#because they’re the best and he doesn’t want to play second fiddle to kevin and his father
dayurno · 2 months
omg reverse riko au is making me feel so ill..... please let us know if you have any more thoughts abt riko kayleigh and kevin legend.....
I DO my idea is that its around the same age kevin and riko met in canon so tetsuji kicks the bucket when riko is 7/8 and riko is (very forcibly) removed from the nest and sidelined to kayleigh as a new moriyama asset from the main branch takes over the nest. riko struggles a lot with the change because he is very young and very scared and he’s used to horrible things at tetsuji’s hand, which means that he doesn’t trust kayleigh and finds kevin entirely too weird. it’s honestly really cute because i think at this point obviously 7 year old kevin wants to befriend him but riko is such an anxious ball of anger that most of their interactions are like
baby riko: what do you WANT from me. go AWAY!!!! NOW
baby kevin: (heavy irish accent) nothing i think. do you want a bite of my sandwich?
anyway i think riko and kayleigh do get along but he never really considers her his mother or even godmother, for a long time he thinks of her as his Benefactor until the child therapy starts hitting and she becomes Aunt Kayleigh and then after a few more years he can be loosely convinced to refer to her as auntie once or twice a year. his second son syndrome never really leaves him; in the upcoming years riko struggles with the idea that he’s anything But an add-on to the days and still overworks himself to death trying to be acknowledged by kengo, but it’s leaps better just from being outside the nest and having people to look out for him
riko and kevin have some rough patches, especially during riko’s first years with the days. because kevin is an easy target and riko is afraid of kayleigh he ends up letting a lot of that anger out on kevin, though obviously at this point they are children and riko’s anger manifests in some mild bullying and name calling. i think kevin doesn’t even understand it most of the time 😭 riko has been around grown ups his entire life so his adult level insults make no sense to kevin’s seven year old mind. nevertheless after kayleigh tells him to stop picking on kevin riko does respect it (first out of fear, then later because they actually get along) and they go on to become brothers with only a slight tendency towards antagonism. riko’s jealousy of kevin is still a big part of their relationship and i think even more so when college applications roll around, and he’s even more worried when wymack comes into the picture, but it never culminates into anything as horrible as hand breaking because riko has an actual outlet and a support system :) it’s mostly a yelling match that eventually turns to getting scolded by kayleigh for acting like barbarians
#i know kayleighs sermons go hard kevin and riko are sitting there head bowed like yes maam…..#i havent yet decided where they both go to college in this au#but i think for one that the nest still exists and jean still gets sold to the moriyamas but it’s the main branch now#however without riko there jean’s experience in the nest is. Hard but not brutal#anyway i think riko would apply to edgar allen but he would be rejected on the account of being second branch raised by foreigners#but how horrifying to think about jean in the nest bossing riko around right. kind of a slay though#i think kevin goes to palmetto still Because he wants to reconnect with wymack and riko is very divided but ultimately chooses usc#because they’re the best and he doesn’t want to play second fiddle to kevin and his father#also i imagine his time in usc sucks a lot for the first months because it’s so different LOL#and he’s never been alone before like this with kayleigh and kevin so far out of reach#but :) hed make friends. maybe even… captain jeremy knox….. whos to say?#!#meanwhile kevin (a normal boy at this point) has to deal with the foxes being a trainwreck and the new serial killer dad recruit#he’s got a lot on his hands#ANYWAY this is entirely unrelated and indulgent but i want this kevjean to meet so bad#riko on the phone: we played against the ravens that jean moreau is a scoundrel and a monster and he almost broke my arm kevin: woaw#he’s gonna be so pissed off three years down the line when jean moreau shows up at christmas dinner with the days#you think theres any worse dynamic for jean and riko than master and slave? of course. Brothers in law#wouldnt you just kill to be a little fly buzzing around that christmas supper#asks#riko#kevin&riko
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palmett-hoes · 3 years
i so agree on the thea/kevin thing. i do think they end up together though - not because i particularly think they're good for each other but because sometimes people end up in relationships they settle for and maybe they change and maybe they don't but sometimes life is just like that. thats kind of why i particularly like how nora makes it clear that allison doesn't end up with a man because she tends to seek out the anger issues + doesn't want to help themselves type of man. it b liek dat smt
hmm okay. i think first i want to address what i mean when i answer asks, especially one like the kevin and thea ask you're mentioning. just because i'm writing it doesn't necessarily mean i'm committing to the idea 100% and it doesn't mean it's what i believe 100% will happen. it's a possibility and more than that it's an idea i'm exploring for the moment
that was an analysis of how i view their dynamic, with some predictions based on that specific interpretation, and the end part was a best-case scenario if everything worked out perfectly. but you're right, a best-case scenario doesn't always happen. people's lives don't always play out perfectly and they don't always find the perfect right person that they're with forever. and sometimes they settle for something that's stable or familiar and that's not even necessarily a bad thing
what's really great about transformative work like fandom is that i don't have to stick to just one idea. i can entertain the idea of a perfect world for kevin and thea where they break up but stay friends and help each other overcome the trauma and conditioning of the nest, and at the same time i can also entertain the world where they fall a little flat of that, and still end up together and sometimes kevin sits up at night and looks at his wife and asks himself "do i love her? am i happy?" and knows that the answer isn't a resounding yes, but that she's still his partner and they have a daughter together who he wouldn't trade for anything. analytically, you can make an argument for either of those pathways, or even one where kevin and thea get marriage counseling and end up the happiest most in-love couple in the world, or a million others
you can create a post-canon where anything happens. one where kevin meets the love of his life, one where kevin never meets anyone, one where kevin suffers a career ending injury at 26 that this time he truly never recovers from. as a creator i can explore each and every one of these options for him and think of them all as equally real and equally possible, even if i'm thinking about two completely different ones at the exact same time
it's a story. it all comes down to what i'm feeling at that moment, what I'm looking to explore. do i need a pick-me-up? do i want catharsis? am i angry? sad? cruel? do i want to deconstruct the notion of the cold war nuclear family? do i just want a good time? you get out what you bring in
whatever i end up typing is a reflection of what i'm thinking and feeling in that moment. i may want to look at it completely differently in another moment
but i do agree that i like to keep a little reality regardless, and i also like that nora did too. she didn't give everyone a perfect happy ending with a marriage and kids and i think that's right for the statement she was making with the series
and sometimes i like that, sometimes i want a world that's a little softer around the edges for a bit. that's for me to decide
but if you want my strictest, most true-to-life, mirror of reality take on what happens in post-canon, okay
i still don't think that kevin and thea end up together, because there's at least two more years on kevin's college contract and no guarantee he'll go onto thea's pro team from there, and i don't think either of them will really be trying to stay in touch. long-distance is hard. long-distance when you're not even trying is impossible. i don't even think they explicitly break up it's just they realize they haven't spoken in months and don't even have each others' current addresses so they avoid eye contact if they ever happen to be in the same room and eventually one of them has a 30-second news spot about dating someone new and that puts the final shred of uncertainty between them to rest
kevin never really finds someone. he's too committed to exy, as a pro-player and as whatever he does after, and he's never going to tell anyone that his life is technically owned by the mafia. maybe he has a convenient marriage or two with some other celebrity that ends in divorce. he's not really particularly concerned with it and when he's old he doesn't regret it. maybe he never wanted a partner in the first place
it's aaron and katelyn that i think are the most likely to end up the way you described kevin and thea. they get married and they stay married but really they're married to their jobs as doctors. and as the years go on they sometimes wonder why they're still together but it's too much of a pain to sort through their shared finances and they're not unhappy, so they stay together. maybe one or both has an affair that they hide, but even if the other knew it probably wouldn't change anything. their house is really expensive and in a really nice location, it's not worth the divorce
dan and matt also probably get married, but i don't think it stays. matt seems like the type to want kids, and dan seems like the type to hate the idea. irrevocable difference. eventually they have to split. matt definitely remarries and has his kids. dan may remarry, she may not, her job is her primary concern. they stay amicable, but it's tense for a few years. they really rocks the foxes, because it's the only internal breakup between two of them
andrew and neil are both the most stable and the most happy of the foxes, because they know how to communicate and they know how to fight for each other. but also because neither of them has any grand notions of romance or true love. they didn't build their relationship on passion, they built it on understanding and cooperation. to them, a person to wake up to in the morning or sit by a window with IS a miracle. it shocks a lot of the foxes who all either subconsciously or not thought that their own relationships were better or healthier or more destined to last than andrew and neil's. over the years all the other foxes have come to them at least once, in private, looking for advice. they'd be lying if the irony of so many years of being given unasked for relationship advice coming full circle didn't make them just a but smug
nicky and erik are the other long-term success of the foxes. if nicky can stay with the twins at their worst he can shelter through normal relationship drama. still the hardest part for him is when the relationship ultimately becomes familiar, as they all do. he's always buying relationship books and planning dates and setting up relationship retreats because he's honestly so afraid of being alone if he likes the flame die. sometimes it's honestly the biggest strain on his relationship, all the frantic effort he puts in, but they get through it
renee never marries or really has any significant relationships. she says she's married to jesus and her job but she's still always a little bit haunted by her past in a way that holds her back from truly opening up to a partner. she adopts several kids though, somewhat later in life, because she believes that she can pass on the chances that stephanie gave her, and that's more important than romance
allison has a string of wild marriages and even wilder divorces that are usually the highlight of fox get-togethers. she has a child by accident and she isn't a wonderful mother. dan and renee are both very involved with her kid, for many years more than she is. when the kid is nearly an adult allison finally pulls her head out of her ass to see that she missed so much of the only relationship she can't annul. at that point she quits relationships and focuses on fixing things. it's a slow, painful process, but they manage to be close later in life
so, do i necessarily WANT all of these things to happen? no, many of them are quite sad. but all of them are good stories, and all of them are realistic in the sense that they are reflective of what happens in real people's lives
this is one version of how i think post-canon plays out. of course, i may change my mind later, or fiddle with the details, or want to play with an entirely different idea for one or more or all of the characters
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reaganyouth · 4 years
Merry Easter bitches and Passover alike. Now go say your lords prayer about forgiving your debtors as you get ready to pay your rent, cuz it sure ain’t a Happy one
It's Easter and no ones at church, sacrilegious ! Maybe now people can finally grow up and realize religion is useless today. Priests are more pedophile then they're clerical. They used to be "clerics" in the sense they told you what day it was, church bells gave the hour of day because no one had a watch or read your mail because few could read and write, let alone count. We're told to expect a new "normal". Trump promised us deaths would be down to zero and we'd be allowed out for Easter. Instead only promise he delivered on was handing out hard working taxpayers money to corporate interests,none to individuals expressing their individuality. Only Rothchilds and Hapsburgs are allowed that while Senator Loeffler
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and her husband, who runs the NYSE insider trade away on our misery. Think those fucks have cabin fever stuck inside their cities like some bird locked in a cage,only able to be let out and fly around the room, but never really free. This shit is, was and doesn't have to be the new normal. There are pyramids in Egypt, the Bible tells the "greatest story ever told" and it's so good it's still going on now. Wage slavery and incarceration, just like being an indentured servant is plain ole slavery, and slavery is murder. The White House has it's Pyramid just like there's a pyramid in Trafalgar Square or the front yard of the Vatican. Yes that Vatican that's not doing mass 'live" but on line, so you can't eat Christ's body or even drink his blood. Go out because you're covered in Jesus' blood and that protects you? What does that Bible belter identify with,the centurion that stabs Jesus' side? Now to get us used to being traced. Greenbacks are gonna disappear and your dealer is gonna have your info in their app. Out of town? Then download the app steering you to your closet local drug dealing spot. but until then y om the rich and give to the poor, the last mafioso not state sanctioned, no not Kevin Costner or even Robin Hood, but Salvatore Guiliano. 
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Go watch Francis Ford Coppola's "The Sicilian" if you want to watch a really crappy movie about Guiliano with no mention of that fact. My source, a Sicilian who drove me all around Germany so he schooled me on that. Fuck google search. But rent is going to be due. So what's you gonna do? I know some landlords are smoking crack and drinking while their beautiful daughter stays with them because they're out of work. You can't model now. Thanks landlord of my band mate, for doing that and not asking her for rent. But self medicating ain't gonna help. 99% of Landlords shouldn't die but they shouldn't get paid either. they are not our Lord and it ain’t their land. PROPERTY IS THEFT !. I'm talking about motherfuckers who would charge every human to breath if the could control the air around us. And what to do with them ? I’d suggest the Yugoslavian communist model of having the children of the 1% kill their parents if they want to live in a just society as opposed to Pence wanting U.S. to follow the Italian model of stop counting the dead. Now some will say “But now's not the time! To talk about this”. Too busy in isolation ? Or “We got to come together in this tragedy” By not having enough time to think of an alternative to the new normal ? Or by respecting the dead by ignoring them ? One NYC cop dies it's a big deal and all over the news. When 25 die they're a statistic. As for my view of the police I align myself in the same train of thought as Pier Pasolini. Now today Anarchists have someone like Cody Rutledge Wilson 
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but where are the Leon Czolgosz's ? He treated McKinley presidential the same way Lincoln and JFK were treated presidential. If it wasn't for Leon then we never would have had the only president with the balls to threaten to sic the U. S Army on the Coal Barron's and not striking miners. 
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But that president spoke softly and carried a big stick while today our president talks shit and thought it okay for America to get sick. Sicker then any other country out there today. China sure knew how to play Trump like a fiddle and all they needed was the best chocolate cake Trump ever ate. Don’t snicker at communism, it’s still going strong in China where they didn’t have to renounce religion because they don’t believe in God. God is dead and if you don’t know now you know. Where is our Nestor Makhnov? 
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Allowing prosperity for all while repulsing the 1% and greedy neighbors like Russia and Germany. Was Nestor Maknov the leader? No, just the head amongst equals. And what happened after a president last wielded power like Teddy Rooselvelt,
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Americas most popular president of all time, well by 99% of it’s citizens at his time? Betrayed by Taft which opened the door for the KKK's Woodrow Wilson to be president. He instituted the banking system, The Fed, that insures the rich get richer and the poor get murdered as he presided over WWI plus the Spanish Flu and got rid of many unwanteds. Kinda like what’s going on today. Now History ain’t as big as religion here in Amerikkka so I’ll offer up a sermon or two;
If I were asked to answer the following question: What is slavery? and I should answer in one word, It is murder!, my meaning would be understood at once. No extended argument would be required to show that the power to remove a man's mind, will, and personality, is the power of life and death, and that it makes a man a slave. It is murder. Why, then, to this other question: What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?
— Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What is Property?[I]
That was some new testimonial for y’all
Ending it a real creation story
The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying 'This is mine', and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."
Peace Unto Us All,.... well 99.9% of us that is ;-)
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dinoalexander · 4 years
Your Moment of Zen: The Gourmet Academy’s Semi-Quotable 2019 Quotedown Quotetacular
Ladies and gentlemen and non-binary conforming life forms across seven star systems... the Gourmet Academy’s World Famous Get Down Like a Hound Party ‘til You Puke Semi-Quotable 2019 Quotedown Quotetacular... is ON! === “Time to play everybody’s favorite game show, Fireworks or Gunshots?” -BFG
“Goddamnit. I have to be the adult, don’t I?” -Gordon
“You can copy the format, you can copy the look, but you can’t copy culture!” -UBA
“Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this craziness.” -Kimberly
“Starting a petition to have Barbara Walters do the ball drop next New Years just to hear her say, ‘I’m Barbara Walters and this is 2020.’” -Chelsea
“Hello, Antonio Brown's Shiny Helmet Emporium, how can I help you? What's your pleasure?” -Carl
“Watch me whip out my Shenehneh.” -Gordon
“I feel like I’m watching one of my movies, because this whole damn thing sucks.” -John Cena
“I giggled.” -Michael
“I’m not saying BH90210 is the worst thing in the history of all recorded media, but if somebody had the theory that Luke Perry faked his own death to avoid any and all association with it, I would be willing to entertain that theory.” -Kevin
“Any day the key card works is a win.” -Joe Ovies
“She played a fiddle in an Irish band...” -Ed Sheeran “No she didn’t.” (Click) -Chico
“CBS was callin’, I’m Black Monty Hallin’.” -Wayne Brady
“Richard Quest on CNN!  He's gonna ask the rest of the 500 questions!” -Klaussie
“Work. What is this work bullshit?” -Gordon
“Verizon and Tegna, when the carriage agreement ended.” -MD
“I got my words! I got my friends! I got my words WITH my friends!” -Megan
“Thoughts and prayers to the Love Boat, who had her on so frequently her name probably appeared higher up on the call sheet than Isaac or Doc.” -Kevin
“Another fine product from Assmung.” -Carl
“Remember how I thought Adam Gase was a total piece of crap? I have been proven right. Fuck Adam Gase and the horse that rode in on him.” -Cyndi
“Walls? Where we’re going, we don’t need walls.” -Laura
“I’m a person who wants to be productive trapped inside a person who wants to sleep all day.” -Cortney
“Tommy Chong is a THC-list celebrity.” -JB
“Hey did you know that Francesa met Secretariat?” -Greg
“In a year when Black Panther told a story of a black superhero in a futuristic world struggling with real questions about how to deal with racial oppression, and BlacKkKlansman told a story of racial wounds in America that continue to this day and the need for allies to put themselves on the line, Best Picture went to Green Book, the story of a brilliant black musician as told through the white guy who drove him around. Okay.” -Kristin
“Advice: avoid sugar, Oregon Trail diseases, & women named in Mambo No. 5.” -Austin
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but so will my poor eating habits and bad decisions.” -Sarah Pribis
“She was prepared to kill a cockroach with a baseball bat.” -me on overzealous providers
“I am the crocodonkey.” -Klauss
“Aaaaaand we just lost Quisla.” -C
“Can Scaramucci last longer than a Scaramucci?” -...I don’t know, somebody.
“I want dysentery! ... wait what?” -Kyle
“My boobs are not real.” -Gordon
“I want to stop this show and take 10% of you outside, right now!" -Chris Harrison
“OMG Parallel Universe me, stop it!” -C
“I figured out who should host the Oscars ... Colin Kaepernick! Dude still needs a job, right? Also, he’s like two or three times the size of Kevin Hart. I bet we could pay him the same amount, so it’s like getting a bargain! Of course, I’ll want a modest consulting fee from the Academy. Problem solved. You’re welcome.” -Clint
“How the hell am I supposed to put this thing together? Are there instructions or am I just supposed to wing it?” -C “Even IKEA gives me instructions in a foreign language and a tiny ass tool.” -Q
"The only place you see Success before Work is in the Dictionary: -Mauro Ranallo NXT Takeover Phoenix
“A bold statement from a guy dressed as a hippo on a talent show.” -Klauss
“If you wanted the chicken fingers that badly, you could have asked for one instead of taking the whole plate of food.” -Gordon
“Time to play “Sexy or Sleepy”?” -C
“... that means ‘Eff you, you, you, and you’.” -Jason “That’s my autobiography right there.” -Gordon
“The magic thing about home is it feels good to leave but it feels better to come back.” -Emily “Home is a bit like that.” -C
“Thoughts and prayers to Ryan Stiles, who has lost his go-to celebrity impression.” -BB
“Hey, the Lord works in mysterious ways, but you don’t have to, USE YOUR TURN SIGNAL, ASSHOLE!” -Q
“What, you think people do coke once?” -Greg
“I can read off a TelePrompTer like a motherfucker.” -Kristen Bell
“‘Thank God we will be able to see more Pat Buchanan on TV’ said no one ever. I mean, for fuck’s sake, the last thing that is needed is another show featuring a panel of bloviating pundits. I get it. It’s cheap and easy to produce. But so is p*rn.” -Kevin, on The McLaughlin Group
“After watching HQ Words you wonder why Anna Roisman hasn't hit the big time yet. After watching HQ After Dark, you can completely understand why.” -Gordon
“If I die tonight, I want two of the Woodpeckers, two of the Football Tar Heels, and two of the Panthers to serve as my pallbearers so they can all let me down one more time.” -C, on Bad Sports Week 2019
“The first time is flattery, the second time is a lie.” -Michael
“I went to the mall with my pops. I saw something driving to there that truly shocked me. Someone had an orange Ford F650 extended cab pick up truck… With duallies… A rolling coal smokestack… And hubcaps with spikes on each of the nuts. And my only thought was… “My God… It must be MICROSCOPIC!” -Brian
“Would’ve expected to see “Employees must wash hands before returning to work”, posted in the restroom, but alright NOLA, still good looking out I guess...” -Casey
“Because....um.....going from a 40 to a 33 waist apparently makes people want to bed you.” -Gordon
“Breaking news: Idiot talks to idiot on a channel watched by idiots.” -Kevin
“Screaming tree maraca!” -Dahlia
“Looks like I fell down on the job.  Metaphorically, because literally would make me Oprah Rich and I'd be full of imported cheese right now.” -Laura
“In another decade or so, somebody is going to make a documentary on Ken Burns documentaries. The TRT will be 152 years.” -Kevin
“May your 2019 be filled with happiness, prosperity, great cocktails,  laughter, and Waffle House when you need it most.” -Rick Wilson
“There are sober people in England... No there’s not!” -Mike the CD
“Oh... oh.... oh....” -Q “IT’S MAGIC!” -C
“And finally, some of y’all still out here begging (I’m mean, pure, unadulterated BEGGING) for attention (I’m talking ANY attention) and validation. Lord Jesus put that sadness away. Just put it away.” - Michael
“I’m thinking of a number. The number is 10. You go first.” -JD
“Also, I would take tasteful pics of me making pizza naked. I'm only 30 and I'm only gonna look like this once.” -Kimberly D
“I have ADD. You wanna ride a bike? I’m gonna drink some water. Rooooooam if you want to... This coffee’s really delicious. I’m a sucker for you.” -Q
“Matthew Judon... Body built by Taco Bell.” -Matthew Judon, professional football player
“YEAH!!!! 1943, BITCH!” -my response to Q’s retelling of the events leading up to the Battle of Midway.
“Depending upon the inflection (Bless your heart) can mean anything from “oh you poor thing” to “would you lend me your brain?, I’m building an idiot”.” -Brian
“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” -LiyaZee
“That is a giant banana!” -Chris Ahearn, re: a giant banana “Why thank you!” -JB
“Betty White the Happy Homehooker.” -C
“I'll only have a hamberder if I can have it with covfefe.” -The Governess
“I will never forget when you surprised my ass in Atlantic City. That was the weekend of the Press Your Luck Prime Rib.” -JB “That was my first taste of the juice.” -Chico “And you been on the corner... ever since... looking for a fix.” -JB
“Sounds like a generic dude who owns the Ford dealership in every single city in America.” -BFG’s response to “Who is Tom Steyer?”
“Time to switch to Channel 7...” -Cyndi, getting ready to launch a Dallas recap style recap
“The only difference I've noticed this year is that now I get told, "OK Boomer", when I complain about holiday creep.” -Trey
“A 21st Century Koan... If a vegan that sold essential oils begin doing CrossFit… Which would they tell you about first?” -Brian
“Sorry I shoved my hair in your face.” -Christina
“You are turning into a Burberry wearing, wine drinking, charcoal mask wearing kinda guy... AND I COULDN’T BE PROUDER!” -Q
“Instead of airing new Love Island episodes, something tells me CBS is better off rerunning “The Mentalist”. -Doug “CBS is better off running Secret Talents of thr Stars.” -Gordon
“How far along are you?” -some guy “Oh, about six burritos and about a dozen cupcakes.” -Kimberly
“Answers and bribes go into the Corona Extra bucket.” -Michael
“Dear God, Please watch over Cole Anthony’s shoes.” -C
“What’s that scent you’re wearing? Oh, a little something I call washing your ass.” -Q
“You ever just wish there was a coffee delivery service? .... I do.” -Kathleen
“I’m just another brother with a game show.” -BFG
“(Unintelligible) ... Thicke of the niiiight.” -Greg’s impersonation of Gilbert Gottfried’s impersonation of Alan Thicke
“Antonio Brown doesn’t need football - ‘They’re going to play by my rules.’ A bold statement from a guy dressed as a hippo on a talent show.” -Klaussie
“You keep your head high and your middle finger higher.” -Alex
“There has to be a more scientific name for the penis. ... Intermittent organ?” —Gordon “That sounds pretentious enough to be scientific.” -C
“Zooey is saved for awkward sexy stories. Jeff Zucker is someone I don't want associated with "sexy stories".” -Dane
“Ryan is as Canadian as it gets. I think he bleeds maple syrup.” -C
“Turns out Gillette doesn’t work well with sensitive skin after all.” -Ben Rejmer
“Are you drinking something funny there, sunshine?” -Statboy
“It's so cold out here on the east coast that Jim Dolan, the brilliant genius that he is, decided to warm the citizens of Manhattan up and turn MSG into a giant dumpster fire.” -Gordon
“Ziggy is my spirit animal.” -C
“It may sound bougie, but.. you look good, you play good. You play good... they PAY good.” -Cam Newton
“We could be flying Pan Am Clippers to Venus. But MTV stopped playing music, legalized weed, and elected Donald Trump.” -C
“I get it. Tom Brady = deflated balls. Alex Guerrero = "inflates them". Hookers like Tom Brady. Damn, Alex Guerrero is better than Viagra.” -Klaussie
“I think I found the pony under the pile of shit." -Kimberly
“Skype sucks ass.” -Gordon
“In this troubled times, I like to put my hand over the  kidney in my heart, stare at the moon of Mars contemplating how the wheel is older than the wall, the great things Frederick Douglas is doing  & just being thankful I have ID to buy cereal, thankful for George Washington Airport victories & I don't have Windmill cancer.” -Trent Capelli...Twitter
“Sugar isn't "worse than cocaine."  You're not killing yourself by ingesting sugars either in foods or in your coffee.  People who are selling you weightloss programs want to tell you that you're killing yourself but there is no scientific evidence that sugar kills humans.   Thank you for attending my TEDtalk.” - Shrub
“I found a love...” -Ed Sheeran “No you didn’t.” (Click) -Chico
“Many of you are wondering about my mental state after the Vols game last night. I assure you last night I slept like a baby. Sleep two hours, wake up and cry, sleep two hours, wake up and cry...” -Brian
“If you paid $7 for a Jack & Coke, you got jacked.” -Klaussie “... and Coked.” -C
“Rich Eisen getting triggered by an f’n commercial for 9-1-1 because it featured a fictional situation in a place where his kid goes to is the most white guy thing ever.” -Greg
“And now that your reagent is all nice and mixed and all the chemicals have gotten to know each other, gently put the reagent cartridge onto the instrument. Gently... GENTLY, YOU IDIOT!” -C, to himself
“... goddamned hula shirt.” -Q
“The person who wrote the article needs to be taken in the back and have their writing license revoked. And then shot. And then never be allowed to touch a keyboard again. And then have their hands chopped off.” -Gordon
“They got Bowzer next to Barbi Benton, the lucky son of a bitch.” -C
“Here's what gets me every time I see the trailer for the Cats movie...these are all successful actors. Like...nobody in this movie actually needs to do this.” -Lana
“I made Chico donate $24 to Extra Life.” -Gordon
“You guys are compact cars like I’m a gay, wasted white girl.” -Q
“HQ is like the divorced dad with a much younger, hippy dippy, girlfriend-- and the kids don't want to visit.” -Amberlee
“Suck down your coffee like you own it!” -Hollie
“DRUM SOLO!!!” -Weird Al
“You know when you’re a podcaster you need a good vocabulary. I did always have one. When I was young I mixed up Jacuzzi and Yakuza. And for a while I was in hot water with the Japanese mafia.” -Brian
“It’s game of thrones, but I’m much less Jon Snow and much more Johnny Mudstorm.” -Gordon
“Skype is being a ho.” -Jason
“It's a less-sensitive Soul Man, in a time we need no such shit.” -Klauss
“I thought you were gonna get a room.” -Chapel Hill Phil “I thought you were gonna mind your business.” -Chico “.... that’s fair.” -CHP
“For those of you who are upset about being single on Valentines Day, remember this... 99% of my socks are single but you don’t see them crying about it!” -Connor
“They are selling CBD oil at Bed Bath and Beyond?! I’m sure that’s quality stuff. Honky, please!” -Christina
“She is twisted. If she swallowed a nail, she’d shit out a corkscrew.” -Q
“Oh Taylor Swift. Patron saint of Pride Month. Thank God for straight white girls.” -Michael
“Apollo’s Chariot: “I’m the biggest baddest hypercoaster on the eastern seaboard.” Intimidator 305: “... Bless your heart.” Fury: “Both of you can hold my sweet tea.”” -C
“I don't know you and I sure as heck don't know your sister.” -Klaussie
“Nothing makes you stronger than having no choice in the matter. You’re strong because you have to be.” -Christina’s dad
“Apparently people have mistaken my professional courtesy with genuine interest.” -Michael
“Jon Bauman, you dingleberry!” -Chico a la James May
“Bad enough it’s Scott but it’s Comic Sans, so that makes it even worse.” -Nick “Gentlemen... start your whacking!” -Cyndi “PHRASING!” -Jay, Chico, JVG
“As Robert Downey Jr. once said...” -Cindy
“Whenever I see a married couple with a joint Facebook page, I never, ever have any thought other than "I wonder which one of 'em cheated."” -Adam
“Why is Dan Orlovsky talking football and why should I take anything Safetyman says seriously?” -Cyndi
“Okay, you're a billionaire and can easily afford top-of-the-line call girls at $5,000 to $10,000 an hour and you go to a sleazy massage parlor where the women smell like lavender and shame (so I've heard).” -Steve
“My floor is occupied with eggs.” -Gordon
“Quis, your thing is making noise. Can you make it... not make noise?” -C
“I’ve been waiting at the phone for 29 years hoping someone can win this cruise!” -Klaussie
“If you wanted the chicken fingers that badly, you could have asked for one instead of taking the whole plate of food. #WelcomeBackToLeague #BowlerCityThievery #CheckingTheCamerasAfterLeague.” -Gordon
“I'm proud to say I only cried five times.  Admittedly, once was during the opening credits...” -Prof. O
“Phone calls in the mor-NING!” -C, describing his job as a radio jingle
“Okay, the shirt I was wearing when Liza gave me a slimy hug...I wanted to keep wearing it but I also loved the way the slime stains looked on it, so I waited six weeks to wash it so the slime stains would be totally set in. I just did laundry and there’s not a slime stain to be found anywhere on this shirt. On the one hand, mildly disappointed, but on the other hand, holy crap, Tide just made a customer for life out of me.” -Adam
"Really, you don't go back to the crazy ex-girlfriend. You leave her in the insane asylum." -Rafael Siegel, former Cash Show host
“Don't slap Charlotte in her boobs, you're just making her ANGRY!” -Brian
“Is it bigger than a Bird Box?” -Adam Nedeff’s take on What’s My Line?/Bird Box
“That song Birthday Sex is depressing when it’s your birthday and you have no sex.” -Red
“Politics politics politics Sean Spicer politics politics politics DWTS politics politics politics shimmy shimmy shimmy politics politics politics *tea sip*” -Kimberly
“We may need to add Brie Larson to the "How big is Batista's dick?" question list.” -Dane
“Chico and I not only know that we;re going to Hell, we requested a nice suite, complete with kitchen, spa and bidet, Aaron is coming also. We should have room in the suite for more if you want to join us.” -Gordon
“If Bill Cosby is telling you to get out, get out.  Else, you'll get a dinner drink with a special surprise.” -Klauss
“Hey, what’s coming out this May?” -Q “(Incoherent slurring)” -C “Really? Who’s in it?” -Q “Ryan Reynolds, I dunno.” -C
“I feel like Neville Longbottom with a remembrall.” -Amberlee
“Comically oversized shit sells. It's America, bigger is better.” -Jessica
“You’ve heard of salt in a wound or lemon juice on a paper cut... but have you heard of Oxi Clean powder on a fingernail you cut too short? Pro tip: avoid that.” -Coby
“I have an idea.” -Q “OH NO!!!! NOT AN IDEA!!!!” -C
“Truck contains political promises.” -actual septic truck
“Uhh... framing?” -C
“It’s very easy to get friends on these apps if you say you’re a hot chick.” -Gordon
“Woodstock 50 cancelled after organizers determined they can’t make it as hilarious as Fyre Fest.” -Adam
“Age and wisdom divorced decades ago. Stupid people get old too.” -Austin
“They put some extra claps in this.” -C, re: CS2019 theme
“I hope she’s dreaming the biggest, bestest dreams... and I hope she never stops.” -Kathleen, on her new little girl.
“You think it’s awkward buying condoms, try returning them!” -Q
“If Mississippi State wins the Outback Bowl, we all get free Bloomin' Onions. If Iowa wins, we all get free Coconut Shrimp. If that's not reason enough to root for Iowa, I don't know what to tell you.” -Matty
“Full hearts, full stomachs, can’t poop.” -Evil Travis
“That's it. Officially referring to my boobs as my "small turkeys".” -LiyaZee
“More phone calls in the mor-NING!” -C, describing his job as a radio jingle
“Tried watching pre-debate coverage, but the phrase "brutal Darwinian logic of winnowing" sent me back to Press Your Luck.” -Heather
“...if we hold up a painting of Hurricane Dorian, will it die?” -Amberlee
“Hey Cindy... you married that.” -C
“Literatively? Okay.” -Gordon
“I plan on going with Chef from South Park's line on that one -- "There's a time and a place for everything, and it's called college."” - Kristin, on “Break Up With Your Girlfriend (Because I’m Bored)”
“Allegiant Stadium. Much like the Raiders... A WORK IN PROGRESS.” -C
“Nobody could sing like Milli Vanilli… But let’s be fair neither could they.” -Brian
“Gar-a-giola, Gar-a-giola, STRIIIIIIKE IT RICH! Gar-a-giola, Gar-a-giola, STRIIIIIIKE IT RICH! Strike! It! Riiiiich! Strike! It! Riiiiich! Gar-a-giola, Gar-a-giola, STRIIIIIIKE IT RICH!” -Nedeff’s lyrics to the love theme from “Strike It Richl by Hal Hidey
“In God we trust, all others must provide research-based, peer-reviewed data.” -Aryn
“Go-gurt™: because fuck spoons and decency.” -Sarah Ann
“Like I said ESPN is to the Patriots what FOX News is to the Republican Party.” -Greg
“That is like walking hepatitis.” -Tim DeLaGhetto
“Will there be any trivia questions on your trivia question show?” -Erskine
“I’m a journalism major, so I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” -BFG
“That’s Right is the Adam Gase of trivia apps.” -Greg
“And yes, Bill Maher does in fact molest collies, and goats...and sheep...and Chicago Bears. 😜” -JVG
“In the words of my dear uncle Paul, ‘Google it, bitch! I’m not here to educate you!’” -Nikki
“You know what they call the guy who graduates last in medical school?” -Megan “A doctor!” -C
“You can never win an argument with an idiot or an asshole. Idiots don’t know they’re wrong, and assholes won’t even consider the possibility that they could be wrong. You can’t help it if you’re an idiot sometimes, but don’t be an asshole. Just something to think about going into 2019.” -Clint
“No Ganos is good Ganos with Graham Gano.” -Tim
“Enough loonies to fill up the Bank of Montreal.” -Klauss
“In the age of auto correct no less, it makes me shudder when I see the leader of the free world making fifth grade grammar mistakes.” -Q
“You look like who did it and why.” -Mary
“Ow, my check! ... I mean, ow, my neck!” -Big Rick
“This woman on Wheel of Fortune has two grandchildren named Kennedy and Nixon, and I have questions.” -Melanie
“You’re the President of the United States and getting dragged by fucking Burger King. It’s just... wonderful.” -Shannon
“Classy, Like a White House Big Mac.” -Actual team trivia name
“Sex is a mistake 9 out of 10 times.” -Michael
“Who signs the cat?” -Carl
“This feels like an SNL sketch. Where’s Bill Hader?” -Greg
“Yeah! And uh...I played HQ with one of them in a hotel room. Wait, that sounds creepy.” -BFG “More than that.  (No, THAT sounds creepy.) You have played online trivia with one of them.  Surely you ran into or at least saw others in Vegas.” -Klaussie
the subject: The Jeopardy! All-Stars
“Step 1: Go to McDonald's. Step 2: Order a Shamrock Shake. There, now you don't have to read the article.” -Prof. O via Evil Travis. The question: “How to order a Shamrock Shake.”
Lunch lady: “Hey Dino! Get me a grape soda! I’m thirsty!” C, after an insane amount of giggling: “You said it, not me.”
“Some bitch decided she wanted to be a bitch.” -C
AP headline on Twitter: "Tim Tebow struggling in Triple-A; still a work in progress." GSNN: "Funny -- so was 'Million Dollar Mile'."
“The Bosa brothers = MAGA Gronk.  Don't @ me.” -Klauss
“... BASSOON SOLO!!!!!” -Weird Al
Greg: “Crying Game Cereal. A surprise in every box.” (Everyone dies for, like, five minutes) Chico: “... I’m going to HQ.... YOU NEED TO GO TO CHURCH!”
“Aunt Becky has some stupid kids.” -Austin Rogers
“I wanna be 21 again and ruin my life differently... I have new ideas.” -Sarah Pribis
“Mannnn listen!! It's time to just throw the whole R. Kelly away!!” -Bruce
“By the time all is said and done, I will have been awake for 24 hours.” -C “Rookie.” -G
“Instead of airing new LI episodes, something tells me CBS is better off rerunning “The Mentalist”. -Doug
“Well they went over as well as a ham sandwich at a kosher deli.” -Q
“Drop it and get out of here!” -Carl’s boss
“The call is coming from inside the wheelhouse.” -Ullsperger
“I am the Marquis de Asshole.” -Gordon
“Elizabeth Banks’ ass is America’s ass.” -C, with apologies to Paul Rudd, Elizabeth Banks, and Bill Carruthers
“Don't have an iPhone or iPad? Maybe you can beg at the boots of your betters, proletariat scum!” -Megan
“Tom Brady and Bob Kraft shaking hands and whispering into each other’s ear... ‘Hail Hydra’.” -C
Jason (discussing the Masked Singer): “The Hippo was ANTONIOOOOOOOO Brown!” Brian H: So THAT'S how the Madden Curse happened this year.
“Manish Mehta is on 92.3 The Fan right now.  My first thought after hearing him for 5 seconds:  He sounds like Aziz Ansari as The Bookworm on that SNL GSN show parody a few years ago.” -Klaussie
“Look at me, I’m Sandra Bullock.” -Nick
"That's Britain for you. Tea solves everything. You're a bit cold? Tea. Your boyfriend has just left you? Tea. Coordinated terrorist attack on the transport network bringing the city to a grinding halt? TEA DAMMIT!" — LiveJournal user jslayeruk
“Temporary emotions lead to permanent mistakes!” -C
“Tuesday night wasn’t just biscuits. Roy Williams went ahead and got the dirty rice to go with it.” -Adam Lucas after Carolina made State humble, 113-96
“Shaka... when the paywalls fell.” -Kevin
“Barbi Benton... ROLL TIDE!” -Greg
“I love when you ask for recommendations for establishments, services, recipes, products, etc., and people respond with, "Did you Google it?" Like, Thanks, Karen! I hadn't thought to use the easily-accessible, number one search engine in the world before! I'm totally not looking for recommendations based on actual experience from personal friends who will give me honest feedback, so I'm glad you directed me to Google!” -Cindy
SWSNBN: “Can your cover for me while I eat my sandwich?” C: “Go eat your sandwich.” SWSNBN: “I’ve got nothing going on.” C: “You’ve doomed us all. Go eat your sandwich.”
“If life gives you lemons remember: life was very honest about how many people it'd been with.” -Austin
“Two hours after lunch is still after lunch! BOOK SAY SO!” -C
“Remember, two wrongs don’t make a right, three rights make a left, and I’m Kyle Serra, quiz responsibly.” -Kyle
Q: “The answer fell into the pizza!” C: “Well now not only is it correct, it’s delicious.”
“Tom Brady just got the sixth stone. Half the NFL is about to vanish.” -Nikki
“I’m Max Essodus and I’m leaving!” -Klauss
“Chuck Todd is a bowl of Jello with a bad goatee and a shitty hair cut.” - @PhillyLocalGuy
“Leonard Frey! Leonard Frey! Anytime you call, Leonard will take care of you! Winter, Spring and Fall!” -Chico
“I THINK I’M BREAKING EVERY FCC RULE IN THE BOOK!” -Kevin Harlan calling two NFL games at the same time
“Horrible news to report, Baby Yoda has died after Myles Garrett beat the shit out of him with a helmet.” -Barry McCockiner
“The Yankees are like Roman Reigns: they’re good, everybody still hates them, and they always kick out of your finisher shm” -Mike Janela
“My nightmare is being stuck working for a guy that looks like Chris Cillizza” -@ChadShartman
“Mel Gibson/Rothschild casting is most inspired decision since Richard Spencer was chosen to write the screenplay for the new Frederick Douglas parody bio pic.” – Josh Marshall
“Minecraft? HELL NO!” -Amberlee at RewardTheFan on Minecraft RewardTheFan
“109876543210, Happy New Year!” – Kyle @ Trivia Crack
Tony Stark: “Hey, you said one out of fourteen million, we'd win, yeah? Tell me this is it.” Doctor Strange: “If I tell you what happens, it won't happen.”
America, let me just tell you something, do not commit crimes with checks.” –Charles Barkley
“I bet George Halas and Pop Warner are up there now coaching Angels in the Heaven Bowl.” –Cord Hosenbeck
“The director saw Green Book and was inspired to make a bigger disaster of a movie about race.” –From the IMDb Trivia Page for Loqueesha
“Drew Brees and Harry Styles fighting over a Pepsi is Peak 2010s.” -Chico
“The aging app? I didn’t know there was an app that helped Mike Maccagnan make his freaking draft picks!!!” -@DAitken90
“For all the notes and stats FOX gave out, they missed that this was the very first post-season game in history where two wife-beater closers gave up two-run home runs in the 9th.” -Ken Levine
Chico: “Man, Bowzer ruined this!” Mike: “Just like the second half of the show Bowzer ruined this!”
“Amazon Suggestion for David Pecker: Because you considered “Blackmailing the Richest Man Who Ever Lived,” we recommend you “Get an Orange Jumpsuit.” –Stephen Colbert
“When in doubt, choose Helium!” –Megan
“They should make a Mistress Pac-Man. Ghosts chasin’ her around the apartment Pac-Man rents for her, eatin’ all the strawberries and chocolates he sends and whatnot. Then the last level Ms. Pac-Man is after her ass like “Oh HELL no that’s MY round yellow man!!!” –George Wallace
“God is a woman and her name is Hailee Steinfeld” -@dakotalanthimos
“I stopped by the Statue of Liberty today, thinking about freedom, and the ability to go for it all.” –Bill Walton at the Pac-12 Tournament in Las Vegas talking about being at the NY-NY Casino
“today marks LaGuardia Airport’s first positive contribution to America.” –Jack Holmes on the end of the Late 2018-Early 2019 Government Shutdown
“BEAT THAT GHOST DICK!” -Matt Richards
Greg: “What if the Monster on The Masked Singer is Michael Cohen?” Mike: “If it is that will almost guarantee there won’t be a second season of The Masked Singer.”
“Roger Clemens tried to smash Mike Piazza’s head with a baseball bat and was still less of an asshole than Curt Schilling.” -@[email protected]
“I love all the diversity in Star Wars. There’s brown people and someone with a Boston accent” -Dani Fernandez
“I don’t care that Brock Lesnar won Money In The Bank, I want to know if Brett Somers won Money In The (BLANK)” -Mike
“Woodrow Wilson even with a stroke was sharper than Donald Trump is today.” –David Frum
“As far as I’m concerned, that’s America’s ass!” - Scott Lang “That is America’s Ass.” - Steve Rogers “America’s Ass? Are you talking about Tom Villard?” - Mike
“Oh Jesus, it’s Jimmie Walker’s turn!” –Chico
“Where’s the Robert Kraft spa video? I’d rather watch a video of my own funeral.” –Gerard Mulligan
“So, does Jeff Zucker have to completely cause CNN to lose money and get devalued so badly it gets bought out by Comcast for him to replace Vince Russo as “worst Turner Broadcasting hire ever?” -Dane
“I was just researching Mark Russell as a "Whatever happened to...?" He's still alive.” –Matt Jones
“And all of ESPN and FS1’s morning shows are just the worst. People who watch them actually come away dumber for doing so. I don’t understand the appeal of watching idiots on either network yell biased opinions at each other...many of which are lacking context or facts beyond what they see on a caption of a social media post. It’s like going to a comment section and watching arguments.” -Dylan White on the Awful Annoucing Facebook comments section
“Hunter, Kiss my ass.” –Dave Bautista
“The fact that the CEO of twitter can have his account hacked is a blinding indictment of twitter’s security policies. The fact that no one could tell the difference is a blinding indictment of jack himself.” -@ChrisSmith_RSB
“I don’t know anybody who loves or even likes Trey Wingo.” -@SlicedBrett
“A Madea Star Wars” must now be a thing…” –Amberlee
“People are like "the New York Post is bad for that cover, subscribe to the Daily News instead!" as if the Daily News didn't run a screencap of a woman being murdered on it a few years back. They're both pure trash. Neither are better.” -Craig Calcaterra
“Tim Burton’s Dumbo brings out Michael Buffer TWICE to say “Let’s get rrready…for Dumbo!” and I laugh again every time I think about it.” –Ken Jennings
“Who the hell is Dr. Lee Franz?” –Jason H.
“I was in the theater and that moment was revealed and the audience was “OOOOH!” and I just was laughing so hard!” –Ron Burgundy remembering the ending of “The Crying Game”
“Ladies and Gentleman… whatever legitimacy pro wrestling has left literally crawled under the ring.” –Chico critiquing the workrate of Colin Jost
“Can y'all imagine if the Gremlins and Jason Vorhees both attacked at the same time that would be some difficult shit to deal with anyway talk to you later” -George Wallace
“Trump getting impeached over the Ukraine is a little like Scorsese getting the Oscar for The Departed, but hey recognition is recognition.” -John Ross Bowie
“Alex Trebek is a fixture in the American firmament and we're all behind him. What a great man, so kind to my family and so warm to all of us contestants. Send him your love.” -Austin Rogers
“Rather than bore you with my expansive knowledge of British politics, allow me to comment on more pressing matters: drunken Chris Jericho getting his belt stolen” -Mike Tunison (@xmasape)
“Only ESPN would do a feature on Robert Kraft taking former players to Jerusalem — while he awaits trial for soliciting prostitution in a sex trafficking ring.” -@willgcopeland
“Looking forward to the “In Memory of Jim Cornette’s Career” graphic that will be starting Dynamite.” - Trevor Dame
“Tom Steyer sounds like a guy who airs MLK and Columbus Day ads, where you can get a new Mustang or Fusion for up to $6,000 off MSRP” - BFG
“Eh, what’s her name? Her name Barry Lonson. She’s in da, she won Oscar for the movie “Stuck In The Basement”. Also, she’s in the movie “Kink Kong: He Got Love With Her” but how he make sex with her, she’s young, she’s small and he big. I don’t know?” -Yehya reviewing Captain Marvel
“To this day nobody knows who Ann Risley is.” -Chico
“Heartbreaking: there is apparently no video I can find of this moment, where a robot named "Mr. Scraps" delivered a ball to James Doohan (Scotty from Star Trek), who had just arrived in a dry-ice-and-laser-bathed Delorean to throw out the first pitch in "The Biodome". Please enjoy this real quote from the Mariners former VP of marketing: "We named the robot Mr. Scraps, because it looked like a garbage can on wheels. Not exactly what we were expecting, but it served its purpose." [email protected]
MC Cool Cloud: “No union better mess with my family!” Cloud 9 Employee in Training Video: “Oh, MC Cool Cloud, (pats stomach) you’re gonna be the best dad.” Garrett: “I’m sorry, did MC Cool Cloud just impregnate a human?” Mateo: “I think he did.” “I’m in shock, Gene. I just talked to my accountant and I found out this guy made 30 grand and I’m working for minimum scale.” -Marty Cohen on MG-HSH Episode #12 “It would be kind of weird for a person named Tammy to be played by Tim Dunigan.” -Mike
“Chico's brain only has so much memory.  It's either the capital of Botswana, or something you rambled at 3AM while white-girl wasted.   Only one of those nuggets of wisdom is a panty-dropper, and I think we all know which.” -Laura
“So, the audience for SNL seems to be comprised of easily offended Catholics, YouTube “influencers”, and Trump. But Lorne Michaels still thinks he shouldn’t retire? Because if I learned those people watched something I produced, I’d eschew all technology forever and go live in one of those Unabomber log cabins.” -Kevin
“Morning report: The "Fuck Your Feelings" crowd sure gets triggered easily.” -Rick Wilson
“ZIPPERS?!” -Klauss
“We’s considerin’ buddies.” -C
“Automan’s naked and wearing a belt? I don’t get this!” -Klaussie
“You were standing in his crotch!” -Anna
“I am utterly surprised there were no traces of Batman cereal yet Greg's dad made at least 2 appearances.” -Klaussie
“Next time, can you pick a gas station that ISN’T in the middle of nowhere?” -C
“Did Isaac ever deliver cold hard cash direct to your PayPal account? No!” -Greg
“Too many phone calls in the mor-NING!” -C, describing his job as a radio jingle
“Semi-Quotable of the 2010s--Hundreds of quips enter, Adam Nedeff wins because he's funny and he has half of Hollywood under his thumb.” -Klaussie
“You’re not you when you’re thirsty.” -Q, the Double Entendre of the Year
“Nobody ever robbed a convenience store to get sugar money.” -Brandon
“If you're mad at rich peoples kids for getting special acceptance/treatment at college and you aren't mad about all the athletes that get the same thing you're a hypocrite. Ya'll leave Aunt Becky alone.” -Stephanie
“Damn it! I used too much stick.” /Ethan
“And her tights say two cents a dance.” -Kimberly
“Go home, That’s Right. You’re clearly on meth.” -Evil Travis
“I paid $700 for THAT?!” -Klaussie
“Florida is now under a Jim Cantore watch.” -Braden
“Good Brother, but Bad Mother!” -Gordon
“Dude. Even Nike hates Duke!” -D
“For 15 points, Will Smith’s arrogant cousin Hillary appeared in an episode of NBC’s hit sitcom Blossom. Another episode of blossom featured Don Novello playing the role of Father Guido Sarducci, and Father Guido Sarducci also popped up on an episode of Married...With children. Stay with me here. David Faustino’s character Bud Bundy also popped up all the Fox network sitcom Parker Lewis Can’t Lose. In another episode of Parker Lewis Can’t Lose, Parker crosses paths with grown-up Eddie Haskell, who of course,We all remember from Leave It to Beaver. His next-door neighbors, June, Wally, and Beaver Cleaver were all characters in an episode of the Love Boat. Now there is this other episode of the Love Boat where all of Charlie’s Angels are on board. In an episode of Charlie’s Angels, Dan Tanna shows up from Vega$. But that’s not important right now. Remember when I said Parker Lewis had crossed paths with Eddie Haskell? Well Eddie also popped up on an episode of Hi Honey I’m Home. So did Gale Gordon‘s character Mr. Mooney, who you might remember from the Lucy Show. There’s an episode of the Lucy Show where Lucy crosses paths with Private Gomer Pyle, USMC, who, of course originally appeared on the Andy Griffith show, which was a spinoff of Make Room for Daddy. On an episode of Make Room for Daddy, Danny encounters Buddy Sorrell, one of Alan Brady’s writers on The Dick Van Dyke Show. Alan Brady later appeared on Mad About You, where Ursula was the twin sister of Phoebe from Friends, and Phoebe’s friend Chandler Bing showed up on Caroline and the City, where Caroline draws a popular comic strip that is read and enjoyed by Daphne Moon, the caretaker for Dr. Frasier Crane’s disabled father. Dr. Crane used to hang out at a Boston bar called Cheers, where Norm, Cliff, and Carla encounter Drs. Auschlander & Westphall, but on a landmark 1988 broadcast, we learn that Drs. Auschlander & Westphall never existed and that all of the shows I mentioned in this question are logically the figments of the imagination of Tommy Westphall, Who is the only character who demonstrably existed on what beloved medical drama?” -Adam
“Snapchat Catch Phrase!” -Will & Erinn
“#1800235DEAD!” -...damn near everybody
“Charles Stiles, Mystery Diners.” -Charles Stiles, Mystery Diners
“This tea is delicious.” -Kimberly === Here’s to 2019... Come together, just think of tomorrow.
0 notes
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It's Neymar's Time to Complete His Rise to Royalty
If Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi has anything in common with Crash Davis—if there’s any sort of cultural crossover between the archetypes of global sports glitz and minor league baseball grime—it’ll show itself when the tape recorder starts rolling. That’s when the icons in their posh private jets heed the wisdom Davis imparted on a bumpy bus, whether they’ve seen Bull Durham or not. “You’re gonna have to learn your clichés,” Crash says in the 1988 classic. “They’re your friends.”
The galácticos have little choice but to follow this advice. Combine the fanaticism surrounding global soccer with the minimal access afforded the media covering it, and you have an environment where every crumb becomes content, where innuendo is louder than insight, where the tiniest spark can become a bombshell. In short: The less said the better; be safe, not sorry. So it’s significant, then, that in the middle of what should be the most relaxing summer of his adult life, Neymar da Silva Santos Jr. is willing to let you in, share his concerns and maybe even make a headline. He can’t hide from who he is, nor from the momentous, legacy-defining season to come.
The quiet but charismatic 25-year-old Brazilian forward has never won a World Cup. He has never been named FIFA’s player of the year. And if he remains at FC Barcelona (which was up in the air as of Monday; if he’s not in Paris a week from now, it will be a surprise), he will have to wait a bit longer until he’s even considered his own team’s centerpiece. But he’s universally deemed soccer’s best player after Ronaldo and Messi, and he’s beloved in a way that neither of them ever will be. And a big reason for that is his indifference to the Book of Crash.
Neymar can’t fake it. He’s not packaged, and he’s not a ­product—and as a result, he sells lots of them: Nike, Gillette, Panasonic, Beats by Dre. In 2013 he was named the most marketable athlete in the world by SportsPro and Eurosport. In January he was ranked the most valuable player on the Euro­pean transfer market by Switzerland’s CIES Football Observatory. And in April he was the only footballer on TIME’s list of the world’s 100 most influential people. (“I’ve always been struck by his humility,” David Beckham wrote for TIME. “He’s respectful and wants to learn...He lives to play the game, and I imagine he approaches it now the same way he did as a boy.”)
Neymar says he can’t explain his inclusion on that list—and then he tries to do just that: “Maybe because I’m an athlete or maybe because I do a lot of things on social media. But I don’t know. I don’t like to talk about myself. I try to be a good role model for my son, my family, my friends, and then I try to be a good role model for the rest of the people, too. ... I try to be myself without being anything different. I’m only one Neymar—for my family, for the public. I’m always the same person.”
When Neymar acknowledges that, yes, the next 12 months, climaxing with the World Cup in Russia, will probably be “the toughest season of my life,” he believes it. The world will read those words and discuss and dissect them, and then they’ll become even more true. The spotlight is about to get even brighter, and Neymar, who’s been soccer’s next big thing for nearly a decade, will have to confront his destiny.
This was Neymar’s first summer without a national-team commitment since 2010, when his exclusion from Brazil’s ill-fated World Cup squad caused an uproar at home. Brazil has already qualified for Russia, so he’s had the chance to indulge. He hit Oracle Arena for Game 2 of the NBA Finals, sitting courtside with Formula 1 champion Lewis Hamilton and posing afterward with Odell Beckham Jr. and Kevin Durant. Neymar wasn’t at all concerned about whether the Warriors’ megastar was a fan; this was no ego trip. “I don’t know if he’s seen me play,” Neymar told SI, “but I had the pleasure to meet him.”
In another photo the 5' 9" Brazilian stood on a chair and playfully lorded over 6' 7" Draymond Green. Neymar enjoys being around famous and accomplished people—he reunited with Green in Ibiza last month—not because of how it reflects on him but because he’s a fan, genuinely in awe of what they can do.
In the last year he performed a short, silly scene in which he juggles a napkin holder in Vin Diesel’s most recent Xander Cage movie—a role only for the athlete who doesn’t take himself too seriously—and kicked a ball across Hollywood Boulevard on Jimmy Kimmel Live! He’s joined musicians onstage, singing and dancing at concerts back home.
Neymar has a piano at his house in Spain—it was there when he moved in, he says, and he has been teaching himself to play with YouTube ­videos—but at an L.A. photo shoot for this story it takes some convincing to get the man watched by tens of millions every weekend to tap out even a simple a tune on a rented grand. He sits, gets up and wanders a bit before settling back in. Songs are suggested. How about Barcelona’s club anthem, “El Cant del Barça”? A Nike marketing rep asks that the studio’s ambient music be turned up, not down, so Neymar might feel a bit less scrutinized. He’s not an action figure to be played with. He’s human; he gets nervous. He says he felt it when he met Michael Jordan in Las Vegas and when he lined up to take what would be the winning penalty kick in the Olympic gold medal game last summer in Rio. Before the confidence bubbled up at the penalty spot, he admits, he endured the “worst sensation—all of the responsibility is on you.”
The Olympics play a distant second fiddle to the World Cup, but that U-23 tournament stubbornly remained the one international competition Brazil hadn’t won. And with the 2016 Games being contested on home soil two years after World Cup humiliation (also at home), Brazil named Neymar one of its three over-age players. He delivered, scoring four goals in six matches and converting that gilded penalty against Germany. Neymar was in tears almost immediately. For him, delivering the final piece of Brazil’s trophy puzzle was an immense achievement. For the public that adores him, however, it’s still not enough.
“It was like the Yankees finishing with the best record in the regular season: O.K., that’s kind of cool, but they measure everything around here by World Cup championships,” says Brian Winter, a Texan who co-wrote Pelé’s 2014 autobiography and who now runs Americas Quarterly, a political, business and cultural journal covering Latin America. As Reuters’ chief correspondent in Brazil for five years, he knows well how the nation’s sports, economics and politics intersect; he was living in São Paulo when Germany dismantled the hosts 7–1 in the ’14 Cup semifinals. That game in Belo Horizonte, he says, marked “the start of a long descent into hell for Brazil,” which has been reeling from financial and political crises since.
Neymar’s penalty and Olympic gold offered only temporary respite. “It was cool for, like, a day,” says Winter. “It created the sensation that hosting the Games hadn’t been a total waste. But once the lights went off, it was so clear that all of the promises linked to the ­Olympics—improved policing, infrastructure—had fallen short.” Brazilians, he says, are “desperately hoping for a reason to be happy in 2018. And so often—maybe too often—Brazilian soccer and politics mix.”
So the nation turns to Neymar. Four years after the misery of the so-called Mineirazodrubbing by ­Germany, which Neymar missed with a fractured vertebra suffered in a quarterfinal Thunderdome match against Colombia, Brazil has a viable shot at redemption in Russia. The 7–1 stain will never go away, but this World Cup will feature Neymar in his prime, shouldering the hopes of a country desperate for a reversal in fortune. This is the season in which it all could turn around. The season in which Neymar might finally fulfill his promise.
"Everybody wants that Neymar be the protagonist in the World Cup,” says Ricardo Kaká, the Orlando City midfielder who was part of Brazil’s 2002 title-winning team (and who, incredibly, is the last man other than Ronaldo or Messi to be crowned world player of the year—10 years ago). “This is unfair sometimes, but it’s also because of who he is as a player, for his potential, how he can decide a game, how he’s a protagonist in Barcelona. There is going to be pressure on him.”
Kaká is certainly familiar with scrutiny, but as good as he was, he never became the long-term, tactical focal point of the Seleção. Nevertheless, Neymar looks up to the former Brazil number 10, who’s 10 years his elder. Neymar admires Kaká’s piety, and Kaká appreciates Neymar’s willingness to listen and learn. They’re both part of a text-message group reserved for Brazilian national team veterans, making it one of the most exclusive clubs in the world: Kaká, Roberto Carlos, Denílson, Elano...–Neymar joined recently, and he employed the group’s advice during the Olympics.
Kaká explains: “The first games, Brazil didn’t play so good, everyone was criticizing Brazil—and he was the most important player. He tried speaking with the press, and then I said to him, ‘Now as a player we have a very good opportunity to answer without saying; we have the field to [show that] we care and that the situation is important to us.’ In the end he won the Olympics, and that was the best answer he could give.”
The members of the group, Kaká says, believe Neymar is “very smart to understand that these guys can give him something different, something that could help.”
Brazil needs Neymar because, increasingly, Brazil is Neymar. Though rocked by recessions and political scandals, the nation has seen massive gains made by the nascent middle class over the past couple of decades. For years, socioeconomic classes “often resembled castes,” Winter says. There were five—A through E—and it’s the C that’s been on the rise.
C is roughly where you would have found a young Neymar. The son of a journeyman pro player, he wasn’t impoverished growing up on the southern fringe of the São Paulo megalopolis, but his family didn’t have much either, and making ends meet was a chore. Now Neymar takes in some $37 million per year (more of it from endorsement deals than from Barcelona), according to Forbes. He’s living the modern Brazilian dream.
“Neymar has the deepest connection with the people of Brazil of any soccer player of this generation, particularly with the rising middle class,” Winter says. “The way he talks, his street-wise charm—he appeals to that segment. He’s the best pitchman in a generation.”
That appeal also dovetails with the millennial generation. Neymar is a master of social media. His image isn’t meticulously crafted or self-celebratory like Ronaldo’s; it’s not homey or reticent like Messi’s. That video of Neymar playing soccer in a backyard with Justin Bieber is more effective than anything a consultant might stage. It’s organic and honest, a window into Neymar’s effortless cool.
He’s fashionable. And he’s got a wonderfully wry sense of humor. “Social media tends to ferret out the phonies,” Winter says. “People love watching for their idols to show a glimpse of insincere behavior—but you really don’t see it from him.”
There’s a 2011 video of a 19-year-old Neymar in the locker room at his old Brazilian club, Santos, in which he dances and sings and thrusts along to Michel Teló’s cover of “Ai Se Eu Te Pego.” The more sighs and eye rolls Neymar gets from teammates in the video, the more committed he becomes.
He’s comfortable, unvarnished and fearless in the moment—the sort of person anyone with spunk or spirit would like to be around. The clip has more than 25 million views, and Neymar has 78 million followers on Instagram, making his account the 14th-most popular in the world, a hair above Messi’s.
Ronaldo has more, but Google “CR7 dancing” and among the first few hits are clips of the Portuguese star gyrating in a pink bathing suit in front of a crowd in Ibiza and another of him cavorting on a private plane. Search “Messi dancing” and you’ll find videos of the Argentine and his wife. There’s no better illustration of the differences among the three men.
Kaká certainly sees it. “Neymar just tries to be himself,” he says. “What’s in your character [takes] you where you want to go. Messi is a little bit shy, so he wants to be more out of the light. Cristiano wants to be not just a soccer player, but also a celebrity. There’s not a rightway, it’s just a choice. Neymar is the nice guy who wants to be everywhere, but he’s humble and simple. When he takes a picture with Kevin Durant, it’s: ‘This is the man, not me.’”
The soccer-loving world may worship now at the feet of Messi and Ronaldo, but that’s humanity’s appreciation for the divine and incomprehensible. Messi plays as if there are fireworks attached to his boots—the ball moves so quickly from one side of his foot to the other that it seems to occupy two places simultaneously. He’s all controlled chaos, staccato soccer. He is a savant, essentially, who doesn’t seem to be truly comfortable anywhere but on a field, and he’s been the driving force behind a three-time European champion that’s arguably the greatest side the sport has ever seen.
If Messi is from Mars, then Ronaldo hails from Mount Olympus. He’s like one of us but better, perfected. He plays like the physical specimen he is: with strength, power and panache. He’s more attractive than the statues of him. If Neymar markets to the C class, Ronaldo aims his CR7 brand, with its underwear and fragrances, at those in the A+. The guy has not only an airport but a galaxy named after him.
Yet for all their supernatural prowess, neither Messi nor Ronaldo is as adored in his homeland as Neymar is in Brazil. Argentines and Portuguese may look up to their respective icons, but Neymar prefers to look you in the eye.
Asked if he’s a little bit Ronaldo and a little bit Messi, Neymar says, “I think I’m like that. Sometimes I’m a little flamboyant, an extrovert. Sometimes I’m quiet.”
Whether he’s their peer is less important to the soccer world than whether he’s their successor. The Messi-Ronaldo duopoly has combined to win six FIFA Club World Cups, eight Champions League titles and a boatload of other honors. But Messi is 30, Ronaldo 32. Next summer’s World Cup will be the last for each man in his prime. At some point, it must be Neymar’s turn.
The Brazilian says that FIFA’s player of the year award is “very important” (Crash Davis wouldn’t like that answer), but he shrugs when asked if and when he’ll break through. “Everything happens in the right time,” he says. “The main focus is to keep playing well, keep winning games, and when the time is right, I’ll get mine.” (I’ll get mine—that wouldn’t pass the Crash test either.)
Back in June, when Ronaldo celebrated Real Madrid’s second consecutive Champions League crown with fans at the Plaza de Cibeles, he made his case for a second straight world player of the year award with a micro­phone and a chant. The thought of it—of using a team event to tout his case for an individual honor—makes Neymar squirm. “No, I wouldn’t do that,” he says.
He attracts attention in other ways. His play, like his demeanor, borrows a bit from both Messi and Ronaldo. But whereas Messi slices and Ronaldo surges, Neymar glides. He’s smoother and more efficient than either, outstanding with both feet and blessed with the creativity and vision of his great Brazilian predecessors. But his game, like his personality, is more accessible. Train long enough and hard enough, and maybe you, too, could play like Neymar. He’s human, mortal, and he speaks with a voice the next generation understands.
This is where Paris Saint-Germain enters the picture. The powerhouse French club was always going to feature in Neymar’s story, thanks to an astonishing Champions League round-of-16 series that will live forever in the lore of both PSG and FCB. Last season was a tough one by Barcelona’s standards, and its puzzling lack of ruthlessness was exposed in a 4–0 first-leg Valentine’s Day massacre at the Parc des Princes. Neymar says he was embarrassed by the performance, and he corroborates the story that he promised friends he’d net two goals in the March 8 decider at the Camp Nou—which he ultimately did, in the 88th and 91st minutes, before setting up Sergi Roberto’s clincher in a 6–1 thriller.
On a team as loaded as Barça, there aren’t many moments when a player can and must take command. But with his European season on the line Neymar was unstoppable, and for many it seemed like a turning point on his climb to soccer’s summit. In TIME, Beckham wrote that it would “be remembered as the moment he stepped up to take on the mantle of best player in the world. Neymar is ready to make his move.
But as July came to a close, it appeared more and more likely that move might take him away from Messi and back to Paris, where PSG was looking for a way to finance the payment of his record $261 million release clause. Yes, Neymar would have to wait for Barcelona to become his team—but if and when it did, then his team would be Barcelona. If he leaves for PSG, he will join a lesser league and a club that has the cash but not the chemistry to make a deep Champions League run. In NBA terms he’d be moving from the Warriors to the Clippers. And instead of Durant, whose desire to win trumped his need to be the man—as Neymar’s did when he left Santos for Barcelona in 2013—the Brazilian would be channeling Kyrie Irving, itching to get out from under LeBron James’s shadow.
Asked which of his two favorite NBA players he identifies with more—James, who was raised in the spotlight, or Steph Curry, who came up quietly at Davidson, mirroring Neymar’s lower-profile beginnings—­Neymar chooses LeBron. Let us not forget, then, James’s ultimate decision to break from the Big Three after winning superteam trophies in Miami. In order to be soccer’s biggest name, perhaps Neymar has to shine further away from Messi, Luis Suárez and Barcelona’s band of superstars.
If he ultimately stays in Spain, Neymar must launch his assault on Messi and Ronaldo while improving on his own 13-goal La Liga campaign and helping steer Barça back to the top under new coach Ernesto Valverde. Last season’s results and the upcoming World Cup apply pressure from both sides. But Messi and Suárez relieve it, at least on the club side. Neymar doesn’t have to be the best player every time he steps onto the Camp Nou field. He’ll have to be more impactful, but he can do so while remaining true to himself. He’ll have some leeway.
If he goes to PSG, he’ll be paid like a king and expected to inspire a desperate club that hasn’t advanced beyond the Champions League quarterfinals since 1995. He’ll have the headlines and the billboards to himself. When those are shared, knocking a ball around with Bieber endears you to fans. When they’re yours alone, a Bieber moment may raise questions of focus, maturity or leadership. There will be no outlets at PSG, no excuses. Either way, he’ll also have to prepare mentally and physically for the rigors of a must-win World Cup.
But it’s all manageable. It always has been—so believes the man with LIFE IS A JOKE tattooed across his left biceps. He was Brazil’s Olympic talisman, and he was thriving at the 2014 World Cup before getting hurt. “We only have one life, so we have to figure out a way to be happy,” Neymar says. “Don’t take it so seriously. That’s pretty much it. Enjoy your life.”
Neymar’s relationship with his homeland remains strong. Not even the court cases concerning his controversial 2013 transfer to Barcelona have dented his reputation. In July, he was cleared of tax evasion in Brazil; a Spanish investigation is ongoing. (“Tax evasion,” Winter points out, “is next to soccer as the national sport in Brazil.”) Neymar’s countrymen, meanwhile, remain grateful for the gold medal and for his staying with Santos as long as he did. His Q rating is unscathed.
The only thing that could hurt him at home is, of course, failure to win in Russia. After he was forced to watch the semifinal rout by Germany while recuperating, Neymar told his fellow Brazilians, “We are going to do all we can so that I can fulfill my dream. My dream is to be the champion of the world.”
Three years later he’s asking for help. “I want to win a World Cup,” he says, “but it’s not only me, you know? There are other factors. There are teammates. There are a lot of things going on.” He’s certainly right, if the Mineirazo was any indication. But then he concludes, “I think you can be a legend without winning a World Cup.”
Maybe, but not in Brazil. Sócrates and Zico, for example, were great players and remain well respected. Many pundits think their 1982 squad, which lost to eventual champion Italy in the second round, was better than the ’94 side, which won it all. But on a team with five stars on its jersey, the bar is so much higher. “If Neymar doesn’t win at least one World Cup, as much as people love him today, he will be forgotten,” says Winter. “Brazil isn’t short of epic personalities who’ve won World Cups.”
Neymar tries to make light of the pressure. “It’s very normal,” he says. “The thing is, if you win a World Cup, they’ll tell you that if you want to be the best, you have to win anotherWorld Cup! When you’re one of the top players, this is going to happen all the time.”
Perhaps it has all felt routine until now. But the next 12 months, whether he’s in Barcelona or Paris, will be anything but ordinary. A new chapter is beginning, and while the end is uncertain, it’s sure to be blessedly free of clichés.
24 notes · View notes
emperorsfoot · 7 years
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I have mixed feelings about Omniverse. There were some things I liked about the series and some things I really, really did not like. Overall, I have to say that my opinion of the series is split 30/70 with the 70% being negative. So, for the most part, I didn't like it. But first let me discuss the things I DID like.
We got a stable Plumbers Headquarters in Bellwood and more regular Plumbers characters.
The Plumbers always stuck me sort of as the Green Lantern Corps., and just like with the Lanterns, the Corps. Comics are way better than the Green Lantern comics. Why? Because its about the whole Corps. The whole organization, not just a circle jerk for Hal Jordan (or whoever the Lantern for sector 2814 happens to be at the time). And that was what was nice about expanding the cast of Plumbers. We got to see a whole Corps of Plumbers, not just third-tier 'Plumbers Helpers' or single-episode cameos to remind us that other Plumbers existed. We had regular characters with names and backstories -many of whom weren't even from Earth. It was a good attempt at world building, and in a show that is constantly claiming to be about “experiencing what its like to be another species” or “learning how differences make us strong”, that's something that's very important. Because, as we all know (should know) UNLIKE Green Lantern Corps. (Blackest Night story arc) the Earth isn't actually the center of the universe. (Neither is Ben for that matter, although you wouldn't know it from watching the series.)
Gwen goes to collage and she and Kevin get away from Ben for a while.
For pretty much all their lives, both Gwen and Kevin's lives have revolved around Ben Mother-Fucking Tennyson. Gwen because they were raised more like siblings than cousins, she was pulled into all his absurd alien adventures -literally- from the moment they started, Ben is incapable of doing anything without her and when she does get out, he pulls her back in again -remember, it was Ben that went to Gwen at the beginning of Alien Force. If he hand't asked her for help, she might not have been a main character in the second series. And Kevin became obsessed with Ben when he was only eleven years old. When he was still in his formative years. Over the course of Alien Force and Ultimate Alien that obsession and thirst for revenge morphed and shifted into an uncomfortably dependent friendship. Seriously. Ben is Kevin's ONLY male friend Kevin has that's an actual friend, not a 'business partner' or 'tech-buddy'. Its good that Gwen went to collage and Kevin followed her, so that they could both get some time away from Ben to grow as individuals. Sure, we the audience didn't get to see any of that individual growth and development because the series was too busy being a circle-jerk for Ben. But then, I've come to expect that from this franchise.
Prince Looma and Tetramand marital practices (“Many Happy Returns”)
Same as with the additional Plumbers characters, this was a good way to add some easy world building. They took an existing alien species that the viewers are very familiar with and gave us a glimpse of their culture. It was mostly played for laughs, but I think it was one of the better episodes (and not just because it was also a mostly Kevin-centric episode). In one episode alone, we learn how Tetramand ask for/arrange their matches, engagement ceremony, length and traditions, how engagements are broken off, and even a little bit about the marriage ceremony itself. To someone who knows how to pay attention it was like a cascade of culture building, world building, and general information that expanded the world of Ben 10.
Rook -Kevin and Gwen in one person.
When they took Gwen and Kevin away, they had to replace them somehow, because -as the franchise has consistently proven- while the whole thing might be one giant Ben-wank, Ben Tennyson is also utterly and completely incapable of doing anything on his own. He needs a sidekick -usually one who's smarter and more skilled (read: more useful) than Ben himself, and doesn't mind playing second fiddle to the spotlight hogging, ego-driven, narcissist Hero of the Universe. Rook does that wonderfully while also making sarcastic quips that go over Ben's (and his fans in fandom's heads). Also, adding another species -and more importantly, showing us his home planet, family, and how his people live- was more great world building.
Basically, what I liked about Omniverse was all the wold building they tried to do.
Now, the things I didn't like...
I'll start small and shallow:
The dramatic change in artwork.
Where do I begin? First and foremost its inconsistent with the rest of the franchise up to that point. Ben 10 TOS, Alien Force, and Ultimate Alien were all drawn/animated in the same style. Something similar to the Young Justice cartoon style, proportionate bodies with realistic facial features (realistic for a cartoon). That style worked for an adventure series. It was good. But then Omniverse rolls around and suddenly everyone's got giant eyes that take up half their faces, but they're not cute anime eyes, they're weird cat-like eyes. Their body proportions are all weird so that some characters are 60% legs, or their arms are so long their hands are at their knees. Max doesn't have facial expressions anymore, Ben looks like he's ten years old again, Kevin's chin is so long they have to give him a giraffe neck to compensate... All of the familiar characters look mutated and gross. I almost wanna say Omniverse was the worst artwork decision they could have made for the franchise, but then, I've seen the new reboot and that one's even worse.
The whole series is just one big Ben circle-jerk.
Remember all those new Plumbers characters I was so happy about? We can't have a single episode about them that doesn't involve Ben. Either Ben having to rescue then while Grandpa Max vomits a small novella of exposition, or Ben trying to investigate their past for X, Y, Z reason, or them driving around Bellwood while Ben has seemingly endless battles around them that inevitably block their path, or Ben tagging along while they visit their home planet. There is no way to develop a single new character in the show without Ben having to be involved in some way. Look. I get it. The franchise is called “Ben 10”, so obviously its about Ben. But ya know what? Avatar is also called “Avatar” and they manage to have multiple episodes about other characters that don't even involve the Avatar at all. Believe it or not, it is possible to make Wester cartoons with a wide cast of characters, AND develop said characters without the title character having to stick his nose in every time someone farts.
They somehow made Ben 10 a harem anime.
Now, I like a good harem as much as the next sexually repressed and asocial nerd. Goodness knows Martian Successor Nadeshico has a permanent spot on my list of Top Ten Anime I Recommend to Everyone. But is just seemed kinda weird... Ultimate Alien ended with Ben and Julie seeming really solid. Then at the beginning of Omniverse, they're not even together anymore. Now, Word of God is that Kenny's mother is Kai, so obviously Ben and Julie couldn't be together forever. At some point they had to break up and Ben had to get with Kai. But Omniverse did not handle the inevitable facts of canon well. There was no real mention of reasons why Ben and Julie were no longer together when they seemed so solid at the send of the previous series, then, all of a sudden, Ben had a million and one women wanting to bone him. Looma, Ester, Lucy, (even his cousin Sonny in one episode and that was creepy), and yes, still Julie and Kai. And, like most protagonists in harem anime, Ben does absolutely nothing to deserve all this adulation from the distaff gender. Its very frustrating.
Kai Green -I like the IDEA of Kai, but I actually hate the CHARACTER Kai.
I really like the idea of Kai. I really do. I like a strong, independent, female, well educated, Native American character. To often in fiction Native characters are portrayed as “magical” in some way. Either as sages or spiritual guides, shapeshifters, mediums, or healers. Its very rare to find a Native American characters who's just a normal, down-to-Earth person with hopes and dreams, anxieties and fears, plans and aspirations, etc. Kai is none of the cliché tropes that Native characters are pigeon-holed  into. This is best illustrated by an exchange of dialogue between her and Ben when he comments on her hand-to-hand combat skills and asks if its some “ancient Navajo” fighting technique, and she scoffs at him and says she took after school classes at the mall -like any normal teenager would! Kai is a real person, she's not just a conglomeration of stereotypes and tropes. I really like the idea of Kai. I really do. That being said... THE WRITERS SEEMED TO HAVE DONE EVERYTHING IN THIER POWER TO MAKE KAI UTTERLY AND COMPLETELY UNLIKABLE! (Yes, I did have to shout that in all caps.) I like the idea of Kai, but Kai herself is condescending, and an intellectual snob. I don't like Ben, but there's one episode where he's at a museum (seeing an exhibit that Kai put on) and he makes a comment along the lines of “I didn't know aliens had old stuff!” and Kai responds to him like he's the dumbest piece of shit to ever crawl out of the public school system -and she does this in front of a crowd of his peers and strangers. Lets step out of the cartoon for a moment and look at it with some perspective. How would you feel if you've part of a tour group and someone in the group (you may or may not know) asks a silly question. What would you think if the tour guide responded with something like “How far up your ass did you have to stick your head to find that question, dumbass?” You'd think they were a terrible tour guide and should be fired, right? That's what Kai did to Ben. And that wasn't even the first time she showed a clear disrespect for Ben either. In the original series, she says she only like Ben when he was Benwolf (later renamed Blitzwolfer in Omniverse) because she wanted a “pet dog” that she could “train”. That's kinda understandable and excusable because she was ten at the time and kids are amoral assholes who don't know any better. But Omniverse is six years later, Kai is sixteen and she hasn't improved with age, she's become more of a bitch. I really don't understand why the show insisted on shoving them together and insisting that they both love each other and are happy together in the future. When we see her in the future, she's always with Ben 10,000 but she's still making disparaging comments about him or his arch enemies and Ben just smiles and cuddles and kisses her.
Kevin. Everything Omniverse did to, and took away from Kevin.
This should be a post unto itself. Anyone who reads my fan fictions will know that Kevin is my favorite character. So, of course the thing I'm gonna feel most strongly about is going to have something to do with Kevin Ethan Levin. So, sit down prepare yourself for a wall-o-text.
Osmosian. Look, I get that in the original series the PLAN was for Kevin to be a mutant and NOT an alien. But then Alien Force and Ultimate Alien changed that. They established that Osmosians were aliens. They established this so solidly that Omnivers' attempts to ret-con Kevin back to being a mutant makes no sense. Take a moment to seriously think about just how large that conspiracy has to be in order for “Osmosian” the alien species to really be a mutated Earthling. Max, Kevin's, and Kevin's mother's memories were altered, Aggregor is an experiment to replicate Kevin's powers, Ragnarok was really a Rooters agent, the Osmos System is an uninhabited system that Servantis altered the records of in order to supply a “home planet” for his fake species. And all of this was done without the Magistrata or any other high-level Plumbers stumbling across the conspiracy or finding out. Its just so far fetched. Its to much of a stretch for it to be a legitimate explanation -and yet, its canon. What it is, is absurd. This is not good story telling.
It makes the world smaller. Remember way up at the top of this post when I was listing the things I liked about Omniverse and most of it was me just gushing over the world building? Well, the Rooters story arc and subsequent ret-cons are the exact opposite of that. Its not 'wolf building' its 'world shrinking'. By making Kevin a mutant Earthling instead of an alien-human hybrid, they robbed the Ben 10 universe of a planet, a species, and possibly a culture to explore. If they really wanted to make Kevin a villain again so much, they could have had a story arc ret-conning Devin instead. Make Devin an Osmosian double agent who was supposed to infiltrate the Plumbers because Osmosians could be aggressive and warlike aliens (seeing how Kevin's so naturally obsessed with revenge, and Aggregor was determined to attain the power of a god, I think that's a plausible assumption). But, Devin accidentally fell in love with an Earthling -Kevin's mother- and quit his mission. The story arch could have been Devin's old war-buddies coming to enlist Kevin to finish the mission his father couldn't. Kevin might go along with them as a way to get to know what kind of man his father really was. They could play it the same way they did in the Rooters story arc and have him just pretending to join the baddies in order infiltrate them and help Ben defeat them and save Earth. Or they could make him OD on energy and go crazy and become a legit villain again. Either way, keep Osmosians as aliens would have been a better story than making them mutant Earthlings AND it would have been another great opportunity for more world building.
Ret-conning Kevin's backstory was cruel. Kevin has almost no positive male role-models. Thing about it. Think about his life. When Kevin was young, his male role-model was his step-father, an average human with nothing special or noteworthy about him EXCEPT THAT HE WAS TERRFIED OF HIS STEP-SON. Think about that. Kevin's first male role-model was afraid of him. How positive an influence could Harvey have been if he was scared shitless of an eleven-year-old child? Then Kevin was trapped in the Null Void and sent to prison where he met Kwarrel. Now, Kwarrel was shown to be a fairly decent guy. But lets also keep in mind that he is in an maximum security prison within the Null Void, so he must have done something pretty bad to be sentenced there. Also, keep in mind that we only got to see a few short flashbacks of Kwarrel and they were all through Kevin's point of view -usually of Kwarrel mentoring him. But we also know that Kwarrel was “top dog” in the prison. The only way to stay that was in jail is to rule through strength and intimidation. We saw Kwarrel being all nobel and empathetic, but that doesn't mean he wasn't also sometimes aggressive, violent, or even cruel to the other inmates. Omniverse gave Kevin NOTHER super-shitty role-model in Proctor Servantis. Amoral, self-serving, uses children as experiments and puppets, fucks with people's minds, and devotes his entire life to destroying one single human boy. The only truly positive male role-models Kevin has in his life are Max Tennyson and the memory of Devin Levin -except Omniverse made it so that Devin never actually existed. That was just downright cruel.
So, that's what I think about Omniverse.
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emblem-333 · 7 years
Why You Trade Klay Thompson for Paul George
How can you pick a flawed decision within a team that just won the title and field the greatest team ever? Well, I'm hard to please. I'm never happy. I always find a negative somewhere in a sea of positives. I don't care how good the Warriors are, they're not my team. I do, however, hate the Los Angeles Lakers, and do not wish them luck in their pursuit for Paul George, the fifth best forward in the game now. One of the oddest storylines of this wacky summer is PG-13's bewildering interest to go home and play next to young, unproven and wonky players like Lonzo Ball, Larry Nance, Jr., and Brandon Ingram. What's almost as bizarre is how we've cooled on George, the best player on two conference finalists, never played in a system that stressed offense and used his versatility. In the defensive minded, very old-school slow-paced Pacers, George never made it to an All-NBA First Team, making three third teams (2013, 2014, 2016). His twenty-seven, next season is expected to be statistically his best - as is the case with earlier superstars. Yet, we've become disenchanted. Was it those God-awful Gatorade commercials? Whining to the media because C.J Miles took the last shoot in a playoff game, even though he has never shown to be a clutch player? Could be all the above - and other things. George isn't a leader, can't reach players. His fans in Indiana sounded tired and kinda happy he was gone, despite the putrid return. David West acted as the glue behind-the-scenes for those ascending Pacers squads, when he left that left George to dawn West's cap and didn't sound interested in filling it. The feel on Klay Thompson is the opposite. He isn't loved, more enjoyed by his peers. Went from a bonafide second banana to a way overqualified third with the Warriors grabbing Durant. Arguably, he's the most expendable of the core four. A fantastic player on an equally fantastic deal, Klay is going to hit free agency after the 2018-19 season, possibly looking at his ring covered hand and prioritized money over taking a pay-cut to return. The Warriors in two-years, in an ever shifting NBA landscape can take any form, either of a team of equal talent, or look older, their depth could suffer as fodder to the luxury tax. Stalwarts of their bench, Iguodala, Livingston, McGee and West will be entering their late 30s - except for McGee, if he stays he'll be 32 come the start of 2019-20. Durant and Stephen Curry will be thirty-one, guards don't age well passed thirty. Only John Stockton, Reggie Miller, Ray Allen and Chris Paul throughout the entire history of the NBA have defied what established precedent. 2020 is also when 29-year-old Draymond Green can't be retained at a cheap price either. Superstars have a greater responsibility to their team than the lunch-pale guys. Steph took $44 million, well below his market value four-years ago, a discount which enabled Golden State to make such world-beating moves like...signing Kevin Durant, for one. Durant took a gigantic pay-cut too. People expect Star players to lead by example, those that do are highly regarded. Yes, Joe Lacob is a rich fuck who doesn't need to worry about money, but that's neither here, nor there. Klay Thomson doesn't qualify for the "superstar that takes a pay-cut to keep the team together" title. His alley is likely as the player that wants to "prove himself and get paid somewhere else." I mean, if you're Klay Thompson, what's the reason behind staying in Golden State? Second bananas usually want to escape the leaders shadow. Russ was happy to say goodbye to KD, much like Kobe was with Shaq before him. The only player to stay second fiddle for the entirety of his prime was Scottie Pippen, and that was because of poor contract negotiations which kept him in Chicago until 1998, at a depressingly bad rate. Klay went from the second "Splash Bros.", to the third wheel with Draymond Green officially surplanting Klay as the second best player on the Warriors, pre-KD, and now is borderline forgettable. In a garage stacked with Ferries, Lamborghini and Mercedes Benz', Klay is the mustang the sits in the back, collects dust but is always fun to drive when you remember you have it. Initially, I didn't want to trade Klay for George. Thompson is under contract for two more seasons, the Warriors have so little flaws you can't blame Lacob and Meyers for electing to stay the course. What's the motivation to make such a radical change? Then, I did a 180. George can act as a switch army knife in Golden State, can play every position besides point guard, can guard twos, threes, and small-ball fours. George also has a player-option for the summer of 2018 ($20,703,384), when he's only a week or two removed from winning his first title, possibly making an All-NBA team. He'd be crazy to either not opt-in, or stay long-term in basketball nirvana. For the stars who finally get the gigantic monkey off their back's, after winning that first title is all gravy. There isn't anything to prove. I don't even think Paul George cares. The disenchantment and the false equivalency of George to Klay can be attributed to their very similar last two seasons, despite the fact Indiana's philosophy of how to play basketball is radically different from Golden State's. In Indiana, George played next to lane-cloggers, heat-check twos, ball-dominating guards and for defensive minded coaches not to keen on taking three-pointers. Over the last two seasons, Indiana ranked 20th and 27th in three-point attempts per game; the Dubs were first in the 73-win season and fifth this last season. Even in the two eastern conference finalist's seasons, Indiana took fewer than 20 a game. George had to succeed in an outdated system, its only trick up their sleeve was out muscling you for rebounds and points. Roy Hibbert acted as the traditional lane-clogging big, David West was the team's second best defender and with George mostly at the three, solidified the cramped floor. In the last two seasons, Larry Bird, desperate to build a competitor and quick for his star, assembled the poor man's version of those 2013-14 Pacers teams. Al Jefferson, Monta Ellis, Thad Young, Jeff Teague, the bringing back of Lance Stephenson, all was Bird throwing shit at the wall and hoping it stuck. Sadly, it didn't. George's splits these last two seasons: 43.9/38.1/87.6%, 41% on corner threes, ppg 23.4 - rpg 6.8 - asp 3.7, 20.6 PER, 57.1 TS%, 29.7 USG%, 16.3 win shares. Klay Thompson over that same stretch: 46.9/41.9/86.3%, 42.6% on corner threes, 22.2 - 3.7 - 2.1, 18 PER, 59.4 TS%, 26.2 USG%, 15.1 win shares. Tom Chambers ranked 96th in Bill Simmons' 2010 hit "The Book of Basketball" pyramid, he's most likely off that list now. Point being: Simmons charged Worthy only fortunate to be on the same team with the greatest point guard in basketball history, otherwise he'd be a forgettable good player like Chambers, who matched Worthy in almost every basic and advanced statistical catergory, averaging more points, rebounds per game, and only 1.8 win shares separate Chambers from Worthy. The never to be Klay-for-PG swap will won day be dissected, some will come to the conclusion Klay Thompson's stats matching George's is a testament to PG never taking that next step, when in reality we should be in awe at what George was able to do given the circumstances. Klay played on the best offense the NBA had ever seen - just like Worthy on the "showtime" Lakers. George languished in "slow-time." Where the NBA is going, the Pacers stood firm in their 1995 mindset. Imagine if Paul George could have joined a franchise "lightyears ahead" of their competition. Do you fold the NBA?
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