#because the way they have been written this season is that they dgaf about each other which is oc for both of them considering season 1
twinge-of-cosmicangst · 6 months
I’m so confused about what happened to Sylvie when Loki was left at an empty TVA and the rest of the gang were sent back to the original timelines. Like Casey, B15, Mobius and OB were TVA employees kidnapped from their original timelines so they went back there. Loki and Sylvie were kidnapped from their timelines also, but they are different in that they never had their memories wiped, so maybe that’s why they didn’t go back to their original timelines, idk it doesn’t make much sense, but I can accept because it’s fiction and so like OB said it’s “not how but why” but then WHY wasn’t Sylvie left behind with Loki when everyone disappeared. She had a TemPad so did she just escape with it straight away?? Before or after Loki Time slipped?? Before doesn’t make sense because she would’ve offered him to escape with her before the place spaghettified, after doesn’t make sense either because in that case she would have seen him time slipping and therefore she wouldn’t have been surprised when he did it front of her at maccy ds.
When Loki explained to her that the others went back to their original timelines she was like “I know I was there” like what? How would being at the TVA when it all went to shit mean that she would know what happened to the others, Loki didn’t know until he literally met them all, like what exactly did Sylvie see happen to the others?? I’m so confused, I get that she doesn’t care much about the others, she only just met Casey and OB, she barely knows B15, she had a little bit of a bonding moment with Mobius last season but that was only one time. But Loki she actually cares about at least a bit, and we the audience are supposed to think that, and yes, her life of trauma has made her suppress caring for anyone (don’t get me wrong she openly cares for people on a large scale, she was upset when all those branches were destroyed, but it’s when it’s on a personal level is when she suppresses) and presenting as cold and distant BUT there’s a difference between being cold and distant and literally not seeming to give a fuck about what happed to Loki, she barely seemed relived when seeing him, you can argue she knew he was alive, but how did she know?? Like once Loki got the TemPad from OB he could find Sylvie, like he needed her for the temporal aura thing, but like he would of checked on her anyway even if he didn’t, why didn’t she check on him? But also if Slyvie and Loki are the great romance, why didn’t he try to retrieve Sylvie before Casey and B15, he knew that B15 and Casey were alive, because he saw them while time slipping, when he time slipped to where Sylvie was he was facing away from McDonald’s and probably wouldn’t have been able to process where he was, let alone know if Sylvie was ok. And if he did process where he was and therefore figure out that Sylvie had returned to McDonalds and was therefore ok, wouldn’t it have occurred to him that Sylvie was not like the others, she hadn’t returned to her original timeline (I’ve heard people say Slyvie doesn’t have a original timeline to go to, but she literally does, she was taken from Asgard as a child, if what happened to Mobius and co happened to her she would’ve been on Asgard or new Asgard, maybe broing it out with Thor, as branch timelines exist now, hers could too…) and if he knew she wasn’t on her original timeline and instead on her new timeline she choose for herself, he should’ve been able to work out that unlike the others she would remember him, so you think for that reason he’d want to see her asap but it’s like the two of them barely thought of each other.
Loki was focused on the TVA gang and she was focused on living her new life on the timeline, which is fine, but I just know that they’re gonna be end game which would be totally left field at this point. Even though I don’t ship Slyki their obviously was build up of their relationship in season 1 but then in season 2, Sylvie’s had a complete disregard for Loki and he has had an ever growing indifference to her, which is a complete 180 and a weird writing choice, but it’ll be another weird writing choice to 180 to reverse it all again and have them be end game at this point…
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I mean, it's true and you should say it. If you actually look at the statements made, it's actually super unclear anyway, so once again it was the beloved 'meta writers' hyping everything up FAR FAR more than they should have and then blaming everyone else when it didn't pan out. the show is not going to change, how long is it gonna take people to figure it out and stop letting it upset you THIS MUCH y'all? learn some self respect.
Hi anon. Sorry for the late reply. I guess you are talking about Eugenie’s saying there was going to be a big turning point for deancas in twelve? And yes it’s super unclear I agree with you, but the writers/showrunners also know how important the ship is to a BIG part of the audience so they are going to keep trying not to lose that segment. They learnt their lesson when some exec (I don’t remember his name now) denied destiel, and later he had to delete his twitter account because of the backlash. So they are not fools, they know, they have always knew what they were doing with Dean and Cas, it’s been years. They played with it tons of times, and when it went out of hand (jensen getting mad at the questions, destiel winning tons of polls and awards, being the center of major written essays in some very important outlets and sites) they tried to buried it. But you can’t bury something that you have been feeding the audience for so many years, just with snapping your fingers a la Thanos. They have already experienced the wrath, they have tried so many times, first to kill Cas, and then to kill destiel that I have lost count. So they have been killing destiel slowly, while giving crumbs to not lose that audience. Destiel is pretty much dead imo…. but… here’s when metas come into play…
First an important note: I’m not saying that all metas are bad, and I’m not against the reading of subtext. I think I have said it before that there are tons of movies and tv shows with lots of metas and theories, I’m totally in when they make sense, I totally accept them when they are not only showing me something that I may have lost while watching, or if they have theories for some things happening in the show/movie that are not quite clear. A week ago I watched a Korean movie called Burning, and oh boy, that movie is a meta fest, subtext galore and I was very happy to go to some forums and read the different points of views. But when we talk about metas in the spn fandom, and especially in the last three years… ugh, the problems start. 
The thing with metas lately is that they don’t have a critical eye, you can’t write meta imo, without being critic of some of the happenings in the show. There’s no point in writing meta, if you are only going to have one and one point of view only. Like I said so many times before, it becomes fanfiction. It’s not objective, and most of all when you are writing meta and at the same time not accepting the point of views of other people. And worst of all attacking them for not seeing things the same way. Metas should feed each other with theories and different explanations, instead, these new metas, only accept the ones that write the same thing as them. What’s the point then? I have seen one meta for example, that dare not to think like the majority (you know who you are), and got SO.MUCH.HATE for that. For thinking different, for writing it, for sharing it. I’m glad that she’s strong af and is still in this fandom, because we need more metas like her. Critical metas that dare to say: I see things different. Metas that give us views that are outside of the wave of the positivity police we have so much of lately. I applaud those metas. 
But positivity police metas, are the ones that, like you said, hype up everything, and later people get disappointed, hurt and depressed when things don’t go according to what those metas promised. These metas in general dgaf about what the story is really about, they are going to feed the fandom a discourse that has been inserted since the start of Dabb’s era. Oh, we have had metas before, yes, but like these ones? I don’t remember metas being so aggressive to people that don’t think like them. These metas are too close (or want to be close) to tptb. They worship them, they talk to them, they have parties where they have met them, some of them have been inserted in the fandom by tptb themselves. And I’m not playing conspiracy theory here, there was a meta that said so herself in her blog not so long ago. So of course they are going to hype, praise and defend the show. Even if it’s bs. Because they are so involved that they can’t go back, and also the attention that being “positive tm” gives them is like a drug. They love it. Because that’s what people are looking for: someone to tell them, “yes deancas is going canon, yes Dean treating Cas like shit means that he looooooooves him, yes it’s a good thing that Cas died, because look at how upset that makes Dean! Yes, it’s totally great that we have less Cas, because he is present in Mary’s trench coat!!” See where all this goes? They just have one way and way only to write their metas, they HAVE to be show positive. No matter what, no matter the lies, or how many contradictions there are between what tptb said and what later happens in the show. Their critical eye is non existent. And that’s harmful as all fuck, because the show is NOT going to change if there are only voices that praise it. And lbh spn have lots of things to improve, but after 14 years and people eating the same bs, from tptb and these metas, sadly, things are going to stay the same, and people will continue to suffer with every new season. They are going to keep eating the crumbs and they are going to keep complaining afterwards. 
Sorry it got long. Take care. 
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