gaulislam · 9 months
Nguatin, Jangan Nyiutin!
gaulislam edisi 827/tahun ke-16 (12 Shafar 1445 H/ 28 Agustus 2023) Betul. Kalo kita lagi banyak masalah, mestinya teman kita itu nguatin. Bikin semangat, menghibur. Jangan malah nyiutin alias bikin ciut nyali. Bukannya jadi tandem harmonis, eh malah jadi beban kronis. Jangan sampe begitu, ya. Berteman itu termasuk penting. Gimana pun juga sosialisasi itu perlu. Kalo ngadem doang di rumah…
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adhardiansyah · 2 years
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#sunrise #shades #on #buletin #inews #siang #realset #studio | #news #journalist (at iNews) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjhYGd1Lhqq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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didierpironi · 1 year
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FIA most wanted: anonymous german man
Criminal record: didn't let other drivers to win for 9 races in a row
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rainbowtvz · 4 months
more people should join amicabots, i think.
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delicatewerewolf786 · 4 months
Travis Kelce on Doing Taylor Swift's Signature Heart Hands Move: 'You Gotta Spread That Love'
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quiescence90 · 4 months
KUNJUNGAN DIRAJA | Agong & Raja Permaisuri Berkenan Baca Berita
Hey gaiz, I wanted to share this because it made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
Our Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia, (Malaysian, Royal, Head of State) and Raja Permaisuri Agong (our Queen) delivered this lovely presentation during their royal visit to Sri Pentas.
Up until the 1:16 mark they maintained a straight face and then they joked that the royal highnesses looked familiar 🤭🤭🥹🥹🥹🥹
I love this so much ❤️
This year is to be their last year in office. They saw us through the pandemic and 4 (!!) Prime Ministers in their previous 4 years in office. May 2024 be a great year for everyone 🤲🏻
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super-cadouri-blog · 7 months
Magneti buletin, marturii botez cadou de la nasi
Magneti buletin, marturii botez cadou de la nasi Magneti buletin fetite, cadou de la nasi Magneti buletin sunt un cadou minunat pentru orice fetiță care urmează să fie botezată. Acești magneti sunt o modalitate adorabilă de a sărbători această ocazie specială și de a crea amintiri frumoase pentru părinți, nași și invitați. Magneti buletin sunt o modalitate unică de a comemora evenimentul și de a…
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newscakra · 2 years
Bondowoso Kembali Melahirkan Perusahaan Media Siber Berbasis Jejaring
Bondowoso Kembali Melahirkan Perusahaan Media Siber Berbasis Jejaring
Bondowoso,MN CAKRAWALA-Pada era industri 4.0 perkembangan teknologi sangatlah pesat, khususnya pada platform berita, maka dari itu masyarakat perlu pengetahuan untuk memilah milih media siber yang berkualitas dalam menyajikan informasi. Selain itu, portal berita online harus memiliki payung hukum seperti yang telah tertuang dalam Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 1999 menentukan perusahaan pers harus…
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klinikpondoksehat · 2 years
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gaulislam · 9 months
Merdeka, Pendidikan, dan Adab
gaulislam edisi 826/tahun ke-16 (5 Shafar 1445 H/ 21 Agustus 2023) Alhamdulillah, kalo dibilang merdeka dan bebas dari penjajahan militer bangsa lain, kita setuju. Sebab, secara fakta saat ini kita nggak dijajah dalam artian ada operasi militer di negeri kita. Patut disyukuri. Bahkan setiap tahun kita memperingati dan merayakan hari kemerdekaan. Sudah 78 tahun negeri kita merdeka dari penjajahan…
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acroagoraphobe · 2 months
Hi! ❤️
How do you think the companions romanced or not (and Maxson) will react if you give them a portrait of themselves that you drew?) maybe Sole is artist or smth like that)
OOoooo good Idea!
(Im not the best with *all* the characters, but im tryin here!)
Because I mainly Write for like just deacon and a few others, also I did it in my usual format so I hope that's good enough!
(Also I did both romanced and non-romanced because HEHEHEHEHEH also non romanced is assumed Sole reached Idolized with them.)
(I don't know that much about Cait, so I'm trying my best [: )
Would probably be irritated, but also flattered
"What're ye given me that for?"
Secretly thinks thats pretty nice but she's not telling Sole that.
Would be a bit more appreciative of it openly, but still act tough about it.
"Its alroight, eyh guess-"
Would probably fold it up and secretly keep it stashed in her corset or something.
But if anyone asks she never had it.
She sneakily gives Sole a quick smooch on the cheek.
(Idk that much about him but Ik he's a dork)
"Oh that's pretty cool-"
Probably hasn't had a friend draw him before.
Probably pretty impressed because I think he likes to doodle too.
Probably would ask for more drawings after he sees that.
Like a drawing of him and Duncan
Keeps that drawing in his pocket, happily.
Smiles like an idiot, then gives Sole a little kiss.
"What is the purpose of this, soldier?"
Genuinely confused on why they drew him, Is it because they're just practicing their drawing? Is it a symbol of affection?
He would be critiquing the details and where Sole can improve, even if they didn't ask him to.
But thats just him showing he's interested in Sole's improvement.
"Oh, Thank you. This is a rather detailed depiction of my likeness."
He would be more invested in Sole's improvement if romanced, 100%.
Keeps that drawing in a nice safe place, he doesn't want it to get lost.
When he realizes it's actually like.. a sign of affection, he's got a big ass smile on his face.
"Guessing you like my face then, huh? Don't get too attached it though!"
Actually very flattered that he's being drawn and not just on wanted posters because he goofed off too much.
Pretends to throw it away, but actually sticks it in his pocket.
"Damn, you must realllyy love my face then, huh?"
Trying so hard to not giggle like an idiot at that moment.
Smiling like a dork, big goofy grin.
Maybe blushing a little bit, but definitely trying to hide it.
"Suprised you got my ugly mug is so much detail heh-"
Taking a nice good look at it, definitely putting it on the wall later.
Where everyone can see it, like a public buletin board.
Sole's 100% getting a big ol' kiss from him for this.
Still putting it on a public buletin board but will like publicly announce that theres a cool-ass drawing of him done by his partner on the bulletin.
"Thanks, Sunshine. Looks just like me-"
"Thanks Blue! This looks great!"
Putting it on her wall next to her terminal.
Really appreciates it, she might even consider getting Sole to make illustrations for the Publick.
"Aww, Thanks Blue! I love it!"
Sole's getting a smooch on the cheek for this.
She's definitely showing it to Nick and her sister.
Nick Valentine:
"Huh. Thanks kid, looks great."
Would probably get lost in his files and papers.
But he still appreciates that Sole took the time to draw him.
"Maybe you can take the time to make some wanted posters. The ones around here ain't the best".
He's putting it on the wall, immediately. Right over his desk.
"Thanks, Sweetheart, I love it."
Really happy Sole took the time to draw a beat up old Synth like him.
"Huh? Whatcha draw me for?"
Doesn't really think it's worth the effort for Sole to draw him.
But he's flattered. Probably keeps it on a table in his cabin somwhere.
"Oh thank you! Zis is very nice of you!"
Puts it in with her medical notes, folded up and paperclipped in the folder.
Big ol' smile.
About the same, But gives Sole a sweet little kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you Sir/Miss, I shall treasure this drawing always!"
Doesn't have a place to put it really, so he just kinda holds onto it for a while and maybe puts it with his cleaning supplies.
"I do not understand why you would draw me, Sir/Ma'am."
Really doesn't get it.
Even if sole explains that it was a sign of affection and appreciation.
He really tries to understand why, but logically it doesn't make sense to him.
Still doesn't really get it, but he's trying his best.
"Thank you, Sir/Ma'am."
Keeps it in his pocket anyways.
Very tiny little smile.
"Thank you General, This is really nice of you-"
Keeps it in his coat pocket happily.
Big ol' smile on his face.
Blushing a bit that Sole took time and effort to draw him in such detail.
"Oh wow, Thanks babe!"
Sole is getting a smooch, right on the lips (:
"What the hell, boss. Why'd ya waste yer time on that?"
Throws it away, he's a raider, ain't got time for sappy touchy-feely shit.
"Tough shit boss, suck it up." when Sole gets mad at him for throwing it away.
Same kinda reaction, but he picks it up outta the trash later and sticks it in his pocket.
"Oh. Thank you. This is rather nice."
Doesn't have anywhere to keep it, so Sold holds onto it for her.
"Well, Soldier. That does catch my likeness very well, doesn't it?"
Cocky bastard about it, but in a "Im your elder" way.
Thats getting put into his man diary (That he 100% has because I said so.)
"Well, that is very nice.. Thank you Soldier-"
Puts it into his pocket for later, with a smile on his face that goes away once he walks away from Sole, because it's serious time now.
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deehwang · 6 months
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Manusia seringkali lupa dua hal saat memegang kekuasaan. Satu, lupa bahwa dengan menghancurkan sesuatu ada kemungkinan juga ia telah menciptakan sesuatu; kemarahan dan luka. Dua, ketika kemarahan itu berbalik padanya dan ia yang terluka, ia masih tak juga sadar bahwa ternyata darah yang dipunyainya berwarna sama dengan yang dibencinya.
1. Semangka, simbol perjuangan masyarakat Palestina; 2. Kakekku, kelahiran 1921, menandai artikel tentang Palestina di salah satu buletin langganannya. Tidak kutemui coretan-coretan serupa di buku-buku lainnya, menandakan beliau concern pada masalah ini. Tiga generasi, dan Palestina belum merdeka hari ini.
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yhharahap · 1 year
Menelusuri Diri Sendiri
Baru saja selesai diwawancara sama @kanal-imaji. Ternyata saya baru merasakan, bahwa menjawab pertanyaan tentang diri sendiri, artinya menelusuri beberapa hal yang barangkali kita lupakan sebagai identitas dan sebagai seseorang yang dikenali orang lain.
Secara pribadi saya merasa ada sesuatu yang menyenangkan dalam diri saya saat Alisa bilang ingin mewawancarai saya. Seolah ada sesuatu yang hanya bisa keluar dari diri saya dan tak bisa keluar dari diri orang lain.
Hingga di titik saya menulis ini, saya sadar betul. Hidup kita, kisahnya, pilinanannya, masalahnya, pemikiran, perspektif dan hal lain yang membentuk diri kita secara keseluruhan, adalah hal yang tak akan pernah bisa keluar dari orang lain. Sekompleks itu kita sebagai manusia.
Jika belakangan saya beberapa kali menelusuri masa lalu, mengulang kenangan untuk menghibur diri sendiri. Kali ini saya menelusuri diri saya saat ini. Mimpi-mimpi saya, alasan saya berdiri di sini, hal-hal yang sedang saya miliki dan kesempatan yang sedang berdiri di pintu hati saya.
Saya menjadi ingat tadi malam seseorang meminta izin kepada saya untuk mencetak salah satu tulisan saya di buletin pesantrennya yang notabenenya memiliki lebih dari 3.000 santri dan akan dicetak setidaknya ratusan lembar. Saya sempat menciut, takut dan tidak percaya diri tapi sekaligus menegangkan dan senang. Rasanya lebih mudah puisi saya dibaca ribuan orang di lini masa daripada perspektif saya tentang suatu hal dibaca ratusan santri.
Maka hari ini, tanpa meniadakan masalah hidup saya yang masih begitu terasa pelik, pengkhianatan dan ketidakpercayaan yang saya rasakan, pengucilan dan ditinggalkan, saya tahu saya masih punya hal baik dan luar biasa yang tak pernah pergi dari diri saya.
Saya masih Yuli yang sama, yang pernah jatuh lalu bangkit lagi, yang pernah ditinggalkan lalu menemukan lagi, yang pernah berhenti lalu berlari lagi, yang bahkan semalam tadi menangis sesenggukan karena merasa payah dalam menjalani hidup —pembenci, pendendam, pemarah hanya karena semua orang bertindak tidak sesuai harapan saya yang ingin hidup damai dan nyaman— tapi pagi ini kembali bangun dan mulai menyusun rencana sembari menikmati bubur panas.
Sekarang saya melihat kecolongan saya dalam menjalani hidup, fokus saya yang tak lagi berimbang untuk tetap melangkah. Langkah mundur yang saya ambil, seolah bersiap bersembunyi dan melarikan diri. Kaki saya yang menapaki bumi tapi pikiran saya sedang berkelana ke neptunus hingga pluto.
Baiklah diri, sudahi kebimbangan ini. Saya tak perlu ambil ancang-ancang besar untuk bangkit, karena sejak awal saya selalu menjadi diri saya yang memiliki akar untuk kembali mekar.
Hari ini, saya harus hidup di hari ini. Di hidup saya sendiri, di bumi yang saya pijaki.
Medan, 03 Juni 2023
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szuffersztar · 15 days
"Klára nem akarta többé hallani azt a mondatot, hogy szép a táj, az emberek vendégszeretők, nyílt szívűek és tiszta tekintetűek, de borzasztó nagy a szegénység. Hátradőlt, lehunyta a szemét, kívülről fújta, tudta, mit fog hallani, és csak annyit tudott, hogy nem akarja. És itt nem a nyelvi akadályokról van szó. Könnyű megszokni vagy leszokni arról, hogy blokk, buletin, kalorifer, murok, paszuly, pityóka meg laska. Mindegy. A lényeg máshol van. Egy nyelvet beszélünk, azonos a történelmünk, ugyanaz a nemzet, és elég egy országhatár, hogy megváltozzon az értékrendünk, a moralitásunk és a mentalitásunk is. Először a lelkivilágukat kell megérteni. A sebezhetőséget. Őket ne sajnálja senki! A szegénység mellett megfér az önérzet. De ne is vonultassák őket múzeumba. Azok, akik pedig valójában tudatlanok. Klára, mint még annyian, a lelki száműzetést választotta. Hogy aztán napestig hallgathassa, hogy jó erdélyi menyecske kell feleségnek, dolgos, házias, rendes. Piros-barna kislány, székely kapu, idill. Vagy akár azt is, hogy ugyan, kit érdekel Erdély? Csak sírnak és panaszkodnak, hogy nincs pénzük. Koszos, szemét, román népség… Klára úgy jött el, hogy elhagy mindent, elég volt, új identitást akar." (Tisza Kata: Magyar Pszicho)
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konrul · 11 months
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I bought a T-shirt like this. It says Szekler ID. Of course it is wrong. It should say "székely buletin", because it comes from the belief that for the Szeklers the pocket knife was such a must carry object like this document for everyone else.
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