#bit meh on everyone else
armandjolras · 5 months
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maxsix · 26 days
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keii · 2 years
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sketches of li ling and tang xuan from dislyte. these were supposed to be a part of two separate comics, but i can’t seem to focus on finishing neither so yup
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glorious-blackout · 1 year
Just back from Arctic Monkeys and....yeeeeah my prediction that seeing them so soon after Muse would put them at a disadvantage turned out to be correct 😂
I will say though that the songs from TBHC and The Car sounded soooo fucking good that I'm honestly offended there weren't more of them in the setlist. I need them to do a theatre tour one day where they play both albums in full...
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after two successive nights of Death on the Nile (newest version) and Glass Onion, it seems that the genre that unites my family’s wildly divergent viewing preferences is... detective films
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charmercharm3r · 9 months
warnings: 9th member brain rot, kissing, body image? hardly proof read don’t come for me
prev: two, next: four
“Honestly? I hate it. I hate it a lot.”
None of your costume fittings were going well. Pants too tight, boots too big, couldn’t lift your arms or else your top would rise too high. Nothing worked. Did it at least look good? Meh.
“What’s wrong with it?” Chan asked as he stood beside you, looking at you through the practice room mirror.
“I dunno, it just… doesn’t feel right. Something…” You tried reaching around to feel the zippers and pins that held your outfit in place. Chan, ever observant, stepping to help unclip various pieces of the outfit. By the time he was done, it was a bit more revealing.
You were in the same leather pants as the rest of the group, but your top was the most modified out of everyone. A long sleeved body suite that followed the same black and white bedazzled color schemes with triangular cut outs down the shoulders and arms, rising a little too high on your hips. It was supposed to be a sexy piece, definitely not fit for a performance outfit. The stylists had it pinned to the leather pants to keep from revealing how exposing it was, saying how everything was so pretty and perfect for the concept, except this.
The pants rested a little lower on your hips, more comfortably. Chan looked at you again, “how’s that?”
You hopped and moved around, “a lot better.”
“It looks better too!” Hyunjin casually strolled into the conversation. He reached out to trace the seam that exposed your upper hips, “sexy.”
You swatted his hand away, “don’t be weird.”
“I meant it in a good way!” He threw his hands up and side stepped behind Chan and disappeared.
"If you're comfortable with it, this is much better. But it's a bit more than what you're used to showing," the older ignored Hyunjin and played with the pins in his hand.
Admiring yourself in the mirror, you realized it was a lot more than you're used to. The bodysuit was tight, which was okay because it was stretchy. But it outlined your body more than the other member's costume, therefore it stood out exponentially. "Do you think it'll be okay... y'know, in front of people?" The lowered tone of your voice, the question was shaky.
Chan paused to look at you with hints of concern, and he knew what you were talking about. He copied the hushed syntax of the conversation, "if you're worried about bad press, don't. You're part of us, like the biggest part. It's been how many years and if people can't handle that... well, that's their problem."
He lent you an encouraging smile before his attention was pulled away by a screaming Jeongin, then a thud following with Hyunjin piling on top of the younger. Chan had turned away to make sure the two were okay, and in within your lone thoughts, you figured he was right. Other people's opinions are not your problem. This was a step in the right direction.
And Chan was right, as he always is! The outfit was a smash during tour, people loved it and you felt confident. By the time the Japan tours were announced, you were ready to ask for something a bit more. Solo stages meant you were able to show more personality. You didn't have many solo projects, so it was already nerve wracking picking a song and getting help with the choreography.
The other members weren't around for your fitting with the solo stage outfit, just you and the stylist who started to enjoy your newfound excitement for experimentation. She had jumped for joy and brought out racks of different pieces, "I've waited five years for this day! It's like dress up and you're my barbie doll."
It was a large compliment coming from her, her enthusiasm made your energy spike. So you let her put you in different outfits and go over different mood boards to find what it is you wanted. The one-on-one time with her felt like turning a new leaf for your career and confidence. "I'm glad that you want to do this. I never wanted to push you to do something you're uncomfortable with, I'm so excited for you!" Aside from the usual encouragement from your members, her approval was the icing on the cake. After all, dressing people is her entire livelihood.
You hadn't given so much as a hint to the boys as to what your concept was, and it made them annoyed to no end. As they all talked about colors and themes, you kept your cards close to your chest to only let them know what you wanted them to know.
"You're being mean! Tell us! My nosy heart can't take not knowing!" Jisung pestered you the most, though you knew it came from a good place. They were all anticipating it.
When the dress rehearsal came, you put on your outfit last just so that they could all stew in their curiosity a little longer. They had all gathered on the sides of the stage to watch your run through, all of them still in their own costumes.
Your solo began with lifted from below the stage, that alone got howls from the members and also scolds from your manager to be quiet. It was hard not to glance over at them literally toppling over themselves to see your outfit up close, you laughed all throughout the run-through because of the little comments they'd make as if they were the audience.
"That's my bias!" from Jisung and a, "I'll treat you to dinner for being so cute!" from Minho.
Some other barrages of compliments later, the rehearsal intermission gave them time to rush onto the stage and tackle you to the ground. Physically dog pile on top of you so that you had no choice but to stay put. You couldn't even tell who was talking as everyone spoke at the same time. But soon enough, your manager walked over to get everyone under control once more.
Felix held out his hand for you to take and stand up. "Y/N'ie, you should've been dressing like this the entire time. You've been holding out on everyone," he teased, playing with the hem of your top.
It wasn't an outrageously different outfit to what you're used to, but also it was so brand new. An outfit made of repurposed denim in different shades, stitched together to make a halter-styled cropped top and skirt with denim arm and leg warmers to match. It was comfortable, and not to mention shorts built into the skirt.
"Just cus you said that, I'm gonna wear a track suit for the actual concert and bury this outfit in the basement," you lightly punched his arm.
"If you do, it'd be a crime against humanity. I'll have you arrested, I’ve got connections," Seungmin offhandedly mentioned. He looked indifferent, but the blush tinting his ears was a dead giveaway.
"To who? You don't talk to anyone except us," Jeongin spoke up.
"Your mom."
"Ouch," you and Felix giggle as the two youngest continued to bicker, hanging on each other's arms until it was time to finish the dress rehearsal.
Felix was always a person of comfort for you. Sort of like the baby blanket that you refused to give up because it's the one thing you know will always be there waiting for you to come home. That's not to compare him to a ratty old blanket, but more the sentiment behind it. Even after all of the praise from your members, you still found yourself looking for him to cling on to. Felix lets you, placing a hand over yours as you wrap around his arm like a vine that won't let go.
It wasn't until rehearsals were over and everyone were to change out of their outfits did you leave to let him gather his stuff. The others made jokes and poked fun, as they always did, but never Felix. Sure, he liked to tease, but even the way he did that was sweet and kind.
He could see the way you grimaced when looking at the outfit as you handed it back to the stylists for safe keeping, coming to your side unrushed as not to startle you. Wrapping an arm over your shoulder, Felix went with you to finish up small tasks before it was time to head back to the hotel.
Actually, Felix didn't leave you alone the rest of the day off, as well. He'd went with you back to your hotel room where the both of you took a short nap- you'd gone to the bathroom to find him passed out in the spare bed. Then when you woke up, it was also his idea to check out the restaurant and pool the hotel offered. You both did ask the other members if anyone wanted to join, however they were all off doing their own thing, except Hyunjin asked for you to ask him again in another hour. Something about taking a bath?
As Felix left to change into his swim suit, you silently kicked yourself for remembering to bring one in the first place. Initially, you had attempted to get out the activity by saying you didn't bring one. But then he went into your suitcase, taking everything out just to see it buried at the bottom. This was bound to happen, knowing how (affectionately) invasive all of the members are, you took caution by putting your undergarments in separate bags. Reliving the last fiasco with you in your underwear was something you avoided at all costs, now.
So now you had no choice but to go swimming, despite the sun going down and the temperature dropping.
The two of you grabbed an order of French fries and some drinks for dinner to take poolside. There was no one, thankfully. You don't think you'd be able to take your top off if there was even one other person there to see. Felix acted like this was normal. Because it should be. He's one of your best friends and has nothing but love for you, so why is this so difficult?
You've come to terms with your body and living in your skin. At least, you thought you did.
"One step at a time," the deep bass of a voice said softly over your shoulder. Felix had opened the to-go box of food and was taking a seat at one of the outdoor tables. "Let's just eat, for now."
Hesitant, you sat beside him, picking at the fries while staring at the reflective lights within the hotel. Comfortable silence besides the occasional water splashing against the concrete. "We don't have to go in," Felix offered with a sympathetic smile. "I'm just glad I got you out of your room."
"What do you mean, I always hang out with you guys when we're traveling."
"Yeah, in the hotel!" The crinkles at the corners of his eyes when he smiled was cute. Felix is cute. "I mean going to dinner, sight seeing, doing fun things."
"I have fun! Like," you blanked for a second, grabbing a fry and shoving it in your mouth to buy some time. "Scrolling through the foreign tv channels and trying to figure out what's happening."
"You can't be serious." You shrugged and he rolled his eyes. "Well now we have to go in the pool. There is no way we are leaving when all you've done is try to find the Japanese discovery channel."
Felix stood and immediately stripped off his shirt, tossing it at your face cockily. Spitting the fabric out of your mouth, you were tempted to gag yourself with it again when you saw him shirtless. It's not like you'd never seen any of them without a top before, it's just that you always had to hide it. Felix wiggled his eyebrows at you, "how much do you love me?"
Flustered. You were flustered. "...A lot, I guess? What does that have to do w-"
"I jump, you jump kind of love?"
"What are you talking ab-"
He took off in a sprint towards the pool, quickly spinning to yell back, "You love me, so jump!" And he cannonballed into the deep end. The impact made the water splash over the edge and wet your feet. You stood to peer into the water where you could see his blonde hair bobbing before breaking the surface again for air. His skin glistened and glowed from the warm pool lights, ethereal. "If you don't come in, I'm gonna hold a grudge against you for the rest of our lives."
"Is that a threat?"
Felix nodded, "a very serious one that I'll make the rest of the guys get in on and annoy you for all of eternity."
They already annoy you, but like Felix said, I jump, you jump applies to all of you.
You looked around the area, not another soul in sight. Felix flicked some water at you, taunting. The smug look on his face, you wanted to slap it off of him, or kiss. Probably both.
Either way, you raised an eyebrow in challenge and slid off your shorts and shirt at record speed, barreling towards the pool to follow him with a leap. The water was cold, but refreshing. It wasn't hard to open your eyes beneath it to see Felix also dipping his head below, smiling widely at you. His hands reached out to guide you both back to the surface, inhaling deeply while he laughed gleefully.
Suddenly, you were being lifted in a warm pair of arms and smothered into his body. The two of you were in fits of giggles at both of your lacks in impulse control. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders while he held you closer.
The laughter slowly died down, but Felix didn't let you go. Though, his hands did slide a little lower. Barely grazing down your back, over your bathing suit bottoms and hooking beneath your thighs to urge you to wrap them around him. His plush lips were the pinkest you'd ever seen them, matching prettily with the blush on his cheeks.
You were almost weightless in the water, taking away the small fear factor that you'd be too heavy for him to carry like this, although it didn't go away entirely. You couldn't resist looking down at yourself, specifically in the stupidly small bikini that was the only one you brought. It was like your entire thought process was being narrated to him, Felix let go of one leg to tip your chin up to face him again. You met his eyes with a hint of embarrassment, but mostly bemused by the way he was looking at you.
There was lingering moment where you caught him staring at your lips, as well. The same hand beneath your chin trailed to cup your cheek, thumb brushing over the corner of your mouth.
"I thought we were supposed to be swimming," you whispered out of nervousness.
“Were we?” He didn’t give you time to respond, leaning in to brush his lips against yours. There was a small moment before they fully connected where you could’ve backed out, you could’ve pulled away and acted like nothing happened.
Instead, you pushed into him to fully melt against his lips. Felix tangled his hand in your hair to make sure there was less than oxygen between your bodies, water sloshing around as he reciprocated the heat behind the kiss. He molded against you like a perfect puzzle piece, following your lead in tracing his lower lip with your tongue. Hands grabbed at your thigh, your ass, the one in your hair trailing behind to wrap around your shoulder. His eagerness made you just as needy, just as desperate that you followed in threading your fingers through his blonde locks and raking your nails from there, down his neck and back. Felix’s body shivered at the feeling.
You could tell he was holding back when he groaned softly against you and his hold on your lower half tightened enough that you should be concerned there’d be bruises.
The other thing you should be concerned about was the water beginning to rise. Or, you were sinking? He still kept a firm grasp on you, and the water beginning to creep up your back didn’t seem to concern him, nor when it finally reached your neck and suddenly you were holding your breath and submerged all over again.
Only when the both of you were beneath the surface did he pull away to look at you. Felix smiled, cheeky and warm, he kissed you again, slower this time. A little more passionate and past the initial frenzy.
But air was an unfortunate necessity, and he lifted the both of you up again. His lips moved to the side of your cheek, placing supple pecks as you regained your breaths. You couldn’t suppress the small bits of laughter as your body relaxed and mind catches up with what had just happened.
Reluctant, Felix pulled away to brush the hair from your forehead. “Were we supposed to be swimming or something?”
“You were supposed to call me in a hour!”
The third voice broke your small bubble of bliss to see Hyunjin standing at the edge of the pool. He was only in a bathrobe and slippers, pajama pants peaking out from underneath while his hair fell into his face out of the ponytail.
You couldn’t even be bothered to let go of Felix, who in result of his shock actually held you closer.
“And why did he get to kiss you first?! That’s not fair.” Hyunjin started to untie his bathrobe, tossing it onto the table where the rest of your stuff was.
“What is happening right now?” You softly mutter as the only dry person present also pulled off his pajama pants to leave him in just his boxers. Entirely stunned and far too flustered to understand why he was stripping, you reached out to stop him, “Hyun, you just took a bath.”
“If getting in the pool is what I have to do, I’ll take a million showers. After I kiss you,” as he broke into a run towards the edge of the pool.
tags: @babebatter @changbinluvr @epiphanynaffit @fawnpeaks @linovely @dumplinbokkieracha @finnydraws @naturules @djeniryuu @skzhomiehopper @yesv01 @hyunjinsamdl @dazzlingligth @alexis-reads-fics @0002linoskitten @chillichillicrabcrab23 @zerefdragn33l @straycrescent @binnies-donuts @soldierstangirl-blog @bakedlilgoonie @levanterlily @shelbyyy44 @yeetmehome @in2heartz @astroodledream @the-sweetest-rose @lilbugs-things @viviennenstan @staurdvst @alex--awesome--22 @imzenning @jeyelleohe @iadorethemskz @skyvastbunny @mamabymychem @katsukis1wife @woozarts @noellllslut @straykids5star @like-a-diamondinthesky
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evilminji · 3 months
*evil grin of The Ponderings™*
You know who DEFINITELY would have Unfinished Business?
Heroes. Professional "If I could just MOVE, just fight a BIT LONGER, save ONE MORE PERSON" Heroes. It's the ultimate and unending Unfinished Business. To protect people. Not just their friends, their co-workers, but the innocent people around them.
That kid, stuck crying in the rubble.
That business man, screaming in pain, caught in the cross fire.
The People NEED them. They SWORE. Their very SOULS burn with the NEED to help. But... the flesh gave out. Injuries. Age. Quirk overuse. They knew... they KNEW, this was not a safe line of work... but... but! Please! Just one more person! Why can't they just make their breaking, dying, bodies MOVE!
Of course they refuse to move on.
They are needed HERE.
Yet? Their hands pass through. Their voices do not reach. A hell of their own, unknown, making. They can't let go, but they can't HELP either. There isn't enough Ectoplasm here. The walls of their reality overly patched up, since that unfortunate leak a few centuries back.
After all, the Zone had dumped near lethal quantities of unfiltered Ecto into the atmosphere. They're STILL dealing with the mutations and fall out, aren't they? At least, they are according to the Zone. (Wtf is a "Quirk"?) And, yeah, someone should PROBABLY do an assessment on the ecological recovery of the Reality. But like?
Do you have any idea how few people have an Obsession for stuff like that? Wait your turn! The list is long and you're not fuckin special, okay? The agents are BUSY.
Now, you might wonder? Wait. If they aren't moving on. Are DEFINITELY Ghosts. Starving as they are. Refusing to die as they may be. Wouldn't... Wouldn't that leave the whole ass area around their Reality an ecological dead zone? If it got over patched and no Ghosts LEFT, thus noticed, and started to try and work on it from the outside? Assuming the COULD?
Yeah. Yeah it would be!
It's called the "New Wastes"!
There used to be some cool Lairs around there. But there was a turf dispute. Someone DID something. Punched a HOLE. And everyone re-died. It was fixed but never quite re-healed. Portals... don't show up there? For some reason? Meh. Wanna brawl?
No. Danny's curious. He wants ANSWERS.
It's his fatal flaw.
Well... that and his inability to keep his mouth shut. But he likes to think he's funny. So... off he goes! And MAN! Does it feel funky out there! Weird textures. Mmmm, Don't Like THAT ™. It's probably a King thing? The Zone here... FEELS wrong.
Not... the way it's SUPPOSED to be shaped, if that makes sense?
And? It feels... if you sorta squint? Like... a LOT of people AREN'T where they should be. But aren't gonna leave until they're READY. Ooof. Great. Someone messed up again. Why does he KEEP FINDING bits and pockets that need straightening out? Unruffling? It's like he has to keep smooth out this giant peice of fabric with all these stains on it. Clean the messes on it.
He feels more like a maid then a King.
Maybe he is?
Pretty sure he's more of a nanny, since the Zone is more of a whiny yet excitable toddler then anything else. Alright, let him in. And fix... whatever THAT is.
So he steps into the Reality and? Huh. Japan. Neat. He always meant to go, never got around to it. Why is that man an otter?
.......oooohohooo, this place was HELLA fucked up by Ectoplasm, wasn't it? This is multi generational exposure. It's in the air. The water, ground, buildings. But stale to the point of stagnation. That can't be healthy. At least a few people he sees have developed ecto-resistance, thank the Ancients.
Danny discovers there are? "Superheroes"? Or just... heroes, apparently. They sell shampoo lines and athletic gear. Villians are petty criminals and psychopaths. All lumped together. He gets fuckin CHASED by the COPS and half the cities spandex patrol, called a "villian" (you know, like the purse snatchers and the DUDE WHO TRIED TO OPEN FIRE ON A CROWD) for flying around trying to assess the situation. Not speaking Japanese fast enough.
Soooorry! He TRIED to answer your confusing barked demands! This isn't his native language! He's translating through Ghost Speech! He knows it sounds unsettling to the living! It's the best he's GOT, man! (Asshole)
He escapes, obviously, because he's not 14 anymore. And honestly? He could top 200mph or so AT 14. He's only gotten faster. Intangible flight means no wind drag, motherfuckers~! OR need to dodge buildings! HA. Try to follow him through THE GROUND!
A few Blob sucked (to remove the ectoplasm) bits of treasure later? And he leaves a pawn shop with local currency. Thank YOU shady pawn shop! Ask him no questions, he'll tell you not lies. Enjoy Pariah's gold.
He does tourist things. Buy foods he's never tried, wanders around. Sees what's needed. Noticed a lot of people struggle with some aspect of the ecto-mutations brought on by the extreme Limnality. Need accessibility aids.
.....well, he IS a Fenton. His parents would disown him on the SPOT if he left with out at least TRYING to help. So he tracks down one the local ghosts. He'll need a guide or two.
He? VASTLY underestimates how desperate a sea of Obsession Starved Hero and Vigilante Ghosts will act, the INSTANT, they realize not only someone can see them... but it's? Their "Boss"? They aren't sure HOW they know that. But they DO. It's THE Boss. Here to help them! Asking for HELP ™ from THEM!
He gets swarmed. Hundreds of ghosts fighting over each other. Shouting. Turning on each other like rabid animals. All worn down and ragged by their Obssesion starvation. He's forced to shout over them.
And? Holy shit, these are only the ones from THIS CITY, too.
Thank Zone, again, he's no longer 14. That he has friends who are Rulers ™ that taught him HOW to Rule. To delegate. Pretend he TOTALLY knows what he's doing. That every action is on purpose.
It takes less then two hours, with all the experienced Unground Heros help, to make himself a Real Boy and buy a building. Put himself into the correct databases. He officially has licenses for things he's never studied. Is a tax paying citizen. Even belongs to several local clubs.
Over the next few days? He sets up his new... oi! Quickdraw! What're they called again? Right. "Lifestyle Support Company" which? Is a dumb name. But, Fenton Works is Fenton Works. Somehow he always kinda knew he'd be inherenting. It's in a cruddy part of town and the prices are cheap as he can safely get um.
He already had two customers, even though half the building isn't even fully set up. Which? I mean... he gets it. Poor guy. Knives for hands. Sharp ones too. The other guy's Obsession made him emotionally react to colors and like three different ones were ruining his life. So, hand Prosthetics controllable by knives and color filtering wrap around glasses.
Took him a lunch break or two.
Changed THEIR lives.
Suddenly his shop is packed. Schedule screaming for relief. And the ghosts? Getting more tangible by the day. See, his work shop? Ecto proofed. Let's him relax. But it ALSO let's him radiate fresh, clean, Ecto out into the air. And as King? With a direct line to The Zone? He puts out a lot.
There start to become Sightings.
People who SWEAR they saw long dead Heros out of the corner of their eyes. Dead vigilantes. That was who through that bottle. Who tripped that thug at just the right moment. Who unlocked the door. The SWEAR. They aren't crazy!
And... at first? Brushed off. Stress does a lot of crazy thing to a person, ma'am. But? How do you brush off, making eye contact with your dead best friend? Your old mentor on the other roof? That vigilante, who you WATCHED bleed out? Can you brush them off... when a vigilante from the dawn of quirks, punches some two bit villian on live television? Calls the Heros on the scene gloryhounds? Goverment dogs?
Runs from the cops and vanishes into thin air?
When this shit KEEPS HAPPENING?
Is spreading?
Are... are you supposed to arrest them for illegal vigilantism? How? They're THE proto-Heros! You don't want your name tied to that! The HPSC is furious. The goverment is uneasy. There are like... 6 dudes and a lady, openly stalking some kid in UA. Trying to mentor him. He looks moments away from a nervous breakdown.
Us too, kid. Us too.
All? While Danny? Is just sitting in his lil shop. Tinkering. Not HIS problem. Gotta let the ghosts here get it out of their system. Get their Obsession's full. Then it's all aboard the Zone Train. He's just here to make sure no one does anything "Too Crazy".
What's HIS definition of "too crazy"?
Wouldn't YOU like to know, weather boy~☆
@hdgnj @lolottes @nerdpoe @babbling-babull @mutable-manifestation @spidori @the-witchhunter @legitimatesatanspawn
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radiance1 · 10 months
Tucker finds a game installed on his pda one day.
He didn't know where it came from, nor what it was supposed to be and it looked more high quality than a few other games he's seen. So what did he do with it? Surely he should've not touched it and tried to delete it, right?
He wouldn't be apart of team phantom if he didn't also embody the "Fuck it we ball" energy.
So he plays it, finds it to be some dating sim based on the title screen and went through a good fair portion of it, it was fairly normal, if not really up his alleyway of games. But it had its moments though.
Then came Monika.
He didn't know what to do with her, in all honesty. She seemed to be a sapient Ai trapped in a dating sim, which was weird but not that weird compared to everything else in all honesty. She also killed off her friends, though her reasoning was because they weren't real and that it was the only way for her to have a romance route.
Kinda extra in his opinion, but he can see the reasoning.
So what does he do? Rummage around in the game's coding and makes a route for her.
(He swore he saw another pair of hands indirectly helping him when he did it, too.)
Monika was downright ecstatic when he was finished with it, he outlined a route for her but then she just took control of it, coding in events, mini-games, gifts and other sorts of things for her route. She thanked him immensely for outlining a route for her, since even with all of her control she couldn't directly go against core programming when it came to herself like that.
He was glad to help her out, really, she seemed like a pretty nice person, pushed outside of her core programming because of her sapience. He even coded Monika outside of the game and let her roam around in his pda, which accidentally added another layer of protection to his firewalls, but he isn't complaining.
Then she wondered how it would be like in the real world, with him and everyone else.
It really just went off from there.
Jack and Maddie are genius inventors, and now that they no longer have such a driving, blinding hatred towards ghost due to their son being revealed as a halfa, they no longer spend all of their time on ghost themed weapons and stuff.
So he went to them, showed them Monika (Which they were extremely impressed with) and decided to help him in building her a body! Probably also because they liked the challenge of building a body too, but meh.
Tucker drew up a design based on Monika's wishes, and tweaked it a bit here and there to ensure perfect human functionality.
Monika told Jack and Maddie that they didn't need to spend too much effort on it, since she would be fine with just a body, but Jack went no and they went all in. Did Tucker know what they were using to built her body? No, no he did not.
Apparently they made her body out of some rare metal they obtained from Vlad, who is trying very hard to redeem and put himself back in the Fenton's good graces after having some sense knocked into him, a rare metal called nth metal that Vlad apparently lost a lot trying to get, even had to use less then clean methods to get, but not anything he can't make back in a while.
Her blood was ectoplasm, with a fully functional heart made from the same metal and basically every other organs as well. Her brain was basically a supercomputer that'll let her connect to the internet whenever she wants, as well as allow her access to wifi from virtually wherever.
Her skin was made from another metal, one that imitated the feel and look of human skin, while also being more durable. They also added in features that'll simulate touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing as well!
Monika was honestly floored when she was downloaded into the body, it was much, much more than she had asked for and she didn't even know if she could repay them for it. To which Jack and Maddie just waved off because the chance to make a body from scratch out of a rare metal that was basically just gonna lie there for a sapient Ai wasn't one that would come often, so the experience was invaluable honestly!
Monika tried out everything she could after that, just happy to be among real people after becoming aware. She could finally be with her boyfriend, physically, no longer bound by a wall between them.
Then a while later, she may have accidentally hacked into what Tucker later told her was the Justice League Watchtower. It wasn't even her fault, she just wanted to hack into a nearby satellite, honest!
It's not like Tucker could talk, really. He's been hacking into the local government database for a while now, and why, it's not like he could do better, could he?
He saw a challenge when he saw one, and he should shy away from it because it was the Justice League.
So then the both of them competed to see who could hack into the Justice League database the fastest. A romance game Ai who grew sapience and got into the real world, versus a guy who's insanely smart and good at hacking who got her into the real world.
Of course it couldn't have been that easy, though, and really, it wouldn't have been a true challenge is they didn't engage in a cyber battle against the people they're hacking into, right?
Meanwhile, the Justice League is watching as Batman, Tim, and Oracle is fighting against two unknowns hacking into their database and having what is no doubt a cyber battle of such intensity they're wondering how the hell that keyboard is still standing against how fast their fingers are flying across it.
Some of them can swear they can see Batman release an aura of impressed, annoyed, and amused all at once.
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blue-jisungs · 6 months
indirect kisses
author's note. i started writing it ages ago but yes here we go (i thought id be cuter but meh take it or leave it)
summary. two clueless idiots in love, literally
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the first time you do it, he’s oblivious. well, he senses something’s "wrong" by the reaction of his friends but doesn’t seem to notice what.
you’re hanging out at the coffee shop, the eight of you giggling at some jokes. you’re currently teasing sunghoon while you wait for your drinks.
the seating is kind of weird but it’s almost a miracle that such a small room fitted you all. you’re seated next to jungwon, at the end of the couch while the older members are in front of you. sunoo and niki are on jungwon’s left.
suddenly the device that you got from the waitress started beeping – a sign that your order is ready to pick up. you stood up, grabbing the item.
“wait for me! i’ll help you!” jungwon said and followed you. you grinned and with his help you were able to carry the eight drinks back to the table.
you sat down and continued your conversation that already shifted to a different topic. everyone got something else to drink, so you took a sip of your boba and took a quick look at jungwon. he was hesitantly mixing his iced coffee with the straw, listening to the convo.
you took another sip and he suddenly looked at you, catching you staring. as you felt your cheeks beat up, you had to come up with a good cover quickly.
his smile grew when you put the drink near him.
“wanna try? or switch? you don’t seem to enjoy yours” you giggled quietly.
jungwon took your drink and sipped through the straw, not thinking much about it. his eyes widened, nodding his head.
“woah it’s so good! you can try mine if you want?” he offered and you did the same, drinking his coffee through the straw.
jungwon looked away for a second. because of that he missed your playful smile, however, he caught a glimpse of jay and heeseung exchanging looks.
another time happens when no one is around and only after thinking about it at the end of the day, jungwon realised it may have been an indirect kiss.
you were just finishing your makeup, jungwon laying on his bed and scrolling through tiktok.
“are you ready yeeeeet?” he whined. you were going to the cinema to see barbie, it would be just you, him and jay so he didn’t understand why’d you care so much. but then again, the pink dress code was a must – so here you were, putting oily lipgloss on your pink lips.
jungwon suddenly halted and watched you apply the product, mesmerised. when you were done you smacked your lips and smiled, suddenly catching eye contact with him through the mirror.
“want some?” you asked teasingly, sure he’d reject.
but it was so oily and shiny… and probably smelled nicely. and his lips were a bit dry…
“yeah!” he grinned and got up excitedly like a kitten. in no time he was next to you, all giggly.
you put your lipgloss on his lip precisely, smiling softly.
“done! let’s go now, hm?” you titled your head and moved your gaze back to his eyes, sparkling with joy.
they say third time’s the charm. well, it wasn’t necessarily a charm, quite the opposite: you two were acting so awkward afterwards.
but it definitely made something shift in jungwon.
you were just saying goodbyes after hanging out with the boys. it all happened so quick, jungwon didn’t even realise at first.
you leaned in to place a farewell kiss on his cheek but someone called him, causing him to turn his head. then he felt his lips brush against yours.
“eeek!” you shrieked surprised and leaned away, looking at him in shock.
“–those cool cards! jungwon…?” jake asked, not aware what he just did.
heeseung shook his head, looking at both of you: cheeks going red, blown pupils, nervous fiddling of fingers.
“yeah, uhm… oh, look! my bus is here! bye, goodnight!” you yelled out in panic and before jungwon could mutter a bye, you were already hopping on the bus.
“what…” he mumbled, touching the corner of his lips.
that’s when he realised.
he has a crush on you.
jungwon tried to play it cool, as if he wasn’t affected by you. two weeks have passed since you accidentally kissed and yet, he couldn’t help but replay the memory in his head. he was more nervous and sense around you, which you tried to ignore.
trying to think of an excuse to ease up the tension, you bought some sweets and went to visit them.
they were playing games and because it was jungwon’s turn, jay opened the door for you. you could see how the younger one tensed a bit once he realized you’re here. jay noticed a sad glint in your eye but couldn’t react.
"i brought something sweet!" you called, causing sunoo and sunghoon to turn around with curiosity.
unpacking the sweets, jungwon’s turn ended. riki, heeseung and jake who were playing with him joined you.
"do you have chips? or ramyeon? hee ate the last one yesterday" jake asked, sticking his head between your and sunoo’s arm. you giggled, shaking your head.
"nope, sorry. i can go grab some quickly if you want” you hummed and caught jungwon’s ebony eyes on you.
"okay, that’s great! you can grab some coke while you’re at it–" riki grinned and jungwon smacked him gently.
"i’ll go with you" he said softly, the boys exchanging looks. you nodded and grabbed the empty bag, going towards the door.
sunghoon wanted to chime in that he’ll go too but jay put a hand over his mouth just in time.
"we’ll be back in a moment" you called and jungwon closed the door.
the walk to the store was quite awkward. hands in pockets, jungwon strangely didn’t speak – and you didn’t either, sending w weird atmosphere between you two.
you grabbed the stuff the boys wanted and some matcha flavored pocky for you.
"i’ll pay" were the first words that jungwon said, voice stern but soft. you didn’t even have the chance to argue because he already put his credit card to the reader, grabbing the bag.
you huffed and grabbed the pocky, opening it. focused on grabbed the sweets carefully not to break them, you didn’t notice it was pouring outside.
"y/n" jungwon called when you put one in your mouth. just in time he put his hand in front of you, preventing you from stepping right in the rain.
you looked at him, eyes wide. jungwon cursed mentally at how cute you were right now–
"oh, right. my bad" you mumbled and stepped back, squeezing himself next to him "what do we do now?"
you munched on the pocky and shook your head. jungwon looked at you, tightening his lips.
„we wait" he mumbled, palms sweating. he hated this. why it all feels so stiff and different?
"you want some?" you asked, pointing at the pocky.
jungwon wasn’t thinking clear.
he leaned in and took a bite of the picky that you held between your lips instead of taking one of the box.
eyes widening and bloody rushing to your cheeks at the sudden proximity. jungwon realized what he’s doing and saw your reaction. leaning away with a gasp and face as red as the border:carnival cover.
"y– i’m… well, i didn’t– wh…" he stuttered.
"if you wanted to kiss me you just could’ve said so" you scoffed and he realized something: you were totally serious.
chewing on the pocky, you stuck your gaze at the droplets falling on the pavement.
"i don’t know what’s going on with you lately but… if i did anything wrong, i’m sorry" your voice was so quiet that he almost didn’t hear you.
"no! i mean… no, you didn’t. it’s just that… i think i like you, like… like like you more than a friend" jungwon was stuttering over his own words, his stomach turning into a tight knot out of anxiety. he shouldn’t have said this. he just ruined your whole friendship, didn’t he?
for a moment you both stared at the rainfalls dripping from the small awning above you. the soothing sound made you forget about what he you said.
"wait, you like me?" you yelped, turning around at him. you almost dropped the pocky box "i like you too!"
"huh?" he tilted his head, blinking in surprise.
"i’m sorry junnie but you’re so oblivious. i… i’ve been giving you signs… i think” you mumbled and saw him shake his head "the coffee shop? the lipstick? and…"
"oh" his eyebrows shot up "i’ve been dying. can i kiss you properly now?"
"yes, please" you murmured. jungwon stepped closer and put the shopping bag on the floor, taking the pocky from your hands. putting it to the bag, you two looked at each other with flushed cheeks.
then, he cupped your cheeks gently. his hands were cold but you didn’t mind. the beautiful ebony eyes of his scanned your face for a while before he finally leaned in, plush lips landing on yours.
the faint taste of the sweetness lingered on your lips, jungwon melting. he felt like he was on cloud nine, the kiss gentle and tender. suddenly, he felt your hands sneaking around his waist. when the lack of oxygen started to make its (lack of) presence, the boy pulled away. he looked like an excited kitten, eyes sparkling.
"can we do that more often?" he hummed, lips forming into a mischievous smirk.
"we can if we’re making it official" you teased, nudging his arm. he nodded and grabbed the bag.
"i’d be more than happy to do so" jungwon said, not able to resist his smile and excitement in his voice "let’s just… don’t tell the boys, yet"
you nodded and quickly pecked his lips before sneaking a hand into his.
"let’s go back then, they’ll get suspicious" you nodded. jungwon intertwined his fingers with yours, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
when you came back at the dorms, the younger ones (and sunghoon) only noticed your wet hair and dripping clothes. jay, heeseung and jake though saw the way your eyes glimmered when you looked at each other and the pretty pink shade of your cheeks.
masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ocean-minho ,, @s-e-s-a-l-e-n-e
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cookiewrites · 4 months
enjoy this meh sub chan smut requested by an irl friend months ago :)
catch your breath
wc: 0.7k
cw: sub!chan x afab dom!reader, choking, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (don't do this), creampie, undernegotiated kink, no aftercare in fic, dirty talk, use of petname baby, idk it's just a bit of choking nothing crazy
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chan was never any good at asking for what he wanted. he was so used to putting everyone else first; his family, the kids, his fans - he didn't quite know how to allow himself that space. case in point, for the first few weeks of sharing a bed with you, he didn't tell you that you'd steal all the duvet when you slept leaving him freezing. he apologised profusely as he asked you for just a little corner; he asked so timidly, so different from the leader you were used to seeing.
chan wasn't very good at asking for what he wanted, so when he did you took it seriously.
one night you're so full you could cry, sitting in his lap sweaty and naked with him. your hands resting on the highs and lows of his abs, feeling the way the muscles twitch and move under your finger as you grind you hips, gasping as he somehow continues to hit deeper and deeper in you. you're so full you're dizzy and he's so pretty it almost hurts to look at him and-
'ch-choke me, p-please baby'
you're not even sure you heard it, not really. it's whispered out as his hands grab your hips harder, meeting yours with more force. his eyes are closed, and the quiet whine of it almost missed in the mess the two of you were making.
but you didn't miss it, oh thank god you didn't miss it, and one of your hands finds its new place around his throat.
'i've got you baby, i've got you' you reassure him, feeling the warm skin under the pads of your fingers. he looks up at you, you feel the soft unmarked part of him, the vein that's always visible when you two have sex, the dampness of his skin.
you slowly begin to squeeze, increasing the pressure just slightly.
'fuck, f-fuck' he whispers, his nails creating their own marks in your skin as he reacts to even just the feeling of your fingers there.
but it was the pressure that had his eyes rolling back. that moment of handing control over you, letting you make that ultimate decision for him. allowing him to focus only on the way your heat was clenching around him. the surrender of it all.
you began to let go when the hands on your hips relaxed, just slightly, his eyes fully closing. as soon as you begin to relax your grip he whines out, gripping harder again, small whispered begs coming from the man below you. you grind against him in response.
'channie, just catch your breath first baby' you try to explain, but he moves one of his hands to wrap around your wrist. the usually big hands looking small as they try to get you to increase the pressure around his throat, and failing to do so. grabbing at your hand, eyes doing the majority of the begging. the noises your boyfriend is making are new to you, and you swore to do whatever he wanted so you squeeze tighter.
as your hands tighten, you increase your pace, determined for him to feel just as good as you do when you're with him. his eyes roll back, his face gets warmer, and what noises he manages to get out make you dizzy. you're close to letting go again when-
'fuck b-baby, ahhh, s-shit'
it surprises you both, and you're quick to follow, not realising how tight the knot in your stomach has become since focusing on him. you release your grip as chan leans forward to kiss you, lips on yours before you even manage to move your hand from his neck. the kiss is furious and soft and intense. you're the one who pulls away to see a blushing mess in front of you.
's-sorry i shouldn't have-'
'yes, you should have' you cut him off, making clear there wasn't room for discussing. 'do you realise how hot it is knowing you're enjoying yourself, that i'm giving you what you need?'
you lean forward, into his ear, hand tightening just slightly again 'how hot it is seeing you so desperate?'
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absolutebl · 5 months
This Week in BL - Bit Slow Round These Parts
Organized, in each category, by ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Dec 2023 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 8 of 12 - Mhok is about the most indulgent boyfriend on the planet. Why they dressed as 1930s gangsters for the wedding? I have no idea idea, but it’s adorable. IFYLITA mark 2? And they’re even dancing together using bits of the same steps that were used that show too. Cute nod.
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The Sign (Sat YT) ep 6 of 10 - Everything but the kitchen sink includes lesbians apparently. Excellent. Carry on. Also a lot of filler about the sides. (Boring, stop that.) I wish the doctor were a little bit more of a multifaceted character (and less evil snakey), and that we had some of his backstory + Tharn. If we saw them as kids, having a longer true friendship, it would make Tharn’s attitude a little bit more sympathetic and forgiving.
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 5 of 10 - I like this show, but it’s awfully one-sided in the romance arena. I mean shouldn’t they be trying to support and make each other happy? Why does it always have to come from Him? Also, I’m constantly worried about the fact that Nail doesn’t eat any vegetables. His digestive track must be in serious distress. And if the boy is a bottom?! Look I have concerns is all I'm saying, I hope he's getting his fiber along with the dk. Meanwhile... Mom confrontation! Always fun.  
Twins the series (Fri GaGa) ep 9 of 10 - Now I’m having a hard time keeping the twins straight. Who’s getting beat up for whom, what’s going on? No matter who, First caught himself a live one. I like those bits.
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Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 7 of 14 - I got little crumbs of my sides but not enough, and then they dropped the mpreg bomb. Kinda like blowing the BL diaper. Trash watch happening here.
Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 5 of 12 - They are so cute. And mostly such good communicators. Except evil dad is evil! I didn’t have OffGun tango on my bingo card, but I'm happy to check it off. After making everyone sing, GMMTV is now making everyone dance. I much prefer it. Kiss came a bit out of nowhere. But it was sweet. 
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A few minutes later...
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Bake Me Please (Mon Gaga) ep 6fin - I don’t know, I feel like this just wasn’t good enough for the class of talent involved. Which means it’s mostly the story and script's fault. In the end I kinda just wanted Guy to get the guy.
In cluclusion:
A lack-luster story about a group of bakers coping with (mostly) a shoddy script that could not be saved by either the beauty nor the talent of the actors involved. It suffered for lack of narrative backbone and so did I. 6/10
Middleman’s Love (Fri YT & iQIYI ep 8fin - Mai is an adorable clingy boyfriend, and that bit was kind of cute.
Office clown, Jade, a manic pixie dream dork, is courted by the new intern, Mai. This show is right in my wheelhouse but it fell flat for me. I wish it had lived up to the concept behind the title (if nothing else). If we had done more of Jade‘s family and the reasons behind his self-worth struggles and self-acceptance issues, they might have been easier to bare. Without backstory, the show had no through line. In the end, Jade was a largely intolerable character, and Mai felt flat and lacking in personality. I was disappointed with this show, and I hope they don't blame the pair for the poor ratings. 6/10
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) 1626 ep 19 of 24 - Meh. So dull. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
VIP Only (Taiwan Fri Gaga) ep 7 of 10 - I’m not really interested in the late addition love triangle concept.
Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 4 of 8 - a bit too frenetic and manic for me, this one. Glasses boy is best boy. But I’m kind of confused as to was actually going on with this show. Including whether I like it or not.
I Became the Main Role of a BL (Japan Sun Gaga) ep 1-3 - AKA BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita: Crank Up Hen - it should finish airing at the very beginning of the year, so I decided to wait and watch all 3 back-to-back. 
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It's Airing But...
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
Night Dream (Sat YT) 6 eps - It’s a pain to track down and I really didn’t like the first episode so… DNF  
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 10 eps - Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). I don't think even the perfect single dimple can motivate me to watch. Word is... it's terrible.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 10 eps - Giving me Luminous Solution vibes. I'm waiting to binge if safe.
Dead Friend Forever (Thai Sat iQIYI) - horror, meh, tell me if it's worth my time?
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It's done and I didn't, or we can't
Beyond The Star (Weds iQIYI) 8 eps - House of Stars meets Boyband. I was NOT impressed with ep 1. Been told I shouldn't bother. So I won't.
Behind the Shadows (Korea movie) - This is a historical I was interested in, but I've been told they kill the gay so I'm OUT.
[INTERNATIONAL] Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - yeah Japan put the smack down on our boys. Sadness. You can use a VPN if you like. Read all about it here.
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have a spare day.
Crazy work load right now so no idea when that will be. (End of year is a bear for me.)
Honestly I'm gonna have an epic number of dnf's this year for me.
Next Week Looks Like This
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Original 2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED). With the end of the year upon us I'll do an "announced for 2023 but never happened list" soon.
Also my best ofs are coming.
Don't think I'll do a stats round up this year, everything progressing as before.
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(Last week) - sorry, forgot to link it.
It's 2024 people! Round ups are coming!!!! Leave a comment or an ask, if you have something specific you want addressed.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
The way Roman König is so confident and unapologetic while being butt ass naked has me hot and bothered... I had to read the paragraphs over and over again. Just this beautiful marble statue of a man swinging his huge gorgeous dick around and having a quick little breakfast with his morning wood on display like it's nothing is so... Ugh. And he's not doing it in a cocky way, no, he's just so goddamn sure of himself and comfortable with his body, it's incredibly sexy. I had to think of the Farnese Hercules (although I imagine König a bit more lean), just displaying his godly body to the world, relaxed, nonchalant and naturally. (I recommend looking up the statue... The pose, the shoulders, the back, the butt, the everything...)
This series is so fucking good. Thank you so much for gracing us with it!
YES OMG it's based on pure confidence and happiness!
König is happy to wake up with a boner, he's happy to eat a good, healthy breakfast (that includes wine of course <3), he's happy to parade around naked and take a piss while the sun shines nicely & warmly on his skin (everyone else is shivering because the winter only recently turned to spring), he's happy to come back and see that there's a cute little fairy pouting and sulking under his furs nowadays. What a delight to be alive! The only thing he’s missing is a good fight…
And I'm pretty sure this König just doesn't vibe with clothes in general: he needs a fur cloak if he goes to the mountains or armor if he goes to battle but... that’s about it. Clothes are mainly just meh to him.
And lol reader in this fic is soooo hot & bothered too. I think everytime she's angry at him, she's actually just horny and wants to bang? :( But because she's in denial, she thinks it's anger that's making her so hot everywhere and causes her nipples to perk up as if accusing this stupid, impossible, damnable man who's so incredibly annoying >:(
And the Farnese Hercules omg anon. I would be a puddle at his feet. Just squealing "don't step on me pls kind dominus" as he looks down on pathetic lil me. ❤️ (I'm glad you're enjoying the series! Much kisses and love! 💋)
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crazyunsexycool · 10 months
Heart’s Munition
Chapter 4
Pairing: Mob boss!Steve Rogers x Maid single mom!reader
Word count: 6.9k
Warnings: mentions of blood, hospital visits, mentions of a seizure, Elijah being a lil shit (in a cute way of course),
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Series Masterlist
“Where is she?” Steve demanded an answer through gritted teeth.
“She’s resting in her room.”
“Why didn’t anyone call me sooner?”
Steve took the stairs two at a time. He was furious and someone would be paying for this soon enough.
“You had that meeting with Hansen. If I remember correctly you said to not disturb you because you wanted to get it over with as quickly as possible. Also the doctor was with her anyway.” Bucky said as he followed Steve up the stairs.
Steve didn’t knock, he just slammed the door open. Peter sat at the foot of the bed and jumped at the sound.
“What the fuck?” You said as you walked out of the bathroom. “Can you be more careful?”
“Who did this?” Steve ignored your question and looked from Peter to Nat, who was reluctantly laying in bed.
She had been cornered while she was alone. Now Nat was a good fighter, even one of Steve’s best. She also had gained his trust a long time ago, along with Bucky and Sam. So whoever did this knew her abilities to defend herself and still managed to get the upper hand. That wasn’t good, it meant his people were being watched.
“You know who it was. They were sending a message. If they can get to us, they can get to you.” Nat said between pained breaths. She looked bad. Black and blue bruises all over her face and chest. She had a cut lip and a few scratches as well as one eye shut due to the swelling.
“We’re going to send a message back. Do you know who actually did it?”
“It was Quentin Beck.” That was all Steve needed to hear before he was out the door. Bucky again followed closely behind.
“Do you need anything else Nat?”
“I’d like to sit up a bit more.”
“Sure thing. Peter, come help me.” You moved around the bed and helped her sit up while Peter added some pillows behind her.
“Thanks. Peter, could you get me my gym bag, it’s in the trunk of my car.”
“Sure thing.”
Peter hurried out of the room and Nat looked over at the nightstand and then around the room.
“Have you seen my phone?”
“You didn’t have a phone on you when you were brought in.”
“Fuck. Ok, you need to tell Steve they probably have my phone. Go.”
You say a quick ok as you hurry down the stairs and into the hallway that leads to Steve’s office. He’s yelling orders, you can hear his voice by the stairs. It takes you knocking a few times before Sam opens the door. The tension in the room is palpable.
“What?” Steve snaps.
“Nat wanted me to tell you that she thinks they have her phone.”
“Fuck. We have to go now. Someone call Jensen and Stark, let them know they need to burn the phone.”
Everyone starts walking out and you ask them to be safe. You close the door before Steve can walk out and the glare he sends your way would make anyone flinch but you don’t.
“Get out of my way.”
“Listen I know you’re angry but you need to calm down.”
“Calm down? Are you serious? One of the people I swore to protect almost died and you’re asking me to calm down?”
“Yes.” You say in a soft and almost sweet voice. “If you go out there blinded by rage how many more people will end up hurt? They’re already pissed enough as it is, you can’t afford to lose anyone else.”
You see his demeanor change slightly. He’s still angry but he’s reigning it in.
“Also if anyone else ends up hurt I’m going to be pissed as fuck.”
The corner of his mouth lifts a little. The smile is barely there but you’ll take it.
“Even if it's me?” He asks.
“Meh- depends on how injured you are.”
He smiles this time but it’s gone just as quickly.
“Be safe out there and make sure you kick some ass.”
“You’ll take care of her for me?”
“You know it.”
Steve nods in your direction before walking out and you sigh. It was barely morning and the chaos of it all was already giving you a headache. But you marched up the stairs again and checked up on Nat one more time before starting on your regular duties.
When your work day ended you waited about half an hour and no sign of Steve or his men. Dom and Coulson both nagged until you left.
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You had been asleep for maybe half an hour when your phone rang. With Eli getting worse you were sleeping less. So you were in a bad mood as you answered the phone.
“What?” You didn’t even know who you snapped at.
“I’m sorry for calling at this time but we need you at the house.”
“Coulson? What happened?”
“I’ll tell you when you get here. You’ll be getting paid four times your regular pay.”
“Uh- I need… I need a few minutes.”
“That’s fine. Dom will pick you up.” He didn’t wait for you to reply.
“Fuck.” You mutter as you dial Mrs. Fields number and ask her to stay with Elijah.
“What the fuck happened?” Your eyes grew wide as you took in the living space. There was blood everywhere. The floor, the walls and the furniture. It’s like the fight had happened right there.
“They just got back not too long ago. No one is seriously injured but we need to get rid of the blood. Boss only trusts you and that you won’t say anything.”
“Of course not. Before I start with the cleaning, does anyone need anything?”
“Probably some steady hands. The adrenaline is wearing off by now. They’re taking care of their wounds.” Coulson informs you as he nods towards Steve’s office.
“It’s gonna hurt baby but I’ll be quick.”
“I’ve heard that before.” You hear Bucky say with a chuckle.
“You guys are together?” You ask from the door.
Both Sam and Bucky turn to the door, the latter turning red immediately. Sam just gives you a small smile.
“You didn’t know?” Sam asks.
“Didn’t have a clue, you guys are cute together.”
“You hear that babe, we’re cute together.”
“I knew that already Samuel.” Bucky rolls his eyes.
“Anyways, what are you doing here?”
“Doing what I always do, cleaning up your messes. But I wanted to check in to see if anyone needed anything.”
“We’re good here but maybe check in on Steve. He’s up in his room. The other guys are in the kitchen.” Sam says and you just nod and leave them be. You can hear them saying sweet nothings to each other and can’t help but smile.
As you walk back out toward the living room you see Clint and Scott on one of the couches. They were beaten and bloodied too and they were getting the couch dirty. You sent a worried glance in their direction but they just waved you off as they rummaged through the first aid kit. On the stairs there were drops of blood everywhere and they led all the way to the third floor, Steve’s floor. It made you wonder how bad it had been and if this was a win or a loss for him.
You knocked at the door, where you could see a smudge of blood on the doorknob. There was no answer so you knocked again and still nothing. Worry settled into the pit of your stomach at the thought that he may be passed out on the floor. You open the door and call out his name but nothing. His clothes are on the floor by the bathroom and you hurry over and knock but don’t really wait for a response.
“Steve, are you o-oh my god! I’m so sorry.” You turn around and cover your eyes when you realize his state of undress.
“Y/N, It’s ok I have sweats on.”
“Still I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to barge in on you like this. It’s just you didn’t respond and I saw the blood so I thought you needed help.” You rushed out.
“It’s really ok, you can turn around now.”
You drop your hand and turn around, he does in fact have sweats on. How had you not noticed? More importantly, how had you not noticed the injuries he had? The longer you stare the more you realize he has tattoos all over.
“What the hell happened?” You rushed over, completely forgetting the embarrassing moment just seconds ago.
“A fight.”
“Yeah but everyone looks like shit. Did you lose?”
“Not really.”
“Well if this is you winning I don’t want to see you losing.” You say as you look up at him. “Let me get the first aid kit.” You turn and head to where Steve keeps the first aid kit. “Sit.” You motion for him to sit on the countertop.
“Why here?”
“Because my back hurts and this will be easier to reach the cuts.”
He just nods and sits where you told him to. Steve’s breathing is even until you touch him around his ribs. You think it’s because there’s pain but he knows better. The light touch of your fingers on his skin sends shivers down his spine and although he’s imagined your hands on him it was never like this.
“Sorry what?” He looks down at you.
“I think you might have a concussion or some type of head injury.”
“No, I was just thinking about what needs to happen next. I’m fine.” He says but really he was thinking about how your touch would feel everywhere else on his body.
“Ok well this is going to hurt.”
You work silently the next few minutes, cleaning and bandaging him up. During the whole process you feel his eyes on you. Every move you make he watches silently.
“Ok, all done.” You put away all of the supplies and make a mental note to have Coulson refill it. “I should go and get started.”
“Thank you, for everything.”
“Of course. Call me if you need anything and please rest.”
“Doctor’s orders?” He teases and you level him with your best mom glare. “Fine. I’ll rest. Maybe I should have put you out there to interrogate people.”
“The house would be less bloodied.” You murmur before pointing at the bed. “In bed, now.”
“Ok mom.”
You laughed because he sounded so childish but you noticed the way his eyes softened as you did. Like you instructed Steve laid in bed but grabbed his phone and made some calls. There was more to be done and Quentin Beck still needed to answer for what he did.
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You made it home right around noon and were beyond exhausted. You dismissed Mrs. Fields and took a quick shower, thankful that Elijah was taking a nap. Instead of going to your couch you scooped him up and cuddled with him as you took a nap of your own.
The afternoon was spent in a daze. Some sleep, some tv and some food while you stayed close to Elijah. At around nine at night you get a text from Coulson telling you to sleep tight. It was code for don't leave your apartment, which meant that whatever was going on with Steve and his enemies was close to where you were.
For most of the night it was fine. You were watching a movie with Elijah but when you turned to tell him something he was slumped to the side. His breathing was shallow and he was non responsive. You panicked and dressed in your pajamas you grabbed him and your purse in order to get to the hospital.
Steve and the rest of his men had taken up residence in the waiting room of the hospital. Everything had gone sideways in a heartbeat and now they were waiting for news for one of their own. He was already anxious enough but the next few minutes would leave him utterly confused.
“Help! Someone please… he’s not breathing.” Steve heard your voice, frantic and desperate as you walked in through the emergency room doors.
Bucky and Sam immediately got up and stood next to him to see what was going on. The last thing they expected was that you were carrying a child.
“Please, help him! He’s not fucking breathing.”
Your second cry for help snapped Steve into action.
“You,” he pointed at a nurse that was taking his sweet time on the phone. “Get your ass up and help her.” He got in the nurse’s face, his voice low and menacing. “If something happens to him I will end you.”
The nurse looked like he was going to shit himself. He rushed over to you as he called out for a stretcher. He asked you a few things before rushing him in to get Elijah breathing again. Steve had to hold you back from running after them.
“It’s ok, He’s getting help. You need to calm down, sweetheart.” He whispered but you still tried to free yourself from him embrace.
“Please he has to be ok.”
“Hey,” Bucky cups your face and wipes away the tears. “He’s going to be just fine.”
“You don’t know that.”
“They’re going to do everything they can, Doll. But we need you to breathe. You have to be ok when he wakes up.”
Bucky grabs your hand and places it on his chest and he takes a quick look at Steve who is still holding you. Both of them match their breathing as Steve softly asks you to do the same and eventually you calm down.
“Sweetheart,” Steve turns you around so that he can look at you. Your eyes are red and your cheeks are tear strained. It breaks his heart to see you like this. “Who is that? Is he your little brother or something.”
By now he had pulled you into the waiting room the rest of his men were at. They all knew you so they were concerned at seeing you so distraught.
“He’s my son.” You say in a low sad voice.
Steve was left speechless and so was everyone else. Never in his life did he imagine you to be a mother but a lot of things clicked into place. He silently told two of his men to move to allow you a seat and of course one next to you for himself. Steve never lets you go though, he keeps you tucked into his side but you’re too upset to notice the closeness.
“You have a son? Since when?” Sam asks.
“Since eight years ago.”
“This isn’t one of those situations where your parents died and you had to take care of your little brother so now you’re technically his mom but not really?” Scott asked really fast. Steve shot him a glare over your head.
“He’s my son, my baby ok. I carried him for nine months in my belly. I have the pictures to prove it or I can show you the video of me pushing him out of my vagina if you want. ” You snapped.
“Sorry, it’s just, you’re so young.”
You rolled your eyes.
“It’s called a teen pregnancy, look it up.” Then you look at him and frown. “I’m sorry Scott I didn’t mean to snap at you.”
“Ok that’s enough, everyone out. Except for Bucky and Sam.” Steve ordered, reluctantly the men left.
“No problem, sweetheart.”
He’s called you sweetheart three times in the last few minutes but you don’t say anything. Right now you relish having someone at your side. Sitting alone in the waiting room was always the second hardest thing for you to do.
“Do you need us to call someone?” Steve asks and pulls out his phone.
“No? Your parents or your son’s father?”
You give him a humorless laugh.
“The latter broke up with me the minute I told him I was pregnant and the former kicked me out when they found out. So no, there’s no one to call.” You sighed, “Wait, maybe Peter? He knows about Eli. So does Coulson and Dom by the way.”
“I’ll call Dom, I’m sure he won’t mind coming in.”
“Wait, where is Peter? I haven’t heard from him all day.” You look from Bucky and Sam to Steve. None of them would look you in the eyes and you sat up straighter. “Why are you even at the hospital?”
“Don’t sweetheart me. Why are you here?” You ask again, cutting Steve off.
“He was shot. He’s currently in surgery, that's why we’re here.”
“Bucky what the fuck.”
“Thanks Bucky, at least you had the decency to tell me.” You glare up at Steve.
“I didn’t want to stress you out more than you already were.”
“Family of Elijah Y/L/N?” A nurse calls out from the doorway. Immediately all four of you get up.
“Is he ok?”
“Yes, we got him stabilized and we’ll be moving him to a room. Why don’t you follow me and I’ll take you to him. Only two people at a time though.”
“It’s just me.” You give the nurse a sad smile. You’ve only taken one step when someone grabs your hand.
“And me. Call me when you hear about Peter.”
Steve squeezes your hand to reassure you that he’s there for you. Both of you silently follow the nurse as she brings you to the small room Elijah is in until he’s moved upstairs. The moment you’re behind the closed curtain you rush over to his side. You take his hand and lean down to press a few kisses on his forehead before whispering that you’re there with him. Steve just stands back and watches the scene unfold. His heart aches for you and he wants nothing more than to give you some sort of comfort.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what does he have?” Steve asks after a few minutes of silence.
“The doctors don’t know what’s wrong with him or how to help. He’s been sick for about a year. We’ve tried different medicines but nothing seems to really work. He has his good days but recently it’s been all bad days. ”
You struggle to hold back a sob. Elijah’s health has been declining so quickly that you fear it’s only a matter of weeks or even days before you lose him. Steve gets closer to you and pulls you into a hug. You cling to him like your life depended on it. Even with Mrs. Fields there to help you, you’ve always felt truly alone in life. Somehow it felt different with Steve there.
Steve excuses himself for a moment and disappears outside of the curtain. Just as quickly as he left he comes back and wraps you in another hug.
The sound of the curtain being pulled back has you moving away from him. A young man walks in with a tired smile on his face and lets you know he’ll be moving Elijah. He moves around the space efficiently and soon enough he starts pushing the hospital bed down the hallway. Steve places a hand on your lower back and guides you. He doesn’t stop you from leaning into him while the elevator goes up. Your eyes are half closed when Eli is finally set up in a private room. That wakes you up and you’re quick to protest that you can’t afford a private room.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it.” Steve tells you.
“What? No way. He’ll be fine in a shared room. There’s no way my insurance will cover this.”
Steve cups your face so that you have to look at him. His expression is stern as he looks at you.
“I don’t like repeating myself, sweetheart. But I will right now. Don’t worry about it, you focus on Elijah. That’s all you have to do, try to rest so that when he wakes up you can be there for him.”
“Fine,” you murmur before looking at the clock on the wall. “I can squeeze in two hours of sleep before I have to be in.”
“Be in where?”
“For work?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Steve mutters, looking st you completely dumbfounded. He has never met anyone that has made him go through so many emotions in such a small time frame.
“No, I have to work. I need the money.”
“Fuck the money, Y/N. As of this moment you are on paid leave and you don’t come back until he’s out of this hospital.”
You shake your head. “I can’t accept that.”
“Well you don’t have a choice.”
You both start whisper yelling at each other now. Steve grabs you by your arm and pulls you outside of the room.
“I do and I’m going into work.”
“And who is going to be here when he wakes up?”
“My neighbor, she’s his sitter when I’m at work.”
Steve rubs a hand over his face. The situation hits way too close to home. The only difference is that now he has the power to do something and he won’t take no for an answer, even if he knows you’re stubborn as hell.
“If you had to choose between you being here or the sitter being here if money wasn’t an issue, which one would it be?”
“Me obviously.”
“And I’m giving you that opportunity. Please, don’t think about work or about your paycheck. I will pay you, I promise. Just be here for him. I promise you there won’t be anything that will make your kid happier than you being the first person he sees.”
Your eyes well up with tears again as you look from Steve to Elijah’s frail form on the bed.
“Ok, but only for a few days and then I’m back at work. I don’t like just taking money, I have to earn it.”
“For fucks sake woman. How about you take a week and then we’ll talk about it.”
“This isn’t a negotiation.”
“One day and I’m back at work.”
“Three,” he gives an exasperated sigh before shaking his head. “Three days and we will talk before you even think about working again.”
“Fine. Also you have to let me know how Pete is doing.”
“Deal. So is this what Peter found out when I had him follow you.”
You nod as you walk into the room. At the other end there was a window seat that doubled as a bed. There was a pillow and a blanket already folded and ready for use.
“I begged him not to tell you.”
“I didn’t want anyone to threaten Eli so that they could use me against you. I don’t want to put him at risk, I take a long way home just to make sure I’m not being followed.”
Steve’s hands were on his hips as he listened to you. That wasn’t something you should have to worry about when all you were doing was working to try and give your son a chance to live.
“Why not work somewhere else?”
“Because people don’t like to hire single mothers. Before I started working for you I had to work two to three jobs and I barely ever saw him. When I found the job posting as a maid I just went for it. It was enough that I could quit the other jobs and even get an apartment. But then he started getting sick and well here I am.”
He just nodded. It felt like he was watching memories from his childhood replaying right in front of him.
“I don’t need you to feel sorry for me or anything. I’ve managed just fine.”
“I don’t feel sorry for you. I admire you even more now.” Steve says. “Get some rest, I’m gonna head back to wait for news on Peter and Dom will be here in the morning. Anything you need he’ll get it for you.”
“Thank you.”
Steve just offers a small smile and walks out.
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By day break Steve was already back on his way to the room Elijah had been set up in. He had some coffee and breakfast for you, as well as good news about Peter. Thinking you’d be awake he was already calling your name as he walked in.
“Y/N, the surgery was a success.” He stopped in the middle of the room when he realized you were asleep beside Eli’s bed. He frowned when he saw you hunched over sitting on a chair while holding your son’s hand.
Steve was surprised to find your son looking back at him. He placed the coffee and breakfast down on a table and moved the other side of the bed.
“Hi Elijah, how are you feeling kid?”
“Are you my doctor? You don’t look like one.” Eli asked in a hushed voice as he sized up Steve. He looked frail but tough.
“No, I’m your mom’s friend.”
“Wrong.” Elijah furrowed his brows. “My mom doesn’t have friends. And she doesn’t have a boyfriend either, so you’re not that.”
Steve chuckled but then cleared his throat when he saw Elijah was glowering at him.
“Well I’m sure she does have friends. But anyways, you can call me Steve and I'm your mom’s boss.”
“Oh, and you brought her breakfast?”
“Yeah. Is that bad?”
Eli shook his head. “No, but I’ve heard mom tell Mrs. Fields you’re an ass. So that was nice of you.”
Steve couldn’t help but laugh at that. Elijah was a little copy of you, especially that mouth of his.
“So how are you feeling bub?” Steve sat down as he waited for an answer.
Elijah looked from Steve to you and back. A certain kind of sorrow that no eight year old should ever experience crossed his eyes.
“My tummy hurts and so does my head. But really I’m worried about ma.”
Steve’s eyes softened as they looked your way.
“She’s barely been sleeping. I know she checks in on me while I sleep. And I know that she was probably really scared last night.” His lower lips trembled. “And I’m scared too.”
Steve’s heart ached for this kid. He knew exactly how he felt, having to spend so many nights in the emergency room with his own mother.
“Scared of what?”
“That I won’t get better and then ma is gonna be all alone.”
If mob bosses cried this is where it would happen. Steve had to look away for a moment and compose himself.
“Well, I’m not going to let that happen. I’m gonna make sure you see the best doctors available. But I need you to promise me something.”
“That you’re not gonna give up. Even when you’re in pain or extra sick, you’re gonna keep fighting.”
“I promise.”
“Good.” Steve smiles. “Now, how about you wake her up and I’ll have the food reheated.”
Steve stood up and grabbed everything. Just as he headed toward the door he could hear Elijah calling you softly. With a look over his shoulder he could see him gently caressing your face.
You stirred from your very uncomfortable sleeping position and were greeted with a very happy Elijah.
“Eli.” You smiled as you sat up and stretched. Immediately you felt the ache in your body from having fallen asleep the way you did. It didn’t matter though, your sweet boy was awake and that’s all you could ask for. “How long have you been awake?”
“A while.”
“Then let me get a nurse.”
“One already came by. I asked her not to wake you up. She didn’t say much, just that everything looked fine.”
“Ok, well I’ll ask when someone comes back. Did they say you can have breakfast?”
“Yeah, it will get delivered at the regular time.” Eli nods.
“Ok good.”
You smile again at him and stand to kiss his forehead. As you pull back you hear footsteps and assume it’s a nurse.
“Good you’re up.” Steve says as he stroll in. “Got you breakfast.”
You just looked at him for a moment. Surprised by the kind gesture you give him a quick thank you before taking what was in his hand.
“Elijah, this is my boss.”
“Steve, I know.”
“It’s Mr. Rogers to you.” You corrected.
“I told him he could call me Steve.”
“When did this conversation happen?”
“While you were drooling on your arm.” Steve teases. You send a playful glare, the exchange making Elijah giggle.
“How is he?”
“The surgery was a success.”
“Oh good.” You breathe a sigh of relief.
“What surgery?”
You looked over at Elijah wondering if you should tell him or not. “Peter got hurt. He had to have surgery but he’s ok now.”
“Oh, can we visit him?”
“I’ll see what we can do.”
There was a little knock on the doorframe and you all turned to see Bucky and Sam. They both had their arms full of bags and smiles on their faces.
“Good morning.” Bucky said as he walked in and proceeded to dump all of his bags on the window seat. “Hey kid.”
Elijah just looked at you waiting for an explanation.
“Eli, this is Bucky. My friend.”
“If you finish that sentence you’re gonna be grounded until you’re 30.”
“You never told me you had friends. Why haven’t I met him before?”
“Because we’re new friends, kid. I also work with Steve and we’re best friends.”
“And him?” Eli motions to Sam who was also placing bags on the seat.
“I’m Sam. I’m also friends with your mom and with Steve.”
“What about Bucky?”
Sam and Bucky look at you to see if you were ok with Elijah knowing.
“Sam and Bucky are partners, baby.”
“Like cops or like boyfriends?” Eli asks.
“Like boyfriends.”
The tone of his voice let you know he was about to destroy you with whatever he was going to say next. You frowned by m but answered anyway.
“If guys can have boyfriends now, you’re never gonna get one.”
Sam, Steve and Bucky started laughing and Elijah seemed very happy about it. Even if it was at your expense.
“Do you want your mom to have a boyfriend?” Bucky asks as he looks at Steve with a smirk.
“Maybe, but he’d have to go through me first. And I’m not gonna make it easy for him.”
“And now you have us and we’ll help you.” Sam adds.
“Ok, I think that’s enough about me. What did you guys bring?”
“Gifts.” Bucky announces with a smile. He moves over to the pile of bags and starts to walk some over to the bed. “These are ‘get well soon’ gifts. From your new uncles, kid.”
Elijah’s eyes were wide as he looked through the bags to find legos, remote controlled cars, a drone, another video game console, more video games and gift cards. He was so excited the nurse had to come in and check on him because his heart monitor was showing an increase in his heart beat.
“Can I keep it?” The question had been directed at you.
All eyes were on you. It wasn’t that you necessarily wanted to take these things away, you just wanted Eli to learn that not everyone would be as giving. To not expect everyone to just give him stuff, that sometimes he would have to work for what he wanted. Before you could say anything Steve caught your eye. He nodded with a small smile, silently telling you to let Eli keep everything.
“Of course you can, baby. You heard uncle Bucky. They’re ‘get well soon’ gifts. Now what do we say?”
“Thank you.” Eli beams.
“You’re welcome.”
Bucky and Sam move to sit beside him and the three of them start playing with some of the toys that are already on the bed.
“We’ve lost them.” Steve says jokingly as you walk to stand beside him.
“They’re gonna teach Eli everything I don’t want him to know aren’t they?”
“I'm going to completely blame this on you.” You quip.
“I’ll take full responsibility. But while we’re here, I had them bring you some things too, so that you can freshen up if you want.”
Steve had started motioning for the other bags on the seat across the room when the monitors attached to Elijah started beeping erratically. He slumped backwards and he was unconscious on the bed.
“Get the toys off the bed.” You tell Sam and Bucky. The four of you move quickly and remove the last toy just as the nurses and a doctor walk in.
“Get them out of here.” A doctor instructs, referring to you and the guys.
Steve puts his arm around your waist and pulls you out of the room while you fight to stay beside Elijah.
“They need their space to work.” He mutters in your ear.
You stop trying to get out of his hold, it’s the only thing that’s keeping you up at the moment. Steve turns you away from the hospital room and into himself. Your silent tears make their way onto his dress shirt but neither you nor him seem to care.
“Ms. Y/L/N.” A doctor calls out as someone wheels out Elijah. “We are taking him to have some scans done but at the moment we think he may have suffered a seizure.”
“A seizure? But why is it happening?”
“It's only a possibility that it’s a seizure. We’ll do our best to find out what’s going on. We’ll bring Elijah back in about an hour or so.” He says before he walks away.
You just stood there, trying to process what you’ve just been told. This was just another symptom in a long list of things that had been happening to your son.
The men looked at each other unsure of what they should do. It was heartbreaking on so many levels. First, seeing a child so sick and with no answers was enough to soften the heart of most. Second, you yourself were fairly young and having to go through something like this wasn’t easy. Add to it that you were working for a very dangerous man and it added to your stress. Third, you were all alone from what they had learned. Well not anymore, I’m that moment Steve had decided that he was going to be there for you no matter what. He didn’t know that Sam and Bucky had spoken about the matter as well and they were willing to provide you support in whatever capacity you needed it. Whether it be emotional, physical or financial. Right now it was emotional and Bucky was the first to move and bring you into a hug and let you cry into his chest.
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3 days.
That’s how long you had been in the hospital. 3 days and still no closer to any answers. Elijah was stable enough to be discharged and around noon Sam was waiting in front of the hospital in an SUV to take you home. He had already packed up everything for you the night before and taken it down to the house, all you had to do was walk down with Elijah and the nurse that was pushing the wheelchair he was in.
“There he is.” Sam smiled as you walked out the main glass doors. “Ready to leave this place little man?”
“Yeah, I just want to go home.”
Sam looks at you confused. The plan was to stop at your place to grab some things and then stay at Steve’s place for a while.
“Baby, we’re only only going to stop by the apartment so that I can get a few things. We’re staying at Steve’s place for a few days so that I can work.” You remind him.
“Oh ok.”
Sam gives you a sympathetic smile and helps get Elijah in the car before opening the door for you to get in. The drive is quick and before you know it you’re in your apartment grabbing a duffel bag and placing some clothes in there for yourself and Eli.
“Y/N?” You hear from the front door.
“In Eli’s room.”
“There you are child. Who is that man that has Elijah? He didn’t let me get close enough to say hello.”
“That’s Sam, he’s a friend from work.”
“My dear, where are you going? Did something happen to Eli?” She watches as you move around the room.
“Nothing new. My boss said I could stay at the house for a few days and keep Eli with me so I’m just packing a few things.”
“What, couldn't he give you the time off?”
“Yes, he was more than willing to give me the days off but I didn’t want to. So we compromised. I’ll see you in a few days ok. Could you lock the door on your way out? And call me if you need anything.” You say over your shoulder as you walk out and head back to the SUV.
Eli fell asleep on the ride to Steve’s place. So when you got there you grabbed him while Sam and Bucky grabbed your things. At the sound of Dom’s voice Steve steps out of his office and heads to the living room to find you with Elijah in your arms. God, you looked exhausted.
“Let me take him.” Steve says in a quiet voice as he grabs Elijah from you.
He nods his head in the direction of the stairs and you follow him up. You had agreed to stay on the second floor but he just walked past the hallways and up another flight of stairs, his floor.
“Steve. I thought we agreed that we would stay on the second floor.” You whisper.
“I changed my mind. I want you close in case you need me.”
He gets to the top of the stairs and heads to the left hallway. It’s still on his floor but there’s some distance. Steve nods towards one of the doors and you open it so that he can walk in. The room is huge as most of the other rooms are. This one has been prepared especially for you though. Elijah’s new gaming systems have been hooked up to the tv. There’s a basket with some self care products in it for you. Some new pajamas for both of you and the other things that Sam and Bucky had bought and taken to the hospital. Everything was neatly arranged and all you had to do was rest. This was a dream and it was why you were against it.
Going back to your small one bedroom apartment is going to be difficult. Especially for Eli since you know everyone will want to come by and spend some time with him. Bucky had even started a schedule so that everyone had time to hang out and not overwhelm him. The only type of support you’ve had since he was born was Mrs. Fields and you weren’t sure if it was that you were tired or your honest gratitude or a mixture of both but you wanted to cry. Actually you did cry, silent tears as you watched Steve lay Eli down and tuck him in. You had never seen him be so gentle and you asked yourself why couldn’t he be Eli’s dad. He would be a great father, you just know it.
“C’mere.” Steve startled you out of your daydream as he hugged you. You leaned into it, desperate for any kind of comforting touch. “It’s ok, just let it all out.” He rested his hand on your back and moved it up and down soothingly.
“I’m such a mess, I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. Why don’t you take a bath and then a nap. It might help you relax. I’ll have Dom send dinner for you both.”
“Oh it’s ok, I can go down and get it.” You say quickly but Steve just shuts the idea down.
“Nonsense. He already volunteered to do it.”
Steve smiles and turns you toward the bathroom. “Go relax, you deserve it.”
“Thank you, for everything.” You say over your shoulder.
“It’s the least I can do.”
Later that night, before Steve goes into his room he can’t help but check in on you. He knocks softly but with no answer he decides to just open the door. The sight causes his chest to tighten. With the light of the hallway he can just make out your form on the bed fast asleep. Elijah clings to you like a koala with his head on your chest and your arms wrapped around him tight. As if he would disappear if you let him go.
Steve has decided then and there that he will do everything in his power to give you the answers that you so desperately need. The best medical team and treatment to make Elijah better and if you let him he’d give you so much more. But he knows you’re stubborn. He also knows that the way to get you to agree to anything is to include Elijah in it. Steve would be lying if he said that little boy hasn’t already stolen a piece of what he thought was his cold dead heart. But like mother like son and you’d both weaseled your way in there even when he promised himself he wouldn’t let something like that happen again.
Ch 5
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Permanent masterlist:
198 notes · View notes
ot3 · 3 months
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WHY ARE YOU WHITE!!! On top of that WHAT is this outfit. The structured seemingly leather or something navy blue crop top paired with a low-rise fringed sarong? And the low heels? What are you TALKING about. Ultimate downgrade from pre-timeskips coordinated cowboy hat ensembles. Unforgivable. Death Penalty.
In 8th place, Franky.
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I love the huge round shoulders but I'm really not big on anything else. The color and shape of the forearms is a bit distracting in the overall design and the leg prosthetics are meh in terms of caracter design. I wish they hadn't peeled him, I feel like his goofy hair was really critical.
in 7th place, usopp
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Congrats on king for getting ripped. Love the longer hair on him. The hat is NOT doing it for me nor is the fur trim on the pants. the shape of the paints is fun im just not sure whats happening with the detailing here
in 6th place, nami
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Honestly really not that bad. The jeans with the berry belt buckle are cute, i just wish they werent low rise to show off the pussy bones I really hate low rise pants. I do think that wearing jeans and a bikini top Is an outfit nami would actually wear and if oda had a better track record with women and if her proportions werent so heinous i would be fine with it. the long hair is ok but it doesnt have nearly as much charm as her bob
in 5th, luffy
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Unsure what's going on with the flare and ruffles on the top but. Yeah. Thats luffy alright.
in 4th place, sanji
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as previously mentioned the shitty goatee is very him and as for everything else, if it aint broke dont fix it!
in 3rd place, chopper
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i like this big goofy hat better than i liked his other hat and the colors here are fun. im glad he gets to wear a shirt now hes earned it.
in 2nd place, brook
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well he's just thriving isnt he!!!!
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everythign about this is working. impeccable fit. you know this motherfucekr doesnt have the slightest concerns about fashion and he still stunted on everyone else so easily. King.
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milfjuulpod · 10 months
Gifts Aplenty
req: yes
please write something about melissa going to a farmer’s market every weekend and buys things she doesn’t need because she is infatuated with reader, who has a table. just something fluffy and cute!!
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A/N: thank you so much for sending this in! apologies for taking so long with it, i’ve been feeling a little meh about my writing lately, so i hope this turned out alright for ya 🖤
The sound of your doorbell was heard from your kitchen, and immediately nerves and excitement surged through you. Today Melissa was coming over for the first time. After mentioning a crafting project you were taking on, Melissa offered to help get you started. The two of you became close relatively quickly, a bit of a surprise to you (and everyone else). The second grade teacher was known for having a tough exterior and a bit of an edge, but that’s what you liked about her, and she liked something about you too. 
    You opened the door, and there she was. Melissa looked at you like she was surprised you were there, hands full of bags to help with the day. “Hi! Welcome to my humble abode,” you said, opening the door fully and taking a step back to let her in. Melissa walked to your living room and took her time taking everything in. “Humble indeed, where’s all your decorations, kid? Your desk at work is covered in little toys, I’m surprised the coffee table isn’t the same,” she said, sitting herself down on your couch. You crossed the room and sat down next to her, trying to ignore how happy it made you that she noticed your work desk and its many inhabitants. “Yeah, well, I haven’t had much time to get stuff for my house. Plus what do you put on a coffee table? I know nothing about interior design,” You replied, earning a chuckle from the redhead next to you. “We’ll work on it. But first, the actual work I came to do.”
       The rest of the day was spent close to Melissa, working mostly in silence as the two of you attempted to figure out how to build a bookshelf. “Why didn’t you just buy one from Ikea? They come with instructions y’know,” Melissa teased. “I like things to be homemade, have a personality. I don’t know, personal preference I guess,” You found yourself being more honest and open with Melissa the longer she spent time in your home. Unbeknownst to you, what you just said would stick in her mind for weeks to come. 
       The following Monday was like any other, a quick drive to work, pick up coffee, meet everyone in the break room. Your coworkers were filing in one by one, surrounding the tv in the back to catch up on the news. Melissa was one of the last to come in, but when she did, you noticed the extra bags she was carrying. She smiled a hello to you and motioned for you to come closer to her. “Good morning, what’s all this?” You asked. “I went to the farmer’s market yesterday morning, figured I’d bring in some extra breakfast. You hungry?” Melissa answered your question with a question. Nodding, you took one of the pastries she brought in. There was another bag in the redhead’s hand, small, with what looked like a homemade logo on it. She was hiding it behind her leg, like a child giving someone a present. 
        “Hey, uh, come by my room during lunch, kid.” Melissa told you, and before you could question why, she was walking out the door to her own room. Shaking it off, you tried to tune in to the tv. Emphasis on try—the only thing going on inside your head was the older woman you just spoke to. Melissa often was on your mind as of lately, the way she talked to you, so soft like she was nervous. The way she jumped to take care of you, how beautiful she managed to be every single day, even at 7:30 in the morning. So naturally, you spent the next three periods a bit scatterbrained, only thinking of the woman you wanted to spend all day with. 
       When the lunch bell rang, you practically jumped from your chair and nearly ran your students to the cafeteria. Anxiously, you made your way to Melissa’s classroom. You knocked three times and heard a loud ‘come in!’ Melissa sat at her desk, glasses holding up her hair as she looked over papers from the morning. “Hi honey, come sit. I got you something,” She said. Honey, you thought. That was new, you’ve heard kid, and more recently hon, but honey was new, and it made your cheeks red and warm. From under her desk, she pulled out the bag from this morning, with the tiny logo on the front. She walked to the table you sat yourself at and placed the gift in front of you. As if she was trying to get a reaction from you, she sat herself down in the chair right next to you, knees brushing against each other. 
       Out of the bag, you pulled a candle holder, decorated like it was a small tree, covered in roots and leaves. It was the prettiest one you’ve ever seen. “You…This is for me? It’s so pretty Melissa, thank you…” You said, unable to pull your eyes away from your present from the redhead you were slowly falling in love with. “Yeah, I remember you said you didn’t have anything to decorate with, so I figured this would be a step in the right direction. Is it okay? Do you like it?” She asked, nerves evident in the way her voice shook. “Of course I do, it’s gorgeous. Thank you,” you turned to finally look at her, both of you sitting just inches apart, cheeks pink and palms sweaty. “Eh, it’s nothing,” Melissa replied. 
       The following Monday was the same. Arrive at work, get breakfast from Melissa, and go to her room at lunch for another present. And the Monday after that, and the Monday that followed.  By the end of the month, your coffee table was full of trinkets from Melissa. You loved coming home and seeing the gifts she got for you, each one reminded you of the woman in a different way, and how special you were to her. You were aware of the feelings you had for the redhead, and with the past month of being showered in her affection, it grew each and every day. 
      So, you asked Melissa to come over for a movie and dinner Friday after work, to which, of course, she said yes. Looking at your phone, it said 6:28, right around the time you told her to stop by. As if you summoned her with your thoughts, you heard a knock at the door. Opening it, you were greeted with Melissa wearing a low cut top and leggings, so casual yet somehow it made your mouth water and your eyes go wide. “Are you gonna let me in?” She teased, and pushed her way beside you to come inside. “You put up the trinkets? All of them?” She asked, unable to pull her eyes from everything she bought you spread out with such care on your table. You closed the front door and followed Melissa to the living room, sitting down on the couch and motioning for her to do the same. 
      “Of course I did, Mel. They’re special to me,” You told her honestly. The redhead beside you opened her mouth to say something, but quickly decided against it and averted her gaze. “Why did you buy all of these for me?” You asked. Melissa looked shocked that you would ask such a thing, as if the answer was obvious. “I…I don’t know. You said you didn’t have much to decorate with so I just started picking stuff up that reminded me of you. Just like they’re special to you…” She trailed off. You gave her a look to continue and thankfully, she did. “You’re special to me. I don’t know what this feeling is, I just…” She stopped again. With a deep breath, you finished her thought. “You just…want to be with me all the time? And get me things? Cook for me? Help me inside and outside of work?” 
        She chuckled, cheeks turning pink out of embarrassment. You held her hand gently, hoping she would get the message. Just in case she didn’t, you continued. “You like me, don’t you?” Melissa finally brought her green eyes to meet yours again, and nodded slowly. “Good. Because I like you too, I don’t invite just anybody over multiple times and spend all my hours with them. Just you, Melissa.” You watched her eyes wander from your own to your lips, and back up again, asking a silent question. You smiled at the action, whether she meant to do it or not. The older woman took that as a yes, and cupped your cheek. You leaned into her touch, and leaned even farther into her, finally pressing your lips together after all this time. The two of you ran out of breath rather quickly, nerves high as ever. “I’m glad you came over tonight,” You told her, foreheads against each other. Melissa smiled and the pink came back to her cheeks again. “Yeah, me too hon.”
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loveemii · 3 months
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Kamaboko Trio x Afab - 3rd years (1)
SKIT: Hangouts after school are always untamed
The school bell rings, Y/n quickly packed up her things and began to help clean the classroom like everyone else. Her classmate Murata helped her sweep the floors while everyone put the chair on the desk folded upside down. “Hey, Y/n!” Murata waved a hand to her, she looked up off the ground and wave back with a cheery smile, “Hey!”
“Do you have any plans today after school?” He asked as they both continued to sweep the floors, “Yeah I’m gonna meet Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu at the mall if you’d like to join?” Y/n asked as she occasionally looked at Murata, “Hmm I don’t think I can, maybe some other time.” He smiled at her and she returned it.
- Meanwhile -
“Whatever, she’ll catch up!” Inosuke said in his husked voice as he was walking backwards, leaning on one foot his other lifted a little too high and he almost fell, he caught himself before he could fall. Zenitsu and Tanjiro looked at each other before shrugging and closing their eyes, “Whatever you say.” They said at the same time.
Later that day around 3:00, Y/n had finally made it to the mall. She pulled out her phone and texted Tanjiro, [Hey I’m here! Where are you guys?]
Tanjiro’s phone chimed, he pulled it out of his uniform pocket, [Hey! We’re at the food court, Inosuke got hungry.]
Y/n giggles to herself before texting back, [Ok!]
She made it to the food court and saw the boys hanging out they all looked over at Y/n who was walking towards them, they put the piece sign up like usual, Inosuke did so with food in his mouth and crumbs on his lips and cheeks.
Y/n put the sign up as well as she smiled. “So where should we go first?” She asked as the guys got up, they all started to walk around the mall. “Well..I’ve actually been needing a new white button up.” Zenitsu suggested, “Perfect! We can go to Macy’s first.” Tanjiro adds. They all agree and Inosuke finishes off his sweets before throwing the rappers in a trash can nearby.
“Look this one looks nice!” Tanjiro showed off a nice fancy white button up shirt with a high collar. Zenitsu’s face slummed at the sight, “Meh it’s too fancy, I’m just looking for a basic school shirt. Ya know like the polo ones?” Zenitsu announced, Y/n and Tanjiro nodded.
Inosuke had found the perfect one, “How about this!?” Inosuke announced proudly as he held it by the short sleeves, Zenitsu smiled brightly but his face turned back to the same slumber when he saw the previous shirt. “Uh, is that a stain?” Zenitsu questioned as he pointed his index finger to the white tee.
“Oh I think it is.” Y/n added, Tanjiro nodded in agreement. “It’s a chocolate stain. Looks brand new too.” Zenitsu inches closer to the shirt then his eyes darted up at Inosuke’s hands. “Inosuke..did you clean your hands before coming into the store?” Zenitsu questioned as he placed his head closrer to Ino’s.
Inosuke looked panicked almost, “Uh, no..?” Zenitsu’s face look irritated; he then let out a sigh. “Let’s go pay for it, I’m sure the stains will come out anyway.” Zenitsu spoke in a monotone voice, as they walked to the register Y/n put a hand over Zenitsu’s shoulder and flashed a gentle smile, he returned it.
“So I’ll see you guys again tomorrow for movie night?” Y/n asked with a sure smile on her face, the boys nodded and waved her off as she crossed the street to her house.
“See you tomorrow!” Tanjiro shouted as Y/n unlocked the door to her house, “Bye!” Zenitsu shouted, “Better not get scared tomorrow night!” Inosuke shouted with a smirk as he crossed his arms. You laugh a bit with a smile then waved to them once again before closing your door.
thank you for reading this new series ^_^ i hope you enjoyed <3
- please excuse any spelling or grammar mistakes, thank you
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