alfasumberrejeki · 6 months
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Brankas Infinity Safe Basic 3 Tinggi 72 cm
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qbigbsdcity · 2 years
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ACEs buat kamu yang sedang mencari produk untuk keamanan di rumah. Kamu harus cek promo Home Safety Fair di ACE yang mulai hari ini hingga 3 Desember 2022. Ada beragam produk menarik seperti CCTV, Brankas hingga Kunci Digital Mortise untuk keamanan rumah kamu. Selain itu nikmati juga promo hemat hingga Rp 2 juta + Tambahan Cicilan 0%. Jadi tunggu apa lagi ke ACE sekarang juga sebelum kehabisan produk incaranmu. ACE, The Helpful Place. Untuk pilihan berbelanja dan informasi promo, silahkan cek link bio di profile kami.⁣⁣ #ACE27TahunMelengkapi #ACEIndonesia #AdadiACE #HomeSafetyFair #CCTV #Brankas #KunciDigital (at QBig BSD City) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClI1Gr7PHV9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brankasmurahmalang · 2 years
kami melayani penjualan, pemindahan, servis brankas di malang raya
Hub. 0813343455057
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shoutydwarf · 2 months
Fact is oghren loved branka in the way y’all can only put in fanfic & wattpad kidnapped by one direction stories. Oghren loved his paragon so much that he drove his entire house into the dust just for a CHANCE to fight for her. 2 entire years he spent banging on the doors of the assembly/palace demanding she not be abandoned. Of course it drove him to drinking and raging and drinking some more, he was taught that paragons are living GODS (pretty much) and was contending with the cruel, shattering reality that it’s been reduced to just face and politics. And there’s a lot to unpack about political corruption there but there is also a note to be made about how far into the abyss the darkspawn have pushed his proud people into over generations upon generations. He isn’t just mourning branka he is mourning honor and culture and religion. His OWN but also his PEOPLE’S. You’re not allowed to talk to him about it though uhh fart joke - here, hold that
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matanewes · 2 years
Pembantu Bobol Brankas Majikan Sebanyak 700 Juta Lebih
Pembantu Bobol Brankas Majikan Sebanyak 700 Juta Lebih
Matanews.id, Jakarta – Subdit Umum Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya telah berhasil mengungkap dan menangkap para pelaku kasus pencurian dengan pemberatan terhadap Selebgram Dara Arafah. Senin, (12/9/2022). Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol. Endra Zulpan, S.I.K., M.Si. didampingi Kasubdit Jatanras Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Indra Wienny Panjiyoga, SH., S.I.K. dan Panit Unit 2…
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biancadavri · 4 months
SELFISH: These Men Found Time To Start A Succession Crisis While Paragon Branka's Disappearance Into The Deep Roads Is Still Unsolved
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sparklative · 1 month
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branka likes lasagna 😭❤️
(from baby lasagna's ig story)
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thekingofwinterblog · 9 months
Oghren Branka - A Broken Dwarf
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Out of all of the original Dragon Age Origins companions, I've always found Oghren to be the most fascinating one in how rare it is to see someone actually do a full breakdown of the alcoholic, berserker dwarf, despite arguably having the most interesting and deep under the surface aspects to his character.
So i'll rectify that here, by doing a full delve into Ogren as a character, and the rather tragic tale of the last member of house Branka.
Oghren was a member of Orzammar's warrior caste, bred, born, and raised to be a warrior, a role that by all accounts he excelled at.
Oghren is famous for being probably the biggest alcoholic in the franchise, but according to lore, this actually wasn't a part of his personality before way later down the line, and came about due to a spiral downwards.
Oghren, like all warrior caste dwarves was raised to be an absolute killing machine, who's life was going to be devoted to killing darkspawn, and killing more darkspawn, and then killing more darkspawn.
This part of his life, Oghren excelled at. He was great at killing his enemies from day one, and won fame and glory.
Unfortunately, the thing that defined Oghren as a person, was the very brutal struggle, of, and Bioware's take on how hard it is for soldiers to reintegratd into societies after their states does everything they can to make them into tools for killing.
And in Oghren's case, this began with his family.
When young, Oghren was interested in a young woman named Felsi.
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The two hit it off quite well, only for Oghren to be forced into a political marriage with a certain woman named Branka from the smithing caste, a political match that was seen as mutually beneficial at the time.
This marriage was the single worst thing that ever happened to Oghren and everyone he had ever cared about.
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Branka would in very short time rise to become a Paragon, the only one in living memory, a living ancestor in Dwarven Society, making her the most powerful and influential woman in Orzammar, but that part is not the one I want to focus on.
Instead I want to focus on Oghren and Branca's relationship, and how it quickly fell apart.
Their relationship started okay, and in the first year there doesn't seem to have been that many problems. Things would change however.
Branca, as we learn from Oghren's talk had plenty of serious mental issues, like massive and spontaneous mood swings, and a tendency for sudden violence for the smallest offenses.
The innitial target of which seems to have been her her husband Oghren.
Oghren makes no secret of the fact that Branca was pretty violent with him, in particular the fact that she seriously damaged the hearing on one of his ears, and once attacked him for misplacing her tongs.
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Also, there is a bit of subtleness to Oghren's design that adds to how bad this relationship became for him.
Oghren has a permanent injury around one of his eyes, which makes it look like he's always squinting. The most likely culprint being his wife hitting him with something heavy and blunt, which never healed properly, giving him his iconic squinty eyed look.
We don't have anything to suggest Oghren ever actually defending himself physically from his wife, but if his own testimony is to be believed, their usual way of making up after one of these outbursts was makeup sex, which suggest that there was a rather sad cycle of spousal abuse, regret, then make up in the form of sex, then another bout of abuse, then rinse and repeat.
The usual cycle really.
Things got more complicated however, once Branka became a paragon, putting her firmly above her husband in rank as far as she could go.
And it's here that Oghren's life really began to take a turn for the worst, and where the drunkard who drowns himself in alchohol to try and forget how shitty his life is really began.
In very short succession, Branka, likely due to the mounting pressure upon her after becoming paragon, turned far worse towards Oghren, and their marriage began to rapidly crumble. But her becoming paragon had other consequences as well, the most obvious being that Branka became the head of the household, and absorbed Oghren's entire family into the new house of Branca under her.
Branka then began to shun Oghren completely, making her disdain for him open for all to see, while also cuckolding him with his own cousin Hespith(though Oghren wouldn't learn about that until years later).
This in turn, made Oghren's entire family follow suit, and he was quickly completely isolated and shut off from his own family, the same family that forced him into this marriage in the first place.
Oghren had already begun drinking to try and cope with his failing marriage at this point, and the way his entire family turned their back on him to please Branka just kicked that dependence off the deep end.
Then Branka committed herself to her great folly, and over Oghren's objections, took their entire family with them on her mad quest into the deep roads for a magical anvil... While forcing Oghren to stay behind so she could get to fuck her lover hespith on the side as she pleased without him around.
Needless to say, though Oghren didn't completely understand the full reasons for why everyone considered him a laughingstock at this point(the relationahip with Hespith was an open secret in Orzammar) , he kore than felt the effects of being alone, forgotten and abandoned by his family in a city that ridiculed him while still demanding he go out and kill darkspawn for them.
It was at this point that the Oghren we all know really began, as Oghren drowned himself in booze, embraced terrible jokes, and became the man with the most inappropriate pick up lines there is, desperate for anyone to give him any affection at all.
It was at this point Oghren for the first time cheated on his declared dead wife, seeking out Felsi. The renewed relationship did not last long. Oghren's downward spiral had already completely changed his personality, and she quickly left him.
At this point, Oghren really was at his lowest. Abandoned by everyone he had ever loved, alone, only having booze for comfort, and still having to regularly go out and fight darkspawn.
It's also here we see some of Oghren's hidden noble side, as at one single point he refused to buckle on, and that was his wife's fate.
Oghren refused(correctly) to assume Branka was dead and would pester the government time, and time, and time again to send out a rescue party to find her and bring her home.
Nobody took him seriously, and instead treated him like a joke... All the way until a young noble mocked Branka in his hearing and made it plain for all to hear that Branka could not possibly have survived that long in the deep roads.
The end result was that Oghren, in a drunk rage challenged the young man to a duel, then killed him, when it was supposed to be a duel to first blood.
Oghren thus changed from drunk pest, to dangerous pest.
In the end he was stripped of his house and the right to bear arms or fight in the city ever again, but was still demanded he fought darkspawn when the time came.
Oghren talks about this in his conversations with the Warden, how the city would turn their warriors into killing machines, strip them of all rules, morals and thoughts except kill and kill, and kill some more... Then put them right back into society, and bind them, and the rage they spent so long training you harness with rules and regulations. Add this with the fact that they will still demand you go out an fight at a moment's notice, it's not hard to see how warriors like Oghren came to be.
It's at this point Oghren has hit seeming rock bottom.
Alone, a joke in a city that will alternate between mocking, and spit on him, no right to defend himself, while still having to go go out and risk life and limb for it.
The only thing that keeps him going at this point, is the desperate hope that Branka and his family might still be alive.
Which brings us to the one soul who might bring him out of his stupor, depending on player choices.
The Hero of Ferelden.
The Hero of Ferelden scoffs at the claims Branka is dead and delves into the deep roads, and takes Oghren along for the ride, looking for her.
It's here that Oghren begins to form some sort of personal bonds again, where he will find the one person who is willing to put up with him, and all his flaws and possibly see him as a friend.
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As the team heads into the deep roads however, they discover the horrible truth.
Branka, in her madness and desperate search for the anvil, sacrificed Oghren's entire family to the darkspawn, intentionally creating broodmothers so she'd have a never ending supply of darkspawn pawns to throw at the anvil defences.
It's not really given the full focus it deserves, because Oghren isn't the kind of person who just lets out absolutely everything, but this moment, this revelation destroys Oghren.
It's the moment where he pretty much just gives up on life, and only follows the Warden around to find a place to die.
In the end, regardless of what you do, his relationship with Branka is over at this point, wheter you save or spare her, leaving him with the knowledge that his entire family is dead and gone, and he's the last one.
At this point he becomes what is seemingly nothing more than comic relief, and due to the unfortunate way Orzammar is struxtured, its usually done last before the landsmeet, meanjng most players won't see most of the deeper parts of Oghren, as they require some prodding to see.
Most notably of these is what happens if you bring him to the guardian at the temple, where the old man wants everyone to relay their sins and regrets, only for Oghren to cut him off when his time comes, and say this:
Why don’t I save you some time? Yes, I wish I could have saved my family from Branka. I wish I’d been a better mate. Maybe she’d have stayed at home with a belly full of baby Oghren and never gone for the anvil. Maybe I failed her. Yes, I came to the surface because I’m barely a dwarf anymore. My family is dead. My honor as a warrior is long gone. I’ve lost my caste and my house and I have nothing else to lose.
This display is really, really sad for a number of reasons, not only because of how far down Oghren has fallen at this point, but also because frankly speaking, Oghren did nothing wrong with Branka. He was the victim here, and yet despite that, he still lays all the blame on himself. It was his fault his family died. It was his fault for being a shitty husband. Not Branka's. His.
Beyond this, Oghren has other interesting observations that shows he is quite a bit more impressive than the sorry, alcoholic cassanova wannabe that he acts as.
He's the only character who figures out that Shale actually remembers killing her master, and that she regrets killing him, as rather than a conscious choice, it was a moment of her completely losing control, just like he did in the proving match so long ago.
He also proves himself a bizarrely good brewmaster, impressing Wynne and the warden withouth the proper facilities to make proper alchohol, and he's the only one who offers any plausible counter explanation for the powers of the temple of sacred ashes other than the power of god(which may or may not be on the money.).
He is also learned in history, and knows the andrastian religion and it's historical players very well for a dwarf, even seemingly having a personal disdain for Hessarionz who he calls a pompous prat.
At this point, where he goes from there is up to the PC's choices, but regardless, there is a lot more to Oghren than meets the eye, far more than the stupidly stereotypical dnd dwarf he presents himself as, in a setting where the dwarves are not all the same as Tolkien's.
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alder-does-art · 5 months
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I can finally share full art YISSS
Branka for e-version of ukrainian dragonage zine
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The contrast between Broodmother, and the fertility to produce an army of soldiers forced against her will, vs the anvil, and the inability to create any manmade life, so it must be stolen. Both are being used for such a twisted purpose, war, slavery, and the exploitation of women and men. The act of creation itself corrupted and done through force, while he true act of creation being based in love and motherhood.
"No mere smith, however skilled, has the power to create life"
Not to mention, Broodmother is entirely organic, as it is, opposite the anvil. The anvil can claim creation, but it is really transmutation. Broodmother can claim creation, but even Hespith calls it the darkspawn *remaking Laryn in their image*
Its just such a good trope that I've never seen in horror, and they make such good foils of each other one immediately after the other, how both darkspawn and greed corrupt even the most holy and well-intentioned acts. It makes sense when you consider the darkspawn are the Golden City's reflection of man's sins.
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Katalin Ladik, Phonopoetica, (vinyl audio record, 14'56"), Galerija SKC, 1976 [Shedhalle Zürich. acb Galéria, Budapest. © Katalin Ladik]
Exhibition: Poetry & Performance. The Eastern European Perspective, (group exhibition), Curated Tomáš Glanc and Sabine Hänsgen, in cooperation with Dubravka Djurić, Daniel Grúň, Emese Kürti, Claus Löser, Pavel Novotný, Branka Stipančić, Darko Šimičić, Māra Traumane, Shedhalle Zürich, September 16 – October 28, 2018 On the occasion of ERC Grant Performance Art in Eastern Europe: History & Theory (1950-1990), Curated by Sylvia Sasse
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alfasumberrejeki · 11 months
Pintu Darurat Gedung, Pintu Tahan Api Sargentsafe Fire Door
Spesifikasi :
Ukuran Total Frame :
H.2100 x W.1000 x D.120 mm
Ukuran Pintu Custom/ menyesuaikan
Kusen 2 mm
Daun Pintu ( 1.2 - 1.8 mm )
Tebal Pintu 55 mm
Rockwoll 100 Kg/m3
Panic Bar : Dekkson
Door Closer : Dekkson
*Bisa Request Ukuran/ Ukuran Custom
Pintu Darurat Sargentsafe / Fire Door merupakan salah satu varian produk keamanan yang biasa digunakan di gedung perkantoran, apartemen, hotel, rumah sakit, pabrik, perumahan, dan bangunan lainnya untuk memberikan perlindungan saat terjadi bahaya kebakaran.
Sargentsafe Fire Door didesain dengan citra modern dan keamanan serta menggunakan material pilihan berkualitas, dengan lapisan yang memberikan perlindungan saat terjadi bahaya kebakaran.
#pintudarurat #pintubaja #pintutahanapi #emergencyexit #pintudaruratgedung #sargentsafe #pintudaruratsargentsafe #pintubesi #pintugedung #pintubajatahanapi #pintutahanapisurabaya #distributorbrankas #jualpintutahanapi
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fanstuffrantings · 11 months
I know a portion of the fandom loves to shit on cullen, which is fine and all. But can we acknowledge that it's actually fucked up that the writers took a 19 year old, tortured him for who knows how long, had him experience an intense mental break from it, and then turned him into the butt of the joke/punished him for the trauma for a portion of the series.
Like rather than it being a "hey isn't it bad that the templar order/chantry sent this dude who was tortured by mages across the sea so they didn't have to deal with him?" It's "Haha, Cullen's so crazy for hating mages and being traumatized. Doesn't he suck?" And even the fans who dislike him often are completely willing to agree.
It's kind of weird to me how willing fans are to mock addiction and trauma when it comes to characters they don't like and it's never sat right with me.
The writers have done a lot of things with characters that baffle me and this choice is always one of them.
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brankasmurahmalang · 2 years
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Brankas murah berkualitas di malang
Hub. 081334345057
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sapphim · 1 year
the thing about branka is that, speaking from my position as a mean lesbian, regardless of the many sins she has committed, I think it was very cool and rad how she lead her entire family off into the deep roads to commit heinous crimes upon them EXCEPT for the man she was forced into an arranged marriage with. every single one of them! but NOT that one!!! 10/10 mean lesbian behavior. VERY funny. I have to stan. I mean, I'll kill her. but I do stand with her, regardless.
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v-arbellanaris · 1 month
that line with loghain in the camp when i was playing my female tabris was like actually horrifying for me because it was my second time playing and i knew what he did in unrest in the alienage so it felt like such an empty statement from him. like he claims to believe that elves and women are equal but i knew that later he is willing to throw them to slavery for the "good of fereldan". utterly haunting line
that's the thing, right - you know that when you play, but your pc doesn't. and, neither does loghain - the stuff with the alienage happens... potentially months later. in that second, he is genuine. he's many things, but he's not a liar, and he's not a man of airs or natural charm.
kal has to square with the fact that the man extended that kindness to her, that noticed her struggling in a crowd of faces, who could have ignored her and didn't -- that man, is the same man that sells the alienage elves into slavery. the duality of it is almost unbearable.
and at the same time... doesn't she understand it, too?
didn't she side with bhelen, to help the dust town dwarves, because she feels their struggle as keenly as her own? didn't she genuinely believe that? but then... when it came down to it... didn't she agree to keep the anvil? knowing where the cost for the golems would come from? knowing bhelen would take advantage of their desperate poverty?
doesn't she know exactly what she signed them up for - when she, herself, almost swayed at the amount of gold vaughn offered? that she didn't take the offer, only by chance? that she could have been swayed?
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