#but believe me i already had enough trouble drawing the whole thing itself lmao
aro-arttorneys · 2 years
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finally i can be that kind of person. happy December 1st :,D
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based this on that one instagram post from Hoshino where he goes outside with Marie to draw the roses in the gardens (x). i also have this very self-indulgent headcanon that Krory is usually not comfortable smiling with his mouth open, because, oh, you know,,, but around some people (Allen, Lavi, but also Marie!) he feels at ease and does not mind :,)
full image under the cut
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gaecactae · 3 years
Hello cactae! I love your art it's so cute and refresh's from so much angstTM on the server lmao. But I want to ask about you're thoughts on a redemption on c!awsamdude or do you think he actually can be redeemed?
I read your post about warden!sam while back and you quite sympathize with his character. You brought very fair points that sam is deserving to be sympathized, even though sam is also one the people who don't stream his pov when it comes to the corruption arc or at least prison visits but we feel and see through how it's taking effect in other peoples pov's. I'm a c!tommy sympathizer so I'm not quite comfortable viewing c!sam is such light but I would like to hear your thoughts!
I'm sorry this is a long ask, if this is too hard to answer then feel free to skip or delete! :D
Hello fellow Tommy sympathiser! Thank you for kind words and willingness to hear some opinions :D
Ever since I made that post about Sam, I’ve found a lot info about his character and Sam’s opinion!
I guess one of the reasons, although not too valid but I guess still something, why I sympathise with his character that much, is because I look at the plot from the eyes of young adult. I left the teenage state not so long ago, and I begun to see things differently, almost immediately. Especially things connecting to taking responsibility for our actions and how I had to take responsibility for my deeds when I was a teen etc.
About Sam redeeming. I think it is possible! I think we’re all waiting for the climax, when Dream escapes with Technoblade (supposedly) and Sam “gets what he deserves” aka. gets beaten up, one of his canon lives is taken, all of this type of stuff. Which, honestly? I’m sort of hoping for. I’m a huge awesamponk stan as well! Ponk said some time ago, that maybe Sam will win a way to his heart again, someday? Of course from the eyes of a viewer, it may be weird that Ponk, who had his hand taken literally, by Sam, would fall in love with him again. But I believe that Ponk may be Sam’s redemption, literally. So imagining how maybe Ponk would help Sam escape the hollow building that will only contain him at some point, after Dream escapes, maybe he will run away with him, somewhere, where he can get back to form.
I deeply believe it was the prison itself, that corrupted Sam, not the Egg as some may believe. I also don’t think he’s a bad person as well! I don’t want to be seen as an apologist, I don’t really want to be sorry for his actions tbh? Cause some of his actions are flawed, like breaking Prison’s rules along to his own plans or getting manipulated by mr. Quackster; yet still in some situations I saw his point.
You’re gonna hate me for this hfjfndjdj but I did saw his point when Tommy broke into the prison with Ghostbur. I wouldn’t be surprised in the tiniest, if Tommy was killed by Sam, at that current moment, cause he quite literally broke in. I know Tommy had quite valid reason, getting a revenge, but it could have been executed differently! Well, now it’s honestly not that important, cause it’s past, and there’s not much we can do about it, cause it already happened.
So, going back to Sam being sympathised; Sam said himself that his character doesn’t deserve sympathy, cause he’s a cold, corrupted, dangerous motherfucker. Which, alright, I guess? I think I got to the point where I embrace this corrupted side of his. Cause not every character with which we sympathise, must be a good person. Every character in the dsmp is flawed at some point, some people more, some people less, the question is, which side we sympathise with more.
I mean look at people now! It’s so funny to me, and maybe I’m projecting, but I saw so many people turn to Dream out of the blue! Techno is with him now, and suddenly people that were very much against him, sympathise with him! Sort of. All the drawings of Dream in Techno’s cloak, Techno comforting Dream on fanarts, suddenly it’s all a bit softer!
I think I sympathise with Sam’s softer side, from before the prison, hoping he would be back to it someday. I see his character as the troubled, lonely Warden that was stuck in this obsidian block, trapped with Elder Guardians’s noises and Dream’s screams, echoing through the walls, to the point where he just couldn’t take it anymore and went crazy. Would happen to anyone, but he took the Warden’s role. I mean. He sort of knew this job will take him whole, since he put down the first block of it, probably.
But I don’t want to make a wimp out of him by saying that. I don’t want to establish his character as a poor baby boy that needs love and hugsies and all of this! I just think he lost himself. He is a strong man that will hopefully redeem himself from the prison arc, but I don’t know how
And at this point I definitely stop to know what I’m writing and I’m just pouring random words so I hope any of this is comprehensive enough lmao jdjdhhf
Thank you for the ask again!!
Man I love to discuss shit even when I’m just a stupid bitch at some times
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heyovivi · 3 years
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Okay this is...troubling. Only because I know from @yazthebookish that this specific user is especially problematic within the ACOTAR community. So this comment was made on a Gwynriel TikTok (cardans.tail (lmao the name 😂)). So basically, the TikToker made a video using a sound and comparing that sound to some of the colorful language that some E/riels call her, not the good Elriels but the toxic E/lriels. And then this specific user commented this ^.
And wow. Like I had no idea I was a racist or a misogynists. I also had no idea that that any of mutuals were because honestly my mutuals seem like very lovely people.
Now this comment got over a hundred comments already and most of it is this toxic E/riel trying to defend herself against Gwynriels. And her defense is also toxic.
Now I do appreciate those who stood neutral in this conversation, and agree that both sides have their own share of toxicity, but that isn't to say that all sides are bad. I know for a fact there are good Elriels out there and I will respect them as they respect me. But when I see posts like this:
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Like I personally don't have a problem with the fact that this person is not Brazilian. Like I don't think that has anything to do with me, it feels like that kind of a heritage thing and doesn't have anything to do with this fandom. But I did hear that a few E/riels did call the Gwynriels from Brazil "mutts" so I suppose if this specific anti weren't apart of the legion of haters then they shouldn't warrant such hate. But also, as this person commenting against this anti said that this person has a habit of hunting through social media and attacking our side of the fandom relentlessly. And even if they aren't active on Tumblr they didn't deny that they still attacking Gwynriels on Twitter.
And even if this person is not playing victim (which they kind've are) their "truth" is their opinion. Their vicious opinions that result in harassment against a certain party of mutuals.
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Oh this poor, misguided soul. Kudos for this user for keeping up with the argument, I'm amazed how you can deal with such...troubling people. This poor, lost, confused anti must've been blind to all the hate comments that Steph received. The whole point of the live was not to confirm their ship (like how a bunch of E/riels wanted) but it was mostly to catch up and discuss the new release of Crescent City 2. Yes there were snippets of Azriel and ONE question about Gwyn (because again, toxic E/riels are convinced that Gwynriel is a pedophilic ship), but you shouldn't be pressed about there not being any questions about Elain. Elain was a present in four books prior so I'm sure in the lives for those books there were plenty of questions about her. As for Gwyn, she is a completely new character and I can't believe that instead of getting insight into her character Steph and SJM felt the need to confirm her age so Gwynriels could feel like their own ship was less problematic.
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This kinda explains itself so no further word on this argument.
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Yes, there are many sides to this fandom that are extremely toxic. All the Gwynriels I found on Tumblr have been extremely nice and caring people. They are very supportive and protective of their ship and as long as you don’t poke them there shouldn’t be a problem. But if you poke them then they come at you with textual and cited evidence. And believe me there is enough evidence to prove that this anti is a bully and harasses many Gwynriels and Eluciens
The fact that their only argument is that Gwynriels are racists and misogynists probably means that they don’t have any real argument and this is a more personalized matter. Because no, on this side of the fandom we are not misogynists. We want both Elain and Gwyn to grow into beautiful empowering female characters. Elain can branch out into her own person. She isn’t just Feyre’s gardener she can expanse into being more than that. She has potential. And Gwyn isn't Azriel’s booty call. Her existence isn’t simply tailored to being Az’s love interest for us. Gwyn stans are all interested in her journey of self-healing and self-discovery. It was hinted multiple times that her part in the books is bigger than what we realize and who knows. Maybe her role is going to Spring Court and bringing Tamlin back to his senses. Or maybe her role is finding her family in Autumn Court. We don’t know. It’s not misogynistic to think that these beautiful female leads can grow into strong and independent characters. They aren’t just Azriel’s love interests they also have their own journeys ahead of them as well
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I try to stay away from the E/riel side because, well, it’s what I expect the Court of Nightmares to be amongst this fandom. But never have I once came across E/riels who try to defend Gwyn’s assault. Instead I see them arguing that the fact she went back to the library after the Blood Rite is a sign that she and Azriel aren’t going to be endgame. Ummmm Gwyn risked her life in a vicious trial where she had to be kidnapped, drugged, and then had to fight for her life in order not to be killed and raped. Of course she went back to the library. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t going to get her own healing journey. And just because we ship her with Azriel, write NSFW fan fiction and draw NSFW art doesn’t mean we are invalidating her trauma. A large part of why I ship Gwynriel is because I see the tremendous potential between them. Though I’m not against them have their own separate journeys of healing I also feel like they can help rise each other up.
And also it’s not like SA survivors can’t heal from experiences and have sex ever again. In fact, a lot of survivors find healing in sex because it’s a sign that they refound their own control of their bodies and accept themselves and can move on healthily. Many Gwynriels can identify with Gwyn and this ship because of their own experiences in their lives and artists such of myself incorporate the more intimate parts of this ship because we identify with those moments and like to envision that moment where Gwyn can finally accept herself and her more intimate side.
The rest of the comments are just back and forth arguing but for the most part it is clear that this fandom needs to grow up. Stop the bullying, stop the hate comments, stop everything. The post on TikTok was to show that this person was being bullied for simply liking a ship and how did it end? With both sides trying to justify themselves. Bullying and harassment shouldn’t be justified. I shouldn’t have to see why talented artists like @vmiae have to explain themselves or why an entire community are being accountable for one or two people’s actions. One person doesn’t speak for all. This person clearly did not get the message and we can only hope that they learns the truth and isn’t just speaking from their own opinion.
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sophfandoms53 · 4 years
History Repeats Itself AU One Year Anniversary
I can’t believe that it’s been an entire year since I’ve created this AU! Seriously, I feel like it was a few months ago. But nope. A whole year. It’s crazy how much has changed from then to today. I hope you are all staying safe and inside!
This AU has grown in a massive way that I could have never predicted. I never intended on creating a whole book to follow the AU but y’all wanted more and I realized how much I could explore with this AU and I’m so thankful for all the love and support, seriously it means the world to me. This AU helped me get back on my feet when things were extremely dark and bleak, so I really appreciate it.
Okay enough sappy stuff lmao, lets get to the purpose of this post.
To celebrate my AU’s one year anniversary I wanted to do something a little different compared to my other two big posts. Instead of writing mini fics about the events, I’d just show you guys what’s coming up and explain it without revealing too much. Mainly this will be about certain character’s plot points and their arcs. Just wanna have some fun with a dash of feels inbetween.
So let’s begin!
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So obviously this is the start of Troy and Skye’s investigation. They stumble upon this hidden room in the archives, similar to Della’s, and the entire room is in dedication to Dewey Duck. An idea that manifested between Huey, Shelly and Louie and it became a reality.
For Troy, this starts as a gold mine. All the stories about his families adventures, a lot of those artifacts, are in this room. Most of his attention is on all the artifacts as he comes to realize how much his parents hid from him. They had this entire room and no one ever told him about despite him constantly visiting The Archives. Although at first he doesn’t initially realize this room is about his Uncle Dewey, he see’s that when he looks over at Skye.
The first thing Skye saw upon walking in was the portrait of her father, and that’s where she remained fixated for a while. Even after Troy walks over, he too becomes distracted by it. This is the first time Skye has seen her father outside of the family photo Webby showed her and her brothers when they were young. Her emotions are all over the place. Her initial impression of her dad was not him being an adventurous person. So seeing this portrait, and the painting from the other day, it solidified her father was definitely not what she thought.
Seeing all this, Skye immediately wanted her brothers to know. She knew they were just as curious as she was, well maybe Danny a little more than Chase. But regardless, that was the plan.... until.
The note.
I need to use The Curse Of The Sirens. I know this is late notice. I hope to explain soon. I’m sorry.
- Dewey
Once this was read. Any plan or idea they had, went out the window. They had more questions than answers and Skye became even more confused about who her father was. When Troy suggested that Dewey betrayed the family and used the curse to do so, the two came to an agreement to keep everything hushed until they found out the truth.
They just weren’t prepared for how complicated and messy the truth was.
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Oh Lena. Lena, Lena, Lena, I’m so sorry.
Lena is still definitely a mess in this AU. 11 years of corruption when you thought you left your past behind? Yeah that does stuff to ya. However, during the first 5 years of everything happening, she was able to fight back and remain in control during the day time, she was able to be a proper mother and teach Aurora how to control her magic, but at night? The darkness took over. Similar to how Magica’s powers were connected to the Lunar Eclipse (this comes into play later too). After year 5, Lena had no choice but to banish herself away to protect her daughter and everyone else. Unfortunately this left her bound to Aurora as a shadow and the darkness causes Lena to manipulate her.
Once set free from the Shadow Realm, Lena imprisons both Aurora and Louie (not realizing this would allow them to talk and figure out their relation) and takes over the bin, in a similar manor like Magica. Although, Lena transforms a section the money bin into her own little place, creating her throne. She sent shadows and darkness rapid around Duckburg and enjoyed every second of it.
This does come back to be a huge regret when Lena is reformed and the darkness is sealed away in the Shadow Realm, along with Aurora who made the sacrifice to give her mother another shot at life. Due them both being shadow’s (in Aurora’s case half shadow) Lena is still able to keep contact with her in her shadow form, and the two work together on how to free her, while repairing their broken relationship slowly, but steadily.
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Yup, Magica’s still around. Her number one target? Sweet little Aurora.
Lena’s not the only one keeping contact with her daughter in the Shadow Realm, Magica is too. Magica see’s how vulnerable and confused Aurora is and she wants to feed on that.
She wants to lure Aurora in and make her feel like she can help, teach everything there is to know about magic. Any question she had, Magica would answer. Aurora would be the key to gaining back all her magic abilities, which she slowly gained feeding off of Lena in order to corrupt her.
Due to Aurora being half duck/half shadow, it would grant Magica more power than ever before. She’d have the ability to manipulate more than dreams and shadows, she could manipulate things in the real world. All she needs is a new puppet.
After all, they’re family, right?
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I kinda showed this moment already, but I wanted to bring it up again to clarify something. (And an excuse to draw Danny with his hair zoosh so y’all can see them side by side lmao)
Danny is not the kid Dewey is going to have the most trouble building a relationship with. This little moment is meant to emphasize, for Danny, that Dewey knows who he is, uses his proper birth name, Daniel, and he accepts his father with open arms.
All Danny wanted was for his father to know his name and show that Dewey was trying to connect with him. That little moment was enough for Danny to want to create a proper bond with his dad, and they do just that.
Dewey quickly bonds with both Skye and Danny once he comes home. Which makes sense as Skye dedicated most of her life to finding out the truth about her dad and was the first to accept his offer to be a proper father and Danny is a happy-go-with-the-flow 8 year old kid, he’s game for anything.
Notice how I missed someone? Well....
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Look familiar?
Currently a WIP as I’m figuring out the background, but yes this is that infamous scene between Della and Louie.
Unlike his brother and sister, Chase struggles to find any common ground with Dewey. On his first day home, Chase admits to feeling completely disconnected from him due to Dewey and everyone else mentioning specific aspects of his father that Skye and Danny inhabit. He feels lost in the middle as most of Dewey’s time is spent with either Skye or Danny, while he just watches.
Chase believes his father is unaware of his heart condition (which comes into play during their fight) as Dewey never brought it up upon meeting. Chase is so use to his mom and doctors taking care of him that he struggles having his father around, a lot.
Attention is something Chase wants, but he never knows how to go about it because he doesn’t wanna seem weak or have it come back to his heart condition, sometimes he just wants someone to spend time with him and not bring that up.
This cultivates into Chase internalizing his frustration for his father’s attention that he does something drastic and it all goes south and falls apart in the matter of minutes. He got his father’s attention, but not in the way he wanted.
The reason this conflict is with Chase rather than Danny is, Chase is the middle child, just the same as Dewey. It felt fitting that Dewey would clash with the kid who inhabited his middle child syndrome and thirst for attention.
Similar to Della and Louie, Dewey calls Chase out for going completely overboard just because he wanted some attention when Chase could’ve just vocalized his frustration instead of thinking he had control over the whole situation and that he hadn’t thought through every variable or how it would affect the entire family. This, of course, provokes Chase to say,
“Oh? And who does that sound like?”
And that’s all for now! Again, thank you all for the support of the AU, it’s absolutely insane how far we have come and I cannot wait to share more with you guys. You all mean the world to me.
Happy One Year History Repeats Itself!!!
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teriwrites · 3 years
NaNoWriMo: Wrap Up!
I can’t believe another November has come and gone. I can’t believe something that I started doing in 8th grade just for fun has become such a big part of my life that, nine years and 10 nanos later, I’m still already excited about next November. It was through NaNoWriMo that I finished my first ever first draft of a novel (it was when I was 13, and it was absolute trash, and I love it). I’ve met countless friends, collected countless WIPs, and really driven home how important writing as a medium is for me. 
Now that the sappy stuff is over, here’s some more fun stats and things:
End Word Count: 50,563!!
I did it! I hit the 50,000 mark yesterday, and then finished up the chapter I was on this evening. I knew going in that this month was going to be particularly hard on me - moving all my stuff home, exams, big research paper, all on top of trying to write part of a novel. And I was really nervous about how I was going to manage to keep up.
Somehow, I actually was more consistent this year than I’ve ever achieved before? 2020 was the first time that I ever managed to write every single day of November (even if one of those days was only 5 words and doesn’t even show up on the site’s little daily chart). And honestly I might be more proud of that than I am of actually hitting the big 50K. 
It helped that my project was really fun this year. I haven’t always loved every moment that I’ve been working on Beneath Alder Creek - the usual bouts of loathing anything I put down on the page showed up as normal - but even when the quality itself was in question, the actual story never stopped being something I wanted to write. 
I can’t possibly go through the whole thing and pick out all my favorite pieces right now (sometimes, prioritizing nano means falling behind on hw lmao), but here are a couple more recent snippets.
Excerpt 1:
The throne room was far smaller than Winnie had expected, especially coming from the front hall. It was strikingly similar in size and setup to a chapel, with rows of pews all facing a central pulpit. Only, rather than a lectern for a preacher, a platform was raised to draw focus to a large, golden throne. The throne itself was intricately beautiful, but Winnie hardly noticed it, too concentrated on the figure sitting upon it. Queen Ceridwen, Enid had called her. She was at once both divine and grotesque, white skin with dark veins that stitched themselves into a tangle of smaller lines, like the splitting of branches as they extended from the trunk. Her eyes and lips were black, or near enough to create a stark contrast, and matching, sleek horns stretched out from where her hairline ought have been. A golden crown jutted down to the tops of her cheekbones and tucked back behind her ear, extending up in spikes that shot out like a sunrise, each one longer than Winnie’s hand. Perhaps even more chilling than her appearance were her eyes. There was a fathomlessness to the darkness, the depth of shadows that brought with them the fear of the unknown. Though the Queen’s expression remained passive and detached, as Winnie stared at her, she had the feeling that the matriarch was not actually with them but making her observations from somewhere within those cavernous eyes. “Speak.”
Excerpt 2:
The music was still playing, but its calm, ambling tempo had quickened with Winnie’s heart rate, and its soothing, entrancing melody broke into a high, panicked frenzy, piercing through the forest. Birds that had been resting on branches took flight. The fish dashed through the water, twisting and thrashing. A line of ants at Winnie’s feet broke formation as they hurried away from the lake. But for all their terror, Winnie was drawn in all the more. One step. Her foot was beneath the water, but she no longer felt the cold. Two steps. The hem of her dress was wet, quickly taking on more weight. Winnie felt none of it. Three steps. Winnie was halfway up her calf in the lake, and the ground beneath her feet was steadily sloping down. Four steps. A sudden plunge up over her knee. The splash could not be heard over the urgent pipe. Five steps. Suddenly up to her waist. Winnie struggled to keep her balance, raising her arms to hold them above the surface. Six steps. It was more of a slide than a step, as Winnie hit the end of the decline. Only by lifting her chin could she keep her face out of the water. She had made progress, nearly halfway to the island. Seven steps, and a sudden tug at the back of her dress. Winnie was dragged backwards out of the lake, choking against her collar.
Excerpt 3:
Winnie paced silently between two large trees, hands clasped tightly behind her back. She had been doing so for several minutes, ever since discovering Taliesin’s abduction, and though Enid had begun by patiently watching, her claw-like nails drummed against her sleeve as she waited for the human girl to say something. Just as Enid took in a deep breath, preparing to interrupt Winnie’s clouded thoughts, the young woman stopped, turned to her companion, and asked, “Did you see which way they went?” “What are you planning to do, track them?” Enid asked teasingly, but her smile faltered at the solemnity in Winnie’s eyes. “You can’t be serious. You’d have no chance against a scout, they’re meant to move without a trace.” Winnie’s earnest gaze deflated into disappointment. As she stared down at the ground, past Enid, her eye caught Taliesin’s pack, still lying where he’d left it. A rush of hope filled her with renewed optimism. “Perhaps Taliesin left some kind of trail for us to follow! Something small, like breadcrumbs. That’s always how they mark their path in fairytales.” Enid leaned against a tree, examining her nails with disinterest. “Of course he doesn’t expect us to follow him. What reason do you have for helping him out, anyway?” The callousness in her voice was unexpectedly brutal. Winnie knew that Enid and Taliesin did not seem to get along, and likely that what little tolerance for each other they displayed was purely out of respect for the deal that had been made. But to show no care for his capture was a level of apathy that Winnie hadn’t expected. “I still have a deal that needs to be fulfilled.” It was true, and better, something that Winnie knew Enid might understand. The woman’s expression remained cold. “As I see it, you can cut him out of the deal. Our aims both lead us to the Dusk Court. You find your brother, I get help dethroning an advisor, and we go our separate ways.”
Excerpt 4:
Back into the bog. Winnie no longer worried herself with her skirts, allowing them to drag through the stagnant water. It was a mistake, she soon discovered, as the drenched fabric weighed her down and made the progress even slower. With an exasperated groan, she stomped at the ground, kicking up a spray and lodging her boot into the mud. Taliesin appeared at her side, having turned back while she was distracted. “Having trouble?” “Just tell me how much farther we have to go before we reach these all-knowing Three,” Winnie said darkly, glaring at him from beneath strands of hair that had come loose from the lopsided bun she’d attempted. “I think I have a better idea,” Taliesin offered. He reached out his hand, and Winnie let hers drop into it, clutching at her skirt with the other. Taliesin’s eyes closed, and Winnie felt the boot free itself from the mud. She breathed a sigh of gratitude, but quickly realized that her foot had not stopped there. She was no longer eye-level with Taliesin, but looking down at him slightly. The droplets from her skirt and shoes hitting the water below revealed that it was not the golden man who had sunk, but she was levitating a few centimeters over the ground!
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