lextherandlxce · 5 years
Oh man thank you so much for answering my ask! I still am into Longmire, and Branch remains my favorite character, and you are so right about people not looking long enough to see what a great guy he is! Now you’ve got me hooked though, haha! What are your headcanons for Branch’s hobbies? What’s his taste in books and music? Does he like scary movies? Dogs or cats? CAN HE SING? (I’m a sucker for a man that can sing) you write for him so beautifully that I just wanna know more haha! Thanks love!
{ You are so welcome! And thank you for sending another one!! I can’t tell you how excited I was to see all these questions for Branch omg :3 Feel free to send anything you want about Branch. I’d love to keep talking about our boy with you! Also, thank you so so much. I’m so happy that you enjoy the way I write Branch ! }
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Branch’s hobbies tend to be pretty Wyoming typical. He loves camping, fishing, hunting. He loves to go swimming in different rivers. He’s not a huge fan of swimming pools. He prefers to be out in nature. He, of course, loves riding his mare to clear his head. He used to be a bronc rider before he became a deputy, so sometimes he likes to go visit his old friends who are still involved in the rodeo circuit. And occasionally, he’ll take up the invitation of a ride. He still needs a good rush of adrenaline from time to time. He also tries to volunteer with animal shelters. He hates seeing animals abused or neglected, so when he was younger he loved going to take care of them. His father hated him doing it. He thought it made Branch look weak. Branch never cared what his father said about it, but since he’s become a deputy, he doesn’t have too much time anymore. He’ll do his best to attend an adoption day or donate large amounts during the holiday seasons though. Overall, I think Branch’s biggest hobby is simply to build things. He loves doing things around the house (like putting in a new deadbolt for Cady). Any home improvement project is something he’ll gladly take on. Anything that lets him use his hands. He really wants to learn more about carpentry. He has basic knowledge and can build basic things, but he wants to be able to create really beautiful woodworks.
Branch is a total classic rock guy. It’s the music he grew up with, and he loves it just as much as when he was a kid. He doesn’t listen to country. He doesn’t want to be that much of a walking cliche. He doesn’t really ever listen to new music either unless he just happens to be where it’s playing. But classic rock and sometimes old school funk are his jams. If you want a few examples of songs Branch loves, listen to Leroy Brown by Jim Croce. But Branch loves every song by Jim Croce. ( @peritxetxinvenit I can’t lie, Leroy Brown reminds me very much of Vic xD ). But he also loves songs like What a Fool Believes by the Doobie Brothers. Okay, if I’m not careful I’ll wind up making an entire playlist of songs Branch likes! But for some more recent songs, Branch likes Mr. Brightside by The Killers and Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye. 
Now, can Branch sing....? YES. Yes, Branch can sing. And he can sing very well. When he listens to any of the songs I’ve listed above in his truck, omg, does this boy belt it out. One thing that always helps put him in a better mood is to get in his truck, drive down a quiet road, roll the windows down, blast music he loves, and sing along to it. Now while Branch can sing, he never let’s anyone hear him. He’d be mortified if anyone heard. He doesn’t realize that he has a wonderful voice, and he feels like a fool at the idea of people hearing him sing. He doesn’t even hum to himself or silently lip-sing to songs he likes with other people around. He won’t even sing in his own house because he’s worried someone might come to visit and overhear. However, after a couple of beers and with someone he really cares about, they might be able to get him to sing a little tune for them. An aside note, Branch had a couple of piano lessons when he was young, but he hated it and his father never made him pursue it. He can’t play any instruments, though he’d like to learn to play the guitar. 
Branch is a very intelligent man, and he’s actually an avid reader. Some people might think of him as the dumb high school quarter back, but he’s not stupid despite loving sports. During high school, he read a great many classic novels. He actually loved them all. It shames him to no end, but when Walt lent him Hound of the Baskervilles in order to chastise him, Branch did indeed take the book home and very carefully read it. He learned a lot from it and thoroughly enjoyed the story. But because his job demands a lot of his time, he doesn’t ever feel like he has the time to read many novels anymore. Branch is at a point where he’d want to get through a book in an afternoon. So he doesn’t read novels or novellas, instead, he reads plays! Plays as old as Oedipus Rex to contemporary plays. He enjoys that they’re quick reads, but he also has a lot of fun making his imagination work to visualize everything. He actually much prefers reading plays instead of going to watch them. And because of his Uncle Lucian’s talent for writing poetry, Branch will always go buy a collection of poetry based on whoever his uncle recommends he reads. 
Branch loves scary movies! They’re one of his favorite kinds of movies. Yet as often as he watches them, he’s not often truly impressed by them. He hates cheap jump scares. He loves the old school horror movies, no matter how camp they are. Evil Dead, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Chucky to name a few. All the cult classics that had phenomenal horrifying originals. He never bothers with any sequels. He doesn’t really care much for blood and guts in movies. In fact, he’d like to get away from that once he’s out of work. His favorite kind of horror movies have good characters, strong plot lines, and a sense of unease that builds and builds until it’s intolerable. Though I will say, he’ll never watch horror movies alone. 
And here’s a little headcanon near and dear to me that almost ties into the last one. He’s not a coward by any means, but having grown up in close proximity to the Cheyenne reservation has influenced his belief in frightening creatures and spirituality as a whole. While Branch says he doesn’t believe in ghosts or goblins of any sort, he feels it’s best not to push his luck with any possible malevolent entities or cryptid creatures. When Vic Moretti mentioned having her tarot cards read, he actually thought she was pretty brave. He was being honest about never having had them done because he’s a guy in the middle of Wyoming. But I do imagine after that, Victoria would have really tried to get him to go with her for a reading. He would have flatly refused, and it’s because he would be afraid. He’d be afraid of knowing something bad was coming his way and he’d be helpless to stop it. For Branch, he’d rather not see the snake in the grass until he’s bit rather than to know it’s there and know he’s trapped. 
And last but not least, Branch loves cats and dogs!!! He never had any pets other than horses growing up, and he doesn’t have one now. He’d really like to have a pet, but he worries he wouldn’t be fair to them by working all the time. But he adores dogs and cats equally. He loves that a dog can go anywhere with him and be an outdoor companion. And when he visits people who have cats, the kitties tend to take to his lap instantly. He loves cuddling with a kitty inside, but he doesn’t like how their fur gets everywhere. And usually it’s so fine that it makes him sneeze terribly compared to dog fur. He likes to think that once he’s Sheriff or even retired from the Sheriff’s department, he’ll adopt a dog and a cat. 
{Thank you again for all these questions, my sweet! Please feel free to send in any more you have about Branch. I don’t mind answering anything about him. It all helps me flesh out how I want to write him. I hope this was an enjoyable read, and thank you again for your support of my writing!}
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💌 For the confession game! Like 5 people know this but I feel comfortable telling you so here goes: my mom thinks I’ve never dated anyone but what she doesn’t know is that when I was living alone my jr/sr years of high school (she moved out to move in w/ her BF) I was sneaking around w/ a guy a couple years older than me. We dated for over a year and hid it from everyone the whole time until we broke up. So that’s the story of how my mom thinks I’ve never had a boyfriend. Whoops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Omg babe that’s one hell of a confession ur fuckin winnin this game 
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houses-of-healing · 7 years
Hi, this is Ash, and I'm not sure this qualifies for this blog, but if someone has time I would appreciate it if I could talk to yall. I'm a 911 dispatcher for a very small, rural Sheriff's department in the South. Most of our calls are simple and easy, like cows out on the road or whatnot, but sometimes we get really bad ones. I'm 21, and coming up on my year mark with them, and I've begun to realize I have a problem "turning off" my work-mode. (Part 1)
I’ll come home after rough calls and I’ll be keyed up for days afterward, just jittery and unable to relax because I’m still on high alert in dispatcher mode. I had to work a plane crash the other day where the pilot died while the caller was on the line with me, and I came home and my friend called to check on me and I just lost it and started crying. I didn’t even realize I felt sad, I just felt numb. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I love my job alot, and I’m scared that thiswill start affecting me at work. I just don’t know how to not let it get to me so much, if that makes sense. I’m sorry if this sounds crazy or isn’t what this blog is for. I know yall are very busy tending to the people with real problems, but thank yall for letting me to talk to you anyway.
Welcome Ash,
First of all, I just want to say that of course you are welcome to write to us. People write to us about all kinds of things here, and all of those things are real and valid. So please don’t ever feel like your concerns are trivial or not something we want to help with. That’s not true at all! 
Second of all, it might help you to know that your problem is also “real” in the sense that it has a name -- many possible names, in fact, depending on the specifics of your situation. Compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma are two common names, though you can also find information by looking for dispatcher trauma. Basically, people in some professions (e.g. counselors, paramedics, police offices, and yes, 911 dispatchers) experience stress and trauma as a result of their work, which often puts them in contact with traumatic situations or people experiencing traumatic situations. This can take a toll on the professional too because you have to have empathy to deal with these situations, and they’re very difficult situations to handle. You’re opening yourself up to the stresses, difficulties, and potential tragedies of traumatic situations. It can be difficult to just shut that off when you leave work. It’s not like a file that you can just leave at the office to work on the next day -- this is, basically, emotional baggage that doesn’t leave you alone.
For immediate solutions, you will want to make sure you have a strong support network, including people outside of your job. It would also be a good idea to figure out some self-care things you can do for yourself to help you cope with stress. These can be small things like bringing your favorite tea to work, or bigger things like fancy baths or movie nights or nights out with your friends. You might also want to look into the possibility of taking a few days off soon, to collect your thoughts and see if the time off helps you feel any better. If you trust your manager and/or any of the more senior or experienced dispatchers, you might want to talk to them about what’s going on and ways they have found to cope (note that not all of their suggestions will work for you or may not even be healthy for you, the point is just to get some ideas). Your manager might also be able to suggest some professional resources to help you. If not, or if none of those resources work for you, this website might have some useful resources.
Ultimately, and especially if you want to stay in this job for a long time, it might be a good idea for you to seek professional counseling, since a counselor can be a valuable part of your support system and can also provide you with advice on taking care of yourself. Perhaps most importantly, a professional counselor can actually help determine if you really do have compassion fatigue or vicarious trauma, which is not something I can say for sure -- I’m not a professional counselor myself of course. 
Best of luck, Ash. I hope you can find ways to keep your stress down and to continue doing the job you love, and that brings help to so many people.
- Lindir
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rapunzelie · 8 years
Mama Blossom, do you have recommendations for a brightening eye cream but like on a college student's budget? People are beginning to wonder if I'm ill bc my dark circles are killer 😳🙈 ps you're so pretty and I hope your day is wonderful 💜
vitamin c is best for dull skin!!! many brands in ulta’s skincare section will have brightening formulas like The Body Shop, Origins, maybe TonyMoly or Andalou Naturals’ luminous eye serum.
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We’re missing the first part of your ask, kiddo. Could you please send it in again?
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ledamemangociana · 9 years
ashomee said: 
Do not apologize for the Alistair spam. Embrace it. We Alistair girls welcome it.
[buries face in hands] i'm juST SO??????? I DON'T EVEN KNOW ANYTHING ANYMORE OHGOD what is real what is fake am i alive do i love the colour of the sky i knOW NOTHING NOW except for the fact that swooping is baddddd   
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Ayyy I was actually tagged in something
I just realized that I was tagged by ashomee to do this, and I'm bored at work, so I'm gonna do it now! Name: Lindsey Age: 16 Gender: Female Selfie Time: Ehhh look at my profile picture Favorites Food: Pizza probably Drink: Vanilla coke with extra vanilla Movie: Either Tiny Furniture or Perks of Being a Wallflower TV Show: Errr...anything on hgtv? I once watched all seasons of Weeds in two weeks, though. Music: Anything that makes me happy. I like everything. In moderation. Place: Either Disney World, or the great smokey mountains. School Subject: Any sort of history Sport: Baseball, if I really must choose one. Actress: Don't have a favorite. Whoever, really. Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio is bae Life Siblings: Three brothers and two sisters. But they're all 30+ Dream Job: Being creative. Interior design, crafting, anything of that sort. Fears: BILLS. ADULTHOOD. Socialism. Losing people important to me. Religion: I believe I have a creator. But I don't have a specific religion. All religions just seem like a spinoff of one religion to me. Like stories. Tattoos: None. I have some planned out though, for the future. Piercings: One in my left ear, two in my right. Hoping to get my septum done soon. Languages: English. I'm learning Spanish but I suck so. Reason behind my URL: Funny story, actually. Me and my friend (actually the one who tagged me to do this) we're at a local restaurant and I ordered a cheeseburger and fries. Well, long story short I found a hair in my cheeseburger and was like "well. I guess I'll just eat these fries. They're golden crunchy and delicious" Why you Joined: Two of my close friends told me I should join and I eventually did. Now I can't leave. # of Tumblr blogs: This one, but I'm thinking of starting another.
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@ashomee Hello Beautiful! I am so sorry! I thought this went through like two days ago, please forgive me! Anyway, here’s Take #2 on your Slytherin / Libra moodboard. (Here’s to hoping tumblr mobile doesn’t eat it again!) 🙈🙏🏻
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First off: Hello Beautiful! Secondly: Oh my God I just saw the sick prompts post and I AM A SUCKER FOR THESE. If you have time and aren’t busy with finals or busy with something else would you wanna do the “Dude you have a serious fever.” 
“Ha, it’s just because I’m so hot you can’t handle this.” 
“No this is like hospital level fever. You are going to die.” one with our main bae George? Please and thanks and ily! 💜
added to the queue!
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 -why do flowers bloom?
-because they want to show what they’re made of. 
                a playlist for @ashomee
                   roses , the chainsmokers | clarity , zedd | stay the night , haley williams 
would you like a playlist? click here. 
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Hi lady! 👋🏻 Congrats on 300, you deserve all the followers! 🎉 Also sorry for finding your blog and then proceeding to like all your headcanons and probably spam your notifications, but you’ve got some Good Shit™ here, like real Quality👌🏻 George Weasley content and I am here for it.
Oh thank you so much! That's really sweet of you! I just finished my George fanfiction and I'm actually kind of sad about it tbh. I'm taking a few days off of writing because of it. Seriously though, thank you again! It makes me so happy that people are sending in feedback! I hope you have a good day lovely.
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Also, two good things this week! 1. I made homemade fudge for my office and everyone liked it! And 2. I bought my dog a Christmas shirt, and he is so cute! Also, is this little person ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) putting the table back after they flipped it? Because that would totally be me. Rage and flip tables and then feel bad and put them back right 🙄.
ITS POSTED MY DARLING. also followed bc ur blog is cute as hell good lord. it wouldn’t let me tag you so here it is. 
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For the things I love most I would say my nephew, who I refer affectionately to as “Tatertot” (He’ll be 3 in December and he is the light of my life honestly) and my dog, Leonidus. (Leo is a rescue and he’s like literally the only thing that’s got me through some rough times in the past so he’s like my best friend.) Also, for the color thing: Yellow, Silver, and Beige! 🙈
What do you love most in the world?
Oh my goodness! I can't blame you! Kids, especially the little ones are so sweet! My sister we think has found the guy she'll marry and I'm so pumped for her to have a kid because I WANT TO BE THE FUN AUNT DAMMIT. And oh my goodness Leonidus is such a cute name!!!! I love it
What colors fit me? 
Yellow:You are such a sunshiney person and my dash is always brightened whenever you post
Silver:I can't believe we're mutuals
Beige:Idk what to say except W O W
WOW ARENt you a cutie patootie i’m really glad we’re mutuals too!
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Honey. Babe. Darlin. Listen. You gotta do you. Please don’t worry so much about the writing and requests and stuff, that should be something that’s fun for you to do, not something you’re stressing over! You make amazing content, and I promise we understand you’re busy and we’re willing to wait for you to be able to write when you’re ready! (And if anyone says differently, screw em, you don’t need that negativity in your life anyway!) Chin up lady, you’re doing great! And good luck with finals!
ahhh thank you my love! I’m really happy that so many people are being supportive right now. it’s looking like things may get a bit better right now, so i’m excited about that! i’m hoping to finish up my project due on tuesday tomorrow and be done with that and it’ll take a HUGE weight off of my chest. 
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@whyarentyoulaughingj:  “Ugh, do I have to get you soup right now?” “I will sneeze on you if you don’t.” “Fair point.” with georgie?
@ashomee: First off: Hello Beautiful! Secondly: Oh my God I just saw the sick prompts post and I AM A SUCKER FOR THESE. If you have time and aren’t busy with finals or busy with something else would you wanna do the “Dude you have a serious fever.” 
“Ha, it’s just because I’m so hot you can’t handle this.” 
“No this is like hospital level fever. You are going to die.” one with our main bae George? Please and thanks and ily! 💜
Pairing: George x Reader
Word Count: 319
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Warnings: None
Description: Reader is sick, and her boyfriend George is forced to take care of her. 
George thought you were beautiful. And you were. You were one of the most breathtaking people he had ever seen in his life. However right now, you were a sneezing pile of snot that wouldn't stop sweating and coughing.
A beautiful pile, but a pile nonetheless. 
He put a hand on your head as you whined into your pillows, “Dude, you have a serious fever.” 
“Pffft-- what are you, an American now? ‘Dude’.” you snorted in laughter and then proceeded to cough like you were about to spit out your lung. “Ha, it’s just because I’m so hot you can’t handle this.” 
“No this is like a hospital level fever. You’re going to die.”  When you let out another, louder whine, George heaved a sigh and sat next to you in bed. “You look disgusting right now, you know that right?”
“Darling, you’ve already won ‘Boyfriend of the year’ you really don’t have to keep sweet talking me, alright?” 
He chuckled a bit and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “You know I love you. Go take a shower, you’ll feel better. Or a cold bath, it’ll bring down your temperature.”
“I don’t want to move.” 
“Too bad. Bath time.” 
Finally, after more whining from you, he’d gotten you into and out of a bath and wrapped into clean pajamas. He was finally starting to get tired, though it also seemed that you were finally starting to get hungry, “Can I have soup please, darling?”
“Ugh, do I have to get you soup right now?” 
“I will sneeze on you if you don’t.”
“Fair point.” 
Soon enough you were sitting in bed fairly comfortably, sipping on your soup while your boyfriend dozed next to you. Very gently you brushed his hair with your hand and traced the scar where his ear used to be. “Thank you my love.” 
You chuckled when he mumbled out a very quiet, “You’re welcome” 
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