#bleeeh whatever
automatonknight · 11 months
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^based on pictures showcasing various cosmetics except i. left the actual cosmetics out
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eugeene2hwed · 10 months
bruh it had to happen someday I know myself
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cakeofthepan · 1 year
I have officially found my favorite Matt joke of all time and had to preserve it forever
[Audio Transcript:
[Mahalageasca from the Borat Soundtrack Plays]
Lincoln: Um, Normal are you gonna stay dressed like that? Do you want like-
Normal (Borat): This is the way we dress in Kazakhstan uhhh?
Freddie: Yes, yes Kazakhstan
Normal (Borat): Kazakhstan yeah
Lincoln: Okay
Normal (Pickle Rick): Yeah that’s right, that’s how we dress is, I’m a pickle and I turned myself into that and I’m the best science fiction show of the last… 400 years. 5000 years. Rick and Morty. Great. I just realized, I’ve gotta voice the problematic guy that’s super fun, that’s a super fun thing for the guy who’s got anxiety on the podcast. He’s the- he’s never worried about people getting mad at him about anything, he’s never stressed out, it’ll be great.
Scary (Napoleon Dynamite): Normal, does it suck that like half of your like thing’s like racist too?
Normal (Pickle Rick): Oh God!
Lincoln: Normal, hey, look. Listen, look at me, we’re on a team okay?
Will: 4 eyes stare at you
Freddie: [laughs]
Link: The only thing that matters is saving the world
Normal (Borat): Hey Link it’s me Normal, I’m still in here ahhh
Link: Yeah okay good
Freddie: And two- and by the way two of your eyes are like squiggles, you know what I’m saying. Fucking weird.
Link: Do not- do not be worried. Say whatever you need to say to be funny. There is no- [laughter] nothing wrong- [laughter] the only thing that matters is saving our family. Do not worry about-
Stewie: That’s right, no one’s safe here baby
Link: Just let it free baby. Just let it free. Nobody- nobody’s gonna hear this [laughter]. Your parents aren’t gonna hear this. We can’t get in trouble down here. The only thing that matters is being funny. Okay?
Normal (Pickle Rick): You’re right uhh
Link: Like I get it, I feel guilty. It’s like, is it survivors guilt? That I got Garfield and all of you are stuck having to be funny. That’s okay. I won’t judge you if you save our lives so just be funny. Okay?
Normal (Borat): Okay, you tall… dumb… American man
Link [with absolutely no trace of laughter]: That’s pretty good! I… laughed
[everyone except Will laughing]
Link: Okay, so let’s, okay.
[music fades out]
Anthony: Alright Beth, what did you get?
Beth: Oh god I’m so scared, okay
Anthony: It’s, yours is not as bad
Beth: Okay, okay.
Matt: I’m so glad I didn’t sign this thing, god. You know what?-
Normal (Pickle Rick): Truly this is a cursed world we live in. Bleeeh eeehhhh
Matt: You know what? I’m not religious but… I do feel like it was the hand of god that made me come up with this Garfield fact that got me out of doing this, so [laughter] I think I might fucking go back to the faith
End Transcript]
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jajna · 1 year
Activity UPDATE
So I been getting back from art block and putting my best foot forward on most sites, mainly art related sites i feel need a proper chance again. By that I mean 1, post more art and 2, interact with others. Which I found highly rewarding before and find I STILL love even when I don’t get likes/reblogs/replies on my posts. Curious~ More of journals and expressive outlets by this point for myself. Course, I love when my posts make friends and others happy or interested xD can’t lie about that! lol But can’t take that for granted or you be disappointed. -shrug- \-(owo)-/ now...... *what do people tend to connect in posts more* ~
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- Colors choice are a big one. I am not the best with pigment choices and patience slip up. When you have good color harmony people’s flock! xD - Fanart. Course, they don’t know your OC’s, Relate more to their favorite movie/book/etc. This works out great for me tho, tend to put OC’s or sona to interact with fanart characters. its great! More fun for ME! - Comics/active images. Easier to comment on then say a posing character. - Personal art. I tend to like art more when I know the artist, or at least find them funny, kind or somewhat relate to them emotionally. This is why I think personal art are extremely important. They are putting themselfs out there, connecting with their family/friends/audience despite all trolls/haters/AI and art thiefs. And If I think this are important. Then I bet. Most art lovers are the same. --------- BUT OF COURSE!!
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We can’t create for others. no! well, maybe, if it’s your work and you have no choice and need income. o_o; still STiiiiiiiiiiiiiILL To protect you from art blocks and burned out!!!! - it’s important to sometimes like the idea of what you draw! Get it out there and even if nobody interacts with it’s creation, you, are happy its out. create for yourself. /^ U^/ When in an art block I rather sketch faces of all my OC’s, it’s relaxing. no rules about having to look good, surprising how creative one become with the I draw whatever i want mood. - Write a creative list: of things you would want to create for a blue day when the head is empty(butyoufffffSTILLwanttodraw). this goes hand in hand with the first one, but are soooooo fucking handy. ---------------
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hum... thinking about all that I started ponder whyyyyyy i post stuff on the internet. like.... For me personally, - It’s mainly friends and art community!!! - I also like using these sites as journals/blogging/outlet. - and some sites are handy portfolios. ;)) not particular important for ME. but you know... people (mainly family lol) get’s curious what you are drawing. ------------------------ and after all that I want to turn to the subject of problematic interactions on the internet.... the creativity killers, trolls/haters/AI art/art thieves................. =____= I know................ better be done with this one quick. Bleeeh.... - Block if they make you uncomfortable, it’s your room. - Delete comments freely. - You don’t own them anything. ----------------------------------------------------- NOW.
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Having said all this I am highly aware folks are working/going to school, rather be with family when free and the world are in a stressful position. Becomes even harder if your disabled, easily stressed and got frail income (and so much more!!!!!) Art is not your main focus. Only reason I myself can art every day and be be active online Is I made it a daily activity, to make myself happier. ^^ Because I was retired at an early age of 30. Could not keep up with today’s pressure of society because of my ADHD. Working 8 times a day, doing shores like shower/do dishes/bills/wash clothes and still have energy after for family and friends was impossible. ^^; Was lucky to have a mom who work in the health field so she noticed my difficulties just as I entering my teen years. To not mention, Sweden are one of those countries who take mental health rather seriously. Which is how I can survive without working full time and instead have meetups and the like with others like me almost every day to at least get out from the house. Daily activities or schedules are encouraged. Like going to the gym, hanging with friends an family, working on your interest.
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SO YOU MIGHT SEE WHY IT’S EASIER FOR ME!! don’t beat yourself up. I can only do this because of all the support I have and, well, my own urge still wanting to contribute to society. Would not get anything done if I didn’t find art/blogging/journaling interesting. xD I dono If I ever get a proper job. If I have one It have to fit me personally rather then I fitting in a tight mold. I was so frustrated and felt trapped for years. Nowadays I accepted reality but have not abandoned my dreams. Dreams are important. Make art to make yourself happy you guys!!! <3
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The call of cthulhu
Chapter 7:
I got my brother to play the shambler part, it took 4 months before either remembered it, but it's done, thank god.
*the nameless bookstore *
"Alrighty bois, here we are, what's up"
"Uh oh, blood on the window"
"Oh yeah, let's close the door aggressively, surely that didnt make a noise and potentially alert whatever or whomever is in here"
"Ugh, sigmund Freud. Or I, dont really know anything about him, just the whole sexist something"
"Yeah because, walking around with a lighter around all these books seems like a brilliant idea"
"Eww, wtf is that?? Looks like a huge bug"
"Bleeeh i hate it ew ew ew"
Pierce, picks up a book: how many volumes are there in this collection?
*Also pierce picking up every red book and repeats the same thing*
Game: wanna read the book?
Me: since you're asking I feel I should say no
Me: yeah alright
Game: this will affect your destiny
Me: well fuck. I hope it's for the better
"Ooooh, I had to listen to the tube things, and now the red books are interesting"
Pierce: a strange amulet... I have a feeling that I'd better not touch it
Also pierce: *picks it up*
"Oh? I got an achievement for picking up an occult thing"
"I'm stuck"
"9th volume, I'm looking for the 9th volume"
"He said he cant stop reading it... so it should be somewhere he could sit"
"Ew the bugs"
"My amnesia lamp is dying fast"
"The ghostly fog around the lamps are so creepy"
"Am I looking for a book that doesnt exist?"
"Oh wait, it says that they're numbered, the tube sound things"
"  'Order is the pleasure of reason, but disorder is the delight of the imagination'  huh, I like that quote"
The game: the clues of the combination are to be found in three cylinders, each hidden where life and study combine in the greek world
Me: I got them
Game: each cylinder is numbered-
Me: yeah
Game: yeah :)
Me: what?
Game: :)
Me: sir-
"I'm such a smart cookie"
"Gotta find myself a cookie monster"
"Wait.. no no nevermind I take it back"
"Asdfghjkl Hannibal is the cookie monster"
"Alrighty gang, first thing"
"One= 10342
Two= .. wait, okay I thought I was onto something here but they're all labelled the same number?"
"No wait"
"Oh no, yeah, the same, ffs"
"Let's try anyways"
"Okay but, theres a glowing star there, it pushed the love child of cthulhu away, and you're like? 'Hell yeah lets touch it'??? This entire game is just Pierce being insane"
"When me and Odin (lil bro who helped me) talked about this game, both would've just gone nah, and just, ya know x.x
Not that we would ON PURPOSE investigate here at all, but after all Pierce have seen? Nah, nah man"
"Didnt work, I mean ofc it didnt"
"I dont have that many brain cells to solve anything with numbers"
"I can do this, I'm sure..  I mean I cant, but let's pretend"
"I can get pleasantly surprised"
"Okay, I have to be missing something"
"Oooh, maybe the love child of cthulhu took book nr 9?"
"If this is as easy as the globe one? I'm gonna go cry"
"Aaaa idk the codddddeeeee"
"So code 666, 616 and 404, does not work"
"I gotta Google "
"Excuse me??"
• Cylinder 1 - Cylinder 1 - regards the Goblet from this room. Indicated number 5. "How??? How does that indicate 5???"
• Cylinder 2 - regards chessboards on the table and the chess pieces defending the queen. Indicates number 3.
• Cylinder 3 - regards the books you can find on the counter and to the total amount. Indicates number 9.
"This game is difficult"
"Cthulhu is mocking me, I'm sure"
"Yay. I opened it to find the forbidden book"
"And now he's gonna read it, wow, sure, toss all that stuff down to the floor"
"Oh great, eye of sauron"
"Ooo, floating books and?? Weeeee~"
Chapter 8: Institute
"Yaaaay... more hospital insanity, woo"
"Oh, his mind was projected into another body? Oh yeah because Pierce needs body dysphoria added to all his ptsd"
"Oh cool, I'm a woman now, and my name is... Marie Colden."
"Okay so this dying dude, got something in his body, they joked about him being pregnant.... yoo"
"Oh ew, hes mutating"
"The extra nurse is just watching them talk about illegal things"
"I hate first pov"
Me, whispering: i dont know what that word means
"Nightmare city"
"Eaugh the food looks like... I dont even wanna say it"
"Oooh, I get to see from her pov. I thought this was like a new thing"
"Oh damn, Pierce is down there living through hell, and I'm running around looking at books"
"I got an achievement for healing all the patients"
"I'm just looking for a tool"
"I'm calling it, the young woman who wash the bathrooms are gonna die"
"I'm back as the idiot detective!"
"The book dealer guy! Drake! Got a gun on me!"
"I got an achievement that said I fell into Fuller's trap :("
"I only think of Brian Fuller "
"I got a rare achievement because I keep reading the cursed books, oh jesus why am I like this"
"Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back"
"If I was pierce, I'd invest in shoes that doesnt tap"
Pierce: enough time wasted-
"Oh fuck oh wow"
"Oh, ah.... hh... scary scene... I wish I could record my scream there hahh, it wasnt a AAA it had two sets in it, wow ooof"
"Okay okay, I managed to get past the ??? That was, and I'm finally back to normal, I'm just gonna see if I die, and maybe I'll just game more another day"
"I'm in a hallway... no matter where i run, theres no end"
"Who's singing?"
"I even tried to run backwards"
"What if I stand still?"
"Or I'll close my eyes and run into every door"
"Okay okay uh, inside the patted room"
"Going insane !!"
"Ah, okay so, surgery, fun"
"W h a t  T h e  f u c k "
"???? Marie, zombie??? Marie just knocked me out, wtf is this"
"Crazy painting woman is alive, alright. Husband is the cthulhu love child, the doctor is clearly in love with her... we're running from guards.... and I think??? We're gonna gas them...."
"Okay.... uh.... so, Sarah is... the key to get cthulhu.... and her husband, tried to "protect" her, and hes dead, combined effort... and now we're in chapter 9.
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sleepynegress · 1 month
chipotle order? ....
thoughts on veganism? Whatever a person wants to eat is their right, but veganism is just as damaging to various indigenous peoples and the environment and animals.
a specific color that gives you the ick? When two clashing colors are together and make your eyes hurt with the wiggle effect.
mythical creature you think/believe is real? Soldiers swear something Yeti-like exists in Afghanistan.
favorite form of potato? Slow cooked with pork, sweet and russet, onions, carrots, garlic, honey, and a splash or two of ACV
do you use a watch? No.
what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium? Sea Anemones The colors and the wave patterns in the tentacles soothe me.
do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home? House shirt or dress.
do you have a skincare routine (and how many steps is it)? Wash face with soapy washcloth twice in a row in the morning and at night before bed, tweeze stray hairs, facial lotion with SPF...dassit.
on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice? Apple
anything from your childhood you’ve held on to? Trauma, unfortunately.
brand of haircare/bodycare/skincare that you trust 100%? Dr. Bronner's soap, Tea Tree. It's great. and lasts forever. Dilute by 25% to 100% water.
first thing you’re doing in the purge? Hiding
do you think you’re dehydrated? Yep.
rank the methods of death: freezing, burning, drowning Rather freeze. The least painful way to go. Then drown then burn. I have gotten burned really badly before. It took months of healing. DNR.
thoughts on mint chocolate chip? Bleeeh, like ice creamed antacid.
an anxious compulsion you do everyday? Wake at odd times in the night.
your boba/tea order? ...
the veggie you dislike the most? I don't dislike veggies, but okra, unless in gumbo.
favorite disney princess movie? Moana. Her confronting the goddess to comfort her always makes cry.
a number that weirds you out? ???
do you have an emotional support water bottle? No.
do you wear jewelry? Not often but sometimes a silicone piece or two, anxious about losing expensive metal (14k gold at least) and allergic to everything else.
which do you find yourself using, american or british english? Both when writing. Southern AAVE sprinkled into newscaster standard when speaking.
would you say you have good taste in music? EXCELLENT.
how’s your spice tolerance? Ehh medium.
what’s your favorite or go-to outfit? Loose drapey cotton mix fabric dress in bright colors and sometimes layers, plus sandals. Up-wrapped locs.
last meal on earth? A refreshing fruity smoothie and cold water. I'd wanna go out feeling light not heavy.
preferred pasta noodle? Whole wheat thin spaghetti
ask me anything ! Meh.
from this post.
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cosmic-gemstone · 1 year
Bleeeh finally seeing cardiology on the 11th.
Really hoping that it’s nothing serious with my heart. I already had the pulmonary function test done, so now I’m seeing a cardiologist.
Whatever is going on with me, I hope it’s treatable. Or at the very least, manageable. Because I feel like I’m getting weaker all the time. X.x yesterday was particularly rough, having some kind of flare with my symptoms. Today is a little bit better.
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Huh... That’s weird. He’s suddenly not feeling too hot. Another defragging session? Not that he minds, but he doesn’t even get a chance to make it to his room before collapsing, face smacking against the floor. That’s annoying...
A pair of large hands plucks him up with ease, cool fingers pressing against his burning head.
“Fizzarolli?” Mammon’s voice manages to taper through the fog that’s practically coated itself over his processor, but all the Jester can do is blink at the Ruler in confusion, “You’re burning up. Hold on...” He’s moved without protest (not that he would with Mammon) and laid somewhere dark. A stinging sensation enters the base of his spine before it dissipates into nothing and he feels a great weight against him... No. Under him? What is going on?
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blooeyedtroll · 4 years
What if riff and barb are Ramona and Scott?
🧐Well let me counter that with:
What if Smidge and Biggie are Batman and Robin? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
But seriously.🤨
My hot take. Barb and Riff far surpass any Scott Pilgrim characters. Let's be real.😏💙
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t4tails · 4 years
bored at home all day send art reqs if u wanna
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veilofemptyspace · 5 years
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30 Day OTP Challenge: Game Night
“Shiro, I think we’ve made a terrible, terrible mistake!”
“Yes...yes we did...”
Lance and Hunk made a bet to see who can fluster their boyfriends enough to lose a game with dirty talking. Keith thought he could handle it, because really, it’s Hunk - how bad could he be?
...Turns out Hunk is very good at dirty talking and Keith is not prepared - at all (Shiro almost lost by proxy because he did not expect that either)
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alittleprincehwa · 4 years
ateez reaction ───  ੈ♡˳ you come home crying.
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─  ੈ♡˳ hongjoong
      ↳ the moment he saw your eyes with dripping tears, he stopped whatever he was doing and scurried to your side. He hugged you from the back making you stop in your tracks. Even if you tried to hide your crying, he saw it nonetheless. He looks at you with a concerned face and said " Baby what's wrong? ". When you told him it's nothing, he carried you to the couch and made you lie on him. " C'mon love you can tell me. " He convinces you while combing your hair with his fingers. You tell him the reason your crying and he listens with all ears. After your ranting, he comforts you with hugs and kisses.
─  ੈ♡˳ seonghwa
      ↳ when he heard you sniffling when you entered the apartment, he knew something was off. He took a glance at you while you pass the kitchen. Something was definitely wrong, you didn't greet him like to usually do, you didn't even look at him. He turned off the stove and head to the bedroom where you were. When he saw you curled in a ball on the bed with puffy eyes and a runny nose, he climbed on the bed. He wrapped his arms around you while tangling his legs with yours. " What's wrong, dumpling? " He murmurs in the midst of pecking your cheek. You giggle a bit when he called you the nickname he used. You told him all about your stressful day, he frequently places a kiss on your face. " Well, I'm always here with open arms. When you're stressed just come to me. " He pecked your lips.
─  ੈ♡˳ yunho
      ↳ yunho is a teddy bear. He will use himself to comfort you. When he heard your sniffles and cries, his head would shoot up and scan wherever the sounds came from. When he learned it was you, he'd sneak up behind you and immediately back hug your petite body. He'd be there for you, saying " Hey I get what your going through. ". He'd drown you in all the love he's got to give. " It's okay, love. I'm here see? You can hug me all you want! ".
─  ੈ♡˳ yeosang
      ↳ yeosang didn't know much about comforting someone. But he did whatever he could to turn that pout upside down. So when you entered the apartment crying, he was lost for a minute. " Yah jagi, what's wrong? Do I need to fight someone? " He said. You chuckle but shake your head. You saw his eyes bright up. He walks out for a moment but come backs. He enters the room once again but with a container of strawberries in hand. He sits down and feeds you one. You couldn't refuse a strawberry despite your mood. " See? Strawberries are the solution to anything. " He says while eating one. He spends the afternoon shoving berries in your mouth, making you forget your sorrow.
─  ੈ♡˳ san
      ↳ this boy is one of the sweetest people to ever exist. That being said, he won't just let you cry. He'll do whatever it takes for you not to be sad. He was watching a show when you can home from work. Your quiet sobs could be heard throughout the entire apartment. San paused the tv and stood up to greet you. Only to stop when he saw tears from your eyes. " Y/n-nie, what's the matter? " He asked. You didn't answer but hug him. " Don't wanna tell me? That's alright princess, why don't we settle on the couch? " He pets your head. He felt your small nod and you both walked to the living room. He sets up the gaming console and hands you a controller. " Why don't we play to get those mean thoughts out of your mind? " He sweetly smiles.
─  ੈ♡˳ mingi
      ↳ he saw you walking in with pouring tears. He stood up from the couch and jogged to you. Without a word, he spreads open his arms. In an instant, you rush in his embrace, making him step back a bit. He hugs your small figure while saying " Why are you crying, angel? " With such a sweet tone. He wipes your tears away. He motions you to jump. You did as so and he carries you like a baby. You clung to him like a koala, all while crying all the stress out. He comforts you in the sweetest way possible.
─  ੈ♡˳ wooyoung
      ↳ when he saw you crying, he himself would also start tearing up. " Why are you crying? I'm starting to cry to. " He said. He'd reach out to you and hug you so tight you couldn't breathe. Making funny faces and phrases are what he does to make you happy. " See- bleeeh! ". You laugh at his antics. You two would make funny face to stop each other from crying. You'd laugh at the stories he'd tell about the members. You'd both end up entangled in each other's embrace by the end of the day.
─  ੈ♡˳ jongho
      ↳ when you came home crying, he'd be at loss. He didn't know what to do or say when he saw you walking to him with tears streaming down your face. His brain would hint him a few ways of comforting you. " I know you're having a hard time. And I'm here. " He would calmly soothe you. " We can break apples if you're sad... " He offers. " That's not really help- you know what? Let's go break some apples. "
a / n : I LITERALLY HAD TO SEARCH HOW TO COMFORT A GF DEAR LORD. I apologize if it's very shitty.
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ghostgirlvii-art · 3 years
I would like to stream when I draw. More often that I do (last time I did was like three weeks ago after two years of not doing it lol)
But my problems are;
I have no schedule, because even if my life depend on it I can't tell myself ok you draw from that time till that time. Inspiration and motivation need to strike so I can do something 😅
Twitch let me have guest in the chat, but I can get strikes for stream so copyrighted music or whatever. When I draw I love to have something specific (movie or music) in the background and anything else will just take the motivation away. :/
With Picarto I can stream whatever I want as background noise, but guest chat isn't an options 😫
Picarto will give me more liberty with what sounds is being used and I have been using it since a few years. Twitch is more restricting but at least people wouldn't be force to join to chat. Bleeeh. I'll have to give this more thought and find something
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laszlowrobinson · 4 years
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A playlist that your character would actually listen to
It didn’t say to describe why they would listen to these songs, but I did it anyway because while idk anything about music I like to rave about it lmao
Spice Up Your Life - Spice Girls 
I mean the Spice Girls were and still are iconic spelled to sound like eye-con-eek. They were a good chunk of his childhood to adolescence since they WERE the 90′s. So not only is their music just, you know, great, it holds a very nostalgic place in his heart. I mean he for sure watched Spice World and didn’t give a single shit that it makes no sense. It didn’t need to, it was the Spice Girls hanging with aliens and chilling out on the bus in their iconic fashion. Anyone in that movie he will reference as their character from that instead of like oh Hugh Laurie from House MD? NO, it’s Hugh Laurie, Poritot from Spice World. Oh Stephen Fry? From Gosford Par? NO, it’s Stephen Fry, the Judge from Spice World. 
Anyways, while he would and does put their entire discography on, I’m putting this one in particular because it’s such a bop!! And their anthem. When the bitches were back for the 2012 Olympics, while they may have opened with Wannabe with choreography, (except Victoria who literally stood there Posing, the icon) they really went in with Spice Up Your Life okay, they rode around that stadium ON the cabs while singing it!!! It’s 100% the song that will pick him up off the floor. 
What a song??? Holy SHIT. It may be only like a month old in its life span but it Hits, so it gets a spot on this playlist because as soon as I heard it I was like, “Laszlo would be obsessed.” It’s a bop, it’s a jam, it’s everything he could ever ask for in a song. First off, the production on it is just so good!!! The beats HIT and the clapping behind their vocals picks it up to another level. And that part where they like lmfao aggressively grunt?? after “Everglow forever let’s go.” amazing, brilliant, stunning, absolutely the best thing he has ever heard before. And then the VOCALS!!! The talent!!!! Like the range between all the girls is astounding, and I don’t just mean their vocal range. I mean ALL of it, the singing, the rapping, the power and then pulling it back for the softness until they come back to make heads bop for the chorus. Whew!!! Just such a good, pump up song that he can bop around too and that’s his favorite kind of music!! 
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight) - ABBA but the Cher Cover 
No disrespect to ABBA because Laszlo loves them, but he looooves Cher and while he would ALSO play her entire discography, this song just hits different sung by Cher in 2018 in her beautiful, earthy voice. And she did it so tastefully. She respected the original song by not turning it over into something completely lost to the track but it still felt like she was putting her own magical Cher-y blessing upon it as if it were her very own song. It’s like the perfect crossover??? He probably had an out of body experience listening to her cover album of ABBA and then going to see her in Mama Mia! 2. Plus, like, this song is also his life lmfaooooo where is his man,,, @ god (who is Cher, as confirmed on Will and Grace.) 
I Know A Place - MUNA
Not only is this song just...so good...but the lyrics of it really hit home for him. Like??? “Don’t you be afraid of love and affection/ just lay down your weapon”??? ow bitch. But it is a celebratory song!!! It’s about being able to be whoever you are and not having to worry about getting hurt or dealing with the bleeeh people of the world because they’re going to a place that’s safe and accepting, and that’s in LGBT+ spaces. And there are a lot of people who don’t feel safe and who are having to hide themselves, but this song is providing them a little slice of heaven to be themselves. It also serves as a reminder that there are places were you can be safe and happy and yourself and you will be accepted!!! And that’s just such a lovely message, and for music like this to be out there in the world for the youth makes him so happy! And the music itself is so funky and absolutely something that one can dance to. It has those places that slow down...and then HIT for the bopping around for the hype of the chorus!! UGH! and Katie’s voice still being sort of haunting really just brings it on home. This song is so good!! Stream MUNA!!!!! 
Paparazzi - Lady Gaga (TW: fake blood from 3:20-end of the video) 
I’m linking the 2009 MTV performance because I’m going to say that this was his first exposure to Lady Gaga and holy shit was it life changing!!! This was everything. Like the performance art of it really came for his throat. Spoiler alert: when the blood started pouring from her chest and the crowd like gasped and groaned??? It was a Cultural Reset!! She was singing her heart out and going all out on that choreography. Her foot up on the piano as she slammed the keys??? The set design?? SO GOOD! And her dancers? Shout out to them, because damn they really did that. So, not only is the song amazing, he will always associate it with hearing it to this performance and it is still such a good song!!! The lyrics are insane. She did this when she was 23, only a year older than him, and boy did it light a fire under his ass. 
And it also serves to keep him humble lmfao. Even though he isn’t Famous famous like his other family members he does have his own little corner of fame and can’t be out here falling in love with the attention. 
Coisa Boa - Gloria Groove
Honestly, anything Gloria Groove puts out is pure gold to his ears. They don’t have to go as hard as they do, but they do it anyways! The really pronounced instrument that’s going on? Their singing??? Going from rapping to hitting that note at the end of “Quer papo de ousadia?” absolutely sends Laszlo off the rails. Like, there’s no other way to describe their style than Iconic. It’s fun and fighty and gah! So good!! Also it just being about getting the Squad and going ham is just, chef kisses. Again, his favorite songs are things that get him moving and grooving, and this ones ticks all the marks and so much more. One day they will release an album and on that day someone should check to make sure Laszlo is still alive. 
Toxic - Brittany Spears
I mean what is there to say. The song is iconic, it came out when he was like 17. It was everything and still holds up today. The production on it still just boggles the mind. That like eeeeee sound??? The spy music break in the middle of it?? And the video!!! Art. The fact that she did the back handspring during the laser bit really just made him go insane. Cultural reset from the pop queen of the time. Turned him into a bigger Britney fan. Everything about it is so good. Another nostalgic one, but !! it still holds up baby!! If this is played he is legally required to perform. 
El Mambo - Mon Laferte
Her voice is just?? out of this world. Laszlo is a huuuge fan of everything she puts out but this one really just took him out. Like she can hit some powerful vocals and that’s what the beginning seems like they’re counting up to, but when she came out of the gate just rapping about this guy who needs to get over himself, woooowie. And then she comes back for that mambo sound in the chorus and her beautiful voice going In, ugh. UGH. It’s so good!!! She is amazing and the instruments on this one really highlight that as well as making it groovy enough to dance around to as we say goodbye to toxic men and their overwhelming jealousy!!
Too Little Too Late - JoJo
I’m linking to the 2018 version because JoJo re-releasing all her music so that she can get the cash money from HER music is...stunning, amazing, love her and love that for her. This song was yet another cultural reset. And you know what, she just got better. Her vocals kick ass and the lyrics are still just as good as they were when they first came out. That high register run she does toward the end??? Okay?? go off!!! Another song about a wonderful lady kicking a man out of her life and becoming better for it. also she JUST came out with a Christmas album so go stream it. 
Endless - Frank Ocean
Now this is the whole album because, honestly, that’s how it’s supposed to be listened to. There’s also the visual element that you’re supposed to watch while listening, but since that’s like no where to be found since Mr. Ocean’s people snatched it all up from the internet unless you want to buy it off Apple, this is all we get to work with. Which is fine, honestly. ANYWAYS, this whole album is just so beautiful. And no one really knows the full story behind where it came from or why Mr. Ocean made it, and that’s a whole over layer as to why Laszlo adores it!! Not only is the music stunning but the mystery surrounding it gives him life. Frank Ocean is another artist that he could press random on the entire discography and be happy with whatever decided to play, but THIS album is his favorite from the man. It may seem like the outtakes from Blonde but to Laszlo, they all feel intentional. It’s like peaking into a sketchbook versus the novel of Blonde, and that appeals to him!! There is a certain effort that needs to be put in to listen to it by finding it. So it’s that little bit of extra artistry that makes this album hit different than the others, plus the songs, though some very VERY short, are all GREAT. Every song has this sort of improv feeling almost? but feel effortless like all his other music. Some of them are really short, just snip bits of a song, but they don’t feel that way with how they flow together and cut one another off and it’s just a weird entity of music that feels fleeting and yet...endless. 
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jade-island-lives · 4 years
Writeblr Life Week 1: Mermaids, and Wolves, and Fishies Oh My
I I dunno. saw a few people doing it, checked out @owl-writes​ event and saw the prompts and was like, “I don’t really participate in events, this would be fun!” so, here I am?
For real though, this looks really fun and I wanted to give this a go! I don’t know if I will get to all the days because college (bleeeh) and life stuff, but I want to try?
So...this is me.
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Here’s an anime me because I don’t like my picture being taken for reasons.
Basic Stuff!
-My name is private, but people call me Jade after one of my characters, as well as my username. 
-I’m also known as the crazy mermaid lady, fish grandma, and that weirdo that loves the deep seas way too much. Call me whatever you want so long as it isn’t mean. <3
-My pronouns are she/her and I am a lesbian (out of the closet since 2017!) <3
-I am a college student who is terrible with schedules and deadlines and I am currently to earn a degree in E-Marketing and Design!
-I have way too many WIPs, but the main ones right now are:
Tales of Merlia: My first love and my biggest WIP to date. About mermaids, magic, and mischief. Started out as a form of therapy to ease me back into writing, but people really seemed to love it so...working on the first book now! It’s the book I have wanted to write since I was a child!
The Light Force: Another series of books about people with superpowers defending the Earth after the end of a brutal war between man and Godlike beings. It’s my fun WIP. If I’m stressed or tired, it’s what I will work on. Full of superpowers, action, and maybe a bit of humor. It’s one of my lighter WIPs.
Ellie’s Shortcake: Set in the 1930′s, involves murder, gangs, and defying laws and society itself. It’s dark, and involves a lot of violence and death. A cautionary tale about revenge and a test to see how far you can push someone until they snap. The WIP isn’t really ready to be released yet, and is still in it’s rough stages, but I post about it here and there. 
The Baker: My goriest most mature WIP. NOT FOR KIDS. Involves, blood, murder, dismemberment, physical and psychological torture and is about coping with trauma, alcoholism, and learning to find new life when you feel like you can’t. 
So yeah, I have a lot of ideas. Are they good ones? I dunno. XD
Writing: My First Love
Without getting too deeply into it, I have always had a love for books. Reading was my favorite thing to do when I was a kid, to the point where I had teachers taking away my books for reading during class.
I went through a lot of careers as a kid. Singer, animator, and even visual artist/cartoonist. But from a young age, I delved into fanfiction of my favorite books as a kid (Warrior Cats and Magic Tree House being the big ones). I also delved into writing things about mermaids (which would become Tales of Merlia later on)
Teachers always told me I had a voice in my writing and told me to put all the time I read into something constructive. I didn’t really listen until I was in 6th grade and discovered the wonderous world of DeviantART, fanfiction, and OCs. 
I tried my hand at Fanfiction for Eddsworld, various video games, my OCs, and even Sonic. Call it cringe, I’m grateful for those times because I really honed my skills and learned about writing through that, I finally had drive to learn about something and stick with it and I became enraptured by the idea of writing my own book. 
I filled notebooks with stories and fan fiction and posted more to DeviantART and got a lot of love for my work, as cruddy as it was. I would always be writing and reading, making story after story. Sharing those stories with friends and them loving it. 
However, high school was a difficult time, and I ran into people telling me that my writing wasn’t “good” and that writing wasn’t going to be a “good career for me” and that I should be a teacher instead.”
And being emotionally vulnerable and struggling with mental health at the time due to things happening in my personal life, I believed them and it ruined my confidence as a writer, to the point where I despised it. I wrote during class to try and escape the pain of my life, but when writing became a sore wound, I didn’t write for a whole year I think.
Until I discovered Hamilton, and tried again to write. But it was still a fight and I slipped. And as a last attempt, I wrote the first chapters of Tales of Merlia and posted them, thinking that would be it.
And well...I’m here...? <3
So yeah, that’s my writing career. Nothing big I know, but worth noting. :)
Fun Facts About Me!
-I am left handed.
-I have spastic hemiplagia cerebral palsy and no depth due to something that happened at my birth. I trip and fall a lot, so it’s not uncommon to see me with bandages on my arms or legs. And half the time if I fall, I just get up and brush it off.
-My favorite soda is Pepsi, fight me.
-I HATE coffee. I love tea and drink it constantly. I don’t have a favorite, it depends on what I need on any given day. Green tea, peppermint, chamomile, and jasmine tea are things I’m always down to drink. I will drink it hot or iced, no sugar or lemon or milk. Sometimes I’ll get iced chai tea though. 
-I got into drinking tea because of Black Butler and now it’s a problem. 
-My favorite candy bar is Kit-Kats. But I also love Heath Bars and Hershey Almonds. 
-My favorite candy that is not chocolate is Gummy Sharks. 
-I have a personal connection to Bojack Horseman.
-Hamilton saved my writing career and got me into musicals at the same time. Don’t make me pick, I love a bunch of musicals. But my favorite songs from Hamilton are Act 1: Non Stop, Act 2: Hurricane.
-I hate shorts and short sleeves. I also hate wearing skirts and dresses. Jeans and hoodies all the way.
-I have a deep connection with Whisper of the Heart.
-Pokemon changed my life and it is a video game series that I love still. It’s a series that I love and will always love unconditionally because of what it did for me.
-I ramble. A lot.
-Finding Nemo, the Little Mermaid, and Beauty and the Beast were my favorite childhood films. Also Balto, Ratatouille, and Princess and the Frog.
-I dabble in herbalism
-My favorite animal is wolves. 
-I love both cats and dogs, no contest. But I love maine coons and corgis especially. 
-I am obsessed with curry.
-I love sunflowers and yellow flowers.
-I am a Hufflepuff, and as such value loyalty, hard work, and fairness
-I am an empath, dead on.
-I always have a book and a notebook with pens with me.
-I love hoodies, blankets, and plushies. Soft things. I have a thing with soft textures. Things that make me feel soft, warm, and secure.
So...that’s me. I hope you enjoyed this. And if not...um...sorry? ^^;
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masochistic-robot · 4 years
☆That sucks. But hey! He can't fire you cause you're the only one qualified! Surprisingly.
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[Aaaand he sticks his tongue out.]
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