#but also there are a lot of panels like The Arbok Panel
xcosmicsans · 1 year
Could you do the template thing of Gold? from pokespe
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Absolutely I can!!!! I don’t think about him as near constantly as I do Red so he was quite a bit harder but I really love Gold so I hope I did him justice!!!!!
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alizardjae · 3 years
Pokespe Japanese to English comparison readthrough
Volume 1- Chapter 4 & 5
Oops, been longer than I wanted, here’s chapter 4! Short one today.
Edit, just realized that I went on and did chapter 5 in this one as well accidentally!
 Round 4: Vs Pikachu/ Wanted: Pikachu! AND Round 5: Vs Onix/ Onix is On!
-Translation notes:
They changed the grawlixes (swearing symbols) when Pika zaps the merchant who tries to catch him with a net, oddly enough.
Red is a lot more dramatic about being zapped for the first time in the En version, “Auugh!” vs just “Ku.”
It’s interesting to note that the original three Dexholders never use honorifics with each other, nor with most of the later Dexholders they meet.
The translators seem to be trying to go with an “intellectual” vibe for Green’s vocabulary in the first few chapters of the En version.
Red’s reaction to being zapped by a vengeful Pika is a lot more colorful in the Jp version! Something like “This bastard! I thought my feelings got through... Dammit!”
The way MATO draws Pika is so cute <3
Green looks downright evil in that one panel when Red’s preparing to fight him.
Hey now, Green, Rock types aren’t immune to Electric moves by themselves, you should know that! It’s just that all non-fossil Rock types in gen 1 are also Ground types. If Brock had any of the fossils, Pikachu would be a good matchup, type wise!
Seems Red spent all his money on Pokeballs and that antidote for the Kangaskhan, if he doesn’t have any potions to restore Poli and Saur.
Green you hypocrite! Rock types might not be immune to Fire types, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good matchup for you!
Red says he wants to win with the first attack against Graveler, but then proceeds to use two attacks to defeat it. Also RIP Graveler. Not sure it can heal from being broken into pieces the way Arbok did later...
Ah, the major difference between Pika and Ash’s Pikachu; when Ash protected Pikachu from an attack, Pikachu came around to liking him... When Red protected Pika from an attack, Pika pretended to like him and then went straight back to zapping him.
Aaaand an attack from Pika that shouldn’t have worked at all. And being broken to pieces apparently doesn’t kill Onix. Pika’s a little showoff.
Not a whole lot of stuff this chapter, just Kusaka experimenting with how much of the game mechanics he wants to bring in, I guess.
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chromemuffin · 7 years
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Shoukoku no Altair Liveblog (Chapter 5)
A lovely image. The lines are lighter/clearer in the digital version, but this one has the translation of the names and their titles so. I just love these portraits though, especially how some of them fall out of the frame (Shara! And the tall dudes). And wow, for once you don’t look like a tiny child, Mahmut! He still comes up to Zaganos’s chin, though he is a little taller than Shara. (despite me dragging him for his stature, I’m not much better irl. I am also short enough to be inconvenienced by the world around me.)
Before I even get started on the gut-wrenching situation Mahmut has found himself in from last chapter, let me comment more on those portraits.
I love the detailing on the frame, and the designs at the bottom that symbolize each character. Not going through all of them, but here are some nice details I noticed:
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Iskander looks puffed up. :3
I keep meaning to mention this, but haven’t found a place to bring it up since noticing it after the first chapter. Iskander is shaded so that there is a light band in the shape of a crescent moon on his forehead.
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Louis’s pants/leggings/whatever these are have some sort of pattern or embroidery on them. The manga-ka’s attention to detail is nothing short of amazing. Not to mention the circles on Mahmut’s standard outfit, which have to be drawn every time he appears in it.
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So the eyepatch twins are Colbert and Eleanor? I remember Eleanor’s name mentioned last chapter. And seems they are also from the Cult of the Red Snake, as is evident by the Arbok-like creature. Arbok is based on the Indian cobra, for the pattern on its hood, but I’m not well versed in snake species so idk what the symbolism here is. It looks very happy for some reason, though.
Chapter 5: The Citadel
Onto the actual chapter! We left off with Mahmut getting punched in the gut by an ugly rusty looking club of a sword.
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Chill, dude. Seriously. 
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Poor Mahmut.
I don’t think his leg gets cut here, there’s no blood, so does that mean you are supposed to use that sword to bludgeon your enemy to death? It looks like a club, really it does.
(And I can kind of see how this outfit was supposed to be a dress, there are just so many folds and stripes involved it just looked like one big cloak.)
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Stop being creepy, eyepatch dude. The font makes it more ominous too. (Also, he has very pointy ears.)
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Oh? What have you got there, Iskander? The basket Shara carried their clothes in? Looks like Mahmut sent him on a mission of some sort. Also, an interesting note. Apparently golden eagles fly with a slight V shape in their wings, like an airplane.
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Interesting, another crest. This is the place Leredrick is from, if I recall.
Oh, man. This lady’s dissatisfied face.
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Ha! ‘I’m outta here’. She even does a little hand wave to say, ‘this isn’t worth my time’. She’s so done.
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Well, that escalated quickly.
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A lot of these characters pull off dramatic, menacing, sinister, and ‘I don’t give two fucks’ very, very well.
HAHA yeah awkward moment when you realize it was all a sham and there is absolutely nothing you can do to take it back.
But, who is this I see approaching:
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Iskander, what are you up to.
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Looks like a bird and a dancer are here to save the day.
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OF COURSE, eyepatch lady has to go and ruin it. Oh nooo, Shara.
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So it was the container Mahmut keeps meat in for Iskander, not the basket. Poor birdie, gotta work nights too. xD Eagles aren’t nocturnal. And he has to sacrifice his food to boot.
But where he is dropping it off?
“Once the Imperial Army gets here, we will have to fight on their side. Once we do, the Empire will save the hostages. All we can do now is hope the Empire will keep their promise.” I’m not so sure about that anymore, Ibrahim. They seem kind of trigger happy.
And back to Zaganos. What have you been doing this whole time? Preparations I guess.
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Uh...what is that...Zaganos is the ‘Poison’ General so...I love the detailing on the jars/bottles, though. Each one is different for some reason. Are they each a different poison or did he just decide to stick them in fancy containers? Yeah, they didn’t exactly mass produce things back then, but these aren’t even all in the same style.
Zaganos really does not hold back, does he. Though he does seem to be thinking about the decision here, it is a pretty underhanded tactic. Well, at least he’s not jumping at the bit to use it.
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Well, who do we have here? People from the Empire, right. Why are they attacking the guys sent by Louis...? Aren’t they on the same side...And since the name of the eyepatch people’s cult is Swedish, maybe that means they are more like mercenaries Louis hires, rather than actual soldiers from Balt-Rhein.
Gllad is an awkward name to my English speaking self. You don’t see that consonant cluster every day, and it’s one letter off from Glad (in Japanese it is グララット, guraratto, so yeah, that matches).
I like this more formal introduction to these two, though, purely for the fact that the antagonist actually got injured (it’s like, a scratch on the arm but whatever) before the main conflict with them even starts.
I see. So Leredrick just doesn’t want to follow Louis’s plan (quite an extreme way to say ‘fuck you I’m doing my own thing’ considering they’re on the same side though lol).
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Poor kid. Stop bludgeoning him with your club sword, you jerk.
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UGH, his expression morphing into resolve and defiance. Aand then back to pain.
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LOOKS LIKE IT CAN STAB. will you please leave him alone already you ass
Even worse than a pointy sword, it is uh apparently CRACKING bones. And he has to twist it around, pouring salt in the wounds much.
Now that’s just painful to watch urggh. And that is a LOT of blood on the next page.
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What’s going on...I think I see a wing shadow there... (and the text box from hovering over the image whoops)
AHAHA THAT’S GREAT. Seeing her just go fwip! Gone! was greatly needed after seeing Mahmut freaking tortured in an alleyway.
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Shara’s expression is great, too. And I really like the flow of the lines framing her on this panel. It’s just so fluid and swirly.
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Holy mother of- that is a lot of birds. Way to go, Iskander! OH. Was he...maybe dropping his container of meat to attract the other birds? It seemed that he was dropping it off near a tent earlier.
Mahmut is a summoner of birds. That would be his special power in a fantasy land.
And this is actually really fucking terrifying. More terrifying than just Iskander coming at you with claws outstretched. Apparently the largest of the golden eagle species can have a claw on each foot that is only a tiiiny bit shorter than that of the harpy eagle (the largest eagle in the world, and a deadly thing that can carry deer into tree branches and can easily cut you to the bone). Female golden eagles can be the size of a man’s torso. So, WOW.
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And now we get smug Mahmut! God, this kid’s expressions.
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This is a massive page (I think it’s a 2-pager actually). Just...drawing all that detail. The cover coming off (with those stripes), the frame of the tent, the birds, the people and all the supplies that formed a wall around them.
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OH. Not so high and mighty now, are we.
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Methinks you owe Iskander some meat. What a good birdie.
I’m surprised you can move that arm of yours, though.
BUT. I have not forgotten Zaganos, who is preparing to use some very deadly concoctions. Oh, never mind! They got the message to him on time.
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Very nice horse. I like the tassels it’s decked out in.
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lol She’s great. Got a passed out/dead guy right next to her too.
“All the troops were drunk at the time or something.” Better than knowing you were outsmarted by a kid, a dancer, and a bird right.
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His faces are...haha and he even has a hand on one hip. *pokepoke*
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We don’t know much about them yet, but these two are rather fun. ‘Killed by falling rocks’...Ok...
So, falconers usually use a whistle to call their bird back to them, but it looks like Mahmut uses his for other purposes.
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Like smacking swords out of people’s hands. What happened to his club sword?
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It also has the little wing symbol on it. Actually, is it a whistle? I can’t really remember if it was ever mentioned anywhere that it was. I just assumed.
Ooh, this battle is not over yet. Man, Mahmut is tough. He was still able to fling that thing around with his injured shoulder. Adrenaline is a godsend.
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Very nice. You can see a bit of blood (!! he really needs to get that treated) and it seems he let the sword fly out of his grasp on purpose to-
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Choke him, apparently, nice.
But the question is: What would Mahmut have done in if he was in Ibrahim’s situation? Interesting. He’s talking about how he is helping Ibrahim out, not based on his actions here, but because they’re friends.
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WELL, you certainly got back at him. Is he dead? And what happened to Eleanor after she got carried off by the birds? Are they both dead.
Anyway, I’M SO GLAD THIS DIDN’T END IN TRAGEDY. I still have 17 more volumes to go for that to potentially happen!
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Iskandeeerrr I like his little jesses. Iskander is half the reason I’m looking forward to the anime.
Btw, you owe him some meat, Mahmut.
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They cleaned this up for the digital release (it was originally spread across 2 pages and thus a little awkwardly split up).
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STOP. You’re not allowed to make me cry this early in the series. (kidding, I don’t cry easily, but damn. That was a great ending to this arc.)
...What is with your expression, Iskander.
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That is the look of a bird that has seen some shit. My cat makes the same expression sometimes for no good reason.
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The credits page is a nice touch. You usually don’t get one like this. I love Mahmut petting Iskander up there in the corner. Birds like to be scratched, too!
...Though Zaganos has this, like, Medusa hair going on. Does it get worse without the hat?
AND THAT’S THE END. DAMN was that an emotional rollercoaster.
← back・onward →
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xwildwhirlx · 6 years
I suddenly remember some of the MANY manga books I read at the library when I was 8-12 or so....
- a series of 4-panel top-down comics centered around a group of friends. With every chapter, there was several pages saved for illustrating their cute outfits, with labels describing each accessory, so you could wear it yourself. I think it was called Coco & Mimi?
- cute recycled robots. Like, literally made out of recyclables; bottles and stuff. ORANGE SODA ONE THAT WAS POWERED BY LITERAL JUICE?
- cute witch child, going to magic school, exploring the weird world, learning about her powers. I think she met a vampire once?
- cooking school romance, but just when it’s getting good thE BOY GETS HIT BY A FUCKING CAR AND DIES
- LONG red-centric story in the pokemon video game world. Gets REALLY fucking dark. Like, the elite four are evil, and an Arbok gets CUT IN FUCKING HALF (WITH ITS SPINE AND ORGANS SHOWING???) HOLY SHIT. also yellow is a SECRET ADORABLE LIL GIRL. Anyways I ATE THAT SHIT UP
- oh shit I just remembered they made pokemon mystery dungeon manga too FUCKING SCORE, I LOVE PMD
- most of what I read was pokemon, because I fucking love Pokémon and I hit the jackpot as THERE WERE SO MANY SERIES AND THEY HAD SO MANY ISSUES 
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