xylaes · 2 years
August DWC Day 1 - Silver
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The time will soon come when you can no longer leave scratches down my back, and we cannot quarrel in silent corners about vice and virtue. Your presence will be cold, silver eyes empty, and I will witness your Light shrink from view, and your words become muffled, then silent, and your hold on my heart will become too delicate to remain.
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rylandfalkov · 2 years
August Daily Writing Challenge Day 3 - Sentimental
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Ryland had never considered himself a sentimental man, there was no room for that in his current lifestyle. Lovers had come and gone over the years without a second thought; fleeting distractions that could rarely hold his interest. He would almost always grow bored or find some new distraction to capture his attention within weeks or months.
There was a part of him that felt bad, especially towards the ones that had proclaimed deep feelings. But in the end, it felt good to be loved and to be spoiled. He could admit it was selfish in a way, but he had never led any of them to believe there would be more than he was willing to give. He would simply stop coming around as much and fade away from their lives. It saved them from the heartache, and it saved him from conversations he would prefer never to have in those types of ‘situationships’. A win for all, right?
He was still young and carefree, witty and charming with the world at his fingertips. He often got his way - many found it difficult to say no to that alluring smirk.
Maybe it was for the best that things didn’t go as planned with Sela.
He immediately paled at that horrible, intrusive thought. It wasn’t the first time, nor would it be the last. He would give anything to have her still alive, she didn’t deserve the end she was given. He didn’t deserve the loss he had gone through either. 
But we were so young, could that have actually worked out? 
He growled in anger at himself and looked over at the nearby clock - just after midnight. Clubs and bars would still be open. He rolled out of bed, threw on some clothes, and tousled his hair before heading out the door. Time to find another distraction before the bad thoughts completely took over.
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rhysgoodwin · 2 years
August DWC Day 4 - Impress
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Rhys nervously stared at the sealed envelope sitting atop the dining table as he drummed his fingers around it. It had been nearly a year now since he last attempted to pass the final exam in order to finally graduate from secondary school. It had been too painful to try again too soon after, and he probably would have given up if not for the encouragement of his employer’s wife, Mrs. Padley – Eve, as she preferred.
She was always rooting for and encouraging him, she also often spoiled him with new clothes, treats, and the occasional massage. He had to admit that it felt really good to be doted upon, it was a feeling he had never really experienced before growing up in the orphanage. Her hand gently rested atop his shoulder, giving it a small squeeze, “It’s gonna be good news this time, hun, I just know it.” Her lips ghosted across his cheek before she sauntered back into the kitchen to continue making dessert. Her husband was out of town on business for a couple days, and she had invited Rhys to join her for nearly every meal in the main house. He wasn’t going to turn down free food and good company!
With a sigh, he ripped open the envelope and pulled out the letter, eyes slowly scanning back and forth. “...I passed…” He didn’t trust the words coming out of his mouth, so after reading the letter once more, it finally sank in. “I did it, I passed!”  He didn’t realize he had jumped up from his seat, bouncing on the balls of his feet in excitement. Sure, it may not have seemed like such a big accomplishment to most, but Rhys had always struggled with school. For once, he was actually impressed with himself!
“Ohhh, that is wonderful news, honey! I am SO proud of you!” Before he knew what happened, Eve had cupped his cheeks and planted a big kiss smack against his lips, leaving behind a bright red smudge. She gave him a wink before returning to her baking.
The bewilderment was evident in his expression. He wasn’t upset by her action, quite the contrary. Eve was a beautiful woman, sure she was old enough to be his mother but that didn’t always matter. …But she was also married, not that Mr. Padley seemed to really care when she flirted with him or with various other friends and acquaintances they had over. He cleared his throat awkwardly and briefly rubbed at his lips. Was it hot in here? It suddenly felt hot in here. “Heh..thanks Mrs — Eve.”
“We’ll open a bottle of wine and celebrate properly later, mmm?” 
“I uhhh…”  Wait, was she coming onto him?  No…there was no way.  Not him.  She was just being real nice. “That sounds great!”
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A toast to all the DWC participants, another week in the books! Congrats!!
Next challenge will be in NOVEMBER and last for a week!
We may look into hosting an entire month next year depending on a few factors, but for now we’ll be sticking to the more manageable week-long challenges!
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damien-ward · 2 years
Daily Writing Challenge 2022
August 22 - Displaced
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Stormwind Harbor Year 28
Stepping off the boat onto the dock Damien took in a deep breath. Smelling the salty sea air of the harbor... The air felt thick and hot, or at least more than he was used to. He was accustomed to the cool air of Gilneas, the constant breeze that seemed to always blow. Even the last month being displaced in Darnassus the climate there seemed to remind him of home. Or perhaps it was just being around his fellow Gilneans.
Now here he was in Stormwind looking for this father. It had been over a decade since he last him, and he couldn’t help but feel butterflies in his stomach. Would his father even recognize him? Did he start a new family? How would he tell him about his mother and Alyssa? Damien hadn’t a clue. 
Pushing such thoughts from his head Damien made his way through the harbor to walk through the city to find his father’s townhouse. He tried to remain hopeful. Tried to remain happy at the prospect of reuniting with his father. But deep down, no matter how much he tried to fight it, he couldn’t help but feel lost, displaced. Even if he had a new home with his father in Stormwind he would always yearn for his home in Gilneas.
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zeehva · 2 years
Daily Writing Challenge
Words: Forever / Displaced
Date: 8/22/22
Day: 2
Forever will the mark you made on my heart remain,
Forever will I remember the way you said my name,
Forever will my world be displaced,
All because I no longer get to see your face..
Forever will I wish it had been I,
Forever will I try to no longer cry,
Forever will I wish that I had just said goodbye,
Instead of lashing out at you that night..
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tristennedarkmorn · 2 years
August DWC Day 2 - Forever
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I will lament you when dawn breaks; the way my skin crawled  and bristled beneath  your devoted touch, and how it all felt almost too genuine. I seized you with dirty hands and a heart brimming with enmity, defiling your luster while coveting the gloss in your eyes. You gifted me your forever, as cherished as a different or new life, one that nearly felt almost real and tasted of hope.
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aerdendios · 2 years
August Daily Writing Challenge Day 2 - Displaced
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Continues from this story ---> HERE
The military forces had managed to keep the Scourge contained to the Ghostlands this time. They seemed without purpose: Running rampant towards anything that moved, not working together as well as he had witnessed in the past. Thank the Light. Those near the border of Eversong Woods had been evacuated to the city; he could distinctly remember passing by families carrying few belongings as they hastily fled to safety. …And the look in their eyes, he knew that look all too well: The confusion, the fear, the worry. This time wouldn’t be like the last, their people didn’t deserve to go through that again.
It was a strange feeling being the one to fight against the Scourge now when he could so vividly remember hiding and running from them before. He wasn’t alone either, every single one of his fellow soldiers had that same look of terror in their gaze. This was a shared trauma from their past, and this would not happen to them again.
Aerden didn’t sleep much during that (thankfully) short campaign. There was a vehement need for revenge that could not be realized when he was young and helpless. He could rest once that bloodlust had been sated; there was no need for mercy here and there were times during battle he didn’t even recognize himself. It felt…good.
This was for all the elves lost or displaced in the first Scourge invasion, but mostly this was for himself. For that little boy that hid inside of a dumpster and watched in horror as his friend was torn apart with a gurgling scream all while staring right at him. For that little boy that ran barefoot through the blood-soaked and soot-covered streets, unable to recognize where he was within the city due to all the destruction caused. For that little boy that witnessed so much death that day, things that would scar him for life. For that little boy that had lost all of his friends and all of his extended family within the span of a few hours, only to be called a coward by his ‘father’ later when they were unfortunately reunited. 
He had so much pent up anger and pain that he didn’t realize was festering beneath the surface until he began slicing his way through the Scourge. Hours felt like minutes out there and eventually someone had to physically pull him away to make him rest. He never felt as if he needed it, he just wanted to keep going. A mindless killing machine, the irony.
By the end, it was all a giant blur and he could barely remember any of it. The only feeling that remained as he walked through his apartment door and collapsed on his bed was emptiness. But maybe that was for the best.
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myrrha-vanitaz · 2 years
Daily Writing Challenge
Words: Silver / Darkness
Date: 8/21/22
Day: 1
It was beautiful, a glittering gold chain, adorned with some of the biggest emeralds she'd ever seen. It sparkled like a thousand stars in the light of the night sky. Any woman would be thrilled to be gifted such a thing. But Myrrha was not any woman by any means. Men and women fell behind her every step, grasping at her stilleto heels in desperate attempts to so much as earn themselves a glance from her.
So, when her ruby gaze fell upon the beautiful necklace, all that she had to offer was a long sigh as she slammed the box shut. "Isn't it stunning?" The man asked, obviously hopeful that Myrrha would fall head over heels for it. "No. It's not." She said as she leaned back in her chair, crossing one long leg over the other. The man's jaw hung open as he looked at her in bewilderment. "Wha.. what? It.. it cost me everything I had. Those are all genuine gemstones.. I-.."
Myrrha raised her hand to the man, "Let me stop you there, pet. I don't care how much you spent. It's not silver.. Have you seen me wear gold? Ever? No. I wear silver. For someone so obsessed with earning my attention, you clearly don't pay close enough attention to me." She shrugged, contemplating telling him the other ways he screwed up, like the necklace having emeralds instead of rubies but ultimately deciding it was a waste of energy.
She waved her hand dismissively. "Begone." Shaking his head, he reached for the box dejectedly, earning himself an amused laugh as Myrrha placed her hand on the box, stopping him. "Mmn.. I don't think so. It may have been a shit one, but it was still a gift. And it is mine now. I might not wear it. But maybe I'll sell it, who knows." She purred, smirking at him before waving in the estate guard to escort him out. Listening to him curse her, beg her, and yell at her the whole way out. If only he had decided on silver and not gold..
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theconstructsworld · 2 years
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August Daily Writing Challenge Day 1 - Darkness
The Construct gazed out over the ragged landscape and the sweeping darkness of The Maw, fingertips idly tracing the delicate ridges of the soulkeeper crystal he had acquired nearly a year ago. One year was nothing but a speck of dust for one such as ‘C’, yet he had learned so much from this place and the inhabitants, explorers, and even the banished within.
It was here he was met with a Crossroads of sorts, and it was there he still stood with infinite pathways from which to choose - yet he found it difficult to stray from what had already been chosen for him. Chosen for him. Was the feeling of free will just a farce all along? Was he made to choose only this path or did he fully believe in the cause? He wasn’t so certain anymore and his recent conversations had only muddied his thoughts.
“Why do you obey and follow him so blindly?”  The feminine voice broke the comfortable silence.
“You are one to speak on having loyal subjects obey blindly.” It was meant to be a tease, yet was delivered more harshly than intended unbeknownst to himself. “This is the reason for my…being. It is my purpose”
“It is dangerous to confuse what you are made to do and what you choose to do. Perhaps you should look inside of yourself more closely and decide if this is your purpose, your life’s path, or someone else’s.”
Her words faded from his thoughts as he clutched the crystal tighter. It was a peculiar ‘acquaintanceship’ the two had formed, especially since his presence directly impeded her penance. Yet she never tried to stop him, at least not physically. 
Free will had often been the topic of their brief conversations. It had been weighing on his thoughts for a long time. After being a part of this world and walking among its people for nearly a decade now, The Construct had often found himself questioning everything that had been already present within his mind - and his Master wasn’t always there to remind him of their path. With their presence growing and ever-expanding, C was alone more often than not.
With a fervent expression, he made his way to the portal, through Oribos, and into the Arbiter’s chamber. Unfurling his grip from the soulkeeper crystal, he raised his hand in offering. “I present these souls for your judgement.” There was a wave of euphoria in his defiance, or perhaps over the anticipation of his inevitable chastening. It wouldn’t be the first time he had rebelled for attention. Anyways, he had already retrieved many a soul for Gaebral, perhaps it would provoke a different feeling to do something unexpected.
@gaebral​ @daily-writing-challenge
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asharinhun · 2 years
DWC Day 1 - Silver/Darkness
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tw: injuries, broken bones
Sam limped through the unfamiliar streets of Boralus, her pouch filled with gold to the brim clinking at her belt with every step. The trip was worth it, she won her fight and also made a hefty sum off the rich bastard who bet against her. That said, she knew she was no longer welcome in the city's brawling rings.
"Stop lurking in the shadows and step out already. You've been following me long enough, don't you agree?" The worgen called out into the night between two streetlamps as she dropped her backpack and jacket on the ground and pulled off her boots, only the wrappings were missing for a full brawling outfit. No time for those, barefoot and bare-knuckled will have to do.
"Hmph, arrogant bitch." Came the reply as a bulky man with filed teeth stepéped out from behind a crate while four others emerged at various sidestreets and alleys, forming a loose circle around Samantha.
"Mr. Stonesail has a message for you. Give back the gold and you may keep your life to leave the city." Hissed one of the leaner figures, a man with a hook for a hand.
"Why would I? I won fair and square. Refused his offer before the fight, why would I accept this new one then?"
"One does not refuse Mr. Stonesail at his brawling ring and makes off with his money. It doesn't happen."
There it was, admitted as clean as day. The darkness of the brawling pits, wealthy bastards acting as sponsors, paying off the guards so that the rings could continue uninterrupted... and in return they fix the games, bribing or threatening the brawlers to act along their scripts or suffer their displeasure. Men like these were worse than parasites in Sam's view.
"Oh, it does, it's happening right now." The worgen snarled, letting the rage of the wolf infect her voice. "Now get lost beofre my temper gets the better of me!"
"Lassie must be deaf. Time to teach her a lesson!" Pointy-teeth called out, ordering his underlings to strike first.
Sam showed a vicious grin, her fangs glisting in the lamplight as she jumped up to avoid a kick while the heel of her boot crushed the nose of another. One down, three more to go - make it four with the big one.
Pointy-teeth seemed content to watch his men getting their ass handed to them, only interfering when just two guys remained against Sam.
"She's favoring one leg, focus on the right one!" He called and rushed with a speed the worgen found surprising for his size. Shit, this guy was the real deal.
By the time it was down to Sam and the big kul tiran, the worgen was in a bad shape, her right leg unable to hold her weight anymore.
"Heh, makes me wonder why weren't you my opponent tonight. The fight would have been a lot more interesting." Samantha grumbled while shifting her stance, right foot kept hovering a few inches above the ground.
"I do what Mr. Stonesail tells me to. Now say goodbye to your gold and your life, you're sleeping with the sharks tonight!" He panted, obviously exhausted from the struggle as well.
"Hahahaha!" Sam actually burst into laughter as she transformed, the white-furred worgen with a singular dark streak down her back now growling menacingly at the kul tiran.
"M-m-monster! Where is a damned piece of silver weapon when one'd need it?!" The man panicked, obviously not meeting a worgen or seen one shift before. he took a tentative step back, body trembling in fear.
"Hah, pitiful bastard! I'm no drust monster that silver would work against!" Sam snarled, launching herself forward. her claws didn't even reach their target when the man's eyes rolled back and he dropped like a sack.
"Fainted? Really?! Tch, what a disappointment." Samantha shifted back to her human form, quickly grabbing a street lamp for support as she put weight on her bad leg.
"Shit, I'll need to get it checked with a healer when I get back to Stormwind. Damn, what a waste of gold..." She grumbled as she dressed, tossing her right boot and stocking into the backpack as her foot and ankle were too swollen. The stash of gold joined them, to make less noise as she moved.
A quick check and she found a piece of sturdy rope, no doubt meant for her, and tied it around the bastards's ankles.
"Maybe a patrol will find them if I'm lucky. Pity there's nothing I can about their boss... oh well, time to find a ship home." Sam muttered to herself as she slowly hopped away towards the docks.
It was worth it. Even with a few bruises, a busted knee and broken ankle. The hefty sum made up for those. As for the rest, well, she always lived dangerously.
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kharrisdawndancer · 2 years
DWC August 2022 - Day 1 - Silver/Darkness
The paper was thick and matte black and her ink was liquid moonlight--silver and bright as such light.
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Sir Starlight,
Perhaps it seems a bit strange to be writing a letter when I’m currently a guest at your cabin, but I find there’s something very personal about a letter and words with intention. You are welcome to smile indulgently at me when you read this, or perhaps you will think of me fondly if I have left before you find it.
Do you know my ‘days’ do flips when I am with you? I have never been one of those ‘morning people.’ I have friends who are, but when I have seen the sunrise it is because I have yet to find my bed, not because I have sprung out of it with zest. But you know this. In my own world I am considered a ‘night owl,’ staying up late and feeling energized by the wink of stars on the horizon. Compared to you I wonder what I seem… Crepuscular, like the porcupines of your forest? Early to bed like someone in her twilight years?
Your cabin means darkness for me. But that’s a lovely, comforting place to be. There are fireflies in the summer and the aurora to awe. Stars that tell me new stories and the clear sky holding the moons. Blue Child looks especially striking out here, don’t you think?
I think what I am trying to say is thank you for sharing it with me. I know this place means so much to you, but it always means quite a lot to me and I feel grateful that you allow me to come and go and experience it and you.
Your companionship is a balm to my sometimes raw soul.
mentions @wildswalk-the-stars
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vixannya · 2 years
August DWC Day 6 - Zealous
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Death should be zealous, a giving admirer who nourishes your affection and feeds off the perpetual coil of flesh and bone, body and soul. He must woo you, trace His sinewy digits from crown to spine to foot and reckon the years that ascend towards fate. He should embrace the curve of your hopes, uncover the subtle variation between form and spirit; a frequency only He can hear, and caress the pliant wishes, easing the quiet desires you crave and adapt them into vows. He will cherish you as abundantly as you merit, that last breath of life coveted away  within a lover’s kiss. The light within fades, now a vacant vessel to appease his thirst
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talonoa · 2 years
August DWC Day 5 - Shiver
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(Some older stuff spruced up a bit ~ )
Sometimes you appear to me in my dreams, a scene from a memory long forgotten, a reminder just when recognition wanes. The scent of calla lilies on your neck, silky texture of white organza  underneath calloused fingertips, lips that taste of strawberries and honey. But it is the sound of your whispers and your gentle moans  that are the most vivid. My name like a curse upon your tongue as hot breath fans across susceptible flesh, electrifying my very core  in a sudden shiver of fervor. Bodies and souls on a perfect course for collision, beckoning libidinous sentiments and primitive urges.
Ripped away… by the cruel, approaching dawn.
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darbiebot · 2 years
DWC August 2022 day 4- Exhaustion
Deagra sighed, taking a deep breath and wiping away the sweat from her brow. Starting up the music again, she counted internally as she walked over to the dancing pole she had installed, on the downbeat she pulled herself up, her arms ached with the effort and she began her routine.
She didn't entirely have the body for this, inspired by one of Dice's routines, and feeling like she wanted to try for a more overall entertaining performance for the year's tarts showings, she committed. It helped that her work in Revendreth had her doing more general walking, currently she was likely the healthiest she'd ever been in her life, cloistered as it had been.
It wasn't just to jazz things up, not entirely. Dwarves like her didn't frequent this type of work, she'd found. Short and stocky usually didn't make the standards of "sexy" amongst the greater peoples of the world. Deagra did love a challenge.
That being said, she had a long way to go before she was ready for the acrobatics of her more... athletic colleagues, especially when her leg cramped while she was upside-down on the pole, and spinning. With a cry of pain she dropped and twirled in the air, and with a dull thud her vision went dark.
She awoke in a state of confusion, feeling dizzy and sore all over. Probably a concussion, she mused, as she struggled to get on her feet, her body not cooperating. Flopping back in defeat, reached over to get a hand through the loops of her bag, thankfully lying beside the sofa near her, pulling out her communication pad.
"Hey uhh... think I hurt myself a bit in the practice room... little help guys?"
It was good that Revendreth had taught her to be humble.
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damien-ward · 2 years
Daily Writing Challenge 2022
August 21 - Darkness
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Running at top speed twigs snapped beneath the paws of the worgen as he barreled through the woods of Elwynn on all fours. Where he was going he didn’t know. He just wanted to run -- to hunt. 
Stopping the worgen put his nose to the ground, sniffing a pair of tracks, before lifting his head and snarling. Undead. Likely a surviving member of the Scourge that escaped and was smart enough to avoid any major settlements. Damien followed the tracks through the woods, taking him further south and away from Stormwind.
Eventually he came to a clearing just off the road, sitting there tearing apart a deer was a wight. Damien lowered himself into the brush, hidden within the darkness of the shadows created by the moon light that cascaded through the trees. He watched as the wight tore into the deer. The scent of blood filling the air, the smell making Damien close his eyes, and it was then that he heard another noise.
Coming down the road was the sound of a horse and wagon.
Damn. He said internally as he thought for a moment.. if this wight sees people on the road it may attack. It was now or never. No more hiding in the darkness, it was time to act. It wasn’t the hunt he was expecting this night, but it was a hunt nonetheless. 
(I am rusty, but bare with me as I catch up.) 
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