#anyways. gale is super funny about being annoying so i love him for it. he's like me in that way i think. his dumbass resurrection ritual.
traitorsinsalem · 6 months
the bg3 fanbase is funny as fuck in a bad way for primarily shipping gale, who is the most garrulous man you can imagine, with astarion, whom gale goes "uh 😐 not really looking to talk with you man" at when prompted for conversation, and not with wyll, whose party admission gets a "gale approves" and then they proceed to compliment each other 24/7.
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theangelshifter · 8 days
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Basic ᓚᘏᗢ
Name : Chester (Chess) Cheshire
Age : 17
Prounouns : He/Him
Fairytale parent : Cheshire Cat
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Replationships ᓚᘏᗢ
(Not all, but the main ones)
> Kitty Cheshire : My sister!! She’s younger by a year and we get along super well.
> Gale Pan : (OC — son of peter pan) My s/o. How we got together (super funny story): Basically, I have a rep of being annoying and mischievous like my sister. Kitty and Gale were friends due to them sitting next to each other in a class the prior year. So, at the beginning of the year, Kitty made a bet with Gale. The bet was that he couldn’t room with me all year without going to change roommates or room with someone else. If he left before the year was over, Kitty would get $100 from Gale. If he stayed the whole year, Gale would get $100 from Kitty. I didn’t have a roommate planned anyways and Kitty agreed to give me half the money if I helped annoy him to the point he moved out, so I was totally into this idea. Him and I did not get along at all, but we never left because of the bet. However, over time, he and I got closer. We ended up becoming more like a couple, just without a label because we didn’t want to admit our feelings for each other. One day I just randomly spit it out, and that’s how it happened. (Kitty lost the bet…her exact words are, “I told you to annoy him, not romance him!!”)
> Lizzy Hearts : MY BEST FRIEND I LOVE HER!! I help her sometimes with her designs :)
> Maddie Hatter : A close friend. We hang out a lot and joke all the time.
> Briar Beauty : I LOVE HER. She’s one of my close friends and is always up for doing any of my crazy ideas
> C.A. Cupid : Close friend. She and I talk about love and romance a lot, and she and I vent to each other about relationship problems
> Raven Queen : Friends. We get along well and she likes talking to me. We share similar interests and views on destinies. We like to shit talk the headmaster a lot (I HATE HIM AAAA)
> Cerise Hood : Friends. I know her secret and so she’s able to be more of herself around me
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Extra/World info ᓚᘏᗢ
> Kitty is the younger one so I’m destined to sign the book. However, I don’t want to sign and Kitty does. So we’re both not liking the idea of having to sign the book. Luckily, we found out Briar didn’t want to sign. So when Briar (like how she does in the show) goes and finds the real copy, we help her get rid of it.
> Neverland & Neverland characters exist
> I changed some of the timeline so that different things that happen all happen within one school year instead of two
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polyghostfacehours · 3 years
Ooooo SO! Gimmie a NSFW and a SFW one about Sidney!
NSFW maybe something about oral and the SFW one about her ideal date maybe? Give it upppp.
YES. I seldom get to talk about Sid, but I have so many thoughts on our queen Im excited to share!
I POPPED OFF ON THESE BTW lol. Did what you wanted and more~
General Sidney Headcanons:
Her ideal date is going to watch a nighttime outdoor stage play, eating good food, basking in the glow of the strung up lights, and holding her loved one against her
I tend to hc her as Asexual Biromantic or Pan with Female Pref.
The first one is my go to, but the second is what I have in mind if I write smut with her.
Sidney and Tatum go way back. They met in elementary school, 3rd grade, and their meeting consisted of Tatum pushing some girl bullying Sidney off the slide and getting suspended for it. They've been best friends ever since.
Fucking with the timeline a little, But Sid's favorite Powerpuff Girl as a kid was always Blossom.
Despite this, her favorite Ice Cream truck flavor was always the Bubbles one lol.
Sid doesn't like Horror movies OR Romantic Comedies. But she'd watch them anyway for Billy or Tatum if they wanted to.
Her favorite movie genre is actual Musicals. Modern Sidney would've loved 2012's Les Mis
She loves theater. Through and through. And absolute theater kid.
She actually met Billy in 8th grade Theater class. Most kids in Woodsboro were of the sporty type, and Billy waited last minute to turn in his elective sheet, so he got stuck with Drama class.
They were friends for a couple of years at first. It wasn't until near the end of sophomore year they got together.
She was in love with Tatum, but never knew how to express it. Her asexuality added confusion to the issue. All she knows is that that one time Tatum kissed her in 9th grade, before either of them dated Billy and Stu, that she wanted to taste Tatum's Orange Crush lip gloss for the rest of her life.
She'd die with this secret, but deep down, a part of her jumped on using her mom's death as an excuse to stop Billy's sexual advances.
Sidney hates dresses. Not because she's not feminine, but she just hates the thought of feeling vulnerable.
She's well aware of Randy's crush on her, but she acts oblivious on purpose bc she doesn't feel the same way, and she isn't sure how to deal with the issue without compromising their friendship.
She gets annoyed by Stu's callousness, but she never like, disliked him that much. He was just a casual friend, the least close to her, and she actually did find some of his jokes funny.
One really good memory she has with Stu was during a Sit In theater screening picnic with him, Tatum, Randy, and Casey (Stu was with her at the time). She had gone to grab some slushies. Some asshole bumped into her and she spilled them all over herself. Stu saw it happen while getting some hot dogs, and not only offered to let her change into his shirt temporarily, he drove her all the way to the nearest Wal Mart to get her some clean clothes, and even paid for them. He joked around with her the whole time, trying to make her feel better. It was a rare, but appreciated moment of camaraderie between the two.
She sees Dewey as her own brother.
She genuinely loved Derek. Unlike Billy, he never ever pressured her into sex, and straight up told her that if she never wanted to have sex again he'd still be with her. When he died, it was like Billy's betrayal and Tatum's death all over again. Pure heartbreak.
Sidney was willfully blind to Maureen's promiscuity. She saw how much it hurt her dad, and she'd overhear people talk bad about her mother, but in her mind Maureen was just a genuinely loving, kind, amazing woman. She and Sid were very close, and she couldnt handle the thought of her mom being a "slut".
Sidney wanted to be on Broadway one day. She ended up becoming an author.
Her and Gale have the strangest relationship. They've known each other for so many decades now, yet never became super close or anything, yet would still fucking die for each other. It's strange and neither woman knows how to describe their friendship/ The best way to describe it would probably be Frenemies
Sidney never, ever truly got over Tatum. She thinks about her on most nights, all these many years later. Whenever she sees another young, bubbly blond she can't help but let a soft smile spread along her face as heat gather behind her eyes. When she looks in these young women's eyes, she sees Tatum and everything she could've been.
Her feelings on Billy are extremely complicated. She thinks back on their relationship a lot. And in her middle age finally realized that, yeah, there was a clear turning point. In the first half year of the relationship, she was on Cloud 9. Billy's smile reached his eyes. She didn't mind getting hot and heavy with him (she's not sex-repulsed or anything). He seemed less of the "Perfect Boyfriend" and more real. Let himself show his flaws. It wasn't until where she believes the turning point happen that Billy became too perfect, too understanding, too "in love" with her. Sidney now sees how fake he became.
She always thought Mrs. Loomis was weird. She never mentioned anything about it to Billy, because she knew he loved her a lot, but every time she came over to Billy's house, she felt uncomfortable with Mrs. Loomis' smothering.
She loved her food though. She can't look at Italian American cuisine the same again anymore :/
Honestly could see Sidney identifying as Non-Binary if it wasn't the 90's.
So Ace!Sid isn't sex-repulsed, but she doesn't ever crave it or feel sexual attraction to people. HOWEVER, Pan!Sid is an oral QUEEN.
She prefers eating pussy, but she sucks a mean dick too tbh.
She loves the taste of pussy juices. The tang, the slight changes in taste depending on diet...it's addictive to her.
She actually doesn't like the taste of male cum much, but its not the worst thing in the world for her.
She's imagines how Tatum tastes a lot. She never got around to it by the time of the events of the movie, and Tatum's premature death prevented her ever doing so.
During the beginning of her and Billy's relationship, it really was hot and heavy as he said. They never had sex, but oral was a constant thing for both, and whenever parents weren't home or upstairs Billy usually ended up fingering her (and trying to take it further, especially near the end of their relationship)
Lmao She had a wet dream about Randy once and was like: :/
Sidney prefers giving than receiving. It's the romantic aspect of pleasuring someone you like that gets to her.
Sidney doesn't do one night stands. She's not demi like Billy is, but she definitely doesnt feel comfortable jumping into sex with someone, no matter how romantically or sexually attracted she is to them.
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feelingjane · 7 years
Hi! This is the first part of my very first Fanfiction :D I’m super excited and very nervous too. I want to thank Courtney @shesasurvivor for accepting me as her mentee, also to the lovely ladies of @loveinpanem for giving me the push I needed to start writing.
I hope you like it, I’m going to post it on AO3 soon.
This story is Everlark high school reunion, inspired by the movie “10 years”, you’re gonna find some similar dialogs and other things
All mistakes are mine, I hope is readable because english isn’t my first language, so here it goes!
Never Had
Annie had begged her to come with her to the swimming competition between their team and another high school. She had a new boyfriend from the opposite school and she wanted to see him “Swimming in all his  swimmer-body glory” she said with a dreamy look on her face. Katniss rolled her eyes when she heard it, but even she had to admit that he was actually very good looking, even more so with water dripping all over his toned body. But as soon as the competition was over, she almost run out of the gym, shooting Annie an apologetic smile. It was Friday and she wanted to get home soon.
Katniss  walked to her car, enjoying the crisp autumn air, even if it made her shiver on her light coat and yellow flats. She cursed her obsession with the shoes, but she loved them too much and took every opportunity to wear them. It had been the last item that her dad bought her before dying and she loved having them as a daily reminder of him.
She rummaged through her purse, looking for her car keys, but finding her cigarettes box first. She took it out and grabbed one, lighting it and taking a long drag, enjoying the sensation. It was a filthy habit, but it was something she enjoyed too much to quit.
She had started after the dead of her father, almost a year ago, when she found her mother sitting on the porch in the middle of the night. Katniss had woken up thirsty, when she saw her mother’s silhouette outside. She walked out to ask her if she was ok when she saw the cylinder between her fingers. Her mother looked up and without any questions, she lifted the box and offered her one. Now they shared a smoke every now and then, enjoying a comfortable silence between them.
Katniss had moved to Twelve with her mother and little sister at the beginning of her junior year, almost a year ago, after her dad died of a heart attack. Her mother couldn’t stand being in their old town anymore, deciding it would be good for her and the girls to breathe another air, meet new people and start again, plus her older brother lived nearby. Katniss was against it at first, not being a big fan of change, but seeing the way her mother had started to look healthy again, and her little sister was happy to be near her cousins, it made the moving a little easier. Even when she left someone important behind.
She was reaching her car when she heard footsteps approaching “Katniss!” she heard a deep voice calling her. Her body shivered and her heart skipped  a beat when she turned around and saw him jogging to her. It was annoying, this reaction of hers to him, to this boy. Her stomach flipped and her heart clenched because she shouldn’t be feeling this way. Not with him.
Peeta Mellark had been her classmate on physics since junior year, sitting behind her on every class. He was impossibly bad at it and she made sure of telling him. But the guy had a way of turning all her snarky remarks on a joke that made her fail on her attempts of scowling at him. He was funny and well liked between their classmates. He had deep blue eyes and curly blonde hair that was under a dark blue beanie most of the time, and always with an easy going smile on his face.
Katniss had been a bit reluctant of becoming friends at first. She had left her boyfriend behind in her old town, but they still kept a long distance relationship. Which was a pain in the ass if she was honest, she missed him so much that sometimes when they talked on the phone they ended arguing because of it, because they hadn’t seen each other for so long that they couldn’t even talk about something that wasn’t their relationship and lamenting how far away they were. Katniss felt that she and Gale were slowly deteriorating, but they tried anyway, she loved him and he loved her too.
Which was why being friend with Peeta wasn't the best idea. They had a way of communicating that she had never had with Gale. Peeta was an attentive guy, he noticed when she was in a foul mood and tried to make her smile in class at least once. They also saw one another at the occasional party, joking about their inability of drinking keg beer and secretly sharing a bottle of some peach liquor that Peeta stole from his house. She wondered how he could bring a full bottle of something without going noticed, but once she asked, he just shrugged and served her another drink.
They had fun, they laughed and lately, they had developed the habit of greeting each other with a handshake that made her tingle from head to toe. It had begun innocently enough, she confessed him once that didn’t liked to hug people and preferred a handshake but people often assumed that it was ok to touch each other without permission, and that pissed her off. So Peeta had started to shake her hand instead, an odd gesture to most of their friends, but an endearing one to her.
Little by little, Katniss had started noticing things about him, like they way he got excited telling her a story from his brothers or a new song he had heard. He loved music and arts and was trying to educate her on classic rock bands. Katniss liked the way he made gestures with his hands when he talked and how his eyes shone form every emotion that he was trying to convey.
One afternoon, they met at the library to finish an assignment, she noticed that he had calloused fingers and even some small injuries, so she reached for his hands, without even thinking. He turned sharply to her, eyes wide. She realized her actions and tried to act nonchalantly, asking him what he did to get those.
“I’m learning to play guitar” he answered, she retrieved her hand from his and folded them on her lap. He cleared his throat “I’m not very good” he said in a self-deprecating way.
Katniss looked at him, lifting her eyebrows. “Don’t let that stop you, if you want to play, you shouldn’t quit because you’re not good at first” she said. Peeta gave her a shy smile and kept working. She caught him looking at her from time to time, but decided to ignore it.
Now, in the parking lot, she couldn’t stop all the emotions running through her, so she gave him her best smile. “Hey, Peeta” she greeted him, taking a smoke of her cigarette. Peeta trusted his hand and she shook it.
“Hey” he smiled at her “Are you going already? Some of us are going to Delly’s house, why don’t you come?” he said in a rush. Katniss crooked an eyebrow at him, amused. Peeta flushed deeply and shook his head, laughing a little, he took a deep breath and asked her again “Would you like to come?”
Katniss liked Delly, she was the first student to greet her, and showed her around school. She had gone to a few of her parties, but the fact that Peeta was asking her to go, made her stomach twist in guilt. She wanted to go, but she knew she shouldn’t
“I, ah…well I can’t” she said. Peeta visibly deflated, his shoulders sagging a little.
“Oh, yeah of course, you must have something to do, right? Like…talk with your boyfriend or something” he looked at the ground, stuffing his hand on the pocket of his hoodie. Katniss finished her cigarette and stomped her yellow flats against the stub. Peeta looked up again, seeing that Katniss hadn’t answered yet. “You guys are still a thing?” he asked her, his blue eyes looking right to her.
Katniss cleared her throat. This was uncomfortable, she had a boyfriend who loved her, back at her old town. But here, right in front of her, was the funniest guy she had ever met, he was sweet and smart and right now, she was melting at the sight of his curls peeking out from his beanie, the way his hoodie wrapped around his shoulder and the perfect fit of his jeans. His smile now was  more cautious. She hated that deep down, she knew how he felt, but she couldn’t do anything about it, she had a boyfriend. She had a boyfriend she repeated like a mantra.
“Yeah…he was going to call tonight” she answered. She felt restless, she needed to breathe or a cigarette to calm her down. She took another one from her purse, lightening it fast, taking a long smoke. Peeta kept looking at her, his eyes showing her a different emotion she couldn’t pick. He blinked a few times, smiling at her again
“Well, can I walk you to your car while you burn your lungs?” he teased. Katniss nodded her head, walking slowly next to him. “Have you seen him lately? Your boyfriend?”
“No, he’s working at his dad store, saving money for college” she said. It was the discussion they had every time they talked. He wanted them to go to the same school and live together, something Katniss wasn’t so sure anymore, if she had this feelings for the person walking next to her, she thought their relationship wasn’t very strong. Or she was a shitty girlfriend, that was the thing that made more sense now, but she couldn’t admit it yet.
“Where are you going to college?” he asked her.
“I haven’t decided yet…but not so far from here” she said “I have the feeling I’m one of those really nostalgic students who are going home every weekend” she smiled. He was silent, just walking and nodding his head. She couldn’t see his eyes or his face. “What about you?”
Peeta shrugged “I don’t know, maybe I’ll go to New York with my brother” he said. She knew his older brother lived there, working as a lawyer and making a lot of money. “I would like to explore my options before making a decision, you know?” he turned to look at her, his demeanor serious. Katniss stopped walking, they had reached her car.
“Yeah, that’s-that’s a good choice” she stammered. Why was she so nervous all of the sudden? “This is my car” she pointed lamely to her old green car. She threw away her cigarette and scratched her neck nervously.
They stood there, in front of her car looking at each other. She felt a rush of longing, but she quickly drowned it, she couldn’t feel this way, she was not going to break anyone’s heart with her stupid reactions. It must be just stress or hormones, she tried to convince herself. She shivered, feeling all her emotions running through her veins. Peeta took off his beanie suddenly, reaching her and putting it on her head. Katniss looked at him, startled by his proximity. He looked at her with a similar expression, like he couldn’t believe himself.
“Oh, I’m sorry” he whispered, his hands still on the beanie. He slowly let go of the garment, his hands going to her hair, caressing her tresses between his fingers. Katniss heartbeat was fast now, her eyes wide, looking at him. “You look cold, this should help” he said softly, his hands now resting on her shoulders, squeezing her lightly. She shivered again. He wasn’t that much taller than her,  so his mouth was in level with her forehead and she could feel his warm breath fanning on her face.
“Thank you” she whispered. They were so close, she could count the freckles on the bridge of his nose. She noticed that his eyelashes were long and lighter than his hair. She looked up to see that his curls were pointing everywhere, the static giving him a funny look. Unconsciously, her hands darted right to his hair, trying to smooth it down. She heard his sharp breathe intake. That took her out of her trance , her eyes widening at how close and intimate they were, leaning to each other, a magnetic pull between them.
She should stop, take her hands off his hair and get in her car. But she couldn’t move, she kept running her hands through his curls. Peeta took a deep breath, moving his hands from her shoulders to her waist, grasping her lightly.
“Katniss…” he whispered, his eyes now hooded. She closed her eyes and shook her head, her hands reaching the curls at the base of his head, her fingers caressing his neck. She felt him shudder. His body heat was making her dizzy, her mind focused on him, his smell, his skin, so soft under her fingertips. The way his mouth was only inches away from her was driving her crazy too. “Katniss” he tried again, squeezing her waist. She leaned on his chest, pressing her cheek against it, feeling his strong heartbeat beneath. She tried to calm herself, breathe in and out, willing her heart to slow down.
“I’m sorry, Peeta” she apologized, it seemed like the right thing to say. But sorry for what? For not going to the party or for having a boyfriend? She added “I’m sorry that I can’t go to Delly’s”. His hands slowly went to her back, pressing her against him, she lowered her hands from his neck and grasped his shoulders. This was all she could give him, a hug, nothing else. She had a commitment.
“It’s ok…don’t worry” he whispered, his hands caressed her back, entwining his fingers through her hair. They stood like that for a few seconds, feeling each other, their breathing and warm body heat. She felt his scent, like a soft cologne and clean laundry. There was something else too, a smell she couldn’t pinpoint. She supposed that was his natural smell, it made her bury herself closer to him. No, she couldn't do this, what was she doing? It wasn’t fair for anyone. She felt her throat tighten with guilt, her stomach giving her something close to nausea.
She took a shuddering breath and looked up, trying her best to smile at him and not break at the sight of his sad, deep blue eyes looking down at her. He gave her small, lopsided smile, shrugging his shoulders. They released each other, an understatement passing between them.
“I should go” she said. Peeta just nodded his head, looking down and stuffing his hands on his hoodie, a rush of wind messing with his curls again. Her hands reached her head to take off the beanie, when Peeta looked up and took a step back, putting his hands in front of him
“No, please, just…take it, it’s cold. Just bring it back on Monday, Everdeen” he said with a teasing  tone. She placed it down her head again and turned to open her car. She thought of getting in and take off speeding through the parking lot as fast as she could. But she turned and looked at him.
“Have fun at Delly’s” she said, trying to lighten up the mood.
Peeta shook his head, giving her a sad smile. “I hope he knows how lucky he is” he said, and turned around to leave. Katniss remained there, looking at him walking away from her. She swallowed a lump through her throat. She was stressed, that was it. And she needed to be alone for a while. That was it.
She got to her house after an hour and a half of wandering around the town, eating ice cream and chain smoking at a park. She had to do something, she couldn’t do this to Gale, her boyfriend who loved her so much that wanted to be with her in a few months, saving to get an apartment together. And she couldn’t even convince herself of calling him. What kind of girlfriend am I?
She parked her car and reached for her purse, taking out her silenced cellphone, she winced thinking of the amount of missing calls she was going to see, after ignoring it completely since leaving the swimming competition. To her surprise, there was nothing there. Weird, she thought. Fridays were the day when Gale got out of work early and called her for almost an hour each week.
She got out of her car and reached her door. As soon as she opened, she saw him, sitting on her couch with Prim. Gale.
He turned to look at her, his expression loving and bright, grinning from ear to ear at her. He stood up fast and walked to her, cradling her face between his warm hands and lowering his mouth to her, kissing her for the first time in months. Her arms reached to his shoulders and she felt her heartbeat pick. She distantly heard Prim sighing. She broke the kiss, looking at Gale for the first time. She smiled to him, looking at his handsome face. His eyes were soft and his smile big, she hadn’t seen him this happy in a long time. She started to laugh and reached to hug him, he pressed her against him, lifting her of the ground playfully.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. He let her go, rubbing his hands up and down her arms.
“I missed you, so I got here, we have dinner reservations by the way” he replied. He then looked up, to her head. Katniss felt her stomach drop. The beanie. He frowned a little, but his expression was amused “This is new, I didn’t know you liked this color” he said, reaching for it. Katniss ripped it from her head, throwing it to the couch quickly, before he could touch it or ask more questions about it.
“I missed you too” she said. And it was true, seeing him brought up all those repressed feelings she had. It was hard being long distance, she missed him so much that she tried to drown all her love for him. Gale caressed her hair and she closed her eyes, leaning into him, hugging him hard and pressing her cheek on his chest, feeling his heartbeat. This was what she needed, to see her boyfriend and to trust her love for him. After all, Peeta was just a classmate.
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rottinghayseed-blog · 7 years
Fire, Ghost and Dark type pokemon?
1) VICTINI: I have a very deep bond with Victini, which is why it surpasses Chandelure in the fire-type department. The time in my life where I discovered Victini was a very emotional part. I had just adopted my cat as the Pokemon movies featuring Victini were released. Coincidentally, my cat, much like the Pokemon itself, has a V on his forehead due to his stripes. On his sides, there are stripes that seem to form Poke ball-like shapes. This was also when my mother was dating my now step-father. Only a day after he had purposed to her, he got my DS to connect to the wifi in our house, and he was able to get me the Pokemon Victini legitimately through the event occurring at the time. I cannot thank my cat enough for getting me through so much hard stuff in my life, nor can I give the Pokemon Victini enough credit for everything it has done to impact my life. Due to the fact that I could not nickname Victini (in this event, anyway), it has no nickname.
2) CHANDELURE: Chandelure definitely would have taken first place had Victini not done so. It is a Pokemon of pure power-- a Pokemon I hold very near and dear to my heart. Its power is undeniable, with such high special attack, and its beautiful appearance is very helpful to its case as well. It is one of the only respectable Pokemon that is based off of an inanimate object. I have used it in every one of my playthroughs of any generation 5 game (Pokemon Black, White, Black 2 and White 2). I tend to only catch males, and they are given the nickname “Lewis”. If you are a fan of the band Mystery Skulls, you might know where this name originates from.
3) RESHIRAM: Notice how all of my favorite fire-types are from generation 5? Yeah, well, it’s undeniable that most of the absolute best fire-types came from this generation, Reshiram, the mascot of Pokemon Black, simply proves this. I love Zekrom, sure, but Reshiram is 1000 times better. Its design is absolutely stunning, its typing is incredible, and that battle theme...Woof. This dragon is a monster, and it certainly isn’t a force to be messed with-- especially when it fuses with Kyurem to form White Kyurem. I like to name my Reshiram “Falkor”. If you’ve seen Neverending Story an seen this Pokemon’s stark white appearance, you’ll understand why.
1) TALONFLAME: UGH. I DON’T EVEN WANT TO TALK ABOUT THIS THING. ONE THING: GALE WINGS. That is all. Get this fucking bird away from me. Staraptor is better.
2) CHARIZARD: One word: Overhyped. Choose Blastoise. It’s better.
3) TURTONATOR: This...it’s honestly just a waste of potential. It had a very viable typing, but this thiing just...it just doesn’t have a lot going for it. I wish it did, honestly; I’d love to use it, but its appearance if off-putting, and its stats just..aren’t that great. 
1) AEGISLASH: Holy shit, where do I start with this? I actually didn’t love Aegislash the first time I saw it, but the love began when I was traded a Honedge through Wondertrade in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. Her name was Heavenly, and she had just hatched from an egg, being brought to me at level 1. I raised her into the strongest possible Aegislash she could be, purely on my own. She had a Naughty nature, boosting the attack stat and lowering the special defense stat. Her moveset by the time she had evolved into Aegislash was Sacred Sword, King’s Shield, Iron Head and Swords Dance. She held a Weakness Policy. She was the first Pokemon I had raised on my own to be competitive, and she absolutely took lives. Sadly, I will never see the original Heavenly again, due to the fact that I have lost my original copy of Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, but in the form of her brother, Siegfried, she lives on in my copy of Omega Ruby. 
2) CHANDELURE: Look at the entry #2 for my favorite fire-types.
3) GIRATINA: Ahh, yes, the mascot of my first Pokemon game, Pokemon Platinum. Honestly, Giratina would be the only reason I would ever become a Satanist. A simply stunning Pokemon, I appreciate Giratina’s Origin forme much more than its Altered forme. I don’t like fighting dirty, but the first time I used a Giratina was in my second playthrough of Pokemon Platinum, where I used it to battle Cynthia’s Garchomp, and I absolutely destroyed it. Giratina’s backstory is also one of my favorites out of all legendary Pokemon. I absolutely love this monstrosity that I made into a Contest Star in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. I like to name my Giratina “Lucy”.
1) SHEDINJA: This thing...well, it’s just...kinda pointless. It’s a Pokemon with 1 HP, and it has some annoying-ass ability called Wonder Guard, in which only types super-effective to it can hit it. Use a ghost-type or fire-type move on it, and it faints. Use a grass-type or something like that move on it, and it doesn’t do jack shit. Honestly, maybe if it had better stats and an actually viable amount of HP, maybe this thing would get a bit more love from me.
2) ORICORIO (GHOST-TYPE): Alright, so this is just a case of missed potential. Oricorio really deserved better stats, and this is...probably the best forme. Again, just...missed potential.
3) HOOPA (CONFINED): Okay, this thing...I never grew very attached to Hoopa. Neither forme impressed me that much, although the movie was kickass. I really do wish that this was a little bit better, but Hoopa Unbound can make up for this, and with there being so many lovely Ghost-types, it was very hard to make my decisions here.
1) BISHARP: I think I’ve mentioned before that Bisharp is my favorite Dark-type, and my second favorite Steel-type (Aegislash takes first place in that category). However, this is another Pokemon from generation 5 that I became extremely attached to after raising one to be competitively used. I hatched about 50 eggs, waiting for the perfect Pawniard, When I finally had one with an Adamant nature, the training began, and with that, the bonding did too. I now have a shiny Bisharp I won in a giveaway, and I have raised him as well as I raised my baby before him. I name my Bisharp “Senketsu” or “Checkmate”.  
2) SHARPEDO: Ahh, yes, my favorite Hoenn Pokemon. I became insanely attached to this thing after meeting Archie in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, as this is his ace Pokemon. It also has the ability to mega evolve with a strong enough bond, and you’re damn right my bond with mine is amazing! This Pokemon isn’t too great in competitive due to how frail it is, but in-game, it is an excellent teammate if you didn’t pick a Mudkip. I name my male Sharpedo “Tomahawk” and the females are named “Shelly”.
3) ALOLAN PERSIAN: My second favorite Alolan form is definitely this ripoff of Garfield. At first, I really didn’t like this cat, but as Sun and Moon went on and I met Nanu, that opinion certainly changed. This cat is also very viable in the competitive scene due to its good special attack stat and the ability fur coat. It’s funny that such a weird looking cat could skyrocket to be my 3rd favorite dark-type Pokemon of all time. Of course, I name my male Persian “Nanu”, as “Giovanni” belongs to the original Persian. The females...well, that nickname is still in the works.
1) NUZLEAF: This thing...well, if it wasn’t so obscure, and if it wasn’t such a jerk in the latest Pokemon: Super Mystery Dungeon game, maybe I’d like it juts a bit more. Get outta here, Nuzleaf.
2) MEGA TYRANITAR: Another waste of potential. Honestly, if you’re going to use a Tyranitar, keep that mega stone off of  it. It doesn’t do a whole lot for the big beasty, so just leave it alone and give it a Life Orb or something. In-game, instead of giving it a mega stone, give it to your starter or a Blastoise or something.
3) MANDIBUZZ: Ugh, what an annoyance. I don’t even really know what to say about this thing. it’s just so annoying and I’m so tired of writing this that I want to relax.
Jesus Christ. Should’ve limited this or something.
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lalka-laski · 4 years
Have you ever drank ale?: Red ale is my favorite type of beer. In fact, I have a delivery of 2 packs from a local bar arriving on Sunday! One unexpected benefit of this crisis is that I can get stuff like that delivered right to my home now! Do you know how to use Braille?: Nope. Do you know anyone named Dale?: Actually, yes. I jokingly call him my “sugar daddy,” though never to his face! He’s the blood samples courier who comes to my work every Thursday and he brings me candy/gum/baked goods in exchange for a coffee. I miss our weekly chats! Do you like the name Gale?: Nah, not really. Have you ever been to jail?: Absolutely not.
Have you ever eaten kale?: Yeah, I quite like it. But then again I love almost all green veggies! Are you female or male?: Female. Do you bite your nails?: I usually have acrylics on although they’re natural now (thanks, Covid!) Is your skin pale?: I’m the fairest of them all Have you ever seen a Quail (the bird)?: I JUST REALIZED THAT THE END OF ALL THESE QUESTIONS RHYME!!!!! When you use stairs, do you usually hold the rail?: Not unless I’m carrying something (specifically a baby).  Have you ever eaten a snail?: I’m a vegetarian so no ma’am.  Do you like walking on nature trails?: I wish I liked them more, I’m not super outdoors-y. Although taking a nice walk outside can be very refreshing and centering. So I should try that more.  Have you ever worn a veil?: Nope, unless you’d count a blanket or other makeshift veil when I’d play “wedding” as a kid.  Have you ever been stung by a bee?: Once I think. Do you know any Tai Chi?: No but it is actually something I wanna get into Do you know anyone with the name/nickname Dee?: Hmm...I don’t believe so. Are the best things in life really free?: Listen, we all know money can’t buy love or friendship or inner peace. I’m not denying that. But money can buy you a comfortable life. There are plenty of homeless or impoverished people out there whose lives would be ENTIRELY improved by money. So I don’t want to be that pseuo-philosopher who says the best things in life are free, In reality, you DO need money to access quite a lot of “good things” in society as it stands.  Do you like the show “Glee”?: I never cared for it. Found it annoying, actually.  Has anyone ever kicked you in the knee?: Uhh no.  Do you know anyone named Lee?: Yeah, the “drunk bus” driver at my college.  Have you taken any other surveys made by me?: I don’t know who you are but I’m sure I have, just considering the amount of surveys I’ve taken.  Right now, do you have to pee?: Nope, for once. Ha! What’s a movie you’d like to see?: I’m not into movies so nothing’s jumping out at me. Have you ever planted a tree?: Hmm nope. Have you ever made anything with clay?: In art class at school Has today been a good day?: It was actually one of my better days lately. Do you like the band The Fray?: Yes, actually! I saw them live once.  Are you wearing anything that’s gray?: Nope. I really do, I don’t care for it. Have you ever fed a horse hay?: Maybe as a kid? Though I honestly can’t remember.  Do you like the name Jay?: It’s not my favorite Are you more likely to text “Okay”, “OK” or just “K”?: Okay!  Is your birthday in May?: Nope, July.  Do you ever pray?: In my own way, yes.  Do you know anyone named Ray?: No, but it’s a running joke that my boyfriend’s name is Ray because his last name is Romano. When I first started dating him, my godmother asked “so how long have you know Ray?” and I was so confused because I’ve never met a person named Ray in my life!  Do you know anyone named Trey?: HI MY NAME’S TREY AND I HAVE A BASKETBALL GAME TOMORROW Do you often pass the blame?: I might have a bad habit of that. As much as I internalize shit, I do want to blame others for my problems. Have you ever called a woman a “dame”?: Weird... no. Would you rather have fortune or fame?: Fortune, no question.  What is your favorite video game?: I don’t play them Do you remember the actor Corey Haim?: Mhm! What is something you think is lame? (This survey, perhaps? haha): Ha, I actually really enjoy this survey and I appreciate the rhymes! But then again, you might consider me lame so.  What’s your name?: Elizabeth In your pocket, do you have a dime?: Funny you ask because I usually have a dime in most of my jacket pockets. Dimes are my “good luck” coin and I find them unexpectedly/at moments when I need them. I always believe they’re a little sign from my Grams that everything’s gonna be ok. Do you like the taste of lime?: The taste of actual limes are great, specifically in a margarita or other drink! I’m a bit weird about artificial lime but I like lime-flavored candies (gummies are the best!) Have you ever seen a mime (in real life)?: No! I’d probably shit myself, no lie. Do you think it’s stupid that I’m making my questions rhyme?: No, it’s cute and fun! And very creative I must say. When did you last check the time?: Just now and FUNNILY ENOUGH, it’s 7:13 which is my birthday! Have you ever gone to a bar?: Girl...... Do you have a car?: Nope. I don’t drive. Have you traveled very far?: Not very Do you keep spare change in a jar?: I keep quarters in a jar for laundry, but no other coins.  Would you like to go to Mars?: The idea TERRIFIES me Have you ever wished on a shooting star?: I have! Ok I admit that I still do whenever I’m lucky enough to catch one.  Have you ever drank beer?: Do you knew me? Like AT ALL...? What is your dream career?: Published author or magazine/blog contributor Have you ever seen a deer (in real life)?: They’re my favorite/spirit animal! I feel a such of calmness and magic whenever I see one. It always makes my day. What is your biggest fear?: Losing a loved one  Have you ever seen the show “Top Gear”?: Nope Right now, what can you hear?: We’re watching Love Island UK (complete trash, I love it) and Glenn is playing a video game at a very high volume What is your age?: 27 Have you ever kept a pet in a cage?: Nope. We had rabbits growing up and they had cages where their food, water and litter were kept but the cages were never closed and they were free to hop in and out of them as they pleased. Aww...I miss my bunnies! Have you ever used a tire gauge?: Never Have you ever performed on stage?: Not solo What’s your hourly wage? (If you have a job.): I don’t care to disclose that  Have you ever seen a bear (in real life)?: At a zoo. Trust that I’d lose my entire shit if I saw one in the wild! (Though I probably wouldn’t live to tell the tale anyways) Are you currently sitting in a chair?: A loveseat Have you ever played Truth or Dare?: Yep  Do you like to go to the fair?: I love festivals but not necessarily fairs What color is your hair?: Blondie  When did you last eat a pear?: I can’t even remember! I do love pears though. Do you like your steak cooked rare?: I’m a vegetarian  Do you often curse/swear?: I’ve noticed I have been a lot more lately What is your favorite kind of shoe to wear?: I prefer being barefoot whenever possible, but otherwise I like flip-flops. Basically anything that’s far from a shoe. Are you wearing anything that’s blue?: There’s a bit of blue on the shirt I’m wearing Have you ever played the game Clue?: Lots of times when I was little! I also think I had some kind of computer game/electronic version too. That’s vaguely familiar to me...  When did you last have the flu?: Never, KNOCK WOOD. Have you ever eaten glue?: OK WELL... I love chewing that gummy adhesive stuff on gift cards and magazine labels (you know what I’m talking about?) I guess that’s technically glue so...  Are you a Jew?: No, but my sister (technically my half-sister) has a Jewish bio dad.  Have you ever looked at a cow and said moo?: Hmm... Do you tend to buy clothes used or new?: Almost always new except I did start frequenting Plato’s Closet a bit before everything got shut down. Do you like Pepe Le Pew?: I mean... no preference? If you have Netflix, how many items are in your queue?: Nothing in my queue  Do you ever make your own stew?: No but maybe I should! Are all your answers to these questions true?: Always 100% Have you ever been to the zoo?: Yeah, I miss Zoo Brew!
0 notes
emiliaboone · 6 years
Sci-Fi Romance Thoughts: The Host
Here we go, the other “bad” movie. At a 9% RT score and written by the author of Twilight, there was really only one way this will go. I remember trying to read this book years ago, and I’ve always loved Saoirse Ronan, but to be honest the concept just didn’t really jump out at me. But I watched it, because aliens are relevant, and it was interesting. Here are my (spoiler filled) notes on the Host!
Who is in love? Wanda and Ian
How much time was spent on the romance? About half
Did they end up together? Yep
Did the plot depend on it? Oh, yeah. The whole point of the end was like 75% so they could end up together.
How much lead up? A bit. It starts off the way most movie romances do. But it’s sudden. Maybe it always is and I’m seeing it here cos I’m looking for it but the lead up is pretty standard. He notices her, starts to believe her, starts watching for her, caring for her, and finally protecting her until they kiss.
Were you feeling it? Eh..I was getting emotional towards the end but it’s not really to do with them. But I like both of them as actors so I don’t feel repulsed by it. Short answer no.
How was it integrated? Pretty entwined in the conflict. In Wanda trying to make a life for herself she fell in love with Ian, but Melanie was in love with Jared. It was him who pretty much kept her from being killed half the time, and at the same time, she was trying to resit feelings for him and help melanie.
How distracting was it? I think it was too much of the plot to be distracting. I’d say the same about Melanie and Jared but the flashback scenes got weird sometimes so they distracted me more. The super-convenient ending was annoying, though
Kiss? Yep
Sex? Not on screen but maybe during the time skip
Annoyance Level: 4, mostly for the ending and how cliche it was.
Overall movie rating: Another 4. It was so ridiculously cliche but it had promise and made me emotional.
Thoughts! - These words are always incorrect and always arouse suspicion. I have to admit until I started doing this I completely forgot about this movie, and this book. Why do I always think these things are robots? Dead. Oh no, not you, girl I literally don’t know a single thing about! Who closed her mouth? Call…Me…Ishmael. Ok, that scene was super weird. The way he was like “you’ve lived many lives on many worlds” that was very clearly exposition and it was not well integrated. So are her bones…Not broken now? Wait, does she have a southern accent now? Did that dude just randomly kiss some girl he didn’t know??? What’s with stephenie meyer and random sexual assault? Oh she’s drawing him this got really creepy…er. Oh now he cares about consent. Okay I’m actually uncomfortable with the dialogue here. Why do the aliens speak English? This is so weird to me “after everything you’ve seen” I haven’t seen much. We’re only 18 minutes in. I get it kid brother but if they’re heartless aliens less than 18 minutes wouldn’t kill her evil, would it? EVERYTHING IS CHROME IN THE FUTURE is her shirt on backwards? I think it’s on backwards…I’m seriously so confused by why she pities them so much. It seems too easy. sooooo dead. Is she really going to do that in heels??? why are they wearing heels anyway? Or clothes? Do they have a concept of gender? What are the alien rules? “Did you really think you could beat me?” super cliche. And why do they have cars? I’m super confused on how they are so integrated in human culture. Symbolism tree! Why is her uncle nice to her? Just cos she has melanie’s face? Or is it because when she woke up it was “her”? What does she mean by “they can’t see me”? Of course not? You have alien eyes? What else are they going to see? Oh, child actors. Ok but why are they keeping her alive? Just to question her about why she came back? Nice exposition there, Jake Abel. No-one just says “little brother” unless they’re saying it to Mulan’s dog. Why is jake abel suddenly feeling sorry for her? Let me rephrase, I get why, but he didn’t seem to feel bad before. Wanda is only one syllable less than wanderer…Did he not hear her whispering out loud? LOL “STORE” So this whole time, we just see jake Abel just…look at her. But that’s how you know they’re destined for love. Because every time she walks in a room he drops everything and the camera just lingers on his face. There’s the schoolboy grin, following her with his eyes, now he’s watching her work, and she doesn’t understand it but love and shit. offering her water, which she takes even though melanie is yelling at him, long looks. I think the commentary is supposed to be funny but it…really isn’t. Oh, no not the two red shirts. I could never have predicted this. Why is she all shocked that the dude is dead, she knew what it was when she picked it up? Defending her from jared, oh wow, now he wants her to stay with him?? Lol that uncle knows. Now they’re holding hands…smiling at each other, protecting her, keeping Jared from coming at her, defending her name, oh I know his name now! Oh, fuck I don’t like this, you can’t just go around kissing random girls, dude! You’ve done it twice now, what the fuck? Why is she kissing him back when she’s begging her not to? Oh, she’s going to kill him, isn’t she? Oh I would have much preferred it if she did…Now he’s saying he’ll kill bro dude for trying to kill her. This is very twilight, everyone gathering around to protect her even though they hardly know her, just cos they believe melanie’s in there. Now I can see jeb and jamie protecting her but ian didn’t know her, this is very edward. Oh but he’s been told to stay away. Phew. Oh but he’s going to do it anyway cos he’s a rebel. This is their first date ish thing. Holding hands, and she seems to like him but now she’s contradicting herself cos melanie loves jared which means she loves jared but she even said earlier that she liked ian and the logic of these aliens make no sense! Almost kiss…This logic works, that it’s the body he likes, not her, I really like that she said that….and then ruined it by kissing him. well fuck. Oh there’s a twist I definitely didn’t see coming. How could I have ever guessed that weirdly violently human seeker had a weirdly violent human still inside her? He follows her, “it’s not what it looks like”, apologising all quiet. there’s another really weird shot! So…jamie’s hurt. Okay. But where melanie go? she was there until you saw your “family” killed, so it was you that was mad, why would she have gone somewhere?? Now she’s using Ian to get her back, and he’s…cool with that? Not only is he cool with it, hes helping her? and she’s using jared now, this situation is fucked, really. Lol I love that it just says “store”. I feel like that’s something that comes up a lot, siblings getting randomly sick? Or a loved one, and that causes issues? Gale in the Hunger Games, Uriah in Divergent, I just feel like it happens a lot. Maybe even the dad in the Circle? I don’t know if that will count. Steps in front of her when Diane Kreuger comes to kill her. Are all aliens american? Why does she need to die, i’m confused. And now melanie likes her? Lol that kinda looks like the arrival spaceship. This is really weirding me out. Yes, they’re friends with her now. But why are they trying to keep her with melanie? clearly she’s taken over someone’s body, you can’t just say “think about it” to the thing literally possessing your niece? Leaving you? Love her, how long have you actually known her? Why a I getting emotional right now? Just months? How many months? I knew this ending was coming but god, it’s so convenient. Imagine Dragons????
So those are my thoughts on the Host! It was a movie, that happened. And it was an experience! To see the video I took these notes for, you can find it here, and I’ll be back tomorrow for the parody! Finally!
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