#blackholemojis talks
blackholemojis · 1 day
What do people think about a candle to represent sexual attraction, a heart to represent romantic attraction, and a rose to represent both at once? (For the hypersexuality emoji ask, as well as future asks)
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esrah-rah-rasputin · 2 years
April 3rd: Talk about jobs. Do you currently work or have you worked before? Was it hard for you to find a job? Does your job work well regarding your autism? Alternatively, if you don't work, what was school like for you as an autistic person? What was good about school? What was bad?
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(I found some cute autism pride themed line dividers at @blackholemojis, and I think I’ll be using those to divide up sections for the rest of this series)
I’ve never had a job, really, but trying to find a field/specific job I want to work towards getting was really hard. At first, I thought “yeah okay, I’ll be an artist!” but at this point I can’t guarantee I’d be able to live off of that, and I don’t want to risk turning such a beloved and long-term special interest into a primary job. Then, I had to figure out what I could do that would pay enough for me to live, wouldn’t burn me out in just a couple months, and that I wouldn’t be so extremely bored by that I couldn’t do it long term. Spoiler alert: there’s not many jobs like that
As far as school goes, I’ve had very very mixed experiences. In high school, everything was mostly fine, but in elementary school, it was more like hell on earth, which is maybe ironic considering it was a Christian school.
I won’t go into specific details, but that’s partially because I don’t remember a lot of details off the top of my head, which should give you a good guess on how bad it was. There was a lot of non-physical peer abuse and abuse from staff and teachers, and at the time there just weren’t reasources available for autistic kids. I learned to mask through trial and error, but I still seemed to slip up all the time, and could only go so long before expressing a “weird” amount of either excitement or distress over things that my peers were pretty neutral about. A lot of my more “obvious” autistic traits never resurfaced until this year and the last year, and even now, they’re mostly expressed internally, and I have a hard time telling people what’s going on.
Suffice to say, I had some pretty bad internalized ableism going into high school, when I switched schools.
The beginning of high school was rough because of mental health issues I was dealing with that I didn’t even know the names for (surprise surprise! It was trauma), but the people around me were actually pretty great. I’ve never been an extrovert, and I tended to get along most stably and consistently with my teachers, and they were all extremely kind and understanding. If you weren’t a jerk for no reason, they’d treat you like an honorary niece or nephew, which was really nice. They didn’t seem to have a strict “teacher mode” and a less strict “person mode,” which I was really taken aback by at first.
One thing in specific I remember was how Algebra 1 was hard. I got a good grade, somehow, but the learning curve was extremely steep since I’d never been taught the equivalent of Pre-Algebra, and I was having to learn two years of math in one. I’ll probably have to relearn it in college, tbh, because I don’t remember much besides what X and Y are.
I got some unofficial accommodations a couple years later because of the symptoms from the trauma I was dealing with, but to this day, I haven’t gotten any formal accommodations for my autistic traits that don’t jive with the school environment. Working from home was a bit of a blessing for me because of that, since I could at least control my environment.
I’m not sure where to end this, but I just hope things continue to get better than they were!
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blackholemojis · 10 months
Hi! I’m an artist who makes emojis like these:
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[ID: various emojis done by blackholemojis, showing their artistic range. /End ID]
I know a lot of the tumblr population doesn’t have much spare money, so I do them at a pretty cheap price of $.25 per minute. I regularly take requests on this blog for emojis to use in AAC programs, discord servers, and in private messages, but I also do commissions for other things! Characters, names, people, animals, and more like these:
If you want to read more about my commissions, you can go to this post, which is also linked in my pinned! I’m a small-time artist and a college student, so I could use the extra money to say the least haha
That said, please reblog this post! I’d greatly appreciate it 🤟
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blackholemojis · 3 months
Here’s all the disorder person emojis so far, on my own AAC! I’m really happy with how these are looking
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[ID: a grey AAC board with yellow and white buttons. The yellow buttons have the abbreviation of a disorder, and the white buttons below them have the full name. All of them have emojis of figures that represent the disorder. They include: ASPD, BPD, NPD, MDD, HPD, OSDD, DID, AVPD, PPD, OCPD, and DPD. /End ID]
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blackholemojis · 7 months
(not a request)
Hai! As someone trying to experiment with AACs, I can't find an optimal and conveniently organized word list, can you please share any tips for that?
Unfortunately I've had the same problem when trying to make my own AAC boards, as well as with running this blog. There are some general essentials though, I've made some of them and tagged them with #blackholemojis basics, if you want to look through those.
Other than that, I can really only share the types of words I put into my own AAC boards first. I haven't found a convenient and well organized word list anywhere :(
Under the cut though I'll put a lot more words you could include in your AAC, if you want to check that out! I'll update it as I think of more
Basic words
Yes, no, maybe, I don't know, something else, probably, stop, go, I consent, I don't consent
What, when, who, where, why, how
Good, bad, better, worse, best, worst, same, different, alright
Basic activities of daily living
Hygiene: bathe, clean teeth, style hair, wash face, etc
Dressing: get dressed, get undressed, clothing, tops, bottoms
Eating: eat, drink, swallow, chew, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack
Bathroom: use the bathroom, pee, poop, wipe off, wash hands
Transferring/mobility: walk, stand up, sit down, lay down, transfer to mobility aid, transfer out of mobility aid
Instrumental activities of daily living
Communication: speak, text/message, computer, phone, email, video call, write, call
Transportation: picked up, dropped off, drive, ride, bike, walk, take the bus, take the train, carpool
Meal prep: cook, bake, heat up, prepare food, plan meals, clean up kitchen, put away food
Shopping/finances: shop, buy, sell, donate, pay, write a check, manage balance, wallet, bank account, make a deposit, budget, pay bills, pay insurance, pay mortgage
Housework: do laundry, do dishes, dust, vacuum, sweep, mop, clean, fold, organize, take out the garbage
Medication: take meds, refill meds, order meds refill
Short words
Hello, goodbye, please, thank you, you're welcome, sorry, I forgive you
Do, don't, done, did, will, won't, could, can, can't, should, shouldn't, is, isn't, was, wasn't, were, weren't, want, like, dislike,
Now, later, soon, earlier, today, tomorrow, yesterday
And, a, an, the, or, which, if, so, then, because
Leave, come, walk, run, give, take, throw, catch, move, stay, find, lose, say, mean, think, let, need, want, help, belong, start, finish
I/me/myself, mine, you/yours/yourself, this person, she/her/hers, he/him/his, they/them/theirs, it/its/itself
Essential activities
Eat, sleep, wake up, use the bathroom, drink
Major senses
See, touch, taste, smell, hear, sense, feel
Home, work, school, house, apartment, trailer, park, grocery store, clothing store, daycare, college, religious center
Sick/ill, fever, nauseous, stuffy nose, runny nose
Scratch, burn, cut, bruise, broken bone, concussion
Hospital, doctor's office, dentist's office
Any other specific conditions or symptoms you have, physically or mentally
Any mobility aids you use
Other descriptor groups
Colors, temperature, size, amount, directions/location, time, body parts, family/friend names, relations (grandma, neighbor), emotions, pets, objects/belongings, weather
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blackholemojis · 26 days
Here's a quick overview of the requests I currently have and some reply summaries for each, if anyone sent me a request in the last month or so and is waiting for a reply:
Word emojis I'm planning to do:
"This is why mom doesn't love you" (inside joke, referencing a vine)
"One sec, typing"
"Slow processing"
"How dare you" (as a dramatic thing to say for fun)
"Touch hurts"
Symbol emojis I'm planning to do:
insomnia symbol without eyebags
emoji for psychosis
emoji for mania
emoji for schizoaffective
emoji for PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder)
emoji for STPD (schizotypal personality disorder)
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blackholemojis · 3 months
Temporarily stopping requests!
Nothing is wrong, but I want to work through the requests I have so far before people submit more :) I'll make a post when all these have been filled, but for now, here's what you can expect:
self injurious actions, psychosis, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, autism, dyspraxia, C-PTSD, PTSD, DPDR, dyslexia/dyslexic (in open dyslexic specifically), a punk jacket, something for emo culture (this one will be fun lol, not sure what I'll do yet), vinyl, and a vinyl player
There's some other one's I'll be doing that involve potentially triggering subjects, so I'll put them under the cut, see tags for what they involve
scars, scars on an arm, addiction, sobriety, harm reduction, HC-DID
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blackholemojis · 5 months
I’m thinking of stylizing my face/figure emojis more and changing the palette of colors I use to be less contrasting (ie, not pure black line art). What are people’s thoughts? Comments highly encouraged!
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blackholemojis · 1 month
I think I’ll have to temporarily pause requests again, I’m low on spoons and I’d like to catch up before I open them again :(
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blackholemojis · 5 months
Would people be interested in reposts of emojis I’ve already done with the colors inverted so it’s more friendly for dark mode? It would be light purple letters with a dark purple border, instead of dark purple letters with a light purple border
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blackholemojis · 3 months
...Y'all good? lol
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[ID: a screenshot showing the activity level for blackholemojis. The activity level is between zero and around thirty notes for the last few days, but at 12 PM today it spikes up to 150 notes. /End ID]
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blackholemojis · 8 months
(not a request or commission)
*hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands a dinosaur**hands-
have a dinosaur!
Hfjghg thanks lol
(Also thank you to everyone who’s been patient with requests, I’ve had a really rough last few weeks so I’ve had to put this to the side 🤍)
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blackholemojis · 25 days
u have made posts telling about your aac you use... would u b willing to share images of how you have it set up and maybe give tips for people working on making their own aac?
I would love to but I think it may give away my anonymity, since I like to share pictures of my different pages. I can share some details and organizing tips though! This isn't anything comprehensive, I think I'd need to spend a lot more time on that, but hopefully this is helpful for someone. For context, I use TD Snap Lite :)
I'll include a list of different word categories at the bottom under the cut, so if you're looking for types of words to focus on, you can skip to there!
Organization part 1
I keep all my commonly used words and folders for other words on my quickfires page, starting with basic communication words (yes/no, who/what/where, etc) and folders (conversation phrases, short responses, nouns, verbs, etc).
Then I have commonly used descriptors, connector words, actions, and nouns. All these are broad words like "thing" or "person," "and" or "because," and "go" and "fix." Even if I didn't have a button for a specific concept, I would still be able to describe it, like "the thing that is mine."
I organize the different buttons in rows on the same page, and try to group similar words together, that way I can find them easily.
I started with buttons for different bADLs (basic activities of daily living), which are bathing, dressing, grooming/hygiene, eating, toileting, and transferring/movement. Then I went to activities that I do every day, like studying, doing housework, or watching TV.
The idea is that I would be able to get through a whole day and be able to describe what I want, what I need, my activities, and what I don't want or need (the ability to say no is important, even for little things!)
Organization part 2
What words I have is important, but so is how I make sure I can find them easily. With TD Snap you can give buttons custom colors and custom border colors, so I use those to organize types of words, and types within those types (so verbs versus nouns, and then people-nouns versus object-nouns)
I also put the most commonly used words towards the right side of the screen, since I'm right handed and that means they'll be easiest to access.
I try to use pastels so I can read the labels, and I edit the text size of all buttons so I can see the symbol and label well. With descriptors, I try to group similar ones together, and group ones that have "opposites" either right next to each other or one above the other (words like up and down, or inside and outside).
Finding gaps
The easiest way for me to figure out what buttons I'm missing is by using my AAC when I'm near full spoons and can think about language well, like now. That way I know what I'm missing, and I can make a button and organize it in the moment without it taking much energy. Usually I'm missing different categories of words, like colors, or words to describe time.
Here's a bunch of word categories under the cut, starting with "essentials" and then moving on to common non-essentials! Feel free to ask me to include any other ideas
Bathing (shower, bath, sponge bath, and related words you use for bathing)
Dressing (getting dressed, getting undressed, picking out clothes, words for different types of clothes)
Grooming/hygiene (brushing teeth, flossing teeth, brushing/combing hair, trimming hair, dyeing hair, cleaning piercings, washing face, shaving, makeup)
Eating/drinking (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snack, meal, types of food you eat, spoon, fork, knife, chopstick, bowl, plate, mug, water, warm beverages, napkins, and any other words you use for eating/drinking)
Toileting (bathroom, stall, toilet, sink, washing hands, soap, toilet paper, menstrual products, changing toileting equipment, and any other words)
Transferring/Movement (any mobility aids you use, transferring to/from mobility aids, terms for your aids, walk, run, jog. I included transportation words like "drive" and "car" in my section for this, but that's not necessary)
Essential communication
Yes (and variations)
No (and variations)
Something else
I don't know
I need
I don't need
I want
I don't want
options for basic needs, so you can say "I need" and "use the bathroom" (eating, drinking, sleeping, waking, showering/bathing, using the bathroom, dental care, hair care, getting dressed, getting undressed, changing menstrual products, changing medical equipment, and transferring to/from mobility aids)
I consent
I do not consent
I revoke consent
Fringe vocabulary for everyday activities and emergencies
Emergency words/phrases (I need a doctor, etc)
Personal info (name, age, etc)
Disability/mental health/medical terms that apply to you
Parts of the body
Types of injury/medical issues
Places you go
People you live with
People you interact with often
Pets names
Neighbors names
Carer or staff name(s)
Important belongings and things you use every day
Everyday hobbies (bike, watch show, etc)
Everyday to-do list activities (do laundry, shower, etc)
Action words (things one can do)
Common nouns (persons, places, things, and ideas)
Connector words (and, to, since, etc)
Feelings (positive, neutral, and negative)
Descriptor words
Days of the week
Describing amount (some, many, a little, few, all, none)
Describing time (then, now, before, after)
Personal opinion descriptors (nasty, beautiful, boring)
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blackholemojis · 1 year
Emoji commissions page
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[ID: A set of nine emojis on a transparent background titled “blackholemojis commissions!” The examples given are an emo person, a punk jacket, a person peering over a transparent ledge, a pair of teal fursuit hands with the caption “rawr,” a physical AAC communication binder, a bush, a person waving a trans flag, a dog captioned “support dog,” and a person with a cane that turns into a stool. /End ID]
The only umbrella exceptions I have are hateful or bigoted subjects, and explicit sex acts.
I use PayPal @purpleheartarts, and charge in USD at 25¢ per minute. Right now you can contact me through DMs here on tumblr. Are you not sure if I’d take a commission for something? Just ask via ask box or DMs! I reserve the right to decline commissions, but I don’t bite :)
As of now I only do private, non-commercial commissions, so you may not use anything I make for something commercial without permission, and I retain ownership of the image
(Tag list) @hearts-that-are-golden I’m doing commissions now :)
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blackholemojis · 4 days
Not a requezt, but I wanted to tell you your zymbolz are very very nice to look at, I might have already zent a thing like thiz but I enjoy reminding artizt how good of a job they're doing :]
(Without tq: Not a request, but I wanted to tell you your symbols are very very nice to look at, I might have already sent a thing like this but I enjoy reminding artist how good of a job they're doing :] )
Aw thank you so much! That means a lot 🤍
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blackholemojis · 1 day
ok the loveless emojis are amazing
i kinda want to draw a comic where someone (me) has a heart on their chest and it's yellow and an allo person is like "why do you have that" and they're like "oh, aro ppl have holes in their chests where romance would be. i filled mine with platonic love, which is yellow ^^" and then a loveless person walks up and is like "i keep snacks in mine! 😁 want some chips?" and pulls a chip bag out of their chest
but like i never manage to finish a comic, even a silly little one like that so :/
Ohh that's an amazing idea! I love that so much (lol), if you have any artist friends maybe you could collaborate together to make that?
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