#but also i do Not have money guys waaaaa
vonlipvig · 2 months
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of course you would say that, you piece of shit ceo
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
The Past Records: Ellis & Jude Chapter 5
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Also, feel free to ignore my random commentary.
Translation notes are marked with *** Alternate translation is marked with///
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I followed both Ellis and Jude to a warehouse at the port, just as Liam had said.
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Alfons: What in the world could they be doing here at night for a business meeting?
Harrison: Let’s say they have some kind of deal with a prisoner-
Liam: This is something the Crown should judge…perhaps.
Liam: I don’t think so.
Alfons: It seems like there's already someone inside the warehouse.
Harrison: That’s-?
When Jude and Ellis confidently stepped into the warehouse, the figures inside suddenly became startled.
Jude: Ah, you're the guy who tried to sell me a shoddy product the other day.
Business Partner: !!
Jude: And who's that next to you…?
Wilson: Thomas Wilson, president of the Wilson Trading Company.
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Jude: Oh, I remember you, the guy who was running a shitty business, lost money to us, and went bankrupt.
Wilson: Ugh!
Ellis: So, he’s the worst of the worst?
Jude: I guess. I can’t believe he made a de with that pale-faced coward of a former convict.
Ellis: The one with the pale face, uh, not Mr. Wilson….
Jude: Dennis Donald.
Ellis: Mr. Dennis.
Dennis: N-name….you know….
Ellis: He said it's fundamental to know the name, family structure, assets, and backgrounds of those you’re dealing with.
Ellis: So, Mr. Dennis was threatened by Mr. Wilson, and stashed dangerous drugs in this rented warehouse.
Dennis: H-did you know that too?
Wilson: You idiot! Who would admit to that?
Jude: You’d make money by using my warehouse as a storage facility, and selling drugs to criminals coming out of prison.
Jude: And in the end, you'd say, "Jude Jazza pulled all the strings", and frame me for the crime to get your revenge?
Wilson: That's right. It's all for revenge against you!
Wilson: Tomorrow, the deal with the prisoners will begin. And the information has already been sold to a certain newspaper.
Wilson: It is impossible to move all the inventory in this warehouse right now. You’re done…ahahaha!!
Jude: Do you enjoy your life by wasting your time on such shitty things?
Jude: After all that hard work and making deals with dangerous people, there's no way you can ever go back. Pathetic.
Wilson: Hmph, you act like you can take it easy.
Dennis: Uh, uwaa!
Wilson: It’s so loud! What all of a sudden!?
Dennis: Drugs….there’s no drugs.
Wilson: What did you say?
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Ellis: I'm sorry. I knew it was a drug you went into debt to procure.
Ellis: I got rid of everything.
Wilson: What…That’s a lie…when and why did you—
Jude: Didn’t you mention you have a clients coming tomorrow? I don’t know what they’ll do to you.
Wilson: Ugh, waaaaa!!!
Ellis: Oh, he jumped at you.
Jude: That’s a fishy move.
Ellis: What should we do? Can I knock him out?
Jude: There’s no need.
Wilson shook his fist and plunged it into Jude's leg, which swung up.
Wilson: Ugh!
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Jude: Dennis, buying and selling drugs and people is illegal... It was written in the contract properly….oh, and…
Jude: You just scared the shit out of that cowardly little bitch, and were just looking on from the sidelines. *** I believe he’s addressing Wilson now.
Jude: If it weren’t for you….
Jude: You don't even know how many people's lives you could end with what you're trying to sell, if you don't get your hands dirty and let others do it all for you.
Jude: Besides, someone like you, a scumbag who thinks he's the only one who deserves a good meal, even if I didn’t do it, someone else would’ve done it.
Jude: If you're going to be my slave for the rest of your life, I might as well save you before some junkie ex-cons comes after you, right?
A few minutes later, Wilson's face was clearly marked with shoe prints as he begged for his life with an apology.
Ellis: Mr. Dennis, you are now Jude's slave, too, because this is a breach of contract.
Dennis: Ugh, ugh….. if you detach me from Mr. Wilson, I'll follow you for the rest of my life. ......
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Ellis: Oh, are you crying tears of joy….?"
Jude: Disgusting.
Jude: So when are those sneaking around going to come out?
Alfons: Oh, did they know?
Liam: Well, I don't know what’s going on, but the person who is lying there has a grudge against Jude.
Liam: You mean he was trying to make a  dangerous deal in this warehouse to bring you down?
Ellis: You're right on the money. Jude, gets resentment all over the place, so it happens.
Harrison: Then you turned down the assignment tonight, and you were acting suspiciously.….
Jude: We're going to be busy with the missions. I'm just trying to get rid of one of the troublesome things.
Ellis: The person with whom Mr. Wilson was trying to make a deal to frame Jude.
Ellis: He seems to be a former noble who drugged and locked up the people he kidnapped.
Ellis: I think he was going to re-offend once he got the drugs from Mr. Wilson.
Alfons: That's quite a scoundrel, isn't it?
Jude: If this scumbag catches that criminal, I'll do whatever it takes, crown duty or not."
Jude: It's so easy to come back to this world, damn it. I’ll show you hell.
Harrison: You’ve got a personal vendetta against him?
Ellis: No, he simply doesn’t like him.
Jude: If you’re on a Crown mission, you’re allowed to torture these guys aren’t you?
Jude: It’s like a hobby to torment corrupt aristocrats, and if I get paid for it, it’s a good job. 👌🏻 
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Liam: Wow…..you look evil.
Alfons: There may be no one more qualified for the Crown than Jude. 
Harrison: Oddly enough, that concludes the report.
Ellis: Report?
Harrison: It’s nothing.
Later, the report was completed by Harrison and successfully submitted to Victor.
Jude: I knew you were sneaking around, but this is shitty.
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Victor: Done. That settles the matter.
Harrison: Well, there’s one thing that still remains a mystery.
William: Mystery?
Harrison: Why is Ellis hanging out with Jude?
Harrison: It doesn’t sound like he’s being extorted….
Jude: Oy!
Liam: Yea, it’s not like they’re on the same page.
Ellis: I made a promise.
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sulfurhotspot · 5 months
200 note special!! :D
Waaaaa sorry I'm so late on this! (I kept looking at the poll and yeahhhh)
Anyways! So I'm going to be talking about Ez (@saturns-ringg) and my au called, drumroll please!
(If its something you'd be interested in seeing us make an ask-blog please comment: "Pineapple" so yeah prepare for bad explanations :D)
(Also its kind of long so get ready to read ig lol)
•Piffala was the name of the concept of a video game that me and Ez came up with around 4th grade (I think.) We kinda gave up on the idea of making a video game because we didn't really have jobs and it's alot of money and work that goes into one, (plus we were like 10💀) which is why we are interested in making it an ask!
•Piffala has 5 other siblings and a mother named FeeFee. (FeeFee wont be talked about in this.) In order from oldest to youngest (between the siblings) it goes: Piffala, Shadow(also known as Sp), Devin, Nuke/Kasha (Twins), and lastly Neo.
•Piffala- Three tailed spotted wildcat
•Shadow- Three tailed black wildcat
•Devin- Polarbear-Bird
•Nuke- Octopus-Spider
•Kasha- Cat-Camelion
•Neo- Iguana-Viper
•Piffala- She/Her/They/Them
•Shadow- He/Him/They/Them
•Piffala- Aro-ace
•Shadow- Gay
•Devin- Straight/Ally
•Nuke- Questioning
•Kasha- Lesbeian
•Neo- Pan
•Piffala has a hot-headed personality matched with anger issues, She's the least trusting of humans out of the 6, she's also the first to kill on sight, shes almost always on edge. Cares very deeply for her siblings.
•Shadow is almost the exact opposite of Piffala, He's laid back, chill, and is quite trusting towards humans (not as much as his siblings however), Both him and Piffala are very cunning. Loves puns (and coming up with them with Kasha.)
•Devin is very cold and distant, He's a big brute who doesn't find much interest in anything. He's quiet and only truly follows Piffalas orders, he is only second to having trust issues (of course behind Piffala.)
•Nuke is chill but not as chill as Shadow, he is more of the voice of reason to the group, making sure everyone doesn't go running off and killing anything, he's a silly guy who love to pull pranks with his twin and hang out with Neo.
•Kasha is quite and likes to observe more than engage in anything. Their the brains of the operations when it comes to pulling pranks with their twin. They are an excellent killer but can be pretty funny, pulling pranks and telling puns.
•Neo is the youngest and most trusting of the group, despite being part viper he really hates killing things, he looks up to Nuke as his role model. He's a hard worker and despite being trusting towards humans, he isn't as naive as he appears to his siblings.
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(I'm lazy so I only did sloppy head shots. I felt the need to do it on Ibis so yeah!)
Ok so that's the intro to Piffala, uhm yeah! Me and Ez might make a blog later tomorrow but thats up to him. Happy Holidays everyone!! :D
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in-a-brown-study · 7 months
watching heroes episode 10 (????? idk sometimes i watch two and then forget when one episode ends and the other starts lmao)
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(lol at the guy in the back he's definitely not having a great time)
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waaaaa congrats congrats🥰 looking forward to what you can do in this position wink wink
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on my knees
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his proud smile.... he's so adorable. yes, that's me and my partner's names together. yes, we have our own house now. ughhhh🥺
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she's so beautiful🤧
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HE PLAYS THE FLUTE TOO he could've made some money with that back then why didn't he think of that sjduwhdj anyways
also wait. why doesnt she tell them abt her already knowing smz? am i missing smth lmao
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🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 smz be like no we aint gonna let you do shit
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omg???? i shall follow your command 🛐
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amyure · 5 years
[Apologies for the huge gap between the two episodes X_X this slipped through my backlog somehow - Nab]
[Continuing the first half, here is the summary of the second half of CASQUETTE’S episode. - Esh]
Under Chacha's guidance, Miwako, who among the four ladies had the best acting ability, was told to infiltrate the building where Yotsugishi’s office was. She managed to get to the same floor as the office by disguising as a cleaning service lady, and right away found Yotsugishi on the phone in a hallway. While Miwako was talking with Chacha [over an earpiece], who told her to make contact, Yotsugishi noticed her and went, "Hey you!" *gasp* "Take this trash!" before he walked away while still talking (Miwako was like *cold sweat).
After that, she infiltrated the office. Miwako was going is this against the law? And Chacha was like, not really, you’re just brushing by it. Miwako was like TAT. Chacha told her to carry out the second phase of the plan, by first going to the women’s restroom... and a while later Miwako came out in a wig, disguised as an American girl and basically just copying Susu's style of talking (while also wondering if that style would fit her age).
She went to Yotsugishi, saying she wanted to deliver a present for a model friend, but her looks quickly caught his eye and he scouted her out. As they sat down, with Yotsugishi asking her to see the documents, Yotsugishi's phone rang and he had to leave Miwako alone to pick it up. However, it was just Chacha calling him ; when Yotsugishi came back, Miwako was gone.
Running away from the scene, Miwako tried to catch her breath, but a security guard saw her and asked for a pass, which she did not have. She ran away out of the building, asking Chacha for help as the guard came out running after her. At that moment, Mimi's car skidded over and she said, "Hop on!"
...Back at the dorm, they examined the documents Miwako had stolen from the office, specifically Chizuru's. In them, they found out that Chizuru’s contract had a ridiculous ‘contract cancellation’ stipulation, which effectively meant Chizuru could not break the contract without having to pay an impossible amount of money. On top of that, they also found a brochure for plastic surgery.
Apparently, the 3 roads that Chizuru had talked about [in the earlier half of the episode] were:
1. A road that would hurt her, the plastic surgery,  
2. A road that would hurt her family, the contract cancellation fee, and the last was, as Sisala had figured out, and
3. The road that would hurt someone else, hurting Sisala (a competitor) so Chizuru could get onto the stage.  
However, Chizuru had not done that, and had helped Sisala instead, who realized how her hands had been trembling at the time. Chacha did a quick background check on the office and found out that it was a new office, and seemingly okay on the surface. However, they apparently gave out promotion payouts depending on the sale of certain talents. So, Yotsugishi was just trying to sell Chizuru for his own gain to get promoted.
Sisala thanked the others, but asked them to let her handle the rest, as they had helped her aplenty already. After Sisala left though, the three looked at one another like they knew what each other was thinking, and Chacha proceeded to say, "Let’s punish him."
By the river bank, Sisala met Chizuru. Sisala shared all the things she had found out, and Chizuru confirmed her info was true.
Chizuru shared that she had been happy at first when she was scouted by Yotsugishi, and her mother back in the countryside had also been so happy. But, there had only been pain after pain afterwards. When she heard about what had happened to Sisala and co. when they became idols, Chizuru was hurt at just what a stark difference there was between their experiences. 
Sisala said that, just like how Chizuru had saved her, she wanted to save Chizuru as well. She said that Chizuru might be able to appeal for the contract cancellation fee if she could prove that coercion was involved in the contract. As she was saying that, however, Yotsugishi suddenly appeared.
He said that there were only 3 paths for Chizuru (plastic surgery, paying the fee, or hurting someone else) because the industry was harsh, and getting onto the ladder meant stepping on someone else. He went on to say that the weak would get crushed by the strong and blunt. Sisala said no, there was still a way if the original contract was still at hand, even as she acknowledged they did not have proof that coercion happened. But, Yotsugishi took the contract documents out and ripped them. He proceeded to say that there was no hope for Chizuru, and people biting each other in the back was the way things work, adding that there was a traitor even in Sisala's side.
At that moment, Mimi appeared. She went ichaicha [lovey-dovey] with Yotsugishi. Sisala was like ???. Yotsugishi proceeded to say, Mimi had gone to him and told him what had happened and that is why he was there; even if what happened was the truth, no one would believe the word of a no-name model, and Chizuru would be stuck in the hellhole forever.
“Sowwwwyyy, but I can’t help it, Yotsugishi is so cool~~~” Mimi said, “that he doesn’t even know how I have this all live-streamed. Even if no one will believe a no-name model's words, people would believe the word of the perpetrator themselves, now wouldn’t they?”
Yotsugishi, horrified, asked when the live-stream had started, and Mimi told him, “Since the very beginning.”
Miwako and Chacha came and Chacha said, “He was so easily tricked it wasn’t funny. No wonder though, he can't even manage his talent well.”
As Yotsugishi was going AAAAAA Sisala said, "Chizuru, this is your chance. In the past, I thought I was living alone in the dark, and I thought, ‘that'd be fine’. But I was wrong. My head was too deep in my own cap, hiding under shadows I created myself. So straighten up your cap and look forward, there will definitely be light.”
After hearing those words, Chizuru went, "Yotsugishi-san, I... I resign from the contract!" and slapped it towards Yotsugishi clearly. The others went wow~ straight up and Mimi went, “Before our identity is leaked, let’s cut the stream off heee. Byee~~~”
Only after that, Sisala thanked the three of them formally. Miwako and Mimi were like, isn't it time for you to drop the honorifics already?
Sisala said, “I guess you are right, Mimi, Miwako, Chacha.”
Chacha said that she wouldn’t drop honorifics when she called them, and that some things are felt without needing to be said.
Mimi said that she already thought Chacha would say that.
A few days after, Mayuko called Sisala, saying “That was you guys on the stream, right?”
“How do you…” Sisala replied.
“Ah, as I thought.” Mayuko thanked Sisala about Chizuru. She had thought the girl had been acting strange, and seemingly targeting Sisala, and Mayuko was glad that Sisala had gone to help Chizuru. Mayuko said that Chizuru had gone back home to the countryside, hence choosing ‘the 4th path’, although Mayuko didn't understand what that ‘4th path’ was all about. Sisala, happy to hear that, stopped Mayuko before she could hang up, asking her about something....
At Nanastar, Sisala, Mimi, Miwako, and Chacha met each other like heeey, and seeing that, Shihainin commented on how he had been seeing them together a lot recently, to which Miwako replied, “Maybe we just kinda clicked.”
Mimi looked at Shihainin and went, “I just realized that I am very glad to have been scouted by you.”
Shihainin was confused.
Miwako said the same, and so did Sisala. Chacha even said something along the lines of, ‘that accessory of an eye you have, seems to have a bit of use.’
Mimi was like, “Shihainin look, even Chacha praised you.” (Shihainin: I don’t feel like I’m being praised at all...)
Shihainin then proceeded to announce that he had something to talk to them about, but they cut him off.
“We already know,” they said.
"Eh?" Shihainin was caught off guard
"We even have the ‘Name’ already."
"That means yes!"
~~~End of CASQUETTE’S episode~~~
Back to summaries
[And that concludes the origin story of CASQUETTE’S...
By the way there are at least 5 times where Mimi/Miwako said, "We really clicked with each other!" in the whole episodes like, KI GA AU WA NEEE and I feel like saying, "WAKATTORU WAAAAA. ICHIICHI IWANTOITE NAAAA" but anyway yes.
Sorry for the looooooong time I took before updating. [Er, I took a liiiitle bit longer on my end though aha - Nab]
Btw I typed this on my phone. My thumbs had the most training ever, it'd get six pack if I wrote longer. See ya around! Hope this helps! - Esh]
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purplesurveys · 5 years
What were you doing before this survey? I waaaaas lying in bed contemplating if I should sit up to answer a survey or not. The result is quite obvous. Where was the last place you went on vacation? Batangas, I think. Where did you meet your current significant other? In school. She was my seatmate in junior year, but we were already best friends for two years prior to that. If you don't have one, where did you meet your last one? What does your house smell like right now? Like our house, I guess? I’m not familiar with the scent it gives off.
Have you ever been on television? I might have. I went to church once and that particular service had a TV crew taping the whole thing, so I could have appeared on some remote channel no one watches hah. What kind of house do you wish you lived in? One with better ventilation. This house gets baked as FUUUUUCK in summers. What was the last compliment you received from an old lady? Not so sure. Maybe my grandmother calling me her princess, which is her default ~term of endearment for me. What are your grandparents' names? Jun, Boy, Dolores, and Agnes. What is your most embarrassing falling-down experience? Falling down/tripping with my feet up in the air. It’s sad that it’s happened more than once to me lmfao. Have you gone to college or are you planning on going? I am in college. Filipinos put a really high premium on college. What is the last type of tea you drank? Iced tea, the only type I drink. I don’t like tea.
Have you ever been on a sailboat? I don’t think so. I’ve only ridden local banca boats. Are you finished with high school yet? Graduated three years ago. If not, what high school did you graduate from? From a school in a city you’ve never heard of, so it won’t matter to say it.
Is it a public or private school? Private. Are you racist? Pretty straightforward, but no. Are you one of those girls who sucks in her stomach in pictures? Erm not really, I don’t have to ‘cos my body does its job in staying skinny for some reason. Are you one of those guys who flexes when he walks past a mirror? Were you a stingy child? I could be but I never got into huge fights or threw a tantrum over a toy or anything like that. Are you still stingy? Again, I can be but I’m never an ass about it. What was the last tv show you watched? Not sure if it counts cos I haven’t watched TV in so long, but I watched the first ten minutes of the Ted Bundy documentary they just released on Netflix. Are you one of those adults who shops at stores like Hollister or Hot Topic? No. If not, do you secretly snicker at the adults who do? No but I also don’t approve of their taste lol. Out of your relatives, who are you the closest with? My cousins and sister. Do you know how to cut hair? Not a chance. Have you ever cut your own? Nope. If so, what did people say about it? What was the last illness you had (besides cold, flu & other common ones)? Two years ago. Have you ever had a classmate die? Yes, around two years ago. My batchmates had been clamoring for a reunion back then and it fantastically sucked that that turned out to be the way to gather us all in one room once again. If so, what was his/her name? Sophie. Don't you hate it when people think it's cool to have a bad attitude? Y E S Are you materialistic? I’m not even gonna try to hide it lmfao yes. Have you noticed that many girls look like clones of one another? No they don’t. Clone beauty is no longer pretty because it's become ordinary, right? ???? Do you like how feminine even straight men have become? I’m not gonna directly answer this question because I don’t think it was worded properly, but I am glad that many are no longer afraid to express themselves however way they want. Do you like when guys were skinny jeans? It’s ayt. Do you think piercings or tattoos are attractive? I used to; now I don’t think much of it. Do you have any tattoos? Nope, too scared of needles. Do you date older men/women because they usually have more money? Hah, no.
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gsmatthews95 · 6 years
Oz: a recap
The time has come. It has been ten months in waiting but it had to come. It is with a slight twinge of sadness but an overpowering sense of excitement and happiness that I am leaving Australia on my way to Singapore. Which  is actually pretty ideal because I have a nice long 9 hour layover. There are very few occasions I would describe a 9 hour layover as "ideal" but this is one of them. Such a cool city. So much to do and see. And, apparently, it isn't even too big. So I'm hoping I should be able to DO/COMPLETE Singapore in a nice six hour stint, tick it off my list, add another pin to the map and tell everyone about how I've now basically completed Asia. Sick eh?. A wee bit more background before I delve into the meat of this potentially juicy post which I think I will compare to a fat fillet steak by comparison to the rest of my posts that I would say are more like coles BBQ sausages, 24 for $8... good value but not much substance. A good reference I reckon. So I'm currently on my flight. It is maybe 9am Aussie time and I am awake, not that tired, with very little to do in this flight as I went for the lost budget option (still pretty expenny). You have to pay 11 bucks for films, Ye right. Go do one scoot airlines. Urgh, absolute scandal for a 7 hour flight. No worries however. Gives me ample time to write an absolute Goliath of a blog post. Okay seriously guys stop cheering. It's distracting me and my brain flow you have to pay for food and entertainment. Not good. However, the there are two upsides to this flight with nothing to do, firstly it allows me to blog blog blog and the other upside of this prehistoric flight comfort is that it gives me a chance to register to Stephen Hawkins "a  brief history of time", what a bangin audiobook. Well bloody confusing but I feel cleverer listening to it. Although in the last nine months I have forgotten the vast, vast majority of it. All the better it's like a new book. I'm now not that excited however about my connecting flight to Berlin. 14 hours. 13 hours of no films, just sleep, urgh lame. I may find some more wee audiobooks. I'll tell you what, I may get the game Of thrones ones. They'd be immense, especially as I'm now a proper game of thrones loser (read loser as legend/fanatic).
This is what I mean, I have so much time to ramble this piece is gonna drag. Oo I have an idea. As I didn't have this blog for the majority of the trip should I go back and wrote posts for them? Hmmmm, that does kinda defeat the point of the blog though. I don't think I'll do that. the other nagging question is whether I carry on the blog for the next 3 months as I galavant around Europe. I think I should. You're welcome guys. I love you all too. Also sick that I'm using my British passport to its full extent before we F off out of Europe as part of brexit. Wooo freedom of movement. Cosmopolitan ideals, something we should probs all strive for as much as possible. However, I do think we probs made the right decision leaving the EU as most people who have spoken to me about it will know. This post is not about my political views however. Otherwise it would not be called holidaying. Maybe something like #Jezza4PM would be a better name for it if I were to become a political blogger slash activist. But I digress.
So as many of you may have gauged from speaking to me, reading this blog or merely by observing my Facebook presence. I have had an immense time. Even though my article about the ups and downs of travelling may have seemed a bit depressing, I can safely say the last ten months, yes that ten months, a long time, have been smashing. I am currently conflicted, in poor stylistic technique I have embarked upon this post without a plan. And now I am at a crossroads. Do I continue chronologically or thematically? I think I will stay true to convincing writing styles and go thematically. Let's push the boat out he he. Ok ok ok so I'll start with my hostels. I believe I do want to talk about them a little bit first.  To start, I have been in lots. Off the top of my head in Sydney alone I was in 7 separate hostels. Many for a week as I was forced to move because of the price increase, my bed being sold, being chucked out etc. But 3 main ones. Firstly, hump. What to say about this place. A mad house, a good outside smoking area, a room that stays open all night and a lot of sound people who I've seen since leaving Sydney too. One jack gawthorpe, I've seen in four separate places (who's stalking who...). My month or so there was heavy. There was always something going on, I have very fond memories. Secondly, dury house. As described by James, my friend who I took there one night: "that was literally a crack den". Yes James, but it was our crack den. With the roof that never closed and the never ending session, there was always something going on, whether it be 11am on a Sunday morning or 4am on a Friday night. And again some belter people, who again I've seen down the east coast. Thirdly, finally, and ultimately we had the palms. What a place. What a time. November-December 2017. The palms glory days. Clean hostel, nice kitchen, comfy beds, sound people, like a giant sharehouse it had the intimate feel that you knew everyone but was big enough to still be lots of fun. The palms massive made my first xmas away from home so fun and so comforting. Never forget. Loved everyone there, except dan obvs, I hate dan. Everyone else though, I love you. And the hostel. I'll give a quick shout out to bev and micks in Melbourne. Small, intimate, cosy and friendly. Not that exciting or fun but enjoyable for my three weeks. Plus it was the cheapest place around. However, barossa backpackers. Dirty, smelly, small, tiny kitchen, leaky fridges, small room, had to pay for wifi and in the middle of nowhere. Pretty crap hostel tbh. But as I was there for some time, working with and living with everyone. I had an unreal time. Even working in a potato factory. So much fun cause you're constantly with you're mates and chilling, I won't forget those few months in barossa. The hostels down the east coast were nice. Big and nice but with my motivation waiting and the fact that I was staying at each place for a few days I didn't really form much of a bond with many of them. The hostel is key to your experience. Regardless how long you are in a place for but especially if it's for the long term. And overall I think I did well with a only a few mistakes.
Work. Ok so work never went quite as I'd hoped before I came out to Australia. Maybe I was naive, maybe I just wasn't made for call centres. My one regret actually was not going in to construction in Sydney, making lots of money, doing easy work and finishing at 3:30 each day. I then could have done it all over oz as I'd have had experience and wouldn't have had to do some of my crap jobs. We live and learn, one of my bigger regrets I'd say. No hassle though, all has worked out well and I haven't been too low on money. But yes call centres and cold calling, not the job for me. Neither as it turns out is face to face fundraising. What I have learnt though is that there is no worse job than those and I now have sympathy for those doing it, I have the knowledge that I will never work in a job like that again and it has now given me a great  appreciation of any job that isn't that. Which was one reason I think I enjoyed the potatoes so much. Mainly because it was so easy and so much less depressing than my other jobs. Everyone constantly complained, I just smiled and said it could be worse. People said the job would break me. It never did. Smashing job, smashing people, smashing time. The worst of all these jobs though was the charity fundraising, I knew it would be but I just wanted 2-3 weeks work and it paid well. I lasted 1 week. Never again. The best job. Easy. Grape picking and wine making. It was so sick. I got a lot of hours, lots of free wine and food and learnt to make wine in the sun. Dream job. I even have a wine named after me, I'm gonna get a case delivered home of the 2018 vintage GSM lol. But that's enough about work after all it is a work holiday visa.
This part will be harder to split up do I discuss  specific experiences? Or parts of the journey. Oo I have an idea. Animals. I have devoted a few pieces to various animals but I haven't spoken about all of them. There are two that I will leave out though as they deserve their own piece. Australia, famous for its diverse and unique wildlife and I think I've done well in seeing a lot of it. And I got selfies with lots of them. Firstly I have fed and patted wild kangaroos and wallabies. So cute, they love carrots btw, not apples so much. One of the wallabies even had a tiny Joey in its pouch. Too much for my heart. They're great I loved em both. Then came the quokka. As many of you may have seen by my  Valentine's Day post devoted to this one. They are like giant rodents. Although they're not giant, and they're actually cute. I dunno how to describe them actually just look at my photo, well adorable. I will now move on to the dangerous segment of the list of animals, cause, as we all know, that's what oz is most famous for. Firstly, the red back spider, v venomous. Hannah (friend not sister) almost died as she entered his layer/graveyard and only just escaped with her life. I have also seen three wild snakes, woohoo. That was a real target. The python in the kitchen and the two cuties slithering across the path in Lichfield national park and the twelve (4) apostles. Now. The personal favourite. The crocs. There have been lots of crocs, none completely in the wild without a tour guide sadly, but the jumping crocs were wild and were damn sick. I even have a croc tooth necklace (sorry axel, Brutus and dominator). The one animal conspicuous by its absence I haven't seen though, sadly, a shark. Waaaaa I should have gone shark cage diving, ah it was too expensive anyway. I think I'll carry on with my sea critters vibe now for a few more. Next was the manta. MANTA MANTA MANTA. I saw lots in Indonesia but another at whitsundays. So big, graceful and noble. I love them, as everyone does, they're god personified in an animal I reckon.  I would like to be a manta ray. Next up dolphins. Not many and both times I saw them from a cliff. Not overly exciting mainly because I have been spoilt in the past both in cornwall And in the SAN blas when they swam with our boat, so very nice. My final sea dweller. Whales. Lots of humpbacks as I said in my Fraser Island piece. They are awesome, so big and majestic and loving. I would also like to be a whale. Sue me. I saw lots of camels too, they're funny I like camels teehee and dingos, they're so cute, not scary. I would like to chat to a dingo and befriend him. I love dingos. I think however, my proudest find and subsequent selfie was with the koalas. We found 8 on magnetic island. One barely 8 foot away. Perfect for a selfie. And I snapped it yay. They're such chillers too, I love koalas. I love animals actually. I also miss Rolland, I love you too Rolland!!!
So as to stop myself writing another dissertation I may make this the final para. And I'm going to try and be concise. My favourite moments. I won't describe them much but merely mention them. There's a variety of reasons why a moment could have been so great. Maybe where I was, what I was doing, who I was with. Who knows? Maybe I just felt at peace and the world felt right for a moment. Deep. And I'm not talking about every moment I sat down with a full box of goon. Ok ok seriously. The hump boat party. Both 1 and 2. Unreal, a boat party in the Sydney harbour, beers, mates, opera house, swimming, tunes, I won't ever forget those two days. My first moment seeing the extent of the blue mountains at the end of the garden of the nbb Jill and Richard had so kindly rented for us. A little ten minute walk and you were on the edge of the crator with the blue trees stretching out, I reckon I spent a couple of hours just sat there over the three days, peaceful. Sash, pretty much every sash, but one in particular when I'm pretty sure everyone I knew in Sydney was there. It was sunny and we boogied. I was having so much fun several separate people came and asked me if I sold drugs cause I was so deliriously happy. Oo also the sash it rained that was unreal, dancing in the rain with the boys, never forget. Two more from Sydney. The beach party, amazing. One of the best, if not the best day of my life. Music and goon on the beach, swimming as the sun set over the harbour bridge, so wicked. And finally xmas day. Singing for the Aussie prime minister with a broken voice having lost it the night before was something I will NEVER ever forget especially as I have the video of it all ahahahaha. We move on to mine and Hannis road trip. My first thought. The pinnacles. The pinnacles were sick, so random just a load of pointy rocks in the ground. I doubt two people have ever been so excited in one place. So funny. Also actually hannah, all of our carpool karaokes. They made your company bearable. Completing the 8km hike in kalbari was also a good moment as it was 30+ degrees and we had about two litres of water between us, stupid English. But we did it, I'm proud. Finally hanni, 100% when we chilled with Roos in morriset park for hours after Jill and richard basically laughed us down for going, v funny. A good afternoon. Days of our lives festival. Awesome, what a send off from Sydney. Dury house you did yourselves and me proud, cheers for convincing me to go xoxoxo. The whole outback trip was awesome, if I picked a few moments though... I reckon the first proper big fire was a great moment, and sorting out the car light that we couldn't turn off meaning we didn't have to take the fuse out every time we stopped the car, sheer happiness. Also getting in to alice springs. This may seem weird but I cannot explain how touchy everyone was, we needed food, civilisation, electricity, a shower and some goon. We got all of the above and spirits were restored. Also the natural springs were amazing. So beautiful, completely free and refreshing. Darwin, croc diving, easy, it was unreal. Spotting the koalas on magnetic island obvs was memorable. I want to pick some moments from Fraser but it was all so fun. If I had to pick a few though, I'd say the horse racing on the second night united everyone, we were all so into it and the crumbed sausage obvs haha. I have missed things out but when I look back on oz these are the things I feel stand out as specific moments but like I've said before travelling isn't just about the moments (sorry Alina) but the whole experience, what you feel and who you meet.
What a holiday. I am content with my time in oz. if I came back I'd change things but I'm happy just the way they went. It's been sick. Stay posted I have one more oz piece before we move to EUROPE yahoooooooo. This piece has literally killed at least two hours of my flight maybe even three. I have been very engrossed aha. But back to mr hawking for me. G.
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