#be strong edizioni
muatyland · 1 day
Il detective Marelli. Sangue e arte, una storia a colori | Luca Roffi
“Il detective Marelli – sangue e arte, una storia a colori” è un noir ambientato a Milano ai giorni nostri. Giulia, affermata pittrice, si rivolge al detective Marelli, ex poliziotto dall’infanzia turbolenta e da un presente tutt’altro che lineare per ritrovare i suoi colori, persi uno ad uno, la cui mancanza la relega ad una vita in bianco e nero. È chiaro fin da subito che si tratti di…
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londranotizie24 · 9 months
Un bambino di nome (A boy called) Porro diventa un libro
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Di Annalisa Valente @ItalyinLDN @ICCIUK @ItalyinUk @inigoinLND Presentato al Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino 2023, Un bambino di nome (A boy called) Porro è destinato a diventare un piccolo caso letterario per giovanissimi e non. Tradotto dall’inglese a cura di Lucia Morciano, pubblicato da Be Strong Edizioni, il volume è in vendita in Italia sul sito Be Strong dallo scorso Maggio, e nel Regno Unito lo si può acquistare già dallo scorso mese di Luglio sul sito di Tricolore. Ecco di che si tratta. Un bambino di nome (A boy called) Porro diventa un libro Un bambino di nome (A boy called) Porro nasce come una storia per bambini dagli otto ai dodici anni. Ma in realtà è una storia per tutti coloro che sono animati dai buoni sentimenti, dal rispetto per gli altri, da un senso di coerenza e di sincerità nei confronti del prossimo. La storia, nata inizialmente come opera teatrale bilingue inglese-italiano per bambini, ha debuttato al Pleasance Theatre di Londra nel novembre 2019. Chi l’ha scritta è Penny Culliford, drammaturga originaria del Kent, autrice di molte tra le migliori storie dedicate all’infanzia, non solo per il pubblico britannico. Alcune di queste sono state rappresentate da Tricolore Theatre Company, compagnia teatrale fondata nel 2007 a Londra dall’attrice, doppiatrice e produttrice Nadia Ostacchini. Connubio che si rivela quanto mai provvidenziale, essendo Tricolore una compagnia specializzata in pièce teatrali bilingue per l’infanzia, ed essendo questo libro scritto in italiano, con testo originale in inglese a fronte. Presentato ufficialmente al Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino 2023, Un bambino di nome (A boy called) Porro è destinato a diventare un piccolo caso letterario per giovanissimi e non. Tradotto dall’inglese a cura di Lucia Morciano, pubblicato da Be Strong Edizioni, il volume è in vendita in Italia sul sito Be Strong dallo scorso Maggio, e nel Regno Unito lo si può acquistare già dallo scorso mese di Luglio sul sito di Tricolore. Si potrebbe dire che la storia del piccolo Porro è un po' la storia di tutti noi perché, diciamo la verità, chi almeno una volta nella vita non si è sentito fuori posto? Porro non si sente mai all’altezza della situazione. Ma, attraverso varie vicissitudini, il suo riscatto morale è destinato ad arrivare, e lui comprende che ognuno di noi, prima o poi riesce a trovare il proprio posto nel mondo. Basta saperlo cercare, pazientemente e senza farsi prendere dallo sconforto. Porro ... Continua a leggere su www. Read the full article
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eternal-echoes · 1 year
“[St. John XXIII] said he understood increasingly that for his action to be effective he was constantly obliged to prune the vine of his life, cutting away all that was merely useless foliage to go straight to the essential, which is Christ and his Gospel, for otherwise he would risk turning a holy mission into a ridiculous one (cf. Giornale dell’Anima, [Journal of a Soul] Edizioni di San Paolo: Cinisello Balsamo 2000, pp. 513-514). This “ridiculous” is a strong word but it is true: giving into the worldly spirit exposes especially us Pastors to ridicule. We may perhaps first receive some applause, but the very same people who seem to approve of us will later criticize us behind our backs. This is a common rule.”
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newsintheshell · 5 years
Star Comics, le uscite manga del 4 settembre
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Di seguito trovate tutte le nuove uscite manga targate Edizioni Star Comics, disponibili da oggi in libreria, fumetteria e store online.
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Sul mare Rufy e compagni si imbattono in una colossale nave volante! Il malvagio capitano Shiki rapisce la navigatrice Nami e grazie ai poteri del Frutto Fuwa Fuwa, in grado di far levitare qualunque cosa, fa volare via gli altri membri della ciurma separandoli l’uno dall’altro! I pirati di Cappello di Paglia si ritrovano così su un’isola sconosciuta... in cui vige la legge della giungla!
Per tutti gli appassionati di One Piece, Star Comics ha il piacere di presentare lo speciale anime comic tratto dal film cinematografico Strong World, basato su un soggetto originale del maestro Oda. I due volumi che compongono la miniserie, completamente a colori, saranno disponibili rispettivamente a settembre e ottobre. Non perdeteli!
2 volumi - Completo - € 9,90 8,41 - Acquista su Amazon
THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS #31 di Nakaba Suzuki 
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Sui Seven Deadly Sins grava l’onta di una calunnia: avrebbero tentato di rovesciare il regno sovvertendo l’ordine costituito. Costretti alla clandestinità, si sono dunque separati. Dieci anni dopo, tuttavia, la principessa Elizabeth, convinta della loro innocenza, si mette sulle loro tracce per reclutarli contro l’ordine dei Cavalieri Sacri, rivelatosi un crudele nemico del popolo...
I Quattro Arcangeli sono intenzionati a ricostituire la Stigma e riaccendere la Guerra Santa. Per far tornare in sé Meliodas, impazzito per amore, Elizabeth assume il comando dei “peccatori”. Un’alleanza stretta nel nome dell’amore, una spada sacra che solo un vero re può estrarre... La speranza comincia ad avanzare sotto la guida della santa volontà!
38 volumi - In corso - € 4,30 3,65 - Acquista su Amazon
QUEEN'S QUALITY #5 di Kyosuke Motomi
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I membri della famiglia Horikita fanno un mestiere strano: sono “ripulitori” dell’animo, si occupano cioè di mondare dalle impurità il cuore delle persone. Fumi inizia ad aiutarli e si trasferisce a casa loro, dove viene apprezzata per le sue capacità. A un certo punto, però, in lei comincia a risvegliarsi una forza misteriosa che la rende una “Regina nera”, un essere in grado di esercitare un enorme potere sulla gente!
Fumi e Kyutaro si addentrano nella parte più profonda della mente dell’insect master Ataru. Dopo aver compreso la verità sulla Regina nera, Fumi fa nascere una nuova Regina, dando dimostrazione delle sue capacità grazie al sostegno di Kyutaro!
9 volumi - Completo - € 4,50 3,82 - Acquista su Amazon
MY HERO ACADEMIA #21 di Kohei Horikoshi
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In un mondo in cui essere supereroi è la normalità, nascere senza particolari poteri equivale a una vera e propria disgrazia! Izuku Midoriya dovrà mettercela tutta per ottenere un superpotere, e nonostante l'impresa sembri impossibile qualcuno finirà per notare le sue capacità...
I nomu sono tornati a imperversare per le strade! Endeavor si lancia subito all’attacco assieme ad Hawks per neutralizzare i pericolosi avversari. Il nuovo Number One Hero, tuttavia, scagliatosi sul più grosso di quei mostri, avrà il suo bel da fare per neutralizzare l’avversario e mantenere alta la fiamma della speranza... Ma chi c’è dietro l’inaspettato attacco, e qual è il suo vero obiettivo?
24 volumi - In corso - € 4,50 3,65 - Acquista su Amazon
FAIRY TAIL: 100 YEARS QUEST #1 di Hiro Mashima, Atsuo Ueda
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Natsu, Lucy, Happy e i loro amici hanno deciso di cimentarsi nella missione dei cent’anni, un leggendario incarico che dalla fondazione delle gilde di maghi nessuno è mai riuscito a portare a termine! Nel continente in cui mettono piede per la prima volta si imbattono in una città misteriosa, in una divinità incomprensibile e in un gruppo di nemici inquietanti...
L’avventura continua!
L’apprezzata opera del maestro Mashima si è chiusa, ma non disperate! Star Comics ha in serbo per voi il seguito ufficiale delle vicende della gilda di maghi più pazza del mondo, che vede il maestro Mashima in persona occuparsi della sceneggiatura e degli storyboard! Si alza il sipario sulla Missione dei Cent’anni!
3 volumi - In corso - € 4,50 3,82 - Acquista su Amazon
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Ataru Moroboshi ha un viso che indica chiaramente un destino sfortunato, e per qualche ragione finisce per richiamare continuamente su di sé ogni sorta di sventura. Un giorno, degli alieni dalle sembianze di oni giungono sulla Terra per conquistarla, ma offrono ai terrestri una possibilità di salvezza: se uno di loro, scelto in maniera casuale, riuscirà a toccare entro dieci giorni le corna della giovane e affascinante Lamù, figlia del capo degli oni, il pianeta sarà salvo! Manco a dirlo, a essere scelto per partecipare alla gara sarà proprio Ataru, il cui destino compirà un ulteriore balzo verso la sfortuna…
Per la gioia degli innumerevoli appassionati della bella aliena Lamù e di chi ancora non la conosceva, Star Comics ha il piacere di annunciare una nuova, fantastica edizione di questa serie culto della “principessa dei manga” Rumiko Takahashi, una vicenda comico-fantascientifica che ha rivoluzionato il mondo del fumetto!
34 volumi - Completa - € 9,95 8,46 - Acquista su Amazon
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airmanisr · 4 years
Harley Quinn !!!! by Seve Via Flickr: Loka Quinn Cosplay interpreta "Harley Quinn" al Romics - XXV Festival Internazionale Del Fumetto / Animazione / Cinema e Games (Fiera di Roma dal 4 al 7 Aprile 2019). Harley Quinn, il cui vero nome è Harleen Frances Quinzel, è un personaggio immaginario creato da Paul Dini e Bruce Timm per la serie televisiva animata Batman, in cui compare per la prima volta l'11 settembre 1992 nell'episodio Un piccolo favore della prima stagione. Nel febbraio 1994 compare per la prima volta anche nei fumetti, in Batman: Amore folle (The Batman Adventures: Mad Love) della serie Le avventure di Batman. Dall'ottobre 1999 è stata integrata anche nella continuity dei fumetti DC Comics comparendo per la prima volta in Batman: Harley Quinn, ambientata durante la saga Batman: Terra di nessuno. Paul Dini ideò il personaggio dopo aver visto l'attrice Arleen Sorkin vestita da pagliaccio in una sequenza, ambientata in un sogno, della soap opera Il tempo della nostra vita; fu poi proprio la Sorkin a doppiare per la prima volta Harley. Concepita come spalla e fidanzata del Joker nella serie, nel fumetto Amore folle si scopre che lo ha incontrato mentre lavorava come psichiatra al manicomio Arkham Asylum, in cui il Joker era un paziente. Innamoratasi di lui, decide di liberarlo per poterlo seguire nelle sue attività criminali. Il personaggio è stato originariamente doppiato da Arleen Sorkin nel DC Animated Universe (in Batman, Batman - Cavaliere della notte, I migliori del mondo, Gotham Girls e Justice League) e in altri media (Batman of the Future: Il ritorno del Joker e Batman: Arkham Asylum). Da allora, è stato anche doppiato da Hynden Walch, Tara Strong e Melissa Rauch nei DC Universe Animated Original Movies e nei vari videogiochi. Nella serie televisiva Birds of Prey è stata interpretata dall'attrice Mia Sara. Nel 2016 Harley Quinn ha esordito al cinema nel film Suicide Squad, in cui è interpretata da Margot Robbie. Negli anni il personaggio ha acquistato una grande popolarità, tanto che il fumettista Jim Lee l'ha definita il quarto pilastro della DC Comics, dopo Batman, Superman e Wonder Woman. IGN l'ha classificata al 45º posto nella lista dei migliori cattivi dei fumetti.[4] In inglese il suo nome suona come harlequin, ovvero Arlecchino, e nelle sue prime uscite italiane in Le avventure di Batman (edizioni Play Press) veniva chiamata Arlecchina.
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sweetdreamsjeff · 5 years
Lost Interview The Impression of Being Eternal /“L’impressione di essere eterno”
Jeff Buckley, a '95 interview in the book "The impression of being eternal": "I am the classic white rock boy"
Comes out today, November 7th, "Jeff Buckley. The impression of being eternal". The volume - published by Chinaski Edizioni and edited by Federico Traversa, Marco Porsia and Francesca D'ancona - collects the many interviews, released by Jeff Buckley during his life, plus different materials on the great artist who died, including a complete discography, contributions writings by Omar Pedrini and Giulio Casale (Estra) and unpublished shots by Jeff made by photographer Hans van den Boogard. Many interviews are unpublished, such as the one created by the Italian Luisa Cotardo that was never published, or like that of Steve Berkowitz, the Columbia Records AR who discovered and signed Jeff Buckley.
Courtesy of the publisher, we publish this interview for MTV, January 10th '95, in the weeks of the publication of "Grace": Jeff tells himself without filters and - among other things - tells about his passion for Led Zeppelin and the story of his cover of "Hallelujah" which later became legendary.
In front of the MTV microphones, Jeff speaks profusely of the relationship with his band mates - Mick Grondhal, Michael Tighe and Matt Johnson - with whom he found the right chemistry to compose. The words for producer Andy Wallace are also thick. It hardens only when it has to express itself about the hated print media and the need to make promotional videos of its own tracks; situation to which it is adapting but which it does not fully share.
You can talk a little about your father, and your mother, who was a pianist, and ...
Yes, in practice I was raised by my mother. Me, my little brother and her. I was raised by the maternal branch of the family and there was always music. My grandmother had an old acoustic guitar in the closet. I found it and decided to take it. That's how I started playing, with excellent results, until I received my first electric guitar when I was 13. Electric guitar ... you know how it ends. When an electric guitar comes into the hands of a kid ... all that potential can send him out of his mind forever. And that's exactly what happened.
Is that when you started composing your first songs, at 13?
A 14.
Did you play with bands as a kid? Always.
In high school? Always. I don't know how, to tell the truth: we always moved, so every time I had to start over. Even if things were going well, I had to leave them behind.  And then you moved to Hollywood? I let my mom go on without me when I was about 17, and I stayed where I was before finishing high school and then I went to Los Angeles. I lived in Hollywood.
And did you play in different bands at the time? That's when you started ... No, I was hanging around a bit. I worked on different projects just to stay afloat. Small home recording sessions for friends, things like that. When I first met Mickey, the first real good band I ever played was formed.
It's really the first, you've been solo for a long time ... I remained solo just waiting for a person like Mickey to come into my life. I found Matt. And I've always known Michael, the guitarist. We all gathered like three weeks before we started recording "Grace".
So even before recording the album you were hoping that sooner or later ... I knew it, when I was doing solo concerts I knew I wanted a band, but I didn't want to hire random musicians, I didn't want a temporary solution, you know? I had passed enough. I wanted a definitive solution, a real project in my life. I knew Mickey was the right one, we were perfect from the first night we played together. It was about two in the morning, we had to play at very low volume, and he managed to be both melodic and strong at the same time. I knew it immediately. And when Matty, the drummer, when I, Mick and Matt met together, the very first night we brought out the music of "Dream Brother". All that Mickey and I played was handed to Matty, and he helped us find the arrangement. I mean, if you find a quality like that in a drummer, you're fine. And apart from that, it's also beautiful.
Um, how did Andy Wallace add to the production? I'm not sure, I just met him one day at the record company offices and we started talking about a Hillbilly record I was passionate about, I was playing Sun Ra. And I was saying that I would have liked to do old-fashioned things. You know no, the whole band in a room, some mics, no overdubs. It didn't go that way at the end, because we weren't strong enough. We were not as strong as a band as we are now. And we had to proceed differently. But he liked the idea a lot. He would have done both as producer and sound engineer as the mix. A very compact, united work group. It was great.
Did you know the projects he had worked on before? Oh sure, yes.
And what contribution do you think it made to the record, let's say in relation to the work someone else could have done? Andy Wallace helped us focus on the project. And whenever I couldn't point to Matty because I wasn't in the mood, he turned to Andy. Each producer has its own identity, its own vision. He embodies the vision of the project himself: he was very careful to understand what I had in mind. In practice, many of the album's ideas are mine, but his contribution was precious to keep me anchored to the project, he made sure that we all found ourselves often thinking or talking about how we wanted to do something. And it's already half the job.
What do you think of the enthusiastic comments you received? Even the critics see you favorably, there ...
It's like a walking fair. Let's see what happens next year. But I'm happy, you know, I'm very pleased. Although, I don't know. The critics' compliments are not something that ... that ... um ... you can't measure your value based on the opinion of the critics. They have a very different use of music, compared to normal people. They hold stacks and piles of CDs on the desk to review them. And to try to identify someone who they think will be fine, things like that. But with us they were very genuine. And obviously there will be people who hate me to death. I know it very well. But it does not matter.
When you play you feel under pressure, the idea of ​​having to meet people's expectations derived from positive criticism?
No. No. When people hear us play live, they realize that we are authentic, on stage. It is immediate. If I don't have a lot of energy, I will pass on my tiredness to the band and we will do a "low-level" concert. If instead we are very active, the concert will be excited. Well, you know, music is like that. Change every time. You can't expect that ... you can't hope to impose a fixed structure. If you respect his will, she will in a certain way respect yours. It is an exchange.
How would you describe your music? I think it's full of emotion ... It is simply music. I'm the classic white rock boy. A great mix in which we put the stuff we love.A lot of things have been a source of inspiration. The critics immediately identified the Zeppelins, but when I was five I did nothing but listen to "Zeppelin II". Apparently, according to Spin, they don't fit into alternative music, but I don't agree. But there are others, too, other things that have happened to us. We like all kinds of groups. All possible musical experiences. Not just guitar rock, you know? Whether it's Birthday Party or Esquivel. We like everything.
What about Leonard Cohen? Fantastic. But the reason I did a cover of "Hallelujah" is the song itself, not the fact that it is Leonard's. However, I can't help feeling great admiration for him, and I think it applies to everyone. It is extraordinary.
Do you know if you've got to listen to your version? I hope he will never hear it.
Why? Because, um, I don't know. To me it is a bit like a song sung by a little boy. I also have a version of the night when we recorded "So Real", I was so exhausted that I forgot that we were recording, in that I have a more adult voice. I think ... I don't know. The results are different each time we play that piece. But I hope to do him justice. Because the great thing about Leonard's songs is that they can take very different paths, and inhabit different places. Actually, it's the beautiful thing about every song. The best songs have strong legs, and they adapt in all circumstances.
I noticed that you didn't enter the lyrics on the CD. Don't like talking about the meaning of the songs? Exactly, because the experience of the song is stronger if it is enjoyed independently, through direct experience. If you can get an interpretation of the text on your own, the impact is much greater. And I would also add that, in my opinion, on paper they are nothing special.
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What do you think about making music videos? Music videos ... are a new thing that arouses so many concerns. I don't know ... It's not bad. It's the turn in which it ends ... You know, you make a video, you broadcast it on a channel, it's a bit like a commercial. I never fell in love with a song thanks to a music video. It's more ... a promotional tool. To understand: here is Eddie Vedder, here is toothpaste, here is the cream for pimples, here are the Nirvana and here the Weezer. I mean, sometimes it can be fun, but it's a tunnel with no exit. The concert is much better. Much better the album. However, visual media can be fun.
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awardseasonblog · 2 years
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Annunciati i vincitori dei Cinema Audio Society Awards (#CAS) i premi con cui il sindacato dei professionisti del suono elegge ogni anno i migliori “registi del sonoro”. I loro verdetti sono sempre stati molto attesi per le previsioni ai successivi Oscar perché consentivano di prevedere i favoriti nella categoria del Miglior mixaggio sonoro (Academy Award for sound mixing). Ora per il secondo anno consecutivo questa categoria è stata inglobata in quella del Best Sound.  Con statistiche alla mano basti pensare che nelle ultime 28 edizioni il vincitore dei Cinema Audio Society Awards ha vinto poi l’ambita statuetta ben 15 volte: Apollo 13, Il Paziente Inglese, Titanic, Salvate il soldato Ryan, Matrix, Il Gladiatore, Dreamgirls, The Millionaire, The Hurt Locker, Hugo Cabret, I miserabili, Gravity, Dunkirk, Bohemian Rhapsody, Sound of Metal. Ecco i vincitori di quest'anno delle 3 categorie cinematografiche: MOTION PICTURES – LIVE ACTION WINNER: #Dune Production Mixer: Mac Ruth CAS Re-Recording Mixer: Ron Bartlett CAS Re-Recording Mixer: Douglas Hemphill CAS Scoring Mixer: Alan Meyerson CAS ADR Mixer: Tommy O’Connell Foley Mixer: Don White MOTION PICTURES — ANIMATED WINNER: #Encanto Original Dialogue Mixer: Paul McGrath CAS Re-Recording Mixer: David E. Fluhr CAS Re-Recording Mixer: Gabriel Guy CAS Song Mixer: David Boucher CAS Scoring Mixer: Alvin Wee ADR Mixer: Doc Kane CAS Foley Mixer: Scott Curtis MOTION PICTURES — DOCUMENTARY WINNER: #SummerofSoul (…Or, When the Revolution Could Not Be Televised) Production Mixer: Emily Strong Re-Recording Mixer: Paul Hsu Re-Recording Mixer: Roberto Fernandez CAS Re-Recording Mixer: Paul Massey CAS Music Mixer: Jimmy Douglass #CASawards2022 #AwardsSeason #Winners #TechnicalGuildAwards #CinemaAudioSocietyAward #BestSound #Migliorsonoro #Awards #Movies #StagionedeiPremi #AwardsRace #OscarsRace #RoadtotheOscars https://www.instagram.com/p/CbUFbWyocq-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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globalhappenings · 2 years
Diego Colombo, Our dear angels
Diego Colombo, Our dear angels
(ANSA) – ROME, NOV 15 – DIEGO COLOMBO, OUR DEAR ANGELS (Scripta Maneant Edizioni, pp168. 19.90 euro) Tenderness and emotion, but also hope, in the belief that nothing can defeat a strong feeling like love : “Our dear angels”, a photographic book by Diego Colombo, published by Scripta Maneant, arrives in the bookstore, which composes a poignant portrait of the elderly inhabitants of an Italian…
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djhmusic1970 · 3 years
STRONG FITNESS from D.J. Highlanders on Vimeo.
#djhmusic #djhighlanders #strongfitness #techouse #housemusic
Strong Fitness D.J. Highlanders
Composer: D.J. Highlanders (Dario Montanari) Riccardo Rinaldi
Video Copyright-free images, collected from videos on the net. pexels.com/
Production: D.J. Highlanders Editing: Luca Sole Visani
Label: DJH MUSIC facebook.com/d.j.highlanders
Publisher: M.D. Edizioni
Mastered: Riccardo Rinaldi
Here is the last piece by D.J. Highlanders, his fiftieth unreleased song since he started composing music!. Strong Fitness is the son of Hips already released at Easter: continue to train and keep fit on the tech house notes of D.J. Highlanders. While you train, reflect on the images in this video, a prodigy when we consider how it was made! D.J. Highlanders with this video, let out a loud cry, from the bottom of his soul! He wanted to represent the passion for sport, whatever it is. He has chosen a "cold" sport, a subtle trick, given that we are facing a very hot season, so it becomes more pleasant to see him. He discarded all the rich and popular sports, which have the defect of "concealing" all the other sports, which require the same commitment, the same passion, the same sacrifices and the same love .... Tell this generational story because it animates the highest intimate of the human being! A bomb, without saying a word! A jewel like no other! Pure philosophy, the one that makes you think, the one that dots the i's! The video was made with the same technique used in the video "Sleepless Riddim", where he collected clippings of other videos chosen on the portal pexels.com/ Also on this occasion (for the third time), the choice was made on the beautiful images made by the Russian agency "Cottonbro" in St. Petersburg.
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muatyland · 7 days
E la farfalla a lungo volò | Fulvio Drigani 
Chiara, ragazza avvenente e spregiudicata, si diverte a volare di fiore in fiore come la farfallina tatuata sul suo fondoschiena. I suoi “fiori” saranno, nell’ordine: Simone, smanettone pieno di complessi; Adele, ragazza fragile che cerca la donna della sua vita; Acquista su Amazon -> #pubblicità Corrado, imprenditore senza scrupoli che vuole sfondare in politica. Intanto, in un paese dove quel…
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incantalibriblog · 3 years
5 Aprile - "PRIMA MOSSA" Checkmate Inc. #1 di Shelly Alexander - Triskell Edizioni
5 Aprile - "PRIMA MOSSA" Checkmate Inc. #1 di Shelly Alexander - Triskell Edizioni Link Amazon https://amzn.to/3rPA5Mz
Titolo: Prima mossaSerie: Checkmate Inc. #1Autore: Shelly AlexanderGenere: RomanceCasa Editrice: Triskell EdizioniLunghezza: 219 paginePrezzo: Ebook € 3,99 – Cartaceo €12,00Data di pubblicazione: 5 Aprile 2021 ACQUISTA SINOSSI Leo Foxx, Dex Moore e Oz Strong hanno trascorso la loro giovinezza a studiare scacchiere e testi scolastici… e le donne, da lontano. Oggi sono tra le figure di spicco…
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spinebookstore · 3 years
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#NEW 𝗧𝗢𝗧𝗘 𝗕𝗔𝗚𝗦 💥 Fatta la torta, mettiamoci la ciliegina. In concomitanza perfetta con la nascita del nostro sito, www.spinebookstore.it, vi presentiamo oggi le nostre nuove #shoppers di @spinebookstore! Mancavano da tanto nel nostro merchandising, e quale occasione migliore se non questa? Abbiamo scelto di metterci sopra un disegno a cui ci siamo subito affezionati, donatoci in piena prima ondata da un artista che adoriamo, Eleonora Antonioni @eleonor_a ❤️ (Eris Edizioni, Sinnos Editrice, HOP Edizioni, IED - Istituto Europeo di Design) https://www.eleonora-antonioni.com/ Perfetto con il tempo sospeso che stiamo ancora vivendo, rappresenta una ragazza persa a leggere i suoi libri, seduta sul pavimento di casa o sul suo letto. Un po' come tutti noi insomma. [*Se aguzzate la vista nell'etichetta della sua maglia c'è scritto Spine 🙂] Ora potete acquistarla singolarmente in libreria a meno di dieci euro, oppure riceverla in regalo al raggiungimento di un tot di spesa. C'è già stato chi ne ha avuta una con un ordine a domicilio, e assicura essere bella capiente e di un cotone davvero strong. I più creativi poi potranno anche divertirsi a colorarla con i colori che preferiscono, e noi non vediamo l'ora di vederle indossate da voi. https://spinebookstore.it/ #spinebookstore #totebags #new #eleonoraantonioni #spinebookstore #Spine #Bari #Puglia #Italia #libri #fumetti #autoproduzioni #smallpress #albiillustrati #microproduzioni #editoria #edizioni #italiane #Bookdealer #estere #stampe #graphicnovel #illustrazione #arte #poster #bookshop #booklovers #illustratedbooks #indipendente (presso SPINE Bookstore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK1Zc0hAycA/?igshid=1h82xgrm6aa8b
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newsintheshell · 5 years
Edizioni Star Comics, tutti gli annunci del Comicon di Napoli
Svelati diversi nuovi titoli, anche a colori, antologici e dal retrogusto pop-art!
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In occasione della XXI edizione del COMICON, tenutasi a Napoli dal 25 al 28 aprile di quest’anno, Edizioni Star Comics ha annunciato i nuovi titoli che andranno ad arricchire ancora di più la proposta della casa editrice nel corso dei prossimi mesi, a partire da luglio.
Echoes - Quel bambino che vidi in sogno... di Kei Sanbe
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Bakemonogatari di NisiOisiN (storia) e Oh! Great (disegni)
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Dragon Ball Full Color - La saga dei Cyborg e Cell di Akira Toriyama
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One Piece Strong World di Eiichiro Oda
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One Piece Doors di Eiichiro Oda
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Mother Cosmos di Minoru Sugiyama
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Io sono Shingo di Kazuo Umezz
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Ghost in the Shell Comic Tribute di Masamune Shirow e autori vari
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Ghost in the Shell: Global Neural Network di Masamune Shirow e autori vari
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Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon - Eternal Edition di Naoko Takeuchi
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The Box Man di Imiri Sakabashira
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Di seguito trovate il video della conferenza, diffuso in diretta sulla pagina ufficiale della casa editrice.
Che ne pensate? Ci sono titoli che vi incuriosiscono o che aspettavate da tempo? Fatecelo sapere nei commenti!
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andysmuse · 3 years
Belgian progressive pop-rock band No Pan Kissa released a new single called “Captain’s Fall”.....!!!
Belgian progressive pop-rock band No Pan Kissa released a new single called “Captain’s Fall”…..!!!
On January 8th  2021, the Belgian pop-rock band No Pan Kissa released a new single called “Captain’s fall” on the Italian label “Marechiaro Edizioni Musicali Napoli”. A video clip of this song is available on their official YouTube channel. The song “Captain’s Fall” is a strong, intense and deep ballad that touches on several topical themes, such as this loss of control and this interference of…
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In questa antologia di racconti sul corona virus, edita dalla Casa Editrice BookSprint, troverete anche il mio. Parte del ricavato delle vendite verrà evoluto alla Protezione Civile, che tanto ha fatto e continua a fare per tutti al fine di fronteggiare l’emergenza sanitaria.
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theultimatetamer · 7 years
Interview with Ilaria Catalani
Monster Allergy Week, Day 7
And since I had no clue what to do for this day I thought: “Why not an interview?”. So here we are!
For the last day of the Monster Allergy Fandom Week you are going to have two very special and exclusive interviews. The first one could not be with any other than the one and only Ilaria Catalani, to whom I will never be thankful enough for this!
Huge thanks to @shikadora-momo as well for helping me out. This would have never been possible without her.
If you want to read the original interview in Italian, click here.
If you want to read the interview in English, keep reading.
1. You have recently become one of the idols of this fanbase, but some people might still not know who you are exactly. So, who is Ilaria Catalani?
First of all, hello everybody! It’s a pleasure for me to answer these questions. Thank you for allowing me to be here!
I am very surprised to know I have become an “idol” for you guys, ha ha ha! It was unexpected, really!
I’d say it’s time for me to introduce myself properly, then!
I’m a girl born on the seaside 28 years ago, in a city nearby the capital of Italy. I have a crazy passion for cartoon openings, Japanese curry and for mystery and paranormal stories!
I have been drawing basically since always and I had always wished to work as a comic artist… that’s why my studies have always aimed at the artistic field! In fact, now I’m working mostly as a comic designer, but I happen to work as an illustrator or freelancer for private commissions as well!
2. In what other projects can we find your name, be it as an author or as a designer?
As I’ve said before I’m a comic artist / illustrator / freelancer. I have also worked as an inker for the Italian publishing house Edizioni Dentiblù, for their series Zannablù, and always with them I published my first original comic book: Hadez (written by me and Silvia Tidei).
At the moment I’m working on the new issue of Monster Allergy, «The valley of bombos», and also as a designer for the Regal Academy comics (Rainbow).
So for now I’d say these are the main projects in which you can find my name and last name! I hope the list will become longer with time! Ha ha!
3. When did you realize that you wanted to turn your passion into a job and work as an illustrator? How did you get where you are today?
As a kid I absolutely loved anime, I grew up with Kaibutsu-kun, Arale, Dash Kappei, Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon… not to mention all the Disney movies and series that marked my childhood. At first I didn’t understand why I felt so sad at the end of every episode, but with time I realized that melancholy came from the fact that I wanted to know more, see more and turn those stories inside out… So I decided that I, too, wanted to tell a story that would make others feel the same way I felt. At the beginning I thought my future would have been that of a “mere” designer… but then manga arrived in my room and everything started. While my classmates were focused on completely different things, I couldn’t get away from that world I created so I decided to turn this passion of mine into my job, my main path. I studied at the Institute of Art and then I attented comic school in Rome. This way I began my way, which is still evolving!
4. Do you have any advice for those who want to pursue the same career as you?
Everytime I’m asked this question I can only come up with the most trivial answer ever: have fun.
After all, I’m aware there are not many other advices to give, really… it’s a very personal path, a difficult journey that’s not for everybody but if you’re strong and tough enough you can make it. You need to have tons of passion and willpower… these are two essential traits, in my opinion.
5. How did you end up getting involved in this project? Did you know Monster Allergy from before?
Actually, I have a very funny anecdote regarding my first encounter with Monster Allergy.
When I was little I made the same mistake as many others of my generation that grew up surrounded by manga and I only allowed comics signed by Japanese artists on my bookshelf. One day, watching an advert about the first release of Monster Allergy I felt very excited. I noticed the comic had many traits similar to my beloved Japenese comic books but it was made in Italy so, all happy, I rushed to buy the comic, only to find out it was labeled under Disney, so I pinned it in my mind as something that could never be my thing … hahahah I’m a dork!
Truth be told, at the time I couldn’t admit I liked the volume, to this day I believe that, on a graphic level, it’s one of the best comics for young audience I have ever seen… Unfortunately, I never got any deeper into the series aside from the first volume and some random issues that helped me to know more about almost all the characters. But I believe that, at this point, I’m obliged to recover the whole series! Right?
About my involment; I was offered to do it and I couldn’t have been any happier since I have wanted to work with the authors of the series for a long time. That’s it! :D
6. How has it been working with Walter Baiamonte? Did you decide it or was it the publishing house?
This is the very first project, aside from little works, that I do with Walter… Even if I know him very well in many other aspects since we share our daily life. However I knew Walter since before being workmates and I have always thought he is a great comic artist / designer / colorist… I was often “jealous” of his natural talent for crazy and rad things! It makes me realize that I still have a lot to learn and reminds me of how lazy I am! Ahhh!
The decision to have him as the colorist for this issue of Monster Allergy was made by the authors of the series but I can only thank them for it, they made it all even more fun for me than it was already!
7. How do you feel about working on Monster Allergy in general?  What do you think was the biggest challenge or setback that you had to face while designing the new issue?
I feel… euphoric and scared in equal measure, actually!
Euphoric because, in fact, I’m a huge fan of stories for the young audience (Hadez belongs to that genre, even if it’s not an adventurous type of story like Monster Allergy)… Scared because this is a HUGE series with lots of fans and affectionate people and I have the hard task to make them all happy with my drawings and narration!
There haven’t been any huge obstacles really. At first it was difficult to get in gear with this comic because, as I said before, I had the sudden weight and responsibility to do a great job… However you have to know that I’m doing my best!
8. Which character have you enjoyed drawing the most and why? And the least?
There’s no character I liked the least to draw, they’re all very different so none of them was boring, on the contrary! Every character gave me a spark to create different mimics and give them an appropriate behavior according to their personalities!
Actually, the characters I loved drawing the most were two: Timothy and the new character, the kid… whom I can’t reveal a thing about, not even the name :P He he he, I’m evil!
Anyway Timothy is a Sphynx and I think Sphynx are beautiful cats. Moreover, he always looks grumpy and serious… It’s so much fun drawing his tiny spiky forms…! About the other character, well, professional quirk… I have a soft spot for very young characters, they’re always extremely fun to draw and animate in the panels!
9. Risky question: is it true that we are going to find some characters of Hadez hidden in the panels?
This is when I need to put on a mask and sunglasses to avoid being recognized and play dumb *cough* *cough*.
Anyway yes, I love easter eggs and I like to include characters of mine or from my friends (sometimes even sneaking my friends in directly) in the pages of projects I’m working on, if I have the chance to… Sometimes I do it simply because it’s fun… other times because I have no idea what the background characters look like, so I ease my job drawing something I already know!
10. If you were given the offer to work on any of the upcoming chapters would you take it?
If I received an offer like that I would absolutely accept. I felt very comfortable working on this story and I think that in many ways it made me grew even more as designer… So, even though I doubt it’ll happen, I’d say yes!
11. To finish with, do you have any message for the fans that are going to read this?
I have never been a faithful follower of your favorite series but, in my own way, I loved it while drawing it and this gave me a boost to be curious and learn more about it… So, I truly hope that the new chapter will be of your liking as much as it has been for me. It’s been wonderfully fun and I hope I have been able to do justice to your beloved characters!
Thank you very much for this interview! <3
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