#aph rarepair
arthurhonda · 1 year
China: When I said "bring me something back from the beach" I meant a conch shell or something. America: *Struggling with a seagull* Dude, fucking say that next time!
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iamsebo · 3 days
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Felt hot (32°C outside 👌) so i drew a wintery TurkIce cuz we do crave for some chills here even if i dont ship it that much 🥶🤠
by the way, now you know I’m using both digital and traditional to draw.
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homeboi-corn · 2 years
// implied slight nsfw ; read from left to right!!
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I succumbed to the voices in my head
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seychellesseabreeze · 5 months
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I wish someone would look at me the way Japan’s looking at Italy in this artwork
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hetalia-rarepairweek · 10 months
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Day 1 (September 24) :
Royal | Cottage
Day 2 (September 25) :
Culture | Comfort
Day 3 (September 26) :
Mythical creatures | Celebrity
Day 4 (September 27) :
Folkore | Assassins
Day 5 (September 28) :
Historical | Meeting the family
Day 6 (September 29) :
Magical and Fantasy | Ghost
Day 7 (September 30) :
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ifindus · 4 months
can I request icesay? (iceland and seychelles) I think she is my favorite girl to ship iceland with💕🙊 and omg the contrast between them☀️❄️
Sure! ✨
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
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forces maiself to color mein doodles
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unhonestlymirror · 9 months
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September 24 Prompt: Royal | Cottage
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cawe-sama · 9 months
@hetalia-rarepairweek is back!!
Day one, going with the "royalty" prompt and my beloved EgyPrus <3
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Clothes + throne reference taken from "The costume history" by Auguste Racinet (of course ✨✨)
Btw this year I asked a friend (who doesn't know Hetalia) to choose the ships for me, so there will be more ships I don't often draw! I hope you'll enjoy my art throughout the event :D
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arthurhonda · 1 year
Romano and Lithuania got locked in together
Romano: Hey, do you have a bobby pin? Lithuania: Yeah. *Brushes his hands through his hair* Lithuania: Here you go *hands him three*
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aiyanacatori · 1 year
Hey, Hetalia fans! Yes, you!
Reblog with the rarepair you ship, and explain the dynamics or why you like it. I want to get to know some of the other rarepairs.
If you have any content for that rarepair you want others to see (whether you made it or not). I'll go read or look at the fanart.  
I know rarepairs so often get overlooked, and we all want a chance to gush over our ships, so this is your chance!
Edit: I will be deleting my reblogs, because I feel that I have messed up, and have hurt some people. I want to fix that so I will be removing all of my reblogs from under this post. I apologize for any mental stress or anger I have caused. It was not my intention. If I hurt your feeling you are allowed to fill my ask box with hate comments, I probably deserve it. I wish you all a good day/night.
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homeboi-corn · 2 years
I'm shamelessly preaching the PortChu agenda because they've been plaguing my brain
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spidertalia · 9 months
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it's already september 25th where i am so i decided to jump at the chance to draw these two for @hetalia-rarepairweek !! + my best attempt at the 'comfort' prompt sdfgh
Day 2: Culture | Comfort
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yeoldehetalian · 8 months
💘 - What's the most obscure pairing you've got a soft spot for?
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Hetalia Rarepair Week 2023
Day 7 – Free day
Cameroon and Macau!
(the above is just a simple edit with canon art by Himaruya, the meat of the post is below:)
So, “Macaroon” eh? – more than just a dessert item, it could also be a delightfully obscure Hetalia rarepair! I've never seen anything with this pair before (maybe I just missed it), so I made them a bit of an introductory post.
There may be controversy over macaroons vs macarons, which word to use for which exact dessert, but here’s what shouldn’t be controversial – how good these two look together!   Aren't they just so handsome? 
But a ship should have more than just looks, right?  Of course! Let’s start off with some things they have in common:
-described as being like a “big brother”
-described as being easy to get along with/easy going
-both seem fairly relaxed, personality-wise
-despite the above, both have serious sides that can come out
-are tall
-wear glasses
-would be close to the same age
-both nations got their current English names via Portuguese traders/explorers in the 1400s-1500s
Other things I would like to bring to your attention:
Due to the Portugal connection, they may have been aware of each other for some time before they actually met in person. Maybe Porgutal introduced them to each other some how. Macau is much more closely tied to Portugal, though, I don’t think Cameroon has much of a tie except the history of his name – but I could be wrong.
I feel that these two would get along well even if they don’t share all the same interests. Some compelling contrasts here could be – Macau is expert at tourism with his economy almost solely dependent on it, and Cameroon is looking to increase tourism, so there could be some collaboration there.  Likewise, Cameroon has much more land, with a diversity of beautiful landscapes, lots of farming, animals, etc, something that Macau lacks (Macau is tiny, land-wise, despite his height!) so he might like to go visit there to relax in nature.
Cameroon seems like he is great with kids – he is seen playing football (soccer) with kids and seems to have a fun-loving side.  He also seems to be good with animals.  Macau was described as doing some toy manufacture (though in reality this seems to be declining) and being very hospitable, and he seems to get along pretty well with his neighboring nations/family. And both seem chill and easy going.  This all adds up to: potential to be a super domestic!  I mean, whatever you do, don’t envision Macau bringing out some delicious treats and drinks for Cameroon and all the random kids he was playing with outside all afternoon. It is just too adorable! Don’t think about Cameroon taking Macau out into his nature for a secluded picnic in the shade of a tree on a sunny day.  Surely you would not want to consider them just having the most chillax relationship ever simply because they are naturally so easy to get along with and have zero reason to interact in kind of antagonistic way as nations.
Unfortunately, there isn’t a huge amount of canon material for either of these two (You can find most of it by going to https://hetarchive.net/ and typing in a name in the search bar).  So I have a lot of unanswered questions, like what does Macau enjoy doing for fun/relaxation?  What are Cameroon’s interactions with his neighbor nations like?  What were they both like as young nations? Do either of them have “human” names?
That’s about all I have for you now, please give Macaroon some consideration!  Maybe you can add some headcanons in the tags.  Or send me some :D  Go for it!
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hetalia-rarepairweek · 4 months
Welcome. This is the 2024 edition of Hetalia rare pair week. Please check the pinned post for the rules, banned ships and other important information.
Accepting prompts (send an ask) until 3rd of June 2024
voting on prompts from 3rd of June to 8th of July
Prompts reveal between 8th of July and 11st of July.
Event week between 11th of August and 17th of August.
@hetaliahappenings @heta-on-the-books @hetaliacalendar
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marsinout · 9 months
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@hetalia-rarepairweek Day 2: Comfort
They're sleeping ☺️
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