#blame auto correct
hearthtrob · 1 month
umm can i pls see mountain woth a boob window with ifrit and they hold hands or something bc boob buddies (cumulus too pls)
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
omfg thank you @legitcookie for being a lifesaver and seeing typos in my posts i missed despite reading the damn thing a million times before posting 😂
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h34vybottom · 1 year
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posted this on discord but I'm going to post it here because it's true and I want to randomly find this in eight months and then bully myself
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psecho · 2 years
Guys....you guys. It's not greatful, it's grateful. Oh my god.
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bpdamandayoung · 2 months
i love being drunk it feels like i'm free of all that shit that's going on in my head
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im-tempted · 1 year
I do now have a l'manburg uniform design
It isn't a tailcoat because I fucking hate drawing them and this is MY party I can draw my guys however I want
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aphrogeneias · 4 months
7) My ex/family kicked me out into the rain. I have nobody else to call but you.  
Maybe something like post high school and Eddie is your BFF and your living situation suddenly turns bad (abusive family, significant other broke up with you suddenly). He jumps at the chance to steal you away for himself comfort you.
best friend!eddie munson x fem!reader + my ex/family kicked me out into the rain. i have nobody else to call but you.
warnings: hurt/comfort. mentions of a sudden/tough break up.
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Eddie is the first person you think of as you’re staring at the thick raindrops hitting the steps of your apartment building, and the duffel bag at your feet, which now held the few belongings you could gather before being pushed out of your apartment.
His apartment — your ex’s — now. You guess you need to get used to calling it that.
You're not thinking about him, though. Your best friend is all you can think of as you walk through the streets of downtown Hawkins, letting the rain soak you through your old hoodie, carrying your bag on tired arms.
You think of his warm hugs, of his narrow waist squeezed between your arms as his are crushing you to his chest. You think of cold afternoons on his couch, each of you with one of Wayne’s mugs warming your hands, sitting in comfortable silence while the rain hit the metallic surface of their trailer. Of his scent, of the soft fabric of his band t-shirts, of ends of his hair tickling your skin.
You think of home.
It's the only thing that gives you enough strength to make your way to the auto shop, where you hoped to find him. With your luck, it would probably be his lunch time, or a day off. Tears stung in your eyes and the cold rose from your soaked feet through your jeans and your shirt, cold from the inside out, all over.
The older lady, who's name is a flower you can't remember, behind the front desk counter smiles at you. You hope she can't see how your lips wobble, you'd sure have to blame it on the cold. She gives you barely no time to state the reason of your visit, ushering you to sit, “Do you want some coffee, dear? You sure need to warm up! Here, I'll get him for you.”
A streaming mug is cradled between your hands in an instant. Her kindness brings more tears to your eyes, but you can't let them fall, not yet. From a distance, you hear her call him over. “Eddie, dear, your girlfriend is here!”
Neither of you have ever corrected her, or any of the men who work with him. To them, you were his girl. It felt right, even if you never said it out loud.
The plastic chair under you is cold, your skin is cold, the room is cold. The mug in your hands shakes with the force of your trembling, but the sight of Eddie entering the reception, long hair in a low bun, dirty coveralls over a long sleeve Metallica shirt he got on their last Summer tour, warms you all over.
“Sweetheart? What are you doing here?” There's no irritation in his voice, just confusion. His eyes are set on you, looking for any sign of trouble.
You don't reply, not with words. The mug you're holding is delicately placed on the chair next to you, and your wet bag is forgotten behind you as you launch yourself on him, and his arms promptly meet you halfway.
Camels, grease and motor oil. Cheap cologne, cinnamon gum. Warmth, soft and gentle. You're home.
Tears flow down your cheeks and transfer into his clothes. You're dirty now too, but you don't mind. His voice is soft when he asks again, “What's going on, baby? You're scarying me.”
The pet name is new, but the hand cradling the back of your neck isn't. It's familiar, safe. You sniffle before you can answer. Still scared and ashamed. “Can you keep holding me like this? Just for a minute.”
A soft kiss is pressed to the top of your head.
“All right. It's all right. I'll hold you for as long as you want.”
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zocomi · 8 months
Tumblr's effect on my auto correct BTW :
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100% blaming my mutuals for that
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midearthwritings · 2 years
EpiPen and Girlfriends
When you show up to the ER after an allergic reaction, Claire and Neil finally learn something interesting about Shaun.
Words Count: 1,016
Pairing: Shaun Murphy x F!Reader
Warning: None
Author's Note: This was requested by a very kind anon! It's my very first fic for this fandom so I hope it's not too bad. Also I used my own allergy for this fic just because—
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Holding a small tablet in his hand, followed closely by two of his three residents, Dr. Neil Melendez walked up to the bed you were quietly sitting on. From your cheeks to your hands, itchy red marks covered your skin, and you had to grip the bedsheets to keep yourself from scratching them manically. 
“Good evening,” the oldest surgeon greeted you, briefly looking up from the tablet. “How are you feeling?” 
You shrugged and smiled. “Not too bad, actually,” you replied honestly. “I just feel like ripping my skin off.” 
Melendez nodded before handing your record over to the young lady – Dr. Browne, her blouse read. “Can you tell me what we have there, Dr. Browne?” he questioned. But she barely had time to look at the record when the last person spoke up. 
“It is a case of anaphylactic shock caused by the ingestion of allergens,” Shaun declared, his hands locked tightly against his chest as always. You nodded even if the question hadn’t been from you and looked down at your hands in shame. 
You had been eating dinner with a friend of yours. The both of you had picked a nice restaurant, not too expensive or fancy. Something just nice. And in your arrogant stupidity, you had ordered the one dish you shouldn’t have. You really thought that it wouldn’t be that bad. But here you were, sitting in the ER. And you were the only person to blame. 
“Thank you very much, Dr. Browne, for your diagnosis,” Melendez said again, staring right at Shaun. 
“My name is Shaun. Shaun Murphy.” Shaun corrected, nodding as if to prove his point. “Claire is standing on the other side of you,” he said, pointing at Claire to indicate her position.
Dr. Melendez shook his head and rolled his eyes, and you had to bite your bottom lip to swallow back a laugh. Looking up at Shaun, you noticed his eyes were fixated elsewhere, and you wondered if he had looked at you at all since their arrival. 
“Can you tell us what happened and when?” Claire asked you in a kind tone, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
“Of course,” you said, shifting on the bed to get seated in a better position. “I am allergic to seafood, but usually it isn’t so bad. So tonight, when I went to the restaurant, I ordered a dish that contained seafood. There was barely any of it! So I thought nothing would happen. And after a good fifteen minutes, my skin turned red, and I had trouble breathing.” 
“I see. Do you still have trouble breathing?” 
You shook your head. “Not anymore. I used–”
“The patient used an epinephrine auto-injector!” Shaun exclaimed, cutting you off. You smiled at him and nodded. “EpiPens help treat severe allergic reactions. Although it is still recommended to go to the hospital since another reaction can happen later on.”
Dr. Browne sighed quietly and hugged the tablet against her chest in frustration. You felt sympathetic for her. It seemed like the poor woman never had any occasion to talk. 
“Well, Murphy, since you are so interested in the topic, me and Dr. Browne are going to let you do the patient check-ups before we can send her home,” Melendez told him. He patted Shaun on the shoulder but quickly retrieved his hand. 
“No,” Shaun simply replied with a small smile, his eyes fixated in the distance. “I can’t do that.” 
Claire’s eyebrows shot up at Shaun’s refusal, and the older doctor crossed his arms and leaned towards him a little like he hadn’t heard correctly. 
“You can’t?” Melendez asked.
“No,” Shaun repeated. “A physician shouldn’t treat a family member, a friend, or their significant other.” 
At that, Shaun finally looked at you and smiled proudly. You felt your heart swelling inside your chest and heat rising in your cheeks. The butterflies in your stomach were so strong that you almost missed Claire’s question. 
“Are you a member of Dr. Murphy’s family?” she asked politely.
You shook your head and bit your lip. “Actually, Shaun and I are–”
“In a romantic relationship,” he interrupted you again. He had done it a lot tonight, and you would definitely tease him about it later. 
Next to you, you heard Melendez almost choke, and you shot him a dark look, making him regain his composure immediately. Claire, on the other hand, was much quieter about the discovery, her mouth hanging slightly open. 
The longer they remained quiet, the more you wanted to laugh. You had no idea why exactly, but it seemed to be the year’s biggest event to them. Eventually, you giggled, bringing their focus back on you. 
Dr. Melendez cleared his throat before speaking again. “Claire, you’ll do the check-up. Murphy, you can follow me.” 
Shaun shook his head and sat down on the chair next to the bed. “I have to stay there. To make sure everything is alright.” 
“Shaun, I am alright,” you assured. “I’m certain Dr. Browne is very capable of doing a check-up.” 
Claire smiled and nodded gratefully. But it wasn’t enough for Shaun. Of course, it was never enough unless he was the one doing the work.
“Claire is capable of doing a basic check-up, yes,” he agreed. “And you are alright for now. Something could happen. You could have another anaphylactic reaction. I need to be there if it happens.” 
After a lot of arguing between you, Shaun, and Dr. Melendez, it was decided that Shaun would be allowed fifteen minutes to stay with you and would then be called back to work. You tried not to show it too much, but it reassured you to have him by your side. 
After a few minutes, you felt his hand slowly sliding into yours, and you looked at him questioningly. 
“I heard it is nice to hold the hand of someone scared,” he explained, looking again at something that wasn’t you while he talked.
You frowned and tilted your head. “I’m not scared?” 
“I know,” Shaun replied, wiping the palm of his hand onto his pants. “I am.”
All Time Tags: @imnotevenhere9 @shethereadinghobbit @elvish-sky @katbby16 @dark-angel-is-back @shalinizhara @miriel-estelwen @thewhiteladyofrohan @vee-vee-writes @cameronsails @kumqu4t @wlfstxr @thespiritoflife @myselfandfantasy @spidergirla5 @guardianofrivendell
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I thought Powers was a False Angel demon? Is that something a fallen angel can become?
Ah no blame my auto correct! She’s still a false Angel
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marvelous-slut · 2 years
Trash - Tig Trager x Clays Daughter!Reader
WARNINGS: minors DNI, 18+, female receiving, unprotected sex, implied age gap but doesn’t really mention it, reader is of age & in mid 20’s, I write these on an iPhone btw so honestly if something is spelled wrong or a word seems funny I blame auto correct cause I’m not a big proof reader
I have an idea for a part two already but I need to write this filthy part to the story so enjoy. The song Trash by Korn gave me the idea to write this, but probably would be seen more in part two.
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It had been a rough shift at the hospital, you decided to pay a visit to your dad, Clay Morrow at the club house, the plus side was you could drink your frustrations away. Being a nurse and being involved in your fathers corruption & illegal acts was mentally draining at times, today that had hit hard. One of the patients who had come in to the ER had took a toll on you, you knew your father and the MC were behind the mans injuries. Trying to keep your morals to help others and your love to your father and some of the men you had grew up around destroyed you at times, The rain was pouring down, trying to avoid getting soaked while coming in was nearly impossible. It was a quiet night at the club house, a few crow eaters surrounded Happy, Tig, Chibs & Bobby. Juice was already passed out asleep on the couch. You assumed Jax & Opie were at home with their wives. Your father was no where to be found.
“Hey sweetheart, what brings you in so late?” Chibs asked, motioning the crow eater away from him. It was 12 at night, of course you were supposed to be off at 7 but had to fill in for a call in.
“Long day. Dad here?”
“No darling, him and Gemma left about an hour ago.” You let out a deep sigh. Throwing your bag to the empty bar stool.
“Thanks anyways.” You made your way to the bar and got the prospect to get you a drink. Placing your head into your hands, trying to hold back tears. Frustrated and sad we’re the only words you could think of that could describe how you felt. Beginning to get deep into thought, they were interrupted by a chair sliding beside of you. You looked up to see Tig, his blue eyes meeting your tear filled eyes.
“You okay?” He asks, sitting beside of you, taking a sip of his beer.
“Yeah. I’m good.” You cough out, pushing back the tears.
“Those tears in your eyes say different doll. What’s going on? Did someone hurt you?” You chuckle, taking a sip of your drink and placing it down gently.
“Yeah, my dad. This life. What’s new.” You grab a pack of smokes that sat on the bar, lighting it up and taking a deep drag. “Tig, how do you guys do this? I mean how do you guys get to decide who is supposed to die? Why does my dad get to play judge, jury and executioner?” He sighs and places a hand on your shoulder.
“You know there’s reasons for all of this.” He already knew what you were upset about, thinking about today’s attack. “We do what we got to do to protect the club.” You wipe the tears from your face.
“I got to go.” You let out, Tig grabs your hand and pulls you back.
“Just stay, you’re not in a good mind set to be our driving around.” He knew if you left you’d go straight to Clays and give him a piece of your mind. Although Gemma helped raise you, she also would do whatever she could to protect Clay and if that meant throwing a few punches your way she had no issues with that. Your small tears turned into a full on sobbing session. “Come on doll.” He says, dragging you away from the bar to avoid the crow eaters and the rest of the MC staring at you. He takes you to his dorm and shut the door. He knew if Clay knew you were in his dorm, he’d be a dead man. Tig couldn’t help it, a lot of people saw him as an opportunist on women who were broken but he didn’t see you that way. He cared for you, you were part of his life and although he loved Clay and respected him dearly, he loved you more and cared for you more.
“I’m sorry Tig. I didn’t mean to have a melt down. When I decided to be a nurse it was cause of all the bad shit I’ve seen my dad do through these years, not cause I wanted to be in the ER and them bringing in his work. I thought maybe if I helped save people’s lives, it would even out for all the shit he’s done. Instead, it’s like I have a duty to protect him and the MC or save lives. I have to step away from so many cases cause I know it’s him and the MC who have done it. I don’t know if they deserve it and I don’t care, I signed up to save people.” Tig sighs, sitting down beside of you on the bed.
“You’ve got a beautiful soul dear. Too beautiful to be crying and too beautiful to keep getting your heart broken over your dad and our shit.” He places his hand on your thigh.
“I just can’t walk away. I love Clay, I love you guys. It’s just hard to find a balance between both. If there’s even such a thing as balance with this.” You look up, meeting his eyes. He moves the hand that caressed your thigh to your face, wiping a tear away and pushing your hair behind your ear. Before you can think twice, you land your lips onto his. Tig knows it’s wrong and he knows he’d be laying in a unmarked grave if Clay knew anything about this.
But Clay wasn’t here and you were. He loved you, more than Clay, so he kept kissing you. He did more than that, he moved his hands to the bottom of your shirt, tugging at it. Silently begging you to rip it off. You lift your arms and he slides it over your body, tossing it to the side.
“Jesus. You’re beautiful.” You push him back onto the bed, standing up to shred your remaining clothes and he follows your lead. He sits back up and you’re on your knees in-front of him. He pulls you back up, flipping you onto the back of the bed.
“No doll. You’re hurting, you let me take care of you tonight.” His warm lips kiss down your body to your wet core. He pauses, looking up at you.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” You giggle and he comes undone inside.
“Alex, just make me forget everything, please.” He doesn’t need anymore reassurance, he slides a finger into you, causing you to let out a moan, he takes this as a sign to add another and does so. He adds his tongue, making you let out a noise that could put any porn star to shame.
“Darling, as much as I love hearing you make those noises, you gotta stay quiet.” He goes back to your throbbing cunt, doing his work. He was slightly shocked at himself, it had been a long time since he had went down on a woman. He had gotten used to the crow eaters sucking his dick and expecting nothing in return. He wanted you to feel good, to forget everything that had happened today. By the way you had a death grip on his sheets, forcing back the moans he figured that he was doing a good job. You tug at his hair, begging him to come up to you and he does. He wasn’t used to this either, usually it was just him getting his dick sucked and fucking someone from behind and sending them on their way. It was more intimate with you and he loved it.
“Tig, I need you.” He doesn’t ask questions, he reaches for his bed side table to grab a condom, but you pull him back. “Don’t worry about it.” He’s basically a mess at this point, not what he was used to. He slides into you slowly, making sure you were okay. Your body jolts, it had been awhile since you had a man near you like this, and Tig was bigger than the average man.
“Jesus. You’re so fucking tight. Are you okay?” He asks, he felt like a virgin again. Trying not to come so quick. You just pull him down for a kiss, unable to think or speak at this moment, this lets him know to start moving.
“Oh my god.” You let out softly as your eyes roll back. He starts a steady pace in fucking you. You turn your head, but he turns you back to look at him.
“I wanna see you doll.” He breathes out, his lips attacking your neck, careful not to leave any marks on your delicate skin. Making sure no one has evidence of him fucking you. The feeling of him inside of you is better than anything you’ve felt in your entire life. He is slow and takes his time, making sure you know he is there to pleasure you.
“Alex,” The sound of his real name being purred out by your sweet lips is enough to make him go insane. You can’t even finish your sentence before you begin biting back an orgasm. “Oh my God.” He places a hand over your mouth, softly but enough to make sure you don’t scream out.
“Let it go doll.” The words are enough to send you over the edge, seeing your eyes roll back and force shut are enough to send him there as well.
“Fuck.” He shakily exhales, letting himself spill into you. After this he collapses beside you. He stares at the ceiling for a minute, realizing what he’s done. Silently praying to whoever is up there that this never left his room. Praying that the rest of the MC was too busy with the crow eaters or passed out drunk to know what just happened. You on the other hand had no regrets, had no care in the world of if your dad found out that his daughter was fucking what was supposed to be his right hand man. You sit up, finding your clothes, gathering them in your arms. You wanted to blame the words you let out on the high you just got from sex, but you knew it wasn’t from that.
“I love you Tig.” You turn to go to the bathroom, to hide the redness that flushed your cheeks from that sentence. Once the door is shut, Tig runs a hand through his hair.
“Fuck me.”
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wrestlingwithlife · 1 month
Monster Au?
Im sure all of you are aware of the COD Monster AU that has exploded on Twitter due to bluegiragi’s absolutely stunning work. If you aren’t, please come out from under your rock and witness the master piece.
What I’m getting at is I wanna start a new series for male!monster!reader!xmonster!taskforce141
So I wanted to ask you all what monster you’d like them to be! I looked through a couple of different monsters and kaijus I’d like to do and don’t think would complicate things to much, so please leave your votes down below!
Also don’t worry part 2 of Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing is almost done!
EDIT: That’s supposed to be Rodan not Ronan 😭
Blame auto correct, not me.
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I joined this fandom 10 years too late and there's rarely new fics being posted so I guess it's up to me now!
Dipper makes a little oopsie when texing Pacifica late at night.
Also available on AO3.
Read Receipts word count: 2,613 rating: T (language)
He could blame it on the fact that it’s after 2 A.M. and he was up at 5 A.M. for Varsity Swim practice this morning. He could just say it was an accident, pure and simple, like when little kids call their teachers “mom.” He could say he meant to text it to his cousin in Phoenix (he doesn’t have one, but she doesn’t know that). He could claim that Mabel must have been messing with the auto-correct features on his phone again; some sort of mean prank. Hell, he could say it was Mabel who had typed it out in the first place.
None of these thoughts occur to Dipper Pines in this moment. In this moment, the only thought repeating through his head is:
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
He sits and stares at the offending text. The bright blue bubble surrounding it confirms that yes, he actually sent those words.
Goodnight, love you. 
He watches in frozen horror as the “delivered” text below it transforms into “Read: 2:23 AM.”
Snapping out of it in an instant, his thumbs feverishly begin tapping out an apology. He stops, erases what he wrote. This isn’t really something you apologize for, right? Would that be weirder than leaving it be? She’s his best friend. She knows he loves her, at least she knows he loves her platonically , and calling it out might draw more unnecessary attention. 
But then, he’s definitely never said those words before. 
Yeah, this is new. It’s weird. He needs to say something.
He starts again, tapping in some bogus message about how life is short and tomorrow is never promised, and hey why not tell your friends you love them? This line of thought is pretty out of character for him, so he blames it on some sappy coming-of-age movie that Mabel was watching the other night. And hey maybe it was kind of saccharine but there’s some truth in all art, right? 
She will totally call bullshit. He erases this too. 
He starts tapping out a simple “ I didn’t mean to send that ” but that’s no good either because he doesn’t want her to think he doesn’t care for her. He just doesn’t want her to know that he’s desperately in love with her, that he thinks about her every night before bed, about how he turns bright red any time his mom innocently asks how she is, or that he printed out that photo of them at the lake last summer and has it taped in his locker at school. 
(“Who is THAT?” his lab partner Tyler once asked, and he just smiled in response. Nothing wrong with letting people think he has a super hot out-of-town girlfriend; he can’t help it if rumors circulate. 
They don’t, but it was worth a shot.)
He’s broken out of his reverie by the appearance of three little blinking dots appearing on his screen. He swallows. 
Pacifica: You know I can see each time you start your message over again, right? 
Dipper feels his cheeks warm. He braces himself and slowly taps out an answer.
Dipper: Yeah, sorry. Overthinking I guess.
Pacifica: You? Never.
Relief floods him. She’s teasing him, this is normal.
Dipper: I know, right? Better call the feds and alert the media.
Pacifica: I’ll start working on the press release.
Dipper: Maybe I can give Toby an exclusive interview. 
This is good, he thinks. They can just banter a bit, and he’ll guide the conversation to another topic and then they can say goodnight again ( sans accidental love confession ) and he’ll push this little slip to the recesses of his brain where he stores every other embarrassing memory. It will live blissfully ignored next to memories of the lamby lamby dance and the time Mabel accidentally uploaded an episode of Dipper’s Guide to the Unexplained to the school server instead of her AV assignment.
Pacifica: So…
Well, shit . Nevermind . 
Dipper: So…
Pacifica: What exactly were you overthinking just now?
Dipper: I mean, I think you know. 
Pacifica: I’d like to know we’re on the same page though. 
Dipper snorts. They haven’t been on the same page about this particular topic since the night he realized just how delectable the smell of champagne and flowers could be, or since the afternoon she entrusted him with her deepest insecurities, and he realized she was one of the most courageous girls he knew.
He smiles grimly as he types his response. Be brave, man. 
Dipper: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to type that. I know that’s not something we say… not in the way that Mabel and I do, or even Mabel and you do. Sorry if I made you feel weird.
Brave-ish, anyway. 
Pacifica: So it was an accident then?
He frowns. Was he not clear?
Dipper: Well, I mean yeah. 
Her response takes a long time to come in, and he wonders momentarily if she’s fallen asleep. 
Pacifica: Okay, I understand. 
Wait, what?  Is she… disappointed? No, no that doesn’t make sense. She must just be offended, she thinks he doesn’t care about her at all. 
Dipper: No I mean, I do feel like that. Like obviously you mean a lot to me, and that is a real feeling I have. But I just didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Since you know, I’m a guy and normally when a guy says that to a girl it means something else. 
That’s better, he thinks, satisfied with himself. Why didn’t he just say this in the first place?
Pacifica: I get it, Dipper.
What the…?
His blood pressure is rising and he feels a jumpy anxiety course through him. Fix it, fix it now his brain screams. 
His finger is tapping the tiny photo of her at the top of their thread and jabbing call before his brain manages to catch up.
She picks up on the first ring. 
“Hello?” answers a small, sniffly voice. 
“Paz? What’s wrong? I’m sorry. What did I do?” 
He hears a quiet chuckle muffled by another sniffle.
“You’re apologizing without even knowing what you did?” she teases lightly, voice still shaky.
“Yes,” Dipper responds without hesitation, not seeing her point.
“You don’t need to apologize, Dip. You didn’t do anything wrong,” she sighs.
“I don’t understand, Paz. Why are you crying?” 
“It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”
“Paz, I’m going to worry. You’re upset and it’s my fault.”
“It’s not your fault. It’s mine,” she says quietly, so unlike herself. 
Dipper’s head is still swimming, looking for answers. The emotional whiplash he’s gone through in the last ten minutes isn’t helping. 
“Can we talk about it?” he ventures, keeping his voice low. In his urgency to call her he forgot that everyone else in his house is asleep. The last thing he needs is his dad walking in on this conversation and ushering him to bed.
Pacifica is quiet for a few long seconds, but eventually he hears a soft “okay.”
He stays quiet, giving her space to pull together her thoughts.
“I… liked what you said earlier. When you said goodnight. It felt nice. And I guess it made me sad to find out you didn’t mean to say it.” 
Well now you’ve gone and done it. Idiot , he thinks at himself. 
He takes a deep breath, decides to edge a little closer to honesty. 
“I’m… really glad it made you happy. It’s… true. I do…feel that,” he says carefully, not having the courage to repeat the forbidden L-word . “You mean the world to me,” he adds, hoping it will be a bit of a balm to his earlier fumble. 
She sniffles again, but it’s not quite as wet as her earlier sniffs.
He continues, slowly, deciding to edge one more toe a bit closer to the truth. Under no circumstances is he about to confess his undying and likely unrequited romantic love, but he can make her feel better.
“I don’t think you know how much you mean to me,” he adds.
“That’s probably true…”
He puzzles at her response, chewing on his bottom lip. Before he can reply, she continues. 
“That’s why I’m sad. I don’t… know, really , how much I mean to you. In…” there’s a long pause. “In what way.” 
His heart leaps into his throat, hopefully. Could she…? No…
“Oh,” is all he manages to say.
“I wish I did,” she says bluntly.
There’s no avoiding what she’s hinting at. Hell, she’s not even really hinting. He’s so close to telling her, telling her all of it, but there’s that one small, mean voice in his head telling him that she could never return his feelings, that she just wants to clear the air because it’s become so obvious that he’s crazy about her, and she wants to let him down easy so they can go on being friends…
But she keeps talking, interrupting the small, mean voice.
“I want you to know how I feel, too,” she says, a bit more of her usual confidence finding its way back into her tone. Dipper senses that she’s made up her mind about something.  
The only thought present in his mind now is that he’s about to either be the happiest he’s ever been, or have his heart shattered into a million pieces. 
“But can we talk about it in person?” she asks. 
He chokes.
“Yeah, yeah of course, that’s fine,” he lies. 
It absolutely is not fine , his heart wails. He won’t be in Gravity Falls for another two months. How on earth is he going to wait two months to hear the answer to the question that’s been on his mind for the last four years? 
“Can you… ugh this is embarrassing–” she starts.
“What?” He interjects. “Whatever you want, it’s done.”
He winces. Ugh, he’s such a goner.
But he thinks he can hear a smile in her response, which calms him a little. “Could you tell me some things you like about me, in the meantime?” she asks. “I’m… uh… feeling a little vulnerable right now.”
“Oh… yeah, yeah of course.”
He thinks for a beat, cataloging the thousands of images, feelings, and memories currently flooding his mind. 
“Well just to get it out of the way first because it’s incredibly obvious, you’re gorgeous. But you don’t need to hear that from me.”
“But I like hearing it from you. I like hearing… you say that,” she repeats, with emphasis.
He’d have to be pretty thick to not catch her meaning there, and Dipper may be many things but he’s not a complete idiot. 
Emboldened, he goes on.
“Alright, well, you’re stunning. Like, the way your eyes match the sky, and when the sunlight hits your hair and it just kind of shimmers.” He makes a waving motion with his fingers even though she can’t see it. “And when you smile, I swear it makes everything brighter. Whenever one of my friends down here sees your photo…” He almost tells her about the locker photo, but decides against it. No need to out himself as a total creep just yet. “They’re always just like, shocked, that I even know someone like you.” 
Pacifica giggles. “Okay, okay, I get it. You think I’m pretty.”
“It’s not just that though,” he adds quickly. “The way you stand up to your parents– and I know you can’t go full-on rebel-mode– but you do it in your own subtle ways, and I just want you to know that I see that, and I think it’s amazing. You’re brave; you always have my back when we’re exploring. You’re hilarious, even if half of your jokes are at my expense… I don’t mind it. Because they’re usually true. And I like that you’re paying attention to me. I like being seen by you, too.” He swallows. “I’m happy when I’m around you. Even if you’re driving me up a wall. It… it feels good.”  
His honesty, rather than feeding his insecurities, has him feeling bold.
“I like it when we’re together. I think we’re good together,” he finishes. 
And it sort of feels like he just took a flying leap off a cliff. 
“I think we’re good together too,” she says. 
And it’s also like landing in a soft, warm, solid bed. 
“Okay,” she starts. “Okay, I feel better. Thank you, Dipper.” He hears her sigh contentedly. “I can let you go now; I know you’ve had a long day.”
But he’s still feeling brave. And he’s not really used to the feeling when it comes to this, so he doesn’t want to let it go to waste.
“Hey, not so fast, missy,” he says, keeping his voice playful. “I can’t let you go to bed hearing all those sweet nothings without getting some for myself.”
She giggles, and his heart soars.
“Okay, mister,” she teases back. “Fair is fair.”
“Feel free to start with my devastatingly handsome features, too. Rogue-ish good looks. All that.”
She giggles again and ugh he’s going to get addicted to the oxytocin that floods his brain at the sound. Oh, who the hell is he kidding? He has been for a long time. 
“Okay well, yes, you do have a certain inherent charm that is somewhat related to your cute, cocky smile, I suppose…” Dipper feels himself grin involuntarily. “But what I like most about you, devastatingly roguish features aside, is your character. How you care about right and wrong. How you challenge me to be better, but never make me feel judged. How curious you are about the world around us, and how you help me learn new things, too. How you love your family, and stop at nothing to protect them… and me. You make me feel safe. And I just… I admire you.”
“Paz, I don’t want to wait until June for–” He almost says “for this” but realizes they haven’t exactly called a spade a spade yet, and he wants to keep up the charade they both know they are playing until they are face-to-face. “--to talk about this.”
“...what are you doing Saturday?”
“This Saturday?” he asks, surprised. 
She hums in confirmation. 
“Uh… well, nothing. Some people were going to the movies, but that– that’s so not important.”
“Well, there’s… this little city off the five, near Mount Shasta, it'd be about a three hour drive for each of us. We could both leave early… have a late breakfast together… it looks like there’s this arboretum that could be cool, or maybe just walk along the river…”
“Wow, you know a lot about this particular town, Paz,” Dipper teases.
“I’ve never been, but… I might’ve done some research into the area…” she admits, and he thinks he can hear a shy smile breaking through in her voice. 
“Sounds like a date.” And he grins at his own cleverness, at the double meaning. 
“Yeah,” she laughs. “I guess it is.”
“I’ll see you Saturday, then,” he says, and the butterflies in his stomach somersault happily. 
“See you then,” she replies, and he knows he can hear her own grin now. “Goodnight, Dipper.”
“Goodnight, Pacifica.” He pauses. Fuck it. “Love you.” 
“I love you too.”
Dipper lets the phone drop on his chest as he falls backwards onto his bed, dopey smile plastered to his face and pleasant warmth coursing through his body. 
He starts thinking of all the ways he can tell and show her just what she means to him– just as soon as she’s in his arms. And as these pleasant thoughts slowly shift into dreams, he gives in to sleep with an unburdened mind and full heart.
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theunholyrogue · 8 months
if time could stop (REWRITTEN!)(bay!raph ending)
tw: angst, cursing
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“Let's do this.”
Raphael gazed up at the machine, his brow bone contorted into a frown as he listened to Donatello explain the controls of the teleportation device. If only it were on already, he would hop through with no hesitation– but of course his brother was smart enough to know that.
He couldn’t stop himself from thinking of what was to come, but no plague of doubt consumed him over this. The Shredder would be defeated, they would take him down before he had a chance to take over their beautiful home of New York, and he wouldn’t drive his blades through your body another time.
Everytime he had went back to thinking about that night, everytime he turned his body around to look over his shoulder, he saw you pushing April out of the way and taking the fall for her, your blood oozing down over the blades and dripping to the concrete road below, your body falling to the ground with April catching you in her arms, the screaming, crying, and begging that you would make it. It made him sick to think about, and the turtle had blamed himself and April for your death. He blamed himself for not being able to block the Shredder attack, to stop him, or for even assuming he knew the enemy’s next move. He blamed April for being there, in the way, for not realizing what was going on. Hell, he even blamed you for being so compassionate towards your friend that you would put your own life on the line for them.
But, Raphael knew that it wasn’t your fault, or April’s fault, and at moments of clarity– he knew that you wouldn’t blame him for your death, that it wasn’t his fault either, but that was harder to accept. Because why else would you not be here, with him, alive and healthy if he had ran forward instead of moving backwards with his brothers? Why would he had given the Shredder a moment to change his trajectory and go for April instead of staying in the way and blocking him? It was his fault, surely.
“Two turtles at a time to keep the portal from going crazy and changing us getting stuck in the past,” Donatello stated before typing in on a digital keyboard and cutting the machine on. Suddenly, in the middle of the round frame, a purple, swirling mass engulfed the inside of the device, waiting patiently for the turtles to walk through.
“Casey, you’ll be keeping track of our vitals while we’re on the other side, or the past– I mean. These suits has built in monitors to keep track of our oxygen and respiratory rate, blood pressure and heart rate, and temperature,” the tech genius spoke as he handed his brothers a black suit that fit to their bodies. “April, you’ll be keeping track of the portals soundwaves and making sure that it doesn’t want to shut down and trap us in the past. It has an auto-correcting system but for precautions, if the waves don’t die down or a message alert comes up, just yell out. We have a communication system built into these suits as well so that we can you and Casey talking on this side while we’re on the other side.”
“Gotcha,” April and Casey both nodded, understanding their roles in this situation.
“The portal will act haywire at first whenever we go through, but it should calm down after a few minutes. Wait a bit and then send the next two over. If it doesn’t calm down, you know the drill.”
“Understood, Donnie. Good luck.” April responded with a confident smile.
“Raphael and I will go through first, so that Donatello can make sure the portal is doing what it is supposed to. Once it’s clear, he and Michelangelo will come through. We’ll wait for you on the other side and from there, we’ll defeat the Shredder once and for all,” Leonardo stated.
“Sounds good,” Raphael remarked before pushing his eldest brother through, “Let’s stop yapping and get to beating.”
Raphael didn’t hesitate to jump through the swirling mist, falling out through the other side– though once he looked around, nobody was in sight. Mikey, Donnie, Leo… nobody was in the empty lab.
“Leo! Where are you?” He called out, though he received no response in person– though his brother’s voice came through his suit. “In in the lab– where are you?”
Raphael’s brow bone contorted into irritation. “I am too. I don’t see you.”
“Guys…” Donatello’s voice echoed through the suit with a worried tone. “You two aren’t on the same plane anymore.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
Raphael’s heart dropped as the familiar voice called out from behind him, his gaze slowly trailing the room as he turned his body around to face the direction of the voice.
“I thought you were…” You murmured, watching as the turtle turned around.
There, you were standing with a half-ripped bloody shirt, along with bandages wrapped around the upper half of your torso. You held your hand against your side, evident that you were sore from the attack. But… you were alive.
Raphael uttered your name in a whisper, the first time he had said it in five years.
“You’re… alive,” he murmured, causing you to tilt your head.
“Yeah, I’m alive?” You asked, a breathy laugh escaping your throat then quickly whimpering.
Raphael walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your body. He slowly inhaled, taking in your scent and allowing his tense posture to relax since your death.
“Raph, are you good?” You asked, reaching up and wrapping your arms around his shell, dragging your digits up and down slowly.
“Raph, you have to come back. The portal is going crazy on our end. Leo’s already—,” April was speaking over the comms system, but Raphael pulled away and spoke.
“No, I’m not coming back,” Raphael firmly started, his hands sliding down to meet your hands. Tightening his grip around your digits, Raphael continued. “I’ve been fucking miserable for five years. Five whole years. I’m finally feeling okay again. Goodbye.”
“Wait, Raph!” April called out as Raphael moved away and took a sai from his side, jamming into his portal and causing the mist to disappear.
He took a deep breath, before looking back at you.
“Yeah. I’m okay.”
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thegoldfiles · 18 days
Just thought I'd send a thing to let anyone reading this know that I've put a comment thread under the response to my previous ask correcting or elaborating on certain details. (If you guys can edit that other post detailing this, that would be greatly appreciated. :) )
A couple more things before I leave, concerning the case with Mely (one of Namy's victims). WARNING for mentions of victim-blaming and abusive relationships.
Remember when Anon at one point mentioned a now-deleted video Namy posted in July 2023 regarding the lawsuit she received from Mely (one of her victims)? Well, here are screenshots I took a few days after it was uploaded.
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Oh, and there's also the thinly-veiled attempt at victim-blaming Mely, otherwise known as the Google Drive she posted on Facebook in December 2023 (which Anon also mentioned - this drive is still up as of me writing this btw).
(Apologies for the translation errors from Facebook's auto-translator feature in the post.)
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FAIR WARNING FOR THOSE WANTING TO READ THROUGH ITS ENTIRETY for Namy basically implicates herself with evidence she thinks is supposed to paint Mely as the "manipulator" (I really hope Mely AND Evan find justice in all of this, and my heart goes out to them).
Unless there are more images or any other documentation to add to Anon's conversation (the one with the info-dumps about Namy Gaga), I will most likely not continue talking about Namy in the future as a precaution to protect my safety from harassment by Namy's defenders (that is, if things change ofc).
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I wish you guys well!
What a rabbit hole, jeez-
And you're welcome! Thanks for sending it to us!
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arwenadreamer · 1 year
Let me tell you a bit about my wonderful, wonderful JiB 11 experiences.
It finally happened! I've met Jared Padalecki!
First thing Saturday morning I went to his auto. I had bought a moose notebook back in 2019 when I got the JiB tickets, and have been waiting to give it to him ever since. He looked at it, then visibly did a double take and started to laugh. I told him "Back when I got the notebook you had this huge hiatus beard!" He smiled, stroked with his knuckles over his own beard and said "I'll get there again!".
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Next up was my Jared photo. While I was standing in line for the OP, he made eye contact two times, very briefly, and I almost died on the spot. Lol. I am an aro/ace woman in my fourties, but this man is killing me!
We took the picture, I said thank you and turned away. While I was turning away, his hand stayed on my back, and he rubbed me twice in circles. I don't remember much from this op, but I do remember the feeling of him stroking by back in circles. I also remember the feeling of his chin on top of my head. And how cold that stupid (sorry) Gucci jacket was against my face.
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I'm not putting an uncensored picture on here, but believe me, I couldn't smile any more if I tried. I have a look on my face that is completely over the moon, but who can blame me?
With Jensen, I asked him to be hugged from behind, and I really love this photo too. I just wish I had left my jacket on. My bare arms don't look so good on here. But that's just me being self critical. So what the heck, I'm gonna share it with you anyways.
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@takikojou and me planned on standing in line for a question at the first panel sunday morning. (A Jared solo panel.) I knew what question I wanted to ask, but I planned on writing it down. Just to be sure I'd get it right.
But while we were sitting in the Saturday evening Jared solo panel, close to the right hand side microphone for questions, the queue on that side was getting shorter and shorter, and suddenly there was no one standing in line at all. On the other side there were still plenty of people queing, and there was also quite some time left on the panel. So I just got up and went up to the micro without thinking. While I was standing there, my heart beat like crazy. I have no idea what was being said during the question Jared was currently answering. I just tried to get the question right in my head. When it was my turn, I asked him:
"At the last JiB I asked Jensen a question for both of you -"
Jared: "I wasn't there last JiB."
Me: "I know."
(That sounded rather rude-ish, but I swear I didn't mean it that way. I was just so incredibly nervouse.)
Me: "I asked Jensen to answer for both of you and he did, but he also said you would probably have this long insidefull answer. So now I'm asking you. What aspect of Sam's and Dean's personality was hardest to act?" And then, because I was kind of besides myself, I felt the need to clarify "Sam, in your case."
Jared said that a lot of Sam came pretty natural to him, and he gives credit for that to the writers who got to know who he is and wrote Sam that way. As an example he mentions Sam's "empathetic puppy dog eyes" written in scripts. He then says that the hardest part to act was Sam's kind of comedy. Because for him Sam's kind of comedy was hard to find. And that maybe that was correct, because Sam didn't think of himself as a funny person. Whereas Cordell Walker's kind of comedy is basically Jared's kind of comedy.
He concluded: "That's my answer. I hope it lived up to Jensen's expectations." Lol.
That's when I messed up completely in my nervousnes. Because I repeated Jensen's answer the wrong way around. Jensen had said for Jared it would be "having a shorter older brother". But I said to Jared:
"Jensen said it would be having a taller older brother."
But Jared, being the intelligent man he is, and knowing Jensen the way he does, immediately made sense of it.
"I guess for me it would be having a shorter older brother. Because my brother is taller than I am. So."
And with that he basically repeated Jensen's answer for him from JiB 12. Lol.
Here's the video, if you're interested. My question starts at around 19:10.
As I've just rewatched the video, I've realised that he was looking at me a lot. Unfortunately, I couldn't really see from my position at the microphone. In a panel on the next day Jared mentions that everybody on that microphone is squinting and shielding their eyes. There was this bright light shining right in peoples eyes over there. They dialed it down a bit after Jared mentioning it on Sunday, but Saturday, I could hardly make him out on stage.
On Sunday came my long awaited J2 OP. I asked them if they could look like Sam and Dean as opposed to Jared and Jensen. They both said sure and we did the OP. When I left I said thank you. Jensen answered in the most Texas drawl "You're welcome!". I loved the way he said it.
I also love the OP! I tried to smile a bit less, to make it more of a Winchester pic. I failed horribly at that. But again, who can blame me?
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On my other post someone commented it looks like Sam and Dean are confused that there is someone in between their hug. And that is so true, lol. "Sorry, boy's, I'll get out of your way, now."
When I went to the Jensen auto with my friend, we were waiting in line inside the auto room, even though Jensen was not there yet. But Jared was. He was sitting at the table, giving auto's. I was standing at a point in line that was basically closest to Jared for about 20 to 30 minutes, without my line moving. So I had plenty of time watching Jared from about 3 meters away. And I was blown away by his kindness, his gentle and funny nature. What everyone says about him is absolutely true. He really makes these short interactions for everyone special. And his full attention is at the person in front of him. Always. It's one thing to experience that in person for one short interaction. It's another to witness that with dozen's of people. It's not just one friendly hello after the other. (Which, honestly, would be enough to ask for.) It's that his facial expression changes with every person. With some he laughs, with some he's serious. He's listening intently if someone talks to him. I could't here what was being said (and wouldn't have wanted to eavesdrop anyway), and couldn't see what he signed. But I saw his face. I saw he reacted to that. And it never seemed forced. He just is that kind of person. Genuine. Empathetic. I only saw one thing given to him. And I had to laugh. Someone brought him Haribo gummy bears. He was so FAST taking that and slipping it into the bag for presents he had behind the table. It was a blink and you'll miss it moment. Lol. I guess that's also genuinely him. He loves his sweets.
Then Jensen arrived and I had my autograph. He was really, really nice and attentive too. Jensen also always makes sure to look up at the end of each auto and look people in the eye.
I had so many great interactions throughout the convention, and everything I had hoped for had come true already. There were just a few panels left I wanted to watch.
So @takikojou and I went into the panel room for the Jared and Misha panel. And she points out that there is no-one at the microphone on the left hand side yet. She asked me to stand in line with her. So I did. I quickly came up with a question for both of them. I didn't want to ask a Jared only question at a Mishalecki panel. I thought that would be rude.
So I wanted to ask where in Germany besides Berlin they had been. I thought this would be a short question with short answers, nothing special. But then Jared Padalecki basically had a whole conversation with me, and it turned into the most amazing moment of the whole JiB convention!
I'll leave the link here. It starts at 7:20
You may have seen videos where people stand in the hallway at the end of JiB con, and the actors come out to walk through the people, giving high fives and stuff. There's a small area where people can stand, behind barrier tapes. When my friends and me came out of the panel room, that area was already crowded. So we just left the convention area through a hallway in which no-one was allowed to stand. But at the end of the hallway people gathered again. My friends and I got a really good place there, right at the end of the hallway, where the room opens again. Security quickly put up more barrier tapes. So basically, it was a espallier (? that what you call it? ) of people, then a hallway, and then another espallier of people, forming one long line.
People in the first area where shouting for Jensen to come out, and he did. But he didn't see us down at the second area at the end of the hallway, so the turned around and went back into the green room again. Same with Jared after that. They just didn't see us. I know because I was the first person at the end of the hallway and had a perfect view all the way up. They didn't even look in our direction. And they couldn't hear us over the loud crowd in area one.
Then came Rob, and he saw us. When he realised there were so many more people down there, he just started a sprint and came to us. The security guard accompaniying him was completely taken by surprise and had trouble keeping up, lol. Rob went through our row, and so did every other actor after that.
Matt Cohen was last. He went through our row, and when he came back, while passing me, I asked him:
"Matt, can you ask Jared and Jensen to come down here as well?"
He said he would. And he did.
A few minutes later all the actors came out together, and they all came into our second area.
I thought that was a pretty great grand finale. But then my friend surprised me with a can of FBBC beer she had brought from Austin to share with me. And that was just the crown on top of an overwhelming, amazing, wonderful weekend. I had the time of my life! And I am so grateful I got to share it all with @takikojou and M. It would not have been half as wonderful without you two!
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