#because it’s about felloshiping with people
saltyfilmmajor · 7 months
I wonder how many of them knew before I did
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Me: *emails professor at 2200 on a Saturday night* hey they guy who was going to present on Felloship of the Ring dropped is there anyway I can do it instead?
Professor: *replies an hour late* absolutely go ahead make sure you have 3-4 scenes to discuss
Me: *has 3 pages of notes with background on Tolkien, Peter Jackson, Howard Shore, LotR in general, discussion questions, 4 scenes to make sure I talk about (with more discus questions) and 2 extra scenes I want to talk about if I have time (and that’s only because I think making the class watch the last 12 or so minutes of the movie would be frowned upon)* oh I’m such a nerd I feel bad for these people that are going to get my current hyper focus word vomited at them
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