Buffyverse Top 5 to Open Oct 20
The Halloween season is the time for recs! Fics, vids, graphics, meta, anything and everything fandom has produced in all the Whedon fandoms will be on offer at buffyversetop5. We'll be reopening on October 20 at midnight UTC (what time is that for me?) and running through midnight November 2.
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For anyone who has questions about how things will go, please visit our information on what to post or leave a comment on our announcement post. Come share some treats!
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, September 23
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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and she never wanted to leave (Giles/Jenny, G) by carrotstix
Quiet conversations in the silence of abscence (Gunn, Spike, PG-13) by sugartina
we don't know (Anya, Willow, G) by JustGail
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The female of the species (The First Slayer, NC-17) by fpb
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion Chapter 354 (Ensemble, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure xover, PG-13) by madimpossibledreamer
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Other the Side of the Coin Chapter 3 (Ensemble, Not Rated) by LewStonewar. COMPLETE!
Extra Ordinary Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, Not Rated) by wolf_shadoe
The Time We Had Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Dusty87
Sweet Surrender Chapter 51 (Spike/OFC, NC-17) by Crossbows_and_moonshine
A Place for Us. Chapter 3 (Angel/Buffy, PG-13) by Kimmer3
Other the Side of the Coin Chapter 3 (Ensemble, Not Rated) by LewStonewar. COMPLETE!
Echoes of You and Me Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Gefionne
Kindred Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, R) by sweetprincipale
Shadow Over Hellmouth Chapter 73 (Buffy/Tara, NC-17) by Tuxedo_Mark
Secretly Submissive Chapter 4 (Angel/Spike, NC-17) by Gabriel_Is_My_Guardian_Angel89
Star in Darkness Sea Chapter 10 (Tara/Willow, R) by Evil_irish_batman
Ashes, Ashes Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Lost_gallifrey
If Only Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by womanaction
Always and Forever Yours Chapter 30 (Ensemble, The Originals xover, PG-13) by Buffyworldbuilder
Wrong Memory 2: Wizarding Memories Chapter 5 (Dawn/Willow, PG-13) by BrennaLynn
Millennial Chapter 21 (Buffy/Dawn, PG-13) by BrennaLynn
The Gift of Baldur's Gate Chapter 8 (Buffy/Jaheira, Baldur's Gate xover, PG-13) by BrennaLynn
Ice Princess 2: Joyce Chapter 3 (Dawn/Teddy Harwood, Ice Princess xover, PG-13) by BrennaLynn
A Mother Reincarnated Chapter 5 (Buffy/Sam Wilder, Charmed xover, PG-13) by BrennaLynn
Dawn the Power Ranger Chapter 3 (Dawn/OFC, Power Rangers xover, PG-13) by BrennaLynn
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The Slayer and the Vampire Chapter 83 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by violettathepiratequeen
Fangs Out- Transfer of Control Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dynamite
Encore Chapter 16 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by sweetprincipale
Her Mission Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by BewitchedXx
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Tales From Sunnydale Chapter 171 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by violettathepiratequeen
The Worst Day Since Yesterday Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dynamite
Not A Monster Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dusty
Xander Harris and the Eye of Ra Chapter (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by SlayrGrl
Come Back to Me Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
Nights Like This Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by ashcrashed
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Fanvid: Serpents (Buffy/Faith) by heda reyes
[Community Announcements]
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Buffyverse Top 5 to Open in 4 Weeks! at buffyversetop5
[Fandom Discussions]
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i really enjoy that both spike and buffy have a major love interest before each other by silvermars
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Dawn's behaviour at times is unrealistic by Glass_Ad_8774
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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ScreenRant: Sarah Michelle Gellar Was Sold On Teen Wolf Spinoff By Buffy Similarity
ScreenRant: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Spike
The Mary Sue: Every ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Season, Ranked From Worst to Best
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Video: James Marsters full panel | Comic Con Northern Ireland 2022 by Monopoly Events
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thenewbuzwuzz · 6 years
5 Surreal Stories of 2018
(I posted this list today on buffyversetop5.dreamwidth.org)
Or, Five of the Weirdest Buffyverse Stories I've Had the Pleasure of Reading This Year So Far, and That's Saying Something, Because I Tend to Read as Many Weird Stories as I Can. Each of them has other things going for it, too -- they're not just surreal. Sorted from shortest to longest.
this can't be living now by nowrunalong Ship: Fuffy Rating: M Words: 6,276 Comment: A Fuffy story based on a dream the author had. It's a coffee-shop AU, but HOW. :)) As a side note, I appreciate how many of the original canon Slayers appear here. A Place Beyond the Rains by @thewigginsfanfic Ship: Spuffy, past Buffy/Groosalugg Rating: PG-13 Words: 10,059 Comment: I greatly enjoyed being weirded out by thewiggins' imaginative descriptions of this pocket dimension and its inhabitants. Loyalty by zabjade Ship: Spuffy, Spike/captain of the Flying Dutchman Rating: M Words: 19,489 Comment: I can't believe that what season 5 Spuffy* was missing all along was a spot of consensual tentacle smut, and I seriously love zabjade's treatment of the Flying Dutchman legend. *There is extensive, graphic Spike/Other, but it serves to advance the Spuffy; also, it's very nice in its own right. Exquisite Consequences by @yellowbike, angelic_amy, @bewilderedsff, @spuffycarrie, @sunalsolove, @iamoffyourbird, othellia, @sandy-s-d, Behind Blue Eyes, relurker, thenewbuzwuzz, Sigyn, Fraggleshrew Ship: Spuffy Rating: NC-17 Words: 59,997 Comment: The second Elysian Fields surrealist round robin went incredibly well. There was an honest to goodness character arc! There were accidental uniting themes and motifs! There was cat POV! The story was posted in two parts as responses to a challenge. The link above goes to the challenge, which explains how the story was written, and one can also see OffYourBird's beautiful banners there. Unfortunately, only users of Elysian Fields can read the whole story, but some chapters are available on AO3. Because of the way the story was written, I believe chapters can be enjoyed separately. Chapters on AO3: Love Commands by OffYourBird Chapter 2 by yellowb A Tamale Cad Can by sunalso A Kind of Heaven by bewildered An Evening At The Ladies' Historical Reading Society by Relurker A Hundred Tiny Silver Deer by me And Linger Here Among the Stars by sandy_s Buffy Encounters the Trousers of Time in the Company of a Drunk Horny Kitten by Fraggleshrew Tales From a New Body by OffYourBird Ship: Spuffy Rating: E Words: 73,302 and counting (WIP! soon to be completed, though) Comment: a full-blown epic Spuffy romance, but Buffy is in a different body the entire time. This story makes me happy in many, many ways. It fixes season 6 Spuffy by giving Buffy a long, relaxing vacation and a chance to improve her communication skills before she meets Spike again (while Spike has his own character development), but it's not just a fixit -- it's way more imaginative than that. <3 There is Egyptian mythology and the Watchers' Council 2.0, and the way the Scoobies have aged 20 or so years post-series, and the romance is particularly body-/sex-/kink-positive, with much emphasis on communication, and just lovely.
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thirteenthblackbird · 6 years
Tales of Other Slayers
There’s still time to rec your favorite Buffy works at Buffyverse Top 5 on dreamwidth, livejournal, or Tumblr
Snowpuppies Chosen is a series of vignettes, Slayers and their Watchers. They're short and they're all dark, but they're amazing. Note, Snowpuppies lists Mission Accomplished as an inspiration for these stories but here link is broken. You can read it here. This Little Light by nwhepcat is one I'd read ages ago and had forgotten. I'm delighted to find it again. It's a delight of a fic. It starts in Papua New Guinea which is not her native home but she did her research and it shows. Wow does it show. Ah, deird1's No Words. Chao-Ahn's (season 7) point of view. I love how she takes a character who's there as a joke and turns her story into something poignant. gloss' Theses on a Philosophy of Power. During the Bolshevik Revolution, a Slayer finds her own calling. Very interesting to watch her awakening along with that of the workers around her, making parallels with her subjugation to theirs. And I love that she decides to live by her own rules even knowing the consequences. Nicely done. Ruuger's We Make Our Own Magic. A Potential who was never called but fought in her own war all the same. This one's beautiful, an amazing story. I highly recommend it.
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impalementation · 4 years
Do you know of anyone who discusses shows in the way you do?
shows in general or just buffy? for buffy, most of the people i’ve reblogged in the past usually write solid meta. when i was searching for old livejournal meta, i used the buffyversetop5 community as my starting point, and if i liked a meta piece that was recced there, i would check out the writer’s blog to see if they had more interesting stuff. which they often did. i enjoyed reading the unpaidsophistry blog, though i didn’t read all of it. he does have a tendency to be philosophical enough that even i go “you know, i don’t actually think it’s that deep”, but there is still a lot of smart and enjoyable stuff there. people say good things about the critically touched reviews and the passion of the nerd videos, though i haven’t read or watched enough to personally endorse them. i’ve also enjoyed browsing through the rewatch threads on buffyforums. there’s a lot to wade through, and since it’s a forum not everyone will be a great writer, but if you’re curious about thoughts on a specific episode, i’ve found there’s almost always someone saying something really interesting and astute about it (frequently at essay-length).
as far as other tv shows go? honestly, no idea. i haven’t gone looking for it. style-wise, i don’t model myself after anyone in particular, i just write how i think. wish i had better answers for you! but someone who follows me might have suggestions?
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seasonal-spuffy · 5 years
We made some new friends!
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Before we proceed with planning and announcing the new round of Seasonal Spuffy (SOON), there's some happy news! Just like @seasonal-spuffy​ was already affiliated with buffyversebingo, we're now also affiliated with some other fabulous communities on LiveJournal and Dreamwidth: @buffyversetop5​, multifandom_bb, nekid_spike, noel_of_spike, and @summerofgiles​ (and most probably a couple more soon).
This means that we will occasionally help spread the word about their events, and they will do the same for us. It shouldn't add up to more than one or two links a month here, on average, though some times of year are naturally more buffy than others. You can also find all our affiliates listed in our LiveJournal and Dreamwidth profile and sidebar, for your exploring convenience.
We'd like to give a special shoutout to nekid_spike. The other comms all have their seasonal events, so we'll link to them when a good time comes to check them out, but nekid_spike runs year round, so - you guessed it - it's ALWAYS a good time to check it out! Some of you guys definitely know this comm already, but for those who have yet to have the pleasure: don't let the sparse recent entries page fool you. Most of the posts are visible to members only, so take a look at their profile page and join first in order to enjoy what it says in the community name. There are lots of challenges and fanworks to be had for various ships, and sometimes Spike even wears clothes! Have fun.
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cosmictuesdays · 2 years
1, 13, and 21 for fanfic end of year, please?
1. favorite fic you wrote this year
13. favorite writing song/artist/album of this year
Three-way tie: Taylor Swift, The National, and Hem. It's all about the vibes.
21. most memorable comment/review
Seeing that Take Care of the Rest had been included in a list on this year's round in buffyversetop5 was pretty memorable.
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sunnydale-digest · 6 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter (January 18, 2018)
SPIKE: Fuss, fuss. The thing was about to strike. It was on your back. What was I supposed to do? As Angel walks into the room, we can see he's been run through with a large sword. There's a creepy demon bug on his back, dangling from where the sword exits Angel's body. ANGEL: Ask me to turn around. SPIKE: Heat of battle. There wasn't time. ANGEL: You just like stabbing me. SPIKE: I - I'm shocked - shocked that you'd say that. I much prefer hitting you with blunt instruments. ANGEL: You know, we only asked you along 'cause we felt sorry for you. SPIKE: If it weren't for me, you'd be bug food, so stop winging.
A Hole In The World
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
Disappointment (Xander, Giles, G) by sparrow2000
Ashes in the Wind (Buffy/Faith) by for_t2
Angel and Fred: an Endless Love (Angel&Fred) by ShadowAbsol
Tentacle-Prone (Fred/Tara/Willow) by mabus101
Ship Time (Tenth Doctor/Buffy Summers) by secooper87
Causa Mortis (Cause of Death) (Angel/Spike, E) by tabaqui
The Work We Do (Buffy/Angel, M) by Mrs Gordo
[Chaptered Fiction]
New Beginnings (24/25+Epilogue) (Spike/Xander, Angel/Wesley) by Bloodclaim
So It Is (re)Written Ch. 19 (Buffy, Willow, Giles, T) by 23Murasaki
Bequest CH. 3 (Jesse, G) by greenspitball
New Beginnings Ch. 25 (Spike/Xander, E) by forsaken2003
Just to Reach You Ch. 5 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Sunalso
[Images, Audio & Video]
Artwork: reasons i hate joss whedon #3267: (Faith/Buffy) by quasariia
Artwork: "spike: just because you wear a cute sweater doesn't make you any less evil." (Spike) by lexy-luthor
Artwork: Rupert Giles Sketch Card by Dr-Horrible via 51kas81
Artwork: Rupert Giles notes: Bianca via whatdoyouthinkmyjobis
Artwork: Character Sketches via wanderingdoodles
Icons: Buffy Summers Icons via buffyscmmers
[Reviews & Recaps]
Angel Season 4 Thoughts by Shame of the Polar Bear
[Community Announcements]
What is Buffyverse Top 5? by buffyversetop5
[Fandom Discussions]
Dusting Drusilla: Why Dru Should Be Killed Off by drusillathekiller
What she says: I'm fine. by drusillathekiller
I just finished the last episode of Angel season 5 and I must say I'm a bit... well, disapointed. by buffy-angel-and-co
what is the most overrated ship, in your opinion? by dingoes8myrp
Spike is a sexual submissive by Multiple Authors
I just wanted to make a quick announcement by toast-ranger-to-a-stranger
For the 20 Buffy Asks: 2 and 8! by mrsgordo84
buffy femslash author recs by lesbidar
DVD Commentary on "Best Served Hot" by rahirah
Had Xander been Alexandria Xandra Harris by kyliafanfiction-mybitca-rahirah
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rahirah · 4 years
via Barb's Place Both seasonal_spuffy and buffyversetop5 are gearing up for their next rounds! Go check 'em out! comments
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creativecalendar · 6 years
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tvtalkdw · 6 years
Start opening those caskets...
Posted by: yourlibrarian ... of recs for all fanworks in the Whedon fandoms! We are 13 days away from the kickoff of the first annual all-in-one buffyversetop5 session which will open at Midnight GMT on October 24 and run until Midnight GMT on November 2. As in the past, this Halloween session will be open for Classic Recs. But we're also going to have a new event -- FlashForward Weekend, October 27 and 28, for your 2018 recs! For more information see our earlier post discussing this year's events. Don't hesitate to drop us a comment there if you have any questions. We hope to see you and your recs soon! comments Comment? https://ift.tt/2QP885n
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, October 22nd
ANGEL: Harmony. HARMONY: Hey! Boss. ANGEL: You're my secretary? HARMONY: Hello! Assistant. ANGEL: Explain why I shouldn't kill you. HARMONY: Secretary's fine.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Footprints Left Behind by Willow9124 (Buffy/Spike, M)
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The Vampire's Gambit by violettathepiratequeen (Buffy/Spike, PG)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Sandy Places in Tomorrow, Chapter 36 by Raihne (Xander/Spike, M)
Magic of the Willow Tree, Chapter 4 by 29PheonixLement (Willow/Tara, G)
Road Rules, Chapter 6 by dwinchester (Spike, Tara, T)
Whispers In Pegasus, Chapter 3 by calikocat (Xander, Stargate & Teen Wolf crossover, T)
all the people time’s forgotten (and all the ones i can’t), Chapter 6 (complete!) by taxicab12 (Willow/Tara, T)
Where Will I Meet My Fate, Chapter 12 by FanFreak611 (Angel/Cordelia, T)
Christy, Chapter 13 by BrennaLynn (Buffy, Dawn, Charmed crossover, T)
The Consequences of Not Fading Away, Chapter 5 by missxfaith (AtS ensemble, T)
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Carpe Diem, baby, Chapter 7 by Axell (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Fade Away Again, Chapter 2 by Willow25 (Buffy/Spike, PG)
Aphantasia, Chapter 1 by ClowniestLivEver (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Tougher than Steel, Chapter 38 by batzulger (Willow, multiple crossovers, FR15)
Whispers In Pegasus, Chapter 3, by calikocat (Xander, Stargate crossover, FR15)
It Devours, Chapter 3 by Buffyworldbuilder (Ensemble, Avengers & X-Men crossover, FR 13)
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Consequences of Bargaining, Chapter 12 by All4Spike (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: sketchy colour blobs faith by xxriotgrrrlb0yxx (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Buffy Summers - Legendary by Shannon Rey
Fanvid: Buffy & Faith | This Is Me Trying by SmoothEcho
Fanvid: You Belong to the City - A Vampire Mishmash by sbvids (multifandom)
Fanvid: Buffyverse | Angel and Spike - G.O.A.T. by T
Vidlet: Buffy And Spike Edit || Hot r Cold by 31 Night of Halloween
Vidlet: buffy/riley/spike | just let it go 'cause her boyfriend is the rock 'n' roll by loveisntbrains
Video: Trailer - BIFF THE HUMAN SLAYER by Biff's Hideout
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Video: Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 1 by ConTinual Convention
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Top 5 Late 2021 Works by yourlibrarian in buffyversetop5
Fic recs: Five favorite Buffyverse stories by petzipellepingo in buffyversetop5 | (no subject)
Fic rec: Broken Hearted by badly_knitted recced by petzipellepingo
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Better Buffy Fiction Archive by aura218
[Fandom Discussions]
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hell’s bells hurts 10x worse now by badrecognition
I definitely appreciate anya more now as an adult by badrecognition
My FAVORITE thing about normal again by badrecognition
There is no separation between angelus and angel by badrecognition
giles pretending he can’t even throw a punch by kaizokuseb
buffy’s last spoken words are “i love you. spike.” by mulderscully
Damn shame we never got to see Whistler again by mysharona1987
Watching the end of btvs and seeing Buffy’s world expand while at the same time Giles’ world has shrunk by Rachael Jurassic
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BB's Top 50 Most Memorable Scenes in The Buffyverse - Redux (Week 4) by Buffy Summers
The forehead kiss - why? by Taake
What sort of message did the show send? by ILLYRIAN
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The thoughts in Earshot by Tuxedo_Mark
Buffy and Tara’s relationship was the most healthy and stable on the show by sunnyd889
Moving to Sunnydale by DJArcanist
Thoughts on Jenny Calendar? by MySimsFile
D’Hoffryn foreshadowing Anya’s death by lexi_paris
What is your favourite Buffy's moment? by Moscatano
Does Season 6 anyone else's absolute favorite, even on rewatches? by DrPepper450
Why didn't Anya use magic more? by Leporvox
Wishverse Buffy was so attractive... by Maximum_Arachnid2804
BTVS- Final Thoughts by aerolies
Submit a link to be included in the newsletter!
Join the editor team :)
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thenewbuzwuzz · 6 years
5 Delightful Spuffy Stories of 2018
Reposted from buffyversetop5.dreamwidth.org
There is lots of excellent new Spuffy fic all the time, too much to rec all that's good or make any objective top list. So here's a semi-random selection of only a few recent favorites, from shortest to longest. scared of what’s behind and what’s before by @womanaction (M)
The Personal Touch by @rahirah (T)
Service the Girl by TheMadKatter13 (E) (NSFW!)
Rewritten by Sigyn (PG-13)
Hindsight by @dartoften (R)
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thirteenthblackbird · 6 years
5 Time Travel Fics
There’s still time to post your top five Buffy recs in any category over at Buffyverse Top 5.
A story I'm currently reading, Off Your Bird's The Darkling, inspired this list. Buffy goes to that demon in Africa to get Spike back. He sends her to NYC in 1970. It's lovely to see their roles reversed, to see Buffy longing for a Spike who's slowly becoming convinced. Carrie's Take Your Time is an old favorite. Spike decides to use Willow for a time travel spell that will allow him to kill Angel in the past. She's determined to stop him. Nothing goes to either of their plans. It's very romancey and quite delightful. The sequel, which is also awesome, is incomplete. I'd been thinking it'd be nice to rec one of whichclothes' stories. She wrote great Spander fics.In Memento Mori: Hominem Te Memento Xander falls for William which is sort of a problem because he's in William's past to make sure that William gets Turned by Drusilla. In Eurydice72's Legion of True Hearts, Buffy and William are dreaming of each other due to the interference of an, um, interfering witch. I'm mid-story but loving it so far. Apparently I have a thing for romance. Who knew?  Unbridled Brunette's Forward to Times Past, another time travel Spuffy fic, this one to Victorian London, is just brill. 
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seasonal-spuffy · 6 years
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Hello, friends! We’re doing a tutorial thing for our new participants. For those of you who can LiveJournal perfectly well or who are otherwise not here for this, I hope scrolling past 1 post a week for 6-7 weeks won’t be a hardship.
When one loves Buffy, it can be fun to visit livejournal dot com, where this fandom lived for years and much awesomeness was created.
On LJ, we can read classic works of literature, some of which aren’t archived anywhere else, and find rec lists galore. We can vote on important issues (this link isn’t worksafe) and seek answers to eternal questions, such as what Angel was thinking in IWRY and what everyone’s daemon would be. And we can still, in the year of our lord 2018, participate in active communities like @seasonal-spuffy, @iwrymarathon-blog, @buffyversetop5, and more.
These things go more smoothly when one has a decent working knowledge of the site. :) Luckily, that’s exactly what I have, and I’d love to share it! This will be a series of 6 tutorials, covering LiveJournal navigation, commenting, communities, and posting. While my main agenda is to help more people use Seasonal Spuffy, these posts will be for anyone who wants ‘em, so I’ll include a somewhat broader range of examples.
This post is about navigation. Ever had trouble finding the next chapter or more works by the same author? Do you wish all those customized buttons in people’s journals would do what it says on the tin? Maybe you just want to find your way around the site in general? Read on...
tags are good for 95% of your browsing needs; mark the “Readability” checkbox for an easier life; and the search feature is at livejournal.com/rsearch .
How to find my dashboard? (Or news feed? You know, the posts of my friends?)
Click “Friends Feed” at the top of any LiveJournal page (screenshot 1 above), or go to yourusername.livejournal.com/feed/
How to find my profile, settings, personal messages, and all that?
The main menu opens if you hover over your username in the top right corner (screenshot 1).
How to find the right button in someone’s journal if they’ve code-named them all?
People can customize their journals, including button labels. If you’d like to remove someone’s custom style and view the journal with the default interface, click “Readability” in the top right corner (screenshots 2-3).
How to find all the fics by the same author?
Sometimes, authors put a masterlist at the top of their journal. See velvetwhip.livejournal.com for a beautiful example.
When they don’t, your best bet is to go to theirusername.livejournal.com/tag and look for a tag like “masterlist” or “index” or “fic”.
If you see a tag like “fic” at the bottom of a post in the author’s journal, you can click that, too (screenshot 5).
How to find all the entries about the same ship/character/topic...?
To browse a journal or community by categories like these, use the tags. Tags live at the bottom of posts (screenshot 5) and also in the tag page of the journal/community. To go to the tag page, click “Tags” (screenshot 3) or type the URL journalname.livejournal.com/tag
How to find the next chapter?
Authors generally want to help you out with this, but what they do varies.
Sometimes, authors link the next chapter at the bottom of each chapter.
If you’re in a journal that just contains the one fic, feel free to go to the next entry by clicking a right arrow at the top or bottom of the post (screenshot 4 and down below what you can see in screenshot 5). Most often, though, there will be other entries in someone’s journal in between the fic, so the next entry is not usually the next chapter.
Most of the time, authors create a TAG for the fic. You can click that tag at the bottom of the fic chapter (screenshot 5), and it will take you to all the chapters, newest first (screenshot 6). If there are many chapters, you might have to go a few pages back to find the beginning (click “Previous 10″ at the bottom of the page or add ?skip=10, ?skip=20, or similar at the end of the URL). If you’re in a community instead of a personal journal, there won’t normally be a fic tag, and the author/creator tag is probably the closest thing you can get.
Occasionally, authors use the memories feature to create tables of contents for their fic (screenshot 8). Memories are like bookmarked posts. You can go to someone’s memories using the navigation bar at the top of their journal (screenshot 3), and then you can check if the fic title is a keyword in the right sidebar and scroll down to filter by it.
If all else fails or if you enjoy shortcuts, try searching the author’s journal. The search icon (a magnifying glass) is at the top right corner of the page, and if you click it from someone’s journal, it searches that journal. Also, you can always find the search feature at livejournal.com/rsearch. For finding a chapter, you could use basic entry search (make sure not to use the author’s username as a search term there) or click the advanced settings icon and filter your search by author. See examples in screenshot 9.
How to find the rules/info of a community?
The profile of a community is almost always its “About” page that explains how to use it. You can go to the profile from the main page of a community (screenshot 3) or by typing the URL communityname.livejournal.com/profile
How to find entries by time of posting?
Journals and communities have an archive (sometimes called a calendar). You can open it from the main page of the journal/comm (screenshot 3) or by going to the URL journalname.livejournal.com/calendar . Once there, you can view posts by year, month, or day (screenshot 7). It’s also possible to hop straight to a certain year or month, or date by adding it to the end of the journal’s URL, for example, buffyversetop5.livejournal.com/2005 or buffyversetop5.livejournal.com/2018/01 , or buffyversetop5.livejournal.com/2017/10/31 .
How to find anything else, hopefully?
LiveJournal has a search icon at the top right corner. If you click it from someone’s journal, you can search that journal. Alternatively, you can go to livejournal.com/rsearch and search the whole site or any journal you like. See screenshot 9 for some examples. Note that entry search won’t recognize the author’s username; if you want to add the username to the search, use advanced settings.
How to find more help with using LiveJournal?
LiveJournal has extensive FAQs. For a quick start, try this one.
This tutorial by lolaann1 covers the basics well.
“LiveJournal for Dummies” is a community where many people have answered questions about using LiveJournal. Remember that you can search the community by clicking the search icon at the top right corner of the page.
And that’s all I could think of. If something in this post was confusing or if you have a related question & the resources in the last section didn’t help, feel free to ask! If I get many questions, I might make a separate post at the end.
Next week’s post will be about commenting. All the tutorials will eventually be found here.
- thenewbuzwuzz
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, October 21
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Broken-Hearted (Ensemble, PG) by badly-knitted
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Exploring the horizons (Buffy/Satsu, NC-17) by R4ik3n
all that you ever wanted from me was nothing (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by spuffysmixtape
Popcorn (Buffy/Spike, R) by ladyemma42
Last Kiss (Angel/Buffy, PG-13) by TheCrowandNightingale
Kamen Rider Will-O (Cordelia/Willow, Kamen Rider Den-O xover, PG-13) by LadyBelltara
Welcome to New Donk! (Buffy, Super Mario xover, Not Rated) by JessicaSnow
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion Chapter 358 (Ensemble, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure xover, PG-13) by madimpossibledreamer
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A New Family for Buffy Chapter 2 (Buffy/Faith, Charmed xover, PG-13) by BrennaLynn
Fix My Heart Chapter 4 (Buffy/Faith, R) by fxithsjackal
House of Monsters Chapter 21 (Giles/Ethan, R) by InMyOwnHeadItGoesLikeThis. COMPLETE!
The Time We Had Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Dusty87
The Sun Chapter 19 (Tara/Willow, PG-13) by heckate
Dawn of the Future Chapter 5 (Buffy/OFC, PG-13) by BrennaLynn
Once Upon A Slayer Chapter 24 (Buffy/Mulan, Once Upon A Time xover, PG-13) by BrennaLynn. Author also archived a number of other stories
Plastic Hearts Chapter 5 (Dawn/helmut Zemo, MCU xover, R) by patriciatepes
A tale of Vampires and Slayers Chapter 7 (Ensemble, The Vampire Diaries xover, PG-13) by Stand_with_Ward_and_Queen
Aphantasia Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, A Nightmare on Elm Street xover, R) by TheClowniestLivInExistence
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It's Easy Time, Until It's Not Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by hulettwyo
Learning To Be Love's Bitch Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by Desicat
Ties to the World Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by The Danish Bird
Bound Chapter 20 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by RavenLove12
The Footprints Left Behind Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Willow91
Orvieto Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by TuesdayGirl
Needs Must Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by EllieRose101. COMPLETE!
1922 Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Desicat
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Did You Ever Know Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, PG) by violettathepiratequeen. COMPLETE!
The Road to Hell.... Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by All4Spike
Got Your Six Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
Waiting On My Spaceship Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Chelle
Xander Harris and the Eye of Ra Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by SlayrGrl
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: I drew Buffy and Faith by missmisery8
Podcast: Pop Culture Role Call 300th Episode Spectacular (RPG one-shot set in the Buffy universe) by popculturerolecall
[Community Announcements]
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Buffyverse Top 5's 2022 Session Has Begun! at buffyversetop5
[Fandom Discussions]
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If I had to write a Buffy movie not a new slayer by SarahAlicia
Inconsistencies in the lore (AtS) by missxfaithc
The Big Bads of Buffy and Angel and whether I'd sleep with them by JamesTheIceQueen
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Video: Buffy's 'Worst' Episode Is The Government's Fault by Sarah Z
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S7 Rewatch - discussion on First Date continued by Stoney
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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CBR.com: 10 Scariest Buffy The Vampire Slayer Monsters
GameRant: 8 Creepiest Buffy Episodes, Ranked
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