#best way to end smp's in my opinion
bluebell1116 · 1 year
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Minecraft SMP’s :handshake: Apocalyptic Events
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mustbemosstaken · 8 months
I know this has been said before but the people bringing it up in the art stream has put it back in my brain (Also please keep in mind this is very /lh and just my opinion based on how I interpret the story of Fable SMP as a viewer):
Y’all don’t want a Rae villain arc, you want an arc where Heyhay can play a villain. A villain arc for Rae would go against literally all of the character development that has been established for Rae.
And you can’t even have the argument of like “oh well the angst of if he’s corrupted and then comes back later to see how he hurt people” because WE HAD THAT. WE HAD LIKE A WHOLE ARC OF THAT WITH THE WARDEN.
Even outside of the Warden, you’ve got that whole Among Us AU where we get to see Rae being evil?? We have villain Rae guys what more do you want?!? Villain!Rae is a fun idea for an AU, but narrative wise it does not work in canon at all-
I agree that Heyhay would play a great villain, and would probably find a way to make Villain!Rae really compelling. But Rae has been built up in such a way that to have him suddenly “go on a villain arc” would just like,,, wreck any of his previously established arcs?? At least from my interpretation of Fable so far, the overall arc with Rae as a character, regardless of gods or anything like that, has always been about a man coming to love himself through learning to love other people, and through that, a lonely man finding a family. S1 Rae at the very beginning is a lonely, broken man with no regard for himself or those around him, driven purely by research, who is forced to take a mentoring, and then pseudo-leadership position, and forced to care for and eventually come to love the people around him, who he now views as his family. A family he never got to have beforehand.
That’s why the relationship with c!Jamie is so important to Rae in canon. Jamie is the first person where Rae really had to step up and be there for someone else. Thats why he cares so much about c!Athena, because Rae really had to find it within himself to save them and be there for them. That’s why Banner Fam, or the Breakfast Squad, or even eventually Broters means so much to Rae because he didn’t have that family when we started the story. To have him go on a villain arc and hurt the people around him would narratively break all of that. It would pull apart all of those relationships at the very foundations, and it would be really hard to repair them from a storytelling perspective.
The only way I could see it being done is if Rae was to go “evil” to protect the people he cares about, but as long as those characters are still in the picture they’re the kind of people who wouldn’t let Rae do that to himself. Hell, the man had a full breakdown because he punched his best friend one time, you think he’s gonna murder someone or something?
And like,,, it’s not even like we don’t get to see snippets of these things in canon. We get to see elements of Rae losing himself to anger and desperation in order protect others. We get it when he replaces his eye in S2 and he goes all mad scientists, or when he yells at Ulysses in S3 because he genuinely believes he needs to step up because this man is a threat to his family. Hell, we even see the angst of “his family thinks Rae is evil and is scared of him” because THATS LIKE MOST OF C!JAMIES ARC IN EARLY S2???
Season 2 really is a treasure trove of theoretically “villainous Rae” content. His betrayal of Aax’s trust with the eye surgery, the Jamie memory arc where they do view Rae as evil, delving into more and more dangerous and morally questionable Telchin medicine to help c!Athena, and then the entirety of the Warden arc where he’s actively hurting those around him and taken over by an evil goddess, like it’s all there. We have that guys!?!
This ended up way longer than I thought it would lol, but I don’t know, I just constantly see people in the fandom and in HeyHay13’s twitch chat being like “oooh villain Rae we desperately need villain Rae in canon” and I just personally don’t get the appeal from a storytelling perspective. Maybe I’m just too caught up in wanting characters to be happy lol. Let my poor little meow meow have peace and love his boyfriends and not have to be evil again.
Anyway, uh… TLDR Mosstaken doesn’t like villain!Rae except for when he does I guess lmao /j
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smallidarityfan · 3 months
ask game! smallidarity. i just wanna hear someone talk about them<3
you are my enabler tumblr user hellish-hyperfixation
Ship It
• What made you ship it?
I can't exactly remember when I started to, but it was sometime after watching Joel's esmp 2 around mid 2022 when I realized that the man would always mention Jimmy at least one time per video. and i was like. holy crapos. i know what they are.
Though I also vividly remember the first time I watched Joel through Last Life, he met Jimmy in some cave and bullied him and I was also like: "what?!?! being mean in minecraft roleplay?!??!?!! that is just like the popular ship bakudeku from the hit series my hero academia (literally barely watched the show)"
• What are your favorite things about the ship?
THEYRE SOOOO......... THEYRE............. ok. ok ok ok. other than the fact that I just really like enemies to lovers type shii, the way that Joel would go lengths to protect Jimmy whether in the life series or empires (see the times when fwhip or scott would bully Jimmy and then Joel rushes in to kill them) despite being the one to bully him in the first place,
or when Jimmy would be a victim to Joel's teasing, actively says he hates it, yet always seems to gravitate towards being around Joel and doing the things he tells him to without question??— the way it then seems like he'd never admit that they're friends (or. in love) and yet 2 seconds later he'd just be like "guys i love Joel so much. wait what who said that?"
And then the Exclusive Flirting?!??!?!! both Jimmy and Joel have canonical esmp husbands (scott and sausage) and yet neither of them ever so much flirts with their husbands much more then they flirt between themselves?????? Hello??!?!?!?! flirting after a whole enemies to lovers shtick??!?! in MY empires smp?!?!?! The way they call each other babe (other than their actual partners ofc LMAO) but not to anyone else?!?! Even in the life series!!! See that 1 clip where Etho professed love to Joel but gets shut down, or when Sausage called Jimmy 'babe' but was like "What? only Joel calls me babe..." and then on the Smallidarity side you get clips of them mutually confessing to each other???????
Jimmy's known Martyn longer than he's known Joel, and Joel's known Oli longer than he's known Jimmy, and yet just from X life 3 years ago they immediately snapped together as best friends the moment they met and then proceeds to do pet play in some quad account merging youtuber competition (sniffermyfeet piglinmynose video).
ykwhatimsaying. the clips basically do all the work honestly.
• Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
eughhh this is hard because i dont know much about the other opinions on this ship? OH ACTUALLY some people take their relationship to be that of a Joel dom-ing type situation where he takes advantage of his bully stance in order to date Jimmy, but i take it more in the shonen manga style way? eg: it's because Joel likes Jimmy that Joel bullies him (in a tsundere way)
To me, Joel fundamentally isn't brash or aggressive in nature, it's just the way he ends up communicating as such. His character has bits of anxiety sprinkled in (you can see from how jittery his movements are in-game), while his main value is just being calm and playing singleplayer hardcore minecraft for 600 hours building pretty little structures yk?
So normally, I don't think Joel would be as naturally aggressive as people take him to be in the smallidarity dynamic? Maybe only when Joel feels tense is when he'd start being mean n stuff, and maybe you could associate that with feelings for jimmy i guess. (highschool au brewing in my mind rn)
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ethtyn · 1 year
i'm going to preface this by saying i adore Etho. i love him with my whole heart and soul actually. but i have also been watching his content for Literally A Decade so i have probably forgotten some of his classics. if i did, PLEASE CHIME IN!
with that disclaimer out of the way, onward! to the New Ethowatcher Primer Post™!
i think Etho is arguably best known for his Minecraft singleplayer let's play, but at the time i'm writing this post, he's uploaded 571 episodes. that's intimidating! so in my opinion, a good primer for this series is his episode 550 world tour. it's 2 years old at this point, but catching up on 21 episodes afterwards is nothing compared to almost 600, and gives you a great reference point for everything that's been accomplished in the world so far - and if you like the world tour enough, you can go back and watch from the beginning!
he was also a member of the Mindcrack SMP. Mindcrack was to people then as Hermitcraft is today; everybody wanted to be a member. a good place to start with his Mindcrack series is season 4. that being said, if you only want to watch a single episode, try episode 10 king of the ladder (the origin of "Ladders" as a nickname for Etho) or season 3 the trial ("why's he got chocolate on his knees?") for wacky hijinks, season 3 final tour for the builds he did that season, or season 4 end of season 4 for the same reason.
he is currently a member of Hermitcraft; due to personal reasons he had to stop uploading in the middle of season 8 and has uploaded only sporadically during season 9. therefore most people usually recommend his hermitcraft season 7 as the best place to start, and for good reason. he builds extremely weird shit (The Monstrosity my beloved), experiments with doing noteblock covers of popular songs, plays ridiculous amounts of Decked Out (trust me. his runs are so fun to watch), participates in a resistance even though he has no idea what's going on (him being a Lorephobe™ means i had no idea Hermitcraft did Lore™ until season 9), makes a business purely to scam people...it's a classic for a reason. oooooo you watch to watch Etho's Hermitcraft S7 so badddddd
he also does modded series occasionally! his project ozone 2 series is a CLASSIC and i highly recommend watching, specifically for Taxes (you'll find out), but also because it is SO enjoyable watching a man be incredibly technical about a modpack even though you have no idea what he's saying most of the time. (i fully zone out during full episodes of this series sometimes. but still rewatch it every couple of years or so. it's chill.)
his original terrafirmacraft series is also one i remember fondly. this modpack is essentially Minecraft, But Hard Mode; more realistic physics and crafting make things much more difficult for the player and it's super interesting, in my opinion. he was also doing a series in an updated/forked version of the pack, called terrafirmapunk, but iirc his world for that series was corrupted and he was unable to restore it, so he had to discontinue it. RIP Chester ):
his current modded series is a modpack he collated himself. unfortunately due to the personal issues mentioned above he's only uploaded a few episodes here and there, but he seems to be really enjoying it and hopefully once things stabilize a little more we'll get more episodes!
he's also building a PVP map in Minecraft! just...slowly. introducing battle bane! we get an episode approximately every year or two or four. he recently built a simplified version on the Hermitcraft server for their recent charity stream and they played a round at the end!
of course, you're always welcome to just...watch his stuff from the beginning if you're a weirdo completionist like me (/derog /j). however, be warned that he is (affectionately) known as Your Favourite Minecraft YouTuber's Favourite Minecraft YouTuber for a reason, and has been on the platform for almost a decade and a half at this point. his early content is therefore much different than his current content and sometimes hard for new watchers to enjoy. i really feel like he's hit his stride in terms of talking to viewers in the last five years and it's much easier to jump in on his newer content, BUT that's just my opinion. ymmv!
i'll add episodes or clips to this post as i think of them or as they're mentioned, so again please don't be afraid to chime in with your opinions on things you think i should have added!
and above all else: ethogirls unite 😌
EDIT: HOW COULD I FORGET TEAM CANADA AND BDUBS. thank you @butterflycrafting for the reminder & the recommendations! further edits are going under the cut so as not to completely overtake your dashes with this post :')
Team Canada is comprised of Etho, PauseUnpause, & VintageBeef. they're all, as you might be able to guess, Canadian! they all played together on Mindcrack as well as doing series together. some faves:
pranking OCD Zisteau is an oldie but a goodie. Zisteau logs in while they're pranking him.
their sky factory 2.5 series is great. it's been awhile since i've personally watched it but their banter is always fantastic so i'm recommending it anyway.
watch them escape the Nether, but watch pause's video because it's unedited and you get the full experience that way.
i personally LOVED their capture the monument series back in the day. it's been long enough since i've watched them that i don't remember which one was my personal favourite, but here's the first episode of diversity 3 to see if it's up your alley anyway.
edit: MORE TEAM CANADA GOODNESS courtesy of @catmaidetho - [Etho voice] labyrinth of puzzles! it has, again, been a Hot Minute since i've watched this series but also i Know it's a solid rec so it goes on the list.
edit: @catmaidetho & @fartherlands suggest team canada r.a.d.! either i never watched this one or i watched it long enough ago that it has been erased from my memory, but i trust my mutuals. do the thing.
Bdubs (BdoubleO100) and Etho ALSO met on Mindcrack and now play on Hermitcraft together. i don't have any specific videos to share (feel free to suggest some!) but in my opinion Etho is the black cat friend to Bdubs' golden retriever friend. (that made more sense in my head, probably.) Etho is responsible for Bdubs' big eyes skin.
a nonnie wants me to tell y'all that Etho's hearthstone videos are worth a watch! there are five videos: just a random video, slow druid arena, consistent inconsistency, the arena dream, and beggku hunter. if you watch them, let me know - this is a series of videos i never did end up watching because hearthstone was a game that didn't interest me at the time.
funnily enough, anon suggesting non-minecraft videos reminded me that he'd done terraria is EZ with Zisteau, another Mindcracker. i remember them having a lot of fun in that series so definitely give it a try!
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logo-ssspathosss · 9 days
💚💛❤️ Third Life Series in 2024 (happy 3 years of third life!!) 💚💛❤️
“We’re on a quest for Pizza. I- *zooms in* PIZZA.”
once again, spoilers if you haven’t watched 3rd life smp!!
. Scar and Skizz are the only yellows on the server as of the start of episode 2
. Grian and Scar’s plan for getting valuables in the series was to steel other peoples items, and then put them in Pizza’s chest to sell back to them.
. The first visitors of Monopoly Mountain (aka Sandland in this episode) are Tango and Martyn!
. Scar gives out his first reputation points to Cleo for their enchanted chestplate! (oh god here we go)
. ‘Grian, get the bucket’ is a very common thing you’ll hear Scar say in this episode. This is the lava bucket Grian uses to threaten visitors of the sand biome, though he is not very successful.
. Scott does not respect the torches that layout Sandland, and steals some sand. Grian does a terrible job of preventing this.
. Scar gives reputation points to Tango for his enchanted leggings! (terrible mistake on his part)
. Grian, “get the bucket”s Joel, which is not very effective.
. Scar gives reputation points to Joel for his diamond sword! Grian is not happy about this.
. Grian tries to convince Etho not to give Scar his shoes, but is unsuccessful.
. Scar gives 10 reputation points to Etho for his enchanted boots! (that are deducted later)
. The magic act Soli-beans-major-littlewood-FANTASTICO! comes to show Grian and Scar a magic trick! (etho is also there) Unfortunately, this magic trick is making a dark oak tree appear! (from the forest mentioned in the last note) Goodbye to that monopoly.
This utter loss gives us, in my opinion, one of the best clips in the entire series;
(NEVERMIND TUMBLR ONLY LETS ME ADD ONE VIDEO PER POST WTF. anyway its the one where the ‘magic’ group leaves and Scar says ‘i’m going to murder them’)
. BigB visits! And I’m going to say something now, because not enough people realize this. Grian always has a different tone with BigB throughout these series. He’s much more soft with him, and does everything to benefit him until they turn red. Take a took at this clip below:
this clip is kind of self explanatory? in a way. for instance Grian talks about desperately needing food, and a few second later, gives BigB a portion of his porkchops despite not knowing if BigB’s has enough food. Keep this in mind when watching Double Life. specifically when Grian tries to ditch Scar to hang out with BigB. They’ve always had that kind of bond since the start of the series.
people who haven’t watched double life, you can scroll past that :-D (i guess its too late now but. ahem. moving on)
. BigB gives Grian the idea to put pressure plates all around their base to scare off unwanted visitors.
. Scar finally calls the Sandland base ‘Monopoly Mountain’ (he said it! he said the thing!)
. BigB drops a diamond for Scar, and before he can try to barter with him anymore, BigB flees with the help of Grian’s cobwebs to slow Scar down.
. BigB gets 50 reputation points for a diamond!
. Grian crashes, and Bdubs dies while he’s logged out
. Grian timelapses building the Desert Tower on Monopoly Mountain! (in the process he also accidentally builds his face on the base lmao)
Also one quick thing— apparently Pizza was presumed dead by other players earlier in the episode. Grian does not film or explain this at all, except at the very end where he says Skizz informed them that Pizza was alive. (theres something about this llama and not getting enough screen time smh. i don’t know where it came from and i don’t know how it died, but its there)
did i forget anything? reply, or put it into the tags if theres information I missed!!
I will be doing more posts like this for all of the episodes of Grian’s pov. that being said, if i miss something that was said/a scene in a different pov, i will not include that in this post.
thank you for reading and have an excellent day!
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rotten-vivs · 2 years
i have a question for those who are both trafficshippers and lore enthusiasts. when do you headcanon the beginning of your ships as an established relationship (if there even is a beginning)? because i got my own headcanons (for third life only, since it is the only one i have fully watched) and i wanna see if anyone has different ones
flower husbands is obvious and literally canon. in the first session jimmy gives scott a poppy flower and scott claims that they're married now. it is almost a bit childish and naive, but they were not afraid to immediately open up their hearts because they did not consider that by the nature of the game they will end up losing each other
for treebark i consider the moment where martyn makes ren go into his red life as the beginning of that romantic relationship. honestly martyn's speech literally sounds like a love confession lol. in the loyalty test, they're both unsure if the other is as invested and they are. at that moment they both prove to each other that they are both fully devoted and loved. their relationship is defined by their intense loyalty, which is fitting since they both die fighting together to defend an already lost kingdom
i may have a bit of an unpopular opinion for scarian, but i headcanon the "love confession" (or a silent agreed acknowledgement of a romantic feelings) at the pond they boat around in (after killing bdubs) right before the final duel at monopoly mountain. obviously their relationship developed throughout the series, but their fear of getting attached got in the way of expressing their love honestly until it is too late and have now to kill each other. this would deepen their strained relationship in the other seasons, by not having enough time to explore their relationship before permanently damaging it
cledubs was a difficult one because there wasn't really a "moment". they were just always each other's number one without having a moment to really talk about it at all. they were life partners even if it went unsaid. this also explains why when shit started getting scary, cleo was more hesitant on bdubs's (and crastle alliances') loyalty. they are someone who needs reassurance, and when times got stressful the nonverbal agreement to be each other's partner was becoming less convincing
some bonus last life (im barely on session 2):
up until now i headcanon lizzie immediately having a crush on joel as soon as she sees him. yes i know they are married irl and in empires lore, but i prefer to keep each smp (and even each life season) separately. up until now i haven't seen a established relationship yet, but i cant wait to see more throughout this season
i starting to see some ethubs development, but i don't see it established YET. i want to see team best actually start to see how different they treat each other vs the rest of the team. i do love how they immediately clicked, it seems like a pattern for bdubs lmao
scar and grian tend to fall back on their old dynamic with ease, but something always stops them (especially grian) and they part ways every time. i think im going more with a popular opinion for this season and headcanon that there will be no established scarian until maybe double life
also i've heard about this, when the fuck do martyn and mumbo become husbands??? is that a later thing or did i get lied to on the internet??
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selemina · 1 year
Time for a thing I've never done on here: writting down my thoughts on a thing I like.
Today I am talking about the Dream SMP SEASON 1 Finale. (Hopefully I tagged it correctly, if not, SPOILERS AHEAD)
I started it with Tubbo. Incredibly gripping acting, he had such a hard time actually launching the nukes knowing Tommy would die. Jack being there, obviously dying to get it done so he could be rid of Tommy, but also trying to remain a friend for Tubbo, in his own goofy/rough way, was fantastic. And their conflict once the nuke launches put into light the core issue of the server : everyone wants peace, but grudges built up so high with no perspective, that now all that is left is harm. Harm, and trauma, and everything being taken from everyone by everyone else.
All everyone wants is for it to stop. Whatever it takes. Including if it means nuking the server, because the hurt built up on itself to this breaking point.
Them failing to reach Tommy was heartbreaking. Jack was barely starting to have hope to be with his friends again, Tubbo tried so hard to save Tommy, rather than keeping himself safe like he promised. But it was always going to be this way, wasn't it? He was always going to come running after his best friend.
I then went back to watch Jack's stream, set before Tubbo's, to get a full picture. There were already signs of hope from Jack that Tubbo might get away from harm (in his mind, Tommy) and get happier with him. So later when Tubbo re-defined what the harm was (Dream and Tommy's CONFLICT!), it helped Jack balance his opinion on Tommy, at least enough to try to save him to the very end, even when Tubbo had given up.
I don't think he forgave him just like that. But he understood that Tommy was hurting, and that was a part of why he did everything he did that harmed Jack.
And we find this same theme of understanding on Tommy's stream. Not FORGIVENESS, but understanding.
Desperate to hold Dream and Punz in place, Tommy had the right idea, to make them talk about themselves. Except this time he also had to listen, to pay attention. In case he could get new buttons to push to keep them there. And, through the frankly unhinged and evil talk, he did start to see it too : Dream had been hurting. Because of him, because of the mounting grudges, the escalation of pain and retribution. Again, the true plague on the server, and like everybody else, Dream had suffered from it.
His way to deal with it is bad : torture, experiments, mind games, revenge in every direction. Getting lost in his work, anything to look away from the pain and the loss. His road to immortality was his "nuke", his "after that we can be happy and free, so the cost now does not matter".
Tommy and Dream are very similar. But Punz and Tommy were both right in the previous stream : Tommy thinks too small, and Dream thinks too big. Tommy is selfish, and his scale is very human ; Dream has lost touch with that very human scale, and only sees concepts and greater things.
And they both hurt one another because of it. Tommy obsesses over the harm Dream dealt him, while Dream is too disconnected to realize how SEVERE the harm he's doing is, because "in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter."
"I would have revived you." with a scoff, against a shaking "But it hurts...!"
And that, to me, is where the finale became incredible.
Tommy, selfish, self-centered Tommy, saw through the layers of pain. He empathised. He's been there, even if his way of coping was to curl up within himself and lash out, rather than disconnect from it to go play god. It would have been easy to keep going. Satisfying maybe, to push Dream in the lava and kill him. To be selfish again and only think of his own pain. But that is where Tommy really showed strength and growth : he UNDERSTOOD Dream. Not forgave him, no the harm remains, and it would take forever and an insane amount of good will to heal that... but Tommy had the strength to give the first bit of this good will to Dream.
Because someone has to break the cycle. Because if everyone wants peace, why can't they start to let go of the grudges, and gain perspective?
It demands an amount of vulnerability that is striking, to let go of grief and accept that you hurt someone. And to apologise for the harm done is even harder. It does not invalidate everything that happened : Dream still tortured and played with Tommy. Tommy still ambushed and killed Dream, dividing the server, and refusing to stay down.
But through this bit of good will and understanding, Tommy showed Dream that they could do something else but fight. They could talk. Dream's pain could be taken seriously, not just shoved far at the back of his mind and ignored. Tommy showed him that he could think BIGGER than himself... and that Dream could think smaller, think about himself on a human scale.
"It's not worth it, right?" "Why not? Tell me why not?"
Tommy, selfish Tommy, reached out. And Dream, hurt and dangerous Dream, agreed to come down and take his hand. A first step, for once in the same direction. For once with the same goal of peace. Not perfect, not easy, but human, so incredibly human!
And they never got the time to go further, because of the nuke. Tommy clearly regretted that, and apologized (in my opinion) for robbing both of them of more time to maybe heal finally. Because despite understanding and perspective, the consequences of the harm done still existed. And there was no way to escape it.
At least not on that server. That is where a lot of sentiments from many CCs come into play : comments, in and out of character, about how the smp is a violent, destructive place. Build a house out of wood and it will be burnt to the ground. Hide your belongings, expect to die, trust no one. The smp is like living under a constant state of terror. Despite Eret and Aimsey's efforts and first steps towards a better, sainer state for the smp, the damage is done, the grudges are weaved into the history of every block.
The only way is to start anew, with none of those grudges. Which means, none of those memories. A clean slate, to do better. A clean slate, to breathe again, and have fun. Something new, with this knowledge on understanding and perspective, that comes with age and experience.
Would I have loved to see Dream and Tommy continue to take time, carefully dancing around one another, balancing compassion and trauma to finally forgive one another and become friends? Fuck yeah! I live for that healing shit, for people learning to cope with how they hurt others and how they got hurt, for remorses and relapses, and the care and patience it takes to FORGIVE when the time is right and the growth is real! But do I think the CCs had time for that? No. And they were too many characters, and too shackled by history and their own personalities to all follow that path of healing. So taking this into account, YES starting over was a good move!
And if I know many are bitter about how "easy" that is, rejoice! We get to experience a new era! I have heard so much about "the begining times of the smp", we get to live it again now! New, different, the possibilities are endless! :D It's time for us as well to let go of the past and finally get what we wanted : peace and joy and something new!
I cannot wait to see what happens next! This finale was powerful and subtle, with layers of doom and sensitivity, it was human and emotional and full of despair and hope! Growth, so much growth, 2 years of experience! This next season is going to be fantastic, and I hope the CCs have fun with it regardless of what anybody online says! :D
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coffinsister · 6 months
Jokes on you I literally love being invested in the drama of random YouTubers I don’t know - spill 👀👀👀
Anon you don't know what you just freaking unleashed onto the world
I gotta spill the freaking tea, but under read more, cuz this got hella long.
But okay, for context, this is about Minecraft Content Creators:: Dream and Tommyinnit mostly, but it's also about another Mexican YouTuber called Quackity
Basically, a super long time ago already actually, Dream announced he was making a new Minecraft server, after the DSMP tragically passed away o7 that was gonna be called the USMP (I'm pretty sure it standed for United SMP but no clue honestly.)
And the exciting new feature about this USMP was going to be this real time translator, so content creators from all over the world could play together (Side thought: I don't think the translations were actually that good either way lol they were machine translated lol)
But literally like that Same night, Quackity announced that actually he was making his own server, the QSMP that had that exact same feature
So they basically kinda fought back and forth over who actually had ownership over the idea or who ripped off who, and while the YouTubers themselves didn't really do much, beyond being way too public about it, but like honestly, what's the Minecraft sphere without incredibly levels of parasociality involved.)
The fanbase was completely deranged over it tho, because you know, Stans gotta be Stans.
A lot of people got doxed, and stalked, literally putting trackers on people's cars, a lot of racism (Hi, hello, that happened to me) just a shitshow overall.
I wanna say that even though I stopped liking Dream ages ago Dream Stans get the worst possible treatment from everybody, just idk, people feel very entitled to mistreating anybody with a ":)" on their bio.
At the end, it finally died down, and then, Tommyinnit, most annoying man on Earth.
Made an ohhh politically incorrect video that was just fake edgy and kinda boring, where at the end he called Dream, basically a crybaby manchild who was gonna get killed by Tommy's LARP Dad Philza Minecraft.
Dream found out, got passive aggressive on Twitter, Tommy doubled down, and then like a stream later, he was being whiny and sighing ,and apparently watching DNF edits of Dream's, new at the time, LP.
Which kinda gave off the message that he really sacrificed a years long friendship to try to get into an SMP that his bestie Tubbo made it into before him
And which he never will, because the QSMP is a very deeply controlled space, with almost no super young content creators, and Tommy's first DSMP video was him literally breaking the only rules of that the server had, so yeah, that's never happening.
(And then, his mom went online to defend him, like boy the way I'm immediately killing myself if that ever happens to me, plus the dream stans discussing with this woman over her son, literally most annoying people in the world.)
And today, Dream made a (In my opinion, super boring) stream just showing the USMP, and talking a bit about Tommy and Quackity.
He kinda implies that the reason the USMP will never see the light of day is because of that drama, but like, that man has never once pushed through on any of his proyects, that SMP was doomed to fail from the very beginning.
I must clarify tho, that my annoyance with Tommy isn't the fact that he dissed Dream. I just freaking don't like the guy, he literally built his entire career on being a mysoginistic lowkey lesbophobic annoying brat.
Kinda sucks that Tommy is the one making the biggest mcyt related videos at the current time, solely because he's got the resources and the connections for it, literally the best part of his channel is being a host for other content creators to be funny and shine.
I still love Quackity tho, he can hit it for free any day of the week, and that's on God
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2-point-5 · 2 years
hi, welcome to my blog. my old pinned didn't have much information so i decided to make a new one.
> hit the read more to continue
> introduction: the blogger
hello, im 2.5, but i do go by a couple other names, which you can ask for. i am a white disabled aromantic boy dyke, and am okay with any neopronouns (mutuals may use any except for they/them.) i am a minor.
> introduction: the blog
this is my main blog, and all posts here are fast reblogged, meaning i don't add tags. the only thing i consistently tag for is mcyt, but if you have something you need tagged, let me know and i'll do my best to remember to either avoid reblogging that or try to tag it.
i blog a lot about disco elysium and the mountain goats.
> explanation: discourse
i have pretty straightforward opinions on most discourse and that is that as long as no one is being harmed or endangered, it doesn't matter.
if you are on my blog to pick a fight, feel free, i don't mind.
> explanation: mcyt
as my bio says, i prefer mcyt fans not follow me. this includes hermitcraft fans, empires fans, mianite fans, and lifesteal fans. if i meant dream smp, i would have said dream smp.
exceptions to this rule are people who are fans but don't post about it or people who i followed first.
here's a post that explains the situation
> closing statement
if you find me too meanspirited or bitter, please feel free to unfollow. i try to make this a lighthearted place but i make no promises.
also bear in mind that i have 3k+ followers and if someone straight up fucking evil follows me or interacts with me i have no way of knowing.
that's all. thank you for coming
> end
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wormliness · 2 years
what really, really gets me about cwilbur is how he tries to separate pieces of himself in an attempt to feel whole again. from the moment wilbur founded Imanberg, he tied himself to it. it became his identity: a representation of all he is; and if it isn't perfect, then neither is he. 
with his spiral in pogtopia, everything becomes blurred. I'manberg isn't his, but who is he if not what he offers to others? there's those absolutely heartbreaking moments in the button room with tommy and quackity where his true beliefs come through before he's blinded by his own conflict: and that conflict stems from confusion. wilbur can't separate himself from the nation he built. in his heart, he's a perfectionist, and everything that happens gets out of his hands and the perfectionism is what eats him alive. that confusion and inability to understand himself is part of what makes wilbur such a moving depiction of mental illness. everything seems fixed to him, and there's nothing he believes he can do to change it. his best traits: unyielding confidence, his level head, everything that make him come across as an indomitable leader are exactly what lead him to suffer, often by direct causation of his own actions.
in pogtopia, he has no one he can emotionally open up to, he has no peers: even when he eventually does, he's already resigned himself to his fate. one of the most apt ways i've seen wilbur's pogtopia arc actions described is "existentially suicidal" - he doesn't just want himself gone, he wants his presence erased. he wants everything connected to himself to go down with him. and it makes him so, so cruel, because he just can't accept that he has people which love all these parts of him. so, in the end, he dies without clarity, without true understanding of himself and blinded by his own misconceptions
and then, as the dream smp's worldbuilding expands more into the supernatural, we get this absolutely (in my opinion) mindblowing like, theoretical philosophy takes, and this is the meat of what i really like.
ghostbur first appears so simple. characters barely need a few words with him before they clock him as a half-baked facsimile that simply shares the same face as wilbur soot with none of his integrity, but it goes soo much deeper than this. with ranboo's recent (april 2022) lore, we learn that when characters lose their final canon lives, they're split into two parts: mind and soul, even before this was confirmed, it's sooo prevalent in the story that ghostbur is far more complex than he lets on. ghostbur is bitter and biased and he hates "alivebur." from the start, he asks to be called ghostbur, and always separates himself nomatively from before he died. Both ghostbur and revivedbur both emphatically express that they’re “not him” (meaning the other).
ghostbur’s optimism, something that was key to alivebur's (saying to differentiate, referring to Imanberg/pogtopia era wilbur) success at forming a country and strong bonds, gets misconstrued into innocence. he delights in animals and music and small joys, all things that alivebur does as well but represses, and thus, characters view him as childish. 
worst of all, in my opinion, is c!phil, who sees him as some kind of cheap imitation, words can't explain the way this makes me feel at the fact that cphil can't recognize his own son's soul. ghostbur has so many of alivebur's key traits, and everyone (characters & fans) overlook it because he's Emotional, because he's Different, and well, okay this is for another essay. the point is that ghostbur is still wilbur, and he consistently carries that same conflict of self loathing that alivebur does that leads him to separate himself entirely.
and as the narrative continues, the soul and the mind are switched.
cwilbur is revived (i will refer to the mind as revivedbur). even without the context of ranboo's lore, you can tell that this guy is walking around like there's blood still pouring out of his stab wound. the perfectionist is back, but so many parts of him are missing. unlike ghostbur, revivedbur leans into alivebur's facade: and while he can't maintain it, it's enough to get some sense of normalcy. we see this facade tie in to his desperation to "feel alive" in hitting on 16, and we see it all fall down in bust when he breaks down to cphil in bust. 
in his self destruction, this time revivedbur clings to other people, too terrified to let them in out of fear that they'll hate him, he goes all in on making them hate him pre-emptively. he says things that hurt ctommy because he can't bear accidentally disappointing him. he does things rashly, and without willingness to look past his own (often underdeveloped) understanding of the situation. he challenges cquackity instead of working with him because he thinks if he falters even for a second, his facade will drop and they'Il hate him for all he is. he even draws cranboo in because he sees what he thinks is their innocence, and decides to crush it. all of this with the intent of hurting himself, through hurting others. (though, after inconsolable differences, i may have some reevaluating to do here.)
revivedbur verbally expresses hatred for ghostbur whenever given the chance, something that i can't help but chalk up to how he clings to alivebur's persona of confidence and stubbornness: revivedbur sees ghostbur's optimism as weakness. and it's all just one long cycle of self loathing. wilbur is split in two equal parts, and each half hates the other because they're too afraid to be vulnerable. they're both still mentally trapped in pogtopia, not eating or sleeping, terrified and paranoid. it's a gradual progression, but each step parallels the next. if c!wilbur cannot be perfect, he would rather die. but there is no true perfection in life, in leadership, in relationships: he drowns in his own loss of control and lashes out because all he really has left to control is himself. 
so, all this to say that the only way to resolve c!wilbur core conflict and end his story is through self acceptance, and if he dies at the end, that's just pure bullshit. he spends so long denying his feelings, denying that he loves and cares So deeply that his emotions rule him, that the only satisfying end is for him to embrace his love and attachments, and change for the people he cares about, rather than distort himself further.
TLDR: user wormliness really likes wilbur soots minecraft character on the dream smp and thinks that he's a fucked up guy who needs to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known 👍
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years
hi!! um. do you have any advice for writing c!purpled? /nf <3
if you wanna write cpurpled, i do highly recommend at least watching two of his vods, if possible. those being his pov of november 16th [link], and him officially joining las nevadas [link]. in my opinion, those are The cpurpled vods when it comes to understanding his character
purpled really only cares about three things, in the end: himself, money/recognition, and dogchamp. he doesn't have close relationships with many people, being neutral at best with approximately 90% of the other smp members. the only people hes really on good terms with are ponk, hannah, and arguably boomer, and on neutral-good terms with techno, tubbo, and jack. he'll go out of his way to help the first three for free, have to be convinced to help the other three, and not give a shit about the rest of the members unless they pay him or otherwise give him some sort of compensation for his work. (even then, that's a bit of a generalization–techno, for example, would probably have to pay him if he'd want purpled's help, while tubbo and jack would likely get more of a pass.)
he's extremely prone to self-sabotage. despite being a generally smart person, and a skilled planner, his actions tend to never be the best approach to the situation. he's not necessarily the best at confronting and unpacking his emotions, leading him to make decisions he thinks will be beneficial, but sometimes do more harm than good. (for example, his actions in las nevadas. while he succeeded in what he thought he wanted, a legacy, he's still not facing the facts of his isolation and lack of attachments being a detriment to his mental state.) which as i said, isn't to say he's dumb, or unable to grasp the next logical step. he did pretty good in the manberg vs pogtopia war, weighing his odds and going with what he thought would be right. his reclusive nature just hinders him often, and it's something he acknowledges at times, but is unable to fully realize and fix.
with that said, he's a product of his environment. while yes, to some extent, he is just Like That, a large reason of why he acts the way he does is because of what he's observed. the people in power in the dream smp tend to have very similar beliefs–money, legacy, a reputation not to be trifled with. he's seen it time and time again with dream, schlatt, quackity, techno, wilbur, etc, which is largely why he attempts to emulate it himself. purpled is all about self-preservation. and it's not because he doesn't care about people–as shown by his attachments to ponk and hannah–it's that people haven't cared about him for so long, he's grown numb to the notion. why should he care when they don't? it's a dog-eat-dog world out there, and he refuses to be anywhere but the top.
he's a skilled fighter, planner, and analyst. he picks up on things other people might not, and is adept and uncovering people's true intentions. he's also just a pathetic fucking wet cat. he thinks he's the coolest person alive and has an ego the size of thirty suns. he's a brat and a stubborn idiot. he thinks his way is the only way of doing things. to say he struggles to see otherwise isn't necessarily correct, because it's more like he can't see otherwise. it's his way or nothing. he'll only really take serious advice from people he respects, which he could probably count all of on one hand. even then, he'll still be somewhat of a stubborn brat about it.
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bugflies00 · 2 years
okay genuinely i have so many thoughts about this stream and idk if i have time to post them all but they are so overwhelmingly positive. 
like i dont know how to phrase the fact that this is the most dream smp a stream has felt in months. dyou know what i mean?? like this genuinely felt like what the server is, what it used to be before everyone distanced themselves for a bit. it was the perfect balance of humour and stupid bits with raw emotions, it was ccrimeboys being goofy and protective and caring and dumb and sad and it was utterly perfect. like it’s them. it’s genuinely them im so fucking happy. 
and the exile discussion like we have genuinely been waiting for that shit since 2020 its a year and a half and they did that fucking discussion and they blew it out of the park (i am Genuinely never recovering from tommy saying that sentence. saying, out loud, “this is where i went to kill myself.”) and cwilbur got metaphorically punched in the gut with the realisation that his idol did that to his brother, and of course he immediately turned around and dreamed of violence on dream because how could you possibly envision a world where wilbur does not care, first and foremost and above all else, about tommy? how can you?
and finally we’re getting the culmination of the suicidal ideation we’ve seen build up in cwilbur for months now, his self loathing and how it only increased when he saw what a man he used to revere did to his brother and how his first thought was to put himself on the line
and the parallels. oh my god the parallels im frothing at the mouth there were SO MANYYY. of course c!crime and their disastrous habit to threaten suicide to get cdream to do what they want (im clawing at the walls of my cage for that one), but also the beach party scene. the BEACH PARTY SCENE i am sobbing i am on the floor. last time tommy tried to hold a party he was still under cdream’s full control and no one showed up but dream and he was alone and depressed and suicidal and he thought no one loved him anymore. and now you have tommy, dancing and laughing with wilbur on that same fucking beach, joking that he’s holding that party again. like a second chance. like healing, almost. not really, because there’s still that plan of wilbur’s looming in the horizon, but a better shot at healing than he’s ever had in the past because he’s on that same fucking beach but wilbur is here.
and the DISCS FIASCO. c!crime and trust i would write an essay if i were a better analyst like genuinely . but TOMMY’S ACTING IM BLOWN AWAY EVERY TIME they are so incredible like ctommy was so close to tears there and i genuinely melted like this guy is just. holy fucking shit that was one of tommy’s best acting moment in my opinion. and DREAMMM fucking evil bitch as usual with his cheery voice talking about the prison lobby being his living room while ctommy’s a hair away from a full blown panic attack. Genuinely delightful. AND OBVIOUSLY WILBUR’S ACTING but i feel like this goes without saying
and the whole thing with the book. wilbur, proving over and over again how much of a fucking lie “i never cared about l’manberg” was. how much he loved that country. and once again proving all the lmanberg antis wrong Lmao get fucked losers it was always good at its core because it was the most tight knit community on that entire server. and c!crimeboys have always known that because they’re the ones who made it that way, that’s why they keep coming back to it. “independence or death” because they may have moved on from the country but they’re still the same people battling the same fucking prick in power, they’re still wilbur and tommy with nothing but an iron chestplate, a couple sticks and very little self preservation against the manipulative bastard that is dream with his power plays and mind games. that’s what it comes back to, at the end. and i fucking love that
this is perhaps my favourite lore stream since at least disc finale if not 2020. and goddamnit they did us right because of course they did it’s crimeboys and i always had faith in them
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kinokoapologist · 2 years
Hey, have you seen the villain SMP on gumi yumi's YouTube channel? I'd be curious to hear what you have to say about it!
Thank you for asking! I hadn't heard of it before getting this ask, but I went and watched the first chunk of it on YouTube! I'd intended to watch the entire thing before I answered this but uhhh we will get into why I didn't end up doing that
*I wanna start off with a disclaimer that this is in no way meant to be mean/hate to the creator of this AU, who I think is a very talented artist and clearly has a lot of cool concepts they are excited to share with an audience, which is incredibly awesome! We just have some different interpretations on certain characters, which is totally fine! But since my opinion was asked for, I want to give it honestly*
…they really had me in the first half, ngl
Like. I love the initial concept. And the character designs slap. They're very well done animatics, clearly made by someone with a lot of talent! Those first few videos are such an effective balance of Fun Villain Vibes and Unsettling Atmosphere
But boy does it lose me with the way c!Quackity and c!Wilbur are framed. Which sucks, because I actually liked Wilbur's initial appearance in the AU a lot. The "Duobur" videos are great as an isolated horror scene: the way that Wilbur's loss of autonomy is framed in those animatics, with Redza and the Villain!Bench Trio basically forcing Wilbur out of control of his own body/mind because they think Ghostbur is the "better" (or, more accurately I'd thought, more passive) version could go down some really interesting routes that I thought were being set up given the initial tone the series seemed to have. The pitch here was "what if these characters were villains?" and here they were doing A Bad Thing That Would Cause Conflict.
Like, I could be totally interpreting it wrong, but those first three videos in the series seemed to me like they were implying that Bench Trio had themselves been victim to something of a hostile mental takeover, Tubbo and Tommy especially. I thought we were setting up some creepy supernatural possession shit! I thought we’d see some Jekyll and Hyde style mental confrontations and battles for control! And I was about that shit! Let's go full horror! But then when I got to the "Fracture" animatic the creator straight up said in the caption (which also... not how you should be using captions) that they don't like c!Wilbur and came up with the entire "duo" concept out of spite.
They also straight up said they hate c!Quackity in that video, so that's where I stopped watching.
Which sucks, because I also really liked c!Quackity's initial appearance. 1. Because the song Devil's Train slaps, and 2. because it told us right off the bat that this AU's Q still cares so much about Karl and Sapnap, to the point that he's still going to check on them even when he's angry at them. And like, the concept of Quackity giving away Las Nevadas to save their lives??? That shit is some fun character-specific tragedy and I'm all over it for an AU of this concept. Plus like, the fucking symbolism/imagery of "Casinoboo" trapping them in playing cards?? Iconic.
BUT the scene around that moment... rubs me the wrong way to put it lightly. I simply do not fuck with "ohhh nooo, Quackity has become the new Dream!" in any capacity. It makes me annoyed at best and deeply uncomfortable at worst. Especially when Casinoboo kidnapping Karl and Sapnap and turning them into literal game pieces to manipulate Quackity in turn is framed as a #girboss moment, and Dream's carefully planned abuse of one of Ranboo's closest friends is given a dismissive handwave as he's let out of Pandora's Box. Which I also have beef with. Why are we letting Dream out of Pandora's Box. Why are we acting like he's part of the quirky little villain family. The Man Is A Serial Killer. Why is DNF driving the season finale bus all of a sudden–
Ranboo letting Dream out with the justification that Quackity had become a bigger threat was the first moment that started making me go "eh" with the AU, but there had still been a lot of stuff in the early animatics that I'd liked, so I'd wanted to keep watching through to the end. But as I said, I really Was Not Having A Fun Time Anymore when the person making the AU straight up said they hated my favorite character. At the end of the day I simply am not going to connect with any AU pushing the idea that "oh the smp would be so much better if everyone tried to get that silly Quackity to stop fighting back when he gets knocked down, can't he just roll over and take it like he's supposed to?"
All of this with the massive disclaimer that, again, I didn't watch the last 10 or so videos in the playlist. Maybe everything took a massive turnaround and there were some great fiance moments I missed. Maybe Wilbur gets some self-affirming moment where he gets valued as an individual outside of being the vessel for the smoothed over, "easier to manage" version of himself. I know that Glatt showing up was being teased before I clicked off, maybe he got some scenes with Quackity (or Tubbo) that brought back that unsettling/horror tone I liked in the first half. I also didn't see any of the potential follow up on whatever the mystery with Ranboo was "seeking guidance" on in the season 1 finale video, so I can't really give thoughts on wherever his arc was going. But that's my thoughts on what I saw! This is probably way too long of an answer, but as you can tell I like talking character analysis and narrative framing. I know post is mostly me discussing issues I had but I had a lot of fun with this! Like I said, gumi yumi is very talented and I admire the amount of work they’ve clearly put into this AU. Just not my personal cup of tea
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ashesinthewritten · 8 months
Hello lovely peoples.
I just want to let all you A03 users & writers know that there’s been scammers on ao3. And this is all about my own thoughts on the matter and the parts where I poke holes in the scam comment.
Recently, i got a comment on one of my wip fics, that only has 1 chapter on it. And this will be a long post so beware. I’ll cut it in two paras.
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Formality in a Comment?
My first thought, like other people, was that this is too formal for a fan fiction comment; this was formatted as an email from some sketchy person and/or bot. And this is obviously not my email.
2. No Specifics This comment did not name any specifics of this so-called Discord group, or who to contact (discord admin, mod, whatever they’re called, or otherwise)
2.1 Who’s in Charge?
For example: they did not name what the group is called, or when it was founded.
3. There are HOW MANY? Original Writers?
This person also stated that there was over TEN THOUSAND original writers. So let’s dissect that statement some more.
3.1 How would they manager?
I find it hard to believe that a Discord group with that many members is manageable in any way. And while I know that there are some groups that will have over 1,000 members. 10,000 members just seems…fake.
3.2 So many members, feels random.
And while 10,000 may be an alluring number, like with money, or ratings (like the 10,000/10 would recommend)
I do not find 10,000 other people, who may or may not be active, alluring. It would feel competitive. Like vying for attention, and bumping shoulders with the crowd to even get a crumb of advice.
I feel that—in my own opinion—smaller supportive communities are the way to go.
3.3 Original Writers? You came to the wrong place.
Original writers. Hun. This story you commented on is fan fiction. Specifically Hermitcraft SMP. A fandom about some silly Minecraft YouTubers that make fans giggle, froth, get feral, and sink our jaws into their minute or extensive lore and characters for fluff or angst.
3.3.1 Seriously. Wrong place
This story is FAN FICTION, if you wanted more OG Writers, go look in the OG Fiction filter/tab.
4. No regards for my feedback of this offer
Like other people have pointed out, this ‘person’ immediately distributed their discord link into my comments without feedback.
5. Exposed link in my comments, no safety
Literally anyone could have joined that discord (if we believed it was real) and could have tried scamming or corrupting or hacking the ‘10,000’ writers who may or may not be using that discord for their personal info, like data or credit cards.
6. You put a discord invite into a total stranger’s fic
Need I say more?
Why would a complete stranger put an entire. Discord invite into another complete stranger’s comments on a—primarily—Fan fiction website?
7. Where is the common sense?
If this was real, why would you knowingly share an invite to a stranger, where not just that specific Stranger could join, but literally any rando who stumbled upon that story.
7.1 Why would anyone trust you again
again if this was real, and i was apart of this ‘writing community’ why would I ever trust the person who blatantly exposed the invite to strangers unknown.
IF I was apart of that group I would inform everyone and high tail it the heck out of dodge so my info wouldn’t get compromised.
8. Nearly done now.
The comment ended with, “best, []”
There was no real username that signed off this note. No ways to contact this commenter. Clearly this comment was fake.
9. Checking the source
After I found this comment I read it, and thought, “yep, this is scam.”
And promptly opened up a fresh Ao3 tab, went to the work with this comment and tried clicking on the username.
and guess what? It didn’t work.
So then I tried searching for it, straight up, in Ao3 search. And there was nothing to find.
who would have thought, huh?
and don’t just mark them as spam in your work! This will not go to a real person! It will get looked at by an algorithm, I think
you have to actually report them to get it to stop happening.
A different blog said report them for “Commercial” something or other. do that!
it was the Third Suggestion in Ao3’s report abuse form for me.
if you need help, just search it up that’s how I found the form
0 notes
biboyhalo · 1 year
Same anon who wrote about Q disowning dream(team) bc he's problematic and therefore Q has cut ties with dream
Concerning the qsmp/usmp thing, it's been noted that Quackity was working on qsmp for about two years whereas people noticed that dream started talking about a multilingual server during the squid craft event or afterwards. (There was a post about on here or Twitter, can't remember. It included screenshots of tweets from both parties.) Which like, who cares, at the end of the day, there's now two multilingual servers, which is great.
The issue a lot of people are having is when Q announced his server, dream's response was to go "Oh cool but I'm doing something very similar and that's gonna come out soon and I'm not copying btw :)" so instead of allowing Quackity his moment to shine, dream says like five nice words but then makes most of his tweet about him. Not only that, but to make his tweet about something very similar. It's giving tactless. (Dream needs a super professional pr team or something cuz this guy needs some help with his public image like stat.)
Also, dream claiming to be the "first" (and I completely agree with that other anon who said first is basically a trigger word at this point, and aren't there already other multilingual servers?) when Quackity already had his server up and running with actual players whereas dream is still developing his server and is still trying to recruit people. Like, if your server isn't near being completed, why mention it during qsmp's server announcement/server opening? What purpose does that serve? And also, knowing his "friend" Quackity is bilingual, why wouldn't dream ask him to join his server in the making? Unless shit was going down from before the qsmp server announcement... suspicious.
That alone would lead me to be petty so I can only imagine how Quackity feels. If I were Quackity, I'd feel like what dream is doing is purposefully hurtful and I wouldn't care too much if he was being harassed for it bc you reap what you sow. Also, this is like normal for dream no?
Another thing to point out is that announcing a server similar to what another "friend" is doing is something he could've totally avoided. Shouldn't dream be concentrating on dsmp season 2? Like where is that at? Where is this new revamped server that he had everyone rush to complete their lore for?
For the record, I'm not a dranti, I literally just don't care for him at all, one way or the other. From what I've seen, I'm thoroughly on Quackity's side. No one should be getting harassed and doxxed bc it's honestly not that serious, and even if it was, that's something for Quackity and dream to sort out between themselves. Anyone who feels coocoo enough to harass cc's and their loved ones needs to do some arts and crafts or something, pick up a less dangerous hobby bruh cuz this ain't cute
i definitely can see his side as well in this whole thing, like especially if u dont know how to tell someone who is being super rly that you dint like them anymore 😭 or that u just dont wanna be friends lmao. and then in qs head it was probably like "whatever, its not my problem he came up with this idea, i will just do what i planned to do" i guess bitterness mightve probably fueled it all like i can definitely see how q thinks hes justified in thinking dream made the problem himself and it has nothing to do with q. like i said tho if dream didnt say anything on that first day q announced his smp it would have been worse when he eventually launched it i think.
ghosting being ghosting, im a ghoster too its a problem, but there comes a time where u have to get over urself and tell the overly nice clueless guy that u dont want his flowers anymore. i think dream tried his best in an awkward situation, while quackity preferred to just say "not my problem so i dint have to deal with it" which in my personal opinion is shitty af, but some ppl wont think so 🤷🏻‍♂️
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sleepyheadhooman · 2 years
frankly speaking, i was really naive being in loved with someone by only the way he treat me really well which was just the bare minimums. i fell for the minimums. and so i look back and tried my best to rebuilding my self to not getting attached into love, because for me, love is just the way we feel, not we think. 
i hardly believe myself is going to be in the positions where i can thousands of butterflies flying in my stomach again, ever since that day. i lose sparks, in my whole life. the butterflies were dead. gue udah numb sama semuanya. 
but last nite, i didn’t know it was going to be the day where i realized the butterflies still there. it was all just casual meeting. dia jemput, having a basic convo at the first 30 minutes. we talked a lot at coffeeshop, nemenin dia kerja, he convienced me is it okay kalo dia sambil kerja, 3x, he asked 3 times, or even more. he crave for my opinion. gue rasa itu turning pointnya, i feel somehow.. content, gue berasa dianggap, it was two way conversations. and i jokingly said i want seafood tapi dia alergi and he insists to go there where he can only eat ayam goreng for real supaya gue tetep bisa makan seafood. kita ngobrol banyak banget, ngobrolin bola, badminton, basket, politik, makanan, banyak bgt sampe gue sadar, these are what i looking for. gue butuh temen ngomong, temen diskusi, and its all on him. 
its 12 am, we tried to find another place to stop. dan akhirnya roti bakar eddy. we rode down the lane, manggarai to blok m and ended up rotinya tutup hahhaha. we stuck on the car, dia izin ngerokok dulu, dan gue gabut. and when i showed him some reference places, he moved closer to see my phone and he tapped my head for like...5x?. it was the moment where... the butterflies strucks up. receh banget, kaya hah gini doang, tapi gue udah kehilangan itu sejak, idk, smp? sma? udah feeling numb aja sama yang kaya gitu. and for a moment, i know this not going to last, ya sadar aja hal-hal kaya gini temporary, so gue gak terlalu attach, kalau pun emang jalannya, i know the road will always lead to him, tapi kalo engga, ya gapapa juga. but it was truly a wonderful midnight diary with him, it was in my dream, strolling di jakarta tengah malem, ngeliat kehidupan tengah malem, and it came true! so adam, thank you for making my dream come true, unconsciously:’))
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