#best prenatal workouts
bodylove-mamas · 1 year
Empowering Women through Prenatal and Postnatal Fitness: Building a Community of Strong Mamas
Our mission is to support and empower women during their prenatal and postnatal journeys with safe and effective workouts, as well as resources for post-natal recovery. We understand the importance of staying active during pregnancy and after childbirth, and we strive to create a community of mamas who love and care for their bodies. Whether you're looking for prenatal workouts to stay fit and healthy duringpregnancy, or postnatal exercise classes to get back into shape after childbirth, we've got you covered. Our team of certified trainers and coaches specialize in pregnancy-safe workouts that are tailored to your specific needs and goals.
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Pregnancy Fitness and Health: Advice from Pros
Pregnancy fitness and health are essential for you and your baby. Start slowly and find the best prenatal workout program by consulting your doctor and listening to your body. Taking the proper steps to stay healthy and active can help make your pregnancy an enjoyable experience.
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w1ldthoughts · 4 months
Home Sweet Home
Anon Requested
Disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION, the characters are fictionalized versions of real life situations and real people. It’s all based on my imagination.
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It was your favorite time of year. Football and preschool was over for the year and Justin hadn’t reached the point where he was ready to head back to California for workouts, because OTAs were coming up. He opted to stay in Oregon with you and Remi, presumably until baby number two decided to make their appearance. You got to sleep in, lounge around a lot more than you ever would during the season and still try to keep up with your hyperactive daughter.
You sat up in bed, finding the spot next to you cold, and gingerly walked downstairs to see what was going on.
“Morning mama!” She runs up to you to give your body a squeeze, anywhere she can reach.
“Careful mini,” Justin warns, “we have to be gentle with mama remember?”
She nods and holds her arms up. Justin is about to pick her up but you tell him you’ve got her. He gives you a look but you wave him off, letting Remi attach herself to your shoulder as you run your hand down her back. It’s like she subconsciously knows that she’s not going to be an only child anymore and is savoring every moment.
“How was your sleep, sweets?” You ask her when she picks her head up.
“Too short.” She whines.
“I hear you cupcake,” you laugh at her struggle. “What do you say we take a nap today?”
“No thank you.” She says with a laugh and Justin joins in, shaking his head and saying “of course”. Her napping days are probably over. You set her down and she walks off, into the living room to do whatever her heart desires.
Justin looks at you with a warm smile, sleep still lacing his features, reminding you of a tiny human that just left the room. It takes him about two steps before he’s standing inches away from you, leaning down to place a kiss on your lips. “How are you feeling this morning?” The concern in his tone isn’t missed, it’s been there since about month six, when your center of gravity changed significantly.
“How am I feeling? Large and…not very in charge.” The joke gets you a pity laugh and a forehead kiss.
Before you can even ask he turns away to grab a glass of water and your prenatal vitamins and you swallow the lump in your throat, not wanting to cry first thing in the late morning. Something about seeing Justin in dad and/or caretaker mode just really made you understand how you got here in the first place. You never had to ask for the dishes to be done or the trash to be taken out. If Remi needed something, it was done, especially now that he felt like you were going to pop at any moment.
“Are you sure you’re up for this today? I mean we can always ask them to come over, I can throw something on the grill and we don’t have to go anywhere.”
He saw you reaching for the chair and pulled it out for you, “as much as I know you’re dying to use that Traeger today, I feel great. And it’ll be that much better if we bring the gift to your parents instead of them coming to us.”
“Fine,” Justin sighs. “But you promise to let me know if you’re feeling off or tired or anything, okay?”
“Yes, I will let you know immediately.”
He gives you a look like he knows you’re not being serious and kneels down to talk to your belly. “You better not be in there giving your mom a hard time because we both know she’s not going to say anything. So you’ve gotta be on your best behavior all day. Can you do that for me?”
A thumpy kick on the left side of your stomach makes you laugh. The baby actually responded like they were having a conversation. “I love when that happens,” He beams at you.
“When what happens?”
“When you laugh, your belly moves up and down. It’s crazy that there’s a person in there,” he notes. “And I definitely think they heard me and are going to do what I said.” He places a hand across your protruding front and waits for another series of kicks, his heart threatening to beat out of his chest at the movement.
You should’ve known this would happen. Anytime you left the house, it was like your husband was preparing for war. The baby bag was packed and placed in the trunk, Justin decided to add an extra onesie, “just in case.” Remi has her overnight bag ready to go and he made sure that your stuff and his were triple checked with his extensive checklist.
Remi sighed, sitting on the couch next to you, watching her dad bring down the last bag. She tapped you on the arm and you leaned down to let her whisper in your ear. “Are we going to Mimi and Papa’s today? Daddy is taking a very long time.”
“He is sweets but daddy is just making sure we’re ready in case the baby decides to come.”
She looks between you, the door and then your belly. “Baby not coming today, promise.”
“I hope you’re right sister. Let go sit in the car so he knows we’re tired of waiting.”
The drive to his parent’s house wasn’t far and Remi was practically jumping out of her car seat to get to the door and run into Mark’s arms.
“Hi Papa! I missed you.” She giggles as he squeezes her tight after scooping her off the ground.
“Look at you peanut, it’s like you’re twice as big every time I see you!”
She bursts into another fit of laughter when he tickles her, bringing her into the house. “I wanna be big and strong like daddy. To play football.”
You laugh at her confession, nudging Justin. “Your daughter wants to be an NFL quarterback.“
“If that’s what she wants then I’m going to do everything in my power to make that happen,” he hums, placing a hand at the small of your back to steady you as you walk through the door.
Remi is already making her rounds, giving hugs to Holly and Patrick and giving them the rundown of everything that’s happened in her life like she hasn’t seen them in years when in reality it’s only been a couple weeks. Somewhere along the way she convinces Patrick to take her to the park, creating the perfect opportunity to present Justin’s parents with their gifts.
“So the two of you are having a baby, but you’re bringing US gifts?” Holly quips from her spot on the couch.
“We wouldn’t be able to be do this without you,” you assure them, “between you guys and my parents, we owe you lots of presents.”
Justin nods quietly, feeling a smile reach up to his ears. “She’s right I mean, you guys have always been there for me but now, having a family of my own I appreciate you all even more. So this is just a little something as a token of our endless appreciation.”
He grabs the box and hands it to his dad, sitting back down to watch them open it. Holly’s eyes well up with tears almost instantly, before she’s even opened the book.
“It’s a memory book, I know you guys love pictures and you can keep everything in one place and look back on it as many times as you want. And obviously the blanket is yours to keep.”
“There is a little surprise on the first page of the book that I think you should take a look at.” Justin chimes in.
His mom tentatively opens it, gasping and running her hand over the page.
“Are you—are you pulling my leg? Is this real?” You’ve only seen Mark tear up a handful of times but you knew this was special. You even caught Justin wiping a tear away as he nodded.
“There’s no better man in the world than you dad. So why not set my son up for success by naming him after the greatest man I’ve ever known?”
Mark stands up and wraps him up in a hug that spoke volumes. You and Holly stood next to them arm in arm, wiping at your own tears. “This is incredible, we can’t thank the two of you enough. This is so special.”
“Camden Mark Herbert, how about that?” Mark says, patting his son on the back and giving him another hug.
There’s nowhere else you’d rather be than in this in moment with them and you wished that you could keep this feeling in your heart forever. Just goes to show…there’s no place like home.
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writtenbynightlock · 1 year
— ft. bokuto koutaro
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genre: fluff, slice of life, comedy
wc: 3.0k words | m.list
a/n: continuation of the bokuto baby fever drabble \^o^/
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[03:23 pm] "oh? Akaashi-san! so nice of you to drop by!" you say with a smile on your face. standing before you was Akaashi in his casual clothes — a day off from work probably, who was holding a box in his hand. the dark-haired boy slightly bowed before meeting your eyes with a soft smile on his face as well.
"(Y/n)-san, I hope I'm not disturbing. I just wanted to drop these tarts and ask how the pregnancy's going."
Akaashi saw how your eyes lit up when he raised the box of tarts, knowing how much of a sweet-tooth you are.
"That's so sweet of you! You're not disturbing at all. Good thing Koutaro's home. He'll be happy to see you. Please come in."
You say as you thanked Akaashi for the tarts as you took it from him, stepping aside to welcome him in your and Bokuto's shared home. Akaashi took off his shoes and placed his coat on the rack before following you to the living room.
Akaashi scans the familiar room and noticed how calm it was. You noticed this and can't help but giggle.
"Kou's still having his shower from his afternoon workout. Have a seat while I prepare some refreshments. "
"No, it's okay (Y/n)-san. Won't your feet and back hurt?" Akaashi then eyes your very pregnant tummy — it looked like it was going to pop any second. You were already in the ninth month of your pregnancy, and your due date was fast approaching.
"You don't have to worry about that. I've just been sitting around all day anyway" you say with a chuckle, both hands now on your tummy, patting it lightly.
This was your first pregnancy. It had been a sore and tiring nine months for you as your stomach was getting heavier each day. Your feet would hurt whenever you walk, and your back would ache. But the pain wasn't that drastic as you thought it would be. You'd probably thank Bokuto for that since Bokuto somehow made a smart decision to enroll you in a prenatal yoga class. You were even surprised of how he got the idea in the first place knowing how clueless your husband is when it comes to these things — or maybe he has the initiative when it comes to taking care of you.
The thought of Bokuto asking around on how to help you during the pregnancy sent butterflies to your stomach and warms your heart.
Bokuto was mostly present during your yoga sessions. He was all for fitness and seeing those yoga positions that were taught in class, he would assist you whenever you'll do yoga at home — positioning you properly, crouching beside you and always hover his hands near your back whenever you use the yoga ball so that you'll not fall on the ground, and sometimes snapping some pictures for your Instagram stories on your pregnancy journey.
"Hey hey hey! Akaashi you're here!"
The booming voice of Bokuto fills in the room as he descended from your shared bedroom — his eyes bright and a big smile was plastered on his face as he saw his best friend.
"Hello Bokuto-san. Yeah, I wanted to visit you and (Y/N). It's been a while since I dropped by" Akaashi says with a smile. Bokuto laughs gleefully and pats Akaashi on the back, rather a bit hard as Akaashi let out a huff, making you giggle. The two haven't changed a bit.
"We're doing great! I'm so excited for our little Bokuto to come soon" Bokuto says with a proud smile on his face. You could still remember the time of when Bokuto got you pregnant. All because of a stuffed toy you ordered online.
"Baby, could you bring these to the table?" You called, making Bokuto turn to you and was about to head to the kitchen when Akaashi offered to take it so that Bokuto could assist you to sit down.
The three of you sat down and tried to catch up. It has indeed been awhile. Akaashi was the one who would often visit you two. But his usual days in visiting came to a halt when his company hit something big that kept him busy for the past couple of weeks. Nevertheless, the rest of the afternoon was filled with good food, jokes and laughs.
"When are you due, (Y/N)-san?" asks Akaashi
"Next week. A bit nerve-wracking if you ask me" you say as you sip some juice.
"You don't have to worry about that, baby. I'm here!" Bokuto says as he lovingly caresses your baby bump, which made Akaashi smile as he watched you two. Akaashi never thought this day would come. His best friend was about to become a father. Bokuto may not look like he is responsible enough to have a family but that's far from it.
Outside of your shared walls, he's a volleyball superstar who plays with his heart and in his element of being a professional athlete — yet, inside your sacred home there lies a caring husband and partner who's always there for you through every struggle despite how these things are quite new to him — yet, he welcomed this unfamiliarity with open arms because he wants to be with you and your world — a world where he wants to be in for the rest of his life, with his volleyball career of course.
"So I'm guessing you two already have a plan then? And if Bokuto-san will be with you in the delivery room during labor?"
this made you cackle out loud, making Bokuto confused.
"Why are you laughing babe?"
Akaashi figured out why.
You dramatically wiped tears from your eyes and crossed your arms, "I don't think you'll last for more than five seconds in there, babe" you say, still cackling.
"Wha- what makes you think that?!"
"Kou, I've shown you a video on childbirth. You fainted! And the video was still paused. just the sight of it makes you a goner"
"I am not! I'm big and strong, I can handle it!" He looks away and crosses his arms, closing his eyes as if he was offended, making Akaashi sigh.
"Bokuto-san, (Y/N) isn't referring to your physical strength. It's your mental strength is what she means, if you could take on her giving birth."
"I know what she means" Bokuto stubbornly says, still looking away from the both of you. This made Akaashi sigh again while you let out a giggle.
"Okay, Kou. You'll be in the delivery room with me. My big, buffy, brave man" you say, placing your hand on the side of his face and kissed his cheek sweetly, his mood instantly brightened and couldn't help but wrap his arms around you and planted many kisses on your face.
"Kou that's enough. Akaashi-san's right in front of us!"
Akaashi smiles and stands up, telling you that he'll wash the dishes despite your protests.
A week later.
It was the middle of night. It was like those usual nights. You would wake up around this hour to take leak. You don't want to disturb your husband as he was peacefully sleeping beside you after a tiring day from practice, so you wiggled out of bed quietly as possible. As you were finally on your feet, you felt a sudden jolt of pain coming from your uterus, making you exhale sharply and holding onto the wall for support. Your contractions were getting worse. You thought it was one of those false contractions, since it had been on and off for the past couple of days. But boy, another contraction hits once you stepped in the bathroom, making you hiss and grab onto the sink, gripping onto it while sweat trickled down your forehead.
Your other hand held onto the bottom of your baby bump, trying to soothe your discomfort. discomfort was an understatement. your breath hastens as another wave of contraction hits you, making you hiss loudly.
You tried to calm your breathing, letting out a shaky breath, eyes closed, your body feeling a bit numb. The pain was still there, yet what made your heart stop for a moment was the feeling something wet trickling down your thighs down to your feet.
Your water broke.
It took you a couple of seconds before realizing that your baby was finally on the way, hundreds of emotions rushing through you, your mind a bit of a mess on what you'll do first. But one thing's for sure, Bokuto was there.
"B-babe? baby?! Kou!" you called from the bathroom. Bokuto groans and turned to your side of the bed, confused as you were not there. His head then instantly turns to the bathroom to see you just standing there but with an alarmed look on your face, like you were in distress.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Bokuto suddenly feels awake, quickly rushing to you.
"No wait careful! You'll step onto my water!"
Bokuto furrows his eyebrows before looking down, making his eyes widen.
"Oh my god baby! Our little owl's-"
"Aghh!" you groaned loudly this time, making Bokuto panic a little as he saw your pained face but quickly manned up and took you out of the bathroom. Bokuto let you sit down for a moment, quickly grabbing the hospital bag that you prepared beforehand. You let out another groan, tears starting to form on your eyes.
"Koutaro! Please hurryy!"
As Bokuto picked up the car keys, he then rushes to you, crouching down to meet your eyes, running a hand through your sweaty hair with a loving smile on his face. If this were the high school Bokuto, he wouldn't know what to do and would be a panic mess. But this Bokuto has matured. He may be silly at times but when it comes to you, his mind is clear and will do anything in his power to keep you safe and healthy.
"Let's go have that baby" Bokuto says before kissing your forehead and lifting you bridal style, taking you to the car. Making sure you were comfortable in your seat, Bokuto then heads for the driver's seat then speeds away to the hospital you've booked beforehand.
Finally arriving at the hospital, nurses were there escorting you the delivery room, with Bokuto making calls as he was outside while the nurses were preparing you for your delivery. He called both of your families to inform them you were about to give birth. Deep down, Bokuto was nervous as hell. He was about to become a father. The thought of you becoming a mother too instantly warms his heart.
Few moments later, a nurse came out from the delivery room to give Bokuto a throwaway coverall for cleanliness. Bokuto was then allowed to head inside. As his eyes lands on you, he quickly holds your hand.
"Baby! Are you alright?!"
"Does it look like I'm okay?! I'm about to push a baby out of my pussy you banged!"
Bokuto's eyes widen, and his face turned red as he saw some nurses giggling at your retort, but he knows it was just a stressful and painful time for you.
"Okay okay, j-just hold onto my -"
Bokuto couldn't finish his sentence as he was quickly cut off by your screams as another contraction came, which was a bit violent compared to the past contractions you experienced. Bokuto didn't expect you had this kind of strength as you were somehow crushing his hand.
"B-babe! that's my spike hand! hold onto the other one"
You slapped his dominant hand away and switched to the left one, giving it a much tighter squeeze, making Bokuto hold onto his breath. Whatever pain he was experiencing, he knows you had it far worse. You were breathing heavily, and tiredness was visible on your face. Bokuto wiped the sweat from your forehead and kissed your head, mumbling comforting words to soothe you and distract you from the pain.
"I've got you baby. You got this. You're the strongest woman I know! You're gonna be one hot momma!" says Bokuto, trying to lighten the mood, only to be met by one of your horrifying screams. Just then, the doctor finally arrived.
"Oh thank god doctor you are here! Please help my wife!" your ob-gyne acknowledges your husband, securing her gloves before sitting down, taking a peek of your cervix.
"Alright let's get started. Your cervix is well-dilated now. Mr. Bokuto, please assist your wife by being there for her"
Bokuto nods vigorously, giving your hand an assuring squeeze.
"Alright (Y/N), whenever I say push, count 1 to 3 before you actually push, okay?"
You nod, trying to catch some breath. You could feel Bokuto's thumbs caressing the top of your hand, making you calm down a little.
As you pushed, Bokuto was holding in his breath as well. Like he was also the one pushing the baby with you.
A week before, you made a deal with Bokuto that he can look anywhere, only he will not look down there during labor. Yet, curiosity got the better of him. He just wanted to see your baby owl as soon as possible. With one eye open, he took a quick glance, only to see blood everywhere and how he couldn't process how it stretched so much, making him a bit lightheaded.
The doctor notices this, gesturing to the nurses.
"Oh no. We've got another fainter. Please assist."
You were too busy and too in pain to notice that your big, buffy, six foot husband was already on the floor, unconscious. The nurses had to call for back up as they couldn't carry Bokuto by themselves. By the time he was carried out of the room, taking him to your pre-booked room where you'll be staying at after giving birth, you heard loud cries that made your heart swell and tears started to stream down your face.
Your baby owl was finally in the same world as you.
"Congratulations, (Y/N). It's a bummer your husband isn't here with you right now" says the doctor as she carefully gave you your baby who was now wrapped in a blanket, you cooing at her as she was still crying.
"I told him not to look down there. But anyway, at least he'll wake up to some good news." You say with a giggle.
Hours passed since the successful delivery of your baby. You were now peacefully sleeping in the room you and Bokuto booked, which was a bit luxurious. Bokuto wanted your birth to be comfortable and stress-free as possible.
You were regaining consciousness from your slumber, making you yawn and scan the room. There you saw Bokuto sleeping by your side, his head resting on the edge of the bed while holding your hand, making you smile and ran a hand through his hair.
"Oh Kou~ you must've been tired." you say, still running your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. This pulled Bokuto from his slumber, blinking rapidly as he was trying to get into the right headspace. Then he saw you. How can someone who had just given birth be so glowing and beautiful?
"You're so beautiful, my love" Bokuto says in a soft tone, a loving and soft smile on his face as he sits down on the bed, leaning down to rest his forehead on yours, intertwining your hands together.
This made you blush. Despite how long you two have already been together, Bokuto still manages to make you feel giddy inside, as he feels the same way from you. This side of Bokuto still overwhelms you whenever you two are alone together.
When out in public, his love for you is loud and proud. But when you two are just alone, there shows another side of Bokuto, a soft Loverboy who is an absolute simp for you.
"You fainted" you say with a giggle, breaking your moment of serenity.
Bokuto sits up and looks away, a bit embarrassed.
"I never expected that there'll be so much blood!" he defended himself, making you giggle even more.
"I told you not to look" Bokuto pouts before resting his head lightly on your chest. Then he remembered.
"Our baby! When can I see them? You never told me if it's a boy or a girl!"
Before you could reply, a knock was heard. Bokuto then pressed a button, giving approval of entry to the whoever was behind the door. There entered a nurse who was pushing a hospital infant cot bed, and there lies your baby all clean and in pink overalls.
"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Bokuto. Your baby is all set. We've checked everything from her vitals to gross description records and paperwork. The doctor instructed that you'll stay in the hospital for at least 2 days before discharging for observation. For the meantime, you may tend to your baby. Please keep her warm at all times and you may breastfeed her."
And with that, the nurse left the room, giving you and Bokuto some privacy. You were confused as to why Bokuto was still quiet. He was staring at your baby.
"Kou?" you asked worriedly, but then you saw how Bokuto carefully picked your baby up and slowly turned to face you, his eyes watery and couldn't hold back a smile on his face.
"I-It's a baby girl" he says, his voice cracking as he looks down at the small human in his arms who was sleeping peacefully. Just the sight of it makes your eyes water. You never thought this day would come. The scene before you made your heart feel full.
Bokuto then made his way towards you, giving you your baby girl, cradling it in your arms.
"Our little owl's so beautiful, and so is her momma! I love you so much, (Y/N). You have no idea how excited I am to announce to the world that we finally have baby."
"I love you so much too, Kou."
Bokuto leans down to kiss you lovingly on your lips before wrapping an arm around your waist, caressing your hip affectionately while resting his head on yours, admiring the little of bundle of joy you gave into this world. Bokuto couldn't asked for anything better, because the world he currently he is in is perfect. He got his successful volleyball career, his friends, the love of his life, and now your little owl that he'll love with all his heart with you.
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comments and reblogs are much appreciated <3
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sciivfhospitaldelhi · 16 days
Can I Exercise During Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is a transformative experience, often accompanied by a myriad of questions about health and well-being. One common query among expectant mothers is, "Can I exercise during pregnancy?" The short answer is yes, but with some important considerations. Exercising during pregnancy can offer numerous benefits for both the mother and the baby, provided it is done safely and under medical guidance. In this blog, we'll explore the advantages of prenatal exercise and provide tips for staying active, with insights from the experts at the best fertility clinic in Delhi, SCI IVF Hospital.
Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy
Engaging in regular physical activity during pregnancy can lead to numerous health benefits, including:
Improved Mood and Energy Levels: Exercise can help alleviate common pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue and mood swings by boosting endorphin levels.
Better Sleep: Regular physical activity can improve sleep patterns, helping expectant mothers get the rest they need.
Reduced Pregnancy Discomfort: Exercise can help alleviate back pain, swelling, and constipation, which are common complaints during pregnancy.
Easier Labor and Delivery: Strengthening the body through exercise can lead to a smoother labor and delivery process.
Faster Postpartum Recovery: Women who exercise during pregnancy often experience quicker recovery post-birth.
Safe Exercise Practices
While exercise is beneficial, it is essential to approach it with caution during pregnancy. Here are some tips from the best IVF doctor in Delhi to ensure safe prenatal workouts:
Consult Your Healthcare Provider: Before starting any exercise regimen, it's crucial to get the green light from your healthcare provider, especially if you have any pregnancy complications.
Choose Low-Impact Activities: Opt for low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, prenatal yoga, and stationary cycling. These activities are gentle on the joints and reduce the risk of injury.
Stay Hydrated and Avoid Overheating: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise. Avoid exercising in hot, humid conditions to prevent overheating.
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during exercise. If you experience dizziness, shortness of breath, or any unusual symptoms, stop immediately and consult your doctor.
Modify as Needed: As your pregnancy progresses, you may need to modify your exercise routine. Avoid activities that involve lying flat on your back after the first trimester and exercises that pose a risk of falling or abdominal trauma.
Exercise Recommendations
The experts at SCI IVF Hospital suggest incorporating the following types of exercise into your routine:
Aerobic Exercise: Activities like walking, swimming, and dancing can help maintain cardiovascular fitness without putting too much strain on your body.
Strength Training: Light resistance training with weights or resistance bands can help maintain muscle tone. Focus on exercises that target major muscle groups.
Flexibility and Balance: Prenatal yoga and stretching exercises can improve flexibility and balance, which are beneficial as your center of gravity shifts.
Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through Kegel exercises can help prevent urinary incontinence and prepare the body for childbirth.
Seeking Professional Guidance
For personalized advice and support, consider consulting with specialists from the best fertility clinic in Delhi. At SCI IVF Hospital, the best IVF doctors provide comprehensive care and guidance for expectant mothers. They can help tailor an exercise plan that meets your specific needs and ensures the health and safety of both you and your baby.
Exercising during pregnancy can be incredibly beneficial when done safely and thoughtfully. By following these guidelines and seeking advice from healthcare professionals, you can enjoy an active and healthy pregnancy. For expert care and support, trust the team at SCI IVF Hospital, the best fertility clinic in Delhi, where the best IVF doctors are dedicated to your well-being every step of the way.
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whiskeyswriting · 1 year
You Belong
| Song Inspiration: You Belong by Rachel Platten |
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Time passes by and the Daggers all continue their work at training the new students. Each day that passes is a day closer to having these supposed best of the best graduate from Top Gun.
Jake and Alana continue their early morning gym dates. Today it was the same plan: gym, coffee, and drive to the base. 
Upon waking up, Alana groans as she gets up from bed. Her whole body aching. While she wasn’t a pilot, she still trained with them. This time the exercises and studying were getting to be too much for her to handle.
Alana barely managed to stay for fifteen minutes on the treadmill during her workout with Jake. 
She did everything she could to keep the pain and nausea down, but the fatigue kept getting worse every day that passed.
The next morning she had to call out after a night of non-stop vomiting. 
“Are you sure you don’t need me to stay?” Jake asks her as he brings her a cup of ginger and lemon tea.
“If I get worse I’ll call you. Go you’re already going to be late,” Alana whispers as her eyes close.
When she woke up a couple of hours later, Alana reached for her phone and texted her friends.
Cin🪅: Someone please end my misery. 😭
Lucky🍀: I know people that can get rid of Jake. 😏
Spicy🌶️: Why did I know she would say that? 🤔
Lucky🍀: Because you know and love me. 🤫
Cin🪅: I need some soup 🍲 or crackers…
Lucky🍀: I’m about to go up now… I’ll rush over once I’m done.
Spicy🌶️: Be there soon! 😘
Alana heads to the living room to sit on the couch. She tries to get some work done from home, but nausea continues to assault her. Setting her laptop to the side, Alana gingerly heads to the kitchen to get some ginger tea.   
While she waits for the tea to be done, Alana calls her Momma Cindy. “Momma…? I think I’m pregnant and I’m so scared.”
“Oh princess, I'll be right there. Want me to bring you a few tests to be sure?”
Alana can only sob out a soft yes.
The hour isn’t up when Cindy arrives. The first thing she does is take Alana in her arms and hugs her tightly. “It’s okay, princess. You’ll be okay. I’m here with you.”
Cindy helps Alana stay calm while they wait for the test results. “Want me to go with you to your doctor’s appointment?”
“No, it’s okay. I gotta do this one alone. Maybe the next one? Oh and don’t tell papa yet. I don’t want him trying to get Jake discharged from the Navy,” Alana teases.
The knock at the door alerts them that Grace arrived. Alana goes to open the door. “Thanks… I would invite you to stay but I think it’s a stomach bug so I don’t wanna pass it to you.” She hates lying to her best friend but, at the moment, Cin felt like she had no choice. 
She knew Grace and Bradley had been trying for a baby but hadn’t been successful. How could she rub it into their faces now?
Grace could tell Alana was hiding something but didn’t call her out on it. “Sure. Keep me posted, okay? I’ll bring you a few more soups tomorrow.”
“Thank you, love,” Alana tells her.
The next day Alana goes to see her off-base doctor confirmed the results. “Congratulations Alana. You’re pregnant. I want you to see Dr. Thompson as soon as possible. Actually, let me call her to see when she’s available.”
Luck was on Alana’s side, as Dr. Thompson had availability in the next hour. 
“Let’s do some an ultrasound and some blood work. Do you have any known medical allergies?”
“None that I’m aware of.” 
Alana and the doctor talk some more throughout the appointment. Alana was informed of what to expect during her pregnancy and what prenatal vitamins she should be taking. 
“Follow me and we’ll do the ultrasound,” Dr. Thompson says as she leads Alana to another section of her practice.
Alana’s knee is bouncing nervously as she waits for Jake to get to her office for lunch. The small sonogram pictures sat at her desk and she couldn’t stop staring at them. When he knocks at the door, Alana covers the sonogram so Jake won’t immediately see them.
“Hey! I thought you called out sick,” Jake says in greeting going around her desk to kiss her.
“I did initially but then I called to say that I would be late. It’ll be like this for the next few months.” She waits to see if he gets what she’s saying.
“Are you okay? Is it bad news?”
“More like life-changing news,” she says softly, handing him the sonogram pictures.
His teasing smirk fell as he was about to ask if she forged a doctor’s note. His eyes widen and he looks from Cin to the sonograms back to Cin. “You’re… We’re…”
The next thing she knows is he starts pacing around her office, running his hand through his hair. “I can’t do this. I’m too young!”
Cin sighs. “Are you done panicking so I can tell you to look at the sonograms again?” 
Jake’s brows furrow but he looks down again and notices Baby A and Baby B on the top right corners of each sonogram.
His face goes from shock to a huge smile. “TWINS!? We’re having twins!?” 
Alana nods with tears in her eyes. Jake rushes to pick her up and spins her. “No no!”
“Sorry!” He sets her down and kisses her tenderly. He places his hand over her stomach. “How did I not notice? You’ve lost a bit of weight and your girls look even better!”
“Down your horn dog,” Cin says laughing.
“What did the doctor tell you? Have you told anyone? When are you due?”
“All good questions: to start off only my Momma Cindy knows and now you… I’m due in just over 5 and a half months. I just made it past the 8 weeks or 2 months mark.”
“That’s how long you've been feeling tired and everything has been aching. It explains the face you made when I was cooking the other day.”
“What face?”
“Like if the scent or garlic made you sick to your stomach. I thought it was just you being dramatic to my cooking.”
Alana chuckled. “No babe you know I love when you cook. I’m glad your mama taught you that.”
Another week passes. Alana’s symptoms continue to increase. She’s limited her outings with the Daggers. It’s no surprise to her that Grace and Baylie are the first to notice and also that Alana isn’t drinking.
“Okay wifey. This is an intervention. Are you breaking up with us?” Baylie asks. "Jake isn't even THAT attractive. I can't believe you would break up with us for HIM."
Alana just stares at her blinking until the nausea comes up and she runs to the bathroom.
“Even the thought of him over us made her sick,” Baylie jokes with Grace as they wait for Alana.
Once she returns, Grace asks Alana. “How far along?”
“Nine weeks,” she says, laying down on the sofa. “And they’re killing me already.”
Baylie and Grace look at each other. “They’re… as in twins!?”
Alana nods but then starts sniffling. “I… I wasn’t sure how to tell either of you because I didn’t want either of you… I didn’t want to make you feel bad.”
She looks at both her friends before continuing. “Spicy… I know you and Brad have been trying and Lucky… I may not know what losing a baby is like but it must be difficult.”
Baylie is the first to hug her. “Oh Cin. You could never make us feel bad about two little babies coming into our lives. I can't wait to love on them.”
Grace hugs her next, playfully pushing Baylie away. “Oh love. No never. Don't think for one second I'm not over the moon happy for you. And it's double the babies to love and spoil. We'll be the best aunties ever.” She grins mischievously at Lucky.
“Oh yeah we’re going to spoil them rotten.”
The weeks continue to pass and Cin starts showing more of her bump. Then comes the appointment to find out the sex of the babies. The whole squad wants to go but they accept, some begrudgingly, that Jake should be the one to accompany Alana to the appointment.
The tech is smiling at them as they do the ultrasound. Rapid heartbeats fill the room. “Both heartbeats sound healthy and quite active… Ah here we go.”
Jake and Alana share happy tears when they’re told. “I already know what names I want,” Cin says first.
“I do too,” Jake says as he gives her a tender kiss and they leave to go tell their friends and family.
The Usual Suspects: @askmarinaandothers @bayisdying @breadsquash @callmemana @callsignscupcake @chipperxbaby @cycbaby @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @ladylanera @starlit-epiphany
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janistha · 1 day
The Role of Lifestyle and Diet in IVF Success: Insights from Bangalore Experts
In-vitro fertilization (IVF) has become a beacon of hope for many couples facing infertility. While the technology and expertise at IVF centres in Bangalore are pivotal, lifestyle and diet play crucial roles in enhancing the success rates of these treatments. This article delves into the insights from Bangalore experts on how lifestyle and dietary choices impact IVF success and provides actionable tips for those undergoing treatment.
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Understanding IVF and Its Challenges
IVF involves several steps, including ovulation induction, egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer. Each of these steps requires optimal health conditions for the best outcomes. While medical procedures are meticulously planned and executed by professionals at leading IVF centres in Bangalore, patients' lifestyle and dietary choices significantly influence the treatment's success.
The Impact of Lifestyle on IVF Success
1. Stress Management
Chronic stress can negatively affect fertility by disrupting hormonal balance. Bangalore experts emphasize the importance of stress management techniques, such as:
Yoga and Meditation: Practicing yoga and meditation can help reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being. Many IVF centres in Bangalore offer integrated wellness programs that include stress-relief practices.
Counseling and Support Groups: Emotional support from counseling sessions and support groups can alleviate the psychological burden associated with IVF.
2. Exercise and Physical Activity
Moderate physical activity improves blood circulation and helps maintain a healthy weight, both of which are vital for reproductive health. However, excessive exercise can have the opposite effect.
Recommended Activities: Light activities like walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga are beneficial. Bangalore experts suggest avoiding high-intensity workouts that may adversely affect hormone levels.
3. Sleep and Rest
Adequate sleep is essential for hormone regulation and overall health. Poor sleep patterns can lead to imbalances that affect fertility.
Sleep Hygiene: Establish a regular sleep schedule, create a restful environment, and avoid screen time before bed to improve sleep quality.
The Role of Diet in IVF Success
1. Balanced Nutrition
A balanced diet is foundational for reproductive health. Consuming a variety of nutrient-rich foods supports egg and sperm quality.
Key Nutrients: Folic acid, vitamins C and E, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids are particularly important. Leafy greens, nuts, seeds, fruits, and fatty fish are excellent sources of these nutrients.
2. Antioxidant-Rich Foods
Antioxidants combat oxidative stress, which can damage reproductive cells. Incorporating antioxidant-rich foods can improve fertility outcomes.
Examples: Berries, nuts, dark chocolate, and green tea are potent sources of antioxidants.
3. Healthy Fats
Healthy fats are crucial for hormone production and maintaining cell integrity.
Sources: Avocados, olive oil, nuts, and seeds provide essential fatty acids beneficial for reproductive health.
4. Hydration
Staying well-hydrated is essential for overall health and can impact the quality of cervical mucus and the uterine lining.
Recommendations: Drink plenty of water and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol, as they can dehydrate the body and negatively impact fertility.
Specific Dietary Recommendations from Bangalore Experts
Experts from top IVF centres in Bangalore offer these specific dietary tips to enhance IVF success:
Increase Protein Intake: High-protein diets support egg quality and ovarian response. Incorporate lean meats, legumes, and dairy products.
Limit Refined Carbs and Sugars: High blood sugar levels can interfere with hormone balance. Opt for whole grains and reduce intake of sugary snacks and beverages.
Include Iron-Rich Foods: Iron is crucial for reproductive health. Red meat, beans, and spinach are excellent sources.
Consume Dairy: Full-fat dairy products have been linked to improved fertility in some studies. Consider adding whole milk or full-fat yogurt to your diet.
While the advanced medical procedures at best IVF centres in Bangalore are critical for successful treatments, adopting a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet can significantly enhance the chances of success. By managing stress, engaging in moderate physical activity, ensuring adequate sleep, and following a nutrient-rich diet, couples can optimize their fertility and improve the outcomes of their IVF treatments.
As Bangalore continues to be a hub for cutting-edge fertility treatments, integrating these lifestyle and dietary practices can provide an added advantage, helping hopeful parents achieve their dreams of starting a family. Always consult with healthcare professionals and nutritionists at your chosen IVF centre to tailor these recommendations to your specific needs and circumstances.
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“Stylish and Supportive: Maternity Workout Clothes Ideas"
"Elevate your pregnancy fitness routine with our curated collection of maternity workout clothes ideas. From breathable leggings to supportive sports bras, discover stylish activewear options designed to keep you comfortable and confident throughout your prenatal workouts.”
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luxurybeautyreviews · 22 days
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Embracing Fitness During Pregnancy: Celebrating National Fitness Day with Moms-to-Be
As we celebrate National Fitness Day, it's essential to recognize and applaud the incredible journey of motherhood, particularly the dedication of moms-to-be who prioritize their health and well-being during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a transformative experience, both physically and emotionally, and maintaining an active lifestyle can significantly contribute to a smoother journey.
Embracing fitness during pregnancy is not just about staying physically active; it's about nurturing a healthy lifestyle for both the mother and the growing baby. Exercise during pregnancy has numerous benefits, including improved mood, reduced risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia, better sleep quality, and enhanced stamina for labor and delivery.
One of the most common misconceptions about pregnancy is that it's a time to rest and avoid physical activity. However, unless there are specific medical reasons advising against it, most pregnant women can safely engage in exercise. From brisk walking and swimming to prenatal yoga and low-impact aerobics, there are plenty of options tailored to the needs of expectant mothers.
On National Fitness Day, it's inspiring to see pregnant women across the country embracing exercise as part of their prenatal care routine. Whether it's attending specialized prenatal fitness classes, joining online workout communities, or simply going for a daily stroll in the neighborhood, these moms-to-be are setting a positive example for themselves and others.
Moreover, the benefits of prenatal exercise extend beyond the physical realm. Engaging in regular physical activity can help alleviate stress, boost self-confidence, and foster a sense of connection with the baby. It's a beautiful way for expectant mothers to bond with their little ones even before they arrive.
So, let's celebrate National Fitness Day by honoring the strength, determination, and resilience of pregnant women who choose to prioritize their health and well-being, setting the stage for a healthier future for themselves and their babies, while seeking the best gynecologist in West Delhi. Consult Dr. MS Geeta Jain-MBBS, MD, Senior Obstetrics & Gynecologists' (Infertility Specialist) for expert guidance and care throughout your pregnancy journey
#Aasthahospital #gynecologist #mothercare #pregnancy #gynecology #nationalfitnessday2024 #delhi #aasthahospitalivfcentre #tilaknagardelhi #HormonalChanges #pregnancyfitness
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bodylove-mamas · 1 year
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Exercise and health during pregnancy: Expert advice
For both you and your unborn child, pregnancy fitness and wellness are vital. Start out cautiously, get the advice of your doctor, and pay attention to your body to choose the optimum pregnant exercise regimen. " best prenatal workout program " Making the right choices to maintain a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can make pregnancy more pleasurable.
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fit2b · 2 months
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Color Series: Silver Home Workout Videos
As we remain on death watch with my mother in law who is passing away with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, I am deeply pondering my own aging journey. We can do all we can to age gracefully and still get trumped by genetics and other factors beyond our control, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try our best to take care of ourselves.
One of the projects I’m most proud of that speaks to this is our Color Series of Home Workout Videos, specifically our Silver workouts. They are designed to combat the effects of aging like brittle bones, heart disease, low mental health, and muscle loss.
Watch here:
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babyvpshop · 3 months
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Best Prenatal Exercises for Beginners
So, grab a comfy seat and let’s chat about some beginner-friendly prenatal workouts that’ll have you feeling strong, confident, and ready to tackle anything pregnancy throws your way
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ask-bloodynhatred · 4 months
5 Best Prenatal Workouts to Maintain Fitness
Are you expecting a little bundle of joy and looking to maintain your fitness during pregnancy? Look no further! We have gathered the 5 best prenatal workouts that will help you stay active and healthy throughout this special journey. From the soothing stretches of yoga to the invigorating movements of pilates, these workouts cater specifically to the needs of moms-to-be. But that's not all,…
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topfindr · 4 months
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