#but also yes - this is what tmagp is about for me now
macabresymphonies · 3 months
I've seen a lot of theories about how "TMAGP is not about fears it's about desires", but post episode 5 I'll do you one better, they are not about desires, they are specifically about passions.
You see TMA was specifically and objectively about fears. Yes sometimes your passion for skydiving made you a prime victim for a smiling, dried geriatric dude with a cane, but there were also a lot of them where you were simply tormented by doors for your whole life for no reason or stuck in a slaughterhouse job you didn't like, so the one connecting factor for them was FEAR of something.
TMAGP incidents are obviousily different, the are not specifically about characters being afraid - quite the contrary, some of them are sedated into a paranormal-like serenity. The one connecting factor this time wasn't fear, but weirdly enough they all do speak or hint at things they or other characters are very passionate about:
I love my husband (Harriet Winstead)
I love urban exploration (RedCanary)
I love art (Daria)
I love gardening (Maggie Webber)
I love being a doctor (Dr Samuel Webber)
I love playing violin (Unnamed Virtuoso)
I love horror films (Tom)
You may contend me on Samuel Webber loving his work as a doctor, but it has been hinted on in the incident he's very passionate or at least absorbed in it:
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He's on the run and still thinks of his patients, regrets working so long, but it's implied it's his fault he stayed at the hospital too long. These lines from the writing perspective would normally be there to make his character more sympathetic, but I doubt that was the case with a guy who may-or-may-not have killed his wife over unconfirmed affair, instead they seem like a framing device for us to see how passionate Samuel is about his work.
All this talk about love made me think back to what Gerry said back in MAG 111:
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Maybe now we know why, because they were present in different universe, but suddelny in some space-time warp incident (wonder what that could be /s) they were met with primodial gods of fear and those corrupted them. Now these fallen gods corrupt and warp people, twisting their passions into obsessions and weapons. Still feeding on love, but they take it by any means necessary.
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slow-writer · 2 months
TMAGP Episodes 7 & 8 Reactions
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That was totally my face during both episodes, I swear.
Spoilers below!
Okay, I'm freaking out on a cellular level, it feels like.
Episode 6 had the introduction of new OIAR employee, Celia Ripley, who is voiced by Lowri Ann Davies. Those of us from the TMA fandom recognize her as the voice of Lynne Hammond who later became Celia because her name was taken from her after the Change. There have been speculations on whether she is playing the same Celia (even though this is a separate universe) or if this is just a little wink from Jonny and Alex behind the scenes. But then came the next 2 episodes.
The sheer amount of lore that was dropped in these 2 episodes has the fandom REELING. So, let's get into what we've heard!!
EPISODE 7: Right off the bat, Celia not only references that the dated computer system is basically better than "wrestling with tape recorders and manila folders." This feels like a TARGETED MISSILE at the TMA fandom. But right after that, she asks if any of the spoken cases have anything in common, and if there's a way to search the cases that have common threads, like, "Oh I don’t know. Every case about being buried alive or meat or… whatever." And if that wasn't enough, she recognizes the voice that Alice calls Chester (AKA, John!).
Those statements alone have me thinking with 99.99999999% certainty that this is the SAME Celia from TMA (or at least, she's tapped into her memories in some way).
Apart from Celia, we have Hilltop being referenced in a case, which could very well mean that it's a similar situation from TMA. Very possibly a rift in space-time or whatever. Some nexus of power or something.
Then Sam received a supposedly internal email from someone called "John" that contained an address and a name. Does this mean that John is truly trapped in the computer system like we've all been theorizing? Is this his attempt at making contact and warning Sam not to follow in his footsteps? AGH!
And then we have poor Colin, driven mad by whatever's corrupting the code he's been trying to maintain, taped over his webcam, and full on refusing any electronics to enter his office (that weren't already there, and he must have clearly tampered with them so they cannot spy on him). He even attacks Sam when he pulls out his phone. That man has a lifetime subscription to Paranoia Plus, if you ask me, poor thing.
Lastly, we get confirmation that Lena at least tried to kill Klaus, but may not have succeeded, and Gwen's blackmail of her puts her in a new role of "External Liaison," whatever that may be. (Oh boy, oh boy.)
And if that wasn't enough, we have today's episode....
EPISODE 8: No preamble on this one, just straight into a case. And man, are we having fun with the whole liminal horror plus Stranger vibes in this one! But the GOOD SH*T comes after the case ends.
Poor Colin's been put on Mental Health Leave, so I'm really hoping that wasn't the last we'll 'see' of him. And the banter between Gwen and Alice has much more of an edge now that Gwen's been promoted. But!!!
Sam and Celia went off together after they ended their shifts early (ooooh), and who did they meet?
And I checked, yes, they are 100% voiced by their TMA counterparts, Jon Gracey and Sue Sims (Jonny's mom).
Gertrude calls Gerry her grandson (though I'm curious if this means Gerry's actual mother is dead here too, and when Gertrude stepped in as a surrogate, or if she's actually his grandmother).
When Sam and Celia ask about the Magnus Institute, they both kind of go quiet, like they don't know what they're allowed to say or if they can trust these strangers who randomly showed up to their house. Sam reveals that he was part of their "gifted kids" program (hello, ARG info!) and saw Gerry was also listed and wanted to "swap stories." Gertrude seems to want to push them away, all protective, but Gerry just says he doesn't remember much.
Did Gertrude blow up the Magnus Institute in this universe and adopt Gerry after she found him there?!?
And finally, after Gertrude kind of rushes them out, Celia makes a deal with Sam. They agree to keep track of anything that falls under each other's mystery interests. Because she's "doing a favor for Georgie" (HFGJHFD!), she needs to look into "Weird physics stuff: time travel, other dimensions, teleportation, all that good stuff."
Was Celia sent here from the TMA dimension to do recon?!?
Anyway, there's so much more to dive into, but those are the things that are currently making my brain buzz. How has your Thursday been?
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rossary-of-the-rose · 1 month
So. I just listened to MAG 200, finally finishing the fever dream that is The Magnus Archives, and all I have to say is: Holy shit. Just. Good lord.
Look, I knew it was going to be sad. I've been on Pinterest. But Jesus. I was not prepared. Now I'm shaking and will certainly be curling in the fetal position later, sobbing and screaming into the void. I mean, I'm happy for Basira, Melanie & Georgie of course, as well as our beloved Admiral, but God. Jon and Martin, I love you, you deserved so much better, I see why all your fanfics are fix it. But even just thinking about everyone we have lost, all the characters I got emotionally attached to. Sasha. Tim. Daisy. Michael Shelley. Even thinking about all the avatars (I'm a sucker for a villian, what can I say?) makes my lungs spasm with love and want. I shall miss them all for eternity.
And so ends possibly the greatest experience I've ever had with a fandom, at least until I recover enough to start tmagp. Everything about tma is just pure amazingness. Everything. It's funny how much you can grow to love random people just by hearing them voice act a character and laugh in bloopers. I love them so much, the whole cast. The two blooper episodes brought me more joy than I think I have ever experienced with a piece of media, trumping even the mighty Good Omens, which is saying something (To be fair though, Not with that thong on! and Oh god, I'm knackered, I've been doing all this labelling! would make anyone crack up, although perhaps not continue hysterically giggling for over fifty minutes... They still pop into my head sometimes and I'll just randomly snort in really inappropriate situations because I'm gonna buy some 'ead and shoulders, 'cause I found one on the road this mornin'! and Gertrude's been on the sauce, need I say more? Yes? Alright then,if you insist - Happy little DOORBELLS! FifTy MInUteS eArLY! and Fuck you, Jonny. God, he drags the rest of us down. What a wanker! I could go on, but I feel these brackets have already gotten way longer than they have any business being). I love these strangers more than I love anyone else I've actually met before, except my partner. They are everything to me. And I cannot wait to re-listen to all five seasons yet again, definitely screaming and crying and laughing and screaming while I do so. I have never before listened to and experienced something so perfect. Alex and Jonny, you have legitimately changed my life in all the best and worst ways possible, and I hate you and love you for it. You have my utmost gratitude and admiration, also kindly piss off.
Seriously though, the genuine adoration and idolization I hold for all the voice actors is sort of concerning. VA for Simon Fairchild gets a special mention, as well as Michael The Distortion because how is it possible to fall in love with a person after listening to only their voice for thirty seconds-
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helo39 · 2 months
i remember seeing a post saying how all the entries in the magnus protocol feel like the priest from the 2 parter episodes in season one of tma,and after this weeks episode, yeah i definitely see it.
this go around feels so much more visceral, like the season 5 episodes, except not as abstract if that makes sense. like i feel like the horrors were a-step away from people. like yes the horrors were still happening but in a thematic way and through a conduit of some sort. like the leigtner books or the avatars or the nature of the fear entity. like it felt like a distinct separation from reality and the supernatural, even though they were throughly mixed.
however with Protocol, the supernatural feels more incorporated. like TMA felt like a water and oil suspension and tmagp feels like an emulsion. like milk. that change from reality and the supernatural is no longer a distinct line, but a gradual transition.
the supernatrual feels crueler this go around, with the amount of things happening to peoples bodies, ie the dudes eyeballs in the violin episode, red canary's eyes in the first episode, needles victim also having their eyes targeted, and now episode eight having the victim being bitten into and parts of him consumed(his finger). Sure TMA is no stranger to body horror and pretty horrible things happening to peoples bodies, but i feel like the extreme severity of body horror( ie the choir of the Stranger) and other horror in genral made it not as jarring to hear, since it was so outlandish that it didnt really feel like it could happen in person.
which brings me back to the priest. what made his statement so memorable, apart from the fact thats its the only 2 parter episode( if i remember right), was how multiple entities were involved and how mixed and emulsified they felt and how jarring it was to hear. Like that , and the episode where a Achilles tendon is cut with a bolt cutter, brought the body horror into real life. i could see it happeing to myself or somebody else. Which is also how i feel with TMAGP. it can be imagined more easily so it makes it more jarring to hear.
up until season 5, the fears had felt more separate and the change between reality and supernatural felt distinct. However, you could argue that even in season 5 there was separation between the fears and reality, even though the fears had become the new reality as can been seen by how there were distinct sections for specific fears.
But now, everything is emulsified, and the separation is gone. Body parts are being chomped, and gnawed, and popped. and i dont know how to feel about it. i like it to an extant but in hoping it doesnt become to much like a Saw film. i dont think the series will, given the episode of the guy in the garden or the voyeur movie goer, but it certainly has up-ticked in body related horror. Still, I cant wait to see how it all unfolds.
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disacurveball · 5 months
(This is post is also written from the point of wanting these figures and their stories in the Magnus Archives universe. Trying to keep in line with the historical contexts and figures in TMA, so most are British, except one because it's crazy to me.)
Jeremy Bentham
This whole post is inspired by how absolutely crazy it is that Jeremy Bentham is not in the original TMA series. YES, I get it was to allow Robert Smirke's architecture be front and center to the TMA plot, but I still think it is criminal. He is briefly mentioned in MAG 41 because of reasons I will explain, but briefly mentioned is not enough.
Quick rundown of this dude for those unaware: Bentham was the English philosopher to come up with the idea of the panopticon prison, and Millbank prison was originally proposed and designed by him in 1799.
I feel like there are quite a few facts about Bentham that could make killer plot points in the TMA universe: one is obviously his creation of the panopticon as a way of "humane reform" for prisoners and subsequent criticisms. And....Also he had himself publicly dissected and his skeleton was put on display as an "auto-icon" TO THIS VERY DAY. It's in the student center at University College London. It's a wax figure now with his skeleton inside. It haunts me. Alice and Sam should visit him.
Robert Knox
The Burke and Hare Murders took place in 1828 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Within the span of ten months, sixteen killings were committed, before William Hare agreed to give up details in exchange for prosecution immunity. His partner, Burke, was executed (His skeleton still remains at the Anatomical Museum at Edinburgh to this very day.)
What sets this case apart is Burke and Hare's claim it was done for "scientific purposes." All of the corpses were sold to anatomist Robert Knox, who used them for both dissection for his own study and at his anatomy lectures. While he claimed he had no idea that Burke and Hare were murders, reasonable doubt can be cast on that claim. This very-public case contributed to the Anatomy Act of 1832, which further regulated to study of human dissection to prevent events like this and "resurrectionists" digging up corpses.
In a TMA statement format, I would absolutely love a letter from Robert Knox, after his reputation has been trashed from being involved in this very public murder case, detailing his denial of ever knowing these cadavers were murdered. Of course, it's obvious he's lying, as there is some supernatural happenings surrounding his studies that just get worse the more he works with these two men. (Either Slaughter/Flesh for sure.)
Sir John Franklin
Ok, so, TECHNICALLY Sir John Franklin & The Crews of the HMS Terror and Erebus are in TMA already. In MAG 98, that Algernon dude outbids Maxwell Rayner for an artifact from, you guessed it, the HMS Terror. I think this could be a wonderfully great tie in that could connect the TMAGP universe to the TMA universe if another artifact from it is found.
I just want more of it because the disappearance of the HMS Terror and Erebus are just TMA statements waiting to happen. The HMS Terror and Erebus were two Royal Navy ships, under the command of Sir John Franklin, who ventured into the Arctic in 1845, in order to find the Northwest Passage and gather magnetic data. They disappeared, and during rescue expeditions it was discovered both ships had been abandoned as the crews attempted to trek overland to Fort Resolution 970 km southwest.
There are so many different ways you could take this story in the contexts of the TMA universe: there is evidence cannibalism occured, so obviously Flesh there. The Dark could be invoked, as both a connection to MAG 98 and the fact that the Arctic's sunless winters swallowed them. The Corruption could be used as well because there is evidence the canned rations were tainted with lead and botulism. Finally, the Vast because of the endless nothingness of the landscape they found themselves in. Admittedly, I am a big AMC's The Terror fan, and I think TMA like that show, would be a great place to represent this story's themes of the hubris of man and the British Empire.
Florence Nightingale + Mary Seacole
Both Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole were British nurses who were pioneers in sanitary medical conditions during the Crimean War. I think less background is needed with these two, but I'd like to see an anti-Corruption artifact come from one of them, like in MAG 45 the syringe that once belonged to John Snow (19th century medical pioneer who deduced that dirty water was linked to cholera). Lowkey would also love a statement set in Scutari Hospital during the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale or Mary Seacole fight the Corruption?? Please, for the love of god.
John Lambe
Congrats...you made it to the start of the more obscure section. Get ready, because this is. A case.
"Doctor" Lambe was an astrologer and a quack physician (in his time period's context, 1545-1628, that means a person who had no formal medical training, not necessarily a charlatan, although Lambe most definitely was.) He was the personal advisor to George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, who, I don't know why he kept him around because this guy claimed he could read fortunes and find things in his crystal ball. Literally, everyone thought this guy was the Duke's personal sorcerer, which was not great for the nation, because the Duke was close to King Charles I, which if you don't remember from history class was the king who got executed and Oliver Cromwell ran England as a republic for a little bit. Regarding Lambe, a plaque even got put up in London referring to him, saying, "Who rules the kingdom? The King. Who rules the King? The Duke. Who rules the Duke? The Devil."
So what I'm saying here is that this guy is a ye olde Web avatar, which could be discovered in some government files by Alice and Sam regarding the Civil War.
Margaret Cavendish
Okay, I feel like in an alternate universe (*cough* TMAGP *cough*) she could have been the most formidable foe to Jonah Magnus. She was a 17th century (before Jonah's time but with avatars it doesnt matter) philospher, poet, scientist, and fiction writer, and the first woman to attend a meeting of the Royal Society of London (an upper class academic society which we know Barnabas Bennett was involved with in MAG 92).
Academic contemporaries os her day called her mad for her unusual and bold manners and interests that bordered on "masculine." Despite being bold af, the reason I think her and Magnus would square up is her work on natural philosophy. She claimed the use of artificial instruments that are used to study the world "delude" academics, specifically the experimental philosophers in the Royal Society. For example, when Robert Hooke created the diagram of the flea, she said using magnifiying glasses to enlarge the flea's image have no practical purpose because it doesn't help anyone afflicted by them.
Therefore, her philosophical writings are literally the antithesis of The Eye's voyeuristic knowledge-seeking. I'm not entirely sure what entity she'd be an avatar of (though her book The Blazing World gives major Spiral vibes), I just want Jonah to have to square up with an enemy in the Royal Society and have a conniption over it.
Gaspare Tagliacozzi
Last guy. He is not British, but I swear....As The Flesh's certified number one fan, I just need this statement/story in the TMA universe.
Operating in Bologna in the 16th century, Tagliacozzi was one of the pioneers of plastic/reconstructive surgery. Due to the dueling culture amongst upper-class men who felt they needed to protect their honor if insulted, there were many rich men during his time who had lost their noses. This was seem as a great social stigma, the nose was seen as the most important part of the face, and more importantly, it showed you lost that duel. So these rich men had the time and money to hire Tagliacozzi...(He also did surgery on other groups as well, but all of his literature he wrote was tailored to this group.)
Tagliacozzi was inspired by natural botany for the idea of his reconstructive nose surgery; he studied how plants and trees grew over time and applied the same logic to human skin. What he would do was this: He would attach a mold in the shape of a nose to his patient's face, he would attach this to a graft of skin on the arm, and over the course of three weeks, the living skin would grow over the nose mold.
I don't think I have to explain this one. It's my duty as the Flesh's number one fan to give the people good material to work with. (Also could be Stranger.)
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rustyelias · 10 days
*taps microphone*
hello yes, what do you think about the Avatars in TMAGP so far (the obvious ones of our beloved Mr. Bonzo and Needles, and the likely hood of Ink5oul being one)? I just recently relistened to the series so far and I have Thoughts about all of them and wanted to hear someone else’s (plus, you asked for asks >:3)
Okay so needles honestly I love all the jokes about them being a little guy and hugging them along with the amazing cosplays I've seen but their cast got me! It was one of the episode that genuinely spooked me the voice actor was amazing!
Ink5ouls I love! I think it's mostly because of the first episode they showed up in have so many parallels to the picture of Dorian grey (Alexander j newall when I get you) and naturally my Oscar Wilde autism was like yep this episode right here this is the one! But the character concept is also really interesting with spooky tattoos
Mr bonzo… Mr bonzo. I love and hate him probably because I grew up with Mr blobbly seeing non brits learn about him has honestly made me laugh so much heehehr yes yes now everyone will be scared of getting up in the dark because Mr blobbly might be there >:). Also the fucking theme song has been stuck in my head for WEEKS! leave me alone Mr bonzo I don't want to play :(
the face Mr bonzo works for the british government doesn't shock me. Like yeah Alex and jonny would write that of course they would.
OOOH ink5oul turning up again! I have a lot of thoughts about that. Them being in London then Cornwall do they just move around being cool and spooky
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tsustuff · 5 days
tmagp episode 13 thoughts. no or not a lot of context but still read at your own peril
index of these posts
4:15 celia asking alice about this is very good but i'm very curious how alice felt about it. she's so good at immediately pivoting to some kind of sarcasm that all i can tell is she's really good at deflecting
4:30 omg sjlgdls alice gave the laundry list and celia MEMORIZED it
4:55 who is taking care of this baby while she's at work all night
5:25 celia like ok now u
5:50 i genuinely don't remember if celia knows about the magnus stuff that much but it feels real fuckin weird to hear her drop 'like the magnus institute' like that
6:30 this is crazy for a first date lmao
7:00 i still am. so confused as to why alice thought sam should take this job. just out of pure 'he's unemployed rn and needs Literally Anything"? but at the same time like...... idk man
7:30 "i don't know" yes, you mean.
8:20 lena is. Fascinating
9:00 !!!! managing. that's a very specific word
10:15 god i should be taking real notes but i just do not have the energy
13:40 user discretion WAS advised though
14:20 some of this does not sound like the app's fault, man
16:00 ok maybe never mind what i just said
16:55 sometimes magnus stories have the most unlikeable protagonists (see: the guy who had no patience for his brother's fear of heights) and this dude is up there for me lmao
18:00 bro. honestly i feel like this is on brand for protocol though? reminds of the dice statement. you *could* have stopped. you could have stopped awhile back. but you didn't, and now you're paying the fucking price. though it really makes it hard to feel sympathetic lmao
19:30 i feel like doing this somehow constitutes fraud
20:45 they also felt it constituted fraud
21:00 "personal adjustment". does an external come to you and perform the personal adjustment
21:50 apparently yes they do
23:00 : ( sam
23:30 : ( alice
24:00 he couldn't leave it huh fff
24:45 alice is a perfect being
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rebeccasteventaylor · 11 days
Listening to 10 - Saturday Night again, because I have things to do today and only an hour to get my hyper fixation fix.
Bloody hell the Mr Bonzo theme song just gives me terror whiplash now.
Nigel’s SOS - turns out that’s bloody appropriate, isn’t it!
‘Mr Six’ reminds me of the The Prisoner. (If you don’t know The Prisoner - the 60s Patrick McGoohan version and no other - you should. I think the theme of constant surveillance and not knowing who can be trusted and who is actually in charge relevant to TMAGP)
So it’s Celia listening to the Mr Bonzo statement and her only reaction is ‘hm’. Very calm. Almost as if she’s - used to this.
Funny how it’s Alice that Colin (my beloved) wants advice from - even though he rejects therapists for not knowing about computers and Alice claims to not know about computers.
Colin doesn’t trust Lena either…
So at the institute - whatever is listening is using an old fashioned modem, I think.
Alice is there to protect Sam and yet guide him away. Also she loves him…
Carved floor! Carved with what! Why are you drawing his attention to that, Alice!
Mr Bonzo is truly terrifying. And he knows Gwen now…
Click. Click! CLICK! The tape recorders are back baby. Never thought I’d have such an emotional reaction to a tape recorder.
Which begs the question - who controlled it? Because computers - yes, fine, Freddie can use a network to control computers and CCTV and phones to record. But a tape recorder - who is controlling that? Freddie has no access. Who - or what - switched it on? I guess it must be like the tape recorders from before - that would just appear and record for The Eye. If that’s so - who is this statement feeding?
Alice still wants to investigate doesn’t she? No matter what she knows.
Worm tracks!!! Symbols! My beloved Institute!
Ok - I think Alice saying Archive and the tape recording woke up and fed whatever is in the Institute enough to wake them up.
I wonder if Freddie has been waiting for [Error] to wake up? Is gathering evidence for them?
‘I care’ oh, Alice, your heart is showing.
I can’t quite hear the whispers! But the first time I heard this I thought they were Jon and Martin’s last words. So I think - the tape recorder fed [ERROR] enough to wake up. It followed Alice back to OIAR and now it is there, possibly in Freddie, or possibly a separate entity, it thinks Sam/Celia/Alice belongs to them and perhaps, maybe, has Jon’s voice
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maybe i’m just not seeing them but there is a Severe Lack of theories about TMAGP and how Control inspired jonny !!
(this is your spoiler warning for both TMA and Control in their entirety btw)
so Control is about a federal bureau that investigates things that violate the laws of reality, and in the game there is an entity called the Hiss that invaded reality. the player gains abilities by finding objects that are imbedded with power from another dimension
the main character of Control accidentally unleashes Magic Spooky Powers when they were a kid with their brother, with what looked like an ordinary object, and was then chosen to succeed their deceased predecessor in the FBC
sound familiar yet ???????
12 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
decided to make a TMAGP bingo sheet w my predictions !
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40 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
hey yall, so i just barely dragged myself out of being homeless and now my car decided to break down. i know im not the biggest creator on here, but if you enjoy my content sending even a dollar to @jasper-elijahhhh on venmo will help me out a lot :•)
82 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
everytime i see someone say ‘jmart’ my little creature brain goes “ah yes. jom and artin.”
137 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
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the lightless flame should have always been my priority, but i lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship. i’m sorry for any pain that my actions may have caused to the cult and its followers but most of all to Diego. the only thing that matters right now is the Desolation and our ritual, and that’s where i’m going to focus my attention
287 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
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