#birds of lakeland
ghschwering · 1 year
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The Great Egret is a graceful bird. It is slightly smaller than the Great Blue Heron but still has an impressive wingspan. Took these photos while visiting the Circle B Bar Reserve in Central Florida March 18, 2023.
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reasonsforhope · 9 months
"Irish conservationists report that the magnificent osprey has successfully bred in the wilds of the Emerald Isle for the first time in almost 250 years.
Worldwide, ospreys are doing great—listed as “Least Concern” by the IUCN who add they are increasing in population. However their massive brown and white wings have been absent from Irish skies for two centuries after being hunted to extinction.
The last recorded osprey to nest in Ireland was found in 1779, writes the Ireland-based conservation group Golden Eagle Trust on Facebook.
Visiting ospreys sometimes stop on the island to rest, but almost since the signing of the US Declaration of Independence, no pair has ever deemed it a safe environment to raise young.
A nesting pair (ospreys mate for life) was discovered by experienced birdwatcher Giles Knight, the Environmental Farming Scheme Advisor with Ulster Wildlife, a conservation non-profit.
“Along with my son Eoin, I have watched the adults return to the same site since 2021, so you can imagine my excitement the moment that I saw three chicks and two adults this year,” said Knight in a statement. “It was a rub-your-eyes, once-in-a-lifetime moment; an absolute highlight of my 30-year wildlife career—like finding long-lost treasure.”
“With at least two of the chicks fledging this season, this is a huge conservation success story and indicates a healthy wetland ecosystem with plenty of suitable habitat and fish to bring this apex predator back to our skies and plunging into the Fermanagh Lakelands. Truly the return of a living countryside!” ...
The old Gaelic name for osprey was “Iascaire Coirneach”, meaning “Tonsured Fisherman”, possibly related to how its black eye band and white crown give it the appearance of the semi-bald tonsure typical of medieval Christian monks, the Golden Eagle Trust wrote on Facebook in a celebratory post.
“Now these birds are back in Ireland and breeding successfully, it is critical that they are left in peace so their numbers can continue to grow by returning year on year to breed,” Knight added in the statement. “We believe and hope that this could be the start of a raptor dynasty.”"
-via Good News Network, August 27, 2023
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rowanclair · 8 months
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My artwork for the FFXIV EU Fanfest Art Contest, based on the intro to Shadowbringers, one of the most memorable scenes in the whole game for me. I'm so happy to be chosen as a finalist!
I spent a very long time on the details of this piece, including various flora and fauna from around Lakeland. I remember looking up through the trees from the first place you wake up, seeing vines hanging down and birds flying overhead. The place is so strange and deeply affected by the everlasting light, and yet still full of life that has survived in spite of these conditions... And then, there is the Crystal Tower rising above the hills in the distance, a familiar beacon standing out against the unsettling sky.
For me this moment represents so much of what I adore about the experience of this game and it's one I'll never forget.
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calochortus · 2 years
Black-bellied Whistling Duckling
Black-bellied Whistling Duckling by Peter Brannon Via Flickr: Black-bellied Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis) ~ Polk County, Florida Thanks for visiting!
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valkariel · 1 month
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I am so ready to see lots of colorful tropical bird themed mobs in Dawntrail...
Head: Ravel Keeper's Headpiece of Fending - default Body: Raptorskin Shirt - default Hands: Faerie Tale Princess's Gloves - jet black Legs: Pummeler's Cuisses - jet black Feet: YoRHa Type-51 Boots of Fending - default
Earring: The Emperor's New Earrings Neck: Lakeland Necklace of Fending Wrists: The Emperor's New Bracelet Right Ring: The Emperor's New Ring Left Ring: The Emperor's New Ring
Main Hand: Crier's Bhuj Off Hand: --
Fashion Accessory: -- Minion: -- Mount: -- Location: Thavnair - The Shroud of the Samgha
Shader: Faeberry Bokeh
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ahollowgrave · 1 month
An Exercise in Trust [Part One]
This takes place shortly following the first dungeon of Shadowbringers, Holminster Switch. A conversation between the scion Prudence Dubois and the Warrior of Light Odette Hollows.
“I don’t trust him,” Prudence’s voice is a dry rasp, like the pages of a book being turned, emphasized by her pacing. Step, step, step, turn. Step, step step, turn. “He doesn’t show us the work, he just says you’ll be fine. How the fuck would he know? He blindly groped all about our star for you and knocked all of us out of our bodies. That,” Her boot heel struck the ground, “Is not a careful man. We shouldn’t trust a careless man with you. Urianger is the one with the vision, surely we can figure it out.”
You do not answer immediately, listening to the sound of her pacing. You lay on the bed of your shared room, legs draped over the side of the mattress, an arm thrown over your eyes that doesn’t help. Hours ago you scattered the aether of a Lightwarden and returned the night sky to Lakeland. To see your Lady’s radiant face returned to the heavens of this world had brought you first to tears and then your knees. But when you closed your eyes to pray the perfect darkness that lay behind your lids was instead foul, burning light.
You cannot stop closing your eyes, like poking a bruise or picking a scab.
Prudence kicks your leg once then twice and then once more. She’s certainly kicked you harder before, and the idea that she may be holding back makes you warm.
“Are you even listening?” A cutting tone there, like the edge of paper.
“I am, I am,” you assured, hearing your fondness shape the words into something softer, coaxing the same from her.
It works. You hear only a sigh in response. Then Prudence’s weight settles onto the bed beside you; never near enough to touch but your body tips toward her’s. She draws in a deep breath trying to find her patience again.
“I want the witch to look at you. Before you eat another one. She’s right not to trust this Exarch, you know.” She spits the title like a curse.
“I didn’t eat it, Prudence,” You scrub your palms against your eyelids. The bright light trapped behind them is spotted through with blessed black where you press.
Prudence is quiet but you can feel her stare. The weight of its regard; annoyance and concern in equal measure. Relief that it isn’t her. Judgement because she thinks she could do this better.
Everyone thinks they can do it better, none of them want to try.
You continue: “We may not have the time for that. I’m not even sure where Y’shtola is,” Prudence clucked at the name. You finally opened your eyes, banishing the light again, and turned to behold the Ishgardian beside you. Prudence stared down at you, unblinking, brows drawn low in her customary disappointed expression. You cannot meet her gaze -- you can never meet anyone’s gaze -- but you are close enough.
It is easy to forget that she and the others have been here for a year or longer; waiting for your arrival. Prudence has never been one to sit still and she struggles now, a bird caged. From outside the window, you hear a crowd cheer and uproarious laughter. The Crystarium is still up, still enjoying the darkness of night. Prudence’s liquid dark eyes cut toward the sound and you feel a smile rise unbidden. You know whose laugh she seeks.
“Why don’t you go out? I’m sure the Captain is out there.” You sit up as you speak, bracing yourself on your elbows, “Neither of us are aether-ologists, we’ll have to wait for Urianger and Y’shtola to weigh in. You might as well enjoy the passage of time.”
Prudence snorted at the title and rolled her eyes at everything else. She rose to resume pacing. You flopped back onto the bed, prepared for a second round of discussion of topics far beyond your combined understanding. But no such discussion starts. Only your companion’s steps filled the air. Then:
“So, if Y’shtola says it’s dangerous, you’ll stop?”
“Stop eating them. The light wardens.”
“I’m not eat--”
“You know what I mean.”
You stare at each other for a moment. You do know what she means, is the problem, and you know you cannot promise her. And yet --
“… If Y’shtola says it's dangerous, I’ll… stop.” Your hand is pinned against your leg, half tucked under the curve of your thigh, your fingers crossed.
The silence is long.
“Fine. I’m going out. Don’t wait up.” She’s at the door before you can sit up all the way. Your dead heart skips into life as it clicks shut behind her. However, before you can delight in the quiet, dread teases the nape of your neck, raising goosebumps. Your fingertips tremble as you strive to contain the sudden knowledge that this is a memory you will reflect on often.
You close your eyes as the tears fall, blinded by the light trapped behind your eyelids.
Someone else could do this better.
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mutant-distraction · 6 months
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Party of Three . . . American White Pelicans . . . one of the largest birds in North America, with a 9-foot wingspan . . . the White Pelican forages by swimming on surface, dipping bill into water and scooping up fish in pouch . . . a large colony of them spend their winter every year at Lake Morton . . . Lakeland, Florida USA . . . ©Carol Bradley, Double B Photography, Lakeland, FL
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sezja · 6 months
50 (punctual) for the twine boys
One Word Writing Prompts (still accepting)
The sky overhead turns glorious shades of orange and violet, which Thaffe recognizes - through some soul-deep memory, dimly recalled - as a sunset. He pauses in his work, gazing skyward. It sets his heart to racing: sunset means night, the unfamiliar blanket of darkness which had settled over Amh Araeng only yesterday, after over a hundred years of Light. It had emerged wholecloth the night before, after the slaying of the Lightwarden, but tonight...
Tonight he'll get to watch night fall properly.
Or perhaps not, he thinks, catching sight of Jeryk dashing toward the trolley tracks as quickly as his legs will carry him. What is he up to? It wouldn't be the first time the man's worked through the late hours on some project or other... but that was when there was always ample light to be had. With night, true night, falling soon, there's no telling what trouble Jeryk might get himself into.
And he's been acting odd since they'd gotten the Talos up and moving again. Thaffe doesn't know what's gotten into him, but it doesn't seem wise to leave him unattended for long.
He glances at the sky again, then sighs. Dammit, Jeryk.
The shadows are already deepening as he sets off down the tracks; he keeps his eyes on his feet, careful not to misstep in the unfamiliar darkness. He recalls Jeryk's breakneck sprint and grits his teeth - he'd be a lot more worried about it if Jeryk hadn't been dashing across the tracks, heedless of the risk of falling or snapping a leg, since he could walk. He expects the regular pattern of the ties comes as naturally to Jeryk as flight comes to a bird.
"There you are," he says, nearly bumping into the smaller hume in his concentration; Jeryk spares him half a glance. "What are you-"
"It should just about be time," Jeryk says, gazing up... not at the sky, like any normal person, but at one of the lanterns hanging alongside the tracks.
Thaffe blinks at it, as though he'd forgotten the things existed - for all they've been keeping the tracks and equipment in something like working order these past few years, he hadn't thought to consider the lanterns. Who would? Who had need of lanterns in a world drowning in Light? In times long past, he supposes, many of the miners of Twine would have headed home from the mines either in the dark hours of the morning or just after sundown, and they'd have welcomed the lights along the tracks leading the way home...
True darkness settles over them, broken only by the stars overhead. Beside him, Thaffe hears Jeryk draw in a breath and hold it.
The lantern flickers.
And lights.
All along the track, the old lanterns blaze to life, a lifeline between Twine and the mines.
Jeryk lets out the breath in a cheer, practically applauding; Thaffe reaches a hand out to steady him, resting a hand against Jeryk's back - but his own heart leaps in unexpected celebration, kindled alongside that little lantern.
It's a little piece of Twine, back from the dead.
"Right on time," Jeryk says, smacking the lantern post almost affectionately. "Just like they did before the Flood!"
"You've been repairing them," Thaffe guesses, marveling. "How did you even think to start?"
"When night came to Lakeland." Still gazing up at the lantern, Jeryk leans into him, and Thaffe welcomes it, winding an arm around the shorter man's shoulders. The night comes with the same chill as ever, and Jeryk's excitement gives off a warmth all its own. "I thought... wouldn't it be something if the Warrior of Darkness made their way here, too?"
He hadn't dared hope. A lot of things have happened in the past couple of days that Thaffe hadn't dared hope for.
"Good thinking." He gives Jeryk a little squeeze. "And now I won't have to fear breaking my neck chasing after you down the tracks at night."
Unrepentant, Jeryk grins, pecking Thaffe on the cheek with an unapologetic kiss. "I wanted to make sure the lanterns lit on time, that's all. We can run the trolley at night! What's more exciting than a trolley ride under the stars-"
"Some other time." Thaffe steers Jeryk homeward. "I've had enough excitement for a few days."
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ghschwering · 1 year
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Saw a Cedar Waxwing for the first time in Lakeland FL. It was in the mulberry trees at Lake Parker. I often see these birds on our flowering crab apple tree in Calgary AB later in the spring.
Photos taken on March 11, 2023
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kariachi · 1 year
For whatever reason, I came up with Daemons for Kenny (Spanner) and his parents. Slightly inspired by your daemon AU one shots, btw.
Thoughts on these species for each of them? I got no clue on animal symbolism, so you think these choices fit them or not? (scientific names in brackets):
Kenny/Spanner - Speckled Southwestern Rattlesnake (Crotalus pyrrhus)
Ben - Cinnamon Hummingbird (Amazilla rutila)
Kai - Some kind of canine, but I'm also thinking of a bird of prey for her, but I haven't decided. Might need help with hers.
Ooo, entirely different direction from where I took them (that's half the fun of this shit in fandoms, is seeing other people's interpretations). I went with an Icelandic Horse for Kenny, Lakeland Terrier for Ben, and Jaguar for Kai (and also an African Forest Buffalo for Ben's-daughter-Gwendolyn) (as you can see I had the children take after Kai with megafauna)
And then I can also see these working well.
Rattlesnakes are a more family-oriented variety of snake, stand their ground but also aren't especially aggressive, natural hunter that- like most snakes- aren't prone to killing any more than they need. Not a bad critter for Kenny, not at all.
A hummingbird for Ben I would never have thought of, though the stubbornness and high energy work well. Even the aggression, if we think about it, he certainly has his days.
And Kai, canines are versatile enough- especially if you include dogs- finding one for her wouldn't be all that difficult, and birds of prey could be fitting for a 'tenacious hunter' of her own sort, and from a symbolism end her status as Rightful King of the Britons. Though I usually put symbolism as a secondary matter when doing daemons, that's up to the person doing the deciding.
Overall, not a bad line-up. Not what I would go for as evidenced by the fact it isn't what I went for, but a nice spread that obviously got some thought put into it besides 'Ben is awesome and lions are awesome so-'.
It's nice to see somebody besides Lor and I actively poking at daemon stuff, I hope you had fun with this and with whatever else you end up doing if you end up doing anything! And if you want a look at the daemons I've assigned definitely-canon people, there's a whole big list here. Note though, it was made for my Souls & Switches AU years ago so, Aggregor is assumed to be a human clone in it. Non-Earth-Native Aggregor universes his daemon would more than likely be different.
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jhola-ffxiv · 1 year
Strap the wing to me
Death trap clad happily
With wax melted, I'd meet the sea
Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight
J'hola had never known the harrowing, droning terror of perpetual sunlight until she came here, plucked from her time like a stone from a creek and drawn somewhere where she drank light in constantly, felt it painting the walls of her lungs and creeping up her throat like holy bile.
Like a child who didn't recognize a scratch until it was pointed out, J'hola hadn't felt the weight of light in her body until Y'shtola mentioned it.
Under a lavender cover of leaves in Lakeland, J'hola was sure she felt it now. Hot and cold all at once, angry and peaceful, vengeful and forgiving.
What did dying feel like?
What, importantly, did dying from light feel like?
She closed her eyes but the sunlight pushed through, seeping past thin grey eyelids to burn red into her brain. The birds sang odd tunes she'd never heard before in a day that never ended and a breeze rolled over her shoulders, hissing through the trees like a damning whisper, impeded by her bow.
Squelching beneath her, the telltale bootish-smell of Skrink's presence took her attention away from that angry, searing bright, back onto her round, green, eyeless little friend. J'hola crouched and patted his head between the tendrils, eliciting a happy wiggle from him as his drooly mouth gaped her way.
When she died, what would they do with Skrink? Would her friends have to bring him back to papa in a basket with her old bow? Would they just leave him behind? He wouldn't understand where she's gone. If none of her friends could come back home, who would tell her father that she'd died?
In the bright light, her hand cast a shadow over Skrink's mottled, tangled, fibrous head. Through her tears, it all blurred together into an amorphous soup of color. The lack of dawn or dusk or night felt numbing and cloying like she was being force fed simple-syrup. It was a song without conclusion, a continuous pile of notes and sounds that wouldn't leave her alone and was now solidifying her organs into cold porcelain.
When she dreams, J'hola stands too close to the sun, everything is sizzling and searing like meat cooked in hot oil, and the world drowns in song. It stings like a sunburn and when she wakes no time has passed. The wings on her shoes that brought her there on an endless staircase melt.
Now she's too close, and with melted wings there's nowhere to go but down.
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macarensesangles · 2 years
OH MY GOD THEY SHOW HIM WATCHING VAUTHRY THROW A TANTRUM AT EULMORE TOO LIKE RIGHT AFTER YOU LEAVE I THINK. AND THEN AGAIN WATCHING IN LAKELAND WHILE YOU FIGHT RANJIT? i always fucking forget that he's like following you around the whole time. both as himself and with that little goddamn bird. creep <3 creepy little creep <3
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jjwphotography1990 · 2 years
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The F4U Corsair was one of America's best war birds during WWII. It's an amazing aircraft and always great to watch at air shows. . The 2021 Sun 'n Fun Air Show Lakeland, Florida . #f4u #f4ucorsair #corsair #wwiiaviation #wwiiairplanes #wwiiairplane #wwii #warbirds #koreanwar #aviationphotography #airshow #airshowphotography #aviation #aviationgeek #airplane #shotoncanon #canon #canoneosr #eosr #canonphotography #photography #aviationphoto #pictureoftheday #photooftheday #sigma #sigmalens #sigma60600mmsports @combat_learjet @airshowstuff @newsairshow @airshowhub @airshow360 @canonusa @canon.photographers @canon_photos @canonglobal @canoneosr @canonrseries @canon_r_mirrorless @canon_photogroup @canon_addicts @lensrentals #mylensrental @sigmaphoto @flysnf @sunnfunflyin #sunnfun @koreanwarhero @theclassof45 (at SUN 'n FUN) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChYhrlDMTh2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Seize the Day: Why Now is the Perfect Time to Pressure Clean Your Home
At Kelly's Pressure Washing, we firmly believe that there's no better time than the present to give your home and property the tender loving care they deserve. As the premier pressure cleaning company serving the greater Lakeland area, we've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of a well-timed cleaning session.
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Picture this: the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and your home is basking in the glory of a fresh, thorough pressure wash. It's not just about aesthetics, although a sparkling clean exterior is undeniably appealing. Regular pressure cleaning also helps protect your investment by preventing the buildup of harmful contaminants that can lead to premature wear and tear.
As the seasons change and we welcome the warmth of spring and summer, it's the ideal time to tackle those outdoor cleaning projects you've been putting off. Winter's harsh weather can leave your home's exterior looking dull and dingy, but our expert pressure cleaning services can quickly restore its former glory. From removing stubborn stains on your siding to revitalizing your weathered deck, our team is equipped to handle it all.
Speaking of decks, there's no better season to enjoy outdoor gatherings with family and friends. By pressure cleaning your deck now, you'll create a welcoming and inviting space that's perfect for hosting barbecues, parties, and lazy afternoons in the sun. The same goes for your driveway and walkways – a clean, well-maintained entrance sets the tone for your entire property.
For those delicate surfaces that require a gentler approach, our soft washing services are the perfect solution. Using low-pressure techniques and eco-friendly cleaning agents, we can safely and effectively clean materials like stucco, wood, and vinyl siding. By addressing these areas now, you'll prevent the growth of unsightly moss, algae, and mildew, keeping your home looking its best year-round.
At Kelly's Pressure Washing, we're passionate about helping homeowners in the greater Lakeland area maintain and enhance the beauty of their properties. By seizing the opportunity to pressure clean your home now, you'll not only boost its curb appeal but also safeguard your investment for years to come. Trust our experienced team to deliver exceptional results, leaving you with a home that sparkles from top to bottom. Learn more by browsing our website: https://kellyspressurecleaning.com.
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calochortus · 2 years
Sandhill Cranes by Peter Brannon Via Flickr: Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis) - Circle B Bar Reserve, Florida An adult and juvenile sandhill crane graze on the skirt of Heron Hideout at Circle B. It was a wonderful way to start the day. Thanks for visiting!
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lyonsfamilytreecare · 2 months
10 Reasons Why People Love Lakeland FL
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Lakeland, Florida isn't your average Sunshine State city. Sure, it boasts warm weather year-round and access to stunning beaches, but this charming metropolis nestled between Tampa and Orlando offers a unique blend of urban vibrance, outdoor recreation, and historic appeal. Here's why Lakeland might just be your perfect Florida paradise:
Lake Life Paradise: Where else can you say you live amongst 38 glistening lakes? Lakeland's crown jewel, Lake Mirror, offers a scenic walking path, the picturesque Hollis Garden, and even resident swans! Boating, fishing, and kayaking are just a few ways to commune with nature on these freshwater gems.
Thriving Downtown Charm: Lakeland's historic downtown is a delight to explore. Munn Park, lined with early 1900s architecture and antique shops, transports you to a bygone era. The Saturday Farmers Market bursts with local produce, artisanal crafts, and the sweet sounds of street performers.
Cultural Gem: Don't be fooled by Lakeland's laid-back vibe. The Polk Museum of Art boasts an impressive collection spanning pre-Columbian artifacts to contemporary masterpieces. Florida Southern College, a Frank Lloyd Wright architectural wonder, offers stunning tours and a glimpse into the famed architect's vision.
Outdoor Adventure Awaits: Calling all nature enthusiasts! Lakeland caters to your adventurous spirit. Hike or bike the scenic trails at Colt Creek State Park, or challenge yourself at the thrilling Carter Mountain bike trails. Adrenaline junkies can test their skills at Elite Cable Park, a haven for wakeboarding and watersports.
Family-Friendly Fun: Lakeland is a haven for families. Lakeland Explorations Children's Museum provides hours of interactive learning fun, while Explorations VKB National Wildlife Refuge allows for close encounters with alligators and native birds. Splash pads, parks, and a vibrant community calendar of events ensure there's never a dull moment.
Foodie Paradise: Lakeland's culinary scene is booming! From fresh seafood at local spots to trendy gastropubs and international flavors, your taste buds will thank you. Don't miss the chance to savor a juicy steak at a historic Lakeland eatery or grab a gourmet coffee and pastry at a charming downtown cafe.
Affordable Sunshine: Compared to its flashy cousins on the coast, Lakeland offers a haven of affordability. Housing costs remain reasonable, allowing you to live comfortably and enjoy the Florida lifestyle without breaking the bank.
Sports Fanatic's Dream: Cheer on the Detroit Tigers at their spring training home, Publix Field at Joker Marchant Stadium. Catch a thrilling game and soak up the electric atmosphere – a must-do for any baseball aficionado.
Convenient Location: Lakeland's central Florida location is ideal. A short drive puts you on the world-famous beaches of the Gulf Coast or amidst the theme park thrills of Orlando. Enjoy the best of both worlds: relaxation and excitement are always within reach.
Small-Town Community, Big-City Amenities: Lakeland offers a unique sense of community. Friendly faces, local events, and a strong sense of civic pride create a welcoming atmosphere. Yet, you'll also find all the conveniences of a larger city, from top-rated hospitals to excellent schools.
Lakeland, Florida, is a city that truly offers something for everyone. Whether you crave outdoor adventures, cultural immersion, or a family-friendly atmosphere, Lakeland promises a lifestyle steeped in sunshine, charm, and endless possibilities. Come discover why Lakeland might just be your perfect place to call home.
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Taking care of your trees is crucial for maintaining a healthy landscape and a beautiful property. But when it comes time to hire a tree service company in Lakeland, FL, you want to make sure you choose a professional, qualified arborist. Here are some key things to consider:
Qualifications: Look for a company with licensed and insured arborists on staff. ISA Certification demonstrates a commitment to professional tree care practices.
Experience: Ask about the company's experience with your specific needs – tree removal, trimming, pruning, or storm damage restoration.
Safety: Inquire about their safety record and observe their practices during consultations.
Communication: Ensure clear communication throughout the process, from initial estimates to project completion.
Reputation: Read online reviews and ask for referrals to get a sense of the company's customer service.
By following these tips, you can find a reputable Lakeland tree service company that will provide exceptional care for your trees. Lyons Family Tree Care is committed to these values and would be happy to discuss your tree care needs. Contact us today for a free consultation!
Lyons Family Tree Care 8819 Park-Byrd Rd, Lakeland FL 33810 (863) 262–7979 https://lyonsfamilytreecare.com/
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