#but bey designers!!! imagine like fashion week but for beys!!
hoperaypegasus · 9 months
Cool Jobs I Made Up But Still Wish We Saw in Beyblade
Bey Designers
People who design the ideas of beys and how they look and make them. There are really popular ones who make tons of beys and others who make specialized or more unique and custom ones. They typically are either loved or hated by mechanics due to their designs.
I’ve talked about these before but these bladers work with their beys to create a visual performance like performers do in Pokémon and unlike regular bladers, would be judged by the audience to see who wins. I do think this would be pretty popular too since we see bladers who already are combining performing with battling.
Blader Consultants
Ok ok, so Chao-Xin says that one of the reasons he likes beyblade is that the outfits are cool… have there be people who help bladers come up with their initial costume and style that makes them stand out as a blader. That would just kinda be cool though I do think mainly rich or very famous bladers would use them regularly.
Beyblade Trainers
We kind of see this in Coach Steel (ok, he kinda also does bey design to from what we see him do to modify Striker), but he runs a gym. I was mainly thinking that besides beyblade gym trainers, successful bladers might take on the jobs of basically being personal trainers/tutors to newer or less experienced bladers. Basically the beyblade equivalent of personal trainers.
Blader Fashion Designers
I’m just saying that there’s no way they’re wearing regular street clothes if it survives everything they go through in the show. Like seriously, what jacket can survive being surrounded by tornadoes constantly or what gloves can withstand catching a quickly moving (and therefore very hot) metal object without any damage and still look decent? There’s fashion made specially for bladers and therefore there must be blader fashion designers.
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just-lexy · 1 year
Flatmates. Part 2.
to look for part 1 click in the tag Bey Flatmates and you should find it.
Last year (end of 2021 actually) I started this WIP and then never continued lol (story of my life). I finally decided to finish the second chapter because I have some time off and because it was about time. Not sure when and if you will get more though. But well.
What did you miss: Julia is an unexpected guest at Kai's house in Milan. Characters: Julia Fernandez, Kai Hiwatari Ships: Nope. Rating: I don’t understand rating. Characters are over 25yo so they speak and act accordingly. Notes: Bey Universe, post championships life. Julia slips a few Spanish words here and there
Kai Hiwatari knows how to laugh.
Kai’s “not being at home” much was an understatement. 
Julia hadn’t planned to find that out firsthand, but it looked like that trip was an infinite series of misadventures. When the morning after her arrival Julia went to work she thought she would have used the keys Kai had left on the counter for her just to recollect her stuff. 
Instead, her boss had been extremely rude, lecturing her in front of everybody about how unprofessional she had been calling her several times the night before. 
Claro, boss, it's worth risking freezing in the winter of Milan because the company wouldn’t cover the hotel expenses. 
Pride had surged into her, flaming and letting her act without thinking, boasting how she had found a solution already by herself. Ni de coña she would have asked for her help after that. 
So, she had tapped on Kai’s chat - easy to spot since he was the one without a profile picture, a sign of his inadequacy on social media, or the fact he still hadn’t saved her number - and told him she was gonna take on his offer. At that point, she wasn’t even surprised to receive a single “OK” in response.  
And that turned out to be their only interaction apart from the morning she found him in the kitchen, collecting some things before heading out, already dressed in an impeccably tailored anthracite suit, as if ready to be portrayed on the front cover of Forbes. After a simple “good morning” he took off and in the next four days, there had not been any other meeting.
To be fair, Julia herself had a different schedule every day according to the shows she was supposed to attend.
On the other hand, in the apartment, she had come to meet various members of the help. The petite and super-fast cleaning lady, the Spanish speaker gardener with whom she enjoyed a nice chat on the terrace overlooking the mix of red and grey roofs of Milan, and the plumber, who fixed her bathroom sink. 
Kai looked like a guest of his own house.
Friday was the day. The day Julia had been waiting for. The whole trip was supposed to be worth it just for that Friday. In the morning, her company had their most important show of Milan’s fashion week, since the designer had chosen their handmade accessories for their collection. And it had been everything Julia had imagined, even more, so that when she went back to the apartment in the early afternoon, she felt happy like Cinderella coming back from the ball.
But contrary to Cinderella she didn’t have any curfew to abide by, Julia had still another event to look forward to, the event for which she had been carrying around the precious clothes bag: Versace’s party. 
If she had been already determined to get the Milan gig, when the news of the Versace invitations started roaming around the office a few weeks prior, Julia had been even more focused. 
And finally, the day had come. Waking up from her nap and freshened up by a shower, Julia’s mind was well-rested and all over the moon when she heard the front door closing and steps getting into the living room. 
It took her a few seconds to recognize Kai’s voice, deeper than usual, the sounds he emitted were foreign, round, and dragged at the end of every sentence. Julia guessed he must have been speaking on the phone, maybe some work call to justify his sudden chatty mood. Then Kai started giggling. Kai’s giggling and laughing were even more foreign than the Japanese and Julia’s curiosity was immediately piqued. She had to see with her own eyes what was happening. 
Julia followed the voice and when she reached the kitchen, Kai was just closing the fridge. He turned, a smile still pursing his lips up while he acknowledged her presence and broke the magic spell. He turned serious once again, and Julia felt disappointed hearing him resume the conversation in a neutral tone, clearly pronouncing her name in the middle of the Japanese sentence. 
Julia felt ready to voice a question when Kai stepped closer, handing her his phone with a sigh. The screen lit up for a second showing the ongoing call with a name in Kanji followed by a kaomoji. 
Julia took the phone confused and followed with her gaze Kai who was retreating upstairs. 
“Hello?” She asked confused in the device, to be then flooded by Hiromi’s excited screams to which she answered with another excited scream, and so on. It was so nice to hear her friendly and warm voice after days of stress and loneliness. Because, yes, she was living the dream, but she was missing on the interpersonal side. 
“So, how is it going at Kai’s?”
“Chiqui, this place. Why didn’t you tell me Kai is such a rich motherfucker?”
Julia hung up the call when Hiromi declared it was time for her to get some sleep. With a smile lighting up her face, she recollected herself and pondered what to do with the phone in her hand. The screen had turned black. 
Was it worth it to break the self-imposed rule to not check the mysterious upstairs? She decided it wasn’t after she climbed a couple of steps and could hear the sound of a shower.
Nope, time to be the perfect guest and get ready for the evening. 
Julia was almost ready an hour later, the Versace dress fitting her like a glove. She couldn’t believe her luck the day she found it in the second-hand market in Madrid. Spring collection 2018, soon to become a classic. And she still couldn’t believe she was shortly going to be in the same room as the designer of that same dress. 
Looking at her reflection in the full mirror in the living room, she was still deciding how to style her hair when the noise of a door opening announced Kai’s figure descending the stairs. 
“Up or down?” Julia asked him out of habit, as she would have done with her brother or a boyfriend. Her hand kept up her hair for a few more seconds before letting them flow back on her shoulders to show the two different options. 
What was not a habit was getting a real response instead of the usual, safe, and boring: “You look beautiful either way”. 
Kai actually stopped on his track, in his hands a pair of boots and a jacket, and gave her a head-to-toe look.
“Down”, he concluded without any hint of irony. 
Julia’s head turned automatically towards the mirror giving the total look another scan and accepting that she looked better with her hair down.
Kai was heading again toward the kitchen and Julia followed: he had given her a piece of fashion advice, they were bound to form a bond now, verdad?
“Going out as well?” Julia inquired sitting at the kitchen island while he dived again into the fridge. 
Kai emerged with a puzzled look and a box full of sushi, but quickly regained his usual composure and answered with his usual monosyllable, “yes”. 
Julia’s brain rummaged for at least five topics of conversation - her specialty - and by the time she could land on one, Kai spoke. 
“Do you want some?”
Her answer was delayed because she was still too focused on her line of thinking. Then she eyed the sushi placed on the light marble. It was early for her to have dinner, at best it was time for a light snack. 
The dark gaze of the man seemed to deeply examine even her thoughts before he opened a drawer and picked up a fork and chopsticks. The scene was a bit daunting with the silence and the stares, but Julia couldn’t suppress a hint of relief learning he knew where to find cutlery in his own kitchen. She had been afraid the sole user was the cleaning lady but it looked like Kai had enough familiarity with the place to make Julia feel for the first time like she really was in the Hiwatari’s household. 
“You should eat,” Kai woke her up from her mental digressing, handing her the fork and a cloth napkin. He continued setting the space with two plates, and glasses and poured soy sauce into a small cup. “You’ll learn it’s better to not count on the catering at Fashion Week’s events.”
Being rendered speechless wasn’t a common feeling for Julia, so she just nodded and accepted the invitation. It didn’t last long though, her brain recovering quickly enough to start her questioning. Why did he consider her incapable of using chopsticks? How was he finding sushi in Italy? How did he end up living in Italy in the first place?
The conversation ran smoothly and pleasantly. They could chat easily, teasing each other amicably. Joder, that was good news. Somebody might have said that Hiromi was right. 
The sushi was almost finished when Julia placed down her chopstick - that she achieved with her salty comments - and finished the sparkling water in her glass. 
“You still haven’t told me where you are going tonight.”
“I thought you were more observant,” Kai challenged her with a raised eyebrow. Julia took it personally, took offense to it even - with an exaggerated hand gesture - but then tried to restore whatever she was missing. Kai smirked seeing her predicament and hinted to the chair next to him where he had placed the jacket he was carrying before.
Julia was already letting a sequence of Spanish insults out of her mouth but then she started to really see what he was trying to tell her.  
“You’re coming to the Versace party!” The jacket was black but it had a series of embroideries, golden details, and studs that just screamed the designer’s name. How could she have missed it? Her reputation was over, she was not cut out for her dream job. Shame on her, shame on her cow. 
“You figured it out eventually,” Kai spoke interrupting her interior drama and starting to put away the leftovers. He looked entertained, el traicionero.
“Why are you invited to this party?” She scoffed. 
“Because I am a rich motherfucker,” Kai quoted her comment, meant originally just for Hiromi’s ears. Julia was clearly descending slowly through different circles of hell, but couldn’t understand if he was seriously annoyed or just teasing. She didn’t know him that well and she was still his guest. 
“It was a compliment, I don’t have anything against your mother,” she blurted out panicking. 
Genial, as usual, her mouth was faster than her brain and now it looked like she couldn’t even understand basic English. 
Kai laughed it off rinsing the plates before placing them in the dishwasher. Vale, he wasn’t mad. 
“You better not, she is the sweetest.”
“I wonder how you came about then.”
He wasn't mad, yet.
But now it was two in a row, straight down to the bottom. Could have she learned from her first mistake? Yes. Did she though? Absolutely not. Could she walk out of this situation unscathed one more time? By Kai’s expression when he looked back at her, the answer was no. 
For a second she had hoped she could get a - surely fancy - ride with him to the party.
Well, she had just blown it. 
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praphit · 4 years
“Black Is King” - nuff said, but I’ll ramble anyway.
"Black is King" is of course Beyonce's new joint, based somewhat on "The Lion King", with an array of African cultures and symbolism at its core. 
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Now, I am no different than the rest of you. I am obligated to love all things Beyonce. I have an extra obligation as a black man; not that I don't love everything that she does. I don't want "The Hive" or the Illuminati after me. I'm just saying that even if I didn't care for something that she did or had a slight bit of criticism, I'd be obligated to love it anyway. But, like I said... I love everything that she does anyway, so... we'll just go ahead and give this musical film a Grade: A+ Ok? cool.
Beyonce did everything in this film. Normally, when someone tells me that they wrote, starred in, directed, produced, idk filmed... catered, was the whole I.T. team, etc, I think to myself "This is either going to be awesome or a huge pile of apeshit." But, we all know that The Queen overflows with awesome sauce. I mean look at all of the adulation from the critics.
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But, this is an artsy project, so some of you might not understand what's going on. You don't want to be disrespectful, and shine light on your ignorance, so allow me to help you understand some of it, by taking you through it, so you can pay your proper respects.
The film starts off with a baby in the river. I don't know if it's some type of Moses thing going on (who once was a baby floating down a river), but Beyonce ends up with the baby. I don't know if it's Beyonce's child or not. I suppose that Beyonce could have stolen this child. But, you know... it’s Bey. If Beyonce ever kidnaps your child, consider yourself blessed.
And so, The Queen starts singing to the kid as she walks around some gorgeous island.
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I'm thinking that this is just a typical morning for Beyonce. While we're all at work on a Monday morning hoping that the next sip of coffee will get our minds ready for another week, Beyonce will be walking on some dream island, singing and dancing, as her servants prep her royal breakfast.
Oh, and there's some blue guy who keeps appearing as well. I'm still not really sure what's going on with him.
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THEN, all of a sudden, we're in space. 
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Beyonce is there too (kinda in spirit form and glowing), and some old black man talks to us about destiny.
THEN, we're back on earth with some sort of star (possibly) falling quickly from the sky. Superman maybe? Satan (you bible nerds will get that)? Beyonce? Some sort of “Beyonce is God's gift from Heaven” imagery there? Idk. All of a sudden, I didn't care, because... hips.
Lots of hips start shaking in front of us.
I’d show you a pic or gif, but I’m afraid that some of you don’t know not to stare into Beyonce and her dancers hips - it’s like the ark of the covenant, if you don’t take breaks.
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But, let me tell you... MY GOD.
A true goddess! As I think more about it, her godly powers throughout this visual album/film were spot-on dance choreography and unlimited stimulating outfits.
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And of course... eternal hips.
Like all stories, we at some point must get to the villain. I guess you could follow along and say that Beyonce's possibly stolen child grew up a bit, left home, and found his way to some dude who looked like young Bobby Brown. 
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Imagine Bobby Brown wearing an awkward amount of gold chains and holding a yellow snake.
Some of you probably don't remember the "king of R&B". Well, it's debatable whether he was or not; he certainly believed that he was, but I wonder who would call themselves the king or queen of R&B today? 
There's this guy, who is self-proclaimed... 
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I affectionately refer to him as “J-Squeezy”. 
I think that I was half asleep when I first tried to pronounce his name, and that's what came out. He'll always be "J-Squeezy" to me.
Maybe Jhene Aiko (one of my wives). 
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Though some might say Justin Bieber. Can you imagine all of the R&B legends look up from bended knee, and are forced to give high praise to their “king” 
- The Biebs? 
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That's just plain sad.
So, Bobby Brown, some sexy woman in a red dress, a yellow snake, and a monkey scratching its butt all tempted Beyonce's probably stolen child. Now, the kid... idk what happened to him... he's a drug dealer or something now. ... idk.
BOOM! And like that, Jessie Reyez (whom I love!) is on the scene.
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Her and a dancing motorcycle gang are in the woods doing God knows what, until some dude, who thinks he's a lion ends the scene (Scar from "The Lion King"? Idk).
We are then transported to a funeral. Everything is white. Beyonce is there, and in all white. But, things take an artsy, dark turn, and now it looks like Beyonce is dead. BUT, Jay-Z finally shows up to the rescue. I don't know where he has been; probably hanging out with his new buddy.
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All of a sudden, we're back to their house/mansion on the island and Jay-Z is picking Beyonce up to go to some club. Then, they enter the club in slow motion. Which again, I feel like they probably do that sort of thing all of the time. Jay and Bey just walking in slo-mo to make an entrance.
It's a wild party with synchronized swimmers (yep), human chess pieces (yep), and Jay and Bey eating soul food. 
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Just another night.
Jay-Z must have went to bed early or something, because immediately Beyonce is transported to some other club in the inner city. There are a lot of sexy dudes around. Idk if maybe Jay and Bey have got some sort of Will and Jada sitch going on.
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Oh, and these designs at this No-Jay-Z’s-Allowed-Club were dope... weird, but dope! Unfortunately, I couldn’t find pics of them online, but they kinda gave me a “Silent Hill” vibe - 
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Pretty much the same :) (Illuminati)
But, the scenes of this "flick" never stay dark, they always go back to vibrant colors with the African cultures vibe. All of a sudden, the colors are back and the kids (lots of kids out of nowhere... possibly ALL stolen) are with Beyonce, and they're all playing patty cake.
Wait, was "patty cake" appropriated from Africa? Dammit, white people.
Then, things got a lil confusing (THEN:) with what appeared to be random stories of random peoples lives. It was as if cameras were set-up at random events such as weddings, parties, etc. Is Beyonce "big brother"? When I "people watch", I'm just at a park or looking out of my window. Apparently, when Beyonce "people watches", she spies on us all.
Someone quoted something about "Remember who you are." Something else about how “We're all kings (except for Beyonce's servants)”, and you need to go get what is yours... or something. And someone else said "Child of dust return to the river" I think we all know what that means.
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Annnnd more blue guy. 
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I’m starting think that the blue guy was just in Bey’s head the whole time. 
At one point, there was a bunch of blue guys, and they were all dancing.
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I could go on, but that's enough; it's just more of that.
I will say this - I loved the fashion, the locations, the dances, and the music... WOW! I love everything culturally about "Black Is King", as well as the overall statement (artistically) that its making..
However... now, I'm not saying that I’M saying this, but some might say that throughout this 1hr and 25min long medley of music videos that they found themselves saying often "What the hell am I watching?" I repeat, I AM NOT SAYING THAT. Perhaps some just might not get it. Perhaps, not unlike this year (2020), there's no real meaning. Now, it could be divine retribution. Maybe all of the worlds doctors and scientists are conspiring against us (and themselves). Or maybe the world wasn't well prepared for this pandemic. Maybe the arrogance in SOME parts of the world
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 are making their sitch worse, and MAYBE there's no meaning to give it. Maybe we simply need to start finally listening to one another and quit being assholes. Maybe 2020 is a year merely to be suffered through, and hopefully you'll make it to the end. Not that "Black is King" is something to be suffered through. I gave it an A+ remember? And I certainly, definitely, unequivocally finished it. I'm just... rambling like I do.
Do you remember any of the imagery from the movie "The Ring" - allow me to refresh you memory:
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(Adele? How did you get in there?)
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You know, just a lot of confusing shit (though I love that movie btw).
I'm reminded of this, because the images in this movie had no dialogue to them; we all had to join the main character in figuring it all out.
Now, picture that, but instead of the creepy girl, we're blessed with Beyonce, and it's in color... and smear Africa on it. BOOM! That's art! Who wouldn't want 1hr and 25mins of that??!
All hail The Queen.
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See the evolution of summer's sexiest shorts from the 1940s to the 2000s
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Few clothing items usher in summer quite like a perfectly worn-in, frayed, and ripped pair of denim shorts. Some call them jorts (aka jean shorts), while others might prefer “cutoffs.” They’re a 21st century festival staple and a street-style favorite, with price tags that span the gamut from a couple bucks for some vintage Levi’s dug up in a thrift store, to roughly  $1K for this Valentino pair, embroidered with butterflies.
But, before there were jorts, there were jeans. It’s nearly impossible to imagine a world or closet without denim, yet the durable, universally beloved garment only dates back to late 19th century, when Levi Strauss (along with a tailor, Jacob Davis) invented “waist overalls” in 1873, named for where the style starts on the body, compared to the full-body overalls of the past.
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From left to right: Students at Los Angeles City College in 1958, Karen Erickson, 19; John Zinda, 20; Annette Schiff, 19; Biggio Pennino, 21; and Al Ponce, 19, look on as Jerry Brooks, 18 (second from left), reads a campus order instructing students not to wear shorts. (Photo by USC Libraries/Corbis via Getty Images)
Shorts have been around since the early 20th century, remaining taboo through the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, for both men and women. There were even dress codes against, and fines for, wearing shorts, in certain cities throughout midcentury America.
Though it’s unclear when in the 20th century, exactly, the denim cutoff was born, denim itself was invented in the 1700s in Nîmes, France, and was initially touted as being completely tear-resistant. (The word “denim” actually refers to the birthplace of the sturdy fabric: it’s derived from serge de Nîmes in French, which translates as serge (a sturdy fabric) from Nîmes.
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Punk rock singer and poet Patti Smith poses for a studio portrait. (Photo by Lynn Goldsmith/Corbis/VCG via Getty Images)
Long before jorts was a word — a dictionary-official one, even, but more on that later — the shorts style picked up popularity in the 1970s. The edgy twist on a beloved American staple was particularly big during the decade famous for punk and rock musicians. There’s a subtle but powerful symbolism in literally ripping apart a material that, while invented across the pond in France, had become strongly associated with American workmanship.
In the latter part of the decade, Patti Smith, a denim devotee in general, often donned pairs of roughly chopped and cuffed jean shorts, topped with oversized tweed mens’ blazers, loose T-shirts, or baggy button-downs. Smith often sported her cutoffs with black tights underneath, and wore them in a slew of situations, often photographed with her partner Robert Mapplethorpe, as well as onstage while performing.
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Debbie Harry of Blondie on the beach at Coney Island (Photo by Roberta Bayley/Redferns)
Another musical icon to memorably rock the rebellious style was Debbie Harry: The Blondie frontwoman donned a very short, very ripped pair of cutoffs while cavorting on the beach in Coney Island, Brooklyn, in a series of shots from 1977 by rock photographer Roberta Bayley.
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Daisy Duke, played by Catherine Bach in “The Dukes of Hazzard.” (Photo: Everett Collection)
The garment was most powerfully immortalized by actress Catherine Bach in the TV series The Dukes of Hazzard, which aired from 1979 to 1985. Bach’s character, Daisy Duke, frequently flaunted her gams in extra-short cutoffs to help her get out of perilous situations that she and her two brothers found themselves in. The hot-weather answer to denim wearing become synonymous with a stereotypical, Southern flirtatious sex appeal, thanks to the show, and bequeathed them an enduring nickname: The shorts  are (still!) often called “Daisy Dukes.”
However, despite their breezy, bare-legged appearance, the cutoffs featured on The Dukes of Hazzard weren’t exactly styled in the most beach-friendly manner. The show’s network, CBS, deemed the minuscule shorts inappropriate for TV, and Bach had to wear flesh-hued tights under her cutoffs in every scene.  
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Behind the scenes on “Stunt Women”: Cindy Crawford in 1992 (Photo: Shutterstock)
Cutoffs got the Vogue treatment in the early 1990s. Supermodel Cindy Crawford wore a pair as part of a photoshoot on a Malibu beach in 1992, Herb Ritts shot Cindy Crawford for the November issue of Vogue, cavorting on the beach in Malibu with her husband at the time, Richard Gere, her supermodel physique displayed nicely in a pair of frayed Levi shorts. Before cutoffs made a Vogue cameo, their full-length predecessors were notably featured on the fashion bible’s cover four years before, when the magazine’s then newly minted editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour, featured a pair of blues on her very first cover, in 1988. 
A big part of the charm of cutoffs is how democratizing and DIY-friendly they are; crafted for a couple bucks, or free, even, using any old pair of jeans and a sharp pair of scissors. The advent and popularity of the premium denim market in the late ‘90s and early aughts ushered in previously unheard-of triple-digit prices for the wardrobe workhouse, from brands like Frankie B, Seven for All Mankind, Paper Denim & Cloth, and True Religion. Shorts versions of pricy premium denim also took off, whether intentionally sold with abbreviated hemlines or in DIY form.
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A model on the runway at the Spring/Summer 2000 Chloé ready-to-wear collection designed by Stella McCartney, wearing white tube top with smocking at top edge, fringed hot pants, high-heel sandals with white and gold ankle bands, and carrying a straw bag with cat-face design. (Photo: Getty Images)
But the humble cutoff has also gotten more upscale runway treatments: In 1999, for one of Stella McCartney’s final collections as creative director of Chloé, she showed ultrashort white shorts with a low rise (as was the preferred, hipbone-exposing silhouette of the era) and extra-distressed hems.
Then, the shorts reconnected with their musician-vetted roots in a new way, thanks to their growing ubiquity with festival fashion. Specifically, with one increasingly popular festival: Coachella. The annual three-day blowout in the desert of Indio, Calif., which began in 1999, is where many a trend has hit critical mass in the 21st century, particularly in the past five to 10 years, be it jorts, flower crowns, or chokers.
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Jessica Simpson in the film version of “The Dukes of Hazzard.” (Photo: Everett Collection)
In 2005, Jessica Simpson introduced Daisy Duke (both the character and her signature shorts) to a younger generation with the film version of The Dukes of Hazzard. Unlike the O.G. Daisy Duke, Simpson didn’t wear tights under her cutoffs. Plus, the entire ensemble (both the shorts’ length and fit, and the snugness and cleavage-baring factor of her tops) were sexed up in the modernized, silver-screen take on the campy TV series.
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Kendall Jenner in 2016, wearing a fringe jacket, jean shorts, and velvet boots. (Photo: Getty Images)
In 2015, the term “jorts” became a legitimate, official noun: the term, a portmanteau of “jeans” and “shorts,” was added to the Oxford dictionary that year, along with other modern vernacular, like selfie, twerk, and guac.
In the past decade, denim cutoffs have yet again cropped up on runways, in their fanciest, priciest form fathomable. During designer Hedi Slimane’s stint as creative director at Saint Laurent from 2012 to 2016, one of the (many) sweeping tweaks  he made to the venerable French fashion house was peppering his collections with supershort hemlines and punky vibes, sometimes translating to cutoff shorts (and even cutoff denim overalls, like this spring 2016 Saint Laurent look).
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Alexander Wang Spring-Summer Collection 2016 at New York Fashion Week (Photo: Getty Images)
Alexander Wang trotted out some artfully beat-up, ultrashort pairs in his fall 2016 collection, too. 2016 also marked the year supermodels Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid added jorts to their model-off-duty street style.
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Gigi Hadid in 2016 wearing jean shorts, a T-shirt, and navy coat. (Photo: Getty Images)
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Beyoncé wears the Saint Laurent sparkle boots alongside Jay-Z. (Photo: Instagram)
The most epic jorts moment in recent memory came courtesy of the one and only Beyoncé, at what’s become the most important modern natural habitat for the garment: Coachella. While headlining the festival in April 2018, Queen Bey slayed in her first of five outfit changes throughout her set: a heavily shredded, customized pair of Levi’s High-Rise shorts, paired with a bejeweled yellow satin hoodie, flesh-toned fishnets, and iridescent sequined boots. The superstar had another memorable cutoffs getup a couple months earlier, in December 2017, thanks to a pair of black cutoffs paired with glittery Saint Laurent knee-high boots.
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Beyoncé at this year’s Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in April in Indio, Calif. (Photo: Getty Images)
These days, denim cutoffs are less associated with their late 20th century connotations of Daisy Duke and punky DGAF rock legend style, and more with celebrity street style (and, of course, festival garb).
A plethora of stars regularly don cutoffs, both off-duty and, occasionally, on the red carpet. To wit: famous fans of jorts include Kate Moss, Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, Victoria Beckham, Gigi Hadid, Rihanna (in another epic Coachella getup, pairing jorts with a Gucci bejeweled bodysuit and matching balaclava), and longtime cutoffs connoisseur, Chloë Sevigny.
So, just like the enduring, universal appeal of jeans — despite changing silhouettes, rises, and inseam lengths that cycle in and out of trendiness over the years — denim cutoffs are the indispensable warm-weather counterpart.
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Rihanna wears a Gucci sparkle bodysuit and balaclava with her jorts at Coachella. (Photo: Instagram)
The appeal varies widely: For some, there’s a sort of Southern sexpot vibe, thanks to the surprisingly sartorially memorable television character, Daisy Duke, while others might associate with it a punk-rock insouciance, à la Patti Smith. Or, perhaps, a carefully curated but “carefree” quintessential Coachella look.
Expect this wardrobe staple to stick around for many more decades, sure to be championed by a new generation of style icons, across music genres and various creative fields, personal style preferences, and price points. In other words, love them or loathe them, in all likelihood, jorts are here to stay.
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The reason celebrities always look so properly dressed may be summarized within just one word: stylists. While it's true that standard, non-famouses may be just as (and frequently, considerably more) elegant than superstars, people that are famous have the additional edge by having individuals who are literally paid to ensure they seem perennially chic. Imagine what kinds of outfits you'd rock in case there is a person at your edge which did investigation for ideas, brushed through all of the clothes solutions, tailored every finds, along with moment which is spent incorporating all those parts in interesting methods. Just as we don't have stylists on our payroll doesn't suggest we can't take full advantage of the abilities of theirs. in case you have always wanted to head out for a page out of your favorite star's style book but did not know exactly where to begin, or if you just wish to take hair stylist secrets without having really hiring just one, next we have received the ultimate outfit starter system for you.
Countless designers would gladly queue a maximum of dress Queen Bey now, but she admitted that during her Destiny's Kid days or weeks, a lot of high end models didn't want to dress the band. "Starting away in Destiny's Kid, top labeling didn't want to dress 4 black nation curvy girls, and we could not buy designer label fashionable dresses and also couture," the singer recalled as she accepted a fashion icon award at last year's CFDA Awards (via ABC News). "My mom was rejected right from every showroom inside York which is new. But just like the grandma of mine, she made use of the talent of her and also the ingenuity of her to offer the children of her their dreams. You can be inventive as well and also examine https://www.erox.co.uk.
Celebrities often have a chance to access a slew of trendy designers as well as stylists to help them choose the perfect outfits, however a few celebs simply can't remove it all together. Not so for the sleek female celebs with this listing. Every single 1 shows the self-confidence to rock almost anything - actually things that other actresses, musicians or variants wouldn't, actually wear. Examples? Why don't we talk about the cool, fashionable type of up-and-coming supermodels as Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner, and Cara Delevingne. Or even the wacky street form of Gwen Stefani. or how about the usually exceptional appearance donned by trendy Beyonce, Charlize Theron, and Lupita Nyong'o? And then there is Kate Middleton, aka the Duchess of Cambridge. She exudes style wherever she is concerned, even during 2 pregnancies!
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vegathebeast-blog · 6 years
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If you are 5'4"-and-under well then you know that hair styling the smaller-than-average frame of yours can have its problems. Whether it is locating a certain shoe that will elongate your thighs and legs or putting on the correct sort of jeans to show off the waistline of yours, short females of all the sizes and shapes know the struggle is usually authentic. Lucky for us, at this time there are a small number of impeccably dressed primary ladies in Hollywood that fall under the petite category. By Vanessa Hudgens' uber chic street like to Reese Witherspoon's spot on red floor covering looks, these celebs hardly ever run quite short (pun intended) on providing limitless style inspiration.
Countless designers would gladly queue a maximum of dress Queen Bey now, but she admitted that in the course of her Destiny's Child days or weeks, a lot of deluxe makes didn't wish to dress the band. "Starting away on Destiny's Youngster, top product labels did not want to dress 4 dark-colored land curvy women, and then we could not afford designer label dresses and couture," the singer recalled as she accepted a fashion icon award at last year's CFDA Awards (via ABC News). "My mama was rejected out of every single showroom inside New York. But just like my grandmother, she used the talent of her and the imagination of her to give her kids their dreams. You can be creative as well and also check https://www.erox.co.uk.
It's crucial that you note that the websites aren't hundred % reliable since we are virtually all unique. You should also comprehend that celebrities apply beauty products stylists to contour the deal with of theirs and also add visual enhancements such as bogus eyelashes. Run your picture through those 3 applications and also pick out a celebrity which matches the closest to the face characteristics of yours, as well as structure. As soon as you find the celebrity you feel lots of looks like you, attempt to find images of them without cosmetics on. You are able to after that check that in this article to one of the pictures from a reddish carpet occurrence to identify what they do in order to transform into the red carpet celeb come out. You are going to notice that within photographs, the majority of celebrities have a "best side" profile, and you might discover as you look at photographs of them, this's the side that's usually offered. Determine what yours is enjoying with perspectives of your body as well as face. Use a mirror as well as take pictures as roles are changed by you. Consult a good friend to sit down bad with you to decide that is the greatest reputation of yours and after that training getting back into that situation so you will be camera ready for upcoming pictures.
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jagobaril-blog · 5 years
Ali Pardiwala at NDTV Gadgets
How have only three minutes passed? Is my dog close to me right now? Because I can smell her. Lot of this is simply the quelling of the public imagination, to say this is unfortunate and they all very sad cases.. Solid Fundamentals are Key Always take a step towards the player you re passing to and don t ever throw flat footed. Klein tracks radical chic ad agency Weiden and Kennedy trying to tap Ralph Nader to sell Nike shoes: "The idea was simple. The average price in domestic auctions cheap yeezy shoes for the CTC variety has remained stagnant at about Rs.132.7 per kg.. A presence on Twitter is essential for an individual to run for office or engage in any level of political organising in modern America.is because Twitter is not merely a website: it is the modern town square. Real food, fake food is easy to find and remarkably popular. Behind the obese child is the sign of the countryside that illustrates how anyone can achieve greatness from anywhere. He argues that, in the contemporary context of HE funding, where staff are increasingly required to do more for less, it is increasingly imperative that they know how to effectively manage, co ordinate and organise in order to enable student learning. Android 10 is expected to arrive Tuesday for Pixel phones. (AP Photo/Gerry Broome)None of this should be a surprise. And John Savage? Sorry, it's not that one, actually the one you said is an excellent movie. Puma lived in the shadow of Adidas for a time, but follows closely behind Adidas now, bears away the market share of Adidas, and expect to occupy 10% of American market. In a video posted on social media, Renzo Gracie accused Mr Macron, who has criticised Brazil response to the devastating blazes, of "talking rubbish" about his country. However, the extra data can be availed only on long term plans with 6 or 12 months of subscription tenure.. FOX43 Chris Hoffman, Leah Kirstein, Andrea Michaels, Chris Garrett, and Amy Lutz participated in Broomball Cheap Fake Yeezys for Autism as Klick Lewis Arena. Sign up with Facebook or Google. While flicks in the site Porn Ever campaign might appeal to a narrow slice of fetishists, the larger point being made is that a trashy background can put a damper on our trashiest (in a good way) viewing. You might call this business model shift creep the phenomenon by which services we formerly owned become rented, and things that once were bought outright become bought on credit. Gore made it to college despite a childhood learning disability that required him to take special classes throughout his elementary, middle, and high school education. An engaging and often wrenching film, "Food, Inc." covers a wide range of material, including the horrific, the humorous and the exemplary. The police do their job and they do it well. And though she came in second place to dirtbag designer Jeffrey Sebelia and lost out on $100,000, a Macy's mentorship, and a Saturn Sky Roadster, Herzner still got a dreamy opportunity: to show off her line during New York's famed Fashion Week. The tea estate in Assam's Jorhat, 300 km from main city Guwahati, has been locked down for now by the management over safety concerns.. 3 the only one that saw them down more after 12 minutes. Not to mention, a gourmet kitchen can increase property value considerably, as 53 percent of young buyers surveyed noted an interest in gourmet kitchens. We will go about this step by step because it is an illusion that skipping steps gets us there faster. Q13 FOX JOEtv are also the preeminent home for local sports in Western Washington. When it comes to the famous mother daughter duo that is Bey and Blue, they have been absolutely crushing it lately. It would also be worth mentioning that some negotiations for co branding alliances didn't push through. The Super Bowl, shooting the videos, all of these shows. Category is going to grow tonorth of $20 billion, he said. In the last two years, Gennett has 50 homers and 189 RBIs.. However, they failed to realise that the hashtag was being used to respond to a newly surfaced video of an NFL player assaulting his wife (Broderick, 2014).. She had called her son for help because she was afraid that Smith might hurt her. We lean on him at the offensive end. I even took off work to be up there almost every day," Garrison says. If you not top three in the trials, you not going. TPG is likely to be a vigorous and innovative supplier of mobile services in Australia, offering cheaper mobile plans with large data allowances, and competing strongly against incumbents Telstra, Optus and Vodafone, Mr Sims said.. Tall, well built and strong, he was remembered by the late Denny Green, a well respected bookie, as "a game un", a fearless fighter who fought fairly with his hands and did not use knives. A handsome ornate chest of drawers, side tables, and an armoire are a fake yeezys for kids bargain at $350. Dean and Sandra Gonzales, owners of Avalon Manga Shop, recognize the value of putting together a brick and mortar space for Miami's comic book heads. It should be a very small download, so it will only take a minute.. Sense surround cheers from packed stadiums gust from speakers slyly hidden behind the rapt customers as a narrator intones a no nonsense invitation to join the "cult of physicality" or be left as "guilty bystanders.
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makeuptips10-blog · 6 years
Every Time Celebrities Nailed the Long-AF Hair Trend
New Post has been published on https://www.claritymakeupartistry.com/every-time-celebrities-nailed-the-long-af-hair-trend/
Every Time Celebrities Nailed the Long-AF Hair Trend
Bobs and lobs have been in for a few seasons, but is their time over? In the last year or so, celebrities, from Jennifer Lopez to Nicki Minaj, have been stepping out with long hair. Correction: super long hair. And we don’t mean hair that’s past their shoulders. We’re talking about Rapunzel-length locks that graze stars’ backs, butts and even the floor.
Whether they’re walking the red carpet in braids that come down to their ankles or sitting front-row at a fashion show with silk-soft extensions that pool at their waist, these are going to extreme lengths for the sake of beauty. Floor-length hair might not be an everyday look, but that doesn’t mean that these stars’ long-AF tresses aren’t noteworthy.
Jennifer Lopez
Lopez defined the long-hair game when she attended the 2018 Billboard Latin Music Awards with 50-inch blonde extensions that pretty much came down to the floor.
Photo: Sam Wasson/FilmMagic.
Zoë Kravitz
Kravitz slayed in waist-length micro braids at the 2016 amfAR Gala where she wore her hair parted down the middle and down to her hips.
Photo: Dominique Charriau/WireImage.
For the 2013 American Music Awards, Zendaya wore her hair straight and sleek with long caramel brown extensions that fell past her butt.
Photo: Kurt Krieger/Corbis via Getty Images.
Taraji P. Henson
Henson turned heads at the 2016 American Music Awards with a wavy ponytail that fell down to her butt.
Photo: Kevin Mazur/AMA2016/WireImage.
Selena Gomez
Gomez stunned at the 2015 American Music Awards with silk-straight hair that grazed her lower back.
Photo: Getty Images.
Ora gave her best Rapunzel impression at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival where she wore wavy blonde hair that fell down to her lower back.
Photo: Gisela Schober/Getty Images.
Rihanna can kill any look, including this hairstyle at 2016’s Paris Fashion Week where she wore hair down to her butt.
Photo: Melodie Jeng/Getty Images.
Nicki Minaj
Minaj is known for her extra-long extensions and wigs, but one of our favorite looks is from the 2017 CFDA Awards where she wore platinum blonde hair down to her thighs.
Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images.
Naomi Campbell
We can’t imagine Campbell without her signature long hair. Here she is wearing it at a 2004 New York Fashion Week show where she’s seen with a swimsuit with her black hair swinging by her butt.
Photo: Fernanda Calfat/Getty Images.
Kim Kardashian
Kardashian might have a bob right now, but back in the day, she was known for her crazy-long hair. Here’s her with waist-length hair at 2016’s Paris Fashion Week.
Photo: Marc Piasecki/GC Images.
Kelly Rowland
Rowland paired her waist-length braids with a hat and a cool navy suit at the Billboard Women in Music event in 2017.
Photo: Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic.
Jourdan Dunn
Dunn looked so cool when she attended the MTV Europe Music Awards in 2016 with sleek, straight hair that fell down to her lower back.
Photo: Anthony Harvey/Getty Images for MTV.
Jhené Aiko
Aiko gave Rapunzel a run for her money when she attended the 2017 Fashion Los Angeles Awards with a ponytail of braids that came down to her thighs.
Photo: Neilson Barnard/Getty Images.
Gigi Hadid
Hadid put her own twist on the long-hair trend with a braided ponytail that fell right above her butt at the 2016 MuchMusic Video Awards.
Photo: Sonia Recchia/Getty Images.
Demi Lovato
Lovato meant business when she attended the 2017 MTV European Music Awards with long black extensions that cascaded down her shoulders, falling right below her hips.
Photo: Kevin Mazur/WireImage.
Cardi B loves her wigs and extensions, and her look at an Atlanta party in 2017 is only proof of that. The rapper’s hair came down to her ankles.
Photo: Prince Williams/WireImage.
Blac Chyna
Chyna made a name for herself in the long-hair game when she attended VH1’s Hip Hop Honors with blonde braids that came all the way down to her feet.
Photo: Greg Doherty/Getty Images.
Bey has worn long extensions many times. But none of them were more iconic than the time she took home two Grammys in 2017.
Photo: Steve Granitz/WireImage.
Ariana Grande
Grande upped her ponytail game when she attended the 2016 American Music Awards with a high pony that came down to her butt.
Photo: Kurt Krieger/Corbis via Getty Images.
Vanessa Hudgens
Hudgens channeled her inner Cher with these sleek-straight hair extensions which she wore on a 2017 episode of So You Think You Can Dance.
Next slideshow starts in 10s
31 Fast-Fashion and Designer Sweaters that Look like Thrift Shop Finds
Source: http://stylecaster.com/celebs-super-long-hair/
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drubblernews-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on http://drubbler.com/2017/03/20/alberto-ojinaga-desigual-no-we-are-thinking-to-decrease-but-to-strengthen-ourselves-and-be-more-efficient-to-grow/
Alberto Ojinaga (Desigual): "No we are thinking to decrease, but to strengthen ourselves and be more efficient to grow"
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Alberto Ojinaga is an outsider in the sector of fashion. However, its entry in the sector you has made change his costume (of costume and tie to shirt Cowgirl with details of colors) e even his way of talk. He Executive just of meet your first year in uneven, company to which is incorporated from of Caprabo to direct the company next to Thomas Meyer, its founder. Although he now theorizes about the fashion industry and demonstrates a deep analysis of the sector, some references to food sneak into his speech. Even if it is immersed in a process of reducing costs and network of stores that is taking him to shrink its size under his direction Desigual, Ojinaga does not forget the old aim of the company: “we don’t waive the figure of one billion,” said the Executive, who confront the first annual presentation of results of Desigual.
question: what happens to Desigual?
response: 20% of our business is in Europe, a market that does not grow and in which two trends are detected very clear. On the one hand, low cost and both with a value equation fashion fast price very customer-friendly. And, on the other hand, the growth of the online. These two subsectors are already more than one third of the sector and growing at double digit. Inditex has grown 20% in three years in Spain. All of this is changing the structure of the sector, the mindset of the customer, the decision-making process and how the customer is facing our industry, because they set prices of reference and the online is changing completely the behavior of customers. And this is the context in which move, in which, in addition, large warehouses and intermediate marks and multi-brand stores have had four or five years of complicated market situation and are going to continue in the future. And, after growing for twenty years with an exponential increase, in this context we made a stop along the way. We are in a transformation project to strengthen our model and to become more competitive to Regrow.
p.: what be greater Desigual?
r.: still not touch that we talk about it. The year 2017 will be the third year of the transformation process and when we sit down within a year, will be the moment that will play to talk about where we want to grow. We have it very clear, but you first have to complete the process of transformation and we are half. Towards where we focus has that see with them changes in the way of buy of the customer and, therefore, will mean changes in them balances between channels, between geographies, in the way of relate us with the customer… Ultimately what we want is to put the customer in the Center and constantly think about how to interact with it. We still have a year like the 2016.
p.: but while they restructure, also prepared the growth, isn’t it?
r.: when we explained where we go, we do it by means of two concepts: fix the basics which begins in the first year and will decline for the next three years, and dream, which follows an opposite trend and now lays the groundwork to start to grow.
“we have very clear what we want to be, but first you have to complete the process of transformation and we are in the Middle”
p.: 2016 results have not been good…
r.: the evolution of the ebitda is negative by the evolution of sales, the impact of the dollar (because we buy almost everything in dollars and sell in euros) and an investment in product quality. We have a firm commitment improve the equation for money for the customer. But there are two data positive that speak of the fortress economic of uneven and one of them is the base for the future. The first is the year 2016 year that generate more cashflow in the history of the history of Desigual and we finished the year with a position of extraordinary box, which is the basis for future plans. He second data positive is the result NET, that goes has been positive and to the stands concerning 2015, basically because in addition to the transformation have started a plan of efficiency to two years and because before start the process of transformation in 2015 provisionamos some extraordinary that in 2016 not have been necessary. This is the base to stop the fix of basics and start the dream . In this process we have three fundamental levers: brand, product, and distribution.
p.: does the customer change?
r.: is a client that, internally, we have called authentic : is interested in fashion and is reported, has a high consumption, but is not a slave and she decides what leads and what not. Also, is a client that does not have fear to highlight, is more, you like.
p.: so do Desigual does not lose its classic customer?
r.: it’s just a slightly younger than the current client and, therefore, we must go rejuvenating. And, above all, through the product will incorporate new moments of use and even to people that had a barrier with the design of unequal. With all this let’s get win penetration.
p.: the product of Desigual is transformed…
r.: Yes, and product are more developed than on brand. The collection of spring-summer 2017 is already new, though where you will see change really will be in autumn-winter. These new collections have several features. The first is the design: keep garments with the spirit of Desigual, although with less burden, to give the customer more occasions of use with items more wearable and less colorful. Campaign that is now in store was very important for us because it made us scared see reacted how our current customer and the reality is that best sellers of recent weeks are new product. We are at a critical point in the transformation process, but these data make us to be optimistic. We put the customer at the Center also product: design them that we do, before you teach it to the wholesalers, are tested with customers, both own and other brands. The second change is the greater renewal. This season began to change what we did so far: a collection that was six months in the shop. Now, 25% of the collection changes every month.
p.: does imply movements in supply? They win close?
r.: there are changes, but not in proximity. No we are becoming a fast fashion, that look at trends and decide what Lance. We do not work as well: we are designing a year in advance thinking in the wholesaler, but instead of designing a collection that will be stable, we think about how you will be renewing itself.
“we are not turning us into a fashion, it looks fast trends and decides what Lance; continue designing with a year of advance thinking in the wholesaler “
P.: goes to have changes in the policy of prices?”
r.: No, continue equal. Our essence does not change, our values are modified and modernized. On the product it will not be a radical change, our essential are maintained, but we want them to be a small number of references, but high in sales part. We are committed to quality and we are introducing more fabrics in the collection. The fourth element of the product is that we are designing around moments of use, so we formalized the way in which we produce the collection. Garment to garment has gone from a design to a more organized and structured collection.
p.: If upload quality but not price, would fall apart?
r.: this is one of the three factors of why our ebitda dropped in 2016, but we believe that in the world which is what we need.
p.: how the change in strategy affect the distribution?
r.: in this field, there are three main lines of work. The first is the rearrangement of distribution: from 2002 to 2012 we went from eight to eight hundred million and 2007 to 2014 from 80 million to 960 million, therefore rapid growth has made us stores duplicate in some locations, for what when there has been the possibility to have left some locals. We are going city to city and country to country by reordering the network. Is he touched after a crecfast maintenance. This year will still continue reordenaremos the network.
p.: also renewed the image of store…
r.: Yes, this is the second line in which we are working in terms of distribution. We have gone from our variegated stores to put the customer in the Centre with a shopping experience more comfortable, more peaceful, where the product looks more. The first was opened in December in Barcelona and in April we opened in the shopping centre Maremagnum a second pilot, slightly modified. Us are giving time for make them pilots because we want to have a model of shop perfect for return to push with all the box that have.
“are going city to city and country to country by reordering the network. Is he touched after growth so fast “
p.: Internet E?”
r.: the third line of work has to do with the omnicanalidad and how we get closer to the customers. Customer loyalty is a key element, that has to do with where you are going. We have obsession with which everyone who buy in our stores is our friend and trying to establish a more personalized and digital relationship in which stores will be one further mechanism to get closer to the customer with a direct and personalized treatment. Our strategy is totally omnicanal and buy where to buy, we offer you all our stock.
p.: do they reduce channels or they will continue attacking the consumer on all fronts?
r.: Yes, continue. In this process of restructuring we are rebalancing the channels, but we are not going to give up any. Not only is a theme of decision, but also of what believe that is going to pass with those channels. The multi-brand and the large stores suffer, but not are going to have a political active of reduce the channel wholesale . We are defining a new balance of the channels and Internet and digitization will be a key element.
p.: can you imagine desigual being a brand 100 per one hundred digital?
r.: I am unable to predict what will happen with the technology more than five years. Now, who make plans or think in the 2020 is wrong. Technology evolves at a rate as fast and provides opportunities of business that we are not able to imagine. Therefore, we think much more in the short term, while building some bases. For example, have created a repository common where have all the data of the customer, so if enter in it web before go to the shop and das your number to a seller will know all of you. Now you give the number, but at some point you will identify without it.
p.: Desigual aimed at reaching one billion euros in turnover. What should be the new size of the company?
r.: Desigual is undergoing a strengthening, not reducing. I.e. seals we have had shops we have not left any country, and that does not mean that of the hundred that we abolish leaving one or two. We are not thinking to decrease, but to strengthen ourselves and be more efficient, with a business structure more robust and competitive because we believe that we can grow. In 2018, we should have another kind of conversation and certainly not renounce the figure of one billion.
“have a differentiated brand, it will allow us to continue to have healthy margins”
p.: Desigual margin has been affected over the past years and this was, in fact, one of the strengths of the company. Today is the key of fashion the margin?
r.: I come from another area and when you get to the textile and you see the margins that are handled seem you high, although it is true that you have more tools to the pure price to compete, that margin is based on something. You have a differentiated brand, it will allow us to continue to have healthy margins, but that pressure is going to be in the medium and long term, and you’re different, or you can not compete with the fashion fast. You have to offer your customer a reason to make you buy.
p.: what are today the strategic markets of Desigual? Where is the brand?
r.: in 2017 will still follow the trend that we have. Talking about future, secure Latin America which is a market that we fit perfectly with the customer, brand positioning has and is doing us very well. In United States, output more dream, the Fifth Avenue, was not a realignment, but that contract is over. Within the process of reorganization of the network of stores, we don’t want to leave countries in which we are.
p.: is note the pressure of Eurazeo?
r.: No. have a frank, open and collaborative relationship. They are relying on the plan and helped to the professionalization of the higher organs of the company. The only thing I see is a fluid relationship.
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