#arvis support
randomnameless · 6 months
Typing about a certain support, I wanted to share some nuggets :
The only reason nobles enjoy the status they do is because their bloodlines carry Crests. If Crests lose their value, so will titles of nobility.
Supreme Leader's "logic", there are no nobles in Fodlan who don't have crests, so if crests = nobles, no crests = no nobles.
Even a mooner could understand it!
I suppose someone who lived in Leicester and heard many heroic tales about Judith, the Hero of Daphnel who was noble even without a crest, and sat at the roundtable until she was replaced by another crest-less noble, would disagree with her, right?
I really agree with your thinking.
The ills of having two crests : it makes people lose their grasp on reality - hopefully the formula was refined thanks to House Ordelia's participation, so Supreme Leader doesn't suffer from the same symptoms.
My parents have suffered throughout their lives due to their nobility.
Remind me why her parents suffered ? And who did it ?
Eighteen years ago, House Ordelia was involved in a civil conflict within the Empire. All we did was respond to a call for aid. We weren't involved politically. But once the rebellion was crushed, my family was held responsible for the aid we gave, and the Empire gained some sway over us as a result.
Ah... I imagine it was when the Empire was meddling with my family. We lived in shackles back then. I have no doubts. We weren't allowed contact with anyone from the outside. It was strictly forbidden.
Surely House Ordelia suffered a lot because they were nobles, and not because they helped people, and Ionius took it wrong so sent some of his people there to control said House and use its children as guinea pigs.
Tldr : Crusts BaD, Lizards BaD, Church BaD
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ignifilis · 11 months
I Was Adored Once Too
continued from here starter for: @valflaame
His appetite flees along with any sense of self-preservation. Suddenly, absurdly, he wants to cry. Hearing Arvis' voice again, seeing him as a real person and not some figment of a tortured imagination...
Is that all Arvis can say? After all the bloodshed, the heartache, he asks about dinner? Azelle remains frozen a moment longer, letting some of the anger in his veins cool. Garreg Mach's dining hall is no place for a heavy conversation.
Arvis remains, as always, the cunning one.
"...I've an empty seat here." Automatically, Azelle gestures to the spot across from him. It's a miracle his voice doesn't shake. His heartbeat thunders in his ears, and he's no longer Azelle the young man, but Azelle the child, terrified and in awe of his older brother in equal measure.
Did he overstep in assuming Arvis will sit with him? Should he have phrased it as a question instead? "If...if that's alright..." He bites his tongue too late and inwardly curses the fact he immediately reverts back to a scared little boy.
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valflaame · 11 months
"have you heard?" is how jakob breaks the silence in the silence of their office. in the midst of sifting through papers or the scratching of pens on student work, it appeared neither were ones for in-depth conversations. factually spoken, jakob lacked any desire to become 'buddy buddy' with his coworkers -- but this was of necessity. "on the rumor spreading about."
a pause, a sip of tea, a savoring of the taste. could anyone blame him? the climate of fodlan differed greatly from nohr, it was in his best interests to mend the occasional sore throat that came and went. tea healed most wounds, if not all, bar the ones that sliced into viscera. "that you and i are apparently impossible to achieve an A-grade from."
which... to an extent, was true. jakob was a critical marker, excessively so, oftentimes removing rather important marks for trivial mistakes some may turn a blind eye to. "i had even heard as much as other students saying 'good luck' at the notion of someone having us as an instructor."
mind, he doesn't seem bothered by this, at all. what use was it to heed mind to students who couldn't handle the guidance of a firm figure? "i'd be rather curious to hear your approach to teaching."
He looks up from his papers, a slight frown on his face. It was quiet before, and he wasn't necessarily bothered by the lack of chattering.
Yet it is still important to get to know your colleagues, so he will engage. He sips his coffee and cannot help that his expression shifts into one of an amused smile.
"Are we?" he asks. Ah, good to have another professor who understands that these students should not have everything handed to them. He wonders if their philosophy in education is similar.
"They aren't going to learn if they do not have someone pushing them," he adds. "Every single student has room for improvement. I will not tolerate laziness or lack of critical thinking in my presence."
He smiles a little more openly, shifting into the more charismatic version of himself that many are more open to. Extending a hand he offers his name.
"Lord Arvis of Grannvale. And what should I call you?"
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djarvie-beats · 2 years
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ayumitsuu · 7 months
Twitter results in, RED is Azelle! ❤️
Azelle support squad showed up in full force. Lex would be proud 🥹
I was happy to see a variety of suggestions: Arvis, Noish, Eldigan, and even Eve/Yves.
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Deciding next character for orange on Twitter (if you want to suggest a character, my Twitter handle is the same “@ayumitsuu”
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tiansorbet · 1 year
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— wonderhoy ! ☆ requests closed ⤳ 4/5
嗨!! i’m sorbet (he/it)! i used to be @warmteabakearchive, but now i’m here! i hope we can have fun together!
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sources: fire emblem, project sekai, genshin impact, honkai star rail.
content: icons, headers, layouts, wallpapers, moodboards, stimboards, sprite edits, color picked flags, stamps.
blacklist: spiders, kidcore, in.cest/p.edo ships, blood, horror, emu ootori x anyone romantically, arvis, dimi.gard, rhea.gard, corrin x royals, mica.sothe, rein.tar, kae.luc, child characters x anyone, dori.
dni: pro ship/anti anti, terf/radfem, mspec gay/lesbian && supporter, endo systems && supporter, k.ink/coqu.ette/thin.spo blogs, racist, ableist, lgbtqphobe, anti kin.
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01 ) reblog & credit if using any of my edits
02 ) respect requester’s wishes (don’t tag as kin/me or f/o if the post says not to)
03 ) be patient && polite when requesting
04 ) if you go against my dni, don’t ever reblog my edits, are a blank blog, or don’t credit when using edits, i’ll block yuu!
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rosecelebi · 5 months
Now that Fire Emblem Heroes has opened it's yearly Choose Your Legends voting period.... I am kindly asking you to consider sparing a vote (or two!) to two of my favorites in the series: F!Robin and Sigurd!
Well let's start with Robin,
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Robin fans won out last year when their Male counterpart won the male division of CYL 7 alongside Soren and I'm sure many F!Robin fans (myself included) helped him reach that victory by voting, just as we did in previous years with Chrom and A!Tiki. F!Robin has waited for her time to shine and has supported her competition for several years now. It's time for her to receive the Awakening vote love!
If that wasn't enough to sway you, let's look at F!Robin's legacy in FEH.
1. Her base version was a year 1 grail unit with a mediocre (affectionate) refine that takes max investment to work around
2. Her summer alt is a year one seasonal with a bad weapon and book 1 era stats (but she sure is cute!)
3. Her legendary alt isn't even her- it's Grima. Grima took away her chance at being a legendary unit
4. Her Halloween alt is another Grima alt. She didn't even get to participate in Halloween because Grima took the spot :(
5. Her Valentine's alt is adorable but still a seasonal locked unit
6. Her rearmed version is yet another Grima.
HALF of all F!Robin's in FEH are Grima alts. There is no F!Robin available to summon in the normal 4/5 star pool. Getting a brave alt would be a big deal for her and her fans.
Please, spare a vote to the best tactician around, F!Robin!
Now, let's talk about Sigurd
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Sigurd comes from FE4, Genealogy of the Holy War, a game I know many of you may not have played yet. That's okay though! I get it! It's a bit old and jank to play and you need to emulate it with a translation patch if you don't understand Japanese. So I'm gonna explain who this man is to you....
Sigurd is the heir to house Chalphy and a descent of the crusader Baldr in Judgral, which makes him kind of a big deal. Throughout his game, he makes allies with many people throughout Judgral in an attempt to unify and fight back against the rising corruption.
Along his journey, he meets Deirdre and the two fall in love and end up having a son together, Seliph. Sigurd is devoted to his family and loves Deirdre more than anything in the world. Sigurd is a family man. Look at this Cipher art if you need more explanation:
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(*SPOILERS ahead for FE4, but FEH and Engage already spoiled this so if you somehow don't know what happens to Sigurd, maybe stop reading here*)
Tragedy befalls the couple not long after their son is born... Deirdre is kidnapped and her memories are wiped clean as she is needed for a sinister plot... Her holy blood is needed to help the Loptous cult resurrect their dark God so they use Deirdre as a pawn and marry her off to Arvis.
Sigurd is distraught with his wife gone and searches and searches for her but ultimately must continue through on his plans. He returns to his home and is met by Arvis, the Duke of Velthomer, and the descendant of the imperial family. He welcomes them in as a deceitful trick and declares Sigurd a traitor and calls for his execution. Before he issues the order, Arvis lets Sigurd meet his new wife- Deirdre as a sick and twisted punishment. With that, Arvis calls down Valflame and kills Sigurd and many of his army members.
Sigurd's legacy is carried by his son, Seliph, who will free Judgral from the horrors that the dark cult inflicted many years later.
So that was heavy. But do you understand why he's such a compelling character??? He has such an unfortunate heroes tale, but FEH let's us see him again and be able to reunite him with his love and his son.
Seliph got his own brave alt two years ago in CYL 6 and it feels right for it to be his father's time to step up and shine as a brave hero.
Let's look at Sigurd's legacy in FEH:
1. His base version is a year 1 sword cavalier who's a bit outdated but not unusable by any means with proper skill investment
2. His duo dancer alt is Deirdre is one of the best arts in the game and I won't let anyone convince me otherwise
3. His Legendary alt was a meta threat at one point in time and the art is gorgeous
4. Lastly, this year he got his second seasonal alt, a tea time Butler alt that just cute. He definitely is serving tea for Deirdre and making sure she's happy.
A brave alt just seems perfectly fitting for him at this point!
In conclusion, these are two characters who are ready for their moment to shine in FEH with a brave alt. They've waited for their friends or family members to get there first and now it's (potentially) their time for the brave win. Thank you for reading all this and may the CYL odds be in our favor!
TLDR: Vote for F!Robin and Sigurd in CYL 8!
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ulircursed · 3 months
♡ ok but I'm actually genuinely curious as to what Andrei himself would think of how his situation would change in this situation KSHDKDB
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from this picrew!
a new child in jugdral-verse? yup, but hold tight, this au is my wildest one yet. there's another child too, but i'll talk about the other kid when it comes up
cw for rape
unlike the other jugdral asks where i just went crazy on my own, a few sensitive details were discussed a little with erica bc of the topic at hand. so deirdre and andrei have a precanon thread currently going on, where the two of them meet and have a meal and it's their first time hanging out just the two of them. in it, deirdre thanks andrei for, and i quote, 'dealing with one of the men who killed [her] father'. that's ring! andrei freaks out internally, of course, though he is able to salvage the situation to an extent
now, what if that meeting went well enough (in deirdre's mind) that they had more meetings? andrei is on one hand extremely uncomfortable with her, but on the other hand, this is exactly what he wants!! think about what it does for yngvi's reputation if the duke has a direct and personal friendship with the princess and future queen of grannvale!!! this is excellent and great and he cannot possibly refuse this. so he agrees to every single meeting, and talks to her, and they form some sort of friendship thing. at this point andrei's mental health is a mere thread away from utterly insane by the way. surely this will end well, right?
(oh yeah, at this point, andrei does already marry antares and have scipio. scipio is not involved in this mess and is the exact same as he is in canon)
it all comes to a head at one meeting, where deirdre confesses to him that she is ready to have children with lord arvis. she thinks she's ready, finally, thanks to the support and friendship of those around her, including andrei! she mentions something about ring again, and andrei snaps. i've mentioned it before, but andrei resents arvis for (as far as he knows) heading the conspiracy plot, because without it none of this would've had to happen. and so, upon hearing that arvis is about to get what he wants with the woman he loves, andrei forces himself upon deirdre
he comes to his senses after the deed is done, and apologizes profusely, begging her for his life essentially. he says that he will die if word of this ever gets out, and deirdre agrees to keep it a secret. and she does! until. she gets pregnant. i won't go into detail about when/whether she and arvis would've consummated their marriage at this point, but as erica points out, deirdre is not good at hiding her emotions and will eventually tell arvis about it as soon as he asks, so even if being pregnant was potentially expected, the secret would've gotten out at some point during the pregnancy
for his crimes, andrei is publicly executed and yngvi falls into disgrace. antares, already not a noble (this is purely my hc but andrei married a non-noble claiming to have minor ullr blood to have scipio), gets kicked out of yngvi along with scipio, and they go live their non-noble lives somewhere else
anyway, deirdre is pregnant! with twins! manfroy is kinda frustrated, bc he wanted her to have kids with arvis, dammit. but she's of course gonna keep the babies, so they are born. julia is still julia, just with major naga and minor ullr instead of fjalar blood. but her older brother, get this—
name: julio
gender: male (he/him)
class: prince > master knight minus bows and sword
minor ullr, minor loptous
tiptoes around his 'father', whom he's aware isn't really his father. has developed some chronic people-pleaser tendencies because on some level, he feels like his and his sister's existence broke something in this household and that he's not meant to exist. good at charming the staff! very polite for a noble scion
protective of his sister, mostly because of the above reason. the twins grow up really close! julia is the only one that julio feels he can show his true feelings around
they stay in the velthomer household as part of the family upon deirdre's insistence, which isn't terrible because they get a loving mother growing up, but also isn't great because they have to interact with arvis. arvis isn't abusive or anything, but everything about these kids brings back his trauma re: victor so his mental health is just not great in general. they try to avoid each other wherever possible
he's set up to become the duke of yngvi, or whatever that territory is gonna be called if that whole house ends up being dissolved. he works really hard in his youth, but doesn't pick up the bow because he can sense that his 'father' is really really not ok with that. forgoes the sword too, while he's at it, because his 'father' doesn't seem too pleased with that either. he knows how to fence and stuff, but not horseback sword usage. he learns magic though, magic is a-ok in this household
deirdre isn't blamed for this incident, because andrei was the one who initiated the whole thing, and the twins are... yeah, they're bastards, but they're the blood of the legitimate royal family, so it's not like they can be killed or anything. anyway, at this point, sigurd gets to belhalla and arvis cooks him twice as hard as in canon because at this point he's pissed off at anyone who's ever had kids with deirdre, but it's not like anyone can tell because no one knows how hard he cooked sigurd in canon so they just think wow his meteor spell is that strong
manfroy urges them to try again, and tbh azmur wants fully legitimate grandkids too, so according to erica, they do! because deirdre loves arvis and everything. but you know, holy blood weirdness and all that, their kid (let's call him julius) is born with fjalar blood and naga blood but not loptous blood. manfroy, extremely frustrated now, tells them to try AGAIN, and this time, uh, deirdre dies in childbirth and the child doesn't survive. listen, this is kid #5 ok i don't think health care was that good at that time. as an extra screw u to manfroy, maybe this kid would've had major loptous had they survived. but they didn't
manfroy's plans fail! julio becomes the new duke of yngvi and arvis just tries to avoid looking at him. julia is married off to one of the neighboring countries (i had to google what happened to illegitimate children of nobility/royalty and the answers were... this basically). julius becomes duke of velthomer and the heir to the throne. seliph can come in and fix some things about this, but loptous isn't one of his problems for once. everyone is either happy or dead! if julio ends up fighting febail, he will die to febail and his cousin will become the new duke of yngvi, but he doesn't have special dialogue with any of them because who tf are these people. the end.
bonus: thank u to erica for suggesting this route btw
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namig42 · 3 months
random OC ask: if your OC inexplicably had access to real-world media, what character would be their favorite? what character would they unreasoningly despise? why?
Alright, I'm gonna speed round their favorites, then I'll come back in another post with the ones they loathe.
Also hello, sorry I took forever to respond, I have been on vacation and also got a pretty ring from my new fiancee (I have been saying that word too much lol)
My OCs Favorite Fictional Characters!
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Wyn would adore Zarya from Overwatch. She would see the badass buff babe who talks about hugging like Siberian bear and want to be just like her. (This is absolutely not based on real life experience.)
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Mizu from Blue Eye Samurai. Helena would think that she's sooo cool and complex, finding comfort in someone who isolates themselves still managing to find connections in the world. She would also buy a sword and cosplay as her.
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Aang from ATLA. She'd love Aang's goofy, playful nature and his whole character arc, from a kid running from his duties to a powerful bender that finds a way to maintain his beliefs, no matter the obstacle.
Dahlia would love the Avatar series, and since she grew up so sheltered, she'd have no idea that it's actually a super popular show that there's a huge community for. She'd definitely bring it up in conversation thinking that she's introducing something cool and new to people, then quickly learn how many people have loved the show for years and be pleasantly surprised that she can just gush with people.
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Vero would be a big fan of musicals and classic films. She strikes me as someone that would resonate and admire Veronica from Heathers a lot, and when she learns about the musical version of Heathers? Forget about it. She's learning all of Veronica's parts in a day.
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Sahed is definitely a DnD and LotR nerd that has the lore memorized from both franchises. He has all the books and a bunch of art, posters, and figurines of his favorite character Smaug that would clutter up his room. Smaug would also inspire him to become a scaley, just sayin.
Sahed would also love the Fire Emblem series, and his favorite character would probably be someone like Tharja (practices curses on her own daughter) or Arvis (the main antagonist in FE4 who wipes out a whole army with one meteor shower).
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Velora is a cozy gamer for sure. She'd love building her island to perfection in Animal Crossing and marrying every townie in Stardew Valley. Though she'd optimize her gameplay and romance everyone in town, her favorite character in Stardew that she would always come back to would be Shane. She likes being able to help him and earning his affection, since it always seems really genuine during his supports.
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Gardon would love a conflicted father archetype like Joel from The Last of Us. He would gravitate towards flawed characters who find some redemption in the world, and Joel is the epitome of that.
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Lin would love Marceline from Adventure Time and ship Bubbline so hard. Her dream girl is very similar to PB, and she sees a lot of herself in Marcy. She'd also be a Steven Universe fan who relates a lot to Pearl and simps over Rose Quartz, even though she knows how problematic Rose is. Mystery Girl from the episode "Last One Out of Beach City" would also be high on her crush list.
Okay, this took way more thought than I anticipated, but this all tracks pretty well.
My partner saw Vero being into Heathers and went, "really??" He didn't think Vero would be a Veronica/Heathers person, but when I asked what he thought she'd like, he was like, "I don't know, I just didn't get Veronica vibes."
Useless. I can't wait to marry this dingus.
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king-of-thracia · 11 months
Obviously like. I get why they did it from an outside perspective looking at the developers.
But like. What does Leif being the Emblem of Genealogy imply of the universe of Engage. What does Sigurd carrying so much of Seliph imply.
[It implies representation for both stories, of generation 1 and 2. It implies love.]
But as I was saying. Sigurd may have started the holy war, but between he and Leif, Sigurd's the one who can use his house's holy relic. Leif can't, being the younger of a pair of siblings.
Thracia isn't even that poor of a name for an Emblem. Emblems of Genealogy and of Thracia doesn't sound so bad. Even if Thracia isn't a word in the vein of. Wait they could just change it. Marth isn't the Emblem of Shadow or of Light. He's of Beginnings. Would it be so difficult to do similar for Leif?
But but. My main theory being.
Instead of Leif's story going mostly untold in the storybooks of Genealogy here. What if it was Seliph's? Obviously that doesn't make much sense on paper but if you consider how time can warp stories and tales and everything.
Is it not possible then, that over time Seliph's story was forgotten and those traits were meshed with Sigurd? The fight against Loptous, the return to Chalphy? Combined into one person?
Well, not entirely forgotten because Sigurd knows of his death by fire, and mentions Seliph by name and refers to a nephew. (That, being Leif). But. It's not impossible that in the story. Sigurd's death happens against Loptous. I could swear the dragon has some kind of flame attack. Nor is Arvis ever mentioned by name. It's not impossible at all.
Whereas Leif was kept separated from his father Quan in the story, who died brutally to Travant and had his sister Altena kidnapped and raised by Travant. Which leads to his story after Quan's death. About the whole. Uniting Thracia thing. I'd need to watch Leif's supports in Engage and get more context to Thracia 776 as a whole but STILL.
Plus, it's not entirely impossible for the fall of Leonster to occur the time it does in canon. Finn still fleeing with Leif and everything... Mostly playing out as it does in canon.
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randomnameless · 1 month
"We need our vassals to believe the Empire will always come to their aid. Always." This is actually kinda interesting, considering Edelgard's ideals amount to "people need to rely on their own strength rather than relying on others." There's a case here that she's keeping that from her vassals, and by them relying on her they're ultimately seen as lacking merit in her eyes and giving her room to dismiss them. Then there's the Hubert/Shez support saying that she's coddling the nobility while oppressing the commoners, and her reforms attracting nobles from the Kingdom opposed to Dimitri's pro-commoner reforms while Hubert and Monica's makes it out that she's going to free the nobility from their responsibilities to do whatever they please. Hopes is just another flavor of Safflower. In Safflower, she needed to rely on the Agarthans for her war, but had made them dance to her tune according to the Japanese text before ultimately disposing of them. In Blaze, she relies on the nobility for support, but her support ultimately gives her grounds to strip them of their power after the war. It's the same Edelgard, just working with a different group of scumbags.
Idk if the devs bought their own lie or something like this with Supreme Leader, but damn if sometimes her writing - and the reaction to her actions - is completely different whether you think about this "PR" mindset, or not.
I could even compare this to the fandom surrounding her, you have the very devoted fans thinking #griffithdidnothingwrong because Supreme Leader wondered once in an anonymous ask what to do with Rhea if she refuses to surrender, and "turn her in shiny double axes" wasn't an option, just like her asking Rhea'n'all to surrender in the last chapter of Tru Piss...
And yet, she also has her lines where she congratulates herself and Billy for getting the world of those pesky pointy ears, saying as early as chapter 12 to motivate her troops that her path leads to Rhea's death and telling to Billy, before the "plz surrender" speech that she wants to eliminate the evil lizard lady so...
We can see the same about her parents' romance in Garreg Mach - debunked by a nameless who says no imperial heir has attended in recent ages - Aegir being responsible for the experiments when Hubert says it was Thales, or even, "Willy's sekrit history"... Are we supposed to buy Supreme Leader's words - as she is known to lie to her allies "Rhea so BaD she launched nukes in Arianrhod!", or at times are completely wrong/misguided "the church divided Adrestia Fodlan in three entities to control them" when we Know Loog's rebellion was supported by Agartha and Rhea only acted the end of the War because the Emperor of that time lost against the barbarian and Faerghus was independant in all but in name?
Jerry, as much as I like the guy, says it best : Supreme Leader's words are meaningless.
In an usual setting/VG, people would judge her for her various actions... but Flamey is forgotten by the plot because the "slapping my ass" cipher card had to be sold, characters become vapid and moan about "uwu IdEaLs" when no one notices that, uh, any ideal that goes "you are from race B you cannot rule over race A" sucks no matter what...
So what is the "real" Supreme Leader (Watsonian wise, of course, Doylist wise, she's Fodlan's resident waifu)? #griffithdidnothingwrong or, what we've been saying since day 15, someone who, just like Arvis and arguably Ashnard, manipulates people by creating/seizing opportunities to further her own agenda?
I love Gustadolph and I love Arvis, but if their games treated them with the same kiddy gloves they used for Supreme Leader, aka not having anyone call them out on their actions and slobber over the "IdEaLs" regardless of the means and immediately backing off when they could actively discuss about those "IdEaLs", I would like them... less, I guess.
Supreme Leader's PR "line/plans" here reveals her cunning - even if there is the "only one supply line" issue - because she is actively working to "build" an image of a leader whose people/vassals will be loyal to, at the same time, she is fully aware it is nothing but an image because she just has to pretend to care, not care for real, but it also reveales what she thinks of "chivalry" in general and all those notions of mutual help/assistance.
As you pointed out, for someone who's all "might makes right" + "bootstraps", Lonato goofing the plan they devised is just a moron who's going to run to his own death. Let he be a vassal or ally of circumstance, she doesn't really care about his death, aka, about the death of the people who bought her flag and are now on her side.
What bothers her more is the reputation Adrestia will have if it doesn't pretend to "assist" one of their vassals when they need help.
(Compare this to the Kingdom and the Church always helping, when they can, their allies and Rhea's doctrine being to help whoever needs help, regardless of their background, religion or whatnot!)
Imo, it's as cynical as Ashnard trashtalking Bryce in FE9, save that Lonato isn't here, like Bryce, to hear what his "Lord" really thinks of him :
Supreme Leader mocks and loathes "chivalry" and the idea of "people supporting each other" - which we can see more clearly when we slaughter Baron Dominic in Supreme Bullshit - thinking the Dominics felt pressured to protect their lands, people and loved ones when, uh, they just, don't want to see the people they love die? And want to help and save them?
In a way I'm glad I found this line, for my morning salt because it hurts again to even imagine what Fodlan could have been if Supreme Leader wasn't designed as the mascot whales/target audience was supposed to simp for and buy nightgown cipher cards, but also for the confirmation bias (i know i'm petty) that Supreme Leader is indeed closer to Ashnard and Oldvis than fandom!Griffith, and again as another window in Adrestia's decadence and fall.
I mean, how could a country founded by Rhea herself, with close ties to what she is still preaching aka "help everyone!" fall so low to the point where assisting those who need help if frowned upon, and only to be done if it leads to something useful, like, good PR - saving the bozo who's rushing to his death though? I'd say it's much like Monica's rescue in Nopes - kill two birds with one stone, but well, one bird was prioritised while the other just, kind of, died on its own which happens to be a good thing for us, I guess?
-> Which gives us the magical ending of Supreme Bullshit, the two birds killed each other!
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valflaame · 11 months
"You son of a bitch - !"
His voice sounds stronger than he feels, his heart skittering in his chest as his fist collides with Arvis's cheek. It is easy, of course, to sound stronger than he feels, for he'll never forget the powerlessness of Belhalla, the searing heat of the flames, the crushing weight of the rocks that fell, his helpless hands curling into fists as the others fell beside him.
His fingers curl now into Arvis's collar, dragging the man closer, Beowolf's teeth bared in a snarl. "Who do you think you are, showin' your face in polite society, flaunting it to the people you've killed? How many lies from that black heart o' yours got you in the door?"
He's never had the problem of barking in the face of some noble scumbag, of dragging their rotten hearts into the light, and though his hands shake and he feels the terror he'd still not yet been able to shake, he feels the shimmering, incandescent rage that almost makes him feel as though he himself is blameless, the bright righteous indignation that allows him to convince himself he's still a good man.
Releasing Arvis and shoving him back, Beowolf shoves a finger in his face. "If I hear even a peep that you're comin' for me'r mine, I'll break that pretty face of yours, and every bone besides."
He doesn't allow himself the creeping doubt that lingers in the back of his mind, the reminder that their power lie on entirely different scales – he anchors himself in the memory of the heat, the memory of his fear, and convinces himself that the pounding of his heart and his shortness of breath is his anger, pure and untouchable.
It's almost a comfort that Arvis had already done the worst thing he could have, had already brought down the sky to destroy Lord Sigurd and those who swore themselves to him. Chances are low that he'd be able to pull it off again on these hallowed grounds, and there are times that Beowolf fancies himself a betting man.
He knows he can't be hurt here, not really -- this is a public place. Which both bodes well for Arvis in that he will not likely be mauled, but also works as a blow to his pride. Balanced, he supposes, and off putting. He's not in control here, but he won't let the other see that in his expression.
He takes the punch. He's realized that this place has many ghosts, and he figures that this is one of hollowed ash and soot that crumbled to the ground at Belhalla. Angry sort of thing, this man is, venom on his tongue and hatred in his eyes.
Arvis is caught off guard. Of course he is, that's this man's goal, it would not work if Arvis was able to prepare for any of this confrontation.
Which, as it would seem, is an apt punishment for his betrayal at large.
"I don't even know who you are," he says instead, his rage boiling beneath the surface and causing tension in his words. "Your claims mean nothing to me."
Another faceless man, someone lost because they decided to follow the arrogant and foolish Sigurd. Should he feel bad for his inability to choose correctly? He doesn't. Sacrifices needed to be made.
"So why would I ever come for you?" he asks, and there's that searing distaste he cannot keep out of his tone. "You mean nothing to me. Although, threatening a professor at this establishment does seem like an action that would come with serious ramifications. Don't test me."
Now he puts his hand on the larger man's chest, heat beneath the surface of his palm coming like a threat of flames -- perhaps a reminder of what he's capable of. He always burns hot under his skin, and the spell that he wants to call to his fingertips threaten to crackle and burn. This disrespect does will go unchecked. "Now, if you'll get out of my way."
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lunaede · 10 months
toa munday!!
Name: arden
Pronouns: he/she/they
Birthday (no year): Aug 9th
Where are you from? What is your time zone?: I was originally an east coast, USA girlie but I moved out to Colorado a while ago. MST timezone currently!
Roleplay experience: I started roleplaying on gaiaonline and also neopets and people used to yell at me because i was eight and did not know what i was doing. my avatar looked so cool on gaia though, for the record.
Got any pets?: Gabe, Gabe and Hancock, them again, creature
Favorite time of year: fall
Some interests and things you like: art, sewing (both cosplay and day to day wear as well as plushies), writing, playing ttrpgs, old movies, making ocs
Some funfacts & trivia about you: i am such a huge fan of ttrpgs. i really love dming but i also really love playing. i'm weak for vampires & silly little elves. also i am terrified of tornados and all of you are talking about them so casually.
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?: Final Fantasy (XV, VII mainly), Dragon Age, Elder Scrolls, Animal Crossing
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: grass type / i don't have just one, but from the new game i was partial to houndstone.
How did you get into Fire Emblem?: I saw nico play 3H and became obsessed with Hubert immediately
What Fire Emblem games have you played?: Three Houses, Awakening, Fates, Engage, Genealogy of the Holy War, Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn
First Fire Emblem game: Three Houses!
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Honestly it depends on the day. But most days, its Awakening.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳: Hubert von Vestra. Arvis Ve-- (a sniper takes me out before I can finish)
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: it was Chrom with the gay awakening patch. If I play m!Robin, it's Chrom, and f!Robin is Libra's wife most of the time. - Fates: I played f!Corrin and romanced Kaze first, m!Corrin was Niles. I really mix it up each time, though. - Three Houses: it. it was Hubert. In every life I will Find Him. - Engage: Ivy on f!Alear and Kagetsu on m!Alear
Favorite Fire Emblem class: sniper/bow knight, or warlock.
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class?: mmmm maybe wyvern rider?
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation?: i think you can guess.
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with?: :oldplead: ah... miss camilla... don't mind if i do
How did you find TOA?: nico said hey look at this and i did
Current TOA muses: frederick, arvis, naesala
Who was your first TOA muse?: frederick <3
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards?: wah probably, knights & men who are a little silly
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most?: morally gray dudes
Favorite TOA-related memory: I am still but a young boy in TOA's history but every day is a nice new memory... I hope for many more to come !
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔: Toe-uh!
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉: Actually it was a toss up between Naesala and BK for a moment there, and then of course there always was the looming threat of Hub-- (I am mercifully silenced)
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luminousrider · 10 months
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging: you! come closer
Name: Erica
Pronouns: she/any/whatever
Birthday (no year): May 3
Where are you from? What is your time zone? Phildelphia ish, EST
Roleplay experience: oh jeeze oh gosh uh like idk 15+years off and on?
Got any pets? Winston the German Shepherd and Pipis the ragdoll pisscat
Favorite time of year: Winter
Some interests and things you like: taking naps
Some funfacts & trivia about you: - I'm the oldest in toa cringe, idk man I'm so tired rn
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? nothing like consistently right now? I like rpgs and games with a good story.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Ground and grass, Diglett and Dugtrio I've been their number one fan since the games came out
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I was at a Gamestop determined to buy a new game and Awakening looked interesting. 3H reignited my love of the series though.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Uhh Radiant Dawn is the only one I don't have any experience with but I read the Jugdral games, the Archanea games, and Binding Blade.
First Fire Emblem game: Awakening
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Genealogy if it counts even if I never played it. Three Houses or Blazing Blade if we're talking about ones I like to actually play.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? Arvis baby call me back we could be clap in clap love clap
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Frederick I took one look at that freak and knew I was in love- Fates: I think it was Hinata but I honestly don't really remember- Three Houses: Claude and then I immediately felt bad because I stole him from Hilda - Engage: Saphir she's old like me
Favorite Fire Emblem class: I like an armored knight honestly idk why
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Some kind of cleric/healer
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? Sigurd probably it's baby girl time
How did you find TOA? I saw it in the tags when I was looking for Hilda content and went hmm. Kept watching until their Hilda fell through and then jumped on that.
Current TOA muses: Deirdre, Ethlyn, and Altena
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Hilda (the good one) but her time is done
Have you had any other TOA muses? Hilda, Charlotte, Elise, Serra, Silvia, Tina, Ninian, is that it?
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? Tragic wives/moms, little sisters, pink. Love how Ethlyn combines all three of these.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I love familial relationships whether they are biological or found. I also really love cross game relationships whetehr they are platonic or romantic. It's fun having the relationship develop from ground zero rather than with an extra boost from them knowing each other in canon. Plus it's just neat to get to explore. I also like a little (a lot) of drama and angst. Messy relationships are very fun.
Favorite TOA-related memory: It's gotta be all the friendships we've found along the way. The writing and stuff is great and wonderful but the community and sense of belonging is something I will always remember and cherish.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? Louise is a matter of when not if honestly.
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lumeha · 9 months
For the series questions... Fire Emblem?
Fire Emblem, my Forever Fandom TM !
... I'm excited about doing that one. It's large but. Heyyy !!
Favorite character
According to my poll (checks notes) it's Rhea :D
Considering where I started with her (not liking her at all), it feels quite strange to now sit here, with an ita bag dedicated to her that features art I got made specifically for it (tiny crochet Rhea !), and a tattoo with her sword and shield and flowers. But Rhea is such a fucking fantastic character. She is what people say they want when they want a morally grey character. She's stuck between a rock and a hard place, she takes decisions that aren't clean cut, and yet.
I adore her. I adore the layers to her character, with grief and revenge and the care and softness and she's so so so good ;; she deserves so much more love than she gets
Honourable mention to Arvis in particular, who had my heart for years and years, and he is still one of my absolute favourite trashfire, but. Yes.
Second favorite character
Just because I did shout out Arvis in the last one, I'm going to avoid him. And without making a joke about the current poll about people deciding my favourite FE character...
There are a lot of candidates.
But right now, I'm feeling it, I'm going to pick Knoll. Knoll is, in the grand scheme of things, a character that means a lot more to the world of FE8 than it looks like, I feel. He was the one working with Lyon. He has knowledge of what happened behind the scene. He's a tired, depressed man who thinks about killing himself and awaited for his execution with the serenity of someone who had accepted his fate. Knoll knows the shit that Ephraim and Eirika don't, about Lyon, Vigarde, and what happens with Grado.
And I love that all of this comes in the form of a quiet, depressed man who does want to find some spark back because maybe there's a hope to let Grado live on and survive in the way Lyon wanted it to.
It's so fucking nice.
Least favorite character
It's a large franchise. There are many characters that someone might not like (that someone being me).
But maaannnnnn fuck Clive. I really don't like him. He's just a bit annoying to me, it's not the biggest crime, but actually, yes it is. He's annoying. He's just not doing it for me. I really don't like Clive. /o\
The character I’m most like
... I'll be honest. Luthier. Well. I'm not as much of a hard worker as Luthier. But I do feel like I am quite like him. Certainly not confident and quite awkward and making friends with cat better than with other people.
Some might say I'm endearing and I think he is in his own ways but I'm probably endearing in a similar way to him : awkward and just very, very nerdy.
Favorite pairing
I think this one is going to be coming out of left field for some people because I have not written NOR drawn them. But it's Ephinnes. Been a ship since I was a teen ! I love them ! the energy ! it's so perfect !! They have a dynamic that is just so good, without even having a damn support !!!! I Love Them !!
I have complicated feelings with some of my favourite pairings for FE, like, (carries fraldarddyd) I have Opinions on how they are depicted in general and it makes it a little weird to interact with people about the ship
Shout out to Duessel / Knoll, though, my absolute rarest of rarepair, they are so good and I love them :>
Least favorite pairing
Edel///eth (sorry it looks a bit ridic but look we don't want this brick of a post in the search for people who like the ship)
Favorite moment
Most recent is probably Rhea turning into a dragon to protect Garreg Mach when the Empire walks over to it. It means so much for her character and for the game. Like you know the gloves are coming of.
... But I do need to shout out a very specific moment of FE7. And that is when Ninian and Nils are talking about Elbert to Eliwood, telling him how he died, but actually mostly telling him how this man who didn't know them helped them so, so much, telling them stories of his home and his family, and helping them escape, and. idk. it has stuck with me all this time. Like that fucking tiny ass GBA art ?
Tumblr media
That one ??? I still think about it
Rating out of 10
Look. I adore Fire Emblem in general. I think it's a franchise that has many, many cool moments, some really good gameplay, and often stories and characters whom I love very much.
But Fire Emblem can only be rated on a scale from 5.5 to 9 out of 10 as a rating. Because it varies between games. And some of the highs are high and some of the lows are very low.
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teaveetamer · 1 year
I kind of see to some extent why marrying the Royals is a bad idea since it may contradicts the whole tone of the main story adn it may feel awkward to people who have step siblings/adoptive siblings even if Corrin's family is quite a deal, but the whole "FE is supporting losecest" is super unfair when the dev knows how to treats it as a serious problem like Arvis/Deirdre or Mercedes step-dad planning on a wedding (even thoug it was common in medieval era) so i can only see those complaints as feeling like the devs aren't capable of distinguishing themselves between the 2 very different context they wrote those relationship (but hey it's the Fe fandom what do I expect)
I mean it’s really a decision born out of marketability. They knew the royals were going to be popular and they knew people were going to want to marry them. Considering how little marrying anyone actually impacts the story of Fates, they probably just didn’t think it was that big of a deal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Also I wanna point out that in Japan having one person in a couple adopt the other person as their child is/was at the time a workaround for gay couples to get the same inherence, property, power of attorney, etc. rights as a het married couple. Legally the couple are parent and child but obviously that’s not how they are in practice. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that the developers were working from that cultural context, and maybe didn’t think it was a big deal for Corrin to be on paper siblings but in practice something different. Who knows
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