#astrology + ho'oponopono
crystalsenergy · 7 months
Wounded Sun in Cancer ♋
✨☀️🩹 - The Astrology of Healing (Astrology + Ho'oponopono) ✨☀️🩹
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To understand more about this project, check this post.
I'm sorry for any moments when my strong attachment to the past may have hindered my growth and prevented me from embracing new opportunities. Please forgive me for holding onto old wounds and for not always allowing myself to move forward. Thank you for the lessons in the importance of emotional roots, and I love you, nurturing spirit, for your capacity to cherish memories and create lasting connections."
"I'm sorry for any instances when my fear of vulnerability may have led to emotional walls and distance in my relationships. Please forgive me for not always opening my heart fully and for any times I may have inadvertently hurt others by withdrawing. Thank you for the lessons in self-protection and resilience, and I love you, caring soul, for your ability to offer unwavering support and love to those I hold dear."
"I'm sorry for any moments when my tendency to nurture others may have resulted in neglecting my own self-care and emotional well-being. Please forgive me for not always prioritizing my own needs and for any times I may have sacrificed my own happiness. Thank you for the lessons in selflessness and compassion, and I love you, nurturing self, for your beautiful ability to provide comfort and care to those around me."
"I'm sorry for the times when my emotional sensitivity may have led to moodiness and withdrawal, causing confusion or discomfort for myself and those around me. Please forgive me for not always effectively expressing my feelings and for any unintentional emotional barriers I've created. Thank you for the lessons in empathy and intuition, and I love you, nurturing heart, for your ability to provide emotional support and create a safe haven for those I care about."
"I'm sorry for the times when I resisted showing vulnerability, fearing judgment or rejection from others. Please forgive me for not fully trusting that my authenticity is a source of connection and strength. Thank you for the lessons in self-protection and the value of self-acceptance, and I love you, brave soul, for your resilience in navigating the complexities of emotions."
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clencyquiromancia · 2 years
Clency Palmistry Holistic Coach
with more than 10 years of experience in Therapeutic Hand Readings, Palmistry.
In hand reading we will see all areas of your life.
The palms of the hand is an open book that allows us to see ALL
of you, your past, present, future, work, love and those areas that you
have to heal and correct to seek that internal healing that you seek
so much as peace, abundance and above all the evolution of the Being and the Soul
in this transit.
🚨Do You want to know more about his future, we invite you to have a
Therapeutic Hand Reading, do'nt stay with the doubt.🖐️
Clency Chiromancy Holistic Coach also has the following services:
✨Holistic Counseling
✨Family Constellations
✨Healing the inner child
✨Natal letter
✨Archangels Tarot
✨Courses & Workshops
Our Services are provided Virtual and Face-to-face.
We work by Appointment
Heredia - Costa Rica📍
If you want more information, write to WhatsApp
+506 63646817 to provide you with more information.
It will be a pleasure to assist you 🙌🙌🙌🙌
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crystalsenergy · 7 months
Wounded Sun in Taurus ♉
✨☀️🩹 - The Astrology of Healing (Astrology + Ho'oponopono) ✨☀️🩹
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To understand more about this project, check the previous post.
Healing for those who don't accept their own personality, whatever the reason 💚
"I'm sorry for any moments of stubbornness and resistance that may have hindered my growth. Please forgive me for not always embracing change gracefully. Thank you for the lessons in stability and perseverance, and I love you, resilient spirit, for your unwavering determination."
"I'm sorry for any instances when my desire for material possessions overshadowed my true desires. Please forgive me for not always recognizing the true value of simplicity. Thank you for the lessons in appreciation and sensuality, and I love you, earthy spirit, for your connection to the beauty of the physical world."
"I'm sorry for any times my attachment to comfort and security may have limited my experiences. Please forgive me for not always stepping out of my comfort zone. Thank you for the lessons in stability and grounding, and I love you, steadfast soul, for your unwavering commitment to what you value."
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crystalsenergy · 7 months
Wounded Sun in Leo ♌ ✨☀️🩹 - The Astrology of Healing (Astrology + Ho'oponopono) ✨☀️🩹
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To understand more about this project, check this post.
"I'm sorry for any times I may have let my ego overshadow my true self-expression and creativity, causing me to seek validation rather than shining authentically. Please forgive me for moments of pride that may have hindered my ability to connect with others genuinely. Thank you for your fiery spirit, and I love you for your passion and desire to inspire."
"I'm sorry for moments when I may have neglected my inner child's need for play, joy, and recognition, leading to a wounded sense of self-esteem. Please forgive me for any instances of self-doubt and for not fully embracing my uniqueness. Thank you for your radiant energy, and I love you for your innate ability to light up any room."
"I'm sorry for any times when I may have struggled to give and receive love generously, leading to wounded relationships and a sense of isolation. Please forgive me for moments of self-centeredness that may have hindered my ability to be generous and warm-hearted. Thank you for your generous spirit, and I love you for your capacity to make others feel special."
"I'm sorry for any moments when I may have been overly controlling or demanding, causing friction in my relationships and leading to a wounded sense of leadership. Please forgive me for any instances of arrogance and for not always recognizing the power of collaboration. Thank you for your leadership qualities, and I love you for your natural ability to inspire and lead with heart."
"I'm sorry for any times when I may have been overly fixated on external validation and recognition, neglecting my inner fire and creativity, which led to a wounded sense of self-worth. Please forgive me for moments of seeking approval from others rather than trusting my own value. Thank you for your creative spirit, and I love you for your capacity to bring beauty and inspiration into the world."
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crystalsenergy · 7 months
Wounded Sun in Gemini ♊
✨☀️🩹 - The Astrology of Healing (Astrology + Ho'oponopono) ✨☀️🩹
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To understand more about this project, check this post.
"I'm sorry for any times my scattered thoughts may have caused confusion or inconsistency in my life. Please forgive me for not always communicating my intentions clearly. Thank you for the lessons in adaptability and curiosity, and I love you, inquisitive mind, for your thirst for knowledge."
"I'm sorry for any moments of restlessness or indecision that may have affected my relationships. Please forgive me for not always being present and focused. Thank you for the lessons in versatility and communication, and I love you, communicative spirit, for your ability to connect with others."
"I'm sorry for any times my restlessness may have led to distractions and missed opportunities. Please forgive me for not always harnessing your versatility effectively. Thank you for the lessons in adaptability and learning, and I love you, curious spirit, for your endless exploration."
"I'm sorry for any moments of inconsistency in my communication that may have caused misunderstandings. Please forgive me for not always using your gift of articulation wisely. Thank you for the lessons in connecting with others and sharing knowledge, and I love you, expressive heart, for your ability to bridge gaps with words."
"I'm sorry for any instances when I may have been overly critical or detached in my interactions. Please forgive me for not always expressing empathy and understanding. Thank you for the lessons in mental agility and versatility, and I love you, intellectual heart, for your love of learning and sharing ideas."
"I'm sorry for any times my need for variety may have led to inconsistency in my commitments. Please forgive me for not always following through with my promises. Thank you for the lessons in adaptability and change, and I love you, adaptable soul, for your ability to thrive in diverse environments."
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crystalsenergy · 7 months
Wounded Sun in Aries
✨☀️🩹 - The Astrology of Healing (Astrology + Ho'oponopono) ✨☀️🩹
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"Paty, why wounded Sun in Aries? Wounds don't have to do with Chiron?
Yes! Chiron is the focal point for us to see our internal wounds. However, look inside and look around you… How many of us only manifest the negative side of our positioning - by choice, by changes, by wounds… I see this happen a lot.
In my inner trajectory and working with astrological charts, I see several beings living the opposite extreme of what they were a while ago, as a result of a wound that was not well healed or processed (case 1). Or, people who only express the worst side of their positions (case 2). In the latter case, I see it being something more difficult to change, as it involves a soooo much desire to grow, evolve. Honestly, sometimes the astrological placement only represents what is negative in the person - unfortunately, as it is what they chose to manifest.
For me, it is possible to use our astrological placements as a bridge for evolution and taking advantage of the best that that sign can offer us. But it's always up to us.
So, as I have said here before, let's look at astrological placements not as "I am it", but rather as "what of it do I have in me?". In fact, it is an important exercise in self-reflection to see what we need to heal…
Example: wounded Libra Moon may be afraid to show their sensitivity, to relate. A person who is so sensitive to external demands, to wounds and difficult relationships, can nullify that part of themselves. "I can't be sensitive, I can't show my sensitivity." Do you understand? And the interesting thing is that the chart itself indicates these trends of pain in placements, but it is not the only one, because in life we go through changes and choices, and people cross our paths all the time, leaving marks.
And Ho'oponopono enters here.
Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian practice that considers 4 main phrases in its structure to help us unlock memories and consciously release what is unconscious. This release is loving, and the more we do it with presence and intention, the better results we achieve.
We know that Astrology is valuable knowledge regarding our process of self-awareness. It helps us evolve, grow, and realize both the good and bad aspects that we may not have been noticing in ourselves.
That's why it's interesting to combine the self-awareness we gain from Astrology with existing techniques for self-healing.
It all happens in the mind… It is from the mind, where our thinking patterns reside, that we react initially, and from where our thoughts, both those we communicate and those within social media, originate. In this reality, the mind commands everything.
So, working from the mind with constructive words and phrases that seek healing is a powerful exercise. Words have power!
Here are a few more healing phrases for a Wounded Sun in Aries, incorporating the four parts of Ho'oponopono:
These phrases aim to address the wounded aspects of a Sun in Aries while acknowledging and appreciating the positive qualities of this astrological placement.
"I'm sorry for any times my impulsive actions may have led to unintended consequences. Please forgive me for not always considering the impact of my actions on others. Thank you for the lessons in patience and understanding, and I love you, courageous spirit, for your unyielding drive."
"I'm sorry for any conflicts that may have arisen from my need to assert my independence and individuality. Please forgive me for not always finding the right balance between self-expression and consideration for others. Thank you for the fiery passion that fuels me, and I love you, bold heart, for your unapologetic authenticity."
"I'm sorry for any past instances where my competitiveness may have overshadowed collaboration. Please forgive me for not always recognizing the value of teamwork. Thank you for the resilience and determination you've instilled in me, and I love you, warrior soul, for your relentless pursuit of excellence."
"I'm sorry for any impatience I've shown in my quest for progress and success. Please forgive me for not always allowing things to unfold at their own pace. Thank you for the energy and enthusiasm you bring to my endeavors, and I love you, trailblazing spirit, for your fearlessness in facing challenges."
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crystalsenergy · 1 year
I recently acquired courses: Reiki, Radiesthesia, deep Ho'oponopono (to reaaally understand), Aromatherapy, and a course about angels, because I also want to study them in depth and angels are already present in my life (they have no necessary connection with religion, I find that very interesting).
I'll finally be able to study Reiki, I had been interested for a while, this desire awoke in me during a very difficult transit of Saturn in the 9th house, which I am rediscovering myself spiritually. I think it will take some time, but I'm excited to get started. 🤩
these are things I already studied on my own, but it's always good to learn something deeper and also a "cyclical" study, in a way.
anyway, wanted to share this.
soon I'll share more content, in addition to astrology 💖✨ although astrology will always be my focus of study.
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clencyquiromancia · 2 years
Clency Palmistry Holistic Coach
with more than 10 years of experience in Therapeutic Hand Readings, Palmistry.
In hand reading we will see all areas of your life.
The palms of the hand is an open book that allows us to see ALL
of you, your past, present, future, work, love and those areas that you
have to heal and correct to seek that internal healing that you seek
so much as peace, abundance and above all the evolution of the Being and the Soul
in this transit.
Do You want to know more about his future, we invite you to have a
Therapeutic Hand Reading, do'nt stay with the doubt
Clency Chiromancy Holistic Coach also has the following services:
✨Holistic Counseling
✨Family Constellations
✨Healing the inner child
✨Natal letter
✨Archangels Tarot
✨Courses & Workshops
Our Services are provided Virtual and Face-to-face.
We work by Appointment
Heredia - Costa Rica
If you want more information, write to WhatsApp
+506 63646817 to provide you with more information.
It will be a pleasure to assist you.
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