#black vs green
athenasarahsstuff · 27 days
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Who else saw this scene rewind it a few times to make sure this was baddie Aemond Targaryen. Raise your hand!! 🙌
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HOTD: The Titles
Episode 1: Heirs of the Dragon (Harrenhal; Tourney; Aemma dies; Rhaenyra heir - 66 minutes) Episode 2: The Rogue Prince (War for the Stepstones; Viserys marries Alicent - 54 minutes) Episode 3: Second of his Name (Small time skip. Big royal hunt - 58 minutes) Episode 4: King of the Narrow Sea (Deepening rivalries at court, Blacks vs Greens - 63 minutes) Episode 5: We Light The Way (Young Rhaenyra and Laenor’s wedding feast - 60 minutes) Episode 6: Princess and the Queen (Ten year time skip, switch lead roles to adults, Rhaenyra presents 3rd son Joff to King - 68 minutes) Episode 7: Driftmark (Laena’s funeral, Aemond claims Vhagar - 58 minutes) Episode 8: Lord of the Tides (Time skip, switch children to teens; Awkward “reconciliation” feast, “strong boys” - 67 minutes) Episode 9: The Green Council (Viserys dies; rival coronations - 60 minutes) Episode 10: The Black Queen (Dance over Storm’s end; civil war begins - 63 minutes)
Does it mean that Viserys I will die in season 1 (I presume episode 9)? Or will the season end with Rhaenyra and Daemon’s marriage (episode 7), more likely that Daemon will crown Rhaenyra (episode 9 or10)? Were is the title “Realm’s delight” haha? And when young Rhaenyra will disappear in regard of the old one (episode 6)?
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callsign-blue · 2 years
I feel as though sometimes Alicent has gone overhead sometimes with certain things.
Even though she insinuate, something should be done she doesn’t outright say it and I know that’s where there’s a blurred line at. But her, I guess, she has a work relationship between her and Larys is blurred.
She does wishes that something could be done, she is very strategic and very planned out and what she says, but I feel though deep down. There’s still that girl that is still friends with Rhaenyra and still reverts to that old person that she used to be when she is confronted with what Larys has done.
The only example that come to mind at the moment is when he burns his father and brother alive at Harrenhal. And she, even though she wanted something to be done, she’s talking more hypotheticals that I can see.
As far as we can tell that nobody really has picked up on what type of situation her and Larys has.
But his goal, for those who have read the book, will be unfortunately done in vain and it’s hard to say this, but we have a double agent and even though all the actions he has done is very much really hard to comprehend. It is for one good end goal. 
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margarita-life · 3 months
House of the Dragon | BLACK VS GREEN
link: https://youtu.be/5HTb9rNhOTY
"...The only thing that could tear down the House of the Dragon... was itself..."
#HOTDS2 #TeamBlack #TeamGreen #HouseOfTheDragon
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vivalarevolution · 2 years
This is how I imagine Rhaenyra and her brother conversation after his coronation
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Made by @vivalarevolution​
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sorrydetka · 2 months
me, a veteran game of thrones stan, looking at team green and team black supporters going at each others throats
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alicentes · 2 months
GRRM really wrote a story where the main lesson is there are no winners in war, power corrupts and ultimately there are no good sides then y’all are out here missing them point and fighting over who’s got the moral high ground out of all these power hungry war criminals who sit in their castles as the smallfolk suffer because of their war and weapons of mass destruction.
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kissingagrumpygiant · 6 months
"I thought the story was about aegon and rhaenyra why is alicent still here :(" are u dumb in the head geniune question
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rhaenin-time · 3 months
B-b-but Rhaenyra's siblings were always in danger and even if she didn't think she'd need to kill them she definitely would have because of all these historical figures who killed or imprisoned those they saw as a threat to their claim:
[Insert list of historical rulers who were not named heirs and who came into power during a power vacuum or crisis where there was either no clear line of succession or where they used force to supplant the line of succession. Also insert list of competing heirs who refused to renounce their claim.]
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boltlightning · 6 months
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prideprejudce · 1 year
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Meet the blacks and the greens!
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omnipotent-scient · 3 months
Personally, I've always perceived Rhaenyra as an entitled brat. That was sort of how she was portrayed in the book. Daemon was pretty nasty as well, as he groomed Rhaenyra. He was teaching her "how best to touch a man to bring him pleasure," if Mushroom is to be believed.
I am inclined to believe Mushroom.
I think most of Rhaenyra's behaviors at Daemon's fault, but I do think that Rhaenyra is mad as she wanted to torture her little brother for calling her bastard children 'bastards'. That isn't sane behavior, and nothing really excuses it. Aemond really was defending himself.
Alicent should have asked for Rhaenyra's boys to be swatted on the hands wooden spoon a good few times, not an eye. (Lucerys should not have had a dagger. Why would a child need a dagger?)
I don't think anyone thought Rhaenyra was still heir after Aegon was born. Viserys literally broke the laws of the entire realm for her.
War was inevitable, and there was nothing Rhaenyra could have done aside from marrying her infant brother.
I don't know if you've been asked something like this before. I also have no idea if the background to my question makes sense, but do you think there was any way Rhaenyra could have become Queen without breaking laws, murdering kin, and or bloodshed?
Who started breaking laws? —The Greens
Who started murdering kin?—The Greens
Who started bloodshed?— The Greens
In a monarchy, which Westeros is and has been for THOUSANDS of years the king's words is the law. Not that of his predecessors, but of the present ruling monarch.
Viserys named his 8 year old daughter as his heir, he varied from custom yes, but never broke law. HE IS THE LAW.
Viserys also broke custom by marrying Alicent, a daughter of a second son and not a ruling lord. A woman that could not give him anything of importance, not money, not a fleet, not any great allegiance. He married her simply because loved her. Being the second time he broke CUSTOM for a woman he loved. Rhaenyra and Alicent.
Even if Viserys allowed his 16 year old daughter to be wed to her 6 year old brother, you think that would prevent war? You people are simply stupid if you think so. Aegon (Otto & Alicent) could easily imprison Rhaenyra and simply put it out as she died, or simply even just end her life. And obviously with their children being young(if they had any, very unlikely) Aegon could crown himself as king rather than prince consort. And do you really think Alicent would let her precious son be king consort to a wanton woman? We see this with Jaehaerys' children Daenerys and Aemon.
I don't think anyone thought Rhaenyra was still heir after Aegon was born. Viserys literally broke the laws of the entire realm for her.
The Blacks? Literally many at court more than even the Greens supported Rhaenyra as heir. Even afterwards, during the war Rhaenyra had much more supporters than Aegon, even after her death.
Rhaenyra is mad as she wanted to torture her little brother for calling her bastard children 'bastards'. That isn't sane behavior, and nothing really excuses it. Aemond really was defending himself. Alicent should have asked for Rhaenyra's boys to be swatted on the hands wooden spoon a good few times, not an eye.
Right, Rhaenyra insisting for Aemond to be questioned sharply is mad but Alicent asking for a five year old's eye to be cut out is perfectly sane behaviour, yes? Be serious right now. Do you really think Viserys out of all people would let his son be tortured? Rhaenyra knew of that, she wanted Aemond to admit that his mother, Alicent has been spreading rumours abt easy as that.
It wasn't just for the insults either, Luke's nose was broken, Jace was hit in the head. And Joff was thrown into dragon droppings.
Afraid that the boy would raise the alarm, Prince Aemond shouted at him to be quiet, then shoved him backward into a pile of dragon droppings.
Aemond fought back, breaking Luke’s nose with a punch, then wrenching the sword from Joff’s hands and cracking it across the back of Jace’s head, driving him to his knees. As the younger boys scrambled back away from him, bloody and bruised, the prince began to mock them, laughing and calling them “the Strongs.”
Jace at least was old enough to grasp the insult. He flew at Aemond once again, but the older boy began pummeling him savagely…until Luke, coming to the rescue of his brother, drew his dagger and slashed Aemond across the face, taking out his right eye.
Aemond was TEN. Jace was SIX, Luke FIVE, Joff only THREE.
A 10 year old Pummeling (= boxing, repeatedly puching) and 6 year old is a perfectly good thing to do.
Lucerys should not have had a dagger. Why would a child need a dagger?
Because this child, is a prince? Almost everyone had daggers at that time, Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, Ladies, Lords, Commonborn, every one had daggers. They carried it for personal protection, even Lucerys.
Не was teaching her "how best to touch a man to bring him pleasure," if Mushroom is to be believed. I am inclined to believe Mushroom.
Even then, if Rhaenyra is such an 'entitled brat' why would she want to please the son of a steward of a Lord. And that too, not even a major Lord. Why would she want to please a no-one that became a someone because of HER.
Personally, I've always perceived Rhaenyra as an entitled brat. That was sort of how she was portrayed in the book.
She was portrayed as spoiled, yes. How could she not be? She came after many miscarriages and stillbirth, many other losses in the family. To her parents she was their first daughter, both of them motherless on their own. To Baelon, she was his first granddaughter after the loss of this wife, son, aemon and the rest of his siblings. To Jaehaerys and Alysanne, she was probably the first great-grandchild they met, she came after they lost most of their children (+Jocelyn who was as good as daughter, Rhaenys and probably never met her children till the feast and tourney of 98). She was a light in a time where her family was sinking from the inside.
I don't know how fighting for something that is yours, and have been for over TWENTY YEARS is seen as entitlement rather advocating and defending her own right?
There is someone who is portrayed as entitled, however. Alicent Hightower. Who thought simply because she popped out the King's son, means he should become a king. And this son who thought simply because he was a man with a cock, he was more fit to rule than a daughter without a cock.
Why should I explain the basic of things to strangers as if they're 5 and lack comprehension? Lol😭
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chicken-wayng · 2 months
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horizon-verizon · 2 months
Honestly as a neutral party I would prefer Jaehaera living to Daenaera being introduced. Jaehaera is an innocent, mentally disabled child and her death is needlessly cruel. Her death is the least plot relevant of all of the child deaths that have happened in the dance and it's reasonable for people to want that changed since it comes off as pointlessly cruel. Killing Alicent or even just focusing on her imprisonment more is enough to show that the greens have paid for their betrayal. At least Daenaera can still be introduced and do something else in the narrative even if she doesn't marry Aegon.
I've already explained why Jaehaera's death was plot relevant HERE and HERE.
Daenaera's entire narrative purpose was to marry Aegon and have his children to propagate the Targ line AND to become part of Aegon's mental rehabilitation from the effects of the civil war and watching his own mother get eaten burned/alive by a dragon. This is also reason why she's a fan fav in the first place; it's seen as a noble undertaking to some and a way for the Targs to move away from the greens finally. What other narrative use would you have her have?!
We can't bring up how after the War of the Roses the two fighting houses (Yorks and Lancasters) were successfully brought together in marriage to justify Jaehaera marrying and having a family with Aegon. Because:
Elizabeth of York wasn't disabled like Jaehaera
neither her nor Henry Tudor were little kids when they married
this is a fictional tale that, while modeled after some real events and people, is using them as springboards for a specific, purposefully created "message" unique to the author's
and imagine what it would being pregnant several times really be like for a very mentally incapacitated and traumatized girl like her?!!
Much less the other traumatized boy who's to be her husband? What the consummation and all the...impregnating times looked like?! Then, imagine what the family life would have been like, with these parents unable to ever connect thus the resentment is worse and their kids seeing that?
This doesn't justify Unwin Peake murdering Jaehaera, but no she never should have been married off to Aegon or anyone in the first place and that was not Unwin's doing but a larger group's--Aegon's council/patriarchal feudalism. This is what GRRM's trying to tell you, stop resisting it.
I can believe that it is the way she died and the other context of so much violence men and adults perform against women and girls in this world is what really offends people enough for them to say that somehow, this a narratively irrelevant death. Because they're just that horrified.
The feelings are valid. But the action to erase the significance of the death is not valid. You definitely can wish for a much less violent one, like a poisoning that puts her to sleep or something. The death is supposed to be tragic and make you feel that it wasn't deserved, was horrible, etc. Because it was all those things.
And to say such an untrue thing as "not narratively relevant" also leads me to suspect that some people don't like Jaehaera's death either bc they just:
wanted the greens to win in some way bc they favor them and their cause (my second linked post)
you--knowing that Daenaera will likely be black in the show IF they ever get to the Maiden's Ball--go so hard for Jaehaera bc she at least is a white girl in the universe of HotD
want excessively centrist politics to sway the story at the expense of actual understanding of why we should change and upend the status quo entirely (here the feudal entrapment of girls and women); deny a reality, discourage learning to the oppressive status quo can prevail [on this trend of neutrality]...the truth is the villains/antagonists were always the greens
AND/OR, are avoidant of facing ugly, sordid truths of oppression because they are close to it in real life and haven't found ways of separating that from collective understanding of oppressive systems/coping mechanism
Look anon, Alicent's imprisonment doesn't make up for mass death. Because it's not even just about Alicent as the individual, the grandmother, the mother, etc. It's the effect of her actions on a population. Jaehaera was one of many girls Otto AND Alicent endangered (another being Halaena). Though her actions became something much bigger than her & things went out of her control, that doesn't stop them from being hers AND having affected thousands of lives. Her main aim was to accrue power through her kids and grandkids--who she chose to risk by usurping Rhaenyra and beginning the war--the consequence is she loses said kids and grandkids through other's similar ambition. Again, bc even though those kids were noble and were supposed to be relatively safe, because they are all technically heirs or adults around them can use them accrue power (whether by killing them or through marriages or whatever), they were also targets. We could say similar for Rhaenyra's children, as what happens to her youngest 2; all of them in one way or another die because they were or could be used. however, they AND the greens' kids were all safer if the greens had not usurped Rhaenyra.
The greens were the aggressors and transgressors. The ones who started this war and looked for something out of it. They tried to act worse against Rhaenrya before/during the war AND the whole of Westeros before/during/after, thus they get the worse punishment and lose more than she did.
The entire point is that the greens lose everything, because they went after "everything". They lose everything, including their kids bc they relentlessly and hypocritically ran to obtain more power for themselves by attempting to exclude a woman from the position she never would have had without the will of a man.
They went on the basis that a girl/woman should not rule or become an heir before any direct male relatives...so Jaehaera was cut out of the line of succession by her own side of the family, thus she was also less prioritized, thus she was made into a baby factory for Aegon III. She became their last chance to get their blood to at least be part of the future line, but even that's dashed by a man who had similar ambitions as Otto and Alicent.
In trying to go against the king's word/an actual law, the greens also made it much more justified for someone to not care much for Aegon II's claim or authority...bc if you can so easily flout a king's word, why should you care about the guy you're trying to make king?! And using people who themselves are willing to be so dishonest creates a higher likelihood that they'd betray you, as similar to Ulf and Hugh betraying Rhaenyra. (And somehow, Rhaenyra is the only naive one when she expects people to follow through with their oaths 🙄)
Have you ever thought, anon, about those other girls who were maimed or terrorized into not appearing before Aegon III in the Maiden's Ball? Sure, most of them weren't disabled (Priscella Hogg was, I think), but what happens to Jaehaera is because she was girl in the way of a man's ambitions and not because she was disabled. What about all those Tumbleton folk, Bitterbridge refugees (the raped septas and girls as young as 8!), and riverland peasants--most of them children! Undoubtedly, you will have disabled children in those populations, anon. Why is Jaehaera's death so much more valuable than these mass deaths of also children? Remember that Alicent raised her kids to easier justify committing these atrocities. Maelor and Jaehaerys' deaths also reflect these events. Jaehaera's death was markedly different in meaning from theirs (to open up space for another girls who's being used) because she was female. In the first linked post, I talk about why and how people used Jaehaera's marriage to Aegon and how that reflects on her death being unique from her brothers' because of her gender.
GRRM comments, through Jaehaera and these girls and Rhaenyra what one pattern of F&B has: being female is dangerous because it is to be more of an object or property in lieu of self-concerned ambitious men to the point where the most vulnerable and those who cannot practice some of the same sort of agency can experience gruesome consequences--sometimes to become terrors themselves in their attempts to gain denied agency or defend themselves.
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waterdeep-weavemoss · 25 days
team black's family dynamic is so close and tight knit in a soft way. rhaenyra is gentle with her children, even daemon is gentle with them, and there is deep love and respect there.
team green's family dynamic is a desperate grasping thing, alicent is like a tigress protecting her kids even though she isn't really gentle with them. they seem held together by aegon's crown and aemond is barely reined in chaos, seething and itching for a fight. he would stand toe to toe with daemon just for the fuck of it.
so while i am team black and support rhaenyra's claim, the dynamics of team green are so fascinating, especially with aegon being a reluctant heir. i can't wait to see the s2 dynamic between them.
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yellowsocialbunny · 2 months
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HOTD: AU where Rhaenyra only had daughters
Princess Jacaera Velaryon, like her sisters, Lucerra and Laena, had brown hair and eyes, and a pug nose. She had a broad, slightly masculine build, yet attracted young men everywhere she went with her sharp mind and courtly manners. She was responsible, bold, and politically savvy. Jacaera rode the dragon Vermax.
Princess Lucerra Velaryon was a sweet and shy girl who loved flying her dragon Arrax more than being at court. She was closest to her grandfather, lord Corlys Velaryon.
Princess Laena Velaryon was a wild and spirited girl, interested in swordfighting and dragonriding. She had the brown hair and eyes of her older sisters and an athletic build. Laena looked up to her stepfather, the rogue prince Daemon Targaryen. She rode the dragon Tyraxes.
Princess Aemma Targaryen had dark purple eyes which looked almost black, and silver hair which was so pale that it was almost white. She was lean of face and body, and taller than most women. Aemma was graceful, clever and enjoyed reading. She rode the dragon Stormcloud.
Princess Visenya Targaryen had silver-gold hair, which she wore in the style of Queen Visenya, and was said to be striking, though she was not as pretty as her older sister, Aemma. She was charming and clever, and way more intelligent than people thought, which she used to her advantage. She enjoyed dancing, reading and hawking. At the age of 13, she claimed the dragon Silverwing.
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