#readmore references self harm / hc-did / addiction / sobriety / harm reduction
blackholemojis · 3 months
Temporarily stopping requests!
Nothing is wrong, but I want to work through the requests I have so far before people submit more :) I'll make a post when all these have been filled, but for now, here's what you can expect:
self injurious actions, psychosis, paranoia, delusions, hallucinations, autism, dyspraxia, C-PTSD, PTSD, DPDR, dyslexia/dyslexic (in open dyslexic specifically), a punk jacket, something for emo culture (this one will be fun lol, not sure what I'll do yet), vinyl, and a vinyl player
There's some other one's I'll be doing that involve potentially triggering subjects, so I'll put them under the cut, see tags for what they involve
scars, scars on an arm, addiction, sobriety, harm reduction, HC-DID
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