tashyrasvoice · 5 years
Testimony Tuesday: Does your life match your words?
Last week I mentioned that my creative juices tend to flow more freely and aggressively the closer I get to a deadline.  I also mentioned that most times I am preparing my Tuesday email in advance, in an effort to be  more efficient. But God's plan superseded my plan, even in this. My original email was already scheduled to be sent at 8am. However in my quiet time this morning, somewhere around  5:30am, the message changed; and today,  I earmark as 'Testimony Tuesday'.  So with that said, I ask you this question: 
"Our lives are our testimony. Are you allowing your life to speak?" - Tashyra
Share with me what God has done for you. Share your TESTIMONY: 
b) the evidence or proof provided by the existence or appearance of something
c) a public recounting of a spiritual conversion or experience
In scripture, Testimony is used: 
To convict (Deuteronomy 17:6, 19:5; Exodus 23:3; Numbers 35:30)
To defeat (Revelations 12:11)
To announce or bare witness (Matthew 8:4)
When we think of a 'testimony' we may first go to an audible expression. However, we see in Matthew that Jesus gives specific instructions to the man healed of leprosy, not to tell of his healing, but to be examined by the king, and to take an offering required by law. Not only is He saying that another needs to bare witness to the healing, but the man's actions of giving an offering would also tell of the miracle that took place. 
Repeatedly in scripture from the OT to the NT, from Prophets to Apostles we see the instruction to ensure there is someone else also baring witness to our words, and that our actions support that which is being said. 
Why is that so important? 
Why is it imperative that someone else vouch for what we know/say...?
What we know is healing...?
What we know is a breakthrough? 
Because our lives is our evidence. 
How else will others know of the Healer?
How else will others know of the Deliverer?
How else will others know of the All Sufficient One?
How else will others know of the Way-maker, Miracle-worker, Promise-keeper?
How else will they know that God sent you to your respective areas of ministry and expertise.....unless they see...?
You see, its easier to say a thing... 
Its easy to say we're loosing weight, but what do our clothes say? What does that scale say?
Its easy to say we have faith and believe in God, but what do our worried minds say?
Its easy to say we're not going back to that old relationship, but what did that late night text say?
Is our physical testimony matching our verbal testimony?
We are ocular beings. I know at times people refer to the outer appearance as superficial and unauthentic, but I dare to say that is only as true as the amount of effort and validity that you give it.  We are living testimonies of Christ. It is important to know that. It is true; we are some people's first impression of God. So ask yourself, what impression are people getting from you? You see, they too, will then bare witness and tell another about the God that you serve because of the that life you live. Baring witness, and having someone advocate for our testimony is not a foreign concept. We see it as a vital part of the legal system, and in courtrooms.  Even in scripture (refer to the above), it is instructed not to convict another based off just one testimony, but needing to have witnesses instead. (That's right...yet again we see how Bible in part of our modern day systems, although many would deny it.)
As I continue in my 'YES' journey in God, I am becoming more and more clear why it is so vital to be open and share. This, coming from a very private person who has the capacity to be personable, without being personal. Yup...that's me. I've mastered it. Its contrary to the line of work I am in - communications, marketing, Public Relations. But, there is an old adage that says, "Communications professionals do not know how to communicate." Such is the case when attempting to get some of these professionals to communicate their personal lives. See, its easy to tell another person's story in the media, but was I willing to tell my own? 
The more I share, the more I hear and see others being blessed. 
The more I share, the more I am emptied out of old experiences, information, and knowledge, and preparing the way for new revelation God so eagerly desires to download into me.  
The more I share, the more understanding I have of God's perfected Will of my life; the more witness I have to my story. 
The more I share, the more my LIFE becomes my VOICE. 
I want to hear from you. Beyond "Tashyra Talks Tuesdays", (leave a comment here  >>> 'Testimony Tuesday'  Tell someone about the goodness of the Lord, and then live a life that will bare witness to His grace.  
A life that says God is a god who cannot lie, neither is He the Son of Man who can repent. 
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tashyrasvoice · 5 years
Seasons Change
Boy does time fly! We are already nearly midway through October, nearing the end of another week. The weather in the Northeastern part of the US has finally dropped to reflect the Fall season we're so accustomed to this time of year.  The leaves are changing to their warm colors. No, this isn't a weather report just the evidence that a new season has come. Like the leaves changing, and the temperature dropping there are signs in our lives that foreshadow the changing of a season.  Do not ignore the signs.  Whether the signs are pointing at changes in family, friends, business, employment, a new scenery, or a new home be sure that you are tapped into your surroundings and can identify that which is shifting.  Like the Fall jackets, the color change to our hair, the burgundy in the air, the sweater weather we've prepared - the evidence of change is here.  We make changes to our appearance to fit the environment, we must be sure we have the proper "wardrobe" for our mind, body, and soul. Cloth yourself with information. Guard your heart with the truth of God.  Consult with trustworthy people. Keep yourself warm with wisdom. As we look ahead to 2020, let's be clear that there are still two more natural seasons this year - Fall (currently), and Winter (beginning December 21). While it is certainly necessary to prepare for your new year, its also necessary to embrace the seasons and possibilities this year still holds.  In less than 120 days, nature has obeyed time and transformed itself from Summer to Fall, and Fall to Winter.  So, if the Earth still has time to continue its natural evolution of change, aligning itself with the seasons, why do we believe we have run out of time in 2019? While we do not want to be ill-prepared for 2020, we also do not want to miss what is left in 2019.  Our days have been numbered in eternity; stop putting a deadline on what shall come to past in your life, and allow time to take its time.  We will miss what's for us in these last few months of 2019 by looking past the beautiful colors, the cool Fall breeze and the brisk wintry weather that cleanses the depths of the Earth's soil with snow. So you see, for everything there is indeed a season.  There are reasons and there are seasons,  Allow yourself time to enjoy what is left of this shift. Inhale the beauty in the warm oranges, hues of purples, soft yellows, and deep browns that accent the atmosphere. Allow the winter snow to cleanse the soil that lies within your soul.  Don't rush the process, but rather learn to understand seasons.  When you understand seasons, you envy no one, and you rush nothing.   Click here and here for more information on how I can help you through your metamorphosis!
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