#back to hw now...dies
sushiisiu · 2 months
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impossible-rat-babies · 5 months
me grabbing eyrie and shaking them is it not enough to have gone through four ships by now. is it not enough for you funny man
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todaysromano · 11 months
Today, Romano rose from the grave. He is now trying to figure out what's happening in this world.
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months
man i don't even wanna get into it that much but i gotta say this week has been TOO MUCH. AGH. but we're cool(er) now it's just been Non Stop Choice Making And Task Doing
#like ive been coping well all things considered#nothing bad just a FUCKING LOT. yknow#first week of classes + not living on campus + not able to drive -> figuring out bus routes + campus#at the same time#then a couple days in they take me off the dorm waitlist and i now have like 2 days to buy and move ALL my dorm shit#yesterday i left a bunch of essential shit in the dorm bc i thought i'd be coming back that night#and i have so much homework somehow#plus we've been having foster-turtle related issues#and i got broken up with but that was actually pretty good tbh needed to happen was very mutual etc#i wasnt able to work on hw bc my laptop died and the charger was at the dorm... and my contacts... and my phone charger... etc#and my guitar but thats more an emotional/stim thing. i missed her :(#whartever. i am unpacked and chilling by myself in my room#kinda nervous to meet my roommate. i wasnt yesterday when i thought i was gonna but now um. i am#it's probably fine it's just new#plus i didnt wanna roommate bc i need a sensory deprivation chamber and all but whatevs. i think I'll be okay? yeah 👍#and there was a thing inthe middle of the week where one of my classes was empty when i got there???#i had to go on a wild goose chase to get there at all but thats a whole other story#and and and and and. just a lotta stuff all the time yknow#but i am here. hooray#and my classes and professors have all been good so far!! im participating a lot more than i did in high school#like. a LOT. like the most in every class im in#which is crazy bc im shyyyy nooooo im so shyyyyy stoppppp etc#but like. i have Thoughts and Relevant Knowledge#and all of them have been easy to pay attention to/understand except my old lady lit teacher#but shes cool and also that class didnt go as planned anyway + i was BEAT so it might not be her fault#we'll see ig#nervous about my online bio + lab classes though. scaryyyy wahhhhh#also i had to figure out payments for a whole bunch a shit. and textbook weirdness. and parking permits. and and and#WHAT. EVER. we're fine it's ok#i can lie down now and just. be
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kakujis · 7 months
happy birthday, keisuke!
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synopsis: you celebrate keisuke's day with toman.
warnings: gn!reader, swearing, this is fluffy and gross, yn can't bake for shit (me), not proofread, and that should be it!
ft: baji keisuke x reader, 1.2k
network: @enchantedforest-network
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LOML!!!!!!! i set aside my hw and all to get this finished hehe. it's still the 2nd in my area, but ik it's the 3rd elsewhere! i tried to keep it short and simple this time!! i won't get sappy or anything but i truly love baji so much!! happy birthday, kei, hope its a good one. ♡
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with the amount of staring you’ve been doing, you must as well be losing your vision, the words on the screen blurred and hazy. you’ve scrolled through the ingredient and instruction list an obscene amount of times, and yet… things seem to always turn out like this. 
“i’ve got no fucking clue what i’m doing!” you huff, but the silver haired man besides you simply laughs in reply. “mitsuya, why does my cake look like one of y’all rolled it over with your motorbikes?” 
“to be honest,” he starts, snickering as he inspects it, “i have no idea. i mean, you followed the recipe and all didn’t you?” 
you nod, sadly staring at another failed attempt. he decides to take a piece and taste it, throwing it into his mouth, chewing with an unreadable expression.
“it’s not like it’s inedible, it’s miles better than your first attempt. it’s just a little dry and crumbly…” mitsuya says, brow furrowing, “alright, honestly, it’s pretty bad.” 
you sigh loudly, picking it up and throwing it into the trash, “i told you we should’ve gotten him a cake from the store!” all your attempts have been moot. instead of a fluffy and moist cake, it’s always flat and dry even with mitsuya’s help. 
kazutora pops his head into the kitchen at that moment, “i can run really fast if you want me to.” 
you shake your head, “...no. don’t… do that.” you point to your forehead, signaling him of the decorations stuck on his. 
he shrugs, pulling off a stray streamer, and walking in before he’s jumping up to sit on the counter.“how are we gonna have a birthday party with no cake?” 
you frown, whining, “man, i don’t know. mitsuya, what do we do?” 
he glances over at the clock, mouth pressed in a line, before he answers. “you could always stick a candle into his soba noodles, we've got tons of those.” 
“we are doomed.” you state, sighing as you slump against the counter. “sorry kei…” 
even though you know, deep down, that keisuke baji could give less than two shits about a cake, you really wanted to surprise him. you did the same for him on white day, all those years back in highschool when you finally confessed. he accepted it, shitty chocolate and all, as you hid your burnt bandaged fingers behind your back. he never mentioned it, but you assume he knew, when instead of kissing your lips, he dragged your hands out from behind you and kissed your them while your heart almost sprang out of your chest. 
“who’s doomed?” you hear a loud yet comforting voice coming from the hallway. you look up to see draken, smiling ear to ear as he holds a cake box. 
“draken!” the three of you giddily call in unison and he smiles wider. 
mikey isn’t far behind him, peeking out to say, “there’s no way you guys thought we were gonna eat a cake they made right? it’s literally y/n, we would’ve died. i think baji almost did when he ate your confession chocolate.” 
“i’m going to ignore that for now.♡︎” you chime, keeping the strained smile on your face. 
“you guys are so mean to my protégé.” mitsuya chides, giving you a pat on the back. “anyway, we’re running out of time before he gets home, let’s finish this up.” 
you all nod and run off to your places, with you cleaning up the kitchen, and yourself, as best you can before you head out to the living room. the decorations are strung up nicely, courtesy of emma and hina, although takemichi, chifuyu, and pah definitely tried their best. you’re a little nervous, heart fluttering, as the lights dim and everyone crouches in place. 
you wait a few moments, eyes adjusting to the now darkened room as you catch a wave from chifuyu right before the front door slams open. equally as loud as the slam shut, baji talks to his mom on the phone. 
“yeah ma, i just got home. thanks for hangin’ with me today. huh? oh yeah, i’ve got plans with the guys tonight…” he mutters, phone pressed up against one shoulder as he kicks his shoes off. “unfortunately, its just the guys, said they couldn’t get off work early enough..” he trails off, a solemn expression on his face and you bite back the urge to laugh. 
“alright, love you ma, talk to you later.” he says as he hangs up, placing his book bag onto the floor. as he hits the lights, you all pop up out of place. 
“happy birthday, baji!” you cheer out in unison. it’s an explosion of streamers, confetti, and colors with some of you using party poppers and some of you using the blowers. 
he jumps while breaking out in a shit-eating grin, his pearly canine teeth in full view. his eyes scan the room til they fall onto you, the excitement sparked behind them clear as he immediately makes his way over to you. 
“no fuckin’ way,” he laughs, throwing his arms around you, before peppering kisses on your cheeks. “should’ve known you were a liar.” 
you hug him back, but pull off slightly, when you suddenly feel the heavy eyes of everyone around you. “o-okay keisuke, that’s enough.”
he presses a final kiss to your forehead before turns and glares, “huh? you guys got a problem with this?” 
mikey glares back, “yeah. i do.”
baji releases you, walking over to “square up” with mikey. the two of them bickering about the importance of everyone showing up, but also, a significant other is important too, and besides, “i was about to greet everyone, it’s not my fault you can’t find a date.”  
“here we go,” draken sighs, before sliding onto the couch. “emma, can you get me something to drink?” 
you shrug, settling in next to kazutora who’s excitedly bringing out the games for the night. the rest of the party goes well, the laughter bouncing off the walls of your shared apartment. it’s a nice little life you’ve got with baji so far. while he studies his ass off in school, your work is good enough to support the both of you. it’s cozy, it’s everything you’ve wanted. 
as the night winds down and everyone clears out, you find yourself cleaning up. you tell keisuke not to worry about it, “it’s your night, i’ll finish up here.” but he tsks you away, shoving littered plastic forks and plates into a bag anyway. he finds you in the kitchen later on, washing a few trays that were used to set the food out. 
he snakes his arms around your waist, breath tickling your ear as he asks, “so where’s my cake?” 
“huh?” you giggle, turning off the sink. “what are you talking about? we ate it all earlier?” 
“no, not that one.” he grins, his pretty hair falling over your shoulder. “the one mikey told me you made.” 
you freeze, that little shit. “uh… honestly, we threw them away. even with mitsu’s help, i couldn’t make you anythin’ good.” 
“well, that’s no good.” he hums for a bit, before spinning you around, a devious smile on his face. 
“kei?” you ask, but you’re interrupted by his lips on yours. 
“guess i gotta settle for somethin’ even sweeter.” he murmurs, before his hands are cupping your cheeks as he kisses you again and again.
“you’re so fucking cheesy.” you giggle in between kisses, hands naturally coming around his waist. “happy birthday, keisuke.♡︎” 
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jaundicesenator · 6 months
i'm bored on a road trip so more headcanons but this time not richie
-peter used to carry a fannypack full of sweets but stopped after the sweets kept getting stolen, he now hides them in his locker
-he has alternating times where he staysbwith his brother and his parents.
-after he started dating steph, ted started making very loud cringey jokes whenever he would drop peter off on his dates to try to embarrass him.
-peter started dressing more like a librarian whenever steph complimented his sweater(he proceeded to buy at least 5 identical sweaters with only the color different)
-Steph has dyslexia and she struggles in English and biology the most.
-She only realized that she might've had it whenever peter mentioned it and she went to go get tested(rich kid money)
-she was happy to learn that she wasn't stupid and couldn't read
-peter and steph now meet up after school almost everyday just to work on hw
-steph now goes to school almost everyday because of pete and doesn't skip anymore
-peter bought both of them promise rings after they reached the 1 year mark
-after they graduated they went to separate colleges but call each other constantly and do long distance (they are in love, if only i could have this)
-peter memorized steph's order at beanie's and would buy her order randomly as a gift
-peters love language is gift giving
-stephs love language is quality time and physical touch
ok now time for max and grace
-max used to be great at school but then his dad turned into an alcoholic
-he and richie used to be best friends befire he started self-isolating
-he has some guilt for ditching and bullying richie but he drowns it out with the power he feels from bullying
-he is surprisingly progressive and supports queer people
-he gets mad whenever people are homophobic and transphobic (he is a shitty person but not that shitty)
-he enjoys horror movies and thats why he enjoyed the nerds prank so much
-he secretly collects trinkets of his favorite slasher/horror characters
-grace felt a twinge of guilt after max died but it was short lived
-during the summoning grace felt a weird pulling to the black book and snuck it away after the whole ritual
-when she opens the book she can hear the lords in black laughing in her head
-when she opened the book for the first time after max's death the lords in black showed her a small glimpse of max's torture
-her parents thought grace had a demon in her after she came back home and called the priest to exorcize her
-she stayed in her room for a week after her parents did that to her
-she grew to hate her parents after using the black book
-her whole religion was shattered in front of her eyes whenever the lords in black were summoned
ok i think thats it for now. also if you see spelling mistakes or random capitalization just ignore it
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newtdrawz · 7 months
Paul and Darry friendship (homo) headcanosn ?!?#??%?@
Omg omg ok,, I had to do a lot of rereading and searching to remember Paul and get the vibe of these two down 🙏😭
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(Tried to find a picture and this is the only one I could get,,, the tension in here is INSANE. bro,, I'm like going insane)
Ok so these guys,, crazy. They DEF were on and off during high-school
Take that in a friendship way or another way, but they definitely had SOMETHING going on 😭
One week they're attached at the hip and the next they're not even talking to each other, no one knows why that keeps happening but they end up being fine the next week
When it comes to football tho, suddenly any weird feelings the two have are gone, evaporated from existence and they work perfectly fine with each other and communicate well
When they are talking and being normal they do try to hang out outside of school
In secret tho,, hm. Strange.
Is it cuz Paul's embarrassed to be friends with a greaser? Maybe. Is it cuz Darry doesn't wanna be seen with a soc? Maybe. Who knows definitely not them 😭
Paul does come over to the Curtis's tho for HW or class projects or to just hang out with Darry
The Curtis's like him! They like having him around and Mrs. Curtis likes how polite he is, there's only one member in the family who has a problem with Paul,,
It's Ponyboy. He cannot STAND him. No one knows why, Paul doesn't know what he did and he's constantly trying to get on his good side. Darry thinks it's hilarious cuz it bothers Paul so much
Imagine having beef with your situationship/friend/teammate's little kid brother 😭😭 (Pony: yeah well you're a poopyhead and you're ugly and I don't like you. Paul: oh yeah? Well- Darry: Paul. He's like 10, leave him alone. Paul: Darrel. He called me a poopyhead.)
(This part is inspired by @deflated-leaf 🙏 if you're not fine with your hc in here lmk!!!) Paul see's Pony drawing in the living room one day and makes a comment on how he used to draw a lot too (and Pony being the little hater he is probably says something sassy but he's kinda interested) so he shows Pony his old drawings (they're not perfect or amazing and half of them are of Darry but Pony's a little young to think anything of it) and that ends up with Pony showing Paul his drawings
So Darry walks in and sees them talking and showing each other drawings and this is the first time he's ever seen Pony not calling him names or flat out ignoring him
They try to have alone time though and it's always interrupted
It does not matter where they are they never get to be alone, it's like an on-going bit and they're sick and tired of it 😭😭
At Paul's he's either getting calls from soc friends or his dad is trying to talk to the both of them
At Darry's it's either Soda being Soda, just being loud or it's Pony straight up coming into Darry's room to talk to Darry or ask him for help with something OR it's someone in the gang (love younger versions of the gang 🙏😭) being annoying and wanting to talk to him
At school it's their own friends always popping up out of nowhere and they can't really go out in public to spend time with each other
They do end up drifting in senior year/near graduation tho :(
With the stress of graduation coming and choosing colleges they don't hang out or talk as much, those weird periods of time where they're not close lasts longer
Then Darry finds out he won't be able to go to college, scholarship or not he can't go and he's upset obviously
Paul and Darry had a plan to go to the same college and share a dorm or live together or something like that
Darry has to tell Paul and it turns into a fight that they're not gonna come back from, they leave on bad terms and they split up their weird off-on relationship they have with each other
Paul tries to reach out though
The first time he decides to reach out he hears about how Mr. And Mrs. Curtis died and now Darry's raising his two brothers on his own so he decides not too
But when he finally does his timings off all of the time, when he tries to call some kid named Dallas always answers and he's rude and hangs up, another time some guy named Two-bit (he sort of remembers Two-bit but he's not so sure, he never really hung out with the gang or saw them much) answers saying he'll let Darry know he called (he forgets immediately and ends up never telling Darry Paul called)
He ends up giving up on trying to reach Darry, when he comes home from college he sees him around though, he never stops and says hello or chases after him. He's not sure why he doesn't
He see's Darry with the gang sometimes or he see's him with his brothers (he's shocked to see how big Soda and Pony got, especially little guy Pony who was a menace to Paul all of the time)
Rumbles between them are crazy
Darry had no clue Paul has tried to reach out he's seen him around too but he's never tried to reach out or say hi either
During the rumble Paul was the one to go up to Darry and that was the first time in a awhile they've been fave to face
Paul gets to see Pony (who he thinks is a little young to be here but he's not gonna judge Darry's parenting lol) and Soda
When they fight tho, they fight HARD. It's all the pent up anger and resentment and jealously and,, dare I say longing. OH I DID. I SAID IT. Longing.
After the rumble they kinda just look at each other for a minute, Paul nods and Darry nods and they just leave (insane ik.)
The aftermath is a little weird
Guess who wants to reach out again? It's Paul. But guess what? Darry's two close friends just died so once again he feels weird and like it's bad timing to reach out
But he finally does this time and THIS time it's Pony who answers and when Paul says it's him and asks if he can speak to Darry you better believe Pony quietly calls Soda over so now they're both on the phone being nosey
Pony once again starts being a menace and once again Soda starts being annoying (PB: why do YOU wanna talk to him? Soda: yeah. Why do YOU wanna talk to him? Paul: can I just please- Soda: No you cannot. PB: he's not here. Paul: then why have I been on the phone for 10 mins with you two for both of you to tell me he's not even there?)
This post is already really long but I gotta add a little extra one/au where no one dies and everything ends up fine 😭😭
This is where Paul and Darry DO decide to meet up and catch up after the rumble cuz they both realize they both miss each other
When they do start talking more and seeing each other (hehehehehehhehe) he starts introducing him to the gang, once again no one has any problems (they do but they don't lol he's a soc but he makes Darry happy so it's whatever to them) but guess who has beef with Paul?
Ponyboy AND Sodapop.
Paul has like war flashbacks to all the times a younger Pony would call him names but 14 year old Pony is MUCH more mean 😭😭 (14 year olds are so mean bro 😭😭)
He's definitely not used to Soda being petty though, Darry just tells him to wait it out and they'll come around, which eventually they do
They don't really confirm what they are but they're both just together now and that's really all they care abt :)
ok,, I think that's all I have,, y'all... this Paul and Darry stuff is insane 😭
I hope I did them justice 🙏 I really tried, I never really hear much about Paul besides him and Darry going to school together and being old friends 😭😭 my fav part honestly is him having beef with like a 10 year old Ponyboy and then once again having the same beef but with Soda too 😭😭😭 (protective Curtis brothers 🙏) also once again sorry if Darry is ooc 😞 also dedicated to crow 🙏 I TOLD YOU NOTHING WOULD STOP ME 💪💪💪
Also the idea of them not being friends and one being able to get out and go to college while the other will be there forever and is stuck,,, hhh and they're only 20-21 plzz,, they're so young and ones literally raising his brothers,, 😭😭😭 I'm devastated man
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bluesdesk · 3 months
Wars headcanons because it's a trend now??
He and Linkle are siblings, Wars is about 6 years older than her! They don't have other siblings.
He's a descendant of Twilight! They're distant relatives so Wars doesn't really recognize or know him! This headcanon comes from the fact Wars and Artemis/Athena are based on Twilight and Dusk the most, so yes Athena is a descendant of Dusk. Also I ship TP Zelink so theoretically Wars and Athena would be both descendants of Twi and Dusk and sk be distant relatives, but too distant to be considered family at all.
Wars was born in the countryside. A rural town was built around a well known ranch some time after Twilight’s adventure. And when Wars is a kid the ranch is inhabited by his grandmother, while he lives in a nearby house.
So, story time! His parents looked like good and respectable people. They didn't know much about swords, but the grandmother was secretly able with crossbows. When the first kid of the couple was born, they noticed the triforce mark and went crazy. They named him Link because he was going to be a hero, they began to spoil him, accommodate every whim, give him gifts like every day. The grandma pointed out it wasn’t good or healthy for him but the parents didn't listen. As soon as he could run without losing balance, the situation changed and even if he was still treated as the purest angel who couldn't be corrected or scolded (he couldn't do anything worng because he had the triforce, they believed), he began his sword training, that took hours every day and was exhausting. When he was 6 he got a sister, but apparently she didn't have a triforce mark on her hand. The parents were too focused on their Link and didn't bother to find a better name for her, they named her Linkle. While she was still loved, the parents treated the kids way differently. Linkle didn't get gifts every day, she didn't get training from a young age, she could make mistakes and get scolded (even when it was clearly Wars's fault). And mostly, the two kids couldn't spend time together the most of the times because Wars was often too tired to do anything other than sleeping after the training. The grandma couldn't stand that and decided to bring Linkle to her house/ranch and raise her by herself. She also taught her to use crossbows. She and Wars didn't meet again for years. In his teens Wars is sent to Hyrule Town to continue his training, it's hard for him at first because he was treated really differently at home. After being scolded too many times for acting superior, he learns modesty and teamwork. Then, when Wars is 21 and Linkle is 15, HW happens and they meet again. They're both heroes and they live at the castle. Their parents died in a fire some years before, and the grandma died shortly before HW.
Speaking of Linkle, she's the bearer of the rriforce if power. She didn't have it during HW because it was trapped in Ganondorf's spirit. After HW the triforce piece went back to the Sacred Realm but the day after it was already with Linkle.
Wars's hair is probably a darker shade of blonde, but he dyed it lighter. Why? Because Artemis/Athena is naturally a brunette like Dusk but chose to dye her hair blonde, and Wars tried her dye too!
Wars learned the scarf isn't really part of the tunic of the hero, and most likely a gift from his Zelda. That's one of the main reasons he's almost always wearing it, like Sky with his sailcloth!
Linkle will eventually teach him how to handle cuccos, he and Sky will be the "heroes with a long cape thing and the ability to hold cuccos"
Wind reminds him of his sister, he's 14 and Linkle is 16 during LU, their behaviors are kinda similar!
Yes his or Linkle's descendants will take care of the ranch in the future, one of these people is Makimi!
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vryfmi · 2 years
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beware: a long post
- SKULL IS HERE SKULL IS HERE SKULL IS HERE honestly, after "the Golden Blade" character that really threw me off it's good to see this iconic bastard appear on screen. low key sad it's not pulling any faces (yet)
- “Hunt or be Haunted”. this one really took me by surprise. the change of tagline suggests that our smallest agency in London and their business is no longer the only focus of the story. it gives more of a feel of survival story rather then underdogs type of story tho. we'll see where it goes
- the logo is growing on me, it still looks too polished to me, compared to any of book logos which were, well, logos, and here it's just font. but it goes nicely with brutalism aesthetic, sPEAKING OF WHICH-
- yall see this? they are actually going with brutalism for their world?? not a sugar-coated London with beautiful scenery of old european city?? thank you l&co crew i love you for doing your hw.
<...> For a while any object even dimly supposed to have some kind of psychic residue was treated with terror and disgust. Items of old furniture were burned, and random antiques smashed or thrown into the Thames. A priceless painting in the National Portrait Gallery was hurled to the floor and trampled on by a vicar, ‘because it looked at me in a funny way’. Anything with a strong connection to the past was considered suspect, and a cult of modern objects grew up, which remains with us even now. <...>
there's nothing good in what past holds in their world. people are paranoid because no one knows where new outbreak will happen. of course there are blocks of concrete for flats, of course it's cold, of course it's surreal to see London like this. it's alternative London.
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- i love these ghost lamps, they are my new fixation. they are so big and so out of place. obsessed even. ufo looking. my love. ghost lamp my beloved
- rapiers, you love to see those
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everyone has a unique hilt. im so normal
- last but not least: composition. i think it ties nicely back to tagline change since, yes, it would be nice to see idk Portland Row being shown. but no, characters are in the middle of empty street, looking at something that we can't see. they are agents after all - seeing things outside regular person's comprehension is their thing. they are distressed but got their rapiers at ready. sky is getting dark, ghost lamp (my beloved) is on, quiet city is cowardly seen underneath. f i t t i e s i s b e h i n d e v e r y t h i n g
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they are all so awkward looking, my divvies
- SKULL my man got a nice looking prison, i like the handle, it's handy. now i see why Lucy will struggle while breaking this jar with poop statue. now waiting for his cast announcement :/
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- Lucy got the biggest wardrobe update, kinda digging it. definitely more practical, but it's sad to see heavy boots go. but now everyone is much quicker on their feet, especially after seeing how fast these ghosts are. ARE THOSE FLARES ON HER BELT
- not to be that person, but Cameron was born for this role. really aching to seeing more of his acting and his way of bringing Lockwood on the big screen. also thank lord he's wearing trainers. he already has a safety hazard coat, if there was one more formal piece of clothing he’d died on spot- wait he still has a tie- credit goes to @lucyjcarlyle for pointing out Lockwood's ring, can't wait to find out it is a family relic and die inside
- George by Ali actually feels like George, right? baggy clothes, bag that weights him, something about his posture - all those things add to recognition of character despite differentiating from books’ description. it’s sad we didn’t get to see him in teaser
- and they all look relatively young! like this thumbnail really captures it
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also, im not the only one who sees the iconic @doodlingraka's colour palette everywhere, right? because i dig it and i want more
in conclusion: it doesn’t look perfect, lets be honest here, but Cornish’s interview puts it all together in a perspective. this show is a love letter to horror movies of last century. they were clumsy, too, but they knew how to scare its viewer in a smart way. and that’s what books did, now it’s time to pay a tribute. at least i want to believe so
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leironth · 6 months
Marceline: (Sees Finn and HW, sitting on a table, talking, they're crossdressing) "Oh my glob" (laughter)
PB: (Disappointed) "Really, marceline? Ugh, you should've stayed home."
M: "Aw what? Bonnie, i'm not judging, it's just funny is all. Why *is* Finn dressed like a girl though?"
PB: (gestures at marceline and herself) "We were both boys once, you know. And now we both wear dresses." (Points at him) "So why can't he?"
M: ..."Excuse me, what the gonk?"
PB: (Sigh) "Ah, forget It, it's nothing."
M: (stares at her, puzzled) "What am I missing here?"
PB: ..."Marcy, do you remember your time as the campfire Queen?"
M: "No, not really, it's just a blur. It was...fun, mostly, I think?" (looks down) "mostly"
PB: "Marcy..." (she reaches for Marceline's hand) "I remember everything."
PB: (Looking at her intensely now) "I remember what I saw in that state. I saw myself, in my totality. I finally, *finally* got to take off my cloak and stare, not just at who I am, but also who I was. I saw past the scared girl wandering the wastes, and I noticed the ribbon she carried as she walked."
M: "The ribbon?" (Baffled) "Bonnie is everything okay?"
PB: (she grabs Marceline by her arms, and holds her tightly, whispering) "I followed that ribbon back through time, until I found a garden, *my* garden, Marceline. And in that garden I saw the most beautiful daisy bloom, wither, and die before my eyes, as I could do nothing. *Nothing*."
A tear forms in her eye.
PB: "I saw the days and months and centuries that spilled backwards, and as I traveled back, I saw that a tulip once took that daisy's place. And before that, a rose, and another tulip, and a sunflower..."
PB: "And as my garden bloomed, and died, and was destroyed and rebuilt, I saw how it's old features were erased." (She puts her hand on Marceline's cheek and smiles) "Well, most of them. The great tree at the center, under wich i'd sheltered during countless storms...that stayed there. But even that tree, It died, and a sapling took it's place. An Oak, a Maple tree, a Pine tree..."
PB: "They were beautiful, all of them. And now, I can see their inner truth, Marceline." (She gives her a kiss)
PB: "I see that the beauty in us likes to shine through, in any shape we take. So when It does, please, don't cover It up with your cloak."
Marceline, thinking: "Bonnie what the *fuck* are you talking about."
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batmanlovesnirvana · 1 year
Some reporter : Do you actually believe that the Batman exist ?
Some guy : I mean I don’t know, people believed that Batman was something made up by the Gotham police to scare criminals...I mean why else would they put the bat-signal on their roof.
His friend : I heard he's a black-ops unit of the GCPD SWAT that operates as a pro-active offence unit rather than reactive like regular SWAT units.
A woman waiting for her bus : I hear he's secretly some millionaire playboy with issues. You know the one, his parents died when he was young. Not long later he disappeared for years and returned acting like the same careless ponce... I'm of course speaking about Oliver Queen, head of Queen Industry.
A teenager with his skateboard and croaked glasses that keeps sliding on his nose : I've heard he's immortal. There are all kinds of accounts all throughout history of a "Batman." They've found several cave paintings depicting a man/bat like humanoid. I've heard theories that he was active during the Inquisition and hunted witches. I've also heard that Blackbeard (you know, the pirate) had run ins with a man known simply as "The Black Pirate," whose description has several similarities to The Batman we know of in our time.
Gary, the guardian of apartment C : I heard he runs an orphanage and trains the children to be crime fighters. There are several bat people running around now. How else could he be all over the city?
Miranda, the woman always sitting in front of apartment C and smokes 2 packs of cigarettes everyday : Or a cult of undercity homeless people.
Freddie, in Central Park : There's definitely more than one Batman and they're all trained by a Government Agency. It's just a way for the Government to operate outside of the Law. Maybe the Batman/Batmen is/are independent, but there's no way he isn't working for the government.
Mia, 14 years old : Batman is clearly a vampire or some sort of demon.
Ali, sitting on a bench, taking a secret break from his job at Gotham Gazette : He's obviously some sort of robot, guys. No human being can do those jumps and give that much of a fight for so long barely scratched. I mean, why does hw only works at night? So nobody can have a good look at him.
Ginny, on his left, drinking her coffee : I think he is some sort of meta human I mean how else could he consistently do those things?
Their boss, Robert, behind them, shaking his head : you punks are all wrong, criminals everywhere have always had their own little boogie men. Keyser soze, Ra's al Ghul, The Batman. None of them are anywhere near as real as Mr. Fisk is going to be if you don't quit gossiping like a bunch of school girls and get back to work.
Adam, strolling with his wife Lorelei : Yeah and I really think he’s a woman. My buddy got mugged and a girl in a bat costume beat up the mugger.
Lorelei : Even weirder than that, I heard that the kid with the yellow cape is really a teenage girl.
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aotopmha · 1 month
In my FF14 journey, I'm now at the first lvl 86 quest.
I stopped just before going back to the Crystal Tower.
The latter half of Thavnair is fantastic in terms of building tension.
In one of my previous posts I talked about how much I liked that the story still manages to have moments of danger despite the characters surviving the most ridiculous circumstances.
At this point, I do not believe in most danger the Scions are in, but because, just like the corrupting force of light, Akasha is a new system with new rules, it makes you doubt, even if it is just for a moment.
And it certainly made me doubt with Matsya and the baby because they're just commonfolk.
Qerasaf and Mehvan are just normal civilians, so I fully believe they could die as easily as they did.
Once again the story also uses the distinction between the massive strength of the Warrior of Light and the normal people of the world to great effect in that sense.
But even then, you can still not be in all places at once.
During the chain transformation cutscene, you could see the Warrior of Light being indecisive between targets and which people to save and later on with Mehvan, they were late to save her.
I really like that detail because stuff like this goes a long way in spelling out your position in the world. It's general enough characterisation where players can put their own spin on it, yet still enough to make the Warrior of Light have somewhat of an identity themselves.
And I think that's the best way to go with mute player characters.
I don't know much about Dungeons and Dragons, but to me it feels like a game master having their own idea of where to go with the story/characters, but leaving a good amount of room to do your own thing within their framework.
And I like that take a bunch.
Now, to loop back to what I was saying about tension, I fully believed Matsya and the baby were done for, so I was okay with either fate, but this is also where Endwalker's theming comes in.
Even if only really minor characters died, there was so much death in this part of the story.
Khalzahl, Nahbdeen, Qerasaf and Mehvan.
To cut to the point, this is a story about mental illness.
And what kind of message would that send if there was only despair?
What kind of message would this send to those suffering in similar ways?
You have to be really careful with messaging here. And I think both Matsya and the baby surviving was almost mandatory in that sense.
This is why certain criticisms of plot points later on in the story also ring wrong to me.
Because eventhough Thavnair's faith says there is more suffering in life than there is good on the surface (which I think some read the scene at the temple as), the true meaning behind their beliefs is to appreciate the good that does exist.
To see your life for what it is, good and bad.
And so the story lets Matsya and the baby survive.
Finally, I really like how Estinien's character arc and Heavensward is used in this section for Vrtra's character development and how Vrtra ends up a positive parallel to Sharlayan's policy of passivity in face of all-consuming doom.
Vrtra steps up when he is proven wrong about his presence being a source of chaos and more conflict. He considers the result of the Dragonsong War and Estinien's journey. And he considers Hraesvelgr's decision to help in the confrontation with Nidhogg.
And ultimately he steps up and decides to take responsibility as a leader of his people.
I've seen people complain about there not being enough love for Y'sayle compared to other beloved characters that died and that as a proof of sexism, but I feel it is just about the same, and the references to her with Licinia and her sister and now with Thavnair are super relevant and effective.
On my part, I think digging deeper made everything in this part so much better. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't, but here it definitely did for me.
The HW connections might be my favourite because it's another exanple of making previous story have more relevance, weight and substance, but I adore the message of appreciating the good, however little, within the bad a bunch, too.
You might notice I actually didn't talk much about Bestways Burrow and the section of the Loporrits and that is precisely because the entire section wasn't as substantial to me. I had some good chuckles in there and I like the Urianger focus, but even if it has the same thematic point of overcoming passivity in the face of great danger, it was a bunch less nuanced and without much else going on aside from thay point.
Much of it was magic babble, which needed to happen to make everything come together and downtime to let big reveals set in.
And we've definitely come so far from you just having to do 8 generic fetch quests to go on to another zone with more of the same by at least getting specific characterisation and learning how this huge point of focus (the moon) functions within lore, but the technical stuff isn't as interesting by nature to me.
All of this said, Endwalker still continues to be fantastic. I just went on about how Bestways Burrow wasn't as good as everything else, but it is still contributing towards solving long-standing plot threads and it is put where it is with purpose.
Finishing Thavnair also unlocked the role quests, which I think I actually only have seen in bits and pieces, so those will be fun to do for myself.
And I'm looking forward to what comes next in general, of course.
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azems-familiar · 2 months
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Lelesu Lesu
Nicknames: Lele (but only if you're Corrain or Hythlodaeus)
Age: 27 during Endwalker
Birthday: uhhhhhh. 32nd sun of the first astral moon? i think? i'd have to open the game to check tbh
Race: Dunefolk Lalafell
Gender: cis female, though she's not particularly fussed about gender and wouldn't really argue being gendered other ways
Orientation: some flavor of greyromantic, exclusively attracted to men when she is, some flavor of ace spectrum, sex-favorable
Profession: Warrior of Light, Scion of the Seventh Dawn responsible for Ishgard (quietly), and on the rare occasion, guest instructor for the Temple Knights
Physical Aspects
Hair: long, black, kinky curls, with a light green dye in the ends
Eyes: dark purple. the right one used to be paler and now is solid silver from scarring
Skin: dark brown with warm undertones
Tattoos/Scars: some various minor scarring across her body, a large scar across her chest/abdomen; small thin scar across her right cheek/lips; scarring around her right eye. dragon tattoo along the left side of her face
Parents: her biological parents are Ul'dahn merchant-nobles who own a mine of some kind in Thanalan. she's never been close with them and no longer particularly considers them her parents; instead, the closest thing she has to a father-figure is Edmont de Fortemps, who she has been very close with since early HW but especially once Haurchefant died
Siblings: Artoirel de Fortemps, via swearing brotherhood, which means that by technicality Emmanellain is also her brother. she's not as close with him as she is with Artoirel but she does care for both of them quite a bit. in universes where they're both there, she also considers Corrain to be her little brother and will sometimes refer to him as such
Grandparents: not really relevant
Others: her partners are Aymeric, Hythlodaeus, and Emet-Selch - post-EW she and Aymeric get engaged, and she has some kind of nebulous queerplatonic Thing going on with Hyth and Emet that is not fully defined.
Abilities: the red mage and sage skill trees, a solid grasp on conjury and some basic white mage skills (which she no longer uses), some of the early marauder skills. formal manners - she was raised among nobility - and some business management skills (Ul'dahn). basic needlework skills, a necessity for adventurers, and a solid grasp on survival skills
Hobbies: reading everything about magic she can get her hands on. swimming - she didn't have much opportunity to in Ul'dah and now takes every chance she can get. post-endwalker she's taken to trying to find a way to bring creation magicks properly back into the current-day star - yes, this is a hobby for her. possibly fishing? (these are still in development. partly because she is very duty-focused and has kept quiet about her hobbies.)
Most positive trait: her determination and dedication to her duty. between this and her kindness, which together alongside her love for Etheirys and its people are what keep her on the heroic path, even when she wants to falter.
Worst negative trait: probably a tossup between her tendency to wallow in guilt/failure and how she handles grief, which is poorly - she also has some struggles with anger that tend to get very out of hand when she's dealing with loss, which is what led her to pursuing a revenge quest against Thordan VII
Colors: reds, purples, blues
Smells: fresh bread, petrichor, pine trees, leather oil
Textures: anything soft and fuzzy, feathers, sand (both wet and dry; yes she loves the beach. yes she's a little insane)
Drinks: hot chocolate (though it reminds her of Haurchefant every time she drinks it now), coffee, chai
Other Details
Smokes: no.
Drinks: yes, on occasion, though she rarely goes beyond tipsy, and then only in the company of those she trusts absolutely
Drugs: nope
Mount Issuance: prior to endwalker, she basically exclusively used the black chocobo Hauchefant gave her, which also happens to be the chocobo she learned to ride on. post-endwalker, however, she usually flies around on Argos, though she'll use her chocobo when it's....uh, not necessarily appropriate to be riding around on a glowy golden dog from thirteen thousand years ago that can fly
Been Arrested: does being almost-deported in Sharlayan count? and there was the bloody banquet....
tagged by @gatheredfates (sort of) thank you! this was very fun, though it took me many days to do, oops.
tagging: @sunderedazem @akirakirxaa @designsdefiance @sae-mian and honestly idk who else of my mutuals/followers have or haven't done this yet, so if you haven't and see this and want to, feel free to tag me for it! i love seeing everyone's ocs
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froggos-art-corner · 5 months
Hey y'all remember how I said i would post writing stuff? Well here's a fnaf AU for ya!!!
So basically it takes years after the events of Ruin, the ending where Cassie seemed to have died but she didn't in this au since Gregory, Vanessa and Freddy went here and saved her [Also in this au the Princess quest ending is the canon ending for SB]
So basically a good couple of years later Gregory is 20 years old and Vanessa is somewhere in her 40's and Freddy has a full body cause when they saved Cassie, they all live in Ness's house [ima shorten their names] and Gerg is feeling guilt about hurting all of the other animatronics, so he wants to go back and save them but Ness is like ''Hell fuckin no'' but Greg goes and does it anyways cuz he doesn't want to listen to Ness <3
And Cass follows Greg there since she knows how to fix animatronic too [They both took engineering classes btw] but when they get there Cass shows Greg the Vanny mask and Greg puts it on and is like, ''why tf did you hide this?'' and she goes, ''Idk'' so they use the Vanny mask to get around and shit, but this time instead of showing the mimic or the glitch thing it shows Glitchtrap and only to Greg so Greg is confused but ignores him for now
But long story short they turn off all the animatronics and put them all ina area where they can get fixed Including Glamrock Bonnie along with Sun [along with his counterparts] and DJ and then they go home since it took them forever to find and to turn them off [especially since they don't like Greg LMAO]
When they get home Freddy is like ''Where the hell were you two it's midnight??'' and they answer, ''Dw about it bbg'' and he goes, ''Alr'' then Cass goes to bed and Greg looks for more information about Glitchtrap since he curious now, and during that he finds Ness's VR headset and he hides it in his bedroom then epps
The next morning he hooks up the VR headset to his TV and plays the HW game from the start, still finding Glithtrap in there and it even talks to him, explaining some things about the game and leaving hints about who he is, witch he is William Afton
Once he finds out who hes talking to is WIlliam Afton he's very confused, since yk William Afton has been dead for YEARS and William explains himself and twists the story so Greg will be on his side 
Something that had been going on as Greg had played the VR, Will had gotten more and more control of Greg without Greg knowing, but to everyone else in the house, something is clearly wrong with Greg but they cant identify what yet 
On one fateful afternoon tho, Ness finds the VR headset in Greg’s bedroom and Greg and Ness have a huge argument about it, to the point where Ness slaps Greg and Freddy has to break them up
As Greg progresses through the vr game, Greg and Cass fix the animatronics at the Pizza Plex one by one, getting them in working cognition but also finding out more about Will
The more info they find about Will at the PP [Pizza Plex] Greg finds out Will lied to him about the actual story witch causes Greg to get mad at Will but he's too far deep to break off from Will’s powers so he keeps losing his mind to the point where he's hearing and seeing things that aren't there, he even makes a bear suit so he could kill
But when Ness, Freddy, and Cass find out about all of this it's too late, he's in Will’s compete control and they cant do anything besides kill Greg, witch no one wants to do so Greg asks Cass t compete fixing the animatronics and then stabs himself multiple times with a knife in front of Ness, Cass and Freddy, witch they all cry over
But thats the bad ending
The good ending is where you fix all the animatronics before Greg loses his mind completely and he's able to fight off Will’s virus
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bluedorke · 2 months
Found out Haurchefant was originally written to have survived but wheelchair bound. Similarly Ysayle was supposed to survive.
I was thinking up AUs or changing my personal canon to bring then back somehow and with Haurchefant I'm torn between draft hw survival or an alt timeline dark knight Haurche who lived while my WoL died.
Like which do I choose now? Both could be so interesting for his character. I like the idea of him navigating helping Sellenei while away from the front lines but I also love my dark angst of somehow timelines merging by weird shenanigans and Haurche crying at seeing Sellenei alive.
I'll have to think this out. At the very least I'm writing an AU of whichever one I don't choose as canon.
I'm still figuring out Ysayle but we never saw the body... (yes I know she burst into light...) But trying to figure if she's not in the main action, what has she been doing? Helping ishgardians who were transformed adapt to their new life? Maybe she allowed the heretics to think she died because she was afraid if they knew she lived they'd use her survival as a sign to continue the war.
sigh I just want them both back...
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atom-writings · 1 year
Could I request England with a preferably fem but GN otherwise S/O that has pink hair? I dyed my hair natural after pink didn’t agree with a skin condition, I miss it ; ___ ;
(HWS England x Reader) S/O with Pink Hair
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N ANON THAT SUCKS hope u can find a dye that works better for u soon.!!! I love dyed hair ive been dying my hair for 6 years now :3
Trigger Warning: None, just Fluff!
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Well, aren’t you so unique? Being willing to stand out so much… it’s a courage Arthur admires. 
He’ll think your hair is just so great! You pull it off very nicely… it suits you! It just reflects how cool you are…
At one point in time, he had done just as you have. Back when he was only a tad younger, he had died his hair as well. But of course, his superiors weren’t keen on their representative having a bright green mane though, so it didn’t last very long.
Despite that, he had still learned how to dye hair. So if you ever need him to help you touch up your dye job, he’ll happily oblige. It’s a nice bonding activity after all… very modern.
Although it’s obviously not the only reason, he was most likely initially drawn to you because of it. It reminds him of his punk days… and he’d definitely prefer a more counter-culture significant other.
You jumped in surprise as you suddenly felt Arthur’s hands on your shoulders, interrupting your scrolling. As you settled back down you asked, “What’d you do that for?”
“No reason, my dear.” He responded casually, taking his hands off your shoulders and beginning to run them through your hair. You began to continue perusing through your phone, as he placed himself completely against your back. Slowly, he leaned down, kissing the top of your head.
“Are you looking for something?” You sigh. He leans his head over your shoulder, quickly kissing your cheek as well.
“Nothing, you just look very pretty today, love.” He smiles at the light blush colouring your cheeks.
As you bring your hand up to his face, holding it softly, Arthur asks, “Next time, would you let me have some say in what colour you dye it?”
“You don’t like the pink?”
“I didn’t say that…” he chuckles, “The pink is very nice. But wouldn’t it be fun to match?” 
You can’t help but laugh, “I don’t think anyone but you would like that!”
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