#autihd fritz
loreofthefritz · 2 years
EEAAO creators be like: Male gaze? Female gaze?!?? May I introduce you... to the ADHD Gaze!!
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loreofthegayuma · 10 months
sometimes my brain is just like: you want something you want something you want something you want someth
and i go: WHAT?!!! WHAT IS IT?! WHAT THE FUCK DO I WANT?!?!?!?
brain: whoosh bye bye suckeeeeeer
me: ?????????????????????????? (has completely distracted from what i was doing and can no longer continue it)
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loreofthegayuma · 11 months
Idk if im just autistic but I dont understand when people ask me more elaborate questions about a subject that I said i know nothing about. I always throw idk when i really dont know, do they think i'd lie about not knowing anything?? Do they think i'd suddenly know if they ask me more about it?? Do they want me to lie???
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loreofthegayuma · 1 year
*sung like the final countdown* It's an AUTISTIC MELTDOWN!!!!
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loreofthefritz · 2 years
My sibling sent me this today
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loreofthegayuma · 11 months
I always have this guilt over re-watching my favorite shows and honestly I wish it was easy not to feel that because I can't help it if that's what my brain wants when there are a lot of shows I haven't caught up with
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loreofthefritz · 2 years
I'm Lore/Rein and this is my main and dragon ball blog!
Last update: Dec. 05, 2023
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A system, bodily 26, and SEAsian! Here's our carrd to check our dni/byf, see our other socials, or just to get to know us better.
<Our side-blogs, Own Content, and the tags we use that you can mute are under the cut>
The following are our side-blogs:
@loreofthegayuma - personal blog with non-fandom related reblogs, mental health, sociopolitical reblogs/posts, and miscs
@loreoffandoms - random fandom reblogs
@soccerpunching - sports animanga + mob psycho 100, dr. stone, bakugan sideblog (mostly inazuma eleven)
@thedemon-mirajane - fairy tail, naruto/boruto, undead unluck, hunter x hunter, to your eternity, zom 100: bucket list of the dead, and yu yu hakusho sideblog
@lore-loves-animated-shows - pixar, dreamworks, and disney side-blog
❗️This blog may post suggestive things on rare occassions but never fullblown NSFW❗️
Little about us...
Most of us are semiverbal/nonverbal/selectively mute and we struggle with hearing so please kindly share a caption or transcriptions of your videos if you're sharing it to us specifically. Thank you for understanding!
When I said we're semiverbal/nonverbal/selectively mute I mean...
That we have a hard time verbalizing my thoughts. Sometimes we're experience verbal shutdowns; we won't be answering asks, DMs, and won't be talking in the tags. Please be patient when that happens, we will be back shortly. Even if you find us posting text-heavy content, it means that sometimes we just post those that have been in the drafts a long time ago.
Lore opinions: I don't care about pro/antiship discourse I just overuse the block and filter button but if you believe that "media doesn't influence people," please block us. Media has always been a voice for disenfranchise folks as much as it is a weapon for fascists to disenfranchise and get minorities killed and the way people water this down just to validate their ship is disgusting. Period. Use another argument. Idgaf.
I don't answer bait or hateful anons and I don't argue any right-wing takes, go die alone in a volcano. -Lore
If there's any issue or problem at all that you want us to address, feel free to slip an ask or DM. Obviously malicious ones will get you blocked.
Dragon Ball Z Fanfiction:
Nice God - [Nov. 17, 2022] Dende contemplating about being Kami. Less than 1k words. Details posted here | AO3 (for those with AO3 accounts only)
Four Stars in Glass - [July 08, 2023] My piece for the DBZ Big Bang 2023 event about the Son family. Details posted here | AO3 (will be put in private after the last chapter is posted)
My Headcanons in Dragon Ball:
Serious Headcanons:
Dende's Kinto-un named Lutu - Kinto-uns are to test Kami
Mostly Earth-centric - Universe 7 Earth specifically + some about Namekian ancestry
Namekian Culture - Language, Careers, Nuptials, etc.
Do not take this seriously, I did it for funsies but they're my HCs still -Fritz
The Lookout Squad ™️ - Piccolo/Kami, Mr. Popo, Dende, and Gohan
Tags for Own Content Posts:
#masenko huh - dragon ball/z/s/gt/games
#answered lore - asks that I've answered
#lores of fritz - personal / opinions
#fritz in rants - my rants
#autihd fritz - my experience as an autistic with adhd (or with one of them), or shitposts about one or both of them
#not db lore - not db-related posts
Helpful Reblogs:
#academic help - links and advice for writing academic papers
#creative help - links and advice for creating content
#writing advice - links and advice for writing
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loreofthegayuma · 2 years
Lore/Mira/Fritz here and this is a personal side-blog!
Last Update: Mar. 11, 2024
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System, SEAsian, and bodily 26. Follows from @loreofthefritz (main/dbz blog).
This is a blog of us making text posts about issues, our life, or a little bit of both. There are also a lot of media we're obsessed with and a lot of things we find interesting.
A lot of us are semiverbal/nonverbal/selectively mute and we struggle with hearing so we ask that you kindly share a caption or transcriptions of your videos especially if you're sharing it to us specifically. Thank you for understanding <3
What we mean by semiverbal/nonverbal/selectively mute is...
That most of us have a hard time verbalizing our thoughts because we don't use words on each other when we talk. Sometimes we experience a verbal shutdown; we won't be answering asks, DMs, and won't be talking in the tags. Please be patient when that happens, we will be back shortly. Even if you find us posting text-heavy content, it doesn't mean we're currently not experiencing a shutdown, sometimes we just post those that have been in the drafts a long time ago during this time.
Some of us write and we intend to post some of them here and the other things we create. However, please do enjoy our blog for the meantime!
❗️This blog may post suggestive things on extremely rare occassions but never fullblown NSFW❗️
If there's any issue or problem at all that you want any of us to address, feel free to slip an ask or DM!
We mostly no longer tag for rbs unless we want to see them again. Anything else you want to know you can find in our carrd.
@loreofthefritz - main + dragon ball blog (don't follow this one unless you really like dragon ball). 《Fritz》
Other blogs:
We usually share blogs but I'll put under here which alter is mostly using the account:
@lore-loves-animated-shows - pixar, dreamworks, and disney side-blog. 《Fritz created this but they dont use it as often as our littles》
@loreoffandoms - sideblog of random fandoms (check its pinned post to see which they are) 《no one in particular》
@thedemon-mirajane - fairy tail, naruto/boruto, undead unluck, hunter x hunter, to your eternity, zom 100: bucket list of the dead, and yu yu hakusho sideblog! 《Rein and Mira》
@soccerpunching - sports animanga + mob psycho 100, dr. stone, bakugan sideblog (mostly inazuma eleven) 《Lore》
Tags I use for my own posts:
#lores of fritz - personal experiences, thoughts, and opinions of fritz
#lore dumps - personal experiences, thoughts, and opinions of lore
#rein-y days - personal experiences, thoughts, and opinions of rein
#demon hauls - personal experiences, thoughts, and opinions of mira
#fritz in rants - just our rants
#autihd fritz - personal experience or own memes about undiagnosed autism and adhd
#fritz gets asks - me answering asks
#anon cannon - getting anon asks
Tags for reblogs:
#suggestive - we won't be reblogging much of this but we'll definitely tag it so you can mute them
#serious misc - for stuff we should take seriously
#silly misc - for funny ones
#wholesome misc - for really heart-wrenching content
#autihd misc - anything related to autism, adhd, and sometimes just generally neurodivergent things
#disabled misc - news, discussion, helpful tips, etc. about being disabled and about disabled people
#gay misc - anything related to being queer specifically
#history misc - concerning history
#science misc - science side of tumblr lol
#food - anything about food
#misc - when we don't know where to put it
#creative help - important rb of things that may help creatives
#academic help - important rb of things that will help in studies and papers
#writing help and #writing advice - rb of writing advice
#language learning - anything about languages
#writing inspiration - rb of posts abt tropes. scenarios. or dialogues that may inspire writing
#thriving consumer help - saved resources that are helpful to us common folks. also says fuck you to the capitalists
#read and recommend #read list #others writing - writing of other people I want to reread
#adulting help - adulting tips
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loreofthefritz · 2 years
Why do neurotypicals/allistics call us robots when they’re the ones who move and act accordingly to some unspoken social conventions that we find so difficult to follow or even know about?
“When someone tells you they’re not upset after you do X, that doesn’t mean they’re actually not. Anybody would be.” BUT THEY TOLD ME THEY WEREN’T UPSET, HOW CAN I KNOW THEY ACTUALLY WERE?? And who even told you this rule? Where are you getting it from?? Why can’t you just talk normally??
​I’m a robot bcs i cant translate my emotions on my face the same way you do, but you’re not one when you automatically know some “universal lie?” That’s the biggest bs in the world and I hate it 😭😭😭
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