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Welcome to Manoj Garg Neurotherapy Healthcare Clinic, your trusted destination for neurotherapy in Faridabad. Our dedicated team is led by experienced neurotherapy doctors who specialize in holistic and non-invasive approaches to enhance your overall well-being. At our state-of-the-art neurotherapy clinic in Faridabad, we prioritize personalized care to address a variety of neurological conditions and promote optimal health.
Our Neurotherapy Doctor in Faridabad, Dr. Manoj Garg, is committed to providing effective and natural solutions for individuals seeking relief from neurological issues. Using a combination of time-tested neurotherapy techniques and modern medical insights, we aim to restore balance to the nervous system, alleviate pain, and improve overall health. Whether you're dealing with stress, chronic pain, or neurological disorders, our clinic in Faridabad is dedicated to helping you achieve lasting results through the power of neurotherapy. Experience compassionate care and a path to wellness at Manoj Garg Neurotherapy Healthcare Clinic.
Contact us at +91-9999604352 or mail us at [email protected]
Do visit our site: https://neurotherapydoctor.com/neurotherapy-doctor-in-faridabad/
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health-is-wealth-le · 29 days
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Strategies for maintaining brain health
Visit our website: https://www.life-enthusiast.com/
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neurotherapy · 1 month
Neurotherapy Doctor in Faridabad | Neurotherapy clinic in faridabad
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Neurotherapy Doctor in Faridabad
Welcome to Manoj Garg Neurotherapy Healthcare Clinic, your trusted destination for neurotherapy in Faridabad. Our dedicated team is led by experienced neurotherapy doctors who specialize in holistic and non-invasive approaches to enhance your overall well-being. At our state-of-the-art neurotherapy clinic in Faridabad, we prioritize personalized care to address a variety of neurological conditions and promote optimal health.
Our Neurotherapy Doctor in Faridabad, Dr. Manoj Garg, is committed to providing effective and natural solutions for individuals seeking relief from neurological issues. Using a combination of time-tested neurotherapy techniques and modern medical insights, we aim to restore balance to the nervous system, alleviate pain, and improve overall health. Whether you're dealing with stress, chronic pain, or neurological disorders, our clinic in Faridabad is dedicated to helping you achieve lasting results through the power of neurotherapy. Experience compassionate care and a path to wellness at Manoj Garg Neurotherapy Healthcare Clinic.
Contact us at +91-9999604352 or mail us at [email protected]
Do visit our site https://neurotherapydoctor.com// . . .
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searchnewsin · 5 months
9 yoga asanas to boost brain power and fitness
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Do you find it difficult to remember things and concentrate on your work? This may be due to lack of brain agility. Your brain plays an unprecedented role in controlling daily functions such as memory, thoughts, emotions, appetite and every bodily function and process. If your brain is not active, you will have difficulty performing normal tasks. Try these yoga poses for brain power to combat the factors that contribute to brain degeneration.
9 yoga asanas to increase brain power
1. Bhramari pranayama This yoga pose involves calming breathing techniques that reduce stress and anxiety and help boost cognitive function. Here's how to execute it: - Sit in a comfortable position. - Close your eyes and take a deep breath. - Take a deep breath in through your nose and as you exhale, make a humming sound like a bee. - As you exhale, gently close your ears with your thumbs, placing your index fingers on your forehead. - Repeat this process a few times while focusing on the soothing vibrations within your head.
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Practice breathing techniques to feel energized on a dull day. Image Courtesy: Adobe Stock 2. Padmasana (Lotus Pose) Padmasana is a meditation pose that encourages proper posture and focused breathing. This helps calm the mind and promote mental clarity. Here's how to execute it: - Sit on the floor with your legs spread. - Bend your right knee and place your foot on your left thigh. - Similarly, bend your left knee and place your foot on your right thigh. - Keep your spine straight, hands on knees and palms facing upward. - Take deep breaths and find a meditative state. 3. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose) Vajrasana is known to promote digestion and a healthy gut is linked to a healthy mind. Here's how to execute it: - Kneel on the floor with your big toes touching and your heels apart. - Sit on your heels keeping your spine straight. - Place your hands on your thighs and focus on your breathing. 4. Paschimottanasana (Sitting Forward Bend) This forward bending posture stimulates the nervous system and improves blood circulation in the brain. Here's how to execute it: - Sit on the floor with your legs spread. - Inhale and lengthen your spine. - Exhale, bend forward from your hips and reach toward your feet. - Keeping your back straight, hold your feet or shins. - Feel the stretch in your spine, promoting relaxation and mental clarity.
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To remove belly fat, it is best to sit in a forward bend. Image Courtesy: Adobe Stock 5. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand) This yoga pose involves balancing the entire body on the shoulders. Apart from improving brain power, it also has positive effects on the thyroid gland, regulating metabolism and energy levels. Here's how to execute it: - Lie on your back and lift your legs, bringing them above your head. - Support your lower back with your hands and straighten your legs upward. - Keep your body in a straight line while balancing on your shoulders. - This inversion pose increases blood circulation in the brain, which improves focus. 6. Halasana (Plough Pose) Halasana stimulates the brain by increasing blood flow to the head. This pose also stretches the spine and shoulders, releasing tension and promoting relaxation, which is essential for cognitive function. Here's how to execute it: - Lie on your back, lift your legs above your head and touch the ground behind you. - Keeping your legs straight, support your lower back with your hands. 7. Mayurasana (Peacock Pose) This yoga pose not only strengthens the abdominal muscles but also stimulates the digestive organs. Moreover, it relaxes your body and mind effectively. Here's how to execute it: - Kneel on the floor, placing your hands shoulder-width apart. - Bend your elbows and bring your torso forward, resting on your triceps. - Raise your legs by extending them backwards. 8. Shirshasana (Headstand) This yoga pose increases blood circulation and nourishes brain cells, enhancing cognitive function. Here's how to execute it: - Start on your hands and knees. - Rest your forearms on the ground, interlacing your fingers. - Place the crown of your head on the ground, lifting your hips toward the ceiling. - Straighten your legs, forming a straight line from head to heels.
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Do this yoga asana carefully. Image Courtesy: Adobe Stock 9. Ardha Matsyenrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose) This seated spinal twist stimulates the spine, promotes flexibility and strengthens the back muscles and has a therapeutic effect on the mind. Here's how to execute it: - Sit with your legs spread. - Bend your right knee, placing the foot on the outside of your left thigh. - Turn your torso to the right, placing your left elbow on the outside of your right knee. Do these yoga asanas regularly to reap these benefits and improve your mental strength and agility! Read the full article
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hiddendesignsgb · 7 months
”Unlocking the Secrets of Brain Health: Your Guide to a Brighter Future” 🧠🌟
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Your abilities, health, and interests should be considered when making brain-healthy choices. If you have questions, speak to your doctor, healthcare provider, or contact your local Society for recommendations. 
Why Brain Health Matters 🧠 Your brain health is essential for your overall well-being. While some factors like age and genetics can’t be controlled, you can reduce the impact of other controllable risk factors. 🔄💪
By following these tips, you’re not only lowering your risk of dementia, but you’re also:
Caring for your long-term brain health. 🧠❤️
Reducing your risk of other cognitive and chronic diseases. 🚫🤒
Safeguarding your overall health. 🛡️🌟
Stay Physically Active 🏃‍♀️ Regular exercise reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, all of which are linked to dementia. 🏃‍♂️🏋️‍♀️
Physical activity also boosts blood flow to the brain, providing essential nutrients and oxygen. Exercise also helps manage stress and improves your mood. 😅🧘‍♂️
Here are five tips for staying active:
Start small and set achievable goals. 🎯🏅
Find activities you enjoy. 😄🏄‍♀️
Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous activity each week. ⏰🚴‍♀️
Consider aerobic exercises like walking or swimming. 🚶‍♂️🏊‍♀️
Exercise with a friend for added motivation. 👫🤝
Stay Socially Active 👥 Interacting with others regularly can reduce the risk of dementia and lower stress levels. It also keeps your mood up and strengthens your relationships. 🗣️❤️
Here are five tips for staying socially active:
Engage in daily conversations with people you meet. 👋🗨️
Practice acts of kindness, no matter how small. 🤗🎁
Volunteer for social activities. 🙋‍♂️🤝
Combine social interaction with activities you enjoy. 🎉🎨
Maintain old friendships and make new ones. 🤝👵👴
Eat a Healthy Diet 🥗 A nutritious diet not only reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes but also supports brain function. 🥦🍓
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Here are five tips for eating healthily:
Limit processed foods, meat, and sweets. 🍔🍰
Include a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. 🌈🥕
Opt for foods like avocados, broccoli, and nuts. 🥑🥜
Use herbs and spices for flavor. 🌿🧂
Be mindful of portion sizes and stay hydrated. 🥤💧
Make Safe Choices 🛡️ Protect your brain health by making conscious choices in daily life. Factors like head injuries and excessive alcohol consumption can increase dementia risk. ⚠️🍺
Here are five tips for making safe choices:
Avoid habits that harm your body. 🚭❌
Wear helmets during intense physical activities. 🪖🚴‍♂️
Assess your environment for potential risks. 🌆🚦
Monitor your health numbers like blood pressure. 🩺📊
Regularly consult your doctor for health concerns. 👩‍⚕️📆
Manage Stress 😌 Persistent stress can negatively affect your brain and overall health. Managing stress helps reduce dementia risk. 🤯🧘‍♀️
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Here are five tips for managing stress:
Recognize stress symptoms. 😓❗
Take personal time for relaxation. 🌅🍃
Set realistic expectations. 📆🤝
Get enough sleep. 😴🌙
Seek support from friends or professionals. 🤗👥
Challenge Your Brain 🧩 Continual learning and cognitive challenges can reduce dementia risk. 📚🧠
Here are five tips for challenging your brain:
Pursue lifelong learning and hobbies. 📖🎨
Play brain-challenging games. 🎲🧩
Maintain routines and use reminders. ⏰🗒️
Engage in cultural activities. 🎭🎵
Cross-train your brain by trying new activities. 🔄🏋️‍♀️
Remember that lifestyle choices significantly impact your risk of dementia, so make choices that prioritize your brain health. 💡🧠
Transform Your Brain, Transform Your Life! Join Our Program for a Brighter Mind Today!! 🌟🧠
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neurorisereviews · 1 year
NeuroRise Reviews: Can This Supplement Boost Your Brain Power?
As people age, cognitive decline becomes a concern for many. People often turn to supplements to help improve their mental performance. One of these supplements is NeuroRise. This article will provide a comprehensive review of NeuroRise, its ingredients, benefits, side effects, and customer reviews.
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What is NeuroRise?
NeuroRise is a natural supplement designed to improve cognitive function. The supplement is marketed as an all-natural way to boost brain power, improve memory, increase focus, and enhance mental clarity. It contains a blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts that are said to promote brain health.
NeuroRise contains a blend of natural ingredients, including:
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Bacopa Monnieri
Bacopa Monnieri is a herb commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is known for its ability to improve memory and cognitive function.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba is a plant extract that has been used for centuries to improve memory and cognitive function. It is believed to increase blood flow to the brain and promote brain health.
Rhodiola Rosea
Rhodiola Rosea is a herb that is used to reduce stress and improve cognitive function. It is believed to enhance mental clarity and concentration.
Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid that is found in high concentrations in the brain. It is believed to improve memory and cognitive function.
Vitamin B6, B9, and B12
Vitamin B6, B9, and B12 are essential vitamins that are important for brain health. They are believed to improve cognitive function and memory.
Benefits of NeuroRise
The benefits of NeuroRise include:
Improved Memory
NeuroRise is said to improve memory and recall. The supplement contains ingredients that have been shown to enhance memory.
Increased Focus
The supplement is believed to increase focus and concentration. It contains ingredients that are known to improve cognitive function.
Enhanced Mental Clarity
NeuroRise is said to promote mental clarity and alertness. The supplement contains ingredients that are believed to improve cognitive function.
Better Mood
The supplement contains ingredients that are believed to reduce stress and improve mood.
Side Effects
While NeuroRise is generally safe, there are some potential side effects. These include:
Some people may experience headaches when taking NeuroRise. This is usually mild and goes away on its own.
Nausea is a possible side effect of NeuroRise. It is usually mild and goes away on its own.
Some people may experience insomnia when taking NeuroRise. This is usually temporary and goes away on its own.
Customer Reviews
Customer reviews of NeuroRise are generally positive. Many people report improved memory, increased focus, and better mood. However, some people did experience side effects such as headaches and nausea. Read more information about the NeuroRise supplement.
NeuroRise is a natural supplement that is designed to improve cognitive function. It contains a blend of natural ingredients that are believed to promote brain health. While it is generally safe, there are some potential side effects. Customer reviews of the supplement are generally positive, with many people reporting improved memory, increased focus, and better mood. If you are looking for a natural way to boost your brain power, NeuroRise may be worth considering.
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josephleine · 10 days
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Lab Academy Brainfit offers Success strategies for personal growth. Contact us today for Business management skills.
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carolinemeinicke · 1 month
BrainFit for Life: A User's Guide to Life-Long Brain Health and Fitness.
Brain Fitness is quickly gaining momentum in the media and business worlds. Most of the current focus is on 'brain-training' programs to boost cognitive function. While this is a positive movement, we must not lose focus that the physical visit site here health of the brain is required for cognitive health. We must not ignore all the data regarding the cognitive benefits of a health diet, physical exercise and optimal sleep.
As the Brain Fitness industry continues to gain momentum, and people explore all the incredible brain-training tools being developed, we hope that enthusiasts don't take their eye off the importance of the physical health of the brain and all the systems it communicates with. The brain is unique in that it houses our cognitive and emotional capacities in the form of the mind. It is a 'cognitive' organ that hungers for stimulation from new experiences and challenges. Many brain fitness programs strive to satisfy this need. Yet the brain is also a physical organ that plays by many of the same rules as the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. To stay healthy and perform optimally it requires quality nutrition, physical activity and optimal sleep. The brain, especially, relies on a healthy vascular system to efficiently deliver oxygen and key nutrients and remove waste. In fact, the brain uses approximately 20% of the oxygen we breathe to satisfy its high-energy demands. Given that the brain only weighs about 2% of the body, we can consider it an energy hog and we must cater to its needs very carefully.
Nutrients play key roles in brain function. Several have shown efficacy in clinical trials treating cases of mood disorders, cognitive decline and of course benefiting the physical health of the brain. Nutrients are both the raw materials employed in creating new neural connections and important components in regulating the activity of genes involved in these processes. Specific nutrients involved in mitochondrial efficiency, the energy factories of brain and body cells, are particularly important for many aspects of brain function. Other nutrients are involved in the inner workings of neuronal membranes, responsible for ensuring that electrochemical signals, which make up our thoughts, transmit efficiently and reliably. Finally, antioxidants, important throughout the body, are especially important in the brain due to its high energy production rates and concurrent high capacity for free radical leakage. Keeping this in mind, it is readily apparent that nutrition provides the building blocks for our brain's structure and function, and therefore cannot be ignored.
Exercise is a clearly established component for promoting brain health as well. No longer can we think that the brain is completely separate from the brawn. Human studies have shown the value of exercise in controlling stress and maintaining positive mood states; in improving cognitive function, including performance on memory and executive tasks; and in improving the brain's two-way communication streams with the rest of the body. Some of these benefits are likely due to the positive effects of exercise on neurovascular health, which parallel cardiovascular health. Other benefits seem due to increased grey matter in 'front office' functions of the cortex; and neuronal birth, or neurogenesis, in the hippocampus, a brain region that controls aspects of memory and mood regulation. Whatever the mechanism, giving your body a workout will produce substantial benefits in terms of brain health. Remember, a body in motion tends to stay in motion, and your brain and body will be together your whole life.
Mental activity is an obvious, and critical, ingredient for optimizing and maintaining brain function. Studies have established relationships between the degree of life-time mental activity and late-life cognitive function. It's clear that those who engage in intellectually challenging endeavors on a regular basis reap the benefits of a clear mind. There is, however a need for each individual to balance sufficient variety with a proper degree of challenge. Without variety and challenge, tasks become too mundane and too easy, eventually growing stale and losing their capacity to adequately stimulate the brain. We must also realize that mental activity goes beyond 'cognitive' tasks. Mental activities also include practices like meditative focus, relaxation and stress reduction techniques, as well as social interaction. These active and dynamic processes challenge the mind as well. Mixing cognitive challenges with emotional regulation provides a more complete mental workout that will help you to use it to improve it.
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mandyjane-lifedesign · 4 months
The Pioneering Brain Innovation Doctor
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The Pioneering Brain Innovation Doctor Revolutionizing the Recovery Industry Worldwide Impactive Human Interest Dr. Kimberley Linert was destined to make a positive impact on the world from a young age. Born in Michigan to an engineer father and a teacher mother, her educational journey began in a five-room country schoolhouse. As she progressed through her Christian education, her talents continued to shine. The older sister to a younger brother and sister, Kimberley excelled in various areas. "I used to take three buses to school. I was a shy, observant child, but I soon found myself involved in some unconventional activities, like being part of a marching band," reminisced Kimberley. Her upbringing, filled with love and support, laid a strong foundation for her future. She pursued a major in biology and chemistry, showcased her talent in theater and radio, and even served as a newspaper editor for a time. This nurturing environment greatly influenced Kimberley, with the only challenge stemming from going through a divorce when she was pregnant with her third child. More information View Here!   Life journeys sometimes take a well-shaped course, and Kimberley moved to Chicago to study behavioral optometry.  With a strong academic background, she earned her Doctorate and swiftly became a leader in vision therapy and the behavioral aspects of brain function related to movement and eye health. She is a hands-on learner and discovered that she got exponentially faster sustainable results by revising her vision therapy into a process in which vision training comprises 30% and brain training and movement make up 70%. Thus began the creation of Optic BrainFit. Kimberley's work with athletes and individuals engaged in high-performance activities produced groundbreaking results. In 1999, a devastating event struck as her father was involved in a near-fatal car accident on an icy road. While it was a tragedy for her family, Kimberley, who has always sought answers in the Bible, used the experience as motivation to change people's lives and help them reach their peak potential.   As a member of CEO Space alongside some of America's leading professionals, Kimberley has emerged as a sought-after expert, sharing her insights on prominent stages worldwide, and focusing on key peak performance topics. In 2017, her book, "Visualizing Happiness in Every Area of Your Life," captivated audiences and transformed the self-development industry's approach to this area. Kimberley continues to conduct powerful workshops across the globe, and her latest innovation, "Optic BrainFit,” is a pioneering process that blends vision, movement, and mental exercises to help individuals achieve their highest potential. This innovative approach has gained recognition among celebrities, top professionals, and sports personalities. Kimberley Linert, who interviews major personalities on her platform "The Incredible Life Podcast Show, remains dedicated to her incredible journey opening up the world to provide people not only with opportunities for peak performance but also the skills to harness their gifts and reach their full potential.   Read the full article
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julierysava · 9 months
🎲 Saturday Sudoku Challenge: A Number Puzzle to Relax and Refocus 🎲🔢
Hello, Tumblr friends! It's time to take a breather and refocus your thoughts with a calming yet engaging Sudoku challenge. Whether you're lounging on the weekend or need a mental break during a busy day, Sudoku offers the perfect blend of relaxation and brain stimulation. Grab your favorite beverage, find a cozy spot, and let's dive into the world of numbers and logic!
🔢 What is Sudoku? 🔢
For the uninitiated, Sudoku is a classic number puzzle that consists of a 9x9 grid divided into nine 3x3 sub-grids called "regions." The goal is to fill in the grid with digits from 1 to 9, ensuring that each row, each column, and each region contains all the digits exactly once. The puzzle begins with some numbers pre-filled as clues, and you must use your deductive skills to complete the grid.
🧩 How to Play 🧩
Start by looking for obvious placements. If a number appears only once in a row, column, or region, it's a sure placement.
Work systematically and fill in the numbers that can be deduced based on the existing clues.
Use the process of elimination to narrow down possibilities for each cell.
Be patient and keep trying different combinations until the puzzle is solved.
💆‍♂️ The Calming Effect 💆‍♀️
Sudoku is more than just a number game; it's a meditative experience that helps you relax and sharpen your mind. Focusing on the puzzle diverts your attention from everyday stressors, allowing you to be fully present in the moment. As you complete each box and row, you'll experience a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. It's a mindful activity that brings peace and clarity to your thoughts.
🎉 Challenge Yourself and Share! 🎉
Take a screenshot or share your progress in the comments below. Let's turn this Saturday into a Sudoku-filled adventure as we support and motivate each other. Feel free to ask for hints or collaborate with fellow Tumblr enthusiasts. The joy of Sudoku is not only in solving it but also in the journey of discovery.
⏳ The Clock Is Ticking ⏳
Remember, there's no rush to complete the Sudoku puzzle. Take your time, enjoy the process, and relish the joy of each correct placement. If you need a break, don't hesitate to return later with a fresh perspective.
🔎 Sudoku Solution 🔍
Once you've completed the challenge or need assistance, we'll be back soon with the solution. But for now, embrace the tranquil ambiance and immerse yourself in the puzzle.
Thank you for joining us in this Saturday Sudoku Challenge! May it be a delightful experience of relaxation and mental exercise. We hope this puzzle brings a sense of calm and focus to your day. Remember, it's not about reaching the end quickly; it's about embracing the journey and enjoying the journey of unraveling the Sudoku enigma. Happy puzzling, Tumblr fam! 🎲🔢🌟
#SudokuChallenge #MindfulPuzzles #RelaxAndFocus #SudokuSaturday #NumberPuzzle #LogicGame #MindStimulation #CalmingActivity #SaturdayMindTeasers #TumblrPuzzle #BrainTeasers #PuzzleEnthusiasts #MentalExercise #SaturdayRelaxation #SudokuFun #NumbersAndLogic #Mindfulness #ChallengeYourself #SudokuSolvers #PuzzleMasters #SudokuJourney #WeekendMindfulness #SaturdayMeditation #SudokuAddiction #TumblrMindGym #MindBender #WeekendVibes #BrainFitness #SudokuSatisfaction
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#SaturdaySudoku #SudokuChallenge #NumberPuzzle #MindPuzzle #LogicGame #RelaxAndRefocus #WeekendMindTeaser #SudokuFun #SudokuMaster #BrainWorkout #PuzzleEnthusiast #MindfulGaming #SudokuAddict #SudokuTime #Mindfulness #SudokuSolving #BrainTeaser #WeekendRelaxation #SudokuJoy #SaturdayMindGames #PuzzleSolvers #MindfulSaturday #SudokuAdventure #MentalExercise #SudokuMagic #WeekendChallenge #SudokuSatisfaction #SudokuRelaxation #PuzzleTime #SudokuMindfulness #SaturdayMentalChallenge
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buechermadl · 10 months
Rezension -Heile dein Gehirn-
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Schutz und Heilung für unser wichtigstes Organ
Ob chronische Erschöpfung, Depressionen, Long Covid oder Alzheimer - der wahre Ursprung vieler Leiden liegt in einem chronisch entzündeten neurologischen System. Durch Viren, Toxine, Schwermetalle und Pestizide in unserer Umwelt und Nahrung wird es schwer belastet. Das Verhängnisvolle: Die Schadstoffe überwinden problemlos die Blut-Hirn-Schranke und wirken schädigend auf Nerven und Neuronen. Doch wie können wir dieser stillen neurologischen Epidemie entgehen? Und wie lässt sich unser Gehirn wirksam schützen? Anthony William setzt auf Entgiftungsmaßnahmen wie wirkstoffkonzentrierte Liquid-Shots, maßgeschneiderte Heilkuren und Supplemente, Heil-Food und komplexe Vitamine. Mit seinem medialen Brainfit-Programm steht der Rundumheilung nichts mehr im Weg.
Das Cover ist schlicht, aussagekräftig und ansprechend.
Das Buch ist mit viel Text und umfassend aufgebaut. Es ist anschaulich und gut verständlich geschrieben.
Als ich das Buch erhalten habe, ist mir aufgefallen, wie dick und ausführlich es geschrieben ist. Ich habe immer wieder hineingelesen, aber es zwischendurch auch immer weg gelegt und es sacken lassen. Es ist nicht langweilig, eher interessant und dadurch auch sehr mitreisend geschrieben.
Das Buch ist in sieben Teile gegliedert. Alle Krankheiten und mögliche Ursachen sind genau beschrieben und man bekommt sehr viel Wissen mitgeliefert und kann für sich den Weg der Heilung wählen.
Ganz besonders haben mir die einfachen, aber gut wirkenden Rezepte gefallen.  Der Gelüste-Umstimmer ist sehr lecker.
Das war mein erstes Buch von dem Autor, werde aber jetzt noch mehr von ihm lesen.
Ein umfassendes und sehr hilfreiches Buch.
Zum Buch
Verlag: Arkana
Preis: 30 Euro
Buchlänge: 694 Seiten
Autor: Anthony William
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orthotv · 1 year
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🔆Brain fitness with ageing
🔆11th May 2023, Thursday, 9 to 10 pm
🔆Click to Watch : http://bit.ly/OrthoTV-STT-13
🔆Dr Pranav Joshi, MBBS, MD, DNB (Neuro) Consultant Neurologist, ANSA clinic, Ahmedabad Assistant Prof. of Neurology at SVPIMRS, Ahmedabad Keen interest in Neurodegenerative disorders
🤝 OrthoTV Team: Dr Ashok Shyam, Dr Neeraj Bijlani
📺 Streaming Live on OrthoTV www.orthotvonline.com
👨‍💻 Join OrthoTV - https://linktr.ee/OrthoTV #StoriesToTell #BrainFitness #Aging #Neurology #NeurodegenerativeDisorders #OrthoTV #LiveStreaming #DrPranavJoshi #ANSAclinic #Ahmedabad #SVPIMRS #DrAshokShyam #DrNeerajBijlani #LinktrEE #May11 #2023
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Have you turned up the heat and turned down your sleep and energy levels??
With the cold weather it's tempting to recreate a greenhouse temperature in the house ( although this year I do believe that we have all got the thermostat set lower! ) however apart from trying to keep the bill down low there is another reason to dial the gauge down to less then 65F at night . It’s too help you sleep well - keeping a window open also helps (but obviously don't have heating on and a window open at the same time!) Because although higher temperatures will make you feel sleepy, to ensure you get a full nights sleep the room needs to be cooler- grap a blanket or get some nice cozy pjs and bedsocks .
So take up turning that thermostat down low.
In the day. In the day try and Keep the dial no more than 70F to ensure you're alert and raring to go so it's time to grab that jumper and cardi there are some fab jumpers and scarfs to choose from. But don't overdo it too cool a room is equally unproductive - and for those of us with reynauds it's a fine line between what we can function in and what we can't! Sleep better. Be brighter more active in the day it could be all down to the thermostat in your home
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bmpablomuniz · 4 years
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#Repost @crissantosbf ・・・ 💚 Não tenha receio de ser legal ou não ser legal. Pessoas não são recursos e enquanto uma empresa tratar seus funcionários como tal, nunca terão pessoas engajadas e comprometidas. Honestidade e transparência ajudam demais a estabelecer relações verdadeiras. . Funcionários precisam ser estimulados a serem conscientes de suas capacidades para transcender em suas jornadas profissionais e pessoais. Tipo assim ó: experimenta deixar as pessoas se expressarem e se o que elas disserem não fizer sentido, beleza, alinhe com ela isso. Não precisa ficar decepcionado. . Experimente isso na vida e no trabalho, mas o ponto é que líderes insistem em querer que funcionários sejam auto-motivados, engajados, comprometidos. Não vai funcionar... não é assim que funciona com gente. . Se tiver que forçar, lembre-se de que não é para você e isso serve para sapatos, anéis, roupas, relacionamentos e pessoas! . Engana-se em achar que liderança é comando apenas, não é! Liderança é servir e se você acha que servir não é para você, você nunca vai liderar ninguém! . Quer desenvolver pessoas? Comece por você mesmo! Pergunte-se: no que sou bom, o que as pessoas dizem que sou bom, o que preciso mudar e o que eu preciso insistir mais!!!! Ah e diga não com sabedoria! #BrainFit #crissantos #RHfit #umbusinesschamadoliderança #coaching #carreira #liderança #liderançaepropósito #fitness #gestãodePessoas #relacionamentohumano #autoconhecimento #competência #trabalhoemequipe #meta #behavior #vendas #palestra (at Crown Barra da Tijuca) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9CBL6OH5XF/?igshid=ikjwxib41ioe
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miniaturesbync · 5 years
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Have you ever wondered why we never quiet outgrow the desire to put together a puzzle? Puzzle solving has a variety of benefits for children, but not too many people know that the benefits continue as we mature into adulthood.  As I looked more into this topic it became clear that puzzle solving is an activity that has many benefits. Read More http://bit.ly/2JyzCfN
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albertyzachria · 3 years
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4 Ways to Hack Your Brain Chemicals to Become More Productive Happy people are more motivated and productive. Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin and Endorphins are the quartet responsible for your happiness.  Follow Me @FitCoachAlbert #productivity #productive #productivitytips #productivityhacks #brain #brainhealth #brainfit #dopamine #serotonin #oxytocin #endorphins #happyhormones #cuddlehormone #fitness #educational #edu #wellbeing #wellness #albertyzacharia #coachwithalbert #kerala #Kerala #kerala_gram #thiruvalla #chengannur #pandalam #changanacherry #kottayam #kollam #thiruvananthapuram (at Kovalam) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNUP1IZJBOX/?igshid=3jxxn4apjk58
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