#anyway just some trigun rants
ladsofsorrow24 · 1 year
its interesting to see how so many people come to the conclusion that ww is the one to butcher his job because he fell in love with vash
when, i think he actually did fulfill every single requirements of the job knives forced him to take
because the funny thing is, vash will always ended up confronting knives by his own will, no matter what. knives didn't have to put ww on babysitting duty (which, shows how much he look down upon humanity that he think someone like ww isn't that big of a threat to him) but yeah maybe ww got in this position just so knives could show vash how irredeemable humanity is and why they're not worth it...
but i wonder if he actually predicted just how much this puny human will affect vash's motivation to defeat him
idk i'm just talking out of my ass here but i think the first and last time wolfwood actually abandoned his post to prioritize his personal matter is when he leave to fight chapel and livio. that's the only time he put himself first before his job, and even then it's not literally him putting himself first, but rather the people he loved and cared for
fuck it, ww is such an interesting character...
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merylstryfestan · 1 year
so like, i know we're all into that kind of cute fuzz-ball angel vash, and i get it, i really do, but do you know what we don't talk enough about?
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like, i'm just so much more interested in this. thematically. aesthetically. conceptually. like what's even going on here? i don't know, i just need more of this
vash and knives are not just humans with super powers. that's not what independents are. they are not at all human. they are alien in ways we can't even understand. like the above image is inherently gross and unsettling, that's just how humans have evolved to interpret something like this. and i just think that it's interesting that we as viewers eventually must come to terms with the fact that our silly goofy protagonist that we've been cheering for this whole time is really very inhuman in ways that we are naturally averse to.
(credit to @trigun-manga-overhaul for the image!)
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duncanor · 1 year
What is it with straight mangaka making the best gay love stories ever written by accident.
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guideaus · 1 year
god im remembering my one post about how i mentioned sexual assault and misogyny in trigun, but i didnt know how to describe it in a post out of fear of someone replying "Well, it's there to show the world is gritty", and someone commented asking me to elaborate, and then their response back when i did try and point out what i meant DID essentially say "actually, its good because it describes the world well" 😭😭
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domfock · 11 months
Now that we're finally at volume 5, are you guys ready to fucking suffer? Yes? Good, because I have some absolute horrors to share with you guys, and since I had to realize this and live with it, so do you!
Let's start with this page:
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Vash is blaming himself for shit Knives has done, right? He puts the responsibility of his brother's actions onto his own shoulders while his own rage mounts, he kept himself going because he had to send Knives to Hell for what he had done.
We saw him say this to Legato,
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And we saw him say this to Hoppered, despite his earlier inner confession of being a murderer.
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Almost as if this excuse runs on autopilot as a way to cope with the horrors he witnessed and can't remember in July, blaming Knives for everything. This was his mindset before July, and after losing his memory of July, it reset.
This is the last time we see this excuse, however.
As the truth comes back to haunt him, he is faced with the true suffering, and so are we as readers.
Vash IS a murderer, in fact, he killed everyone in July. Knives didn't force him to pull the trigger, Vash made a calculated move, something he could only do if he was aware. He WANTED to kill Knives right then and there, and for the sin of wanting to shoot to kill, Vash's punishment was blowing everyone around them away.
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Vash intentionally swapped where his angel arm was growing to trick Knives, made it smaller, possibly in the hopes that it would contain the damage.
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After hearing Knives' rant about what humanity has done to him, it probably dawned on Vash that these are Knives' abuse towards him. Vash's goal was to punish Knives for the Big Fall before July, and everything that just happened only enforced that. Vash really did intend to send Knives to Hell there, using his angel arm to kill him and took all of July with him.
Vash will be completely changed after this, having realized that he is just like Knives now, killing thousands in a moment of anger and fear. Knives caused the Big Fall, Vash destroyed July. Vash lost Rem's spirit long ago, his hands are already dirtied by blood.
But wait, it's about to get worse.
Remember this line from Trigun Vol 2?
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Knives body couldn't survive the damage done to it from July, even after years of attempted recovery. They're transferring Knives consciousness to another Plant, his data, to make a new body for him, a "copy."
Question is now, is this a data copy or a transfer? Because if it's a copy, then Vash did truly kill his own flesh and blood brother. The new resurrected Knives is both a copy in body and spirit, if that is how one sees it, and leaving the original Knives to experience death.
Vash did not only kill everyone in July, but potentially also his own brother, and with his returned memory he now remembers this.
Anyway, have fun and enjoy, Bookclub!
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rainbow-pop-arts · 1 year
Wooooooh, Trigun Maximum vol 1 thoughts part 3 for @trigunbookclub! This is also the last part for vol 1!
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Some thoughts about TriMax chap 5-6 under the cut!
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Child Vash with his mother-figure Rem 🥺
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Reminiscing about Rem fills Vash with determination (Undertale reference)
Woah guys, it’s the reason why Vash’s coat is red
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Oh nooooo, a hostage situation
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Undertale genocide route
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POV: You’re one of my friends in school and I’m about to rant to you about Trigun (mostly about Vash) for the 45510th time
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Hmmm, I think when I first saw this I was like “Oh, what’s Vash gonna do? That guy killed the daughter of the guy on top of him. Will Vash let him be shot?”
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( ˘̩ ⌒ ˘̩ )
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Definitely Aqua from Oshi no Ko. Once he finds his dad who caused his mom’s death, he’s gonna kill him (not with a gun I think, but with a knife since…you know 😁)
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Oh my GOD, Brad. Have some faith in Vash, would ya? 🙄
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Conflict conflict conflict
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I know this is a serious scene but I’M SORRY I CAN’T HELP IT
POV: You’re looking at my Pinterest boards
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Vash stops the guy from shooting the other guy!
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Although…it costs his face being beaten up
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What taking the pacifist route in Undertale does to a mf
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WELP, all's well that ends well! :D No one died!
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“Oh yeah, you too, old man”
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I have a feeling this is foreshadowing the later chapters and I’m scared (I stopped at chapter 31 when I started joining the book club)
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Woah, that guy was a puppet the whole time and was controled by that guy in black, BIG SHOCK! (When I first saw this I thought he killed the guy, yeesh)
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Okay now what’s up with Legato here?
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This is literally my brain when I’m not able to listen to music and the place is really quiet. My brain just imagines random crazy stuff to keep occupied. 
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Was Mr. Nightow a fan of Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro? 🥺 I don’t watch it but the OP slaps
🎶Ge, Ge, GeGeGe no Ge... Asa wa nedoko de, Guu guu guu🎶
That's all for my thoughts on TriMax vol 1! ♡(◕ᗜ◕✿)
Bonus: So at school we were told to make a poster with the message "Say no to drugs" and I made this as a joke but my teacher accepted it anyways
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Before drugs After drugs
Doing drugs is dangerous! Don't go to a hospital or die, okay!
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memoriesoftanalorr · 1 year
My thoughts on Trigun Stampede season one finale since I watched some spoilers, I watched some of the videos on YouTube. Oh I wanna a redemption arc for Nai/Knives so much :(
Also I luv Vash a lot, he's so adorable, Meryl is so cute too, she's my baby. Also I liked Roberto and about Nicolas -- well he's fine but he is not my type of the character but he's important as well. I love the plot, style of this anime but it's gets frightening to me and eventually I having nightmares lol
I really like Rem too and her love to the boys is so deep and sincerely I'm so sad.
Geez how it's possible to have a crush on both of the brothers lol? Why Knives so skinny? Asexual like me just fainted, me never says 'hot' but uhm XD
Also I have an idea to make Trigun sona, I've seen others on Tumblr making Trigun sonas and that's awesome! Sorry for the stupid rant. Anyway I'm too busy to finish season one but I will. i need to prepare to write everything down and for now I'm preparing for a road trip.
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bwaveq · 1 year
Hey guys! It’s been awhile
I came on here to rant about the new spider man movie (imagine taking a break without letting your followers know and just come back to rant about the new spider man movie, yes it’s across the spider verse. Imagine) ‼️‼️MINOR SPOILERS‼️‼️
So i just watched it and you can too at flixhq.to (not sponsored lol) and to be honest it wasn’t what i was expecting, not in a bad way but neither in a good way.
The edits really did their jobs in hyping me up for this movie fr i’m not hating on it because i did enjoy it i loved the animation, the characters, and etc but i thought it was like set at a fast pace? I’m not sure if it’s just me but i felt that way even though it felt like hours watching it (i rewatched the first one too to jog my memory) and yeah.
You might’ve guessed it (maybe idk?) “who’s your favorite character/who’s the one you’ve mostly seen in edits?” Yeah, you guessed it this guy 👇🏽
I can’t get enough of him he’s so cool, so hot, so badass, so SO SOOOOOO
sorry anyways but the way he was flopping around in that one scene chasing after miles HAD ME SCREAMINGGGGG AND THAT ONE TRAIN SCENE?? MOVE MILES ITS MY TURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I literally day dream about him every day, every hour, every minute, every second, every meter, every centimeter, every millimeter, every angle. He’s just so. I CANT EXPLAIN IT.
In all honesty i’ve seen edits and the hype about hobie and in that one scene I WAS SCREAMING bro really had Miles’ back and that smirk was amazing, i liked his character and i liked his design along with pavitr i loved his theme AND HIS DESIGNN
What i’m trying to say is I didn’t get enough of these characters and hopefully the third movie will bring that satisfaction of bringing all these amazing characters back (at this point I don’t really care for gwen in my opinion she was kind of annoying in this movie but half of me still likes her it’s just idk😭)
AND PETER B PARKER WITH MAYDAY WAS SO CUTEEEE 😭 (peter is so lucky fr and Mj is lucky too)
I personally liked it, it wasn’t all like i was expecting but it still has me hooked I JUST CANT BELIEVE THEY PUT A CLIFFHANGER AND I HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER YEAR (I didn’t know they were coming out with a second one in the first place LMFOA)
I love her, i love her glasses, i love her personality, i love her. I’m not a marvels comic reader but i heard she wore a big poofy jacket of some sort and honestly i think they should’ve gave her a poofy jacket thing BUT ANYWAYS I LOVED HER (ya’ll should check out this cosplayer i love her and her lyla cosplay “svpphirestvr” on tiktok!!)
Anyways that’s the end of my rant i hope all of you have been well and i’ll try to finish that one Trigun stampede draft i started (yeah i never forgot about it) and i’ll have to download wattpad again :’) HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT‼️‼️‼️💛💛💛💛
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shina-moon-art · 1 year
Hi I heard you have been thinking about one piece again sorry for my numerus messages prior a friend spoke to me about it I hope you're okay and was wondering what you thought about this headcanon I had, you know Robin has a dry or well dark sense of humor? What if she got that trait from Ann? Do you think Robin took some influences from Ann? Like is Ann the mother figure she ever really had with her real mother heading off or maybe the aunt figure?
It’s alright!! I’ve been pretty busy for the last few months(I still am) and my friend got me to watch trigun so my attention is kinda torn right now as I flip flop between them. I really enjoy getting asks I’m just really bad at answering them, I’d say drawing asks are easier but they’re only easy when I actually have time to draw🥲 so for now I’m gonna try and go through my asks that aren’t drawing asks or things I want to add drawings to. Anyway sorry for the rant but don’t be afraid to send asks!! I’ll get to them eventually I’m just really slow with it.
Alright so Robin’s sense of humor really seems to be influenced by Robin’s time on the run after Ohara. For this story specifically I’d say yes Ann likely did start her down the dark/sarcastic humor path but in cannon I feel like it is largely influenced by Saul telling her to smile and laugh even when she’s sad. It’s been a little while since I’ve read the Roger marine so I’m kinda guessing here but Ann and Robin didn’t know each other that long, a couple months at best I think. I feel like by the time Robin is fully grown her memories of Ann serve more as an ideal or a hero placed on a pedestal than an actual person (not trying to diss Robin but that’s just what kids in traumatic situations tend to do to the people who save them). Don’t get me wrong Robin is thankful that Ann saved her but there’s probably a part of her that resents her leaving (something I imagine they hash out quite easily once they meet again) so at most Robin probably sees Ann as a big sister or aunt rather than a mother figure. Ann is definitely important to Robin though, the memory of her motivates her to keep going even when it’s tough just like with Saul, I feel like there’s a part of her that knows that Ann would come for her if she were to ever find out about her possibly being captured. This though is more motivation to not get caught because she doesn’t want to put Ann in danger.
Hope you enjoyed!! Once again don’t worry about the asks I like getting them I just take a long time to do them. @justscrolling765
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eomma-jpeg · 8 months
🖊👀🍰 for the asks <3
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
I'll keep ranting about them bc their style is so cozy, but anything by @eilwen is so incredibly comforting and I DREAM of writing like them 
Im scrambling to adopt some of their finesse lol
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
So I used to post fics consistently back in like 2015/16 but hadnt posted since then (until I got into trigun lol) 
But… i still wrote some stuff relating to the fandoms I was in during that break.
Something that I wrote during that time that will stay in my folders and probably won't ever see the light of day is my BNHA fantasy au
I have a new fantasy au (millynai trigun 💀) and I'm gonna put all of my guilty pleasures into that bad boy instead of kacchako LOL
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
hehe here's some of that fantasy au 👀👀
Following the simple worn path down, Milly's feet finally came to a halt as she reached the water's edge. A majority of the enormous river that her kingdom was settled along required a dock or man made entrances for a person to safely reach the rushing water, but thankfully her ancestors had constructed the castle near a calm inlet. The water was easy to reach, the sediment was soft, and it was so cold. Milly appreciated the chill as she pulled off her shoes; it distracted her from other less pleasant elements of her life.
Like an arranged marriage. To a stranger. Someone her brothers hadn't even decided on yet.
Uncommon anger flared in Milly’s chest.
Beginning what was intended to be a peaceful stroll, Milly's feet marched with more weight than necessary, splashing the freezing water beneath her up and onto her calves. The water probably reached the hem of her silk gown, but she didn't have the mind to care about that now.
"Rude brothers who only care about winning the crown," Milly grumbled, "Dumb royal Court that always sides with them," she kicked her skirt out of the way, "And stupid foreign nations that always need appeasing."
Just trying to rid herself of the annoyance that buzzed around her, Milly stomped hard, water flying and her lantern swinging in her hands. As it waved in the air, the light caught on something that was much brighter than sand; something metallic. It was still a few yards away, and she was amazed her light even reached that far. Perhaps the item itself was glowing, calling out to her from the water's edge.
Curiosity got the better of her (though, Milly probably would have approached without the additional curiosity anyway) and Milly moved in closer. Lifting the lantern even higher to let the light cast further, her heart sank when she recognized the outline of a person.
"Oh, oh my…" Milly whispered, bunching up her skirts with one hand and rushing over to the body settled in the sand
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ladsofsorrow24 · 1 year
just gonna rant here about this rather than on twitter (because there's too many eyes there)
but yeah i think i am... seeing this trend where a lot of writers and artists kinda misunderstood on why wolfwood truly admired vash
a lot of people keep resorting to vash's angelic form to be what attracts wolfwood in the first place, when i think that part of vash is actually what wolfwood feared the most, because in trimax, after he witnessed how big of a power gap between the plants and humanity, he got intimidated and decided to leave and go to the orphanage so that, in his own ways, he won't be a burden to vash's journey
if anything, rather than because of how physically different vash is, what makes wolfwood really amazed by this guy is the humble side of him that make him vash the stampede. vash's tenacity to never give up his own beliefs even if it means having to fight tooth and nail for it, his overwhelming kindness to give a second chance to someone no matter how corrupt they can be, that's the quality that wolfwood sees and what makes him decide vash is someone worth following til the end.
so... yeah idk i do get it that a lot of people make this ship about this sort of... physical thing because this is their own ways to cope with fiction and all that but i also think my thoughts about this are worth to just... wrote it down and be shared to other people who felt the same way.
also if we're really gonna go about the physical connection between these two, i feel like wolfwood can empathize with vash when it comes to losing bodily autonomy and feeling like your body doesn't belong to you. that's like... the basis of his plot, how he's forced to live inside this overgrown skin, just like vash after awakening the true power in his right arm and realizing that his existence isn't only for himself but also tied to knives's and the plants, no matter how much he run from it
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