#kawasumi sisala
gachagachaart · 2 years
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nanasis · 1 month
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akroglam · 2 years
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animeenthusiastgurl · 2 years
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tokyo7th · 3 years
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amyure · 5 years
Kawasumi Sisala (川澄シサラ)
Sisala is your cool looking (with an image that reminds you of ice), beautiful slender young woman in a white dress and blue pants [in her S card] and also a really soft and light voice. She was a former model who won the ‘7th Cinderella’ event over 200,000 other contestants, before suddenly disappearing into thin air. She joined Nanastar after being asked to by Shihainin, who did not even realize who she was. In Sisala’s past, she was so good at what she did that she was being pushed to become ‘the next 7th Sister(s)’; this burdened her, isolated her, and eventually broke her spirit. Most of her work involved modelling, but she now stands on stage with the other cast. Initially, Sisala doesn’t talk much, almost always appears to be alone, and talks in a low, soft voice. She is almost always serious in what she does, but displays a gentler side of herself to younger girls. After her character development displayed in her in-game episodes, she appears to crack some humor here and there, loosening up to the people around her.
One of Sisala’s most noticeable traits is her cool, calm composure. She always seemed to wear a rather placid, emotionless face and talked in a flat tone. Sisala also seemed to be distant, with a whimsical aura as she was standing in a place far higher than anyone else; this often dominated people and influenced people to view her as ‘unreachable’, even though this was not actually the case. Her appearance is a contrast to her passionate and determined side, creating a rather interesting gap in Sisala’s character. She is bad at communicating her feelings and thoughts, tending to be quiet and not saying anything unless necessary. As of her 3.0 episode though, Sisala seems to have gotten better at expressing herself (although she is still quieter than most people). Her lack of communication skills is one of her greatest weaknesses as an idol, as it makes her really bad at MCs (talk sessions during lives); this is something she tried hard to tackle in her 2.5 episode.
Determined and a hard worker
Seemingly ‘perfect’ at many things, while also exuding the aura of a professional star, Sisala is actually always moving to better herself as an idol, and as a person. Sisala means everything she says, and never goes half of the way for anything. If she said she ‘would be more than 7th Sisters’, she would go for it and be strict with herself (and others with a similar vision) to eventually reach that lofty goal. Even when she was going to perform in a ‘manzai’ (comedy duo) , she would do it till she succeeded in making people laugh. It seems that Sisala’s determined nature once made her quite an unbearable presence to her compatriots in her old agency, which led her to be isolated since they could not stand the heights of her commitment. 
However in Nanasis, with its many similarly stubborn and resilient girls and an atmosphere that focused on teamwork, Sisala found a place for herself. The gap between her cool and calm exterior, and her really passionate core, often took others off guard since her seemingly harmless ‘goals’ would often lead to rigorous training, to the surprise of her companions (as an example, even Musubi was surprised on one occasion). Sisala also looks up to people who are determined to change for the better, often taking them as inspiration for her to become a better idol.
Originally coming to Nanasis alone, and having mostly done solo work in the past, what Sisala actually desired more than anything was to do something along with everyone else. Once she found a place where she felt like she belonged, she would protect it at all costs. Her friends are often Sisala’s reason to try hard, especially if succeeding means victory for or betterment of her friends. Sisala appears in many episodes as someone who would come to the aid of her friends in a heartbeat. She would also stand up for her friends if anyone was badmouthing them, even though she dislikes conflict. Sisala puts others before herself, and shows off selfless conduct every now and then.
A warm person
‘Kind and warm’ does not seem like it would describe Sisala’s personality given her cool and quiet nature, but she really is this way. She is kind to children, gently and patiently teaching Manon how to clean dishes, when even Haru and the others had tried to stop her from doing so. Sisala enjoys the company of her friends very much, and is always kind to them, using a gentler tone when talking to them.
Character development
Sisala is one of the characters with clear character development in every step of her episode progression, from 1.5 to 3.0. Her character development revolves around her distant and broken past self, a result of her dark past, and how she grows out of it while in Nanastar, being influenced by others as she interacts with them. In her 1.5, Sisala, who was originally distant and a lone wolf, learned how she actually desires to be with everyone and aimed for a higher place together with everyone. She also found, for the first time, a goal that she had set her eyes on herself, not one given to or pushed onto her. In her 2.5, Sisala, who used to run away from her own weaknesses by relying on others to cover for her, saw how Tomoe was trying hard to improve, which inspired her to improve as well (to the extreme). By actually facing herself, Sisala learned to not run away in the face of problems, and finally expressed that she liked her new self. 
In her 3.0, Sisala was faced with her past as she relived exactly the same event which had previously broken her and made her disappear for two years, and faced the people who resented her for running away. She learned to properly stand up for herself, to choose her own path and not just ‘go with the flow’ and letting herself being directed by others. In this episode, Sisala was shown to be a lot more outgoing, expressing herself a lot better than she used to, and much more determined when it came to matters involving her friends. Her changes from her distant self in the 1.5 episode into a warmer, loyal and passionate personality in her 3.0 were very evident, with her tone of voice also changing from a mostly flat one, to a warmer and more assertive one.
Shiratori Tomoe (白鳥トモエ)
Arguably Sisala’s closest friend in Nanastar, the two formed a manzai [roughly equivalent to a ‘straight man, funny man’] duo called “Bocchiizu” (’Bocchi’ means ‘loner’) since both of them used to be loners. Sisala holds Tomoe in high regard, thanks to the latter’s hardworking traits, while Tomoe respects Sisala (as shown by how she still uses the ‘-san’ honorific when addressing her). The two have a deep bond of both rivalry and camaraderie, with Sisala even calling Tomoe her ‘best friend’ (’ 親友’, ‘Shinyuu’). Sisala would help Tomoe in her time of need, and would even take a ‘tough love’ stance if she had to. She also believes in Tomoe very much, once waiting for her in the office till late at night as she believed Tomoe would return. The only thing Sisala is displeased with about their relationship, is how Tomoe still addresses her with the ‘-san’ honorific, despite how close the two are.
Hoshigaki Manon (星柿マノン)
The two interact in Manon’s 1.5, Sisala being the only one who would actually teach Manon how to wash dishes. Sisala cares for Manon very much, and strongly believes that Manon is too young to lose her (mostly magical girl) dreams; she even ended up persuading Ei to cooperate in a mock magical girl scenario, and went out of her way to teach Manon. One of the game’s cards has Manon sleeping while leaning in Sisala’s arms. Sisala avoids anything that would make Manon cry, showing a gentler side of her as she serves as a big sister character to Manon.
Yukuhashi Ei (逝橋エイ)
The two’s interaction revolves around their mutual relationship with Manon, like when they wanted to keep Manon from crying in Ei’s 2.5 episode, as well as when they had to work together for a hip hop event (even if Ei ended up not remembering much from this event thanks to a... certain ghost). Ei shows respect to Sisala, using really polite Japanese when talking about more sensitive matters with her; she would also stand up for Sisala, being angry for her behalf when someone was badmouthing her. Ei is shown to care for Sisala’s well-being, as she was worried when Sisala looked down.
Kasukabe Haru (春日部ハル)
Haru is one of the main characters who has a close relationship with Sisala. Sisala looks up to Haru for the latter’s optimism and hardworking character, while Haru is often awed by Sisala’s charms and professionalism. They have a mutual respect and an amiable relationship. Below the surface, Haru resonates deeply with Sisala’s circumstances of having a darker past behind her, and trusts and believes in her unconditionally.
Echizen Murasaki (越前ムラサキ)
Their interaction mostly happened during Tomoe’s 3.0, where both felt deep respect for Tomoe’s hardworking side and saw her as an inspirational figure. Both women worked together to help Tomoe find her ‘true song’, and they seemed to have a friendly mutual respect with one another.
Tamasaka Makoto (玉坂マコト)
Sisala’s interaction with Makoto was mostly during the ‘sports event’ episode, where her kindness was actually able to curb Makoto’s strong ‘negative aura’ which took Makoto off guard. However, Makoto was genuinely happy about this.
Tendouji Musubi (天堂寺ムスビ)
Musubi interacted with Sisala in her 1.5 episode, wherein she was shown to respect the latter very much; Musubi was surprised as to how Sisala was actually a really passionate person on the inside.
Her ‘ability’ is being able to sleep anywhere. She even slept in the lesson room while waiting for the others to finish talking. [I’m sure there’s a ‘sleeping beauty’ joke in here somewhere...]
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2daidorumusic · 5 years
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eshtarwind · 6 years
Tokyo 7th Sisters Character Commentary - Kawasumi Sisala
Other character commentary:
Seto Ferb - Mimori Matsuri - Shiratori Tomoe - Yukuhashi Ei - Yamai Sawori - Echizen Murasaki
Warning: May contain spoilers for the following episodes:
Episode 1.5 (Sisala, Manon) - Episode 2.5 (Sisala, Ei) - Episode 3.0 (Sisala, Tomoe) - Event episode: Hiphop - Event episode: Sport Event
Doesnt include: Episode 3.0 (Ayumu, Honoka)--will be added later
Kawasumi Sisala
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Sisala is your cool looking, ice-reminding, beautiful slender young woman with white dress and blue pants and also really soft, light voice. She was a former model, winning “7th Cinderella” event beating 200.000 other contestant before suddenly disappearing into thin air and came back after being asked by Shihainin, who did not even realized who she was, to join in Nanastar. In her past, she was so good in what she does, she was being pushed on to become the next 7th Sisters, which burdened her, isolated her, and eventually broke her. Most of her work involves modelling, but she also now stands on stage with the other cast. Sisala doesn’t talk much originally, almost always appears alone, and always talk in low, soft volume. She is almost always serious on whatever she did, but display gentler side of herself to younger girls and after her character development, appears to crack some humor or two, loosening up to the people around her.
One of Sisala’s most noticeable traits is her cool, calm composure. She always wore rather placid, emotionless face and talk in rather flat tone. She also seemed to be distant, with whimsical aura as if she was standing in a place far higher than others--which often dominates people and influence people to see her as unreachable, while that was actually not the case.This was a contrast to her passionate and determined side, creating a rather interesting gap in her personality. She is bad at communicating her feelings and thoughts as well and tend to be quiet and not say anything unless necessary. She seemed to have gotten better in expressing herself as of her 3.0, however, although she remained quieter than most people. Her lack of communication skill is also one of her greatest weakness as an idol, as she is really bad at MC (talk session), something that she tried hard to tackle in her 2.5.
Determined Hardworker
Seemingly “perfect” for everything while exuding professional star aura, Sisala actually always on the move to better herself as a person and as an idol. Sisala meant everything she said and never go half-way for anything. If she said she would be more than 7th Sisters, she would go for it and be strict to herself and others with the same vision to eventually reach that height. If she said she would train in manzai, she would do it until she succeeded and made people laugh. It seems her determined nature once she had set her eyes on something and went to great length for it, made her quite an unbearable presence for her other companion in her old agency, which cause her to be isolated since some cannot stand the height of her commitment. However, in Nanasis, with the others being resiliently stubborn almost in the same level while centering on teamwork, she found her place. This gap, where she was actually really passionate under her seemingly cool and calm nature, often took the others off guard since her seemingly harmless “goal” would often lead to rigorous training, more than her companion expected it to be--As a comparison let’s say even MUSUBI was surprised. She also looked up to people who are determined to change to the better, often made them as inspiration so that she could be a better idol herself.
Originally coming in Nanasis alone and often doing solo work, Sisala actually desired more than anything to do something with everyone together. Once she found a place she felt like she belong, she would protect it at all cost. Her friends are often her reason to try hard, if succeeding means victory or betterment for her friends. She would also tackle her trauma, if it was for her friends. Sisala appears in many episodes, often as someone who would come for their aid at a heartbeat. She would also stand up if anyone was badmouthing her friend, even if she actually dislike conflicts. She puts everyone else before herself, displaying selfless conduct every now and then.
Actually a warm person
Kind and very warm did not seem like her personality, given her cool and quiet nature, but she is. She is kind to children, shown to gently and patiently taught Manon how to clean dishes when even Haru and the others try to stop Manon from doing so. She enjoys company very much, and are always kind to her friends, using gentler tone when talking to them.
Character development
Sisala is one of the characters with evident character development in every step of her episodes progression, from 1.5 to 3.0. Her character development revolves around her distant and broken self, as a result of her dark past, and how she grew out of it while being in Nanastar--influenced by others as she interacted with them. In 1.5, Sisala who was originally distant and a lone wolf, learned how she actually desired to be with everyone and aimed for a higher place together with everyone together. She also found for the first time, a goal that she set her eyes on by herself, not given or pushed on by others onto her. In 2.5, Sisala who used to run away from her own weakness by relying on others to cover for her, saw how Tomoe tried hard to improve, and then inspired to improve as well--to the extreme. By actually facing herself, Sisala learned to not runaway in the face of problem and expressed that she liked her new self now. In 3.0, Sisala was faced with her past, relieving exactly the same event which had broken her and made her disappeared for two years, and having to face people who resent her for running away. She learned to properly standing up for herself, choosing her path herself and not just going with the flow and let herself being steered by others. In this episode, Sisala was shown to be a lot more outgoing, expressing herself a lot better than she used to, and how determined she was when it comes to her friends. Her changes from her distant self in 1.5 into a warmer, loyal and passionate personality in 3.0 were very evident, with her voice also changed from the mostly flat expression to warmer and even more assertive tone.
Shiratori Tomoe
Arguably her closest friend in Nanastar, Tomoe and Sisala formed a manzai combi called “Bocchiizu” (Bocchi means loner), since both of them used to be loners. Sisala sees Tomoe in high regards, thanks to Tomoe’s hardworking traits while Tomoe sees Sisala in respect as well--shown by how Tomoe still calls her with -san honorific. They developed a deep bond of both rivalry and camaraderie, where Sisala would even call Tomoe her “best friend” (親友Shinyuu). Sisala would help Tomoe in her times of needs, and would go for the “tough love” stance if she had to. She also believes in Tomoe very much, once waiting until late at night in the office as she believes Tomoe will return. The only thing she feels displeased of about Tomoe was how Tomoe still calling her with -san, despite being close with each other.
Hoshigaki Manon
Interacting in Manon’s 1.5 as the only one who would actually teach Manon how to wash dishes, Sisala cares for Manon very much and strongly believes that Manon is too young to lose her dreams (of magical girl)--she would persuade Ei and cooperate in a mock magical girl scenario or go out of her way to teach Manon. A card even exist where Manon sleeps leaning to Sisala’s arms. Sisala also would avoid anything that make Manon cry, showing a gentler side of her and being a big sister character for Manon.
Yukuhashi Ei
Ei and Sisala’s interaction revolves around their mutual interest to keep Manon from crying, like in Ei’s 2.5, and also when they had to work together for a hip hop event (even if Ei did not remember much in this event thanks to... certain ghost). Ei shows respect on Sisala, using really polite Japanese when talking more sensitive matter to Sisala, but she also would stand up for Sisala, being angry in Sisala’s place when someone badmouthed her. Ei is shown to care for Sisala’s well being, worried when Sisala looked down.
Kasukabe Haru
Haru is one of the main characters with close relationship with Sisala. Sisala looks up to Haru for her really optimistic point of view and hardworking self and Haru is often awed by Sisala’s charms and professionalism. They have a mutual respect and friendly relationship. Haru also resonates deeply with Sisala’s condition of having a darker past behind her, and trusts and believes in Sisala unconditionally.
Echizen Murasaki
Sisala and Murasaki’s interaction heavily happened during Tomoe’s 3.0, where both feel deep respect for Tomoe’s hardworking side and see Tomoe as a figure of inspiration. Both worked together to help Tomoe find her true song and they seem to have friendly mutual respect with one another as well.
Tamasaka Makoto
Sisala’s interaction with Makoto mostly happens during the sport event, where Sisala’s kindness actually able to curb Makoto’s strong “negative aura” and took Makoto off guard, Makoto was genuinely happy for it however.
Tendouji Musubi
Musubi only interacted with Sisala in her 1.5, where she shows to respects Sisala very much, and was surprised at how Sisala was actually a really passionate character in the inside.
Her ability is to sleep anywhere. She even slept in the lesson room while waiting for the others to finish talking.
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tokyo7s · 7 years
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Transparents for cards released during June 2017. [4/4]
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kissus · 7 years
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gachagachaart · 3 years
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nanasis · 1 year
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akroglam · 4 years
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animeenthusiastgurl · 2 years
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tokyo7th · 2 years
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