#ashley vasquez
bbugsy · 2 years
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I actually love making these
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Your mbti tour character
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If Ace Attorney was being made into a mainstream Hollywood movie, who would you cast in it?
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laserpinksteam · 2 years
Series finale: Russian Doll (created by Natasha Lyonne, Leslye Headland, Amy Poehler, 2019-2022)
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I am so disappointed with the second season of my otherwise favorite one-season show. The new premise that has Nadia and Alan gaining more agency over their time travels doesn't work, as it has significantly decreased the stakes for the protagonists, who, in the first season, had no idea what was going on. They don't know now, technically, but then they also seem to know to the point that they are not surprised about why this subway train suddenly starts transporting them to other realities. There are potent moments, here and there, with Ashley remaining my favorite supporting character of the show. But it's overall surprisingly bland.
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autolenaphilia · 4 months
Some thoughts on The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
I found out about The Coffin of Andy and Leyley from an ”antiship” blog that I was on solely to block, because these people are always violent callout culture transmisogynists. Them getting very upset about this game having incest in it piqued my interest. The art looked interesting, and if these people hate it, it can’t be all bad.
(Case in point about the transmisogyny, from my understanding some people tried to dox the pseudonymous and secretive developer of this game, Nemlei. And the motivation was to prove the doxxer’s suspicion that Nemlei is a trans woman, because “only a trans woman could create such degeneracy.”)
Sure enough, TCOAAL is actually a nuanced and well-written psychological dark comedy /horror game. This is going to be more of a preliminary analysis than a review so full spoilers beyond this point. It’s by necessity preliminary since the game isn’t finished yet. My review is: go buy it if you are a fellow sicko who enjoys interesting stories about cannibalism and incest and like visual novels.
TCOAAL uses a trick from more transgressive forms of horror fiction, where the protagonists are not the heroes, but the villains, and the story is from their perspective. Andrew and Ashley Graves are murderers who kill people, sacrifice their souls to demons and cannibalize their bodies. They would be the villains of a more conventional horror story, their crimes investigated and thwarted by some heroic detective perhaps. But in this type of story, you are denied the comfort of heroes, or even innocent victims as you watch the protagonists twisted psychology lead them to commit terrible deeds.
The tone of the story mostly isn’t really horror, but very dark comedy, kinda Jhonen Vasquez-ish. The horrors are portrayed with a gleeful flippant tone, and cute appealing art. The tone mirrors how especially Ashley feels about her crimes. The game’s tone gets serious sometimes, going for straight horror occasionally, acknowledging how heartbreaking yet insane the Graves situation is, but there is a deep vein of the blackest humor.
Andrew and Ashley
Andy and Leyley themselves have this co-dependent toxic abusive sibling dynamic. Ashley is emotionally abusive, extremely possessive and manipulative towards Andrew. But her beloved Andy is the only person she actually cares about, and the rest she is able to kill with gleeful abandon in her heart.
Yet Andrew is not purely a victim. I’m going to talk at length about him, because the gap between how he describes himself and what the game shows is fascinating. I’m not the first to point this out. And it even extends to the game’s promotional material, like this official art on the game’s steam page is actually subverted by the game itself.
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His character is not "doormat extraordinaire" who just "exists", the words "very not good, in fact very bad" apply to him too.
He is a victim, and loves to point at times how exploited, manipulated and abused he is by Ashley and he’s of course right. But he also uses that as an excuse for the horrific violence he commits, that he is just a doormat has been manipulated and corrupted by Ashley. “I was just being manipulated by Ashley to do it” is his variation on the old Nuremberg defense for his crimes. He has no sense of personal responsibility, no understanding that even if someone else tells you to do it, you are still responsible for your actions.
And the game itself proves that “it’s all Ashley” is not really true. A lot of the violence and murder are definitely on Andrew’s own initiative. He is violent towards Ashley too, the abuse is reciprocal. And he like Ashley doesn’t care much about other people. He gets distraught about killing people, but if you follow his dialogue, he is mostly freaked out about the consequences for himself. He is dependent on Ashley as someone who he can lay all the responsibility and blame for his own actions for. And of course, there is genuine affection there, because things are complex. He was parentified to take care of Ashley as a child and still has the drive to be her caretaker and protector.
It’s a fascinating pair of characters, and an interesting dynamic to observe.
“Der Mensch lebt nur von Missetat allein”
And the game’s writing is smart enough to have them not be an individualized evil, that came out of nowhere. Andrew and Ashley are the products of a neglectful and cold parents. Their mother made Andrew the favorite, but basically in order to parentize him to take care of his younger sister. And their dad can’t even remember the names of his kids. Not that the cycle of abuse starts with the parents, the mother had Andrew and Ashley when she was 15 and 17 respectively. But that doesn’t excuse how they ultimately, sell their kids’s lives for money to an organ harvesting scheme. This scheme is strongly implied to be part of an hilariously over-the-top soda company, toxisoda (it’s implied their soda is literally made from humans, so the company is doing the same thing that Ashley and Andy does, but on an industrial scale).
This is the situation that pushes Andy and Ashley to become evil murder-cannibals horror movie villains they become. They are deliberately being starved to death, and decide human meat is preferable to that. And the point here is obvious. To quote Brecht, “Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral” or in english translation “Food is the first thing. Morals follow on.” Andy and Ashley are bad people who kill and eat other people, but they are the product of an evil society. A family system where children are property of their parents to be abused and sold. And ultimately a capitalist system which kills people to feed others, a societal and systematic version of what Andew’s and Ashley does. They literally become cannibals to escape becoming literally or essentially cannibalized themselves by the capitalist system. Capitalism is a system which works on prey and predator dynamics, and they just fought to became predator instead of prey. To further quote the same song by Brecht, in capitalism, “Der Mensch lebt nur von Missetat allein” or in english “mankind is kept alive by bestial acts.” And in that broader view, Andrew and Ashley’s small-scale evil is dwarfed by the system they are born into.
It’s with all this context the game’s treatment of incest must be understood. It’s a horror game, about two siblings with a fucked-up abusive relationship. Of course there is incest, it’s far from being the worst thing these two do. The game only gets more explicit about incest in one optional ending, but it’s there explicitly and subtextually from the very start. Ashley jokes about it repeatedly, it’s there in the possessive jealousy Ashley feels for any of Andrew’s girlfriends, it’s implied in the casual physical intimacy of the siblings. Like it’s very obvious that their fucked-up but close relationship can lead there right from the beginning of episode 1. It’s a very natural conclusion to their dynamic. And the characters know it, Ashley definitely knows it, and their own mother accuses them of it. Andrew denies his mother’s accusation of fucking Ashley, and he’s probably not lying at that moment, but his relationship with Ashley leading there make perfect sense and he is not just capable of admitting that. Anyone who claims to have played this game and then claims be shocked that there is an optional incestous ending can’t have been paying much attention. This is the incest cannibalism game.
The Graves siblings are heading towards committing more murder as long as they stay alive, and incest is a minor sin for them. And probably not even the unhealthiest way for their relationship to develop. It definitely won’t fix them, but I doubt it will make things much worse.
And condemning the game morally is just absurd. This is a horror game, and you are outraged about the incest and not the murder-cannibalism? The Graves siblings relationship is not portrayed as healthy and the incest is part of that.
In fact the game portrays this double-standard in the actual story. It’s the possibility of her kids committing incest that finally makes Mamma Graves admit she is “the worst mother ever”, and not the whole selling the lives of her kids for money thing.
Sure, there is a fair argument to make that the incest is romanticized and fetishized. Ashley and Andrew are certainly drawn as attractive, and even the abusive elements can be part of the fetish. But the thing is, Ashley and Andrew are not real people, it’s fiction, it’s not real incest, so if people get off to it, I have no reason to see it as a problem.
The antiship blogger was actually especially angery about this official art from a devlog and honestly after playing the game, it kinda sums up my feelings about the incest controversy:
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lands-of-fantasy · 1 year
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Pride and Prejudice
Classic and loose adaptions from 1940, 1967, 1980, 1995, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2012, 2016, 2018, 2019
The second of Jane Austen’s novels, first published in 1813, is the most often adapted, inspiring various different takes on it. The ones pictures above are detailed below:
Pride and Prejudice (1940 Film)
This black and white film departs from the original novel in some (or should I say many?) points
Written by Aldous Huxley and Jane Murfin, adapted from the stage adaptation by Helen Jerome; directed by Robert Z. Leonard
Starring Greer Garson as Elizabeth Bennet, Laurence Olivier as Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, Edward Ashley Cooper as George Wickham, Maureen O'Sullivan as Jane Bennet, Bruce Lester as Mr. Charles Bingley, Ann Rutherford as Lydia Bennet, Melville Cooper as Mr. William Collins, among others.
Pride and Prejudice (1967 Miniseries)
6 episodes x 24min. Black and White footage Written by Nemone Lethbridge, directed by Joan Craft
Starring Celia Bannerman as Elizabeth Bennet, Lewis Fiander as Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, Richard Hampton as George Wickham, Polly Adams as Jane Bennet, David Savile as Mr. Charles Bingley, Lucy Fleming as Lydia Bennet, Julian Curry as Mr. William Collins, among others.
Pride and Prejudice (1980 Miniseries)
5 episodes x 54 min Written by Fay Weldon, directed by Cyril Coke
Starring Elizabeth Garvie as Elizabeth Bennet, David Rintoul as Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, Peter Settelen as George Wickham, Sabina Franklyn as Jane Bennet, Osmund Bullock as Mr. Charles Bingley, Natalie Ogle as Lydia Bennet, Malcolm Rennie as Mr. William Collins, among others.
Pride and Prejudice (1995 Miniseries)
6 episodes x 54 min Written by Andrew Davies, directed by Simon Langton
Starring Jennifer Ehle as Elizabeth Bennet, Colin Firth as Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, Adrian Lukis as George Wickham, Susannah Harker as Jane Bennet, Crispin Bonham-Carter as Mr. Charles Bingley, Julia Sawalha as Lydia Bennet, David Bamber as Mr. William Collins, among others.
Pride and Prejudice (2003 Indie Film)
Loose adaption set in modern Utah, USA Written by Anne Black, Jason Faller, Katherine Swigert; directed by Andrew Black
Starring Kam Heskin as Elizabeth Bennet, Orlando Seale as Will Darcy, Henry Maguire as Jack Wickham, Lucila Sola as Jane Vasquez, Ben Gourley as Charles Bingley, Kelly Stables as Lydia Meryton, Hubbel Palmer as William Collins, among others.
Bride and Prejudice (2004 Film)
Bollywood-style Musical. Loose adaption set in modern India and England. Written by Paul Mayeda Berges, Gurinder Chadha; directed by Gurinder Chadha
Starring Aishwarya Rai as Lalita Bakshi (Elizabeth), Martin Henderson as William "Will" Darcy,  Daniel Gillies as Johnny Wickham, Namrata Shirodkar as Jaya Bakshi (Jane), Naveen Andrews as Mr Balraj Uppal (Bingley), Peeya Rai Chowdhary as Lakhi Bakshi (Lydia), Nitin Ganatra as Kohli Saab (Collins), among others.
Pride and Prejudice (2005 Film)
Written by Deborah Moggach, directed by Joe Wright
Starring Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Bennet, Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rupert Friend as George Wickham, Rosamund Pike as Jane Bennet, Simon Woods as Mr. Charles Bingley, Jena Malone as Lydia Bennet, Claudie Blakley as Charlotte Lucas, Tom Hollander as Mr. Collins, Donald Sutherland as Mr. Bennet, Judi Dench as Lady Catherine de Bourgh, among others.
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (2012–13 Webseries)
160 episodes x 2-8 min, available on Youtube Loose adaption set in modern US, told in a vlog format
Created by Hank Green and Bernie Su, from Pemberley Digital
Starring Ashley Clements as Elizabeth Bennet, Daniel Vincent Gordh as William Darcy, Wes Aderhold as George Wickham, Laura Spencer as Jane Bennet, Christopher Sean as Bing Lee, Mary Kate Wiles as Lydia Bennet, Julia Cho as Charlotte Lu, Maxwell Glick as Ricky Collins, among others.
Lizzie’s videos amount to 100 episodes + 10 Q&A, but shorter series enrich the story by offering other characters’ perspectives, most notably Lydia’s (and also Georgiana’s). A playlist at Pemberley Digital’s Youtube channel features them all in order.
The series has also been adapted into a book, The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet (2014), and spawned a sequel novel, The Epic Adventures of Lydia Bennet (2015).
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (2016 Film)
Loose adaption inspired by the 2009 novel of the same name by Seth Grahame-Smith, which adds zombies to Austen’s original story. The movie makes alterations from the zombie book as well.
Written and directed by Burr Steers
Starring Lily James as Elizabeth Bennet, Sam Riley as Colonel Fitzwilliam Darcy, Jack Huston as George Wickham, Bella Heathcote as Jane Bennet, Douglas Booth as Mr. Charles Bingley, Ellie Bamber as Lydia Bennet, Matt Smith as Parson William Collins, among others.
Orgulho e Paixão (Pride and Passion) (2018 Telenovela)
Brazilian telenovela in Brazilian-Portuguese
162 episodes x 30-40min (original version) Loose adaption set in 1910s São Paulo state, Brazil
Created by Marcos Bernstein, directed by Fred Mayrink
Starring Nathalia Dill as Elisabeta Benetido, Thiago Lacerda as Sr. Darcy Williamson, Pâmela Tomé as Jane Benedito, Maurício Destri as Camilo Bittencourt (Bingley), Bruna Giphao as Lídia Benedito, Bruno Gissoni as Diogo Uirapuru (Wickham/Willoughby), among others.
The story takes inspiration from all 6 of Austen’s major novels (plus Lady Susan), but mostly from Pride and Prejudice. Others stars include Chandelly Braz as Mariana Benedito (Marianne Dashwood) and Anajú Dorigon as Cecília Benedito (Catherine Morland).
Features 100 episodes in the International cut. The telenovela has been broadcast in other countries and languages (such as Spanish) but as far as I know, not in English.
Pride and Prejudice: Atlanta (2019 TV Film)
Loose adaption set in modern Atlanta, USA. All-black cast. Written by Tracy McMillan, directed by Rhonda Baraka
Starring Tiffany Hines as Elizabeth Bennet, Juan Antonio as Will Darcy, Raney Branch as Jane Bennet, Brad James as Charles Bingley, Reginae Carter as Lydia Bennet, Carl Anthony Payne as Rev. Collins, among others.
Personal favorites: 2005, then 1995. But also: The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Orgulho e Paixão
I also enjoyed Atlanta and, while it’s been a while since I’ve seen Bride and Prejudice, it’s got Indian musical numbers so c’mon, one gotta watch it.
Back to the closer adaptions, despite its age, 1980 is also good! 1940 is...very different, but fun in its own way.
In fact, while I find some of these versions weaker, I could find enjoyment in all of them - but maybe that’s cause I’m a sucker for P&P.
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p1325 · 4 months
Here's the list of the remixes I used: Miley Cyrus - See You Again (Moto Blanco Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - 7 Things (Bimbo Jones Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Fly On The Wall (Jason Nevins Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Party In The USA (Cahill Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed (DJ Kimbo Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Who Owns My Heart (The Alias Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop (Mike Rizzo Funk Generation Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball (Tony Mendes Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Adore You (Cedric Gervais Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Malibu (Roberto Vazquez House Mix) Miley Cyrus - Younger Now (Fred Falke Club Mix) Miley Cyrus, Mark Ronson - Nothing Breaks Like A Heart (Leo Blanco & Dani Toro Club Mix) Miley Cyrus/Ashley O - On A Roll (Junior Vasquez Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Mother's Daughter (DJ FUri Drums Determined Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Slide Away (MDMATIAS Club Mix) Miley Cyrus, Lana Del Rey, Ariana Grande - Don't Call Me Angel (De Felipe Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Midnight Sky (Dario Xavier Club Mix) Miley Cyrus, Dua Lipa - Prisoner (HenriqMoraes Big Room Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Angels Like You (Lorant's New World Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Flowers (ENN Vs Freemasons Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Jaded (Dario Xavier Club Mix) Miley Cyrus - Used To Be Young (Dirty Disco Mainroom Club Mix)
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ashleyvasquez05 · 2 months
Virtual Sketchbook #3
Portrait of Madame de Bourbon-Conti as Venus
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Picture: Taken from iPhone by Ashley Vasquez on 03/28/2024 at the Ringling Museum
The painting Portrait of Madame de Bourbon-Conti as Venus, made byNoel-Nicolas Coypel, is an oil on canvas that is 54.3 by 42 inches big and currently featured at the Ringling Museum of Arts. Coypel’s painting is a portrait of Elisabeth de Bourbon, Princess of Conti, who was quite beautiful and a subject of much attraction, as clearly depicted. The painting has the allure of a bright dream-like outside scenery alongside flowers and flowing silks that quickly catch people’s attention. There is a trend of light pastel colors such as light pink and white garments, a baby blue sky, and pale colors that highlight the pampered life of French court. Baby cupids also adorn Princess Elisabeth with pretty flowers, which remind the audience of her youth and charismatic charm. Coypel and Elisabeth clearly worked on creating her public image to feature this delicacy and goddess of love illusion through the balance of colors, dimensions, and rococo fragility. Being a fan of the Rococo style drew me into this painting, and while deeply inspecting it, I was reminded of feelings of love, attraction, and even womanhood because of the delicacy and love illusion imbedded within the oils, which I believe is exactly what Elisabeth and Coypel intended the audience to feel.
 The Portrait of Madame de Bourbon-Conti is associated with the Rococo art style and was painted during the Enlightenment (18th century). Although the Enlightenments focused on scientific learning and philosophical ideas of life, liberty, and separation of church and power, there was a popular appeal with elite members communicating their wealth through rococo- styled art, interior design, architecture, and more (2.1 Shifting Sensibilities: The Enlightenment and Rococo, ART 188). Princess Elisabeth, being an enlightenment follower herself, illustrated this dramatic shift from the previous baroque style into the lively rococo style when depicting herself. She and Coypel worked on illustrating her image far away from the remote, aloof, and formal style into this delicacy, lighthearted elegance conveyed through light and pastel colors (portrait of Madame de Bourbon-Conti). Understanding the imagery and alluring beauty of this painting tells the audience that Coypel enjoyed painting natural beauty and depicting love and its allure through lightness and asymmetrical pose. Ringling described it as “This Rococo pose reminds us of the change and fragility that love encounters” (portrait of Madame de Bourbon-Conti). The message of great shift and nature beauty found with youth and bright accent is illustrated throughout the painting for the audience to see, as is the image of Elisabeth as a playful and charming goddess. There are also references to how the elite's pampered life and wealth through luscious silks and pearls. There are many references and illustrations to convey the message clearly.
Overall, I think the importance of this art is to bring a different perspective to a changing society. I think it creates this idealized perspective of wealth, love, and beauty. There is something about its specific naturalistic complexity, such as the princesses’ beauty compared to previous works of art, that makes it attractive; however, there’s also referenced to love with baby cupids and imaginary figures. I believe this painting was made to catch the audience’s attention to this dream-like scenery and entice us with beauty while reminding us of love. As a woman, I particularly felt drawn to its beauty.
Sources used:
2.1 Shifting Sensibilities: The Enlightenment and Rococo – ART 188. art188.lib.miamioh.edu/18th-and-19th-century-art/1-enlightenment-and-rococo.
PORTRAIT OF MADAME DE BOURBON-CONTI. ringlingdocents.org/pages/bourbon-conti.htm.
Ringling Photos:
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voices-in-the-fog · 4 months
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Who will You choose . . . ?
[ Voices in the Fog roster ]
SURVIVORS who remain . . .
Dwight Fairfield, the Nervous Leader
Meg Thomas, the Energetic Athlete
Claudette Morel, the Studious Botanist
Jake Park, the Solitary Survivalist
Nea Karlsson, the Urban Artist
Laurie Strode, the Determined Survivor
Ace Visconti, the Lucky Gambler
William "Bill" Overbeck, the Old Solider
Min Feng, the Focused Competitor
David King, the Rugged Scrapper
Quentin Smith, the Resolute Dreamwalker
David Tapp, the Obsessed Detective
Kate Denson, the Hopeful Songbird
Adam Francis, the Resourceful Teacher
Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen, the Quiet Artist
Jane Romero, the Influential Celebrity
Ashley J. Williams, the Alone Wolf
Nancy Wheeler, the Aspiring Journalist
Steve Harrington, the Former Jock
> Jonathan Byers
Yui Kimura, the Hardened Streetracer
Zarina Kassir, the Plucky Documentarian
Heather “Cheryl” Mason, the Veteran of Terror
> Cybil Bennett
> James Sunderland
> Lisa Garland
> Alessa Gillespie
Felix Richter, the Visionary Architect
Élodie Rakoto, the Occult Investigator
Yun-Jin Lee, the Self-Interested Music Producer
Jill Valentine, the Founding Member of S.T.A.R.S.
> Claire Redfield
> Sheva Alomar
Leon Scott Kennedy, the Rookie Police Officer
> Carlos Oliveira
> Chris Redfield
Mikaela Reid, the Young Mystic
Jonah Vasquez, the Mathematical Mastermind
Yoichi Asakawa, the Brilliant Marine Biologist
Haddie Kaur, the Brave Podcaster
Ada Wong, the Mysterious Secret Agent
Rebecca Chambers, the Gifted Medic
Vittorio Toscano, the Endless Wanderer
Thalita Lyra, the Competitive Kite-Fighter
Renato Lyra, the Analytical Jack-of-all-Trades
Gabriel Soma, the Resourceful Engineer
Ellen Ripley, the Nostromo Warrant Officer
Alan Wake, the Bestselling Author
Sable Ward, the Gothic Occultist
Luis Serra (Resident Evil)
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KILLERS left to claim . . .
Evan MacMillan, The Trapper
Philip Ojomo, The Wraith
Max Thompson Jr., The Hillbilly
Sally Smithson, The Nurse
Michael Myers, The Shape
Lisa Sherwood, The Hag
Herman Carter, The Doctor
Anna, The Huntress
Bubba Sawyer, The Cannibal
Freddy Krueger, The Nightmare
Amanda Young, The Pig
Jeffrey Hawk, The Clown
Rin Yamaoka, The Spirit
The Legion
Frank Morrison
Julie Kostenko
Susie Lavoie
Adiris, The Plague
Danny Johnson, The Ghost Face
Demogorgon, The Demogorgon
Kazan Yamaoka, The Oni
Caleb Quinn, The Deathslinger
Pyramid Head, The Executioner
Talbot Grimes, The Blight
> William Birkin
Charlotte & Victor Deshayes, The Twins
Ji-Woon Hak, The Trickster
Nemesis T-Type, The Nemesis
Elliot Spencer, The Cenobite
> The Chatterer
Carmina Mora, The Artist
Sadako Yamamura, The Onryō
Druanee, The Dredge
Albert Wesker, The Mastermind
Tarhos Kovács, The Knight
Adriana Imai, The Skull Merchant
HUX-A7-13, The Singularity
Xeomorph, The Xenomorph
> The Xenomorph Queen
Charles Lee Ray, Chucky
Unknown, The Unknown
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November Wrap-Up
Masters of Death (Olivie Blake) ★★★★1/2
In the Company of Witches (Auralee Wallace) (audio) ★★★
Iris Kelly Doesn't Date (Ashley Herring Blake) ★★★★★
Reckless Girls (Rachel Hawkins) (audio) ★★★★
A Power Unbound (Freya Marske) ★★★★1/2
Beholder (Ryan La Sala) (audio) ★★★
Iron Flame (Rebecca Yarros) ★★★★
Witch of Wild Things (Raquel Vasquez Gilliland) ★★★1/2
The Invisible Hour (Alice Hoffman) ★★★1/2
Good Bad Girl (Alice Feeney) (audio) ★★★★
November was a really good reading month! Find me over on Goodreads (linked) for more detailed reviews. I love to see what you're all reading too!
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cosettepontmercys · 9 months
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here are my choices for the new septembers readathon:
a book about witches: witch of wild things by raquel vasquez gilliland
a murder mystery: harlem after midnight by louise hare
a book that takes place at a private school/boarding school: where sleeping girls lie by faridah àbíké-íyímídé
a creepy or horror book: together we rot by skyla ardnt ✔️
a book that takes place in september: cleopatra and frankenstein by coco mellors
a book with a red cover: for the throne by hannah whitten
a book with a yellow cover: the luis ortega survival club by sonora reyes
a book with an orange cover: you, again by kate goldbeck
a short story collection: before we say goodbye by toshikazu kawaguchi ✔️
a gothic novel: the carnivale of curiosities by amiee gibbs
reread an autumnal favorite: the night circus by erin morgenstern
an autumnal romance: the dead romantics by ashley poston
a book about a haunted house: mexican gothic by silvia moreno-garciaa
book about vampires: a tempest of tea by hafsah faizal
a cozy fantasy: the undertaking of hart and mercy
a classic / retelling: the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde
a new release: the wake-up call by beth o'leary
an autumnal classic: anne of green gables by l.m. montgomery
a dark academia book: in these hallowed halls: a dark academia anthology ✔️
a graphic novel: the moth keeper by kay o'neill
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thewapolls · 1 year
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1. Rudy Roughnight -vs- Maya Schroedinger
2. Marivel Armitage -vs- Carol Anderson
3. Ashley Winchester -vs- Zed
4. Mariel -vs- Gallows Carradine
5. Virginia Maxwell -vs- Calamity Jane Maxwell
6. Clive Winslet -vs- Arnaud G Vasquez
7. Jack Vanburace -vs- Todd Dukakis
8. Anastasia Valeria -vs- Kanon
Polls open until June 3rd
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xwildheart · 10 months
mobile muse page
astrid cunningham - rachel weisz- lawyer- she/her- closeted bisexual atticus newton- jordan fisher- florist- he/him- pansexual benjamin dunn- andrew garfield- bartender- he/him- heterosexual caleb lennox- gavin leatherwood- trust fund kid- he/him- pansexual calliope halkias- alycia debnam-carey- interpreter- she/her- bisexual cassian odair- mason gooding- hockey player- he/him- heterosexual charlotte kincaid- madison iseman- musician/rock star- she/her- bisexual daphne holt- haley lu richardson- veterinarian= she/her- bisexual emmett kelly- sam claflin- tv producer- he/him-heterosexual ethan arlington- tom holland-physical therapist- he/him- pansexual fern odair- zendaya coleman- psychic medium/baker- she/her-pansexual fiona leung- natasha liu bordizzo- flight attendant- she/her- bisexual hank sullivan- bill hader- pharmacist/drug dealer- he/him- heterosexual hannah sterling- ashley johnson- graphic designer- she/her-bisexual imogen reynolds- brianne howey-romance author/ghost hunter- she/her-bisexual isla vasquez- genesis rodriguez- ballet instructor- she/her- bisexual ivy bennett- greta onieogou- er nurse- she/her- bisexual jamie spencer- mathhew gray gubler- author- he/him- heterosexual jane porter- gemma arterton- biology professor- she/her- heterosexual joel danvers- chris evans- voice actor- he/him-heterosexual josephine harris- elizabeth olsen- bakery owner- she/her- lesbian jude thatcher- bill skarsgard- pilot/rich kid- he/him- pansexual kit anderson- robert sheehan- tattoo artist- he/him- pansexual leonardo vasquez- pedro pascal- landscaper/ex military- he/him- heterosexual molly barlowe- kennedy mcmann- paramedic- she/her- bisexual naomi quinlan- samantha logan- waitress/med student- she/her- bisexual nicola vos- teresa palmer- assassin- she/her-pansexual oliver o'neil- boyd holbrook- medical examiner- he/him-heterosexual parker frost- hunter parrish- pediatrician- he/him- pansexual peri frost- rose mciver- ice skater- she/her-bisexual phaedra kavanaugh- zoey deutch- kindergarten teacher- she/her-bisexual piper lennox- diana silvers- trust fun kid- she/her- closeted female leaning bisexual reid taylor- dylan o'brien- firefighter-he/him- heterosexual savannah forbes- nathalie emannuel- fbi agent- she/her- bisexual sebastian mercado- peter gadiot- underground boxer- he/him- heterosexual tallulah lawrence- victoria pedretti- vet tech/ vet med student- she/her- bisexual tessa jacobs- odette annable- single mom/bartender- she/her- bisexual theodore ellison- david tennant- politician- he/him- heterosexual vivian gray- aubrey plaza- escort/realtor- she/her- pansexual willow arlington- natalia dyer- bartender/part time nanny- she/her-bisexual wren henson- fivel stewart- artist- she/her-bisexual wyatt morales- oscar isaac- former lawyer- now ranch owner- he/him-heterosexual
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Just making a note about my adept Survivors in DBD so I know later what the order was.
Detective Tapp (July 9, 2023)
Leon S. Kennedy (July 10, 2023)
Ashley J. Williams (July 11, 2023)
Ada Wong
Rebecca Chambers
Feng Min (July 12, 2023)
Yui Kimura
Mikaela Reid
Zarina Kassir
Kate Denson
Cheryl Mason
Vittorio Toscano
Adam Francis
William "Bill" Overbeck
Dwight Fairfield
Claudette Morel
Nea Karlsson
Meg Thomas
Jake Park
David King (final survivor I had woo~!)
Nicolas Cage (July 25, 2023)
Yun-Jin Lee (October 6, 2023)
Sheva Alomar/Jill Valentine (November 2, 2023)
Thalita Lyra (November 7, 2023)
Ace Visconti (November 17, 2023)
Renato Lyra (November 21, 2023)
Jane Romero (November 26, 2023)
Elodie Rakoto (November 28, 2023)
Haddie Kaur (November 30, 2023)
Ellen Ripley (December 22, 2023)
[honorary] Nancy Wheeler (January 5, 2024)
[honorary] Steve Harrington
Jeff Johansen (January 9, 2024)
Felix Richter (January 13, 2024)
Jonah Vasquez (January 16, 2024)
Gabriel Soma (January 29, 2024)
Alan Wake (February 1, 2024)(currently final survivor I have)
Sable Ward (March 12, 2024)
Laurie Strode (April 5, 2024)
Quentin Smith (April 8, 2024)
Yoichi Asakawa (April 10, 2024) (last survivor that is in the game rn)
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monsterluvgirl · 11 months
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My IZ OC Ren Reference Sheet
While I was sketching out her human disguise form, I decided to add a little bit of info on her like a little reference sheet. Cute, huh? Maybe I’ll give a little more info someday.
Headcanon voice: Carolyn Lawrence
I kinda imagined Ren’s voice sounded like either Cindy Vortex from Jimmy Neutron or Ashley Graham from the original RE4. Call me crazy! XP
Invader Zim (c) Jhonen Vasquez
Invader Ren is owned by me
Hope U enjoy~
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acradelius · 1 year
Welcome to the Ultimate Dead by Daylight Masterlist! Here you can find the characters that I write about for Dead by Daylight. . This particular list will be updated whenever new characters or skins come out.  Each character masterlist will be updated on the weekends for any new content written about them.  Any other miscellaneous content featuring Dead by Daylight or characters, such as Alternative Universe writings, will be at the very bottom!
Dwight Fairfield
Meg Thomas
Claudette Morel
Jake Park
Nea Karlsson
Laurie Strode
Ace Visconti
William "Bill" Overbeck
Feng Min
David King
Quentin Smith
Detective David Tapp
Kate Denson
Adam Francis
Jeffrey "Jeff" Johansen
Jane Romero
Ashley J. Williams
Nancy Wheeler
Steve Harrington
Yui Kimura
Zarina Kassir
Cheryl Mason
Felix Ritcher
Elodie Rakoto
Yun-Jin Lee
Jill Valentine
Leon Scott Kennedy
Mikaela Reid
Jonah Vasquez
Yoichi Asakawa
Haddie Kaur
Ada Wong
Rebecca Chambers
Carlos Oliveira
Chris Redfield
Claire Redfield
Jonathan Byers
"Trapper" - Evan MacMillan
"Wraith" - Philip Ojomo
"Hillbilly" - Max Thompson Jr.
"Nurse" - Sally Smithson
"Shape" - Michael Myers
"Hag" - Lisa Sherwood
"Doctor" - Herman Carter
"Huntress" - Anna
"Cannibal" - Bubba Sawyer
"Pig" - Amanda Young
"Clown" - Jeffrey Hawk
"Spirit" - Rin Yamaoka
"Legion" - Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey
"Plague" - Adiris
"Ghost Face" - Danny Johnson
"Demogorgon" - Demogorgon
"Oni" - Kazan Yamaoka
"Deathslinger" - Caleb Quin
"Executioner" - Pyramid Head
"Blight" - Talbot Grimes
"Trickster" - Ji-Woon Hak
"Nemesis" - Nemesis T-Type
"Cenobite" - Elliot Spencer
"Artist" - Carmina Mora
"Onryo" - Sadako Yamamura
"Dredge" - Dredge
"Mastermind" - Albert Wesker
"The Look-See"
"The Mordeo"
"The Birch"
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