#aunt tasya
elvencantation · 2 months
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god don’t make me cry
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mee-op · 1 year
was no one going to tell me about aunt tasya
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arcaneboner · 2 years
Nasmira x Tasya lovechild
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Well, a rarepair for sure but they'd definitely birth a blue eyed baby since that's a trait that they both share. And a very beautiful shade of blue when you combine their eyecolors.
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Hair color on the other hand is nearly impossible to say. Green hair has to be even rarer than red hair certainly. Soo... perhaps the child would simply have some sort of red hair? Or it could be equally likely that the baby ends up with a strange shade of brown due to the combination of two very recessive traits. Who knows? These are fantasy genetics, people.
We, however, would know that the child's hair would be curly even if we aren't able to speculate on color. The character would be russian-indian growing up in the Mediterranean.
Here's the drab brown you get by blending their hair colors like paint. It kinda reminds me of the cat from the green cat post.
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Skin tone will be anywhere from here to here
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21. Now what kind of gifts are they most likely to give?
Keziah loves giving gifts.  It’s one of the ways she shows her love. It’s not about how many gifts she gives though, it’s about giving them what they need in that moment.  Many times Julian has told her about how he doesn't remember much about his family before the shipwreck that left him in Nevivon.  Keziah likes to do a bit of sleuthing and after years of his stories, travel and research, she was able to piece together Julian’s family tree.  Relatives, the names of his parents where he originally came from.  It was quite the effort but nothing is too good for Julian. 
Maybe next year she’ll buy him that boat he’s always talking about
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Im pretty sure it's mentioned somewhere that the magic shop was originally owned by Mc's Aunt- I assume since she doesn't appear in the game & some other timeline nonsense she must have died before mc did.
What about some hcs (mini or small, whatever you like) about M6 and Mc's relationship with their aunt? Ex: Asra and Muriel must have known her, Julian might have ect and how they'd help Mc learning that they had an aunt who passed away.
(feel free to ignore this if it turns out I'm stupid and misremembering there being an aunt lol )
The Arcana Mini-HCs: M6 helping MC mourn their Aunt
Julian: doesn't know what it's like to lose someone you don't remember, but does know what it's like to lose a family member. will sit and hold your hands any time you need to talk about it
Asra: remembers your aunt and happily tells you everything they know about her once it's safe to do so. will go through the shop and point out everything that reminds him of her so you remember too
Nadia: can't really relate to what you're experiencing beyond memory loss, but she'll gladly make her family your family too. and maybe get a list of your aunt's friends and request written memories for you
Muriel: remembers your aunt vaguely, mostly from your and Asra's tellings. will do his best to help you reconnect with your lost family like he is his own - and maybe ask Khamgalai's ghost for a boost
Portia: knows what it feels like to lose family you don't remember having. regularly jokes that you're welcome to take Aunt Tasya off her hands, but in all seriousness, she would have loved to meet her too
Lucio: doesn't really know how to help you with the grieving process, though he'd like to have his dad and clan back too. tends to deal with it by making up wild guesses at what kind of person she was
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villain-in-love · 3 months
You know what? I'm still salty about not getting to enjoy masquerade with Portia in her route.
We got, like, one chapter with pre-masquerade party where characters were all just hanging out together to celebrate the end of all those exhausting preparations for the masquerade.
And then it all went down when the disaster struck the palace and the city (Thank you, aunt Tasya, and fuck you).
It's great that Portia at least got to wear her masquerade gown while running around the city and the catacombs, but I was expecting a bit more... Glamour? Dancing? Actual celebrations and entertainment? Seriously, where's my goddamn ball?
She's the only character with whom the player didn't even get to dance together in the main route...
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bottomvalerius · 10 months
Like I know Tasya as a character is confounding because it really throws off Julian and Portia’s entire backstory (Julian knows they have a living, wealthy aunt and yet somehow also forgets about her ??? Unless he also thought she died and I don’t remember—but like it wouldn’t be INSANELY difficult for him to confirm when he was older considering he was studying under a fucking princess (gnc) & physician LMAO), but also consider……. She is very hot and very very troubled, which makes her hotter
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paperstarwriters · 6 months
hi. i’m a jewish arcana fan
with julian’s design, there are a lot of features typically associated with us, some of them exaggerated, and it is a bit strange to see from goyische creators. however, there are some jews who do have these stereotypical features. i have the stereotypical “sleepy eyes,” and i know a lot of jews with prominent noses. time and time again, i only see these features represented on cartoon villains. maybe i’m just starved for representation but it is nice to see a character with these features who isn’t pure evil.
with the bird stuff: yeah, depictions of jewish characters as nonhuman is always a little dicey. part of the problem with julian’s reversed is the bird form, but another part is the becoming a demon/making deals with the devil. while the arcana’s devil is supposed to be the tarot devil, he tends to resemble the christian devil a lot more. and yeah depicting jewish characters as demonic is not great.
with portia i’m not really sure what personality traits the other anon was referring to. potentially could be her tendency to keep secrets and that she sometimes does things behind people’s backs, ie writing to nadia’s sisters inviting them over. but honestly? if you look at those two things and you see a Crafty Conspiring Jew, i think that more reflects on you than it does the source material.
aunt tasya from portia’s route did make me a bit uncomfortable, especially with her resemblance to mother gothel, one of those cartoon villains with stereotypically jewish features. also her being ultra-rich and using bribery to get her way was certainly. a choice. she also falls into those demonic/inhuman depictions.
so there’s a lot of issues. but i choose to still engage with the fandom because despite that it brings me a lot of joy to see jewish characters in any way. compared to most of the other “representation” we get from goyim (complete flat stereotypes or just straight up nonexistent), the arcana is at least not the worst. worthy of a “not as much of a jerk as you could’ve been” award.
the epilogue tale in nevivon made me really happy. there were references to jewish culture, from the more obvious (separating milk and meat/keeping kosher) to the more subtle (encouraging children to be curious and ask questions).
mazelinka is great, jewish grandmothers are in fact a force to be reckoned with.
anyways that’s my two cents. disclaimer that i don’t represent all jews, two jews three opinions and all that. happy chanukah
Happy chanukah! (for those unaware like I was, Britannica states this is the traditional spelling of Hanukkah, and that both are considered correct.)
Thank you for all of this information! I'm very grateful for the clarification on all these points and your own perspective on the situation of representation in the game. Again, as I am predominantly a writer who wasn't very engaged with the Julian side of the fandom and thus hasn't seen or heard some of the criticisms made when they were being made I am really grateful to be provided all of this information on representation and how it has been done well or done badly.
as you did mention at the end of course, other individuals may be less comfortable with engaging with this sort of content, so yeah, discussions on these flaws are a great way to just make sure for any newcomers, or anyone possibly interested in the content to be better aware of what they're getting into.
but yes! thank you for the extra clarification and all your other points of good and bad representation I will try to use it to the best of my abilities if I ever write either of them in any situation where these moments may come into issue, and I'll try to take care to avoid the parts of bad representation.
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Actor AU: Season 5 [Portia Devorak]
Credit for the basis of the AU goes to both @lightvsdark18 and @lynmay-arcana.
[Original Link] | [Additional Link]
[Season 1: Nadia Satrinava] | [Season 2: Asra Alnazar] | [Season 3: Julian Devorak] | [Season 4: Muriel] | [Season 5: Portia Devorak]
Portia Devorak—Behind the Scenes & On Set Happenings/Shenanigans
[Six months after Season 4′s wrap-up, it was Portia’s time to shine. This would be the first time she’d be co-stars with her brother on a project like this. She knew of Lyra prior to The Arcana, thanks to Julian working with her in the past. Still, she didn’t expect the unforeseen challenges that would come to this season of the show].
[More under the cut!]
Portia tended to be cast as either the tank of an action/sci-fi flick—she’s got the sturdiness and the strength, C’MON—or the hacker in that genre/heist films, and the bubbly friend/girlfriend/ex of the main protagonist.
She’s done several Historical/Period Dramas and everyone’s always moved by her acting.
Her crying scenes are legendary.
One of Portia’s most famous roles is as a Pirate Queen that was, according to many, their Bisexual Awakening.
Think something like Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swann in Pirates of the Caribbean.
Portia actually can carry Nadia with no sweat.
Though in Julian’s route it was Nadia that swung with Portia in her arms in the Arcana realms, there was an alternate version where Portia swung with Nadia in her arms.
In order to make it mirror what MC and Julian were doing though, Portia was to be carried by Nadia.
Portia did a majority of her stunts in the show.
Climbing the vines into MC’s room.
Using the ‘magical’ rope to swing with MC when they were going through the catacombs.
The wirework when MC and Portia were floating through the ballroom was an absolute joy to them both.
The giant Magically-Induced Anxiety Crow Monster from Julian was part puppetry and part CGI effects.
There were many false-starts, especially with the popping packet of fake blood in Portia’s dress.
It took about five takes to get that scene right.
Pepi was Portia’s favorite costar.
Pepi adored her the most in turn, which was just fine with Portia.
Pepi got along with most of the cast and crew, the exceptions being Lucio and at times, Julian.
The actors for Tasya and Lishka are actually aunt and niece in real life.
The resemblance between Lishka and Portia was so startling that it was written into the plot of Portia’s route.
In promos for Portia’s season, she wore both the mask and her masquerade dress together. When it didn’t happen in the aired episodes, there were questions as to why it didn’t happen.
No one could give any clear or consistent answer.
Mazelinka reprised her role.
She talks in interviews that it was fun to tease Portia and MC about their relationship because, “What old coots wouldn’t want to relive the days of young love, you know?”
On days off, Portia and Lyra spent time together playing games and driving a few towns over to just be ‘normal’ people.
In interviews, it’s brought up time and time again that Lyra is not exactly used to being the center of attention with anything she’s in.
Lyra: “At times I feel like I have a secondary role in my own life. I know it’s not true, but . . . imposter syndrome sucks.”
Portia, by her own estimate, has signed over one thousand things that relate to her character on The Arcana.
Interviewer: What was the most memorable thing you have ever signed?
Portia: A fan’s fan art.
Interviewer: What was on it.
Portia: [smiles enigmatically].
The actress who plays Tasya Devorak is a former opera star. One of her favorite fancy hats made it into the final costume of the character.
Portia had the honor of trying it on for a few moments before returning it to the woman.
Portia has posted some on-set and off-set prank shenanigans committed between the Devoraks and other cast members of the Arcana crew.
The scene where Portia, disguised as Lishka, stabs a transformed Tasya toward the conclusion of the Reversed ending.
This made poor Lishka cry a number of times.
While getting interviewed about how Portia and Lyra felt about the season, they had slightly differing views about how it went.
Both agreed that it felt like Tasya had a lot of the spotlight on her rather than Portia’s arc.
Portia herself felt that MC could possibly perish within a few years after the end of the season. Lyra herself thought MC might’ve lasted a decade or so before fully expiring.
Lyra seeing the Diplomatic vs Warring endings of the season was something new for her.
Lyra: I don’t usually like shows that dabble in a lot of politicking, but I like seeing it in this season because in Nadia’s, it’s more localized—
Portia: And then this is a greater expansion of that! It’s, it’s certainly exciting!
A number of the Palace Staff were actually members of the behind the scenes crew.
Portia made sure they were compensated fairly.
In a promotion of the season, Portia was wearing her Masquerade mask along with a sneak peek of her dress. Fans were outraged that they didn’t get to see this happen within the show.
There is a deleted scene, however, where Portia and MC had their own little private dance before it all went to hell thanks to Tasya.
The Devil’s tiny form is a mix of practical effects and CGI.
Portia got to keep the little puppet, and he sits on the mantle in her home in a glass case.
Lyra complimenting Portia’s Ambassador outfit in the Upright Ending was unscripted, and Portia actually gotten flustered in turn.
Julian: It was a d o r a b l e!!!
Muriel and Portia didn’t really get to interact outside of his featured season and her own.
Online, they have been seen hanging out together with Muriel’s real-life partner. Portia and said partner are often being mischievous and Muriel seems to be long-suffering, but he admits he enjoys these hangouts.
Mercedes and Melchior actually are rather well-behaved on set. Around Lucio and Portia, however, the dogs acted so goofy that shooting scenes with them together are difficult to do with straight faces.
After The Arcana, Portia had gone on to dabble in various other careers, including a short while of producing her own music.
A number of tracks were inspired by the events of various timelines of The Arcana, though Portia leaves it open for interpretation on what those could be influenced by.
A few scenes that hit the cutting room floor are as follows:
An extended cut of Portia and MC torturing Tiny!Devil to a hilarious extent. It’s made it into various the Top 10s list of funniest not-exactly-bloopers of both The Arcana and other shows.
A more graphic version of Portia and MC breaking through Tasya’s force-field in the Reversed Ending was filmed and edited, though removed ultimately to maintain the PG-13 rating.
Portia reading longer passages of The Firent Affair.
A/N: This took MUCH longer than I had anticipated. Still, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading this as I had with writing it!
Next: Count Lucio [TBA].
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mjart12699 · 1 year
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I am a “Julian has his mamas nose” truther.
I used Aunt Tasya and their cousin (Lishka) for reference (Tasya said at one point that Portia got the Devorak hair, Tasya and Portia have the same nose, Tasya and Julian have a more similar face shape as well as eyes, etc.,) details will be added later and I’ll probably attempt to design Muriel’s parents (necessary for the Adopted!Au) and Lucios dad! 😇
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crabofthewoods · 9 months
unprovoked opinion attacks on random characters pt2
i hate aunt tasya she’s so annoying
she got her entire crew killed (including ilya and pashas parents, and her own daughter), she probably got a shit ton of other people killed or hurt, she could have killed ilya and pasha, she almost killed the mc, manipulated ilya and pasha like hell, tried to become the devil and threw a hissy fit when it didn’t work and almost destroyed the world
look i know you want your daughter back but couldn’t you have done that without ruining everyone’s life like hello
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locitapurplepink · 1 year
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Chapter 25
The next day, Tech and Wrecker had to take their consequence, helping Hunter work at Cid's cafe for the entire week. Tech did the dishes while Wrecker doing a waiter job "Man, I've been told you we should ask Cid's permission." Wrecker blamed Tech.
Tech sighed "I must admit, you were right. My apologize to you."
"I've been warning you boys, Cid's not an easy lady." Hunter said as taking his break.
Then he noticed Tasya show up then they saw a car nearbly the cafe. Hunter also mentioned his girlfriend was devastated. "Hey honey, is everything alright ?" Hunter hold her hands.
Tasya shook her head "I'm gonna be fine but, it's not all about me." Hunter was read to listen while Tasya took breath then told him "My uncle and my aunt are passing away this morning and I have to leave right away."
Tech and Wrecker listened Tasya's devastated news "Tasya, I'm really sorry to hear that." Hunter said.
"Thanks Hunter but once again, it's not about me. It's my little cousin. She has no one and I know she needs me right away. I know we were supposed to celebrate new year with you but...." He reassures her.
"Tasya, I understand. Your cousin is your family and you should know that I always put my family, my sister first before myself. So go, be there for your cousin."
Tasya nodded and smiled. Next, there was a carhorn call it meant she had to go "Thank you sweetie and happy early new year." Hunter responded "Happy early new year." Then they kissed each other then hugged tight. Lastly, Hunter let his girlfriend's hand slowly.
Hunter watched his girlfriend hop on the car then few seconds later, the car left until it was gone. Hunter sighed as looking down. Wrecker came to him "I'm sorry for not going as your planning, Hunter." He tapped on Hunter's shoulder.
Mrs. Yarrow just finished marking the exam papers as she heard a door knock "Come in." Hunter entered her office "Good morning Mrs. Yarrow, may I have to speak with you please ?"
Mrs. Yarrow nodded "Sure Hunter, please have a seat." He did what his teacher asked. "Is everything alright ?" He sighed "I guess you know why Tasya's not here this week..." "Yes, I know. Tasya's mother already tell me two days ago and I even got this letter from her this morning..."
She showed Tasya's letter with her art touch. Hunter chuckled "Yeah, she always double checking everytime she has to family things to do."
He then looked down and Mrs. Yarrow quickly noticed "What's on your mind ?"
He sighed "It's just...when she mentioned that her cousin is alone, it makes me think about Omega. It's hurt to see there another child have to live without the parents."
"I understand, Hunter. No children should have that struggle like that but we can't control our fate, it's all the decisions that we make that lead to our fate."
Mrs. Yarrow sighed "My husband had been made some bad decisions and there was one bad final decision that lead to his fate... To a tragic fate that I never thought to me and my family."
"I'm really sorry to hear that." Hunter said.
"Right now, it's all yours. If you wanna make that child better, make your good decisions." Mrs. Yarrow advised.
Then there was another door knock. Mrs. Yarrow that person enter her office. "Excuse me, Mrs. Yarrow. I need to take Hunter back to the class. Mr. Chester is already there to announce our exam results."
Hunter whispered "Shoot..."
"Yes, Echo. You two allow back to your class." Mrs. Yarrow replied.
"Thank you Mrs. Yarrow." Hunter said before he exited her office with Echo while Mrs. Yarrow nodded with a smile.
However after the students left, she stared at her husband's picture at the shelf. She missed him deeply as taking a long breath to hold her tears.
After Mr. Chester's lesson was over, Hunter gathered most of the classmates to have a meeting "Thank you for having time to be here. I guess we heard what happened at Tasya's cousin."
"Yeah, I feel really bad of her little cousin. She must been having a hard time around her young age." Echo spoke first.
Hunter nodded "It is. Also, Tasya's birthday comin' up so we should make the present together."
"Yeah, I don't think we have enough money to buy something expenisive. Even I have a part time job." Wrecker said. "Wrecker, present is not all about how expensive it is, it's about we made with love." Hunter replied.
Crosshair scoffed "Says that to the poor family."
Echo stared at Crosshair with serious look "That's not very nice." Next, Wrecker gave Crosshair a serious punch "Yeah ! We wanna make that girl happy, not making her sad."
"May I suggest that we make our own story ?" Tech had an idea. Wrecker agreed "Yeah, Tasya's cousin love hearing stories. She even couldn't sleep without bedtime story." "That's the point."
Lydia nodded "That would be wonderful. My father was used to have a bedtime story for me when I was a kid."
"Okay, write our story it is. So has anyone know what would she like ?" Hunter asked.
"Hmm, fantasy, adventure, princess..." Wrecker tried to memorize.
"How about the movie where the princess lost in the big city ?"
Everyone was shocked of that familiar voice, Hunter checked on his phone and figured out his mistake. He told the others "Oh boy, I must been accidentally calling my sister."
"Hello !" Omega said on the phone call.
The others said hello back. "That would be work. We can use our own version to make our story interesting and is not accused as plagiarism." Tech said.
"What is plagiarism ?" Wrecker asked. Echo answered " That's where the project of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own."
"It's also cheating, admitting that one's own homework but secretly he or she asked someone else to do his or her homework." Lydia added.
"That sounds not fair." Wrecker commented.
Hunter spoke his sister through his phone " 'Mega, tell your friend, Liam to come with us. His sister will be there after school." "Roger that."
It had been a week that they had been working on a special project for Tasya and her little cousin. To celebrate their well done and new year, everyone gathered at Cid's cafe. This time, Hunter asked Cid's permission and she allowed it.
While the others had fun time, Omega noticed her brother was outside alone. She checked him out. "Are you coming, Hunter ? You will miss the countdown."
"I'll be there, kid. Just enjoy the party." She knew that he thinking about his girlfriend. "Are you upset Tasya can't be here tonight ?"
Hunter stared at her "Of course not, I'm just sad. I thought this year will be more wonderful but....it's not according as I imaged." Omega sat besides him "Do you remember that I would make a lot of friends when my first day of junior high school ?"
He sighed "Yeah, I remember. You were having a bad day and you thought you would never have one." She finished "Until I met Liam. He wanna befriend with me no matter what."
"I guess there's an other better plan for both of us." He got a point.
Omega reassured him "We'll see her again, Hunter. You can just call her during the countdown. After all, her birthday is on January 1st, right ?"
Hunter smirked "You're right." He kissed on Omega's forehead.
Then they were called by Crosshair "Hey, you two, the countdown will be started any seconds."
Hunter took his phone as taking Omega back inside the cafe to celebrate the New Year with their friends.
Taglist : @cassie-fanfics , @zaya-mo , @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond , @crosshair-simp , @leosardonyx18 , @littlefeatherr , @omegathebadbach , @omglisalithium , and anyone who excited for this chapter and upcoming chapters.
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Finished Tears of the Kingdom last night, and was thinking about the possibilities of an Arcana AU with it. Going to put character roles and ideas under the cut, in case of spoilers. If you haven’t finished the game but plan on playing it I highly recommend going in totally blind!
Link - MC
Zelda - The Fool? Scout?? Entirely unsure for this one
Ganondorf - Lucio? No, The Devil
Kohga - This one is Lucio
Riju - Nadia
Sage of Lightning Thunder - The High Priestess
Tulin - Portia? I wanted her to be a sage, and think all the others fit well, but her being the new sage of wind doesn’t seem fitting
Sage of Wind - The Star, would change if Tulins role did
Yunobo - Julian
Sage of Fire - The Hanged Man
Sidon - Asra
Sage of Water - The Magician
Mineru - Muriel??? I guess? Though then there wouldn’t be The Hermit because Mineru is both the past and current Sage of Spirits. Could change some things since it’s an AU but still
Sonia - The Empress?
Rauru - The Emperor?
I want to give Impa and Purah a role too, but I’m unsure of who would fit. I think Portia could fit Purah, but I don’t think she’s as much of a tinkerer as Purah is. Cece would be Aunt Tasya.
Maybe The Hermit could be Mineru’s Construct/Shell in a way? Or Muriel can be a human incarnation of The Hermit? I doubt any of the new sages would be descendants of The Arcana anyway, but I mean… Zelda and Rauru are related, so who knows
Who would the couriers be? The yiga?? I’m not sure that the yiga are big enough of a role for that, but again it’s an AU, we can make it so they’re more prevalent. What about the rest of The Arcana though? And what would be the boss fights? And most importantly… what would be the Koroks
I was also thinking about maybe switching the sages powers around. Asra and Water fit pretty well, iirc it’s canon that he can cast best with water-related magic. I like Julian and Fire. Nadia and Lightning could work, but what if it could change to be something related to Sight somehow? I don’t know how that would work though. I haven’t played Muriels route so I have no idea if being the Sage of Spirits fits him, but I doubt it, so it would probably be changed to something forestry related. As for Portia, I really don’t feel like wind magic suits her, nor anyone for that matter, but I’m unsure what to change it to. Light, maybe, but considering light powers is pretty important in totk and Zelda in general, I don’t think that would fit for a normal sage, nor would Portia fit Zelda’s role.
If anyone has any ideas please tell me, I should have Anon asks enabled but I’ll double check!
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arcaneboner · 2 years
I was using a random generator to help with my lovechild ideas all of a sudden it only wanted satriva-cest.
Here's me getting mad about that.
Nafizah x Nahara
Nope those are sisters not even going to theorize it
Nafizah x Nadia
Again, sisters. Thanks generator
Navra x Nafizah
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST WHY ARE YOU OBSESSED with Nafizah fucking her sisters. This woman gives off such aromantic energy why tf would she look at her sisters that way
Tasya x Mazelinka
I dunno about this one generator. This still kinda seems like incest to me. Their only connection is these shared kids. Mazelinka would NEVER want anything to do with this deadbeat Aunt. But if you HAVE to make a lovechild for this one. Brown hair brown eyes probably would resemble Mazelinka more than Tasya.
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I think Tasya is a very overlooked character which I think is unfortunate. I wonder how her relationship with Portia and Julian develops during her post-route redemption, and how well she gets along with Mazelinka and other characters like Nadia and Lucio after the evens in Portias route. Would they become closer, make up for lost time, or would they keep a distance? This isn't a request or anything, I've just been wondering about that
I really love your writing btw, I always look forward to reading it :)
@darkwastelandlady I know you didn't ask for it, but here's my little Tasya ramble ^.^
It's been a while since I replayed Portia's route, but from what I remember of the ending, Tasya seems well situated to grow and learn from her mistakes with the support system necessary to keep her accountable.
The upright ending picks up with Portia and MC heading off on the maiden emissary voyage to start growing Vesuvia's international connections (with Natiqa accompanying them) and with Tasya leaving Vesuvia with some of her merchant fleet. Tasya has spent the last few months using her resources to fund Vesuvia's restoration, and now she's heading out to other nearby areas affected by her storm. She's not holding back in her desire to rebuilt what she's destroyed, but she still retains her ambition and drive as a powerful business woman.
To keep her in check, Mazelinka's returning to her pirate ship to accompany them, with Julian and Nazali on board. Julian and Nazali seem to be the implied background romance for Portia's route (she even has a conversation with Nazali before leaving, asking them to take care of her brother for her). Mazelinka also has a brief conversation with MC and Portia, stating a desire to help Tasya turn over a new leaf, righting her wrongs and growing into a better person. It doesn't necessarily imply a budding romance between Mazelinka and Tasya, but it does leave room for that possibility!
All that said, given the nature of upright endings being all about growing into a better person and helping community flourish, I do think Tasya would eventually be able to find some kind of peace. Portia consistently expresses a desire to hold onto her relationship with her aunt, and given how Julian and Mazelinka are volunteering to be her support system, the chances of their bond becoming stronger than ever are pretty high. It's not clearly implied whether Tasya becomes a permanent member of the family Julian and Portia are piecing together around them, but given how eager she is to become worthy of their trust and how strongly she values familial bonds in general, it wouldn't be crazy to assume she does :)
Cheers friend, hope that helps!
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the-chaos-katzlein · 3 years
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No phones in sight, just people living in the moment
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