractive. he cant be hot tho. he just cant be. like looks wise he has to be 1/10 under that there is no way this man could feasibly be conventionally attractive and tbh i like it that way. banana boy gets 6/10. hotter than revali. revali looks like a clown but kohga looks like the entire fucking circus
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there is nothing unattractive about bolson. 10/10. sha-ding
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i hate the hair i hate the hair i hate the hair i hate the hair SO fucking much but the voice. he has to be hot under that gear with a voice like that. if hes not well. just close ur eyes. the voice will take care of the rest. 8/10 the crack in his mask actually makes him look sexier and i dont understand how that can happen
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????????????????????????? he looks. like an old man? i swear those big wingy bits are his eyebrows but i cant Quite be sure. why would a tree need eyebrows. ??/10 keep ur questionable gifts to urself
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-100000/10 who the fuck let this budget pokemon npc in here. he looks like he should b leading team ganon across the kanto region. he probably draws those lines on his face to make himself look older and listens to mother mother. im gonna punch his third eye. no this is not a biased opinion 
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I did my homework and i did my chores, time to tackle on the third book of this series, Son of Ogre
Chapter 1
Okay but the fuck is Baki planning to do if he stops fighting? That's literally all he has, he's not smart
King just went to have a snack. Also FUCK does that meat look tasty FUCKKK
This baby so cute 🥺
I'm so glad Yuji is doing stupid hilarious shit again it had been a while
Congrats on Baki for that mantis
Chapter 2
Who tf is this kid?
Poor kid lmao, i assume he will meet Baki
Look at my boyyy
Imagine Baki actually kills this kid HSJDYSSHCBT
Third comment with a ton of likes is "we do not condone child violence. We do, however, find it hilarious"
Chapter 3
But i like Baki memeing a round a lil
Chapter 4
🥺🥺 that's so sweet...
Yujiro is such a fucking threat to society lmao
I love seeing Baki with his eyes open, he's looking more like his old self
Oh, shadow boxing incoming, alright
Chapter 5
Yuri? 🥺 /j
Chapter 6
I love how there's our silly little mains after every cover LUV em <33
Baki just dissociating his ass out and using it on his favor, the king
Why is Baki eating sour prunes aren't those meant to be sweet?
We all salivating
Chapter 7
Love to see there are even more swears there now
I can put my face next to my foot too tho
Also i would LOVE to see Yuji fight an Orca
I love how everyone in the comments is calling out Rumina for not seeing issue going down to a dark hidden basement with a shirtless man older than him
Chapter 8
"piggy back me" USHSYFLFUDSY
This fight is going to be good
Chapter 9
Imagine Baki dies right here right know against an imaginary mantis lmao
Okay Baki getting damaged makes sense but the WALL?
Ffs it's true Baki COULD create himself a stand 😰
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
This fight is so boring i had to take a 6 hour break
Baki just can't win against nature eh
This reminds me of Garland pulling a suplex on that Anaconda
Chapter 12
I can't wait for the main cast to ACTUALLY appear, instead of just, you know, them in the covers
This fight is slow but cool but slow
To fight a mantis you must think like a mantis 😎
Though it's true in this manga you will most likely win if you steal your opponent techniques so
Chapter 13
This is so dumb i luv it
That mantis be swearing lmao
Love it when Baki goes full Yujiro
Chapter 14
Holy fuck do mantis fly?
Secret Chapter?
Is this how Yujiro got born?
Idk girl i would have killed him if i was you
I might just be sleepy but this is so confusing
Chapter 15
Why is he like this?
Is "he" with us right now?
...gotta admit that IS true...
I love Strydum sksgwhwg
Yujiro really went XD
I don't think my man Arun in the comments is aware how gay what he said is, though maybe I'm wrong
Chapter 16
I can't believe Bush is dead
8 of January? My god he's a Capricorn
I'm sorry, what?
This explains why Baki was in prison clothes in the anime teaser
Chapter 17
That one mf like 😐
Glad Baki is 18 now at least 😌
Love to see Oliva back
Chapter 18
This page not even bothering to charge the pages anymore
I'm sure there were better ways to go to jail, well, actually, no, but still
Toba used to just chew that off
Baki did that mantis hit you in the head too hard?
I. I watched way too many prison movies and shows. I don't like seeing someone as young and pretty as Baki in such a place. I rlly don't.
Chapter 19
Yanagi baby i miss you...
Mfkhsjsys 😳🥴
Eh got my hopes too high
I hope he swears too i want to see a boludo o pelotudo PLEASE
I mean para pelotudos lo veo a Yujiro todo el tiempo pero igual JSGWKEGWG me pone bien argento ver al Che carajo
Chapter 20
I can't take this omfg new fav I'm sorry Doppo but he just said boludo 😭
Pendejo is more used as pibe here but i will let it pass bc idk the lingo in Cuba and he spent some time there so
Why don't i speak like this too ffs? All i do is say eh and call it a day
He's cocky enough to call anybody any age pibe so I'll let that pass too
Por favor no lo hagas che sksgwj
Chapter 21
Che, pibe, it's a good day to die...
Chapter 22
GSHAGSTSG he should have said "no boludo"
I'm falling in love with this boludo myself
That's talented and brutal
Chapter 23
Hm that's, cringe
Honestly i too get pissed off when called American or European, though i won't throw shit to Baki, he's some random 18 yo japanese boy, no way he would recognize latinoamerican lingo lmao
King shit Baki boy
Chapter 24
Oh that's why he's called Jun Guevara, that's fair
I like how they are mixing a bit of truth and a bit of lie it's fun at least
Chapter 25
I like how they are drawing nipples now, occasionally
I can't wait for Viêt to complain about propaganda in the comments
😳 :Y
He's sooo nice 😍
Chapter 26
Only three? You mean the third is... 👁️👁️
I can't believe he works for the USA I'm crying and shaking rn
What a progressive manga, the three strongest and most dangerous men and none of them are white 😍
Chapter 27
Why is this guy sweating sm?
I like how the only time Baki was willing to kill a person was when he thought Sikorsky had hurt his girl
Chapter 28
I feel like Ian will die
Man i love how Baki is drawn in this book
Ffs i called it, i have watched way too many prison things to know how shit goes down
I have seen these three before in fanart but I'm curious to see what they can do
Chapter 29
Their faces remind me of Doyle
I'm gonna struggle to tell em apart but i think I'll manage
Okay I'm not the only one who thinks they look like Doyle, fair
Chapter 30
The mouth vs Yujiro when?
Someone mentioned the have the same vibe as the dudes that worked with Gaia and like 👁️👁️
Chapter 31
Lmao someone in the comments recommended the same thing
These three must be great at sex (sorry)
KSHALDHDKD NEW FAV COMMENT: "go to Japan and look for the word "defeat". That way you won't feel cocky anymore"
Chapter 32
Hehe hello Junnn~
La luna
Chapter 33
Okay that's funny, hocico instead of mouth (hocico is used for animal mouths)
I'm so glad i know Spanish
The two things that drive me insane and make me ramble are Doppo's beauty and this stupid argentinian
Chapter 34
Imagine he's doing that illusion thing Dorian did
With his own blood, that's so cool...
I did that once when i had a terrible nose bleed, didn't go well
Chapter 35
This book is fucking boring NGL
"now that you got no more urine left in you"
Chapter 36
HHH he kinda cute...
Oww :(
God piantao is an old word i had never heard it before
AND he took a piss.
Se me cayó un ídolo y yo que le quería dar ����
Let's see if he lied to Baki about just liking eh /j
Chapter 37
I luv Oliva lol
I too wonder where the fuck Kozue is
Chapter 38
He is jealous of what you two have, it's normal, el Che just rejected his love after all ;/
Oliva is a king
Oh shit Oliva is like 45?! He looked so young
Te fuiste a la mierda, Che, el chabón estaba siendo re bueno con vos
Baki is just dead
Chapter 39
I love how realistic Che's fear is, he's rather smart, though not this time
I didn't realize Che said "what more, it may be a woman!" but to be fair they ARE in jail so
Chapter 40
I'm feeling kinda bad for him ngl
I feel happy for him tho 🥺
Bruh they added one page after the ending of some naked anime girl tf 😐
Chapter 41
These prisoners having fun is kinda sweet
Bitches be complaining about Maria's looks are just jealous 🥰
Chapter 42
Damn she lorge
He loves fighting naked eh
Only valid person is the one saying Oliva deserves better treatment which tbh true
Chapter 43
Fun fact i wear my jacket like El Che too, unless it's too cold
El che with the hair lose is so cute bro,,,
Something something fingering joke
Sikorski could fold a coin too
I bet the bandana will break
Chapter 44
I would have just fallen on top of him, how is he gonna counter that, eh?
Oh that super fun to know!
Oh the good ol dirty technique, i have seen this one before!
Chapter 45
This fight is super cool tho i love these two characters
Chapter 46
They just keep changing the rules i think Itagaki is just flexing at this point
Baki wants his protagonism back
I'm getting pissed off they keep putting semi naked underaged girls at the end of every chapter 😐
Chapter 47
Bruh just realized, the mouth got so hyped as this new cool villain and they died in their first appearance 😭
His damn bandana...
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candyredterezii · 3 years
i used to be a huge vris/rezi fan back when i was into homestuck and as a double hit it was definitely one of those defining lgbt rep moments for little me (thought i was a lesbian) but as ive gotten older and wiser ive woken up and realized that rose/rezi and nep/rezi supremacy
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lovieebby · 3 years
White Winged Girl (part three)
Part One | Part Two
Sugar Daddy!Henry Cavill x F!Reader (she/her)
Summary: Its not easy to cover up when she’s filled to the brim with anxiety, though Henry could care less. This isn’t a game to him and he’s not letting this little minx slip through his fingers.
WC: 1.2k (whoops)
Warnings: 18+!!!, SMUT SMUT SMUT, rough sex, dubcon if you squint (thats a damn LIE) d/s dynamic, daddy kink, oral (m receiving), cum eatting ?? degradation, spanking & spitting
Note: yall idk what happened, my fingers let loose and im not sorry. & PLEASE can someone talk to me like this??
Also! I know on my mood boards theres ladies that are white and I don’t see the reader as white— she is you and I’m trying to find more plussized women and women that are poc so i can meet all your needs! But rlly lovelies, the reader is you and you are perfect and beautiful all on your own way! I just wanted to clarify that real fast bc I don’t want ppl feeling excluded from my works. I love each and everyone of you and if theres anything more I can do to help please please just say so, don’t be shy I promise I’m nice!! & all the pics were found on Pinterest so the credit goes to all the owners of the photos!!
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When the door started to open, it gave her enough time to shuffle back while Henry collected his thoughts and calculated his approach. Her knees shook as a muffled sob rolled its way into her mouth, she tried to cover it but was met with Henry’s steely look. A look he only gave if she was going to be punished or put back into her place.
“I don’t—“ He stuttered, his lips pinching shut as his eyes glared into her disapprovingly. “You think it’s funny to say shit like that?”
He still looked dashing as ever, even if it was him in sweats and a jersey tee. His nostrils flared as he bounced his keys in his hand, chest rising and falling before he reverted his eyes away from her and onto the soft rug she stood on. She forgot he asked a question and dumbly fumbled with her fingers.
Again she looked like a little girl lost in the big blue world ready to cry over the stupidest things, and Henry drank it up. He quickly shoved his keys in his deep pocket and took long strides to her, she froze still.
“Did I fucking studder?” He growled, gripping her chin as he backed her into the green velvet couch.
Such a spoiled thing, he thought, how ungrateful.
She sat with a gasp, chest rising fast with her heartbeat thrumming in her suddenly tight ribcage. She shook her head, a small hiccup bubbling up her throat. Henry moved so quick she swore she would have gotten whiplash as her back hit the seat of the couch. Her legs rose to his chest and her ass was met with harsh slaps.
“No please! I’m sorry!” She cried, trying so hard to cover her cheeks. With fruitless attempts of waving her hands to stop him, Henry’s bigger hand trapped her wrists in his grasp and continued his assault.
Her skin prickled with pain, her frails ending and she took his rough punishment with silent cries and mewls mixed with Henry’s heavy breathing. His curls bounced on his clammy forehead, and with a curt huff he was satisfied with the lesson. But knowing himself, he knew this was just the beginning.
“Who pays for your things, hmm? —Your stupid pretty little things?” He grumbled, pinning her ankles in his armpit, “No, I’m bloody serious! Who?”
His shout made her pant a dry sob, “You d-do.” She whispered weakly.
Henry moved his hands to the seam of her black leggings and ripped roughly at the crotch, exposing her whole self to him and the open air. He didn’t bother to correct her, the answer was good enough and with another slap to her heated cheeks caused her to squeal her answer louder. It was perfect for him.
She tilted her head to look at the older mans face, she’s never gotten punished by him like this and it killed her. It ate at her fragile heart and made her feel terrible for causing his frustration. She desperately wanted to be on his good side; yearned for it like a baby fawn searching out its mother.
“Daddy I—“
“No, nothing from you.” He snapped, his bright eyes nearly eaten by his darkened pupils, making her own eyes clamp shut to let herself believe he couldn’t see her.
She heard his keys jingle before she could open her eyes again, but when she did, they shot open to the rushed and forced entrance of her daddy’s swollen and blunt tip of his cock at her quivering cunt. She gasped loudly at his thrusts, mouth falling open in a broken scream.
“You don’t-“ He panted loudly, her pussy clamping tight around his length, “bite the hand that fucking feeds you!”
His heavy balls smacked against her warmed cheeks, creating a beautiful sound to Henry’s hungry ears. And when he felt the wind from the open door, he made for damn sure it continued to get louder and louder.
“Tell me you don’t want this. Go ahead, tell me you stupid little girl.” He taunted, his cock sliding easily into her drenched canal that made room for Henry to call home.
When she didn’t answer clearly, only in broken moans and garbled whimpers, Henry breathlessly laughed. Her sweet eyes hooded over in a fucked out gleam, her body limp as Henry thrusted deep and rough. All she knew was Henry’s large hands and the way his cock slid so easily into her. The only thing she could do was chant “Daddy, daddy, daddy!” And Henry loved every minute of her broken voice.
He was overly ecstatic of her being broken, watching her look at him like he hung the moon and stars. It was all he craved and he’d do this again and again just so he could see her fucked out face watch him dumbly like a whore. His heavy hand rested on her cheeks, squeezing her them together as he watched her pussy become swollen and red with his undying thrusts.
“You belong to me, got that?” He groaned, tightening his grip on her face, darting his gaze away from the lewd and intoxicating sight of them being connected in such a sinful way.
Her lips trembled as she nodded, at least tried to nod in agreement. He could feel his release approaching fast, the loud slapping matched with the absurdity wet smacks of his balls hitting her. With a loud roar, he tore away from her like she had burnt him, shoving her legs down onto the ground and stepped closer to her.
With his angry cock in hand, glistening beautifully in her honey like juices, he surged himself roughly into her mouth. “Eat it baby, ta-take it all and lemme- see it.”
His voice broke in a rough whine of its own, not being able to hold on for much longer. Though she eagerly took his beaten head into her warm mouth, it was her soft and shaking hands gripping tight around his shaft that sent him over. Henry moaned loudly, growling almost with praise as he emptied everything he had to give into her sweet mouth.
Her jaw let loose in perfect timing, letting him see his cum paint her tongue while his jaw clenched as he let out a snarled pant, approving her obedience. “Good girl. Very good.”
She didn’t know what was up, down, left or right. Her mind went into autopilot as she widened her mouth to show her daddy all she caught. The once mean and rough hand, now softly closed her mouth as his breath evened out and watched her soft throat swallow all his seed. His brows rose in a knowing look, waiting for her to stick her tongue out to show him she took it all. And when she did, like always, he spat down her pink throat.
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the convo last night w val tho rlly thinkin bout how molly rlly do put her family first. all the time.
and like... disregarding arackniss n angel for a moment, the rest of mollys family definitely didn’t see her as much of anything, either. she was a young woman. she was made to basically just serve a purpose. yes, she was a bit spoiled, and she did have some family that did care about her and she was close to, but they definitely wouldnt go the miles for Molly like she would’ve for them.
like molly nowadays rlly thinks and believes her father didn’t even shed a damn tear when she died, and was just more pissed off that castello got a hit off one of his. despite all the love loyalty and care she gave him that HE DIDNT RLLY DESERVE.
molly rlly also puts a lot more in w regards to her brothers. angel has a lot of moments of selfishness - he does love Molly and he would do anything for her, but he is really victim of his own selfishness (just like her, really. she has her moments too but he tends to have more moments than her), and he’s hurt her. a lot. he’s pushed her away a lot, he’s purposefully hurt her, made her cry, etc ... arackniss wasn’t always there to be a supportive older brother, even if it wasn’t his fault, he wasn’t Around a lot, he wasn’t there as much as he should’ve been and needed to be. on top of how he is also rather emotionally distant. it’s not even rlly his fault because Trauma but, yk.
her brothers would put their life on the line for molly, as she would them, but there’s so much more u can do for someone than just throwing ur life away for them, and Molly puts in that 110 percent for them a lot more than they have or could have. whether it was by their own choice or due to circumstances it doesn’t matter
molly rlly tried so hard to carry them both. she rlly did! and in the end she didn’t get a lot of that same care back. nowadays its a different and better, but, back in the day?
again, angel in his younger years when he began rebelling would constantly spit in mollys face and lash out at her, arackniss was barely ever around, henroin was Henroin, and she STILL continued to pour her entire heart and soul into kindness, care and compassion for that family. ON TOP of how I talked about how she worked so much in looking after the house, waitressing, school, nursing ... WITH NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OR GOOD WORD FROM ANYONE?
its sad.
and really? molly has thought about what if she did just finally snap! what if she did grow cold and resentful and become cruel and ruthless. what if she did just become like her father? molly has the ability in her. she HAS her moments where she SHOWS that cruelty and lack of any sort of empathy for someone. As much as Molly would never admit it or refuse to hear it, she DOES hold some of her father in her. But the difference is she continues to choose to be BETTER. And not to give in to becoming an abusive and horrible person. She doesn’t want to be that person ... permanently. As as I said she indulges in it in cases. She has a lot of issues and trauma <3 KASDJF
But it’s just something i think about.
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naomana · 2 years
i feel like the “stop apologizing. you didn’t do anything wrong.” would rlly fit old ass (m3) joevito but idk
Full prompt list here
“ stop apologizing. you didn’t do anything wrong. “ M3 Vito/Joe
Sorry it took me so long, I only got back home from work and since this is a little bit longer, it took me a while to write it °ß°
It was all over. Marcano was gone and Lincoln decided to leave for Chicago, taking Donovan with him. Leaving everything behind to Vito, who was honored but struggled with it all at the same time. He's never had so many rackets before but was determined to make it work. In the end it was everything he really wanted since he joined this lifestyle.
But at the same time, he wanted to remember where he's come from and how far did he have to go to achieve it. Keeping that shithole restaurant was one of the good ways to keep him somewhat humble. He didn't really know how to cook, he was decent at the best, but it was still something that made him feel connected to his family.
He was just chopping some carrots when he heard the front door opening. He was sure he locked it. And having no idea who it was, his first reaction was to reach for his gun he had hidden behind his apron. And then he heard that damn voice.
"Vito?" Vito froze in movement, eyes wide open. Was he dreaming? Was he imagining things? Was he going crazy?
"Vito." The voice resonated through the restaurant again and Vito quickly pulled off his apron, rushing to the front to have a look with his own eyes, seriously questioning his own sanity.
And there it was. There HE was. 17 years older, looking like he just crawled out of trash, but pretty much alive. So those 17 years were not too kind on him either huh? Of course not, he was meant to be dead.
"Is this.. some kind of a.." Vito was babbling, couldn't even form a sentence that would make sense.
"I can imagine this comes as a surprise to you." Joe took of his gloves and put them in his pocket, looking at his old friend.
"Surprise? I thought you were dead! Dammit!" Vito wasn't sure whenever to be happy or pissed off. If he was alive this whole time, why the fuck did he not find him? Did he know Vito was alive? Was he told otherwise? He needed answers.
"Wanna sit down and talk about it?"
"Wanna sit down and talk about it? That's a serious question? Get your ass over here. What the fuck, Joe? WHAT THE FUCK?" He lost it. He was shouting, unsure if it was angry shout or just.. shocked. He couldn't even move to hit him, or hug him.. or just gently touch him to assure his mind that he wasn't going nuts.
Joe sat down on one of the many chairs and gestured Vito to sit down with him. It took him a minute to calm down, but when he did, he grabbed bottle of whiskey and two glasses, pouring them both a drink before he sat down in front of his childhood friend.
"Do you want me to take it briefly or do you want me to go into details?"
"Briefly, quickly.. Details. Shit I don't know. My head is gonna explode with tons of questions and theories. Just fucking tell me something. Anything." Vito emptied his glass in one quick movement and poured himself another one, watching Joe's hand just holding the glass.
"I thought you were dead." Vito said a lot calmer.. and softer.
"I know. And I'm sorry for that." Joe finally took a sip from his glass and placed it back on the table, watching Vito's expression.
"Well after that shit with Carlo and Galante, I managed to escape and run to Chicago. There I faked my death with the help of my old friends.."
"You mean.. Those bastards I got killed?" Vito asked quietly, hoping the answer would be no.
"Exactly those. Look Vito, I don't hold grudge over it. You did it because of me, so I get it. Heck, you know I'd do the same thing in your position. But as I was saying, I faked my death to get off Galante's and commision's tracks. Did couple of small time things around Chicago, until I got ahold of Eddie. Together we figured what happened at Empire Bay was a set up and we got caught in the middle of it all. Managed to talk to Galante and explain myself in front of the commision. You could say they let me off with a slap on the wrist. And Galante offered a job as his driver, boring shit to keep me under control in case I'd try to pull up another stupid shit like the dope business."
"That explains why are you alive, but why did you not contact me?" The question was burning Vito's tongue, or maybe it was the third glass of whiskey he just finished.
"I'm so sorry Vito. I was told if I'd ever try to contact you, they'd make sure we are dead dead this time. Said we're not good together. I don't care about myself, I could always take care of myself but you.. I guess hearing what they'd do to you if I tried to talk to you made me worried for you."
"So what are you doing here? Why are you here?"
"Well.. Galante's not doing so good these days. Probably got couple of days left. Half the commision si pissing their pants over this shit your friend pulled up here. Thought if there's a good opportunity to take them all down, it would be now. And I could use your help Vito."
"I'm really sorry Vito. I understand if you are mad at me." Joe said as Vito was just quietly staring at his empty glass.
"God, 17 years I've been mourning you."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"Jesus. Stop apologizing."
"I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing. You didn't do anything wrong." Vito pushed the table aside, causing the glasses and bottle fall to the ground with the typical clink of broken glass and pulled Joe into tight embrace. Joe didn't protest one bit, even when he felt his shoulder getting wet, thanks to Vito's tears. Heck, he had to really restain himself to not cry as well.
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