#because trust me the LAST thing i am doing is invalidating POC experiences
knotsoangelic · 7 months
i/we didnt choose to be white or trans or male (even trans male) and we sure as hell didnt choose mental illness but point is that we didnt choose to be white and im sorry that my existence scares people who arent white but besides being understanding and compassionate to your experiences and life im not sure what else you want from us (good white people) i understand the struggle of finding good in the "other side" esp as a trans guy with a lot of cis friends and peers but please dont say "white ppl in general are 1000% the origin of the problem" i/we did not do anything to you guys :(
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shamsgoddess · 2 years
I am not the type to make gigantic posts about these things but I had to now that I found out my being concerned for my ethnicity/nationality had people trying to undermine me just so they can take a face claim.
To start it off, I’m Pakistani. I’ve been born and bred here and let me tell you our experiences and reality are VERY different from those living in the west. This post is about Pakistani fcs from Pakistan.
I’ve been in the rp community for a little more than a decade. I’ve been in tumblr indie community for two years now. And, let me just say how deeply flawed this community is. I’ve been bullied here for being my ethnicity and nationality. I’ve had people try and invalidate my south asian background by saying I can’t be asian because I’m not east asian. My character Aurora has been fetishized, sexualized, demeaned, and harassed where people just wanted her to be victimized in some way and hated it when I made her powerful.
In this community, I’ve seen people butcher poc characters in the name of representation and then blame anyone who stands up against them for trying to take away representation. Face claims of different ethnicities are considered fads and the new popular things. I have to ask though when was the last time we encouraged and cheered on a board of white directors and writers writing poc characters? I’m not saying you shouldn’t write poc, I’m asking you to research before you do.
Think I’m making a fuss about nothing? We all know the disease krp was. People who weren’t Korean used Korean fcs without any proper research and fetishized them. Recently, indie has been loving Turkish fcs, but here’s the fun part. I see Turkish characters named Jessica Smith with no research done on Turkish backgrounds and traditions. Hell, the fact these characters are Turkish is not even mentioned on their profiles. I’ve heard a poc mun call them “spicy white” and it’s disgusting.
This is what takes me to our topic. Pakistani fcs. Or, tumblr just decided to find Pakistani fcs and now wants them. You’ll say, but Rose, we research?
I’m sorry, you don’t. If you did, you’d know Pakistani is not an ethnicity. I’ve seen resource makers and people term them as Pakistani without zero research of Pakistani ethnicities, their culture, traditions, pop culture, problems, political issues, etc. I’ve seen poc muns use Pakistani fcs as familial relations for an Indian character, who missed the memo here? I’ve heard poc muns say that Pakistanis are more western rather than asian. So, no, I don’t trust any of you and not just white muns.
Recently, I had seen tumblr indie “discovering” Pakistani fcs. Not Pakistani celebs in the west, but Pakistanis from here. A country everyone didn’t even know existed. No one cared about it a few months ago, because I’ve heard the most “woke” muns assume problematic things. I’ve been undermined for them. Now that some are considered pretty, you want them? Pretty characteristic behaviour. Now, of course, you must make free-to-use resources that anyone can use without zero accountability. I had seen people who had bullied me for being my nationality, immediately nab for those fcs. And, I should just be quiet and watch? When I reached out to those resource makers they understood where I was coming from and helped me out.
It’s brought to my attention that a few weeks ago, someone had been accusing me of guilting resource makers for making Pakistani resources. Especially the fc I use for Aurora, because I can’t be wary and/or upset when it comes to my ethnicity? Yes, we share the same ethnicity and it’s VERY important to me to have PROPER representation that I worked my butt years for to have it be respected. I went through hell and back, heard it all, been hurt and hated because I wanted people to respect my ethnicity. Now, you want it because it’s the new popular thing? How many nationalities/ethnicities are we going to SUDDENLY care about?
Do you know about Pakistani ethnicities? Do you know about the fc in question’s ethnicity? Do you know the tragic background of our ethnicity? Do you know how people living here are different from those in the west? You do know that this is a third-world country that is often HORRIFICALLY misrepresented and butchered by the media? The fcs from here are not your pretty decorations. Do you know anything at all before demanding that I stay quiet and let you have what you want?
To make it clear one more time, I am not saying don’t write Pakistani characters. I want proper policing, vetting, and research done by resource makers. I know I can’t stop anyone and I am not trying to, I just want some accountability. One resource maker I had contacted did admit they had seen someone who used their resources fetishized the character. I don’t want free-for-everyone resources to people who frankly don’t deserve it.
And the nail on the coffin is that they want to trample and quiet someone from the same ethnicity and country with similar experiences just so they can have what they want? If you’re not from any ethnicity of Pakistan, you don’t get to tell me I’m wrong. After years of abuse in the rpc, I think you have no right to. And those who are, can message me and tell me why you think otherwise. We can have a conversation. To those with Pakistani backgrounds who have never been here and don’t know what our lives are like, try and really understand how we were treated like scum.
Finally, I’m not naming names but I’ll provide screenshots. Though, again, I ask you not to put me in a place to explain myself or fight for my right as my ethnicity and experiences from living here.
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hamliet · 4 years
BSD chat anon:
I said Reylo fans who tend to be white women,” NOT “all of whom.” I know Reylo fans of color exist. They are NOT the issue. I’m talking about the power imbalance between white people and POC in fandom (and spaces outside of it). I’m talking about racism from white Reylo/Star Wars fans in general. I know I don’t represent all POC. Nobody does. I hate it when white people and POC alike force people into those positions. I have OCD too—I know about the overthinking and anxiety that comes with that kind of position. I am not invalidating the identities and perspectives of people from my own community and other communities of color. Why the Hell would I repeat the same violence done to me and other POC?! I’m talking about how certain statements from a white person can seem like an attack on POC who hold opposing views,especially since we’re conditioned to expect them. For instance, when you said you hate how people “cry abuse” in regard to Reylo, my first thought was, “Are you talking about visibilityofcolor, a relatively well-known black abuse survivor who’s been vocal about her opinion on Reylo being an abusive ship and has been the target of racial harassment in the Star Wars fandom?” As you’ve mentioned once before, it’s impossible to include a million disclaimers in every single post. Plus, it’s impossible to know everyone and their perspectives. That’s the same for me as it is for you. But can’t I bring up things POC with similar sentiments as mine go through without being seen as a threat toward people with different attitudes, let alone my own people? I’m getting riled up now. Let’s end the conversation for now.—BSD Chat Anon                                       
I don’t mean this to sound dismissive, but I truly don’t know what you want from me. Are you saying only POC can like Kylo Ren? Are you saying I have to engage with antis, when most of them would prefer not to engage with shippers and they might, in fact, trigger me and I might trigger them? Are you saying I haven’t read critiques of a Rey-Kylo dynamic and considered them? Because I have. I’m not saying their feelings and experiences are invalid or that they can’t dislike anything, only that I do not share their feelings and bring my own baggage to fiction. I’m genuinely asking all of the above questions as well, because I genuinely am confused. You say you know you can’t make all the disclaimers in a tumblr ask, but you then go on to hold me accountable for not making 5 million disclaimers while giving yourself a pass for talking in very vague terms. I understand that as a white person I may have privilege in being able to assume disclaimers whereas you may not, and I’m sorry, but that still doesn’t address how much time I have/don’t have to add them. That it is this way is wrong, and I try to be mindful, but I don’t know how to fix it. 
Your assertion that you felt I was talking about a specific anti--whom I have never heard of--and that it is a microaggression to not realize that you might be thinking of a specific person--is very confusing. I do my best to be sensitive and to correct things when I am wrong, as I should, but I am not in control of your associations. I am not responsible for your feelings or your thoughts. I can’t say that you aren’t hurt, because I believe you are, but I can say I don’t know what I could do differently in regards to that.
I was not intending to accuse you of dismissing their identities. I am sorry if it seemed that way. I was pointing out how there are a variety of viewpoints even from overlapping identities, which your statement of how most antis are POC (when this is not my experience) implied otherwise to me. I am sorry if this was wrong.
You insist that I erred by...listening to multiple POC voices and making my own decisions about my preferences for the story as I saw consistent with the themes and spirit thereof, and my opinions ended up just not happening to align with yours? I’m not sure this is your point, but if it isn’t, I don’t understand what your point is. I don’t understand how that is a microaggression, or how I am not allowed to say what most of my experiences with antis have been--because I am always writing from my own experience. Again, I realize I use general terms a lot, which I have been and will continue to be working on (a good reminder), but return to paragraph one and how we are limited in space for disclaimers.
I do read differing opinions, and follow many people who dislike Kylo and/or Reylo, including dear friends; they just might not be the exact same ones you follow. I also don’t owe you my rationale about everything. I’m not always interested in revisiting arguments I’ve dealt with from years and years ago.
As far as power positions in fandom go: yes, this is a major issue. I support discussion on this, but don’t believe I should be leading it. As far as Reylo goes, there are quite a few Reylos of color who speak out quite often, and have called other Reylos out on their anti-Blackness before. I’m happy to reblog voices of those who are leading discussions about fandom power dynamics and race, and have been more active on Twitter with this. 
However, I won’t reblog from antis, as I consider them morally in the wrong because they are focused on hurting others rather than critiquing the story (I don’t think rabid stans of anything are much better than antis). Also, for the record: not every person who dislikes something and posts about a dislike is an anti; people become antis when harassing and bullying others/make their fictional taste moral imperatives. Trust me, I’ve posted a great deal of critique and am fine with critique. I’m just not cool with rape threats or accusations of supporting abuse, because those are very serious, and I believe should never be trivialized. I also believe most antis are posting from hurt and a strong desire to have people validate their pain--whatever it is based in. But I don’t think lashing out at others is okay, ever. 
In the months leading up to the film, you sent me well over half a dozen asks that were all essentially begging me to convince you that you had to like Kylo, which I refused to do. I told you why I liked him but pointed out that dislike was completely valid and personal taste didn’t in any way take away from anything about you. I eventually stopped answering you because you would not accept an answer in which I essentially told you to make up your own mind. I do not understand why you are now accusing me of not considering others’ perspectives--over nine months since I last posted about Star Wars. Your list of microaggressions has thus far has only been me liking Kylo Ren as a character--and he isn’t even my favorite; Finn is. Maybe we got sidetracked, but it seems to be more about taste than about actual microaggressions, which would have been better to keep the conversation to. You seem to be assuming I’m making moral judgments based on taste, but I’m not intending to; if I’ve conveyed otherwise, I’m sorry, but again--time is not an unlimited resource. 
Not related to the current topic, but: you have sent me upwards of twenty asks in a single night. You have pressed topics I am not comfortable talking about. You have done it all on anonymous, wanting enough credit to use a signatory name, but not enough to take any responsibility. You said all you wanted was a discussion, but that’s not what this has been. I understand again there are things that might make you not feel safe to do that, but I no longer feel safe to have these conversations with you (though I will continue to have them with others), as you have violated my boundaries too many times and I’m not convinced you’re acting in good faith. I have blocked you. 
Attacks on Anon are still not allowed. Also, I am open to receiving critiques on microaggressions, because I am 100% sure I make them and I would like to do better. I’m just posting this because I process my thoughts through writing far better than through speaking, and because we did have a communication for about a year. 
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multsicorn · 6 years
stanley cup coming out thoughts
[possibly up for revision!  who knows.  if not, we can ~agree to disagree.]
But I can’t seem to accept or believe that Bitty has an obligation to come out to his parents before he comes out to the world, or that Jack has an obligation to tell his team, his agent, etc., that he’s going to come out now before he does.
It would be nice, it would be probably helpful, it might possibly avert negative reactions of all sorts... these things are absolutely true, and I’m up for diving into them fictionally!
Whether it’s Suzanne being hurt that Bitty’s been hiding this from her, and guilting Bitty about it, making the issue into ‘didn’t you know you could trust me, am I a bad mother.’ - Which I think is in-universe the most likely thing to happen, though it’ll be glossed over super quickly if present at all on screen.
Or whether it’s George going ‘I was mad last night, but now I’ve moved on to being disappointed, you do realize that by doing this without talking to anyone you’ve made the fallout on everyone many times harder.’  And Jack feeling like this is unfair, but the rest of the locker room having mixed feelings.
But the point is that - one of my favorite things to think about in relation to omgcp has always been, just because you might need something from somebody, doesn’t mean they have to give it to you.  (er, this is mostly in relation to jack/parse, but the principle applies everywhere.)  Bitty and Jack coming out like this might hurt some people and frustrate others, people they care about, even, but it’s still.. their lives.  Their choice.
re: this being objectively a terrible time and place to come out.
For Bitty, that’s almost entirely about his parents not knowing yet, right, but he’s been wanting them to know, and hasn’t been able to tell them.  Coming out like this is so much more doable, probably, than doing it directly to them in any way... and it shouldn’t lastingly affect the type or degree of supportiveness (or lack thereof) they give him.
For Jack: either he comes out sometime or he comes out never.  (I would bet strongly that before he fell for Bitty, he wasn’t planning on coming out till after it wouldn’t be too big a deal.  Which means, maybe, ever).  But if he’s in love, in this committed relationship, then either he’s in the closet and he’s looking over his shoulder all the time to see whether he might be poking a toe out by accident, or... he comes out, and has to get shit from other teams, referees, media, whatever part of ~the whole world~ he sees... but at least he’s not terrified of being accidentally (or maliciously!) outed, anymore.
So!  If he were to come out, what better time than when he’s proved all the doubters wrong?  If he can win the Stanley Cup, he proves that he really belongs, there’s no doubt, etc.  And he already has an A as the rookie, and he got the game winning goal, and the Conn Smythe!, and the Cup, like... if there’s one moment when he’s on top of the hockey world, it’s here and now, there and then.  What better time to say, ‘oh, and also, I love my boyfriend, so if you have a problem with that, f you.’
(I DID NOTICE by the way and I’ve been predicting that this would happen since forever - that Jack came out to the world by saying, or, actually, by demonstrating, that he has a boyfriend, not by ID-ing himself out loud as either bi or gay.  I suspect that he’s never going to label himself onscreen in the comic, and this reluctance is interesting to me.... /sorry, tangent over.)
So, it would seem to me like a GREAT time for Jack to come out, save the factor of not giving his team or agent any fucking warning, which he should’ve done, but I bet he was probably too full of complicated fears, and I get that, and, further, it’d be just as true at any other time... I’m not sure how ‘planning’ would be s’posed to help, anyway.  The league, the media, hockey fandom, etc., is gonna have just as much homophobia in it no matter what he and/or his team do!
EXCEPT, there’s this thing about hockey culture.  (I gather from reading and osmosis - I don’t know that much about hockey!)  You’re not supposed to “draw attention to yourself.”  ... Here, I just googled “hockey” “draw attention to yourself,” and look at this quote from The Hockey News.  2015:
As for why no NHL players have come out yet, [Patrick] Burke [founder of You Can Play] believes it’s more a hockey culture issue – the team is always more important than the individual and you never want to draw attention to yourself – than anything to do with fear of acceptance. “There are a lot of people who know ‘out’ retired players,” he said. “Those players just don’t want to do a newspaper article on it. I mean, we’ve had players criticized for high-fiving too exuberantly.”
*screams quietly*
FIRST OF ALL, (unless there’s more than one such incident), those players who were criticized for high-fiving ~wrong~ were P. K. Subban and Carey Price.  (Their personal celly was banned by their team, the Habs, it was crazy!)  It is... not a coincidence, surely, that these are two of the biggest PoC stars in hockey, which is numerically an overwhelmingly white sport.  So... when it says ‘don’t stick out, fit in,’ it really means it, so much more so, if you’re not white.
Or if you’re marginalized along some other axis.  (You already ~don’t fit in!~)  Which, of course, everyone now knows Jack is...
To me it seems ridiculous, outrageous, that coming out would be bad cause it’s ‘taking attention away’ from the rest of your team.  No one would want all that sort of attention; it’s not their fault they would get it...!  But I’m not immersed in ~hockey culture.~
Where people would absolutely say ‘just like a -’ (well, I don’t want to write the rest of that sentence, but you know), ‘gotta be the center of attention all the time, can’t let ordinary people alone,’ and then some really gross sex metaphors., (and okay, i am making myself feel sick now, but, that is the world!)
And so you’ve got... I don’t even know WHAT sort of situation, where of course George and Marty and Thirdy and them are frustrated cause Jack gave them no cues as to what to say or do in this scenario, there’s no coordination, what interviews do we grant, we all wanted to be off elsewhere enjoying our summers, etc....
But also the press is being REALLY GROSS about Jack’s “selfishness” in making the Falcs’ first-ever Stanley Cup win “all about him” by kissing his boyfriend, cause like, it’s not like EVERY OTHER PLAYER who had one kissed their girlfriends or wives the exact same way.
And JACK, himself, also had a whole arc through the first couple years of the comic, of focusing on his own play to the exclusion of his team’s, epitomized in ‘it was a lucky shot’ and culminating in ‘learning to be a team player.’  ... BUT, that was with the Wellies, not the Falcs.  With the Falcs, we’ve seen him again beating himself up over his play in the playoffs, as if it wasn’t a team effort!  ... maybe he ‘knows’ better, in some sense, but focusing on things being all about you, a referendum on your inadequacies, even when you should know they’re not, is, in both my experience and my reading, a common issue with anxiety.
(I would bet he takes his anxiety out on other people on the Falcs, the same way he did with Bitty when they first met.  That he’s not that great of a team player, off the ice, even though it’s not about this thing, and that there’s some doubts in the room as to whether he’s earned his A.)
And then, THE COMIC, weirdly, though it includes quite a few of the Falcs as named and repeatedly-shown characters, also seems to be treating the Cup as a one-person victory.  Jack gets the GWG, and the Conn Smythe, and is the only one we actively see working on and worrying about the games, though we see the others just ~around!?  So.... it both adds bits of evidence to ‘boy has a self-centered approach,’ and, seems to justify this because a Jack-centered narrative of the playoffs is ~correct.
(And, I mean, clearly I’m being Jack-centered, when the narrative wants me to be Bitty-centered instead!  All sorts of biases and layers going on here.)
I am not sure how to sum all this up.  Just - that Jack has totally, demonstrably, been guilty of selfishness vis-a-vis his teams before, and there are bits of reasons to think that he probably hasn’t stopped!, and also that I don’t think, personally, that coming out at that time, in that way, is fair to label as ‘selfish,’ (though it’s a shitty situation for George and the team!) and also, that I bet Don Cherry et. al. are talking about how ‘selfish’ Jack and Bitty are right now in a sickeningly homophobic way.  But that doesn’t invalidate any of the earlier clauses in that sentence... it just complicates things.  Can you call your teammate out on his self-centered-ness, (like, throughout the playoffs), when that’s blasting from every hockey TV thing?  Would you still want to?  I sure as hell wouldn’t.
... and what are narratives, #we just don’t know.
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Testimony #1: “As long as Margaret Jacobson and their fiancé Noah is in a space, I do not feel safe.”
TW: for r*pe, sexual assault, non-consent
For more than a year, I’ve been quietly telling my local friends and chosen family about a person I do not feel safe around in our community since I found out some very disturbing and disconcerting information about them. I haven’t wanted to do a callout post because this person has A LOT of social capital, a lot of mutual friends and I didn’t want to start any trouble. But last week, after I had warned another friend about this unsafe person’s previous behaviour, this person sent me a text message that left me feeling like I was being intimidated. They told me I didn’t have my facts straight, that I was perpetuating gossip. But what was more troubling to me was that they gaslit me and called into question my own trauma that I’ve experienced at the hands of them and their partner. They made me feel invalidated. They made me feel crazy. They made me feel like I needed to keep my mouth shut.
I’ve been steering as clear as I can from this person for the last year, which has been extremely difficult—not just because they are literally *everywhere* but because we have a lot of mutual friends. But getting this text from them (after I’ve told them that I don’t want them to contact me) felt like a violation, and it’s in been on my spirit for the last few days to speak the truth of my experience.
The person that I do not feel safe around is Margaret Jacobsen and their fiance Noah.
Here is what I know:
I know that Noah (Margaret’s fiance) raped someone within the last couple years (I honestly don’t have an accurate date because I’ve heard multiple stories) and not a lot of people know this, despite Margaret insisting that they have been disclosing this to people. Margaret wasn’t even the one who told me about Noah raping someone. I found out through another person in the community who was told directly by Margaret and was very shaken up by it. After hearing this, I was deeply disturbed because I had shared intimate spaces with both Noah and Margaret recently. They had both seen me naked numerous times and I had even shared a bed with them at one point, so I felt extremely violated. I am also a sexual abuse survivor so I was very angry that I found this out this way and not from Margaret directly.
A couple days later, I confronted Margaret with what I knew at the time (they told me they had been meaning to reach out to me about this) and I told them that because of this I didn’t want to have anything to do with either of them because I did not feel safe around them. At the time of this conversation, Margaret had told me they were taking some space away from Noah for their own safety. A few days after this exchange, I saw both Margaret and Noah together at an event I was at and had the first panic attack I’ve had in years.
I found out a little later that Noah was/is going through an accountability process (which I admit that I know nothing about) but I do know that shortly after it was found out about Noah raping someone, he was still invited by Margaret into safe spaces amongst women and femmes, many of whom did not (and still do not) know his status. Noah is also still doing social justice work and organizing in the city without Margaret disclosing his past publicly.
Recently, I heard from a trusted source that Margaret was kicked out of a private callout Facebook community of sexual assault survivors this year after Margaret violated a major confidentiality rule by sharing information about the callout with Max Steele, the well-known rapist who was named. Margaret sharing this information undoubtedly harmed and put many other survivors at risk. Shortly after Margaret was kicked out, Margaret went on a podcast with Max critiquing callout culture. I know that Margaret is also a survivor, but they have upheld and protected a well-known rapist, which makes me feel like they cannot be trusted.
Other ways that I’ve been made uncomfortable by Margaret:
- Being sent explicit photos by Margaret of sexual acts they were engaged in with their partners without my consent
- Being sent explicit photos by Margaret of group sex they were participating in without my consent (or the consent of the parties involved in the group sex)
- Being given unsolicited information about private sexual experiences they’ve had with another friend that I’m certain this friend did not want to be disclosed
Margaret Jacobson has a lot of social capital and currency in our community which makes calling out their problematic behaviour tricky and terrifying for me. It also makes navigating the close-knit POC community here very challenging because I do not feel safe around Margaret or Noah, and since I’ve been blocked by Margaret on Facebook I have no way of knowing if one or both of them will be at an event that I am planning on going to, which causes me a lot of anxiety.
As long as Margaret Jacobson and their fiance Noah is in a space, I do not feel safe.
Margaret Jacobsen has a responsibility to the safety of their friends and community that they have been disregarding to the detriment of everyone around them. Margaret has contributed a lot to our communities and is a survivor themselves. I understand that Margaret has their own healing to do. Unfortunately, survivors too can perpetuate harm and abusive behaviour, and Margaret has done so for the last year. Just because someone is a victim doesn’t mean they’re exempt from critique and the consequences of their actions. Nobody deserves a pass on putting people at risk, including Margaret. This isn’t about Margaret, this is about unacceptable behaviour.
I am sharing all of this because I want to keep my own community safe. I’m sharing this because I don’t think most of you know all of this information because Margaret is not disclosing or being transparent with all of you. I’m sharing all of this so that you know that if you are a friend of Margaret Jacobson and you are not holding them accountable, you are being complicit in their problematic, unsafe behaviour.
Here’s what I need from you:
- I need your support and protection as I continue to navigate our very small POC community here in Portland as Margaret continues to organize and take up space (this can look like letting me know if/when Margaret will be at an event that I am RSVP’d to or interested in).
- If you are associated (or will continue to be associated after reading this) with Margaret and Noah in any way (professionally, personally)—no hard feelings. I just need to know so I can mute you on Facebook because seeing their faces and names is very triggering for me right now.
- I need you to believe me. I have been dealing with this in isolation and some of the folks I’ve told have made me feel dismissed. (And if you don’t believe me, that’s fine. Just please unfollow me.)
- If social justice and accountability processes are your thing, I need you to step up to the plate and make this happen with Margaret and Noah sooner rather than later.
As for the accountability process with Margaret, I don’t know what that is going to look like because I am not well-versed in this. But because of my current feelings about them and their fiance, I feel nervous about being a part of that process. I am however in full support of some kind of accountability process happening and I hope that with this testimony, it’ll help put some motion in action for proper healing. In time, I would be willing to join in the efforts in the accountability process with Margaret, but right now this feels too raw for me.
I do feel like I need to say this: I don’t think Margaret is a bad person, sincerely. I have no ill will toward Margaret and this is not meant to be an attack on them. I just want their problematic behaviour to be addressed and critiqued and for my friends and chosen family to be safe. (I should also note that because I am blocked by them on Facebook, Margaret cannot see this post but I have no illusions that this might be shared with them anyway.)
I totally understand that this is A LOT and get that you might have a hard time processing all of this information, and I apologize for putting this on you today. Again, I’ve been living with this for the last year and had been managing OK, but with the recent contact I’ve received from Margaret, I’ve had a hard time feeling safe and functioning on a high level. This is me trying to put the pieces back together and find some kind of closure on an issue that has been chronically inflamed for me for the last year.
Thank you for listening.
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