#ben could also be Luca actually I didnt think about that
vyp1elyn · 8 months
Identity V x creepypasta??
Ive had this idea stuck in my head ALL DAY. I also may leave out some characters just cause Idk who they would be (if u have any ideas plz plz plz tell me)
Clockwork/ nat- so she was the first one I thought about cause she would either be Demi or maybe Ada? It may be Ada cause Toby could be Emil for my ticciwork shippers.
Toby- I kind of like the idea of toby being Emil cause that would be cute if Natalie was Ada. BUT if nat was Demi then Toby would probably be Norton.
Jeff- Jeff is kinda hard but tbh he would be Luca cause they both have the scraggly rat guy vibe yk. (I mean that in the most positive way)
Jane- theres many possibilities for Jane like she could be either Patricia or maybe Fiona?? probably Patricia tho cause I feel like the knife thing would make more since.
Masky/ Tim- OK HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE he would be Kevin. Idk how to even explain why Tim would be Kevin but I feel like he just would.
Hoodie/Brian- This was a tough one but maybe he would be Naib? Idk i dont have many ideas for Brian.
Sally- ok this one is kinda obvious but sally would be little girl. Its pretty self explanatory.
Ej- I think Ej would be either be Eli or maybe Aesop but Im leaning more towards Eli.
Lj- Lj is kinda difficult cause hes so tall but I dont wanna make him a hunter so he would either be Joker or Mike.
Nina- Nina would probably be Lily cause I think the idea of Nina cheering the team on is super cute.
Bloody painter- again this is pretty self explanatory but bloody painter would be Edgar.
Nurse Ann- ANOTHER self explanatory one but she would be Emily.
Thats not everyone ofc but its who I could think of rn. I may update it later if I think or more but idk.
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vanillatalc · 9 months
feeling so fucking overwhelmed today!!!
my mum called me to tell me that she's "probably found a counsellor" for my sister and that she's expecting a phonecall FROM ME bc my sister rejects my mother's input but accepts mine. like who the fuck has TWO FAMILY MEMBERS contact a therapist on their behalf before they even get a word in? (to be clear my sister has had no input at all + this is all my mum) i was going to call the therapist + set the record straight about what i think is actually going on but she didnt pick up so i had to leave a message so now im gonna be on edge about getting a call back and having to air all our dirty laundry for the 234858934th time
ben's got an IRL social thing w/ some friends of ours (boops + clare + lucas, for people keeping tabs) and im sooo anxious he's going to bring home a bunch of germs bc they're eating out in a restaurant + also playing dnd in a room (lol) and like we're getting married in <4 weeks like. im so worried something is going to happen to fuck the wedding up. or more likely he just gets a cold + i go fucking insane for 2 weeks. but i could really do without that to be honest. and he (very nicely) was like "im not going to postpone something important to me just bc of your germphobia :)" which is probably the correct response in all honestly but like fuck me i wish he would have given it a few more weeks lol??
i also have an unreal amount of work to do in the next few weeks (this one is fully my fault i fear. but i am so worried about money that i just felt like i needed to make some money v quickly. so i made like £900 in the past fwe days but now i actually have to like. make all the wigs)
please just send me copium so i can get through the next few weeks + also that the wedding is not affected by some hitherto unknowable reason. GOD. also please @ the universe DO NOT MAKE ME INTO MY SISTER'S CARER
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"Man is the least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth" - Oscar Wilde
Ok, last weekend was shit. But I loved this chapter. Just some points:
Raphael being the real MVP as always 😎
Magnus prefers to be sun-kissed.
And the LA sun doesn’t just kiss you.
It full-on makes out with you.
Idk why I laughed so hard 😂😂
God, the photoshoot looked great😍
I kinda like you, random sir hdgsjdhdj
The thing about boundaries was soooo on point on the way things went for him!!
The way he knew he made the right decision even if it hurted😭
This doesn’t sound like his heart making shit up. This sounds like his heart. SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP JFHDIDJDK
Magnus not taking shit about the company us badass behavior😎
“If you like her so much, then you should date her.” “Oh, I wish.  But I’m tragically heterosexual,” Have I said I love Catarina in the last 5 minutes?!? She is just🥺 🥰
When will this man stop walking in on everyone?!?!?! Honeslty this scene was so funny tho😂😂
I love Luca ok?!?!? But also yes, raisins are bad!!!
Luca and his raisins can suck it. OMFG
“I know that,” Alec chuckles. “I just meant, like, it makes no sense. We are just saying random shit. Cute buttons and cold shoulders.” This man gets me😌
I love that video with my soul jdhdjdhdkjx
I read some comments analysing the way Max and Rafe are scared of Alec and Magnus, saying thta they aren’t scared of their anger, they are scared of their saddness and I just- 😭
“I’m actually surprised that Max is scared of me,” Alec chuckles. “Little shit doesn’t act like it.”Its all about pretend honey jdgdjjd jk, jk
Max a lot of potential, but as that snippet said, sometimes you dont know what to do with it!!
Honestly, I love her!! She could step on me and I would thank her😍😍
"She is the kind of person who doesn’t need to be told twice." Like the badass she is😎
Anjali be like: Yall are a mess and you did fucked up, fortunately you have me to smack some sense to you and that is very sexy of her😌
"He stayed with you every day after that. That was his choice. So, don’t you ever fucking question whether Rafael loves you. Don’t ever question my Rafael’s love. Not when that’s all he knows how to do.” 💙💙💙💙
The scenes with Ben were actually amazing and really sweet!! I hope my boy finds the love he deserves!!! He took care of Rafe and he is his friend and I am emo🥺
Even amidst all the chaos and pain, he looks perfect and beautiful. This boy knows how to have a break down. Anjali sighs dreamily.  Honestly sams Anjali💕
Magnus and Ben talking about Alec is something I didnt know I needed but absolutely loved it!!!
“Okay. Don’t ask me how I know this. But I technically can. It’s called parental kidnapping and it’s illegal in the state of New York.”👀👀
“Max carries a lot of pain too. Just because it doesn’t look like yours, it doesn’t mean it hurts him any less.”  they are both hurting and it is hurting me too!!!
“I sometimes wish I was like him,” Rafael says quietly. “I wish I could do instead of think.” BITCH THE WAY I RELATE TO THIS BOY IS WRONG JDHDISJ
Rafael, baby, please take care of yourself and dont be so hard on you. You are doing already amazing. You are allowed to take a break and rely on others!! As someone once said "You gotta practice that self-love, honey!"
"I only wish I had known how to stop. I wish I had looked at you and told you that you’ve done enough." Don’t mind me. Just going to make this another quote that will live 24/7 in my brain🥰
“You are not weak. You are tired,” Magnus smiles. “Enough now. It’s time to rest.”
“My Rafael,” Magnus whispers. “I wish I was half as strong as you are on your weakest day.”
“Because if there is one thing I know for certain, it is that Alec loves me more than anyone,” THE RANGE THAT THEY HAVE OMFG<3333
Let's get this babe some sobriety, love and therapy🥰
Welp, this days have been horrible honestly, I can't even begin to infodump jdhdjdjd so I haven't read the new chapter, but I just wanted to say tlnd has actually been a way to distract myself and help me get through this shit. Thank you for that💚
I hope you are doing fine. I'M SENDING THE BEST PRODUCTIVE VIBES YOUR WAY!!! I have like 3 essays to submit, so I feel you jdhdkdjd
Song rec: Call out my name, cover from Ruel (I have been listening to this on repeat)
This is an OFFICIAL threat to god to give you a mf-ing break or i will unleash my wrath :)
I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad this chapter helped and reading your thoughts made me so emo.
Call out my name *THE RUEL COVER* is literally how TLND came to be. I was listening to it and came with the idea of magnus not being able to call alec alexander anymore and alec not being able to call magnus baby and hence tlnd was born. THE POWER OF RUEL >>>>
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megashadowdragon · 3 years
why ben solo deserved better
comments on youtube: 
You may think Ben Solo did not deserve mercy, but let's all remember this is a FICTIONAL universe and fictional characters. It's ok to indulge in wishful thinking, even if Ben would not be received with welcome arms on Earth even after his redemption. Dealing with a complicated character like that and trying to find a way to give him a future in the story is hard, I will admit. It's hard to know where someone's role in society is after they've betrayed and murdered since our answer usually ends in their execution or incarceration. But imagine an ending where Ben Solo is willing to answer for his crimes, Rey contends for him, and the future of the galaxy has hope. What we were given was NOT hope. Ben Solo simply deserved a better ending than he was given. He wasn't a soulless monster like Palpatine. He had remorse. He hesitated. His anger was fueled by his mistreatment and feelings of abandonment from his family. Comment below and tell me why/why not Ben Solo deserved a better ending. Even if you don't agree, do you think his abrupt death was satisfying?
I agree with a lot of your points. He 100% should have survived and it doesn't make any sense to me that they killed him off. Ben should have been given a chance to live and atone, he could've spent the rest of his life being a better man, despite other people scorning him at first. Ben and Rey are so powerful - they are stronger together and could've helped so many people in the galaxy. Surely there would still be pockets of the First Order out there - or whole planets of innocent people still enslaved that need their help. ( I have to point out that it was never clarified how many people knew kylo ren was ben solo and its quite likely that  only a small group knew ben was kylo ren so you wouldnt even need to consider the galaxy at wholes reaction for they could just claim kylo ren was dead while ben solo was still alive  (people didnt know anakin was vader for years )   and poe in resistance reborn talked about ex imperials atoning for their actions so  poe and the people who knew ben was kylo ren would be willing to accept ben   coming back and atoning for his  actions  . no prison  or exile  he would ahve a happy ending  with rey on naboo the place where anakin and padme would have raised luke and leia anidala being torn apart was the original sin  ) ( I am sick and tired of redemption equals death it sends the message that if you mess  up and go down the wrong path the only out is death that the most you can expect is finding a cause to die for its bs the notion that he had to die is bs
“the redemption = death bs doesnt give hope to anyone its like if you mess up you cant just make up for it
 ben deserved better because in the 30 years he lived he wanst truly happy and calm until his last 20 seconds of his life”
Western story writers and directors are too set on the idea of redemption of villains through death, it's an unhealthy all too common message I don't agree with, Vader's sacrifice meant something because he saved his son, but what about Leia? What does her sacrifice mean? Why is the final shot just a lone Rey in the desert with a robot? I'll never understand these decisions, it just doesn't work.
The whole Rey replaces Ben in the Skywalker line is just disgusting. Ben was "bad" so he didn't deserve the name but Rey is perfectly "good" so she does? Kids, if you ever do anything bad watch out because your family will find a good kid, replace you, and act like you never existed. Love Disney for that message.
. There’s a clear reverse Anakin/Padme thing going on for me as is. I just think they could have gone for that full reversal, where Ben lives instead of dies like Anakin essentially did when he became Vader. And then I’m always reminded of how little Ani wanted to “free the slaves” ... and while he didn’t have to take that literal route, atonement, or working to break broken systems, would have been a wonderful close to that part of the story as well. I thought it would be nice to tie his and Finn’s stories together a little in that regard.
I don't think they ever understood what they had story wise or character wise.  I don't think they ever knew what message these movies were supposed to have. TROS kept making strange story decisions without thinking through their implications.  With regard to Ben Solo, they give us two fake deaths after multiple characters sacrificed themselves for him, then kill him off for real.  That's the kind nonsense you find in the D-grade movies mocked on MST3K, not a Star Wars film.  Worse yet, they offer the audience no catharsis for Ben's death.  It happens suddenly; Rey had already given her "life force" to both the giant snake and Kylo/Ben and she's fine.  So the audience doesn't expect Ben to die when he gives his "life force" to her.  Then after his sudden death, he's not mourned.  Rey barely reacts.  He's not mentioned and his sacrifice is never discussed.  Then we don't even see his Force ghost.  The air got sucked out of the movie and it just ends with a thud.  It's like if Titanic had ended with Rose saying, "Oh well, I guess I'll just marry Cal" and it's "The End."
Ben Solo definitely deserved better & I truly thought we would get a happily ever after, a reversal of Anakin & Padme’s fate. I also thought the stormtroopers would side with the Resistance & that the reason Leia’s allies didn’t respond at the end of TLJ was because most were disguised as stormtroopers & mingled among the First Order. 🤡  I think the Skywalker saga has ended but the Solo saga will continue. 🤞��� The majority of fans LOVE Kylo/Ben and that’s a fact. The general audience loved & rooted for him without ever knowing his heartbreaking backstory & that he had been targeted by Palpatine from conception. Let’s hope Disney/Lf has an ace up their sleeve.
I actually thought Ben was going to live because JJ kept marketing the film as being happy, uplifting, hopeful, and Ben's arc being "fun." In 2015 he called Star Wars a "fairytale."  I had been waiting for Ben to reunite with his mother since 2015 & since 2017 to end up with Rey. Neither really happens because Ben dies, thus turning Star Wars into a tragedy that pretends it's not. We didn't even get a mother/som forceghost visual reunion as a "consolation prize". I was so sure we'd get an actual living redemption arc because I thought forgiveness and the healing of the family was their intention , but nope, just a complete annihilation of the Skywalker family. I left IX feeling depressed for all of Christmas break. ...And don't even get me started on the retcon of TLJ's Rey Nobody background setup and theme.Show less
You have to ask yourself this when thinking of Ben and Anakin. If Anakin fell to the dark side because he had an unhealthy selfish love for Padme but Ben rose from the dark side because he had a healthy selfless love for Rey. What message does it send to have both characters have the same fate when it comes to being with the women they love? (Split apart) What's the point of the saga if nothing anyone does means anything? JJ and Chris failed to ask themselves these important questions.
the theme of the original trilogy was love, hope, family, forgiveness, redemption 
lucas described the star wars as a space fairy tale soap opera    about love, family , hope forgiveness, redemption  the skywalker saga is a family saga about the skywalker family killing off ben breaks that for it ends the saga in tragedy where every last skywalker has died   the line has ended palpatine won bens abusers won 
george lucas quote about story being a family-oriented fairytale of hope, love and redemption (not to mention he hates killing anyone unnecessarily bens death wasnt necessary and goes against star wars themes
George Lucas: *talks for forty years about fairy tales and HEAs and not wanting to kill characters
( this is why lucas didnt kill any of the main cast be they the trio or otherwise and chewbacc killing off ( killing off ben goes against that ( ben was a mc he was part of the narrative trio ( no matter how many antis try to claim otherwise and claim it was rey finn and poe when no ) or act like bendemption wasnt set up from day one.  ( ben, rey, and finn were all main characters
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on the comparison  between benVader died as a middle-aged man in ill health with two living children who would carry on in the light after a golden period in his life where he was a prosperous jedi knight, Ben died a healthy 30-year-old with no family or good phase in his life, plus Vader's sacrifice was instrumental in his redemption while Ben's sacrifice happened after redemption out of narrative contrivance, they are not the same
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thefudge · 4 years
‘aight i saw this movie finally (the pirated version, cuz i dont shill anymore) and
it was okay. chaotic and uncoordinated and clearly unplanned - i mean it reeks of “throw everything at the screen because we’re out of time” - but i enjoyed parts of it and i can see a good movie buried under all of this lost potential. in order to make TROS good, however, you’d have to rewrite the whole trilogy. you’d also have to rethink this world. i think the folks in charge committed a “prequels” error in thinking that the universe of star wars matters more than its characters. so you got all these kooky planets and alien species, and you’ve got side-quests and a dozen new characters/creatures, added without forethought or real stakes, just to show us how big the star wars playground is. whereas, going to a new location should be about the characters first, and the location second. lucas did the same in the prequels: crammed every frame with a million things because he had a thirst for his own universe, but at least he was passionate. disney is just calculated. 
i do think this movie’s better than the prequels lol, it’s just that it could have been proper good if they didn’t try to appease the fans so much and play it safe. i’ve written about kylo/ben’s death in other posts and what i think about his character. as for rey “palpatine”, ehhh. in the context of the movie i give them points for trying their best to sell it, but it would have been far FAR more powerful if she really was nobody. if you wanted a compromise, she could’ve been palpatine’s experiment or a clone, and that would’ve made her “nobody”, while also his creation. but i would’ve preferred it if she really had nothing to do with all of this BS. because a) it’s obvious they didn’t plan rey palpatine from the start, and b) if they did, it was very poor storytelling. the palpatine reveal should’ve happened in the second movie so that rey could actually react to it, so that the conflict about her dark lineage could be explored in depth. TLJ!rey seemed at peace with finding out she’s nobody, like that was her closure. to retcon that in the 3rd movie just because some folks didn’t like TLJ is cowardly. if they really wanted to do rey palpatine, they should’ve committed to it. idk which reviewer mentioned smth about how rey’s past ultimately was more important for these people than rey herself. they invested so much in this “secret” that they kind of forgot about her as a person. i wish these movies weren’t just her running around, mouth agape, chasing this illusory secret. TFA!rey, before she got dragged into this legacy shit, was far more interesting. rey skywalker is also just...really weak. i get what they were going for thematically, but again, the stronger message would’ve been: “i’m rey. just rey”. earlier she gave the same answer to that little girl in “burning man” village, but feeling sort of ashamed about it. now at the end she should’ve said it proudly. “i’m rey, just rey, and that’s enough.” but what do i know. old lady sigh
i liked some of the action sequences and the indie “a new hope” vibe of the resistance. i didn’t like the side-trips and all the macguffins, kerri russel’s character was...really unnecessary, i’m sorry, janna was fine, at least she made more sense in the story. and rose was shafted because of racist assholes on the internet. OLD LADY SIGH.
i liked the reylo interactions and their saber fights (when she stabbed him with his own saber? noiiiiice), but i think it would’ve been cooler if they’d kissed during one of those fights, actually. the kiss at the end was nice...but as always with these two, it felt very kindergarten to me. i’ve complained elsewhere that they keep making them act like uwu shy space babies. i would’ve liked a hate/love kiss mid-battle and for them to pull back sort of shocked but unrepentant. a lot of their fights had that kind of UST and i think that’s where they should’ve capitalized on it. but i guess that’s too sexy for disney. OLD LADY SIGH. i would’ve preferred a more sober moment at the end, like touching foreheads as he dies or smth, because lol it was inadvertently funny how quickly he died after they kissed, the tonal dissonance was aaall over the place. 
OH and finn/poe’s dynamic in this movie was weirdly belligerent and i didnt get it. maybe because these two didn’t get to spend enough time together in TFA or TLJ to set this up, but having them act like #married rebel veterans who’ve been together for years and resent each other was...weird. they jumped into this snippy, almost aggressive banter waaay too fast. i know folks think they should’ve let them be gay, and while i would not be opposed since they have a lot of chemistry....i...actually....maybe....ship finn with rey more.
yes folks, this movie actually made me ship finnrey more. 
i think it’s the fact that they finally addressed force-sensitive finn, although they did it in a pretty lame fashion. but at least they did (there were many missed opportunities where finn could’ve acted on his force-sensitivity. that scene where rey and kylo both wrestle-levitate that ship in the sky...and finn just watches from the sidelines...instead of trying to control it too...OLD LADY SIGH). anyway, rey and finn’s connection within the force was subtle and i liked it. i liked the unspoken yearning between them that felt a bit more mature here than in previous films. the final 2019 twist is that i’m tentatively back on finnrey (2015 me also liked them but i quickly lost interest when finn was infantilized and then put into a coma...). 
i DIDN’T like that finn/rose was totally forgotten (not a pair i ship but rose nearly died for him...wtf). and i also don’t think the finn/rey/poe trio works...as a trio. there was this painful scene towards the beginning of the movie where poe and rey started levelling playful insults at each other and it was awwwwfuuuuul. it felt like recycled marvel humor. and it got worse when it was the three of them bantering. they could have been a really fun trio if they had actually spent more time together in previous movies. here it felt really forced, sorry. 
oh yeah, the chewie medallion scene...less painful than i thought it would be. chewie mourning leia, though? oooouch, i felt that. probably only really heartfelt moment in this movie (i’ve written elsewhere how i think the ben/han moment was robbed of its weight, though i can see why people love it). 
in terms of comedy, though, hux’s death has to be number one.
anyway! glad this is over and done with. maybe now they’ll start telling star wars stories that don’t always involve the “empire” and the rebels or the fkin skywalkers. here’s to hoping. 
and whew, thank god for fanfics
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ncttivagcx-blog · 6 years
it’s a bird !! it’s a plane !! no, wait, it’s lucy’s trash children !!
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introducing useless superhero #1, miss dao lahnnie !!
nicknamed ‘sleeping beauty’ cause well,,,,,,,,she Nap
her power is that when she sleeps, she can pull things from her dreams into the real world. seems easy enough, but sometimes things get a bit skewed if she doesn’t imagine every detail.
example: she could pull a car out, but if in her dream she didn’t think of the engine, then the car wouldn’t have an engine. it might still run though if she dreamt that she was driving it.
her superhero name is ‘rem’ because she at least has to reach the rem stage of sleep to start dreaming.
for the most part, she does more support than actual superhero field work. she dreams up gadgets and things to help out on missions. if she is on the field, she’ll sometimes pop out to go hide and get some shut eye and then just pops back up randomly, except now she has a giant hammer or something.
she has a pet crow. his name king richard the third, but everyone calls him dick. she does not mind this because she did name him when she was five, but it ruffles king richard’s feathers sometimes. he was the first ‘living’ item she ever pulled out of a dream and probably her favorite item she’s ever pulled out.
she,,,,,,really wants to be a hero but most likely knows that she’s only ever gonna be a sidekick or on a support team at best.
but she really is a soft and excited also sleepy baby and she just wants to help out in whatever way she can :))
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then there’s this medusa ass motherfucker.
what a tool
they straight up got like basilisk eyes so if you look at them directly in the eye, you become petrified !!
does wear off eventually,,,,,,,but also like its probs just terrifying and ptsd inducing as a whole,,,,,” i thought they were pretty and i met their eye and suddenly i couldnt move and i was down in a ditch ”
- actual quote from a previous victim
they probs murders people after they petrify em cause uhhhhh they a villain and uhhhhhh they’re nefarious and all that
idek what supervillain stuff they do besides like sitting in their super secret villain lair and plotting plots and stuff. give him a nemesis or something pls
wears a blindfold for the most part because glasses don’t block their power enough and they’re tired of having to replace petrified henchmen
other senses are heightened because they don’t use their eyes when dealing with other people unless they’re dealing with other people
they just a mystery villain that lives in a cavelike headquarters and probs just likes to fuck with people cause they’re an asshole
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they want to be,,,,,the very best,,,,,,like no one ever was !!
their power is fabric manipulation with a particular preference for silk !! hence the name lmao
anywho, they’re a talented aerial silk dancer and uses whatever fabric available to tie around posts and stuff highkey like spiderman and like,,,,,the real silk but also is also skilled in aerial combat.  
they’re like a circus performer if the circus performer kicked ass.
they’re learning to be a hero but really,,,,,,they don’t particularly care about heroics,,,,,they just wanna be famous.
they wanna be the absolute best of the best and hey, if heroics don’t get them there, then maybe villainy will.
they cocky as shit tbh
like, is highkey getting scouted by hero agencies to become a sidekick but they just Scoff - as if they’re working for anyone other than themselves 
will probably graduate at some point and just try to fight all superheroes to establish themself as The Best
Chaotic Neutral
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i didnt have anything planned for him
i just wanted his quirk and i liked his face
so he can teleport through reflective surfaces even if it’s not a mirror !! so, that’s like windows, phone screens, uhhhh particularly shiny tabletops?? 
like imagine someone just cleaning a glass coffee table and hyuk just bLOOPS through
he always has a mirror on him. this leads to so many vanity jokes but he mostly just tosses mirrors everywhere and whooshes around and people are like dEAR GOD JUST STAY STILL JFC
loves just popping up through people’s phonescreens, but the surface usually isnt big enough so he’ll shove like a hand through or something
honestly just an asshole that is lowkey lovable but mostly annoying
just trying to past his regular passes cause he’s okay at best in hero training but english?? nah mate
Chaotic Good
do i know anything about him ?? absolutely noT
i know that he’s got 24 gif icons and that i’m gonna stretch them as much as i can
also probs gonna give up at some point and use big gifs i just want hiS TWIN FACE
his hero name is verse - short for versatile. his quirk is that he can mimic any surface/function of an item as long as he presses five fingers to it
think kevin levin from ben 10 but if kevin levin could also like touch a chainsaw and have a chainsaw for a hand
due to his Traumatic Past ( see: luca and or winnie ) he has ptsd induced selective mutism
he Quiet
not super dedicated to being a hero, but his sister is super into so he’s super into it as a show of solidarity
will square up to anyone who messes with his sister, even tho people probs gives him shit for not talking
“ how are you supposed to save anyone if you can’t even open your mouth ?? ”
if he really gotta get his point across then he Bumblebee’s it and just copies a radio,,,,,,fiddles with the stations until the lyrics from songs and snippets of radio shows forms the message he wants to give
he a versatile boy,,,,,,he Surviving,,,,
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this one is a baddie i love her so much
literally just wants to set up a matriarchal society with her as the head in government
be that as president or queen, depends on how her takeover pans out.
currently, she set to inherit the hotels her father owns. she’s an absolute shARk when it comes to staking out claims on more lands and she really just gonna buy her way to the top. she’s got several blocks under her control already.
does evil villain stuff on the down low, probs got a bunch of henchmen. got a mask too cause masks are cute. she just goes around and kills people who refuse to sign over any properties to her.
she wanna own the whole goddamn street, then the town, then the world probs laskdfjadfl
okay so her power is poison generation. she can emit toxic gas from her mouth, but her blood itself is poisonous. so if she being flashy, she just blows out some toxic gas into her victims. if she being sneaky, then just a prick on her finger and bada bing bada boom she’s dripping her own blood into someone’s wine glass.
not super flashy as a villain cause she can’t get caught so she sends henchmen a lot and joins fights with heroes when she’s bored. usually skedaddles before the police show up and lets her men take the fall for it.
literally will just show up and start poisoning people
she’s fun at parties
at least one murder mystery at every party she’s at. her henchmen jokingly called her Clue
“ in the foyer/kitchen/study, the killer is always the lady, and the weapon is always poison. ”
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