#ava headcannons
master-of-fluff · 2 years
Ava/m hcs pt 3
Blues favorite season is fall because of the fall harvest.
SC's favorite season is winter because the sun is down for longer which means ze can slee more
Whenever Purple cant sleep they go for a flight around minecraft
Everyone will randomly walk on their tip toes at times.
Purples greatest fear is getting sick or anybidy she knows getting sick
TDL, Yellow, Purple, and SC all have to wear socks at all times. everyone else absolutely hates socks and shoes
Blue absolutely has to know what everything smells like, candle? *Sniff* New plant? *Sniff*
Everyone talks outloud to their selves sometimes, its usually more of a mumbling or whisper but its also completely normal to walk into the kitchen at 3am and find someone having an argument with what looks to be the salt shaker.
TCO chews on his fingernails
SC doesn't untie their shoe laces, just slips them on and off
Green likes to draw on himself, they always has at least a few doodles on his arms or legs
Red and Yellow always apologize to inanimate objects when they bump into something
Sec and Blue on the other hand will without hesitation flip a table off after stunting a toe on its leg along with telling said table to "fuck off"
TCO has the driest fucking lips because he hates to drink water, everyone's resorted to throwing flavored water bottles at him.
TCO also bites the dry skin off his lips
if TDL sits in a chair thats even a tiny bit too tall her legs will swing
TCO, TDL, Yellow and Purple click thier tongues a lot but the clicks sound different (also TCO picked the tic up from TDL)
Yellow likes bucket hats and has made everyone thier own
TDL always sleeps with her window open
Purple likes cold showers and everyone thinks hes insane for that
Green literally can't stop himself from at least humming and/or tapping along to songs he knows
Once Purple walked into the living room to see Red sitting on the coffee table, Blue, sitting on the back part of the couch and TCO sitting on the floor, the chairs and seat part of the couch are unoccupied and then freaking Second comes in and despite the fact that there are seats right there! The stupid cheese puff climbs up on top of Yellow's bookcase and falls asleep.....this is how the cg live and purple just has to deal with it.
(later Purple realizes that zi sits on countertops every chance they get and immediately blames everyone else for infection her with whatever wierditis they have)
Yellows eyes are very light sensitive, they almost always have the light in their room off unless theyre making bkueorints wruting down something in which case they turn on some fairy lights red helped put up and their glasses also turn into sunglasses when they detect light,
Yellow can also see pretty well in the dark and adjust very quickly because of this (cant see if its pitch black obviously anything above that) they can also get around the computer with their eyes closed.
SC always sit with their legs criss cross applesauce, doesnt matter what they sit on ze's legs is crossed
Purple never wears matched socks as they don't really see the point, why are you looking at her feet anyways? Weirdo
Blue cant whistle a tune but can make a very high pitched whistle sound if they blow through their gap in their front teeth at the right angle.
everyone in the cg are very visual learners.
Green likes to write lists and notes on paper and then transfer them to a device, sometimes they'll write something down 2-5 times in different notebooks just because its soothing to write it down on paper (and also they struggle with object permanence)
no one ever actually makes eye contact with eachother, Purple, Yellow, Sec and Green will look at your forehead to fake eye contact tho.
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catsauceeartofficial · 8 months
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Continuation of my AVA!Human designs!
Ever since I saw @navy-leader's Victim design, I literally cannot imagine Victim any other way 🧎
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I think its criminal I haven't seen any art of Blue with the Piglin kid. He'd babysit sometimes
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achlyisdumb · 1 month
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n0-strings · 2 months
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big fan of stick figures
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ms-wh · 2 months
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Sillies !!! :33
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brights-place · 3 months
I just took a look at your random list and MY INNER DEMONS??
That's so super crazy who would request that hahaha..
so uhh you got any chance of writing for asch??
Yk for a friend
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Prince Asch dating headcannons
Pairings: Asch X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Cursing
A/N: Asch dating headcannons YIPPEEE! Finally someone requested M.I.D which is fun to write since Asch in art is AWOOGA! But he isn’t my favourite nehehehe…
- Okay Asch has anger issues and what’s even more annoying is how he was suppose to be choosing an future partner for him - He stood infront of all the people that were chosen and each one appearing he grew more aggravated it was useless to have an partner with this magic crisis going on
- If you were human and he arrived to earth with his knights it would be this whole thing - Asch wouldn’t notice first about how he feels about you… It may seem like how he felt with Ava just for a moment then he saw you
- He had his breath taken away and he couldn’t help but be pulled in
- You were more obedient yes but yet you had this spark that made him question himself - Rhys noticed this and was quite confused and so was Rhys both agreeing that you may have casted an spell... but you didn't cast one that's the thing you just existed - Asch's personality is demanding, rude, and harsh. He likes to do everything his way. Most of the time he acts tough and has an interest in intimidating people... but with you he has an soft side which made him feel weak and pissed him off - Though when you told him he could have an weak side he was confused yet calm not wanting to be pissed off - He has his ups and downs so it's hard for him yet you try help him the best you could. - He burnt you by accident once and he panicked checking your burn... he showed weakness and he grew even more annoyed at himself - He would 'Command' you to or allow himself to just wrap his arms around your waist - Asch command you to stay beside his side which was confusing to you but you stood beside him - Asch was waving dismissively to his knights who stared at you with absolute confusion as Asch threatened their heads if they questioned him - One day you asked him if he ever felt love - He didn't know what to say and told you how daemos call it weak and you couldn't help but feel pity for him and all other daemos - One day he asked to court you... you were confused but when the other Daemos gasped the explained it was well... even more confusing till Ava was laughing and told you Asch wanted to date you - You took an page out of Ava's book and fainted - Asch would court you doing grand gestures as you stare at him with confusion - I have been convince asch would have Asthma! - Asch should has asthma because of his fire's smoke because he uses his fire very often !! - He holds your hand and looks away as you stare confusingly at him while he tells you not to question him - He does dumb things to impress you which always works - You kissing him on the cheek makes him blush - One time you accidentally touched his horns out of pure curiosity and he froze blushing telling you not to do that - Another time of you being very questionable and weird was when you slept in his room the next day he see’s you trying to sneak away with his red cape… - He chased you around as you screamed for help - Pierce had protected you as Lief join in with Asch to chase you down out of pure entertainment - Random kisses secretly and gets pretty jealous easily
- Even if your Human and He is daemos he will try his best…. - He holds you close and tries hard not to let them wise you as a magic source… he had grown fond of you and won’t let others try to take you from his grasps.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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midive · 2 months
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Little doddle while I draw something more complex cause my lazy ass cannot get the motivation to finish the drawing I started
Just some head cannons of how I see the hollow heads eyes.
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babybluesays · 9 days
List of headcannons because I feel like it
Chosen is generally a hungry person
In AvA II and III, Chosen really decided to just go munch on almost everything. Settings buttons, whole ass fonts and texts like he's PacMan or smth... so I like to think that this stems from Cho just liking to eat in general
Like, if he gets stressed he gets hungry. You give him comfort food on a bad day, he'd feel a lot better. He likes eating that much. Though I can imagine him having to restrain himself due to the very active lifestyle he lives (and a possible intense fasting and workout regime to sustain his body the best it can so he can fite)
2. The Hollowheads are crybabys
Some more than others, but I like to think that every generation of Hollowheads is in some way or another a crybaby. Vic and Cho have, like, a LOT worth crying over. Stress, anxiety, depression, nostalgia even... but you'll never see them crying in front of anyone. They're hunkering down someplace private, popping out the fine glasses, fixing theyselves a martini or a shot and drinking the night away (#justiceforchoandviclivers)
Meanwhile your two little shits, Dark and Sec are more so on the spoiled side of crying. Dark just seems like the type who would cry easily as a preteen and throw a whole fit over a lot of things. He likely carried this with him into adulthood, though I can picture Cho helping him practice to keep it under wraps.
Second is just very emotional in general, and he's also been somewhat sheltered so he tends to have bigger reactions to new things. He seems like the type who would cry if you put him in enough pressure. Full on sink to the floor, sob in his hands and scream at everyone to get out the room and then just lay down and cry silently. Kinda like the Box episode
3. The Hollowheads and Noogai were a family in the past.. for a little while
This is sort of morphing into an AU, but for the damnest reason I'm so fixated on this... the idea of Dark and Cho locating Noogai's new PC and returning to him after realizing living in the Outernet sucks with no food or shelter. Victim being this gentle but wise ghost who haunts Alan's devices and fulfills his role as Dark and Cho's oldest brother. Dark and Cho would actually have a healthy, non-destructive relationship with each other AND Alan, and they were actually a family
Then Second is drawn, TCO's return, and suddenly Chosen feels more drawn to the baby than he does to his scrawny little brother. As years go by and Second learns to walk and talk and play and learn about life, Dark is now a preteen and grows more bitter to Chosen, feeling as though he's been betrayed an abandoned. Granted, Chosen rarely hung out with him like they used to. Essentially, Noogai was the caring but severely absent father, Chosen was the stressed older sibling trying not to crack for everyone's sake, Dark was the enigmatic, bitter middle child, and Second growing up in the ever increasing hostile environment, with Victim being the peacekeeper and keeping them all glued together.
Dark, psychotic as he is, developed the ViraBlade in the hopes of erasing Second for good. Cho didn't like that, they fite, Vic is powerless, and let's just say a few wrong swings leads to an almost fatal injury onto Second's little body. Pissed beyond belief, Noogai kicks the two out and then they're forced to band together to survive however they can in the Outernet. And after evaluating that they're only good for fighting, they decide there's no other option...
Meanwhile, the impact on Second's body awakened the first spurs of his power within him. And Noogai decides to heal him and use him for animation practice instead, to slowly rebuild and reshape him from the traumatic injury. He just didn't know Second would come alive again... wow that sure dragged on...
4. Chosen is emotionally bound to Second
Since Second is basically the reincarnation of Chosen, I like to think they're more connected than even Noogai realizes. Chosen loves the little guy more than you'd know, and would honestly do anything for him. I'd like to imagine that throughout season 3 of AvA, Chosen's gonna be catching a lot of bullets for his little bro
He probably also does it out of regret of failing to do the same for Dark, and now his trauma is being projected into his actions. He is very overprotective of Second but he tries his hardest to keep himself on the ground, and understands that Second is old enough to keep himself safe. If only he knew, though...
5. Victim and Second are identical in appearance
While Second may be the Chosen One's "Return", I don't think it means his entire appearance has to revolve around that . I actually like to think that he has a frightening resemblance to Victim. If you pulled down their hair, and gave them the same clothes.. he'd look exactly like him. Only littler.
Because realistically, Second is living the life that Victim could've had the chance to live. And there are a lot of parallels in his life compared to Victim's. Second's gang is rainbow colored, Victim's is black and white. Second is a creator, Victim comes off as a distruptor. Second's environment is warm and bright and welcoming, Victim's whole facility is so bland and lacks color, it's almost unfriendly.
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randomartist-1 · 5 months
hollowhead rant bc i've been obsessing over ava/avm and i cant stop thinking abt the hollowheads
victim is that character i want to beat the shit out of and then hug them until all their pain goes away. omfg victim was completely ripped from any chance at a normal life. he was deleted not even 2 minutes after they were created, and when they get to live, they say "fuck you alan" and create a whole ass company out of spite. and if hollowhead age is 0 years old at creation, that means he was not even 16 when he made rocket corp a thing. all because they couldnt let his deletion go, which honestly, completely fair
chosen. oh, chosen. the universe really said "hey wouldnt it be funny if we made that one guys life a living hell" and threw everything at him. he was thrown into a "survival of the fittest" situation the moment he was created, and alan just used him as an ad blocker like he was nothing but a tool. the first ever true friend he made was created to kill him, and the friendship failed bc neither knew how to fucking communicate. and then hes tortured on his GODDAMN BIRTHDAY. his BIRTHDAY. BY HIS OWN BROTHER. WTF VICTIM?? he dragged second along to help him bc he was desperate to escape the mercs but all he accomplished was getting them both captured. he must be feeling so much guilt rn omfg (to be fair it was a shit move to pull but also i completely understand his decision)
we dont know much abt dark, but it must be difficult being coded to kill your best friend. maybe the code was altered when she took chosens hand, but as far as i can tell all it did was give it powers. so assuming the code stayed, that means that dark had to fight with its own code for however long she and chosen were living together. i know for a fact its exhausting to fight with your own brain, and i cant imagine having to do it for however-many-years straight. i dont know if i want dark to make a comeback in later episodes, but i definitely wanna know more abt her.
second coming is such a fuckin sweetheart. theyve been through sm and they havent deserved any of it. they literally watched rest of the cg get ripped from them FOUR TIMES (alan ending rygb, dark murdering rygb, chosen kidnapping second, parkour episode) like they must have seperation anxiety or smth like that at this point. also claustrophobia like theyve been forced into too many tiny boxes. they literally just accepted the fact they were gonna be helping chosen when second was literally forced. they still went out of their way to try and save chosen. theyve attacked whoever hurt their friends when rygb all go down. if we continue to go with the "all hollowheads are 0 when created" logic, second is nine. NINE. turning ten this october but WTF. THAT IS A CHILD. NOT EVEN DOUBLE DIGITS
ALL THE HOLLOWHEADS ARE CHILDREN WITH THE "0 at creation" LOGIC (i mean, cho and vic are technically like 16, but still) can i PLEASE just shove them into a massive pillow fort with blankets and hug them?? is that SO MUCH TO ASK ALAN
anyways im gonna go make a playlist abt them cya
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withgirl-sq · 6 months
Avalance idea
Just been struck with an idea that I wanted to share--
With time travel, could it be possible to get 'reverse' amnesia, especially in the Temporal Zone?
So either season 3 Ava or Sara could get a head injury and gain memories from the future of them being married with children?
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just-sticks-and-beats · 10 months
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Extra beneath cut. Get fucked, idiot.
(rbs > likes)
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tryingtofindava · 6 months
⊹₊ 🎄⋆𝐀𝐯𝐚’𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐬
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Give me some Christmas one-shots or headcanons ideas with any character from my masterlist! :)
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{[2023 Christmas Chronicles]}
{|Week 1|}
|Ticci Toby| Baking Christmas Cookies hc|| December 1st
|Clockwork| Doing Snowy day a activities hc|| December 3rd
{|Week 2|}
|Sydney Novak| Christmas movie marathon hc|| December 4th
|Jeff the Killer| Wrapping Christmas gifts hc|| December 10th
{|Week 3|}
|Jane the Killer| Underneath the mistletoe hc|| December 11th
|Ben Drowned| Building Gingerbread houses hc|| December 16th
{|Week 4|}
|Brian Thomas| Spending Christmas Eve together hc|| December 24th
|Ticci Toby| Spending Christmas Day together hc|| December 25th
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doodleempireofsticks · 8 months
The matador
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YESSS I ACTUALLY FINISHED SOME ART!!!!! And not long after the short uploaded too!
The matador outfit was so difficult but it paid off because my green design has swoopy hair (like some old composers) and it goes so well with the fancy outfit
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sunshadow-kitten · 1 year
some valentines day funnies and a green redesign. Bases under the cut.
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Green takes Second on a date while Blue tries and fails to teach his fiance to cook.
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Purple & Green relationship in my au. They're besties. Also my favourite ship.
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I have a random silly headcannon for y'all.
*clears throat*
One of Aschs favorite songs to both listen and dance to is Girlfriend by Avril Lavigne.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my ted talk. Enjoy!
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ms-wh · 1 month
MORE FACES !!! \! 1!
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sorry 4 not posting anything for a long time. School is too exhausting xp. but here are a couple of new ( lazy ) arts 4 u!! ( I'll try to draw something else this week ! :3 )
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