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firelance2361 · 2 years
#Spideytober Day 24: His Amazing Friends
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Before the end of Spideytober this year, I thought I would give you guys a little something of our Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman and His Amazing Friends.
I was gonna do this for the end of the month but with my schedule and everything I didn’t want to lose track of time.
Roster Lineup: (Left to Right)
Ned Leeds/Archimage
Kaine Parker/Scarlet Spider
Angelica Jones/Firestar
Otto Octavius/Superior Spider-Man
Teresa Parker/Mockingbird
Michelle Jones Watson/Iron Spider
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider
Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman
Hobie Brown/Prowler
Bobby Drake/Iceman
Oliver Osnick/Steel Spider
Sadie Osnick/Spindle
Hope you like it!
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Queen Melody couldn't help but admit that something was definitely not right here. Even as she holds glass by its stem, she can't keep her eyes off of King Damien.. and Queen Fluerette.
Her ears flick as her eyes narrow. Even though she didn't mind the young king and queen, she couldn't help but find it so.. suspicious. There was something wrong, very wrong here.
Tama, her dear granddaughter, was afraid of King Damien. Afraid of him, to the point of tears, begging Nimbus to not take her to the debutante of Queen Fluerette. It got so bad that Arthur and Dolion opted to stay back in Luminos with her.
A headache comes on, and she hisses quietly, placing her free paw to her head as she lowers her glass a bit.
"Ah, Queen Melody!" The familiar voice of King Bolero makes Queen Melody glance up, and she smiles at the approaching Bolero and Peony.
"King Bolero, Archimage Peony." She greets them warmly, with a respectful nod. "How are you two doing?"
"As well as we can be," Peony hums softly, and Melody frowns at that.
"Did something happen?" The queen of Luminos asks.
"It's Dapple," the king of Magnamiel informs her, and that makes the queen more worried. "As of late, she's been very.. standoffish regarding any news of King Damien."
"How odd.." Melody frowns. "It's the same for Tama. She's been so avoidant of the topic.."
It left a sour taste in all their mouths.
"Do you want to see something I can do, Fluerette?" King Damien asks as he leans against the sturdy railing of the balcony that overlooks the grand room. So far, the debutante ball had been a success.
"Hm?" She blinks, confused. "You've already done so much, what else are you capable of?"
"Many things." He smiles charmingly at her, and Fluerette cannot stop the blush that forms. She watches as he stands upright and holds out his paw.
A flame forms on his paw, but it's not red, orange, or yellow. Not even blue. No, it was a bright green, and the small particles that came off of it were almost cube shaped.
Queen Fluerette stares in awe, and King Damien chuckles.
"This is something I've been working on for a while," Damien informs her, letting the flame slowly snake its way between his fingers. "It's still very small, but.. it changes memories and minds."
Fluerette gasps softly. "What..?"
"It's why everyone's been so receptive to you tonight." The king of Devos smiles. "I've just been.. tweaking some things. Especially of the monarchs." He chuckles. "I've made it so every subconsciously believes that you were in the right for the war."
The queen of Desiderio can't help but worry a bit. "You.. wouldn't do that to me, would you?"
"Of course not." Damien shakes his head, and Fluerette can see he's being truthful.
The queen of ice looks away bashfully. "You don't.. have to do all of this for me, you know. It's really just for us to get those seals.."
"And?" The king of darkness lets the flame vanish, and he takes her paws into his. "You deserve to enjoy the perks of royalty while we do this. Once we get all the power from the seals.."
He chuckles softly. "It'll be us at the top of the food chain."
Fluerette, the self-proclaimed queen winter, now her heart beating faster and faster. Her cheeks were a bright red, and her tail couldn't be swaying back and forth faster.
Damien was looking at her as if she was the only thing that mattered, and Fluerette couldn't help but hope she was the only thing that mattered to him. Admist the plan and all their moves to open those seals. She couldn't help but hope that she mattered the most.
That this was for them.
"Shall we head back down?" King Damien asks with a chuckle, lowering one of his paws to now only hold one of hers.
"We shall." Queen Fluerette confirms with a giggle.
As they descend down the stairs, Damien pulls up a screen that only those with code can see. Without Fluerette noticing, he begins to mess with lines of code.
Then, he T U G S on some lines, and he knows that suspicion and anything else from anyone of importance won't be an issue.
Letting the screen vanish, he looks at Fluerette with a warm smile, which she reciprocates. He can't help but find himself thinking that this is all for her now. A world where people don't have to fear death and a world where Fluerette will never be taken from him.
The two monarchs brush their tails against the others before they reach the bottom of the stairs.
Truly, this was a debutante to remember.
Tama was curled into a ball under the sheets, the wooden door locked.
"She hasn't come out in ages.."
"At this rate, she's going to miss dinner..!"
"Sir Arthur and Sir Dolion haven't been able to get her to come out either.."
The voices of the maids and butlers, which were meant to be whispers, were pounding in Tama's ears. Her paws clamp over them in a desprate hope to dampen in, but nothing works.
She sobs, sobs, and sobs. Her body shakes as she sobs and desperately tries to ignore all the noise.
Zephyr.. Zephyr, you promised, didn't you? She thinks. You promised me you'd stop the noise when it happens.
The memory plays in her mind. The way the wind swirled around her, a gentle voice coming to assure that he'd always be there to direct away the noise.
So where is he?
Where are you?
You promised!
It feels like a crescendo was building inside of her, a viola slowly growing louder and higher.
The high note plays throughout the castle, and lamp flames all extinguish, running water stops, the air stagnates, light grows brighter and darkness deeper, the earth trembles, ice cracks and winds rush, lightning cracks overhead, and the leaves tremble.
All movement in Luminos castle stops before everything resumes.
All the voices Tama can hear stops.
And yet, she continues to sob. For the promise she cherished so much was gone.
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duckapus · 5 months
Thinking about the inevitable progression from Doppelganger Arle to Dapple.
The slow shift from not knowing How To Cat to the cat behavior being so engrained in her that it bleeds through into her true form at the most embarrassing times whenever she's back in Arle's world home enacting another one of her schemes.
Learning about and immersing herself in Harmonia's culture, at first to maintain her cover and then out of genuine interest.
The moments when she catches herself thinking of herself as Dapple instead of Arle, and the dawning horror and maybe a hint of something brighter that those moments grow longer and more frequent as the months go by.
The nights where her dreams are filled with the endless void, or the horrible bloody war that led to it, and she finds herself more and more often seeking out Peony or Bolero for comfort rather than run from sleep by throwing herself into her work.
The days where she doesn't think about her plans or what she's lost at all, only for guilt to consume her when she finally notices.
The moments where she purposely forgets about her endless schemes and just lives for a while. Studying magic with Peony, putting on one of her shows in town, curling up next to Bolero and letting him regale her with stories of his adventurous youth, exploring the ancient ruins and mystical caverns that dot the landscape (TCS is an Open World game after all), commandeering a corner of the kitchen to introduce the cooking staff to her favorite Curry recipe, even just finding some little hidey-hole in one of the castle gardens to take a catnap in.
Eventually, there will come a breaking point, where she'll either accept that she's finally moving on and is allowed to be happy and embrace her new life as Dapple...or she'll double down, and find some way to reclaim her identity once and for all, no matter how poorly it may fit her now.
And I think we all know which will be more narratively interesting (:
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Secrets of Magic: Summon Archimage by Miguel Regodón Harkness
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markrosewater · 3 months
So, Green will constantly get a card draw engine at 2 mana (ie. Enchantress) but the "card drawing color" of Blue will rarely get a non-looting effect? And it's card drawing engines start (at minimum) at 4 Mana (ie. Archimage Emeritus)?
We wouldn’t make Enchantress, as is, today.
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rookfeatherrambles · 4 months
Home from work. Time to think about that one AU in my head where Martin runs a tea cafe + has like cozy magic that makes everything taste good and when he's not serving patrons he's setting traps for the black cat that KEEPS EATING HIS VEGETABLES in his little walled in garden behind the cafe and getting away with it! The cat thinks it's sooooo clever but Martin has thumbs! He'll get the bastard eventually! and also the Cat is Jonathan Sims the Archimage (big important) that just decided one day he wanted to no longer deal with people so he cursed himself into a cats form and just. Left his big wizard tower. And now he's nibbling Martin's tomatoes as a stray.
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jammylovebirds · 4 months
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drew this based on the archimage's fanfic "safe & sound"! u guys should give it a look, it's short and wholesome and sweet!
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talonabraxas · 1 year
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“The Masters of the Temple are now introduced; they are inhabitants, not of this desert; their abode is not this universe.
They come from the Great Sea, Binah, the City of the Pyramids. V.V.V.V.V. is indicated as one of these travellers; He is described as a camel, not because of the connotation of the French form of this word, but because ‘camel’ is in hebrew Gimel, and Gimel is the path leading from Tiphareth to Kether, uniting Microprosopus and Macroprosopus, i.e. performing the Great Work.”
Archimage of Binah (Sphere of Saturn) Aralim "Thrones" Talon Abraxas
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18catsreading · 6 months
Discussing the Arith Depository
Ame: so you do spells with other people's juice?
Sky: if I need to
Ame: can you save your juice for later? Do you send yours to the depository?
Sky: I do. Towards the end of the day, if I have excess I will send it forward in the hopes that those of us fighting could use it
Ame: ohhhh
Archmage Silence: please don't call it juice
Sky: I'm so sorry Archmage
Archmage Silence: it's alright. It's alright. It's just not what it is. And to your question, Witch of Toma, it is generally speaking, frowned upon to dip into the community coffers while one has one's own personal resources available.
Ame: mmhm mhm. That makes sense. Can anybody use it? And is it - uhh, how do you keep them fresh?
Sky: do you know what's gonna be great? I'm gonna tell you a story. Not around my boss or the impressionable youth next to me. About -
Ame: what does it taste like? Does it have a smell?
Sky: kinda tangy
Fox: it's juice.
Archimage Silence: Be Quiet [echoes]
[they are flung into a state of meditative reflection against their will]
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kurolini909 · 1 year
Alright! OC introduction time!
! Please do not use/repost my art and characters without credits and permission !
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Meet Mycelium! I have had him for a while now, but again, too lazy to write a proper post :"""""D
He was a monster archimage back in ther surface before wartime. His Magic is Foresight, basically, he can see the future, but not do anything about it.
🍄 * Name: Mycelium.
🍄 * Classification: Mushroom Monster.
🍄 * Gender: Male. (He/Him)
🍄 * Age: Unknown.
🍄 * Stats:
HP- ???, DEF- 30, ATK- 10
* Archimage of Fungus Depths.
*... Does not wish to talk.
🍄 * Skills: Mycelium can see into the future with the aid of his magic powers and crystal globe. He can also share these visions through said globe, if he wants to.
Aside from that, his magic is able to accelerate processes such as decay and fungi growth. He may also make any of the kinds of mushroom that are a part of his body sprout rapidly from just about any soil, though this ability is mostly used for defense. It is also said he can cause paralysis and mild hallucinations with spore-based attacks, however, very rarely has ever made any sort of offensive use of it.
🍄 * Currently: ... No. :')
🍄 * Personality: He's described as good natured and kind, albeit unpredictable. Mycelium is very hard to read, his expressions usually concelead by the shadow of his large inky-cap hat. He's seldom ever seen without his signature mild smile, and the mysterious aura that surrounds him and his power put many at unease to be near.... He does has his heart in the right place, though.
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🍄 * History: History does not see Mycelium kindly. During the war, he's been known to refuse to aid the Monster forces of any kingdom, not sharing any of his visions for future battles and outcomes to the conflict. He shut himself away and isolated from other monsters of relevant positions, avoiding meetings, requests and even threats for his collaboration as much as he could.
As to why he did that, it is unclear. Some rumor he was a traitor, leaking that information to the humans to save his own skin; others that he was just mad, no rhyme or reason to what he did or didn't do, just sheer insanity; and there are still those who believe he witheld this information as a mercy, because he knew they'd lose. Alas, no theory was ever confirmed.
Mycelium has always thought of his magic powers as a curse. Whilst he did see things with incredible clarity, there wasn't virtually anything he could do about a vision, either as a countermeasure or warning. If he told others about an event, it would always be slightly altered or come to more devastatingly than the original course, and anything aimed to prevent it would inheritedly fail. All he could do was think of solutions to mend the damage that came after; without sharing them with anyone not to trigger one of these butterfly effects.
That made his decisions as archimage rather questionable, as he would often ditch orders that had no apparent use, and make requests that seemed to come out of nowhere. Most of the times these always came in handy after a problem already struck (so let's say, he'd ask for a stock of construction materials when nothing was being constructed, and then after a storm that damaged many buildings, these were already available for immediate damage control. After the event however, most seemed to disregard ther they were there by Mycelium's order in the first place.) Rather than impeding it's happening, which was what most people expected of his visions.
He didn't want to become a mage at first in his life... His Foresight was just too valuable a resource to waste without proper development, so he was recruited into an apprenticeship against his will at a young age, eventually climbing the ranks to the position he occupied for the rest of his life. Deciphering his prophecies have always posed a challenge, as he insisted on encrypting them as much as possible.
Some sources say he was the one to deliver the 'Fallen Angel' prophecy that used to be all over the Underground, carrying on the the Secondground in Luminoustale. This can't be confirmed because, as of now, very few monster remember Mycelium, and records of his existence and doings are few and far between: As a result of the bad reputation his passive stance during wartime had on his image. Most historians and record keepers of the time have obscured him from memory as much as they could, in what could be described as spite.
! Please do not use or repost my art and characters without credits and permission!
Likes are appreciated, reblogs are better! <3
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firelance2361 · 1 year
Marvel Studios’ The Superior Spider-Man
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This has been a crazy idea in my head for a while.
Basically it was what I initially thought we would get in No Way Home when Doc Ock was returning, and then after watching Moon Knight and reading the recent End of Spider-Verse comic storyline, it kept bugging at so I decided to do this piece.
Basically it would be if Doc Ock had been transported to the MCU after Spider-Man 2.
[In this headcanon, Doc Ock’s normal body and mind was so broken after the multiversal travel, that he was on the edge of committing suicide until he was stopped by the Spider-Goddess, Neith.
In this moment, Neith offered Otto the chance to live if he would protect and aid this world’s Spider-Man. Otto agrees, and his mind is transferred from his own into the mind of a young Peter Parker, now acting as a guardian angel of sorts, but remaining hidden to Peter all these years.
Flash forward to this timeline’s Far From Home aftermath, Peter starts to have moments of sleep deprivation and memory loss, which is affecting his relationships with Aunt May, MJ, and Ned.
Eventually, after a close encounter with the main villain of this story, Peter discovers Otto’s existence in his mind and the two form an unlikely alliance along with Peter’s friends and Otto’s apprentice: Peter’s old classmate Cindy Moon, who is revealed to also have Spider-Powers.
The unlikely band of heroes, along with Neith, must then prevent the villain Cadaverous - a former Spider-Totem who went rogue and gained the powers of Chaos Magic thanks to a relic called the Siege Perilous - from unleashing the Wasp Goddess, Shathra to “purify” the multiverse of its poison: the Spider Totems.
I know it’s a silly headcanon idea, and that it’s basically just Moon Knight with Marc/Steven/Jake swapped out for Peter/Otto/Ben, but I figured I’d get it out there just for those who feel disappointed we never got to see the Superior Spider-Man storyline adapted on screen.
Plus, looking at it this way, not only would it have been a interesting take on the MCU’s Spider-Man 3, but it also would be a good way to merge the comic origins of certain characters (Cindy Moon, Ben Reilly, Neith, & Shathra) into the main Superior Spider-Man storyline to give it more character and story depth.
But again this is just a headcanon, so don’t expect their gonna adapt it anytime soon.
And before I forget, here’s the character roster for this headcanon. (Left to Right)
Otto Octavius/Doctor Octopus
Ned Leeds/Archimage
Cindy Moon/Silk
Michelle Jones Watson/Iron Spider
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Otto Octavius/Superior Spider-Man
Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider
Evelyn Strum/Madame Swarm
Oliver Octavius/Cadverous
Let me know what you guys think! Hope you like it!
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darkelfguy · 1 year
A bit late, but this is my personal list of the top 15 best Morrowind mods from the first half of 2022 (covering mods released between January and June of 2022). There were over 1300 new Morrowind mods released in 2022, nearly an all-time record, with a massive number of new adventures to go on, new dungeons to delve through, scenic new city overhauls to explore, and countless new graphical replacers and gameplay additions.
Without a doubt, the Morrowind Modding Community is in the midst of a new golden age, and the absolute quality of every mod on this list is a testament to that fact! Recommended Modding Guides and Graphics Lists: Morrowind Sharp (Updated 2023) Morrowind Modding Showcases - Graphics Mod List (Updated 2023) Order of Mods and Download Links:
15. Amazing Balmora Expansion By Eluwil
14. PvP By Archimag, Combat Enhanced - MWSE Edition By Spammer, and Bleeding Injuries - MWSE By Spammer
13. Dallara Suran By Dallara1000
12. The Buying Game By VitruvianGuar
11. DRIP - Dynamic Randomised Item Properties By Merlord
10. Fighters Guild Improved By FlinSunset
9. Balmora Waterworks By MwGek
8. Spines of Madness By Malbogatra
7. Repopulated Morrowind By GrumblingVomit
6. OAAB Shipwrecks By Corsair83 and Get Wrecked - Shipwreck Overhaul By Cerebulon
5. The Crafting Framework By Merlord
4. Bal'laku - The Lonely Towers By Kalinter and Tales from the Ashlands - The Great Hive Baan Binif By The Hive Mind
3. Of Eggs and Dwarves - Gnisis Eggmine and Bethamez Overhaul By Seelof and Greatness7
2. Astrologian's Guild By Billyfighter
1. Necrocraft - A Comprehensive Necromancy Gameplay And Quests Mod By VitruvianGuar
Honorable Mention #1 Balmora and Seyda Neen By The Nwahs and Mushrooms Team
Honorable Mention #2 Indoril Ronin By Elucidace
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duckapus · 3 months
Honestly kind of burnt out on the Arle Arc so you're getting bullet points.
First off, the portal opening up in Bolero's throne room is due to the confrontation in Primp Town. The combination of Literally Everyone revealing that they've figured out there's something up with her, the Compile trio revealing they know she's Doppel, seeing Ava, and the continuing deterioration of her stability causes Arle to panic and reflexively use the portal command to go somewhere safe. The last place she felt safe was the castle, and her doubled Avatar power and poor mental state cause the portal to show up on the ground and Way Too Big, so everybody falls through.
This of course causes more stress and confusion instead of less, and she looks about two seconds away from a panic attack, when Peony manages to recognize her despite the different form and says "Dapple, is that you?"
And that's what breaks her
Her transformation spell goes haywire and she starts flickering between all the different Alternate Costumes that both Arles have gotten over the years, then it "settles" on some kind of massive, mismatched cat monster thing, and then she busts out of the castle and runs off into the wilderness, Ava, Carbuncle and Frenzy close behind and everyone else doing their best to catch up
Ambrosia picks a bad time to feel vindicated about Pierrot actually hiding something sinister (we gotta add humor in here somewhere), and Shantae deduces why exactly she turned into That Thing; shapeshifters, especially magic-based shapeshifters, absolutely have to maintain a strong sense of self or they'll lose themselves to the masks they wear, and during times of great stress and uncertainty the magic of a shapeshifter with a poor sense of self will try, and fail, to mesh all those different identities into a coherent whole
Anyway, Arle ends up running into a cave. But not just any cave; this is the Echo Chambers, one of the most dangerous locations in Harmonia (and an area intended for lategame in The Cloud's Songbird). It's a shifting labyrinth of enchanted, highly reflective crystals with weird acoustics, made more dangerous by the fact that Lumiere filled it with powerful monsters during the game's main campaign, and unlike most of his minions they didn't get any weaker or less numerous following his defeat
It's at this point that the big group realizes that Tama isn't with them, though they assume that she's still at Bolero's castle, while Frenzy discovers that she's actually hitched a ride in his quills because she wants to help Miss Arle. Or Miss Pierrott. Whichever she is. And she can indeed help, because she can hear Arle and give Frenzy directions towards her
The big group tries to figure out how exactly they're supposed to find Arle when she's lost in a magic maze, and Ash comes up with an idea; he sends out Jellobe and Kirlia (yes Ralts evolved at some point), because even as a Dark Type mutant Kirlia can still sense emotions, and since Jellobe knows Miracle Eye it can act as an amplifier for that empathic sense. Perfect for tracking somebody with That Much emotional turmoil
Ava and Caruncle don't need that sort of help because Ava always knows where Arle is since they're connected
As all this is happening Arle's now deep in the maze and manages to pull herself together into her Doppelganger Arle form, though with Dapple's ears and tail and normal Arle's weird sleeve things, and she ends up confronted by her own reflection.
A lot of her own reflection, all in different Alts, with the main one being a Shadow like the ones Meggy, SMG4 and Mario have had to deal with in the past
won't go into detail Because Bullet Points but it basically boils down to telling Doppel that all her attempts to be Arle were completely pointless and she's screwed herself over and may as well just be Nothing, and she ends up listening, which results in one more transformation. the colored parts of her outfit turn grey, her face disappears entirely, and she slumps down onto her knees in defeat while the chamber around her seals itself off from the rest of the maze
The main group gets stuck dealing with Lumiere's monsters, while Frenzy, Tama, Ava and Carbuncle reach the sealed entrance to Doppel's chamber
They then also get confronted by Shadow Arle, who tries to do more of the usual Shadow stuff to a completely unphased Ava, then agrees to open the way if they can beat her, a Pierrot reflection and a Dark Arle reflection
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in a 4v3 puyo battle (she's being generous to the two noobs in the party by not bringing in a fourth reflection)
-they obviously manage to beat the Arles and make it through to Blank Arle, who everyone but Ava is shocked to see in that state
-Ava walks up to her, which actually prompts Arle to rapidly scooch away against the far wall and brace herself for an attack, because why wouldn't what's left of Arle want to retaliate after what Doppel did to her
-Ava is undeterred and keeps going up to her as if nothing happened...and holds its hand out, offering to help Blank Arle back up on her feet.
-There's some hesitation, but eventually Arle takes the offered hand, and after they stand up Ava actually pulls her into a hug, and despite the lack of a face it's clear from how badly she's shaking that she's started crying
-they're engulfed in blinding light, and when it clears Ava and Blank Arle have been replaced by Arle and Dapple, with Dapple now visibly and audibly sobbing uncontrollably and trying to say sorry through it while Arle just holds her and hums the same lullaby that Doppel had used to comfort her while she was fading
-the big group finally gets through the monsters and goes back to looking for the others, only for the small group to come to them
-In the aftermath it's revealed that Arle's now the one with all the Avatar Code, and Dapple is no longer an Avatar in any capacity (there's that permanent deactivation I mentioned. Note that at the time I never said death). Meanwhile Dapple apologizes to Bolero and Peony for deceiving them for so long, and says she understands if they never want to see her again...only for them to interrupt that train of thought by pulling her into their embrace, because they're just relieved she's alright now and want her to come home, and really that's what she wants too but didn't dare hope she'd get to do
-...she's definitely dropping that stupid accent now though
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