#ask walnut and cream puff
walnutcookiesstuff · 9 months
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me when my boss is a mentally unstable time God that threatens my wife's life with a gun because they don't want me to quit
walnut thinks about quitting once and tk just goes "you wanna quit? okay!" and pulls a gun out on cream puff
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walnutcookie · 8 months
would you ever draw walnut x cream puff like holding hands or even just bring in the same general area
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i dont rlly ship walnut and cream puff exactly but i do think walnut having a little middle school crush on cream puff and Not realizing it is really funny. Shes so confused
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askthetbdau · 28 days
I have been staring at my old tbd au drawings
The concept I was going for was cool but I didn't really have the art skills for it
what im getting at is. im gonna try to revive this askblog!!!! send me random shit, it helps!!!
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ask-cream-puff · 7 months
Hi!! Cream puff here! I got tumblr recently, and I'm pretty excited about it! Some of my friends are on here too!
Like crepe!
And my bestest friend in the world!
@walnutcookiesstuff (out of character, that's my main)
Send me asks and stuff if you want!
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raineadey · 1 year
ooooooo you want to tell me abt uour oc sooo bad /nf
WAHJ TAHNK U THANK YOU OKAY SO. wow this is long. i divided this into three parts: backstory, main story ( crk episode 16 stuff ), and parfaedia ( what happens after the story, which actually has more in store but ill elaborate on that in another post )
once upon a time, blueberry pie cookie was looking through the wizards journals, until she came across the journal filled with the wizards trials and errors in creating moonlight cookie. it was her favorite book, the one that she read most often by the small moonlit corner.
having gone this far in her duties, blueberry pie thought a bit of company wouldnt hurt.
curiosity winning over herself, she uses the journal as a recipe book to bake her own cookie. thus, bo-berry cookie was born in the image of moonlight cookie (obviously nowhere as powerful though. shes just a cookie thats baked using the wizards recipe)
bo-berry cookie grew up between the high, never-ending bookshelves in the archives, reading anything that caught her interest to pass the time. she was like her mother in some ways — curious and hungry for knowledge.
but the library wasnt enough for her. she wanted to explore the city. though each time she asked her mother, "can i go play outside?" she would always say no.
"we have a promise to keep, a duty to uphold. there is nothing left for you in the city, bo-berry cookie."
(she also mentions those stars roaming the streets. shed turn to crumbs if any of them caught her)
ever since then, bo-berry practiced illusion magic behind her mothers back, attempting to make herself go undetected or even invisible. one day, her hard work and practice came to fruition, and she escaped the archives without her mother knowing — only to find that the city is completely empty of cookies.
she decided it was better than the archives, though. she explores the empty abandoned buildings, scavenging for any interesting magical artefacts to play with. its technically not stealing if the owner left it behind, right?
shes lonely. no one else to talk to or play with. her mother was right, this city has nothing for her. but perhaps somewhere out there..
she joins the main trio and saves them from the biggest golden star from the graveyard while invisible and undetected.
gingerbrave: that wasnt easy at ALL. huh, why do i feel like were being watched?
and as he said that, wizard cookies hat was floating in the air, followed by an air of laughter before revealing herself to her. she hasnt met anyone to interact with for a good while, so she got a liiittle excited.
her mood quickly turned sour when gingerbrave explains that theyre headed to the archives. but ahe agrees to show them the way. she told herself she wasnt going to go in, but once she sees the book worms attacking them, she groans ("i cant let you cookies pathetically crumble here on your mission 🙄") and helps them through to the library.
she knows whats coming. its inevitable that shes going to face her mom again. ( scene in this short video its like 14 secs )
once gingerbrave and co are done with what they came here for, she was about to leave with them when blueberry pie stopped her.
bbp: now, where do you think youre going? are you not staying here?
bb: mother, i cant stay here
bbp: are you leaving?
bb: [ a bit guilty ] i have to help my friends save the city
bbp: i see. [ just as bo-berry was about to leave again, ] bo-berry?
bb: [ stops ]
bbp: when i baked you, i should have known i couldn't keep you within these same walls ive been kept in my whole life. your curios soul knows no bounds, therefore i can not stop you from pursuing your life. [ quiet for a moment ] i love you, my child. i apologise for everything.
bo-berry merely gives her a smile and joins her friends outside.
another thing worth mentioning in this part is when stardust cookie destroyed the city of wizards. everyone was confused bc everything happened so fast, but upon mention of her mother still stuck in the archives, bo-berry immediately hopped on her staff and flew smartly between the falling stars to find her mother.
after the events in the city of wizards episode, blueberry pie decided to let her daughter go. she cant keep her here for much longer, not when her place is out there in the world. so she sends her to parfaedia institute, where she can learn and grow as a magic enthusiast and a young cookie with other students her age.
she soon became friends with cream puff cookie and coffee bean cookie ( @deliberatingwthecookiecouncil's oc ! ). cream puff is an anxiety train, coffee bean is a sarcastic nerd, and bo-berry is a silly little menace. theyre perfect for each other.
such a strong desire for knowledge leads to bo-berry feeling like the structured education she receives in the institute is not enough. she craves for more magic in this world.
thus, she goes out of her dormitory at most nights to explore the magic city, knowing theres way more to this place. she uses her illusion magic to sneak in to houses, rummaging through their treasury for anything of use to her.
this soon becomes a thing she does at night, and more cookies seem to be aware of this mysterious thief. the m.e.h. department is also having trouble identifying the thief responsible for the disturbance. though, one cookie finally caught her in the act.
"hold on, you're not phantom bleu! but, no matter. i, detective walnut cookie, have caught you in the act, thief!"
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Carpe Noctem 23
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, gaslighting, manipulation, violence, blood, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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You set out your ingredients, trying to strategize what to do first. You have ideas, lots of ideas, and that sort of anxious motivation that keeps you from sitting still. Maybe it’s a need for distraction from the sudden swerve your life has taken, or your incessant urge to do everything for everyone, or maybe it’s just easier to lie when you look busy.
You don’t owe Lloyd the truth. The more you think about it, you barely really know him. And he said it himself, it’s just sex. Good sex. The best sex you’ve had, not that you have much to compare it to. So fuck your feelings, as he’d so eloquently proclaim.
Scones first. You’ve settled on a white chocolate and cranberry, but think that might be better kept until the festive season. You’re still in the throes of fall so the pumpkin walnut squares will like be the bigger hit. Oh, and the maple croissants. If you have time, you might experiment with some apple caramel creation too.
You prop your phone against the wall at the back of the counter. You put your music on a low din, keeping a base recipe open as you begin your first bowl of batter. The flour puffs out of the bake and dusts your shirt. Too late to remember the apron.
You add the rest of the dry ingredients and carefully stir. You bought a whole set of mixing bowls after you noticed Lloyd’s lack of essentials. You’ll see if you can expense that out with the ingredients. Your surprise might not go over well for your wallet.
You add the butter and carefully mix it in until crumbly. You put that in the fridge and start on the wet ingredients, humming as you focus on the little tasks. It’s easier than thinking of anything else.
Your fatigue nips at your eyelids. It’s been a long day and with all this ahead of you, it’ll be a longer night. You yawn and flick your wrist, whisking the cream and eggs diligently. You feel something tickle up your back before two hands settle on your hips. 
You lurch in fright and still the whisk as Lloyd leans into you, peeking over your head. He drones and rubs his crotch against your ass. He clicks his tongue as he brings his hands up to fondle your chest.
“You’re making another mess,” he says as he flicks the bag of sugar, “Really living up to the whole sugar tits thing.”
“Oh, I’ll clean it up,” you try to ignore how he kneads your tits.
“Hope this isn’t all for me,” he growls.
“Actually, no,” your pulse piques as you summon your preconceived lie, “it’s for the kids. At the daycare. Just doing something nice.”
“Mmm, you’re so nice, Mimi,” he lilts his tone mockingly, “you wanna be nice to me, mommy?”
“Lloyd,” you push your elbow back into his side, “please. Later.”
He exhales, ot breath fanning over your scalp. He bends to nuzzle your head, gritting in his throat. “I’m not asking.”
You stiffen and grip the whisk, putting it back into motion.
“I’ll be done in a bit, I really can’t let this rest–”
“Something’s up. You’re not telling me something…” he brings his hand back to your waist.
“I’m baking. What would I lie about?”
“Come on,” he grinds into you, “you know our deal.”
“It can’t wait?” You clang the whisk off the side of the bowl.
“No,” he says firmly. “I’m tired of waiting and lately, you’ve been making me do a lot of that.”
He pulls you back and you let go of the whisk as it clinks against the metal. He leads you back as you latch onto his wrists, trying not to lose your balance. He spins you to face the island and crushes you against it.
“Lloyd,” you squeeze his forearms, “you’re being… pushy. Please, let me at least put everything away–”
“No,” he snarls and twists free of your grasp.
He grabs your wrists and brings your hands up to the marble countertop. He presses your palms flat under his large and leans his weight on you, a warning. Suddenly, you’re all too aware of his strength and size.
He nuzzles behind your ear as he growls again, “don’t move, mimi.”
“Lloyd,” you push your fingertips into the marble and try to shove yourself back. 
He keeps you penned in as he trails a hand up your arm. You reach up to follow his touch, brushing your fingers along his bicep as he curls it around your neck. You raise your chin to keep from being strangled. What the hell is he doing?
“Please, give me some space,” you feel the panic surge in your veins, so hot it beads over your brow, “I’m a bit claustro–”
He hushes you as he flexes his bicep against your neck. You gulp as your eyes round and you stare at the pristine walls. You shudder in horror as your powerlessness sets in. Not only in that moment. This man holds your life in his closed fist.
“I won’t be long, sugar tits,” his other hand creeps back and he feels along your side and hip. He curls his fingers beneath the back of your pants and tugs, yanking harshly until the button pops loose. “Something about the whole mother hen shit gets me going.”
“Lloyd,” you eke out, eyes wetting as you quiver, “please, I don’t want this right now.”
“That’s too fucking bad. That’s not our deal.”
“Wha– No–”
“Shhh,” he forces your pants down roughly as he kicks your feet apart, “if you’re not screaming my name, keep your mouth shut.”
Your body locks up in terror. You can’t make a noise, you can’t move as he peels down your panties. You’re trapped in the heat of his body and the crush of his weight. This can’t be happening.
You close your eyes, blocking out the kitchen, trying to tune out your reality. Your ears zero in on the low drone of music still buzzing from your phone.
Go on and be a big girl You asked for this now Go on and be a big girl Well, everybody's gonna drown you out
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ranilla-bean · 4 months
@paramouradrift tagged me in a '9 People I'd Like To Know Better' meme. i'm meant to not only do the meme but also throw a question back at the original tagger? not too sure how that's meant to work but i guess i'll write my own question at the end... here goes!
1. Last Song. i was relistening to lovage's music to make love to your old lady by so... some track from that album (also recently remembered i bought this on vinyl a few years back?? should dig that back out sometime)
2. Favorite Color. currently walnut brown
3. Currently Watching. drag race (nymphia is my girl!!!! and she's a WINNER. to ME) & the new alexander docudrama (feelings increasingly mixed as i go along)
4. Sweet/Spicy/Savory. for sweet, i'm always craving beard papa's cream puffs. spicy, dosa. and savoury, the dry hor fun i cooked up tonight
5. Relationship Status. yes
6. Current obsession. i rewatched the girl group challenge nymphia was in 3 times before answering this ask game...
7. Last Thing Googled. "waking lion lion dance", which turned up this very, very cute result: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxmCMPOGIg0
RETURN VOLLEY (the question i've written):
8. What's a question you wished people would ask about your writing? for me i get a lot of comments and questions about narrative/character in my writing, but i'd really love for someone to come into my inbox and ask me about like... technique. like, what kinda techniques do you use to worldbuild naturally? how did you construct a certain scene, like the rhythm of sentences or the kind of imagery that gets highlighted? so on and so forth. i could talk for so long about that kinda stuff. the questions that people tend to ask artists but not so much writers ;)
tagging: @faux-fires @chiptrillino @ash-and-starlight @dickpuncher420 @summerstormsandnoodles @catilinas
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timekeepertwister · 4 months
Operation: Time Twister - Case 1: Compiled Control
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🥖 Briefing: Support Division, this is your first major case as part of “Operation: Time Twister” and definitely not the last. Unlike the Orientation, which had a set narrative from beginning to end as it was in the past prior to the formation of this task force, you will have your chance to influence the story between posted Files. Likewise, this story will be a lot more complicated as turbulence from other temporal regions beyond Earthbread is to be expected. However, if collateral damage occurs, you will be held accountable for any expenses. Here are the immediate missions that are part of this Case:
Locate Croissant Cookie’s group consisting of her, Walnut Cookie, Almond Cookie, and Roguefort Cookie within the Past Dark Cacao Kingdom and return everyone back to their proper times
Track down the locations of Cinnamon Cookie, Wizard Cookie, and Cream Puff Cookie to return them to [12/24/2020 - PET-EB-C/W] safely
Retrieve loose fragments of the Blue Cheese Watch where possible
Follow up on newfound evidence regarding White Lily Cookie, Beast-Yeast, Lilywhite Space, and the Lilywhite Capital
Locate and retrieve any of White Lily Cookie’s Soulstones if possible
🍓🍰 Disaster Response Division Memo: A new time rift has torn open in a far-eastern region of Outer Earthbread within the Primary Earthbread Timeline. Detected temporal signatures suggest that this rift was caused by loose parts of the Blue Cheese Watch, although more evidence is needed. Intelligence reports suggest that at least three people have fallen into this rift. Be on the lookout for these people who may not appear as Cookies and more likely to look like the Witch. We will be sending Strawberry Shortcake Cookie, the High Priestess of the Pomegranate Village, and a staff member of the railway transportation services of the World of Dreams to lead the detachment’s investigations, the latter of whom were commissioned as support. As such, here are the additional missions posed by the Disaster Response Division for your team:
Assist in the gathering of testimonies from local townspeople from the region
Identify any and all immediately misplaced individuals from this region
Locate misplaced individuals that have been sent to Earthbread after entering the time rift
Return all misplaced individuals to their respective region
Create a comprehensive report on how the time rift opened in the region
Stabilize the time rift before it causes additional damage within the region
Record all individuals involved on the Subject Roster
Case Investigations
Investigation A: The Frost Miko Incidents (Active)
Investigation B: Misplaced Magicians
Investigation C: Y3 Intelligence
Ongoing Side Investigation: The Resolvers’ Incident - Courtesy of the Disaster Response Division. Their investigation’s progress will be listed within the individual investigations.
Supervisory Memos
Timeguard Keepers are on standby for dispatch, and we plan to send three of them. Suggest via the ask box a parallel presence of someone whom you want to see from the canon lineup as a Keeper. Selections will happen behind the scenes regardless.
Support has been requested from forward field agents. It is now up to you to service these requests at your discretion. You as the Support Division can now partially influence the story by sending asks between Case Files according to incoming requests.
The pinned post has been updated to organize AU terminology and tags and to add a few more.
The Subject Roster, Space-Time Atlas, and Inquiry Master List are under development. Remaining Subject Records that have not been processed and made available to you during the Orientation will be processed after the publication of the Subject Roster.
Subject Roster - Under Development
Space-Time Atlas - Under Development
Inquiry Master List - Under Development
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stellamancer · 2 months
NIKU!! The question I wanna ask you is -
What is your favorite sweet treat to eat?! 🍰💕
hehe food question for food question eh.
This is actually really hard. I have a really bad sweet tooth so it's like choosing a favorite is near impossible because it depends on my mood. I'm gonna just do this by categories.
Candy -> kinder buenos and sour gummy worms
Ice cream (novelties) -> simply dipped drumsticks and magnum ice cream bars (I like cronch)
Ice cream (regular) -> lavender flavored ice cream (of any brand) and Ben and Jerry's mint chocolate cookie
Cake -> tres leches and German chocolate (with a coconut frosting that does not have the pecan or walnuts or whatever nut is in there).
Cookie -> Snickerdoodle
I also like lemon bars a lot. And egg tarts. A lot of Filipino sweets. Butter mochi. Cream puffs.
.....this is a bad question for me. I also really like trying all sorts of sweets from other cultures.... But I also like trying food from other cultures in general.
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pinkvelvetcookie · 2 years
K, so like,
I really liked one of the orphan cookies from the new Odyssey chapter, and decided to write a story thing for her
It’s this one, in case you’re wondering
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Sea Glass Cookie
I like to think she would be an ambush cookie if she were playable
So after the Mille-Feuille and the White Masks disappeared, Sea Glass decided that this wasn’t something she wanted to do anymore (I’m sure there’s a catalyst but I’m not what is should be)
So she sneaks out and leaves them all behind, trying to find a way to live without the help of her former “friends”
She finds herself in the streets of Parfaedia. She is very stealthy, having been trained to be, and goes around the city stealing things like food, soap, toothpaste, etc.
She realized that she couldn’t go around having people being interested in her, so she pretends that everything is fine, and that she’s not living on the streets and stealing just to get by
Eventually school is starting up again, so she sneaks in and registers herself, pretending all her fees are already paid for and steals a uniform
The school year starts and she immediately meets a bunch of different cookies, including Cream Puff, Latte, and Eclair
She thinks that she sees Espresso and is scared he might recognize her from the republic, so she avoids him
She becomes good friends with Cream Puff, and Cream Puff invites her over, where Latte notices something is off
Sea Glass scarfs her food down very quickly, she seems to be taking some and hiding it in a bag, and she doesn’t really talk much about herself or her family
Sea Glass is actually in Latte’s class, and asks her if everything is okay at home, in which she basically bursts into tears and tells Latte that she’s been living on the streets for a while
Latte offers to house Sea Glass, and she and Cream Puff share a room
As time goes on, she developes a love for history and archeology, and starts talking with Eclair a lot
Blah blah blah… something about Eclair becoming her father figure, blah blah blah… something about dragons, soul jam, and the legendary cookies, blah blah blah something about dessert magic, and so on
I also designed a more casual outfit for her since she left the white mask
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Couple other things to note:
She doesn’t actually know what, “the first oven will open and all dough will become one,” means, she was just told that that was her purpose
(Yes I’m basically accusing Mille-feuille of grooming the orphans)
She wants to return to the republic but she’s also scared of being interrogated
She was specifically trained in the art of stealth, and con
She’s very reserved and shy most of the time, and she is easily scared and intimidated
I know this is randomly thrown in there but Cherry Blossom x Eclair romance arch
*casually mentions that Eclair is part dragon*
Sea Glass becomes really close with Cream Puff and Walnut
But yeah that’s all for now
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angelkin-food-cake · 4 months
If you have time, could you suggest some tea party foods for a Chara from Undertale? I'm allergic to blueberries, and not fond of pork. I like black tea and herb tea and the color yellow. I can't really handle a lot of spice but a bits ok. I like to bake but a party has to have things other then cake (so I'm told) so I'm always stuck on what else to do. Thank you for your time and all that you do. I love the recipes you post
Hi! If I'm not mistaken I may have answered for you before! I remember that you're allergic to blueberries and you asked for yellow food. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ If that is you, welcome back!!!
If it's not..... well that's awkward. =' )
Here's some tea party foods.
Goat Cheese Toasts with Walnuts, Honey, and Thyme
Sun-Dried Tomato Basil Pinwheels
Mini Apple Rose Pies
Grilled Cheese Hearts and Tomato Soup
Pistachio Cream Puffs
Heirloom Tomato Tart with Ricotta and Basil
Cucumber Sandwiches with Edible Flowers
Sunflower Jelly
Hope you enjoy these! If you appreciate my work please consider tipping. ♥ Have a great tea party, thanks for the request!
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walnutcookiesstuff · 8 months
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I fucking love Google sometimes
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askthetbdau · 6 months
doesnt it make you feel… bad when you kill people?
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"Of course.. I'm not a monster.."
"But.. I CAN'T disobey TK."
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heyzeil · 1 year
do you have any wawa hcs,,, /nf
-Walnut is probably the most stubborn kid you’ll ever meet
-She’s even worse than Almond when it comes to her stubbornness
-Walnut actually doesnt have many friends, she’s often so focused on living up to her own expectations to be a detective and she doesn’t want to get “distracted”
-Almond doesn’t pressure her to be anything. He’s constantly reminding her that he doesn’t expect anything from her and he just wants her to be safe and happy
-Though Walnut understands where he’s coming from, it kinda annoys her because she feels like Almond isn’t putting faith in her abilities (which isn’t true but it does strain their relationship a little when she’s a bit older)
-She is besties with Cream Puff though!!
-Walnut is aware if her father’s resentment towards wizards and tries to imitate that by pretending she doesn’t like Cream Puff all that much, but she really does love her friend (like how Almond is with Latte)
-Cream Puff knows why Walnut is the way she is around her, and she doesn’t mind all that much. She doesn’t tease Walnut like Latte does with Almond, but Walnut will say something like “You wizards are always getting into trouble!” and Cream Puff will respond with something sweet like “Oh I’m sorry our mistakes are causing you work. I promise I’ll be careful for you!!”
-Walnut’s words will resonate her a little too harshly sometimes though, and when they do Walnut will drop the whole act immediately and apologize to her for taking it too far
-There are days that walnut has set for herself where she’ll forget about her detective stuff and will actually live like a normal kid.
-Almond enjoys spending time with Walnut on these days because he feels lime he’s actually seeing his daughter’s true colors flourish
-Though she does like dragging him into doing some silly Gen Z trends sometimes
-She still sleeps with her teddy bear, and she’s embarrassed to admit it
-Almond has gotten into the habit of asking Cream Puff and literally everyone else he knows to get Walnut to spill what gifts she wants around her birthday or the holidays because if he asks her she’ll respond with something like “i don’t need any silly distractions this year i need to focus on the rising crime rates…blah blah…”
-That’s how stubborn she is, you need a full team to get her to tell you want presents she wants
-if she wasn’t so focused on being a detective, she’d be a theater kid
-She writes down threatening and imitating lines in her diary and practices them in the mirror to use for when she yells at criminals (mostly Rougefort) while she’s chasing them (she doesn’t tell anyone she does this)
-Everyone thinks she’s hilarious when she’s mad and it annoys the hell out of her cause she wants to be taken seriously
-motherless (Almond baked her by himself)
-has the most genuine gremlin laugh ever
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queen-rainy-love · 2 years
Random Thought: Clover does not like kids (minus a select few like custard the |||) He finds them annoying, needy, and overall stupid at times.
So naturally he's asked to babysit some kids for the day, after all Clover is just a friendly bard!
Hmm. I can see that. And I can see one of his brothers "volunteering" him to help babysit the young Cookies in the Kingdom.
*The scene is set in the Vanilla District where Clover is about to head out to the forest.*
Clover: Time to start the day-
Muscle: *appears with Pancake and Cherry in his arms* Oh thank Godly you're still here, Clover!
Clover: Oh hey Muscle. How are-Why do you have your baby siblings in your arms?
Muscle: I have a quest to go and none of my other siblings or mom are not available. Can you please watch Cherry and Pancake?
Clover: You know that I tolerate a few young Cookies.
Cherry: Why's that?
Clover: You...of all Cookies...is asking me that?
Muscle: Clover! Please!
Clover: Why do you need to go-
Pancake: Because Lilac is going!
Muscle: *blushes* Pancake!
Clover: Ah...that makes sense. Fine...I can watch them-
Muscle: Thank you so much! *hands the two young Cookies to Clover.* Someone will pick them up tonight!
Clover: Wait what?! *Muscle is already gone.* Great. Just great.
Cherry: Can we have some snacks?
Clover: Do you promise not to blow up my home?
Cherry: Fine! No bombs. *pouts*
Clover: Thank you. Now-
Wildberry: Clover.
Clover: Godly! Wildberry! Don't do that!!
Wildberry: Sorry. But I need a favor.
Clover: What do you- *notices Strawberry Crepe* Why are they here?
Wildberry: I have a quest to get to and Strawberry and Wild Strawberry are out. I just need someone to take care of Strawberry Crepe.
Strawberry Crepe: I can take care of myself!!
Wildberry: After what happened the last time...no. Clover. Can you please?
Clover: Well, one more child can't hurt. Add them to my pile I guess.
Wildberry: Thank you, Clover. *pushes Strawberry Crepe toward Clover* Behave.
Strawberry Crepe: Fiiiine. *pouts*
Wildberry: I'll be back tonight. *leaves*
Clover: I guess my forest time is gone. Come on everyone. It's time for snacks.
*two minutes later inside the house*
Clover: Okay. Here you guys go. Don't make a mess, please.
All three: Thank you! *start eating*
Clover: Now, this shouldn't-
Chili Pepper: *bursts in* Hey! Clover!
Clover: For Godly sakes. What?!
Chili Pepper: Heard you were babysitting some kids! Here! I have somewhere to be. *hands Bell Pepper Cookie to him* Bye! *disappears*
Clover: Chili Pepper-! And she's gone. Okay, *guides Bell Pepper to the snack table* sit here and have some snacks. I'll be planning some activities.
Bell Pepper: Okay. *starts eating*
*Custard III walks into the house*
Custard III: Huh? Oh! Are we having a tea party? Can I join?
Clover: Um...sure...why not...
*five minutes later, an outdoor table is full of crafts*
Clover: Okay...we're doing some arts and crafts so, please...no destruction.
All five: Okay! *start making some crafts.*
Clover: *steps back* Okay...this should keep them calm. And hopefully-
Blackberry: Mr. Clover.
Clover: Ah! Hey Blackberry. How can I help you?
Blackberry: I need your help.
Clover: *notices Onion* Let me guess...help take care of Onion?
Blackberry: Yes. Can you?
Clover: *grinds through teeth* ...sure...I don't mind...
Blackberry: Thank you. I'll be back by nightfall. *leaves*
*Just as he was about to guide Onion to the table, Werewolf appears with Moon Rabbit and Pumpkin Pie. Not soon after, Almond appears with Walnut, Chestnut, and Cream Puff.*
Clover: *on the verge of screaming* Need a babysitter?
*For five hours, Clover has been taking care of all eleven young Cookies, barely keeping his sanity. The whole time he's been wondering why was everyone giving their kids.*
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walnutcookie · 1 year
PLS TELL ME ABOUT DRAGON PROPHECY AU PLSSS its my fav au of yours its very interestjng :)
GGWAAGAKHD im just gonna spoil it,, I was planning on making an animation and have people guess the lore but like its veen a year and i STILL havent made it .
i think its pretty clear that this is vaguely based off of wings of fire (i promise rhat was unintentional)
eclair is reading his favorite book, an enchanted one that generates knowledge over time . This one is about dragons!
and to his surprise, theres a page describing a prophecy for june 26th its like um
on the 26th of june
under the rising moon
the dragons of legend will call
and magic city will fall
guess what! its june 19th. eclair runs into espressos office because hes panicking and he has the closest office and espresso is just like . What the fuck why did you burst into my office screaming i am working. go bother someone else about your silly fairy tales. yeah he doesnt think the prophecy is real (esclair divorce arc /JOKE)
the days are getting closer and closer and eclair is losing his mind!!!!!he doesnt tell anyone else about it cause hes scared theyll react like espresso and call it silly. on june 26th eclair keeps looking up at the sky nervously and espressos like Dude chill nothing will happen [gets eaten by a dragon]
side note ! said dragon was earl grey purely because i wanted to put dragon features into their hom! design. no idea how they became a dragon but they did,, so now theres about 10 dragons flapping about parfaedia and wrecking it to pieces! (dont ask why i guess they were in a silly goofy mood)
eclair is losing his shit he just saw his coworker and friend and maybe crush DIE IN FRONT OF HIM WHAT THE FUCK!!!! latte is desperately trying to help creampuff figure out a way to stop the carnage and almond is bawling because his daughter got smushed into a walnut pancake . eclair turns to his library and searches through every spellbook he can find in a desperate attempt to fix things, and in a very shady and not so safe book he finds a spell to turn the user into a dragon ! he doesnt bother reading the warnings and spends literally hours and hours straight trying this spell desperately and probably passing out from exhaustion a few times i mean . he knows magic but not too much magic. but eventually he gets it and he turns into a dragon yippee!!!! also since all of yhe dragons have they/them pronouns . Spell that nonbinarys your gender (and turns uou into a dragon)
they go up to the dragons and the dragons are like Yo nice scales lol. u should hang out with us and eclair is like Oh.....well ummmm.......it cant hurt right. i will learn more about the dragons like a spy so i can defeat them better. (its not like they could take 10 dragons on all by themself anyways)
flash forward parfaedia is ruined. the dragons have left and returned to their homes, the surviving parfaedians have flocked to other cities and kingdoms. (roguefort fled on the first night the dragons came)
latte and cream puff (and almond but hes a ruined mess and they basically just drag him along) want to confront the dragons and maybe make peace or figure out what happened idk they find tea knight and all go to this cave in a mountain together ! they enter this HUGE library and theyre a little confused until Surprise!!!! theres eclair theyre a dragon now . everyones like What the fuck happened to you and eclair goes im better now :3 and says fuck you claws lattes eyes out and then bites tea knights head off . and then they just go home no happy ending
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