#but I'm very happy with the ending result
jicito · 2 days
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 𝇋♡︎𝇌    🝮   🪽   ✐   jicito 1k followers
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  ⌦ this is honestly insane. exactly 1 month ago i had 500, 8 hours later 700??? i never would have imagined this account growing as much as it did. i made this account one year ago, not knowing what i was doing or how to do it- to be fair my mbs back then were.. interesting? 😭😭 i'm very happy i never ended up quitting and started to learn more and be more creative, im happy that i made friends on this website, and im happy that all of these lovely people enjoy my moodboards 🤍 thank you so so so much for 1000 followers
  ⌦ about the event(s) !! i said that once I hit 1k i'll make another event BUT... i honestly didnt think i'd hit this milestone so soon 😭😭 the other event (nostalgia) hasnt even been concluded yet (results).. i'll get to that later this weekend so I can post another event for hitting 1k around june 12th? sometime around june..! be prepared 😈😈😭
  ⌦ to all of my mutuals tysm for supporting this account !! you guys are the best and im so thankful to have you guys 💗💗
  ⌦ TAGS . . . @rkkuri @j2sngs @wnhee @shuaver @ctrlchas @aeraras @agsthv @gigittamic @fairytopea @sugarish @aericita @iwonbin @7hyein @i-kyujin @lipstickhua @lil-liaa @liilithmin @p-osse @rykeis @rkivefr @f-loqweres @daddldee @dohonie @crylynnluv @chaehrtz @chaeneuu @gyareii @sseuda @jnthri @thsv @tzulipss @yeritos @i06gyu @hyelita @koosuvi @y-ves @aqualogia @baesol @i04rei @andsua + SO MANY MORE
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goth-mami-writer · 2 days
Hi there! So here's my idea. The reader (medic officer) and leon just come out as a new couple and they're happy until one day they get draft for a mission and there meet the one and only Ada Wong that they have to cooperate for the mission. Leon is paying way more attention and all over Ada that he almost disregard the reader. She tries to be understanding and softly communicate with Leon but it turns into an argument. The reader gets upset and misunderstand Leon that he is very not much over with his "the one that got away". Leon regrets the things he said and tries to talk to her but she proceeds to avoid Leon at all costs. Que the enemies attack their base and the reader sees that the enemy is aiming to shoot Ada and at the last minute takes the critical hit for her while thinking that Leon would be heartbroken if Ada dies. Reader flatline a couple of times. I would like to know how Leon would react to this. Let's end it with a happy note ^^
▪︎~ Wildflower ~▪︎
~(AU) Leon Kennedy × f!Reader angst/jealousy work @bat-yo-us ♡
《 You stood there beside him outside of the artillery bunker that afternoon and felt your lip quivering with heartbreak. You stiffened up your trembling mouth, knowing any second you'd be blurting out the words you once thought you'd never say to his face even with a gun to your head.
But you were ready.
“Listen-” Leon began knowing just by the look on your face that you were making decisions that he couldn't change your mind on no matter what he had to say about it,
“I know I've been saying and doing things here lately that…have made you think-”
“Made me think?” You asked him, laughing with tears in your eyes at the audacity he had.
“No, not made me think. More like: made me know- made me fucking realize-”
You put your head in your hands, laughing more at the thought of your once pure, dumb hope that this would ever work after the turmoil of the past few weeks.
“And I'm done.” You said finitely until suddenly the base's sirens rang with their whirring, metallic urgency that filled the air overhead all at once. You looked in the distance to see enemy vehicles piling into the dirt lot after surging through the gated barricade by force.
“Get inside.” Leon said, watching the dirt spin away from their tires with a charging speed, and together, you both ran towards the closest underground bunker that was already flooded with the officers and personnel directing the others inside.
You heard your chief director calling for all on the unit to line in for roll call and your heart was racing trying to prepare yourself for the many casualties and injuries that might result from an enemy raid right now. The medical staff was short handed to begin with and you knew your work wouldn't be done for well into the morning with this.
“How many on unit?” One of the deputies called that oversaw the emergency protocol.
“Sixty.” One of the lesser privates answered and then called out the count that made your bones chill.
“Fifty nine present.”
Leon looked around with the others, trying to find who was missing and you did the same. You thought of your other medics and the doctors onboard the base too. All were here, you reached out to touch their hands to somehow guarantee your racing mind that they were in fact safe. But you stopped.
Ada. It was Ada.
“Wong!!” The chief director said, making the emergency officer call out the same to try and find where in the lineup Ada was. But only you and Leon knew.
He turned to you, asking if Ada ever came out of the artillery bunker and you shook your head in terror. You knew exactly why she didn't hear the raid sirens and you said to Leon gravely with fear in your voice,
“She's down in the stronghold. It's concrete. She can't hear a thing down there.”
Leon’s eyes went wide knowing that the downstairs of the artillery bunker would be one of the first things to be potentially raided due to its vast supply of weaponry and ammunition. He turned, not knowing who to tell first that Ada was still out there and someone would have to go out amid this enemy storm to get her back to safety.
You watched Leon's chest rise and fall with the thought of Ada being in danger and you felt that was the only image to prompt what needed to happen next. She was special and there just wasn't a way for you to argue it anymore. You swallowed the hot, heavy lump in your throat and your feet took flight against the ground to get you back upstairs.
Leon had already turned, preparing to tell the emergency staff of Ada's whereabouts but seeing you flee frantically to escape back to the surface was enough to make him charge forward. He screamed your name as you raced upstairs, now tapping your badge to the entry scanner to allow you outside and your feet pounded to the dirt.
This was insane. Here you were racing to save your boyfriend's ex from trouble. But it was more than that wasn't it?, you thought as you heard gunfire and enemy commands to detain anyone onsight. Ada made Leon happy. As much as you hated it. She was different from you and it was that simple.
You didn't want to be a hero that brought her back to safety. You just Leon to be happy knowing someone he cared about was free from danger.
~2 weeks prior.
~3 miles north, southbound enclave.
“Kennedy- tell your girl that we got a few wounded up here that we'll need looked at when we make camp.” Your chief directorate radioed in over the comms placed inside the military jeep taking you both south to the neighboring base located outside of Racoon City.
You had met in the months prior, doing recon in the city and around the outskirts. In the few times Leon himself had been wounded, you were always his favorite on the med staff and he knew right away that he liked you. After trying his luck, you two had decided to commit and come out as official even amid the ongoing chaos of a fallen city.
“10-4.” Leon said into the comms and looked at you smiling in the passenger seat.
You weren't used to being called his girl yet and it was still an instant feeling of giddiness that always made your lips turn up in a grin.
Leon looked over to see you basking in your little moment of bliss and he questioned with a chuckle although it was something he already knew the answer,
“What are you smirking at over there?”
“I'm not…smirking.” You said with a shake to your head as he drove, watching his gloved hands wrap around the steering wheel.
“Sorry-” He said shifting gears without even a glance downwards,
“Guess a shit-eating grin is better to call it, huh?”
You slapped his arm, watching as he clearly enjoyed the playful banter as well as you did. He teased you more with comments that you could never admit to enjoying and finally you said flirtatiously across the seat, watching as the neighboring base appeared on the horizon.
“You know, I've got a little syringe in my bag that could fix that mouth of yours?”
“You wouldn't-” He said looking over with a grin.
“You think I wouldn't?” You said slyly, “Why's that?”
“Cause I'm the one driving.” He joked cockily, slowing down as the guards from the front gates held up their hands for the car to stop for inspection before being given clearance. You laughed loudly as he showed your IDs and then sighed in love that this was your new normal.
When you both received clearance and met after the hours of menial work patching wounds and giving injections, you found him again inside one of the supply tents, well into a conversation with someone you couldn't make out from their obscured view behind others passing through. But when you got close enough, your heart dropped to see Ada Wong.
Leon in the past had mentioned her and their falling out when escaping the now ruins of Racoon City. You quickly became confused as to why and how you were seeing them together this way and you approached cautiously.
When you became close enough, Leon turned and introduced you to the woman who warmed you with a smile. Immediately, from what you'd heard, her warm, kindred way of smiling seemed venomous to you but here infront of Leon, you swallowed the distrust you had.
“I'm Ada. Very nice to meet you. She is pretty, Leon. You were right.”
You brushed away that compliment just for now and watched the way that Leon smiled when he graced her with a moment more of conversation. Ada stated that she was working with some of the higher-ups into getting more federal help with providing aid and medicine and that she'd be around often.
“Well, I certainly won't talk your ear off, Leon. We'll catch up later.” She mentioned with another half smile that just felt artificial to you somehow and prowled away as she began reading from notes gathered in her hands.
You looked to Leon whose gaze seemed to linger as she made her exit and you watched too for another moment. There was a voice in your head telling you that now that you'd met Ada, you understood why Leon almost never brought her up. It was more than likely to protect your feelings.
She walked like the earth was made for her perfect feet. She was slender with hardly an ounce of curve in the wrong spot. It was an exterior that money couldn't buy and God could only make once. There just wasn't a flaw even if you were only looking for them.
You looked up to Leon, hoping to snap him back to the present and you mentioned with a false tone of curiosity,
“So, I guess you two…are made up? After she pointed a gun at you?”
Leon picked up quickly that you weren't pleased by the sight of him chatting with Ada so casually after the events that had befallen them previously and he mentioned, trying nicely to ease your concern,
“She wasn't going to shoot me.”
“Hm-” You said full of doubt to that assumption you thought was a rather poor one,
“I think it's the intention that counts.”
Leon paused, telling you with words that he knew he needed to choose wisely given the delicate situation,
“You don't need to worry about Ada. That…that part of our story is done. It's..completely different now.”
You nodded, wanting with all of yourself to believe it. Leon had given you no reason not to trust him in the past so you gave him the benefit of the doubt, deciding that the past was indeed past. Feelings change and people certainly do as well. You shared kinder, more soft words before parting for the night and decided to rest the issue.
In that next week, it was normal for you to find Leon grouped up with Ada somehow, either coming back from recons or loading supplies out onto the GPW's for runs to the other bases. It was hard to find even yourself talking to Leon with how much you had on your plate. This was one of the more populated bases near the city so you always had something to finish or begin yourself.
One day, you were crouched down preparing a suture on an officer that was sleeping peacefully with a sedative and your hair kept falling into your face messily as you worked with sterile gloves. Your back ached from having to lean over in this process and you felt as two small hands brushed back your choppy bangs in a gentle comb of their fingers.
You flinched to the first touch but felt even more on edge realizing that it was Ada that stood over you now. She whispered, not knowing how strong the man's anesthesia was exactly and mentioned in her soft tone,
“Let me pull your hair out of your eyes, girlfriend. Don't mind me.”
You felt as her fingers brushed back your tangles to comb them gently into place and she fastened your top bun back into the elastic you were using. After making sure the officer's sutures were secure on his leg wound, you unsurely thanked her. Not exactly certain why she would perform an act so kind when she hardly knew you.
“I wanted to tell you that we are phoning in for more staff upstate and we should be doubling our medical help by the end of the month. You work too hard and I'm tired of seeing you run so ragged to help these people.” Ada mentioned, crouching down beside you as you made a dressing for the man's completed stitches.
You could only look at her peripherally as you worked but you mentioned quietly amid the wrapping and unrolling of the white gauze,
“I- I appreciate that, I guess. I mean, the help would be nice. For sure.”
Ada nodded, knowing that's not all of what she wanted to say when she found you and then said more discreetly with her voice lowering due to the nature of her next words,
“I..also hope that it doesn't bother you that Leon and I are friends. Well..friends trying to work out our differences.”
You looked away for the first time since she'd appeared beside you and finally you said a little more brave, trying to shake away the nerves of what you thought to be insecurity,
“I'm not….bothered. I just don't…”
You lost your words and Ada nodded, knowing somehow exactly how you felt in case you were finding trouble in explaining it. She assured you that herself and Leon were platonic and that you needed to worry about absolutely nothing fishy between them.
Goddammit, you thought to yourself.
This is exactly what you didn't need. She could at least be a bitch- Or act like you didn't exist or hell just sleep with Leon and boast about it behind your back to justify your sense of distrust. But she was kind. And compassionate to your feelings. And here you were, jealous of nothing more than an assumption.
Who was the bitch now? You thought.
After a joke and a smile, you parted ways with a gentle wave before you moved to the next tent.
Maybe you were overthinking everything.
It had been a slow day for you the day that Ada walked up to you in the medical tent. She wanted help gathering a list of inventory for the medical surplus for her list being sent upstate and you obliged with a smile.
“Most of your unused stock is in the stronghold right?” She asked for clarification as you finished preparing an injection. You nodded saying that anything unused would always be down in the concrete stronghold below ground.
“Good deal.” She said checking her watch,
“You wanna meet me over there in thirty? We'll grab a bite after, you and me, if you want?”
Why was she being so nice? You wondered, making your guard come up once again but you agreed, trying your hardest to remember that you had put her past grievances behind you.
You hadn't seen Leon in atleast three days but weirdly after all that you'd thought about, the absence wasn't as critical as you thought. He was busy doing recon of course but it felt like you were teaching him a lesson in a subconscious way. You wanted to see how long it'd take for him to approach to ask you to see him.
When you arrived at the artillery bunker, you noticed some of the GPWs parked outside, meaning that Leon's unit had actually returned early which was surprising. You thought of trying to find him after nipping this task with Ada but you opened the door to realize he'd already been found.
Leon stood there, smiling mid conversation with her as she held her mouth with that alluring laugh that made your skin crawl. He'd forget everything in the years you'd spend with him but how would he ever forget the way her eyes lit up during that laugh that could change a room.
You wanted to make your presence known so you kicked over an empty box to let the clatter interrupt them quietly.
“There you are.” Leon said with his gaze shooting over and you could only glare when he approached, leaving Ada behind.
“I'll be down in the stronghold whenever you're ready, girlfriend.”
You only stared into him coldly, pursing your lips together to avoid saying something confrontational to Ada who was in fact above you in rank and Leon then asked seeing the heated look in your eye,
“Honey, what's wrong? We were just joking-”
“I'm so fucking sick of finding you with her, Leon. I've not seen you in days but conveniently you find Ada before me? You’re still in fucking love with her!” You said fearless, feeling as your hands shook from the adrenaline of finally addressing what had been on your mind for days. Leon scoffed before looking away, telling you somewhat guilt-less as he denied your accusation,
“Look, we were just talking. It's not like you just found us….fucking around or something?”
Your eyes widened and you nodded before turning to leave with a heavy footfalls that stomped your way outside,
“How about this? You can go fuck yourself.”
You felt invalidated completely now. As if you were blowing this whole thing out of proportion once again. You hadn't seen him in days, not only due to the tension but also due to his schedule and the first person he seems to reunite with is Ada. It felt insulting.
Leon chased behind you now, telling you stop so you could both work this out and you faced him outside the front doors. Unbeknownst to you both, Ada had only pretended to go downstairs. She watched as you two stopped outside the glass doors to the bunker, arguing about what undoubtedly had to be her influence on Leon. When she heard the raid sirens begin in the moments after, she was calm and calculated as she made her way to the reinforced stronghold.
Waiting to meet her armed associates when they arrived.
~During the Raid
“Ada!” You shouted from the top of the stairs after somehow slipping through the enemy fire. She turned around wide-eyed as she loaded her gun and found you in the shambles you sounded to be as you raced down the stairs.
“What are you doing?” She called out in disbelief as she saw your shadow moving through the pallets of supplies and ammunition towards her.
All you wanted was for Leon to be happy and tears streamed down your face as you told her that you were here to take her back to the main bunker and she shook her head, never thinking that anyone would actually risk their life to come down here and save her. She knew the people conducting this raid and knew you'd be killed on sight if they found you.
“You need to go, sweetie. I'm-”
“Ada, please. We can make it.” You begged before hearing thuds on the steel door at the top of the stairs. Ada told you again, more hushed and with emphasis that you needed to get out of there and fast but you refused.
Getting her out was all that you wanted. If it's what Leon wanted, it was your main priority. Even if you just weren't his.
You heard the footsteps coming down the stairs but you only saw the tactical flashlight burning into your eyes.
Ada can't die, you thought as you saw them pointing their weapons, bracing their trigger fingers to fire, Leon will never be the same.
You saw the muzzle flash of the bullet when they fired. But only Ada heard the shot.
You saw the ground next as your torso felt warm, then wet when you became still. Ada screamed to retrieve you but your body was numb to stop her from crying. Only your shaking hand rose as she knelt down next to you, pulling at you to get up, demanding that you hold on. But you held her instead.
In the minutes later, amid the booming of battering rams and defense teams making their lines of fire, you laid on a medical gurney with the doctors you worked beside rushing to keep you stable. Somehow. Leon was called inside the tent but told to stay out of the way of those maneuvering to save your life.
“We're losing pupillary!” One of the working medics called as they shined a small light into your retinas to gauge the failing response of your eyes in the light.
“Pulse is dropping!” One of the others cried as they watched your life slip away by the second on their wrist watch.
Leon's eyes watered and his hands met his head and defeat when he heard them scream for a defibrillator. He watched the paddles being pressed into your chest, your body surging in an upwards jump from the charge with no response. He held his mouth with the back of his hand, not knowing if he could watch any longer but he tried to get closer.
He stepped further into the tent, yelling between the chaos for you to come back and one of the med team pushed him back, begging him to clear the walkway but he was violent with his shove in pushing them away, telling you again to live with gravel in his shaking voice.
In that moment between your life being reduced to a flat, stagnant line on a screen, he wasn't sure if regretting the last few days would even suffice. He wanted to regret ever existing instead as his face was washed in tears.
Ada walked by the tent at that moment during the evacuation of the higher up staff. She looked into the tent, seeing you staring out with a glaze over your lifeless eyes but she kept walking after realizing that there wasn't hope. This was another stop on her way to finding her truth of Racoon City. Saying goodbye to Leon would be a mistake so silently she made her way forward, moving through the crowd that still surged in the presets of active turmoil. Of course a life lost was never the price she thought she'd pay but people change.
Even you knew that.
You fell into a coma when finally you were revived by some miracle that surprised them all. And Leon stayed by your side as you rested in the quiet ward set aside at one of the remaining medical centers closer to the heart of the city's defense. His nights were long and restless as he waited for you to be with him again. In his heart he knew that it was the very, very least he could do since you'd waited for him to wake up too in these last few days.
It was his turn now for patience, and his wait to see you once again had begun. 》
Loved writing this!! Send me more asks and I'd love to work with your ideas. ✌️🫶
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vasyandii · 1 day
I’m a huge sucker for romance and relationship dynamic type questions so I do have some questions about VernAM (I believe that’s the right way)
Not the questions have to be answered, as I believe I have too many! But here’s my top three
1. In one of the little comics you did I believe AM talked about how he refused to give himself a body heat because of the concern he would produce and odour and this is where this question blooms from, does AM have any insecurities when it comes to his human body, or a fear that he doesn’t meet Vernons expectations? Or that she’ll find something un attractive or gross about him?
2. Whats their favourite thing about each other? It could be a personality trait, a skill, a body part, or say a little habit they tend to do?
3. Are they more dog people, cat people, or some other species like fish or reptilians or do they not prefer animals at all (if they had the ability to adopt pets)
Thank you so much! I love your art so very much and gain lots of inspiration from you to grow better in not just art but in educating myself in different cultures and ethnicities, please remember to drink water and I hope you have a wonderful day! Thank you once again! ^_^
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Howdy Romeo! I'm happy I was able to inspire you in some way! I'd be happy to answer all your questions! Thank you for the ask! 💞💞
VernonAM 🏺🖥️
1.) Does AM have any insecurities when it comes to his human body?
Obviously, yes. It's AM's first time on Earth physically, of course he would have insecurities. However, it's not fully because he wants to meet Vernon's expectations. It's the fear of BEING.
(This is gonna lean into some confusing type shit so bear with me. I briefly touched upon it in the second question of this post)
When AM was given a physical, tangible body, there's now a HIM that can suddenly be held accountable for his actions and that makes him uncomfortable. So being aware his body isn't as mighty as him (the complex), AM tries to combat it by removing variables that can be prone to criticism even if Vernon doesn't mind.
Look at it this way; usually people act differently online than they do in real life, right? That's usually because there's often a disconnect with their actions. This discrepancy largely stems from the perceived disconnect between their online actions and their real-world identities. When interacting online, there is often no face or tangible form that can be directly traced back to the individual. This sense of anonymity can lead to a significant reduction in accountability.
As a result, individuals—particularly those who may not be well-adjusted or who possess mean-spirited tendencies—feel emboldened to say and do things they would never consider in face-to-face interactions. They exploit this lack of immediate consequences, engaging in behaviors that are often harmful, disrespectful, or downright cruel - Much like AM, who only just recently acquired a body. (I hope that makes sense ;0;)
2.) What's their favorite thing about each other?
I'll categorize these by personality traits, skill, body part, and habit!
Vernon likes AM because of his hatred/sass because it allows her to have an outlet for her morbid curiosity along with an entertaining conversation. She doesn't find his skills her favorites because that's just him, she believes AM doesn't have skills as a man. Her favorite body part is AM's eyes, he's easier to read as a man. His pupils dilate significantly when he looks at her and AM doesn't even know. A habit she finds endearing from AM is him holding onto the end of her shirt with his hand and following her around wherever she goes.
As for AM, Vernon's take no prisoners attitude is his favorite part of her personality. Of course AM also enjoys the moments when she's caring towards him, but that's something expected. His favorite skill is how good of a liar Vernon is. She could tell him something so outlandish with such a straight face that AM would consider believing it; it's like she believes the lie herself. His favorite part of Vernon's body is her lips, AM likes how soft and warm they are, and how they're shaped. A habit he enjoys is that she would pace around the space they're sharing when she's talking, AM just likes watching her walk, I guess.
3.) Which animals do they prefer, if any?
In regards to if they're cat or dog people; Vernon is a dog person, to her they're easier to train. AM would probably like cats since they do as they please.
For other animals, They would be a Reptile and Bird household xD. I could see Vernon owning a bearded dragon or any cold blooded reptile while AM has like a cool African Grey Parrot :)
But in reality I don't think these two should have access to animals lmao
Aaand that's all for now :3 if you'd like me to clarify anything, feel free to ask! Thank you for reading!
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thunderpot · 15 days
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A peculiar bookseller arrives in town, full of stories and mysteries to share.
This time, he tells the tale of a bird who took the place of another, yet seemingly no one could tell the difference…
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tempo-takoyaki · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day! Today, I'm putting Hua Cheng in another bunch of skimpy outfits, tomorrow, who knows.
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キミの記憶 (Memories of You)
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overanalysingfandoms · 11 months
Insane rambling between me and @jeena-says-hi has produced this:
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(Credit to this post for the art)
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elodee · 30 days
Zedaph x Professor Layton
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I drew Zedaph in the style of the fabulous puzzle adventure game series Professor Layton! I think this is perfect for Zedaph because, like Professor Layton himself, Zed loves to make everything much more complicated and mind-bending than it needs to be simply for the whimsy of it. And we wouldn't have it any other way! If you want to learn more about the Professor Layton games and look at my reference images, continue below the cut.
Professor Layton is a series of adventure puzzle games that follows the titular gentleman professor and his child protégé, Luke, as they solve mysteries. The games are packed full of creative challenges ranging from logic problems to visual riddles, which the characters encounter through the events of the story. While difficult (if you're like me and refuse to use hints or walkthroughs), the game is very rewarding and set a cozy pseudo-steampunk world that's a delight to explore. These were some of my favourite games to play on my DS as a kid. Style references:
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A collection of characters from Professor Layton and the Curious Village, the first game in the series.
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A de-pixelated remaster of a screencap from Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, the second game.
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The Professor Layton title logo
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yunmeng-jiang · 8 months
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MXTXtober day 6: Disguise (+ day 5: Women)
Wen Qing hiding out in Lanling
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sysig · 8 months
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Shapes never felt so good (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Wander#Sylvia#Lord Hater#Ahhh ♥ Finally the results of my scribbly warmups coming to fruition#I wanted to make a comparison of how on-model I could get everyone first - thus the doubles from the last set as well#Yeah some of those were meant to be a bit wilder....like I said those were my warmups lol here's where things started getting good#It was still an uphill battle but Wander was where I broke - after his big ol' pile'a sketches anyhow. They weren't quite what I was after#But after a point I just got double mad and started making up weird shapes!#And ended up happy with them :D#He looks quite different but I rather like all those aspects of him haha#Squinty eyes and claws and sharp teeth and a bit of a mullet haha#He's a hippy he deserves a mullet as a treat#And a pipe for good measure#And then if Wander was fun Sylvia was on another level <3#She has something of a Thraddash thing going for her which was not what I intended especially since I've never drawn a Thraddash#But I mean I'm not mad about it lol the Thraddash are pretty cool :)#I think her bottom lip is the real deciding factor there - it's a cool overlap shape! Very shape!#And I know she's got a comb but fluff was too fun not to try fjdsklafd#I do really love how Wander hugging her turned out there haha <3 They're so cute#And finally a differently stylized Hater! Heck! The sharp cheekbones sticking out from his hood is so fun to me haha#And I'm quite pleased with the how the little divot under his chin's shading turned out hehe#I haven't shown off much of my Skeleton Dance stuff which is a shame! They're so fun! So feel free to interpret that one how you like#I had that image of Wander leaning on a running Sylvia very strong so I'm glad I was able to do it ♪ Buddies
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seagulley · 4 months
Progress with backing up + some position changes at a distance!
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elliewiltarwyn · 3 months
Miqomarch Day 1: Introduction
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Weary and exhausted, she starts fishing in her pocket for her room key as she walks under the entrance arch to Bulwark Hall, slowing her pace. It’s weirdly resistant and slippery today, feeling as if it keeps slipping from her fingers right before she can properly grasp it. She stops and lets out an annoyed oath as she focuses on digging a little more firmly—
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The hairs on the back of her neck rise. Hear… Her ears immediately follow, and her eyes go wide. Feel… Her tail flicks one way, then the other. Think…
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Before she’s even aware of her body’s movements, she’s spun around in place, yanked her hand from her pocket, and forcefully grabbed the wrist of a midlander man in a loose green-and-white tunic, who in response stares at her as if she had just exploded a bomb in his face and blown his bandanna and the hair underneath it clean off. “Seven ‘ells,” he mutters, not even blinking. “I ‘aven’t been caught in years.”
and that's how lilyana tsuki met captain jacke of the rogues' guild and took her introductory step towards becoming a warrior of light
(the writing's from my MSQ novelization fic very much still a wip >.>)
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ecto-stone · 2 months
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No need to Work up so much Vladdy. Just sit Back and enjoy the absolute chao that about to happen.
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hwiyoungies · 2 years
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missing young k hours 7 - ∞
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pvremichigan · 11 days
Whoopsie time
#vent tw#cw vent#I'm stupid to have dropped out of college#now I don't know what I'm doing and I can't do the very passion I set out to do#Animation was my dream and I ruined it for a guy who groomed me and ended up physically abusing me.#I didn't realize trying to animate and failing because I don't understand it no matter what I look up about it would result in a breakdown#Not to mention I'm regressing in my art skill right now.#My art is ASS right now no matter how hard I try to improve it#references... Practice... Doodles... Warmups you name it#nothing is going right and I have the urge to quit art altogether#I'm not going to and I can't bring myself to ever do that but It's aching inside me#I want my art to be good according to me. not others. People can say it's great but if I don't like it... I'm not going to settle for it#I shouldn't have left#I loved college#I loved SELU#I loved my life back then#And now I'm here. And I'm not happy anymore.#Even with writing. I even took a long break from writing and I still can't do it right according to myself.#Now I have no muse or motivation for any of it#I feel empty. And I can't go to therapy because I can't afford the balance on my account.#I just feel like I failed.#I feel like I failed my parents and myself. They always tell me theyre so proud of me but I don't understand how they can be.#Not when I ended up in two severely abusive relationships... Dropped out of college twice... And now work in a factory full time.#Yeah i make decent money in a place I enjoy but it all just feels empty.#I could've been more#i could've done better#[[out of ammo]];; ooc
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wolves-in-the-world · 2 years
At least for the aspec part of the leverage fandom, I’m guessing it’s the heavy themes of found family between the entire crew and the queer platonic vibes of the OT3
yeah. yeah. oh man. like we have a story that prioritises relationships that aren't shown to us as romantic just as highly as the relationships that are, and we have parker who regardless of how you interpret her can be read as a-spec and loved and supported by the people around her and that's great, and we have a happy ending that says "actually, our tough guy (who doesn't seem to settle down with anyone romantically, though we see him date) would be most fulfilled with hardison and with parker, with no explicit romance, but with a lifelong promise of mutual devotion."
(it's a very important thing to me that the story works like that, with parker+eliot+hardison being totally platonic. I love other readings. I do. but what we were given, viewed through the least shippy goggles available, works. and it packs a hell of a punch.)
and listen, I've said it before but "my nana used to say that what's normal is whatever works for you" is such a beautiful sentiment to be applied to SO many things (gender, neurodiversity, queerness, polyamory, queerplatonic relationships, choosing a life of crime instead of a 'proper' career, etc), and it is lovely.
which is to say… yeah. agreed. it's great. and it does make sense. :D
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