#as if not a lot of suffering from having pds comes from how we can't handle how intense our emotions are in relation to society
solittles · 3 months
thinks about dave k's bad take on hickey n his potential personality disorder. gets upset again .
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away-ward · 8 months
NAUURRRRR I SAW THIS, AND KO YOU JUST HAVE TO SUFFER WITH ME 😭😭😭 MichaelRikaKaiBanks bonus i swear im not lying, please be angry with me 😭😭😭🤡. L*nk on twitter/ x:
https://x.com/mytinyfighter/status/ 1702017261370851814?s=61
Just delete the space between / and 7.
I hope there'll never be a willemmy alexaydin istg 😭😭😭 ngl i kinda pd now
Ohhh someone told me about this! Thank you so much for sending it to me. Congratulations, you get a live reaction.
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Wait... EmoryWill? D-do they not know Willemmy? Do they not use Willemmy? Willemmy is such a cute name for the pair/ship and honestly much cuter than the other couples'. I'm not being biased, this is fact.
EmoryWill. I'm already mad.
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They're what? No. No. Rika is not the most hated. We hate how you interject her in scenes she's not needed. And I've never gotten anything but love for Banks.
Although, I do get a lot of Rika hate in my message box. I never get Banks hate. What are they talking about????
What side of the fandom are they interacting with?
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How does everyone know about the steam room? I remember someone coming in on them but it's really gotten around like this that even in their own club, a "young woman" feels bold enough to sass Rika? And Rika has to keep "her chin up" like what? Are you embarrassed suddenly? Can't handle someone sassing you? Have you grown up at all, Rika?
And why is this girl allowed back if she's been given bloody noses before, probably for trying to insult Banks? Clearly, she's not there to learn so maybe they recommend they find a different club, hmm?
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And Banks comes in with the logic. This is actually good for me because I've framed Banks differently in my head. So, for a clearer idea of her, I appreciate this.
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I can't. I just.
It's not the overwhelming "Rika is perfect and beloved" narrative. Don't get it wrong. It's the way in contradicts the way I've framed them in my head (which, again, we've established is way off anyway so I don't know why I'm so annoyed). But I want them to all be all the same level. Why is it that Em and Alex and Will and Winter all love Rika, but Banks doesn't feel that same love from them?
In short, this is not the "chosen family" vibe I wanted. And now I'm mad. And sad. I'm Smad.
Let's see what else is in this box of fun, shall we?
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Of course it was! He didn't practice abstinence before he met you. He had plenty of practice that had nothing to do with Rika.
I don't like her jealousy. Where's my logical Banks? *checks under a rock*
"It's been sitting between us." No, Banks. It's been sitting on you. No one else cares.
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Does this mean Emory's safe??? I don't have to worry about random scenes popping up to ruin my ideas of her?
oh wait. you're right. Alex and Aydin are still waiting in the wings for their chance to steal the spotlight.
And on one hand, I get where Rika is coming from regarding Kai. On the other hand her saying things like "I don't think about Kai" and "Don't bring him up again" feels rude. Like dude, what he'd do to you? As far as I know, he's always been nice to you. You should think about him. I mean, respect that he has a wife and don't objectify him. But like... have nice thoughts about the guy.
I don't have to have nice thoughts about him. But I'm mad on Em's behalf.
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I really wish this was the end of it. I wish it ended here with Banks agreeing but letting know Rika she doesn't mind and then they leave as friends with a deeper understanding of each other. Yay.
Knowing Michael (which, again... I don't), he probably got a little kick when talking to Kai, knowing that Rika wanted Banks more than him. He also probably kept it a secret because it fixed the relationship between him and Kai. No reason to be jealous of his best friend when his wife doesn't even want him.
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She's what...? What kind of family is this????? Ten years and she's never had a reason to call Michael?
Michael starts talking and I immediately retch. That's horrible.
Well... that was something. I kind of feel bad for Kai. Is it just me, or does the line "trying to sort out his feelings" seem like he's not all that into it? I mean, of course he is because PD created him to be, but like... doesn't sound like someone who was positive that what's happening is what he wants.
Anyway. Thanks, I think. I don't know why I'm so annoyed. I knew how this was going to go and yet...
I object to everything here. Just for the record.
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teecupangel · 11 months
Here for the same every week.
Pd: I was scared for the look in the face of Noah :(
My thoughts on Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6
Official English translation (the free chapters anyway) here
So, before we get to the ‘meat’ of my thoughts for this chapter, Edward is doing good on his part but the mystery is mostly contained in the modern-day part right now so that’s where I will focus on.
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I will have to ask, is this something that Edward knew on his own?
Or is this meant to be something Noa did that goes against history?
Are we saying Noa’s Animus has the ability to change the past as he sees it? (Not the real past though but the past that the Animus is loading)
My head pretty much hurt when I was reading the modern-day part because it sorta doesn’t make sense?
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This dialogue makes it seem like rejecting the memories would worsen the Bleeding Effect but that’s not what happened to Cal’s father in the film. He went blind because he refused to cooperate with the memories yet there was no mention of how he suffered from the Bleeding Effect.
I supposed the film’s side effects would have less canonical standing than ‘Shimazu’’s words in the webtoon?
Also… this part…
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Are we saying that Edward, who wanted to meet his daughter after learning about her, the same Edward who returned to London with her, the same Edward who made a name for himself as a noble and made sure to provide for both his daughter and his son…
We’re calling Edward a deadbeat dad???
Look… let’s be clear, Edward made grave mistakes. How he left Caroline is a big red flag that points at him being a deadbeat husband even if he says he’s doing it for them but the ending of Black Flag shows that he wants to be better, he wants to be a good father.
Edward: Will you stay with the Assassins? Anne: No. I haven't got that kind of conviction in my heart. You? Edward: In time, aye... when my mind is settled and my blood is cooled. Sailor: Sail ho! Coming into the cove! Anne: You're a good man, Edward. And if you learn to keep settled in one place for more than a week, you'll make a fine father too.
And Edward's part in this webtoon is set 3 years after Edward and Anne had this conversation.
Edward was a lot of things but I refuse to believe that he was a deadbeat dad to Jenny growing up.
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Dude, don't do Edward dirty like that.
I think this is Noa projecting his hatred for his father but Edward is not the right person to be used for this entire thing.
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Hey, Noa. Wanna know who fucked up the Kenway family so badly?
This motherfucker.
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The whole Kenway family drama started when he had Edward killed, Jenny sold off and indoctrinated Haytham into becoming a Templar.
For all Edward Kenway’s shortcomings and foolish decisions, I refuse to believe that he was ever anything but a good father to his children and Noa’s words, while I know came from the eyes of someone who don’t know Edward enough and someone who has a very bad relationship with his own dad, still managed to irk me.
At least Desmond had an actual bad dad to push his daddy issues to with Haytham and we can't even really call Haytham a deadbeat dad since his 'lack of contact' is because he didn't even know he had a son in the first place.
I'm just saying the Kenway men (actually, the Auditore-Kenway men) are not the right people to call 'deadbeat dads' in this scenario. An argument can be made for 'deadbeat husband' for what Edward did to Caroline but NOT deadbeat dads.
Now, for the other ‘main character’ of the modern-day era…
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This line does not bold or add single quotation marks on the Shimazu so this could mean that she does believe she’s a Shimazu but the boss lady doesn’t believe she’s a Shimazu. Of course, this could also be an indication that the boss lady calling her ‘Shimazu’ with quotation marks was meant to show that she was stressing the name instead of implying she’s not a real descendant of the Shimazu clan.
Another thing… (this is more of a personal thing than anything so you can ignore this)
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God, no. Please don’t.
I already have a low tolerance for tsunderes in general, if this webtoon makes ‘Shimazu’ a tsundere with the development being she’d become more and more ‘dere’ for Noa, I’ll probably lose any interest I have in her. Tsunderes aren’t really my thing, especially if they physically abuse their ‘dere’ target which ‘Shimazu’ kinda did using the goons she had with her.
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deonideatta · 3 years
I'm kinda sick rn so I had to make this list through a lot of sniffling but here's a list of some ways homecha's portrayal of the main romance is ticking all my boxes
The love triangle! There was no possessiveness, no arguing over who gets the girl without any consideration for what the girl herself wanted, no friendships were ruined, du shik and ji pd are still on pretty good terms, ji pd respected hye jin's choice and she and him still have a pretty good relationship. Plus ji pd was not left in the dust or mishandled by the plot to invoke sympathy in viewers, rather we see there's a chance for him with the writer. There was even a line about how much love triangles suck. As a licensed love triangle hater I approve
The character development, especially on hye jin's part. Look how far she's come from the beginning, love that for her
The way du shik's jealousy was dealt with. Personally I really dislike jealousy plotlines, so I loved that du shik was able to talk it out with hye jin, and apologize for lashing out. I also like that it doesn't seem forced, like they slotted it in to hit all the usual romcom drama targets, but that it actually makes sense given what we've been shown so far about du shik's fear of abandonment. I also like that it was recognized how childish jealousy can be, while still allowing du shik to process it and deal with it properly. And the scene where he cringes at himself for stealing ji pd's drumsticks was so funny skdms
The sappiness. It's so sappy I sometimes feel like I'm going to get cavities and I love it. Yes I cringe sometimes, but they're in the honeymoon phase, they'll probably tone it down over time
The communication. Lack of communication has been the downfall of many a kdrama couple, and I'm super happy that they aren't going that route here. There are many points where they could have had a completely unnecessary fallout due to communication problems, but so far we've seen them deal with their problems head on, ask for each others opinions, and generally de-escalate potential misunderstandings pretty quickly. It really gives me hope that they won't hit us with the break up-time skip-reunion combo in the final eps
No noble idiocy!!! There's the whole 'I don't deserve to be happy' thing, but nevertheless du shik doesn't push hye jin away! So many of us were sure that he'd reject her in ep 9, but he didn't, and I was over the moon. Idk I just love that the counselling he's had and his love for hye jin are enough for him to see through the tricks his mind plays on him instead of forcing us to sit through like 3 eps of "nooo we can't be together because I ~don't deserve love~"
Speaking of which, the fact that du shik actually goes to therapy. Sort out ur issues in healthy ways besties
The lack of mean cliffhangers. Every episode so far has ended with something so pleasant, and as someone who's still crying tears of joy over ep 12's ending I really appreciate it. It's nice to finish an ep feeling content and warm
This most recent episode. Even after suffering at the hands of misleading previews a billion times I still went into ep 12 worrying about what the preview had shown, especially du shik meeting his old classmate. But there was none of the dramatic earth shattering backstory reveal I expected, and instead it was as sweet as ever. This year I developed trust issues due to events that won't be discussed so it was lovely to have that expectation completely subverted
And on the topic of ep 12, that last scene??? The way that du shik didn't feel threatened or belittled by hye jin's money, the fact that he reciprocated her gift giving in a way that was meaningful to him, the fact that he told her not to worry about what he or anyone thinks about the way she spends her own money
And the fact that they didn't draw out the misunderstanding towards the end of the episode, they could easily have escalated it and had them fall out over it, but they talked about it, they didn't have du shik put distance between them for no reason, and we got a whole kiss out of it all :D
The banter. Small thing but I love that they kept it up even after they started dating
In conclusion the writers for this show are really out here doing the most, and I love it. They've subverted so many bad kdrama romcom cliches while still delivering a drama that is sweet and lovely to watch, and it really is refreshing
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away-ward · 2 months
oh my! Your blogs are lively these day, we love to see them! Happy valentines day KO, hopefully you have a good week 🥰
You reply to latest anon "Let me know what it would take to make WinterMichael work (joking)." HAHAHAHAHAHA IM SO SORRY WHATTTTTT im not gonna lie, i just bust out laughing when i read that. They never even come across my mind, now, but i'm very 🤨🫣 what have you done to me KO!! Damon Rika would end us!!
i love the damon-will-emory discussions that had been going on here too, so fun to see how people interpret characters and stories so similar yet so different than others! I can't lie, not until this week did i only notice about will being deceitful and cunning, maybe because it was never highlighted as much in other DN discussion & platforms? I only ever heard him being sunshine and suffering, but now that i took a step back and look at his personality... hmmm 🤔🫢 maybe these anon readers are onto something! Thank you all for this enlightening, maybe i should read this series more critically, how could i miss this!!
KO, question for you, list any 3 aspects of DN that you like a lot, doesn't matter if it's about the style, plot, characters, writing, feeling, etc. I don't think you've talked about this before right? Or maybe you did, but i never saw it, because i'm new ✌️😗
Hello new friend!
The frequency of asks definitely goes through phases. It’ll be silent for weeks and then a flood, but I don’t mind.
Damon Rika would end us!!
I’m still convinced that this is the reason PD made them siblings. They’re too easy to ship otherwise. But I also feel that they want to ship them, too, so they sort of shot themselves in the foot with that.
i love the damon-will-emory discussions that had been going on here too, so fun to see how people interpret characters and stories so similar yet so different than others!
It’s a lot of fun to see how other people interpret the series! It can be frustrating too, at times, but it’s mostly so much fun because it’s not really that serious. And a lot of readers have really good thoughts and insights that I would never have thought of. As long as it stays fun and respectful, I’ve loved getting asks of people just going off with their thoughts and interpretations.
Not until this week did I only notice about will being deceitful and cunning,
Seeing Will this way gives him so many layers, I highly recommend! I don’t want to toot my own horn, but if you haven’t read my 7k word Will analysis, you might find that interesting.
KO, question for you, list any 3 aspects of DN that you like a lot
Ooooo, okay! DN actually ticked a lot of boxes for me. I’ve touched on it before but no harm in going over it again.
I think the main thing I enjoy in any piece of entertainment is layers.
I really enjoyed the dual timeline aspect.
This is one of my favorite tools of storytelling. I love when the story starts in the middle and then takes us back and forth to tell the story. We get to watch everything unfold in layers instead of a straight shot. Don’t tell it to me straight, make me piece it together.
Friendship groups
I love strong friendship groups/dynamics. There’s been a rise in the core “3-4 Boys Rule the school” trope, and those don’t always hit with me, so it’s not that.
How relationships between people in the group grow and develop at different rates, and how different types of people show love in different ways, and how people band together to cover another’s area of weakness.
There’s a few quotes from Devil’s Night that I feel really hit on why this is interesting to me, but I ran across one the other day from Fire Night. Talking about Damon (who else, really?) Kai says,
“God, I hated him. I mean, I definitely jump off a bridge for him, but…”
It just drives me crazy wondering why? And I love that.
I’m debating on what a third thing was. I think the other two things hooked me enough to keep me reading, but…
The writing wasn’t terrible all the time. I loved Thunder Bay as a concept, and I think I was really hoping that the books would lean more into a crime/heist plot than they did. I remember in Conclave when Rika was like “but we’re not criminals” I was really disappointed.
They are criminals, and I wanted them to own it and do something with it. In my head, that’s were I would have taken the story. I don’t really care how they ended up in jail. They played with the law, they faced the consequences. The lesson they should have learned was be better criminals. Instead, we focused on how traumatizing that was for them, which… okay I guess.
I mean, overall the story caught me. If it wasn’t for Willemmy high school, I probably wouldn’t still be around. But I loved them so much that I sort of built up what I did enjoy and wish had taken place over the pieces that I didn’t really care for. A lot of what I talk about is just headcanon, but that’s okay. That’s what I use fandom for.
Thanks for the question, that was fun. Feel free to let me know what you enjoyed/why you're still here! It seems everyone loves to hate on the things that didn't work for them, which can be fun too. But there has to be a reason this series is occupying a space in our heads, right?
Looking forward to it
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