#buckyismymainmans writing challenge
redhoodssweetheart · 5 years
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I’ve almost hit 1K and I decided to go ahead and post this because I’m impatient and literally can’t wait.  I decided to do a writing challenge because I’ve always wanted to do one of these before and I thought this would be a perfect time to do one.  I hope you all have fun and I can’t wait to see what you all write!  This challenge will end on November 15th.
No pedophilia, rape, or nonconseual acts.
You can write smut, but please tag it with appropriate warnings
Please use appropriate tags and warnings.
Must tag me in your story with the tag #Emmas 1K Writing Challenge
Marvel Character(s) or DC Comic Character(s) only (you can do a crossover if you want), doesn’t have to be Reader Insert, could be between two existing characters or an original character!  Can also include platonic relationships, doesn’t have to be romantic.
You don’t have to follow me to enter 
Please signal boost (optional, but would be appreciated)
Over 500 words, can be turned into a multipart story, but please tag me in all the parts, and please use read more if over 500 words.
If you can’t make the deadline then please let me know so we can figure out how much time you might need.
Two people per prompt, please send an ask to be added
Supernatural (Werewolves, vampires, witches, etc.)
High School
Mobster ~ @blushycarol with Carol Danvers x Reader
Fantasy ~ @sapphireeyedmythologist with Avengers x OC
Ghost Hunting
Role Reversal (Example: Steve as the Winter Soldier, Tony as a villain, Thor as the god of mischief, etc.)
Enemies to lovers
Friends to lovers
There was one bed *gasp* ~ @drkstrangeson
Fake dating
Faked their death
Secret Relationship
Taking care of the other person when they’re injured
Eloping without telling anyone (I just watched Frasier and was inspired) ~ @justagaymess and @writersfortheworld with Skimmons (Prompt is now full)
A story like Cinderella or Main in Manhatten, the rags to riches story.
“Sweet Jesus on a speedboat”
“I can’t just turn it on and off like a light switch!”
“Touch me one more time, I dare you.”
“Of course it had to be an old abandoned house, why can’t we ever go someplace that doesn’t look like it belongs in a 1990s horror film?”
“All right, but if I die you’re the first person I’m coming back and haunting.”
“After this, I’m going on vacation somewhere far away from you crazy people.”
“You better not bleed all over my floor, I just had it cleaned.” ~ @writersfortheworld with  Bobbi Morse x Reader
“No.” “I didn’t even say anything!” “I felt a disturbance in the force and the answer is still no.” ~ @trickstersteve with Steve Rogers x Reader
Blood Sweat and Tears by BTS
Let’s Get Ugly by The Wanted
Monsters by Ruelle
shedontknowbutshedoes by Tove Lo
Sue Me by Sabrina Carpenter 
Raise the Dead by Raign 
Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People
Heaven by Julia Michaels 
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drkstrangeson · 5 years
Sleeping Together
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: Questionable fluff??? One bad word ;))) (This is written after Pepper said that she would leave Tony, but Tony let Pepper leave.)
Summary: You and Tony Stark were sent on a mission together, but since S.H.I.E.L.D. forgot to provide accommodations, you decided to take matters into your own hands.
Authors Note: This is a writing challenge by @buckyismymainman in celebration for their 1k followers! My prompt was; “There was one bed!! *gasp*” This is my first-time writing fanfiction, and I know that my writing is terrible. But I did it for fun anyways and I did have fun writing it. (Although I was SO stressed out bc I’m gonna be judged on my skills) Congrats on getting 1k followers!!! Keep doing what you do and be happy doing it!!!! 💕💕
Also, special thanks to @superbanananinja234 for being my first reader and my personal hype man or else idk if i would’ve posted this. I love you 3k ;)))
Word Count: 2k
Nick Fury had decided to assign you and Tony Stark on the same mission, something about needing twice the amount of brains for the mission. Nick had also assigned Natasha and Clint on another mission, and since it was on the way to their mission location, both of you decided to take the same Quinjet as Natasha and Clint, so that you would be able to joke around with Natasha and get closer to Clint before the four of you went on your different ways.
The moment you found out that you were going on a mission with Tony, you were ecstatic. You always sneaked glances at Tony, whenever he was working out, tinkering around, or taking charge of Stark Industries. Thanks to your training, you were able to escape under his radar for a long time, until you had to spend time alongside him. Sure, he made it hard, because he pretended to not care about anyone, but you knew that he was the most caring person to everyone that he cared about.
Now, Tony Stark had everything he could ever want in the world, and if he didn’t have it, all he had to do was ask for it. Whatever he had was understandably luxurious, as is befitting of someone with a billionaire status. However, since young, he had learnt to close himself off to everyone, and misdirect everyone if he ever needed to do something sneaky, so if he cared about someone, he cared about them. He remembered everything everyone said, just to keep himself safe from imminent danger.
After Natasha and Clint had dropped you and Tony off, you both slowly come to the realisation that S.H.I.E.L.D. decided to not provide suitable enough lodging (according to Tony, at least), both of you went to find the nearest hotel. Except for the fact that this was in a weird part of Earth, and there weren’t any hotels at all, let alone five-star ones.
“Why don’t we just go to a nearby motel or whatever instead? It’s only one night.” You ran after Tony as he took off stomping. “Look, I’ll get a Google maps to the nearest motel up and running quick.” As quickly as you said that, he turned around and pushed a finger square into the middle of your chest, staring into your [E/C]. You stared back, and batted your eyelashes, albeit playfully. “Yes, Tony?”
Tony opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, a notification sound came from your phone. “Hey! There’s a motel nearby! Let’s go! You need to charge your suit anyway, right?” You grabbed his arm and pulled him along. He shut up immediately and threw his free arm up in disapproval before trudging after you silently and unwillingly.
“[Y/N], you know I don’t like to sleep in foreign areas.” He eventually spoke up, but not before you both reach the motel.
“It’ll be fine, TonyTones--”
“Do not call me that, [Y/N].”
“Besides, we’re already here, so let's just get a room with two beds, in case you do fall asleep.”
“I will not fall asleep. I’ve got things to do before we continue with the mission tomorrow.”
You shrugged, and headed towards the receptionist, asking if they had a room with two beds.
“Yes, we do, actually. Room 204. Just turn right and head forward. For how many nights?”
“Just this one, than--”
“Make it two.” Tony spoke up from behind you and handed the receptionist his credit card with a wink. The receptionist blushed hard and coughed while inputting some details. They then handed Tony the keys, who in turn, smirked at the receptionist, and gave them a silent ‘thank you’ before turning around and ushering you towards the rooms.
“Tony, why are we staying another night?” You inquired as you both walked towards the room, Tony playing with the key in his hand.
“Well, with me being the best Avenger and everything, I decided to be thoughtful and thought that you would need another day to rest before heading back to the HQ. Totally not because I have something else to do here the next night…” Tony mumbled the last part and attempted to insert the key into the keyhole. You tapped your foot lightly to an invisible song while waiting for him.
“TonyTones, are you not done with the door? I thought you were a genius engineer, what happened?” You laughed lightly at your own joke.
“[Y/N], I told you not to call me that, and the fucking key doesn’t fit the keyhole.” Tony revealed, and you took the key out of his hands.
“Language.” You opened the locked door effortlessly, and scoffed at him. Tony rolled his eyes, muttering something about ‘still being smarter than you’, and you laughed. You walked in, not before stopping at the doorway.
“Oh Jesu— Hey, Ms ‘I-Think-I’m-Smarter-Than-Tony-Stark’, don’t just stop in the middle of the hallway!” You stumbled forward, your back hurting a little.
“Tony, there’s only one bed.” You gasped out, and Tony shrugged.
“It doesn’t matter, I have things to do tonight before the mission tomorrow, remember? I’m pretty sure I told you that I wasn’t going to be sleeping.” He pushed past you and immediately set his suit up to charge. You proceeded to lie down on the bed and sighed.
“And I’m pretty sure I told you that sleep is good for you, oh like, at least a million times now, Tony.” You retorted, but Tony being Tony, he just shrugged. Lack of sleep seemed to do Tony well, but not so much for yourself. Damn you, unfair genetics.
After a nice shower, you sat down beside Tony, who was tinkering with his suit. You never knew what he was doing, going on about transistors and capacitors. Tony had changed into his tanktop, which, in his defence, was ‘the single most comfortable thing to wear, second of which is my suit’. You thought it looked stupid until he busted out his sunglasses. He looked even stupider, and you cracked up laughing.
But, god. Tony looked so good in everything he wore, but somehow, he looked even better in a tanktop. His muscles bulged as he tightened some bolts in his suit. You had to physically turn yourself away so that the weird fantasies in your head will stop. “I’m gonna be sleeping now, Tones, good night!” You said loudly, and pulled the blanket over yourself.
“Good night kid, good job today. You did great. Get some rest.” Tony said softly, not breaking eye contact with whatever he was soldering. He rewired some parts of his suit, and tested out his blaster, without letting the blast loose, in case you woke up from that. After that, he flipped through the files about the mission that was about to happen the next day, before looking over at the bed. He was functioning off of one cup of coffee, and two cups of whiskey. Both of which he took before you both left Stark Tower for the current mission. Which was at least a good twelve hours before this.
Tony could feel himself crashing, but he didn’t want to intrude on your peaceful sleep. Therefore, he grabbed a couple of pillows and put it between both of you, before falling asleep on the bed the moment he laid down.
You woke up in the middle of the night, tangled in someone else’s arms and legs. Trying to pull your arm out, Tony pulled you into a tight hug instead. Looking up to a sleeping Tony, you tried to wriggle free, but his grip was hard.
“Jarvis, you there?” You spoke to the suit, as much as you could possible, being tangled in the arms of Tony.
“Yes, [Y/N]. Do you need help waking up Mr Stark? I’m sure he will let you go the moment he wakes up.”
“It’s fine, just tell him the next time he wants to hug me, he can just do it awake.” Jarvis made a sound of confirmation. Your nose itched, so you sniffed. God, what kind of aftershave did he use, because he smelled SO good. You decided that it wasn’t that bad, and fell asleep soon enough again, feeling safe and secure in his arms.
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Eventually, Tony woke up to an alarm, with a sore arm. He groaned, and found one arm below you, with the other on you, as if he was hugging you. Wait, he is hugging you. You were hugging him a little, too, with your legs tangled underneath his. It’s been awhile since he had gotten a good night’s sleep, but he’d never have thought that the reason for his good night’s sleep would’ve been you. You snored softly under him, and he smiled. He tightened his hug, and snuggled against you.
You soon woke to the same alarm, as Tony was snuggling against you. Thinking that it was a dream, you closed your eyes again and leaned closer, before snapping up immediately. You looked around for your phone, while Tony groaned loudly, a verbal way of expressing his dismay at you leaving his arms.
“Tones! We’re late! C’mon wake up!” You flew out of the bed, and hurried to get dressed properly. When Tony did not move from the bed, you gave him a few light slaps on his abdomen. “TonyTones!!! Get up! I’m not about to disappoint Fury!”
“The next time you call me TonyTones, or Tones, I will make you shut up.” Tony sat up on the bed and pointed a finger at you. You stared back at him and retorted.
“And, Mr. TonyTonyTones, how would you do that?” You cocked your head, a genuine question. You started to think. “Put a finger against my lips? Physically shush me until I keep quiet? Oh! Or would you just cup your hand in front of my mouth instead? Because you and I both know I would very likely lick your hand if you di—"
“I’m... gonna kiss you.” Tony said, with a very ‘as a matter of fact’ tone, without breaking his eye contact with you. “I will kiss you to keep you quiet, and I dare to say this, because I know you like me. I know the way you look at me sometimes, [Y/N].” You were about to say something, but he shoved his index finger against your lips. You looked down at his finger, and he chuckled, then removed his finger.
“So, lemme get this straight. If I call you “TonyTones” again, you’re gonna kiss me? Is that right? What if I called you “LooneyTones”? You know, like “LooneyTun—"
All you saw was that Tony took one step forward, and suddenly his lips were against yours. You tensed up, but slowly started to lean into it after you realised how calm, and yet, demanding, his kiss was. You could feel how soft his tongue was, exploring and gently probing around your mouth, desperate to claim you for his.
You closed your eyes, and took your time exploring every nook and cranny of his mouth. Your hands made its way up to Tony’s shoulders, and tenderly touched his cheek. He slid his arms around your waist, pulling you closer towards him. Moaning softly, he leaned in more, before you broke apart from him.
“Hey Tones, no wait, don’t kiss me.” Tony looked at you, amused, and you carried on. “I mean you can, next time, just not now. Remember we have a mission to do?” You mumbled, while looking at him. He put his hands up in defeat, and went over to his suit, unplugging it from the socket. You’ve learnt that hard way once, when he forgot to unplug his suit and had called it during a mission, it ripped out the wires in the walls.
“Let’s go then, as much as you don’t want to disappoint Fury, I don’t want to disappoint you tonight.” Tony smirked and winked, grabbed the keys from the table, and headed out. You smoothed out your clothes, attempted to calm yourself down, and headed out after him.
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justagaymess · 5 years
Two Years
Warnings: Mentions of blood, violence, medical stuff. Swearing. 
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 1225
Summary: Wanda just ruins everything
A/N: This was written for @buckyismymainman​‘s 1k writing challenge. My trope is eloping without telling anyone. Sorry that it’s a bit rushed, life, y’know.
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You should be used to it by now. The blood on your hands, the sickly sweet smell mixed with iron that invades your nostrils and causes you to gag. You should be used to it, you deal with it at least once a week. You should be used to it, but you’re not. You aren’t used to it when it’s Natasha’s blood. You’re not used to it when it paints your civilian clothes as you rush her to the tower, hoping to god that Helen Cho was there. You aren’t used to it when you’re shot at walking down an alley, holding hands with your girl in the middle of the day. You sure aren’t used to it as you scrub your hands raw for the sixth time, trying to scrub away the feeling of the warm blood trickling through your fingers and seeping into your shirt.
Your hands were shaking and red. You moved on from washing your hands to washing your shirt. You stood in the bathroom near the med bay, the basin of the sink full of cold water. You poured soap out of the bottle and rubbed it into your shirt, trying in vain to get out the stain. A knock on the door startled you, but you remained there, hands in the water.
“Y/N,” you heard Wanda’s soft voice outside the door. “She’s out of surgery.” You let out a long breath that you didn’t know you were holding. The door squeaked open and Wanda stepped inside. You didn't look up as she walked over to you, or as she drained the sink. She grabbed a towel and dried your hands for you. “She’s fine, Y/N,” you nodded. “She’ll be awake soon,” Wanda put her arm around you and led you out of the bathroom. “Let’s go get you a shirt.”
Within 10 minutes you were sat at Natasha’s bedside, where she, already, was beginning to stir. The bullet didn’t hit anything major, and the perpetrator was caught quickly. You leaned forward, holding Natasha’s hand in both of your own. You heard her groan and saw her eyes flutter open slowly, squinting at the brightness.
“Hey baby,” You said, kissing her hand.
“What happened?” She rubbed her eyes and yawned.
“You were shot. The guy was apprehended. You-you’re fine. The bullet went through without hitting anything vital.” She nodded and tried to sit up, gasping in pain. You shot up to help her. The doctor came in to check her out and eventually discharge her. 
Natasha sat on the edge of the bed, ready to leave. She lifted her shirt and looked down at the white bandages that wrapped around her abdomen. She sighed and looked up at you. 
“Marry me,” she said suddenly, biting her lip, barely believing that the asked you. You cleared your throat and looked at her in awe.
“Nothing!” She hopped up, grabbing her blanket and new dressings and headed for the door. You grabbed her arm.
“Are you sincerely asking me?” You lifted her chin so she’s looking at you. She nodded. You smiled and kissed her. “Then yes.” Natasha furrowed her brow. 
“Are you sure?” You chuckled.
“Of course.” Natasha nodded and sighed in relief. 
“Okay.” You grabbed her stuff from her and put your free arm around her, walking her back to your shared room. You spread the comforter back over the bed and put the dressings next to the bathroom sink. You appeared back in the room after a few minutes, Nat was laid out on the bed, a yawn escaped. You laid next to her, she scooted closer to you and nuzzled into your chest, you ran a hand through her hair.
“How about, instead of a big wedding we just go down to the courthouse, and do our thing.” You suggest.
“We’ll need witnesses.” She said sleepily. “Wanda and Steve?” She asked.
“Steve is gone for at least another week. Most of the team is gone for a while. We could ask Hill.”
“Okay, we’ll ask tomorrow though.”
Within the next three days you two were married, not that anyone other than your witnesses and Fury knew. You and Natasha had decided to wait and see how long it would take for anyone to find out, given that it took them 8 months for them to figure out that you were even dating. You two weren’t exactly being discreet either. While neither of you had explicitly told anyone you were dating, you weren’t shy with your affection, and it only got worse once you two got married. Hands were constantly on each other. Neither of you wore a ring on your finger, but you had matching necklaces, they were less likely to get lost in a battle. 
It ended up taking them 2 years to realize, and it only happened because Wanda slipped up. Bucky and Steve were talking about their own engagement.
“Are you going to have a wedding or just elope like Y/N and Nat did?” Wanda asked, her eyes widened and she put her head down. You were just walking into the kitchen and stopped in your tracks.
“For fucks sake Wanda.” You exclaimed and shook your head. 
“You’re married?” Steve asked, turning towards you. Wanda mouthed a ‘sorry’ at you. You nodded at him as you walked to the bench and took a seat next to Bucky. 
“Congratulations.” Bucky slapped you on the back and gave you a nudge.
“You’re about 2 years too late buddy.” You say looking down at the counter as Wanda slides a hot mug of coffee to you. “Thank you.” She nods.
“Maybe you’ll take pity on me now that I gave you coffee?” She gave you a pleading smile.
“I’m not the one you have to worry about, Wan.” You took a sip of coffee and Natasha walked into the room. She wrapped her arms around you and gave you a kiss on the cheek. Bucky sent a smirk her way.
“What are you looking at Barnes?” She asked not looking at him, but grabbing your mug instead.
“Just wondering where your ring is.” He said, nonchalantly.
“Your wedding ring. 2 years right?” You felt a sharp smack to the back of your head.
“Ow,” You turned around to face her and rub the back of your head. She leveled a glare at you. “Not my fault,” you lifted your hands in surrender. She raised an eyebrow, imploring you to tell her who ratted the two of you out early. “Wanda.” You point at the brunette that is turned away from Natasha’s harsh stare. You could feel the nervous energy falling off of Wanda. 
“Couldn’t you have just taken one for the team, Y/N?” Wanda squeaked, turning around but avoiding Natasha’s eyes. You shrugged.
“I could, but not with Nat. Sorry Wan.” You shrugged, Wanda’s eyes finally met Nat’s and she visibly shrunk. Natasha sat down on your lap, instinctively you wrap your arms around her waist and rest your head on her shoulder. Natasha kept her gaze on Wanda as she scurried out of the room. 
“Better get ready for training.” Natasha called out after her, semi-threateningly.
“Don’t go too hard on her, please.” You asked her. She sighed and nodded and pressed a small kiss to your temple.
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trickstersteve · 5 years
Dance With Me
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female Reader
Word Count: 2979
Warnings: Brief mention of smut. No others we can think of but let us know if there are.
A/N: This was written as part of Emma’s 1k Writing Challenge hosted by @buckyismymainman. We had the dialogue prompt “No.” “I didn’t even say anything!” “I felt a disturbance in the force and the answer is still no.”
This is our first writing challenge and first ever time trying our hand at a fanfiction. Please forgive any mistakes.
How you wished the ceremony would just end. There you sat, in the first row along with the rest of your family as your brother said his vows for the third time in his life. You’d have thought that after the first one, your parents would have insisted on a small ceremony but no, they’d gone all out. The chapel, the reception, the flowers! By the sheer amount of them, you suspected your family had bought out every florist in town.
You sighed as your eyes fell to your lap. Steve’s fingers were entwined with yours, his thumb idly stroking the inside of your wrist. A shudder went through you at the sensation and you let you mind drift.
You moaned as Steve’s mouth captured your breast. Your hands grasped the sheets as a wave of pleasure washed over you when his teeth grazed your nipple. His fingers ghosted over your skin as, searing a path downward until he hooked his arm under your knee, bringing it up over his shoulder, widening his access to where you wanted him most. You gasped his name as he stroked your clit, inserting a finger, then two into you, making you buck your hips, wanting more of him. He let out a low chuckle, more akin to a growl as he positioned himself. Another moan escaped you but was captured by his mouth on yours as he thrust -
“You may now kiss the bride.”
The officiant’s voice followed by the crowd’s applause snapped you back to reality. Steve gave your hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it and joining in the cheer. Reluctantly, you did the same, turning towards your companion in the process. You had to admit, he looked good. His simple navy blue suit with matching tie really brought out his eyes.  Your gaze trailed over him as you admired the way it hugged him just right. You licked your lips as you looked up at Steve who gave you a wink when he felt your eyes on him. Trying to ignore the throbbing heat between your legs, you turned your attention back towards the kissing couple up front.
Photographs were followed closely by supper, which was spent at a table with distant relatives and family friends you barely knew. Steve made the most of it, laughing and sharing wartime stories with some of the older guest seated with you.  Steve sat beside you, his arm lazily draped over your chair. Every time he gestured and brought his arm back across your chair, his fingers would brush against your bare shoulder, sending shivers down your spine.
As dessert came around, so did the speeches. One by one, those who were expected to speak stood and made their way to the podium. Polite applause, laughter, awkward silences were all experienced - sometimes all within the same speech. You, however, despite being sister of the groom, had been spared the embarrassment of having to say a few words. All this thanks to your oh-so-favorite aunt who’d claimed you just weren’t interesting. Although, yes you were thankful, the fact your mother had agreed with that statement had stung. At least having Steve with you was a small comfort.
Eventually, the newlyweds excused themselves and all guests were ushered into the main reception area.
Your jaw dropped when you entered the room. Your brother had told you the place was big but seeing it with your own eyes, big was an understatement. The place was huge! You let out an appreciative breath, your eyes taking everything in.
Tables adorned with burgundy and gold cloths were scattered throughout the room forming a border around the dance floor. Every table had two chairs whose upholstery matched the tablecloths. The flickering flames from the candles in their sea glass holders reflected off the two massive crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceiling over the dance floor, casting streaks of rainbows upon the walls. The stage, which looked better suited to hold a small chamber orchestra than the small four person band getting ready on it, took up a whole wall.
You noticed movement in the corner of your eye. You turned your head and that’s when you saw the saloon style bar in the dimmer far corner. The bartender, in his crisp white Victorian style shirt with a burgundy and gold waistcoat, stood behind the counter, drying a glass as he watched the crowd pile in. Behind him was a wall filled with various bottles. Honestly all that was missing to complete the old time saloon look was the giant mirror behind the bar and him wearing a handlebar mustache. You chuckled at the thought.
Steve placed a hand on the small of your back as you made your way, along with the rest of the crowd, to the edge of the dance area. Your arm automatically went around his waist as you leaned in closer to him to avoid bumping in to some of the other guests.
The air buzzed around you as everyone waited for the happy couple to emerge. The band on stage were making last minute tune-ups to their instruments when the singer stepped forward. As he retrieved a paper from his inner coat pocket, he placed his hand over the mic to adjust it, emitting high-pitched feedback in the process. A collective groan was heard as people shot their hands up to cover their ears from the noise. You winced in pain as the sound went straight through you, and buried your face in Steve’s chest. He hugged you closer and placed a hand on the back of your head. You immediately felt the tension leave your shoulders as you breathed in the faint aroma of spice, leather and something that was just so Steve. A smile pulled at the corner of your lips as you let your eyes close.  
“Sorry, ‘bout that folks,” the singer said into the mic, breaking the moment. “So, uh, before we begin, there are a couple of things y’all need to know.”
You half-turned your attention to the man on stage as he unfolded the paper and brought it a little closer. He cleared his throat and listed the instructions your brother and his dearly beloved wished the guests to follow. You picked at a random speck on your dress as the poor man droned on.
“And finally -” he swept his gaze over the crowd before looking back at the sheet of paper “- may you keep your applause until the very end of the first dance so as to not break the illusion that they’re alone.”  Your brows disappeared into your hairline at that. Steve snorted beside you.
“Bit much, don’t ya think?” he snarked in your ear. “We could’ve just left.”
“Yeah, well. Welcome to the family,” you retorted with a snort of your own.
You might have said it a little louder than you thought given the pointed glare one of your relatives standing nearby gave you. You rolled your eyes up at Steve who pinched your side with a chuckle. You flinched and gently slapped him on the arm.
Don’t do that!” you hissed with smile. He flashed you a smirk in response. You looked around and let out a sigh. “Honestly, I doubt that comes from my brother and his wife.” Steve raised a questioning brow. “This has my mother and aunt written all over it.” You heard him suck in a breath.
“And now, ladies and gentlemen,” the singer’s voice boomed throughout the hall as he tucked the instructions back in his pocket, cutting off whatever Steve wanted to say, “may I present, for their first dance as man and wife, our beautiful newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N!”
Applause echoed off the wall as the crowd parted to let them pass. Your brother and his wife made their way through the opening provided, the photographer taking shot after shot as she preceded them backwards. They stood together in the centre of the dance floor, face to face, their fingers entwined, patiently waiting until the only sound that could be heard was the clicking of the photographer’s camera.
The wedding singer turned his head towards the band behind him and gave a nod. The lights in the room dimmed as the first notes played. Only illuminated by the chandeliers above them, the newlyweds gracefully glided in perfect sync across the dance floor. The soft light reflected off the sequins in her dress as he twirled her. Their eyes never left one another and - for them at least - the world melted away, leaving only them in the moment.
Maybe, just maybe, for your brother, the third time truly was the charm.
A lump formed in your throat as you watched them together, the way they moved, how they looked at each other with such adoration. You looked up at Steve and then back at the dancers. You were jealous. Would you ever get that with someone one day? That happiness? That kind of love? Not with Steve. Not after you’d agreed that that one night together had been a mistake, both of you valuing your friendship more. Tears pricked at your eyes and you blinked them away with a heavy sigh.
You felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned your head to see Steve eyeing you, worry written on his face. You gave him a weak smile to let him know you were fine but by the sigh that escaped him as he pursed his lips, you knew he wasn’t buying it.  He lifted his head and swept his gaze around the room behind you before placing a hand on the small of your back, leading you to a more secluded area away from the gathered crowd.
He stepped forward and pulled out a chair. With a small bow and hand flourish, he indicated that you sit. Despite yourself, you let out a small chuckle, garnering a genuine smile from your companion. Offering him a little head bow of your own, you accepted the proffered chair. He pushed it under you as you sat before coming to kneel before you.
“You okay?” he asked, taking your hand in his. You nodded.
Those piercing blue eyes studied you a moment before he turned them away to look around. He ran his fingers through his perfectly styled hair as he spotted what he was searching for.
“Want a drink?” He jerked his head towards the bar area, a strand of blond falling towards the front of his face.
“Oh gods. Yes please!” you sighed, ignoring the urge to lean forward and tuck that strand back in place.
He chuckled, placing a kiss on the top of your head as he stood. Your breath caught in your throat at the unexpected gesture. Your wide eyes followed him as he loafed towards the bar, leaning on it as he placed the drink order. You tilted your head admiring the view that particular stance offered you. He glanced back over his shoulder at you with a wink and your heart skipped a beat. You looked away so he wouldn’t notice the rising flush in your cheeks.
Steve returned, glasses in hand, as the song ended.
“Your drink miss,” he declared, his eyes lingering on your face as he placed your glass on the table beside you.
“Why thank you, kind sir,” you answered with a chuckle.
He flashed you a smile before taking the empty seat on the opposite side of the table for himself. He reclined and crossed an ankle over a knee as he took a small sip of his own drink. You both sat in a semi-comfortable silence, sipping your respective drinks and watching guests hop onto the dance floor as another song started up.
Laughter reverberated through the hall. Limbs flailed and fabrics swirled to the beat and the tension that you hadn’t realized was there began to leave your shoulders. Your rolled your head, rubbing the back of your neck as you slouched down in your seat, crossing your ankles in front of you. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Steve strumming his fingers on the table or fiddling with his drink as his gaze bounced from the dancing crowd to you.
“No.” He turned his head and looked at you his brow raised.
“I didn’t even say anything.”
“I felt a disturbance in the force,” you replied, turning to face him with a smirk, in your best Obi Wan impression.
He looked like a lost puppy with his slightly tilted head and confusion in his ocean blue eyes. You barked out a laugh, inciting several guests nearby to turn their attention towards the two of you. You dismissed them with a wave as your other hand covered your mouth to muffle the giggles.
“Honestly Cap, one day I’m going to convince you to watch those movies.” You leaned in, propping your arm on the table and pointing your index at him. “And the answer is still no.”
He shook his head with a breathy laugh as took a sip of his drink, placing the glass back on the table as his tongue darted out from between his lips to lap up the excess liquid on his upper lip. You shifted in your seat, crossing your legs to squash the sudden tingle and heat rising in your core. You both turned your attention back to the dance floor where the guests were bouncing along to some sort of Latin-style pop song being covered by the band. Your companion drummed his fingers on the table surface for a time before propping his elbow on it and resting his head in his hand. His finger brushed over his lips as he observed the party.
You grabbed your glass and were about to take a sip when Steve slapped his hand on the table and shot out of his seat. You stared at him in shock as he took the two steps to bridge the distance between you and offered you his hand.
“Dance with me?” he asked, his voice hopeful.
You shook your head. “I don’t dance.”
“Come on Y/N,” he urged, wiggling the fingers of his outstretched hand. “It’ll be fun. Besides -” He lowered his head, looking at you through his lashes, a glint in his eyes. “ - you owe me.”
Your mouth fell open. “For what?”
A smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. “For coming to this -” He swept the room with his arm. “ - thing with you.”
Taking a quick sip from the glass still in your hand, you narrowed your eyes at the man standing in front of you. You leaned forward in your seat, uncrossing your legs in the process. Looking down at the amber liquid held between your hands, you flicked your tongue over your teeth with a tsk.
“As I remember it, Steven Grant Rogers,” you began slowly, lifting your gaze to him. “You invited yourself to this thing.” You downed the rest of your drink, the liquid burning down your throat, hissing through your teeth as you inhaled. You placed the empty glass purposefully on the table with a dull thud. “The whole ‘Tell your mom to book two tickets Y/N. I’m coming with you’ thing.” You settled back into your seat, crossing your legs while propping your elbows on the chair’s armrest. You steepled your index fingers and looked back up at him through your eyelashes with a smirk. “Ring a bell?”
You waited as Steve looked away. A tic worked in his jaw while he looked around, running his fingers through his ashen blond hair, that wayward strand falling forward again. He turned his attention back towards you, his face unreadable. Taking a step forward, he towered over you as he leaned forward, his hands clasping the armrests on either side of you, effectively trapping you between your chair and him.  You gulped as his face inched closer to yours, his blue eyes dark and never wavering from yours, until your noses just barely touched. You dropped your gaze to his lips which were turned up in a predatory grin. Your chest heaved as you sat frozen in place. Steve’s eyes looked you over, pausing briefly on the rise and fall of your chest before he dipped his head next to your ear.
“And as I remember it,” he purred, “you’re the one who practically begged for someone to come with you to save you from your pesky little family.”
You turned your head until your eyes locked with his. You blinked and looked away, slowly letting the air out of your lungs as you silently admitted that he was right - although begged was a little extreme.
He’d only insisted on coming along after you’d vented about your family frustrations to him. How you could never live up to what they wanted of you. How you were the disappointment despite this being your brother’s third wedding. Hell, your family hadn’t believed you knew - let alone worked with - the Avengers until you showed up for this with Steve by your side.
You licked your lips and Steve stole a glance, the pupils of his eyes dilating at the sight. He came in slightly, his lips ghosting over yours. You caught the faint aroma of whiskey on his breath as he lingered there, hesitant, before he blinked, withdrawing from you with a shake of his head. He took a step back, grabbed his drink and whirled back to face you.
“Like I said, doll,” he shrugged. “You owe me.”
He downed his drink before placing the empty vessel beside yours on the table, clinking them together. He stepped forward with a confidence that said he wouldn’t be refused and once again offered his hand.
“Dance with me.”
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Something About You
Talk about cutting it close to the deadline! Here is my entry for the 1K Writing Challenge from @buckyismymainman​. This would not have been finished on time without the help of some amazing people. Thank you!!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
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I think this will be more for me to keep track of stuff, but if you stumble upon this and like anything, I’d love to hear from you. If you hate it, I’d also love to hear from you to find out why so I can grow as a writer.
I’ll continue to update this if I post any more written things.
Challenge Pieces
It All Started Because of a Star Spangled Bald Eagle Pool Floatie for itsbuckysworld Summer Writing Challenge 2019
Something About You for Buckyismymainman’s 1k Writing Challenge
The Good, The Bad, The Precious for star-spangled-man-with-a-plan Multi Fandom Follower Celebration
A Rose Among the Stars for sunmoonandbucky‘s 5K Constellations Writing Challenge
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beckzorz · 5 years
Congrats on 1k Becca!!!! Can I do the prompt W3. Schadenfreude (German) with Steve? ~ buckyismymainman
Ahh thank you so much love!!! You got it :D Can’t wait! xoxo
Join Becca’s 1k Writing Challenge
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