#anyway i really really would have liked a glimpse of elena and damon with kids
the writer in me does not approve of the way vampire diaries ended, but god my tears disagree
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missnmikaelson-main · 4 years
National Anthem
6. October 22, 2020 🌶
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Voices whispered around her, bombarding every inch of Belmont University’s auditorium with an anxious hum of energy. She had a pretty decent seat, all things considered. Most of the journalists sat scattered around the place with views that ranged from abysmal to ‘is-that-him-behind-the-pillar’. She got the coveted spot reserved for candidate family and team members so she could see everything and it only came with a single drawback.
Being backstage meant her view was from the side, and the view she wanted, the image of Kol in his clean cut suit - the one she wanted to peel off piece by piece - was blocked by a man she really didn’t want to see.
“He’s doing a good job,” Cami mused from beside her, “open and engaging. That’s excellent.”
“Open and engaging, and witty are only gonna get him so far today,” Elena breathed. She would rather gauge her eyes out than look at his opponent, but she had to admit he possessed many of the same qualities. “Damon Salvatore can be just as charismatic.”
“I gotta believe people can see through the show,” Cami sighed, tapping her foot against the floor. She tossed her hair over her shoulder as she glanced around the backstage area. In the corner she spotted Marcel talking in a low voice on the phone jammed between his shoulder and ear while his hand took quick notes.
Elena followed her look and gritted her teeth.
Which of course, Cami saw.
Stupid psychologists.
“Are you going to be angry at him forever?” She hooked her finger under her watch chain.
“He ripped my world apart,” she inhaled sharply, exhaling in a controlled rush. “He took everything I knew about myself and scribbled it out with a red pen.”
She licked her lips and sniffed, dropping her eyes to her lap. It had been months since she found the file, months since her heart shattered to pieces and she relived her teenage grief.
She had told Caroline after a few days, and Rebekah, and her brother. The memory of that lunch when the campaign bus swung through Mystic Falls still made her emotional.
And it was only partly because Kol deliberately altered their course of travel to give her that moment with her friends, and with Jeremy.
Everyone who mattered knew, and that went a long way to fixing the damage done.
She was adopted, but she had been loved.
She was adopted, but she had her friends.
She was adopted, but she had her family.
Her friends had squealed happily when she showed up for the unexpected lunch and told them she had something to tell them. They had sat on the edge of their seats while she picked over her burger and fries then poked at a slice of apple pie. When she took the deep breath that came before her admission they both fell silent, but she got the sense her words weren’t what the girls had been expecting.
Jeremy had declared loudly and with particular vehemence that it changed nothing. She had always been his annoying big sister. She always would be his annoying big sister.
They loved her.
She was still her.
She was still Elena Gilbert.
Later, on the bus, she had marvelled over Caroline refraining from asking about what she witnessed with Kol. And after Kol admitted none of his brothers mentioned it she had to conclude that for once Caroline had kept her mouth shut.
Maybe she was waiting until it was clear she was better before dropping the bombshell that would have Rebekah climbing down her throat. If that was the case then Caroline had a new record for keeping a secret: four months.
“He broke me and left a giant question mark over my life,” she came back to the present, rising from her chair.
“For what it’s worth, Elena,” Cami pushed her hair behind her ears, “I’m sorry for my part in this. I all but confirmed you were together when I said you two were cute, and set Marcel on his hunt.”
“Thank you,” she crossed her arms, hugging her elbows. Her fingers tugged gently at the indigo sleeves of her sweater.
“And for what’s it’s worth, knowing what you know shouldn’t change anything.”
“I know,” Elena nodded. “It took me a little time to get there, but I know. I’m still me, but that doesn’t erase the giant question that nobody, not even Marcel with his vast resources, seems to be able to answer.”
“I guess her name was pretty common,” Cami crossed her legs.
“Fourteen of them across the country near enough to the right age when you take in alternate spellings,” Elena murmured, leaning against a pillar to get a glimpse of Kol cutting a remark towards Damon. “Half of them grew up close enough to fit the bill of teenage runaway.”
“Marcel will find her,” she watched him talking on his phone. “He’s really good at what he does.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Elena caught Kol’s eye when he glanced in her direction. She offered him a small smile that grew bigger when he went back to slapping Damon down in the debate. She couldn’t wait to get him alone.
Her heart skipped a beat and she jumped, spinning towards the voice at her side.
“Stefan?” Her brows rose, though why she was surprised she couldn’t say. His brother was on stage.
“I thought that was you,” he smiled, tilting his head. “But I couldn’t be sure when I saw you from the other side,” he gestured with one hand to the other end of the stage.
“What are you doing here?” She swept her hair behind her ear.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” He smirked, eyes sparkling.
“I meant over here,” she laughed, shaking her head and lowering her voice to a whisper, “this is the opposing side.”
“So, just because Damon’s my brother I have to support his political party?” Stefan lifted a single brow.
“Does that mean you don’t?” She mirrored his expression. Outright detestation from family probably wouldn’t work in Damon’s favour.
“Are we on the record?” He countered, leaning a little closer.
“I’m not here as a reporter Stefan,” her stomach shifted with the admission. “I’m here as a friend.”
“Well, its not a friend to Damon,” he stole a quick glance on stage, catching Kol’s attention for a split second. Taking half a step closer he whispered softly. “Did you know he cracked three of my ribs?”
“Damon broke your ribs?” Her brows rose into her hair line.
“No, not Damon, Kol,” he held her gaze, “a few days after you and I broke up. It was at that start of summer party and everyone was drinking. I think I was flirting with someone, might have been Valerie, and suddenly Kol was there. Didn’t say anything. Punched me once, hard, right here,” he gestured to his side.
“You never said anything,” her brows lowered.
“I always thought you knew,” he shrugged. “I got the sense he did it because of you.”
“What do you mean?” She leaned a little closer.
“I mean,” Stefan whispered, “that anybody who dated you learned quickly to never break your heart, especially when he was around.”
“Still, opposition would have loved to get their hands on that scoop,” she ducked her head, feeling a slight flush stain her neck.
“Who hasn’t gotten in a fight in high school?” Stefan chuckled. “Besides if I’d come forward with that it would have come out why he did it, and then I never would have heard the end of breaking up with you two days before your birthday through a text message.”
“My birthday cake tasted like tears,” she pushed her tongue between her teeth.
“I knew we weren’t working out and I didn’t handle it very well,” he said by way of apology. “I assume you told Rebekah all about what a jackass I was, and then she told her brother, or he overheard, but somehow he found out about it and took revenge on your behalf.”
“You probably got off easy,” she huffed a laugh, “if I’d found you flirting with Valerie a couple of days after dumping me I probably would have kicked and ensured the Salvatore line ended.”
“You’re forgetting Damon,” he winced.
“What woman in her right mind is gonna have kids with him?”
“Fair enough.” Stefan nodded, smiling as he turned around. “Anyway, I just wanted to come and say hello, since I haven’t seen you in so long.”
“If I absolutely had to converse with a Salvatore today, I’m glad it was you,” she frowned towards the stage.
“What exactly happened with you and Damon?”
“It’s not what happened with me,” her eyes narrowed, “and it’s not my story to tell.” She turned fully to face him. “It was nice to see you.”
“Likewise,” he nodded.
The air thickened with awkward tension then and Elena resisted the urge to fidget.
How were you supposed to say goodbye to the person that took your virginity? A handshake felt too informal, and a hug way too intimate.
Luckily Stefan felt it too and kept his departure to a short nod and kind smile.
As the debate wound down she stepped back from the crowd of people coming forwards to offer congratulations. She had her own celebration in mind that had absolutely nothing to do with a crowd of people. That was one fantasy she never felt the need to experience.
Plus a sex scandal less than two weeks before the election would not be good.
She could wait.
Slipping down a side hall she stepped into a restroom and examined her reflection in the mirror. Her lipstick had worn down, so she reached into her handbag for the tube. After replenishing the dark red she pulled the hairpins so the pinned locks tumbled around her shoulders and went about pulling them into a loose ponytail she could already feel him wrapping around his hand.
The restroom door opened behind her. She thought nothing of it until she heard the click of a lock and caught the reflection in the mirror.
“I’m pretty sure this it the ladies room,” she caught his smouldering eyes in the mirror.
He was on her in a second, spinning her around and crashing his lips to hers in a kiss so punishing and hot that she felt a rush of arousal and feared there would be a dark stain on the crotch of her skinny jeans. It only got worse when his tongue forced its way into her mouth.
Not that she had a thought to stop him.
She was too busy trying to keep up with every bite and suck. And what exactly had she done to finally draw the rough side out?
She kind of liked it.
She felt him push her sweater down. It caught at her elbows.
That was when he had to breathe.
“You’ll really do it anywhere won’t you?” She panted.
“Stop talking,” he growled, ripping open her white blouse.
She might have protested then, because dammit she liked that blouse and now it was in tatters, but he yanked down her bra cups and savagely sucked her nipple into his mouth.
“Fuck, Kol,” she arched, pushing her breast further into his mouth. His teeth nipped down and she cried out grasping the back of his head.
“That’s right,” he growled, switching breasts, “say my name.”
“Kol,” she whimpered, gladly obliging.
He popped open her jeans and shoved his hand into her underwear, rubbing hard at her little nub.
She moaned, clutching at his suit jacket, scrabbling at the fabric, wanting it off, not wanting to be the only one half naked and going crazy. He refused to oblige her desperate attempts so she settled for palming his bulge, squeezing him through his trousers.
He pushed at her hands.
She got the message and set them on the bathroom sink. Her breasts glistened with his saliva when he leaned back to stare at her.
“Moan for me, Elena,” he moved his hand further. The tightness of her jeans meant when he pushed a finger into her wet cunt his palm pressed down on her clit.
She wasn’t sure how he did it, but somehow his palm rubbed her perfectly while his finger fucked her.
“Kol,” she moaned his name, “more, please?”
“You want more?” He growled, pinching her right nipple with his free hand.
“Yes,” she gasped. His rough treatment had her so close to the edge. She was ready to tumble over it and he had only begun touching her.
He tugged hard, twisting her nipple so her entire breast rose. She came with a scream that he muffled with his mouth. She whimpered, slumping against the counter.
Her body shuddered with her release.
Thank goodness her jeans were dark and her sweater long.
“We’re not done yet,” Kol pulled his hand from her pants. He spun her quickly, smearing her juices over her hip.
A hand on her throat forced her chin up so she could see his reflection. The lust in his eyes held her in place when he bit at her ear.
“I’m gonna make you come so hard right here, over this sink, until you’re writhing with pleasure.” He released her throat and ripped her jeans down her legs until they caught on her knee high boots. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard,” he tore her thong from her body, dropping it on the counter, “and so good, that you forget everyone else because they could never bring you the ecstasy that comes from our coupling.”
Metal clinked as he removed his belt.
She looked back when his pants hit the floor, watching as he pushed his boxers down to his knees and fisted his hard cock.
A hand on the small of her back pushed her down.
She braced her hands on the mirror for balance.
“You might feel the need to scream your pleasure,” he bent slightly and bit her shoulder.
Her breath caught. She pushed her ass back into his hands, desperate for friction.
“Someone will hear me,” she whimpered, closing her eyes.
“Then I shall have to gag you,” he snatched up her discarded panties, shoving them into her open mouth.
Her own arousal coated the dark material and she moaned at the taste, sucking to get as much of it as possible.
Kol flipped the end of her sweater and ruined blouse up, exposing her to his gaze. With the fabric in one hand and his cock in the other he pushed forward, sheathing himself in one hard thrust that months of near constant intercourse made possible.
The sudden intrusion made her scream into the gag.
He set a punishing pace, pushing in and out with every ounce of strength he had.
Elena tried to keep her eyes open, but it was difficult when he was fucking her so hard. With every deep thrust his balls slapped her clit and her thighs hit the counter.
He hooked his arms around her front, bringing one hand up to further muffle her screams as the other palmed her bouncing breasts.
“That’s it love,” he sucked at her throat. “Moan for me. Scream into my hand. Because you’re mine.”
The possessiveness of his growl went straight to her cunt; she throbbed around him, tightening until he hissed.
“Damn,” he pushed in and out, groaning when she gripped him like a vice. “You’re so bloody tight like this. So bloody tight,” he shut his eyes, rotating his hips when he was seated inside of her. “So bloody tight, and all mine.”
Unexpectedly he ripped the panties from her mouth and curled his fingers lightly around his throat.
“Who’s are you?” He snarled, squeezing gently.
She arched into him as her vision started to blur and her body shook.
“Who’s are you?” He repeated.
“Y…” she wheezed for breath. “Yours,” she choked out. “I’m yours.”
“That’s right.” He released her throat. He could feel a layer of sweat adhering the back of his shirt to his damp skin. “You’re mine, darling, only mine…”
Stars exploded behind her eyes, turning her vision to a blinding white as blood rushed in her ears, blocking out all but the possessive growl of ‘mine’.
Her forehead rested against the cool glass.
She felt the first spurt of his release hit her cervix before he pulled his cock from her body. Warm seed streaked across her ass and lower back while her juices rolled down her legs.
He took her shoulders and moved her, dropping her until cold linoleum hit her butt and hot cunt. The floor ground the mess into her skin.
She lifted her eyes and saw his erection in line with her face. Her fingers shook, closing around his length and pumping.
“Who’s are you?” He grabbed her ponytail, forcing her to lift her eyes up and meet him.
“I’m yours,” she swore breathlessly, suspecting she had a drunken expression on her face. “Mark me.”
He swore as the last of his release coated her breasts.
He sank to his knees when he was spent and just stared at her as he caught his breath. And she was sure she made quite a sight in her torn clothes with pants around her knees and his cum covering her chest.
She scooped up some of his cum form her nipple and popped her thumb into her mouth.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” his hand curled around her ankle. “Stop.”
“Why?” She sighed, letting her eyes drop to his soft cock. The sight of him coated in her made her heart flutter; he had marked her, but she marked him in turn.
“I want you to leave it all,” he crawled up her body. “I want you to button up that sweater and hide the ripped blouse, and then I want you to go to dinner with my cum on your tits and ass. I want you to feel it on your skin whenever some man or woman flirts with you tonight. I want you to remember who you belong to.” He hovered over her body, staying clear so he kept his shirt clean. “Because you are mine darling. And when Stefan or Damon look to you in that restaurant and you feel me clinging to you, you’ll remember that I alone can bring you pleasure so great you’re reduced to a quivering mess in a public restroom.”
And then just to prove what a mess she was he pushed a finger between her legs. The quick contact with her clit brought her a mini orgasm that made her melt after the way he took her.
After a moment she managed to grasp at a train of thought.
“Wait a minute,” she pushed at his chest. “Are you freaking kidding me? I’ve been trying for months, tormenting you at every corner, to make you bend me over and take me like that. For months I’ve done everything I could think of to illicit the kind of desperate fucking that leaves me like, well,” she waved a hand to her loose body, “like this. And you’re telling me all that I had to do was have a discussion with an ex?”
“If you still remember him,” Kol growled playfully, pushing on her clavicle to make her lay down, “then we’re clearly not done.”
“Oh we’re nowhere near done,” her eyes glittered, “but we are done in here. People are bound to notice we’re missing and I don’t even want to think about how many people have walked on this floor today.”
“I’ll just have to banish him from your mind after dinner,” he smirked, “or maybe in the restaurant bathroom when I follow you to admire this handiwork,” he trailed his fingernail between the valley of her breasts.
“I won’t wash off your claiming mark until we get back to the hotel,” she promised, “but you can’t wash off mine either.”
“Counter offer,” he cocked an eyebrow. “When we get to the hotel you and I will take a nice hot bath in the suite’s garden tub I know you’ve had your eyes on, and we’ll wash each other. Maybe enjoy some wine and a second round while we’re at it.”
“Mm,” she nodded, “that sounds like a plan. Oh, and uh, if I smile at anyone while we’re out feel free to construe it as flirting.” She kissed his cheek. “Cause I think I like jealous Kol,” she winked as she stood, “the sex is hot as hell.”
@kol-and-elena-fanfiction @elejahforever @elejah-wonderland @cry-btch @geekofmanyfandoms​ @morsmornte @xanderling @bellemorte180 ​ @iw1shiknew ​ @blndbandt ​
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firelxdykatara · 5 years
🔥 tvd. unleash the salt.
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no but ok, my biggest unpopular opinion re: tvd? (judging mostly from what i’ve seen come out of what’s left of the ‘fandom’ since s6 when 99% of it jumped fuckin’ ship, but anyway)
the show turning to shit had absolutely nothing to do with delena becoming canon
like, i’ll be reading someone’s anti tvd post, and i’ll see something like ‘it started going downhill in s4′ and nod along, but then ‘when dullena became canon’ and it’s like -record scratch-
no. hold up. -squirts with a waterbottle-
anyone who didn’t realize that damon and elena were being set up to become canon down the line as early as season one were either in denial or just weren’t paying attention. i could write for days about all the signs and all the ways their relationship developed and how they each developed as characters, but i don’t have the energy to focus on the good about tvd anymore so i don’t feel like it. (i always have energy for salt, though. must be my high-sodium diet.)
there are a couple things we know for a fact about early tvd. one is that kevin williamson was largely in charge of the show as head showrunner for the first three seasons. another is that williamson left the show after season three–his name was still on it, but he moved onto another project, and julie plec was left in charge. given those two facts, and my belief that the show’s decline in s4 was far more gradual and less visible than it was in s5, when the show jumped the shark and over a fucking cliff, we (or at least i do, you don’t have to agree but it’s the story that makes the most sense to me so i’m sticking to it) can infer that kevin williamson left at least something of an outline behind for the season following his departure, and the rest was left up to julie as she meandered her way through three more seasons–two of which the show should never have had–with only the vaguest idea of an endpoint in mind.
(as early as season 2, julie said that she and kevin already knew how they wanted the show to end–or at least, they knew what they wanted the last words to be. given that the series finale ended the same way the pilot episode did, with damon showing up on stefan’s porch wearing his trademark smirk and saying ‘hello brother’, i can buy that they had this particular scene in mind when initially planning the overall series arc. i also think that julie plec went mad with the power she suddenly had over the story once williamson left, and any other tentative plans that may have been made were either forgotten or discarded in favor of magic vampire uteruses and pointless romantic arcs and killing characters off right before the end of the show for no real reason. but anyway, i digress.)
I THINK I’VE GOTTEN A LITTLE OFF TOPIC. anyway. if delena wasn’t the beginning of the end (we’ve established that delena–if not as an endgame, but certainly as a relationship that would need to be explored–was in the cards from the very beginning, and had achieved most of its crucial relationship beats by the s3 finale [all that remained was elena gaining closure for her decaying relationship with stefan before she could fully move on]), what was?
two things, primarily: the sire bond, and the cure.
now, neither of these things seemed particularly egregious at first. in fact, up until the end of the season, i was convinced the sire bond would be revealed to have never actually existed, because the ‘signs’ were so badly contrived that they had to be red herrings designed to make the characters doubt themselves and their feelings. in hindsight, i realize the piss poor writing surrounding the bond was emblematic of issues that would plague, and eventually destroy, the rest of the series. and until it came back in season six and undid literal years worth of character development for the central character of the fucking series, i actually thought the cure plotline in s4 was a stroke of brilliance–shoddily handled in a few places, but still solid enough in execution to make up for it.
because elena, having become a vampire, needed to have the option to become human again presented to her–and then she needed to reject it. Which she did, twice, at the end of the season–first when she offered it to Stefan without a second thought, and second when she shoved it down Katherine’s throat, again without a moment of hesitation. (Technically three times, if you count the fact that she was ready to force it on Damon, but that, at least, was motivated by her desire to save his life, since he was dying from werewolf venom at the time.)
elena’s arc throughout season 4 (and that’s another of my unpopular opinions–elena didn’t change into an unrecognizable monster when she became a vampire, becoming a vampire allowed her to let go of the gloomy graveyard girl and finally learn to love LIVING again, and the fandom was so used to her as the suicidal martyr ready to sacrifice anything and everything without a second’s hesitation that they turned on her, en masse, when she realized it was actually ok to want things for herself but…. that’s a different rant altogether, ahem ANYWAY) was about learning how to be herself again.
not herself as she was immediately pre-vamping–herself as she was before her parents died. it’s no coincidence, i think, that the s3 finale (when she was being turned) and then s4 were some of the only real glimpses we got of elena’s parents, and her life with them before they died. she literally hallucinated her mother, in one of the most heartbreaking scenes of the entire show, trying to convince her to kill herself because of what she’d become–but this, notably, was a curse enacted on her by a vampire hunter. (here’s another unpopular opinion–elena killing connor had nothing to do with the sire bond. she would have killed him anyway, because he was threatening her brother’s life. am i the only one who remembers that elena, as a human, went to denver with the sole purpose of figuring out which original sired mary, so she’d know which ones it was safe to kill to protect her family? she was a human and willing to kill 75% of all remaining vampires on the planet. girl could be fucking ruthless when it came to protecting the people she loved, especially after losing so many.)
“mommy, i never meant to disappoint you.”
and then the sun came up. and just as the light hit her and began to burn, because she’d thrown her ring into the river, she looked to damon and whispered his name, panic in her eyes–because she suddenly realized she didn’t want to die. she wanted to LIVE. she DESERVED to live. and damon did what he always did best–he saved elena gilbert’s life. and that’s when she realized she couldn’t keep ignoring the things she felt for him, the way her feelings for stefan had never really recovered, the fact that she wanted to learn to enjoy the life she had instead of subscribing to stefan’s tortured broody vampire bullshit.
(ok, in fairness to stefan [loathe as i am to be fair to mister Hero Hair], i don’t think he actually realized what he was doing to elena. i don’t think he quite understood just how badly he was feeding into her self-loathing and how much he was making her think she would become a monster just like him–just like ripper!stefan if she didn’t take to the bunny diet and make like a good little vampire who never stepped a toe out of line. but i do think that as those first few episodes wore on, elena realized, more and more, that she would not survive being a vampire if she had to do things stefan’s way. and it became clear that the elena stefan was in love with was the idealized, human version of elena who’d died going over that bridge–the elena who could remind stefan of his own humanity and be his anchor to non-ripperness. she couldn’t be his sober companion/humanity anchor if she wasn’t subscribing to his bunny blood ideals.)
the bottom line being, season 4 was about elena not only becoming a vampire, but learning to enjoy her life AS a vampire. no, it wasn’t something she’d chosen for herself, and maybe it wasn’t something she ever would have chosen for herself–considering that even as far back as the end of s2, when the possibility of turning was first presented to her as a real possibility, she was talking about a future where she grew old and maybe even had kids and started a family, things she wouldn’t be able to do with stefan, meaning that even then, in the back of her mind, their relationship came with a potential expiry date (and then we got ‘i can’t think about always, i can only think about right now‘ in the s3 finale, further cementing that)–but while she’d gotten exposed to so much of the darkness inherent in being a vampire throughout the first three seasons and then her own vampiric awakening, she also got to see the good.
her no-humanity arc was kind of essential for this, btw. (is this an unpopular opinion? probably. i’m gonna pretend it is so it doesn’t seem like i’ve gone too far afield here.) which is another reason i hated that stupid fucking sire bond, after i gave up the idea it’d be revealed to be fake, and choose to ignore it in my own interpretation of canon–because there was no need for it. elena just lost her brother, the one remaining member of her immediate family, the one she’d gone to extraordinary lengths the entire season to protect. she was in unimaginable fucking pain. she was in agony, because not only was her brother dead, but she was still a very new vampire and her emotions were spiraling out of fucking control.
she would have absolutely destroyed herself in her grief, if she hadn’t been presented with an outlet. something she absolutely would have chosen for herself, in that moment–damon talking to her softly, reminding her that there was a way she could just be without needing to feel everything, and elena latching onto that one tiny bit of hope, that maybe for now she didn’t have to be in so much pain she thought she might actually fucking die on the spot from it. elena making that choice for herself–actually, you know, having some fucking agency as the central character of the series–would have been a much better choice, both from a narrative and character perspective. BUT ANYWAY.
it was during her stint with the switch turned off that elena first got a real taste of how fun and how freeing being a vampire could be. if the Idiot Brothers hadn’t banded together to try and force elena to be human again against her will, i really don’t doubt that the worst she would’ve done was snatch-eat-erase a whole bunch of people and live it up in the seedier unberbellies of various big party cities for a while. but whatever, the damage was done and eventually elena had her switch turned on by watching matt die, and feeling the relief at seeing him wearing the gilbert ring, and etc.
she largely had vengeance in mind once she was back to her more or less ‘normal’ self, but a crucial part of her development over that particular arc was the fact that she no longer hated herself for existing.
that was huge. it wasn’t given the focus or prominence it should have had, and i’ll again blame that on the weaker writing that was filling the gaps left by kevin williamson’s departure, but elena was no longer the suicidal martyr she’d been since the beginning of the show. she enjoyed living. she reveled in the strength she had, in the fact that she was no longer the Token Human, the doppelganger whose blood attracted all kinds of atrocities. she could protect herself now. she got closure with her brother, when the ghosts came back for a while, and with alaric, and she basically gave herself permission to want to have forever with the man she loved.
(and the fandom villified her, for it. because of fucking course they did. because she was a teenage girl who’d spent most of the previous four seasons dying or preparing to die or literally ready to slit her own throat without a second’s hesitation when it came to protecting people she cared about, but now that she’d decided it was ok to want to be selfish for a while and be with who she wanted without feeling guilty, suddenly it was open fucking season. but ANYWAY.)
where was i?
oh. yeah. season 5.
like i said, season 4 was a little shaky, but more or less solid–it wasn’t until after season 6 that i realized the signs of the show’s downfall had started in s4, with the cure and the sire bond heralding much worse things to come. it was s5 where the show really went off the rails.
here’s another unpopular opinion–it was absolutely character regression to have damon acting out the way he did that season. yes, in seasons past, damon acting out was a big part of his progression–two steps forward, one step back, but still slowly but steadily moving forward. but by the time we get to s5, damon had literally everything he wanted. he was BLISSFULLY happy, with the woman of his dreams, living in utter domestic bliss for an entire summer before she went off to university. and this trashfire of a show actually tried to convince me that he would’ve left their bedroom for more than five minutes, let alone long enough to drive across the state and murder some innocent human woman over a sixty-year-old grudge he’d never so much as thought about the entire time he was in mystic falls????? really?????
as if that weren’t enough, this man who witnessed, first hand, elena’s love for her brother, and who had grown to love him too–who was desperate to save his life on more than one occasion, including VERY RECENTLY in the show–would let enzo waltz in and nearly murder him??? i’m????? god
and then katherine stole elena’s body, and i was fucking done.
 literally ragequit the show once elena got her body back, because i was that fucking pissed. they literally had to do so much character regression and assassination to even make it work???? they had to put bonnie on a bus to ‘away from the main plot’ville just so that she couldn’t tell anyone that katherine hadn’t actually crossed over–even though she was right fucking there in the living room with them when she saw katherine’s ghost, and she would have known immediately that something was wrong because katherine disappeared rather than crossing over. and then they had to make damon devolve so he wouldn’t be in a position to realize elena wasn’t herself. and then everyone else carried the fucking idiot ball, except matt who was promptly compelled, and TYLER who nearly died about it, ALL so that no one would notice what had happened until damon was right there with katherine!elena trying to get him to kill her so she could kill him so he wouldn’t reveal what she’d done, and i JUST.
anyway. the awful thing is, the last few episodes of season 5 were really fucking good. it felt like the show had gone back to circa s3 levels of writing. and then s6 was ok for two episodes and then…. fucking nosedived off a cliff and into the abyss.
elena losing all her good memories of damon just so she could fall in love with him all over again was one of the worst writing decisions ever made. just, in history. completely. we didn’t need to see them fall in love in a rushed and half-assed manner when we’d already gotten a beautiful four-season arc of their love story. at the VERY LEAST, they could have had her just lose all her memories, similar to stefan’s s5 memory wipe, so that it wouldn’t seem weird that she thought he was a monster and loved him anyway because something something toxic bullshit. (oh, yeah, i’m still bitter af that they had to beat us over the head with DELENA IS TOXIC YOU GAIZ as if they didn’t have one of the healthier relationships in the show until it was decided that there wasn’t enough drama so they had to make damon regress and elena excuse it in a series of increasingly ooc writing decisions)
as a sidenote, tyler and elena’s friendship had a lot of potential to be something kind of fucking amazing, and it’s one of the most underrated friendships in the fandom, which is a fucking shame because i would have loved to see them get closer and have a real bond as supernatural orphans who’d had almost everything and everyone they cared about torn away at one point or another.
god. ugh. TL;DR: delena was planned from the beginning and was in no way responsible for the show going to shit, it just had the unfortunate timing of becoming canon right before the show became terrible; elena gilbert was an amazing protagonist and character in general, who should not have been hated for daring to be a teenage girl who wasn’t always fully aware or in control of her own feelings, and who dealt with so much grief and trauma in such a short time that it’s nothing short of a miracle that she eventually found her way back to the girl she’d been before, happy and sure of herself, and people just couldn’t recognize elena when she was happy so they decided she randomly changed when she became a vampire and it was All Damon’s and Delena’s Fault; stefan was a terrible boyfriend for most of their relationship; damon was wildly out of character for most of season 5; and the memory loss arc in s6 was pathetic and actively harmful to the show as a whole and especially damon and elena’s relationship and perception in fandom; oh, and tyler and elena had an amazing and horribly underrated friendship that should have gotten a lot more focus than it did. (i’m still mad tyler was put on a bus so much rather than allowed to be like, present in the lives of his only remaining friends lmfao.)
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petertingle-yipyip · 5 years
Tension-Kol Mikaelson ft. Kai Parker
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//Requested: Can u do one where Kol goes back to Mystic Falls to get the reader back, and finds out from the Salvatore's that Kai has become obsessed with her? And he becomes jealous and angry, and tries to talk her into leaving with him to New Orleans? And also, Kai constantly gets in the way to try and get the reader's love. // //Requested:  can you make a imagine with a kol mikaelson jealous / possessive ? fluff or smutt , please 💜//
//Warnings: Violence, language, fluff/angst cuz im an angsty teen idk. Pairings: Kol x reader. Kai x reader Tag List @akshi8278 @simonsaysyasss //
“What do you mean he’s back, Stefan?” You asked as you lounged on the couch in the Salvatore’s front room. “The whole family went back to New Orleans years ago.”
“I’m telling you, Y/N. He’s back. I saw him at the Grill this morning.” Stefan confirmed.
You groaned and threw your head back, staring at the ceiling and the Heavens above. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
Part of you had always hoped Kol would come back to Mystic Falls. Part of you had always missed him. But the rest of you knew it would only be trouble. But everyone knows how much you loved him. Could you say that you were over it when you’re face to face with him? You weren’t so sure.
You let him go without question because you knew his family was important to him. They may hate each other at points but for the most part, Kol needed his siblings. They loved him. And sure, he might be willing to be selfish every now and then but he also knew he deserved to be happy. Wherever that was.
Once that pain had subsided, you did wish he would come back. You had given so much to him over the years, and when he left, he took that with him. You wished you could at least hear from him again. But now that he was back, you wished you had some warning.
In the time without Kol, you had to figure out who you were again. Being with someone so wholly, you forget who you were before them. It was scary rediscovering who you are and how you changed. Luckily, you didn’t have to do it all alone. You had the Salvatores, who were like your brothers, and surprisingly, you had Kai.
Kai Parker was a mess. He knew it. You knew it. It’d be easier to think of who didn’t know it. Upon his escape from the prison world, you ended up on babysitting duty and within that time, Kai developed a borderline obsession with you. He called you all the time, showed up on your doorstep, and just happened to be in the same place you were. It was endearing at first but then it became a bit concerning.
He admitted he was ‘intrigued’ by you and after his merge with Luke, he discovered it was more romantic than that. Admittedly, you let things with Kai play out on their own since you were too concerned with your own well-being.
A few days after Stefan’s warning, you saw him. He was as beautiful and magnetizing as ever. Luckily, he hadn’t noticed you so you were able to sneak around him to the other side of the bar at the Grill, where you were greeted by who seemed to be the only human left in Mystic Falls, Matt Donovan.
“Hey.” He smiled. “What can I get you?”
“Just a cola, please.” You smiled and he nodded before busying himself with your order.
“So, how long were you going to avoid me?” A voice said at your side and you rolled your eyes, knowing it was only a matter of time before he found you.
“Honestly Kai, I don’t have the mental capacity to deal with you right now.” You sighed as Matt placed your soda in front of you. “There’s too much going on.”
“Right... Cause Kol is back, huh?” He said plainly.
“Greetings from the dead.” Another voice interrupted and your grip on your glass tightened slightly. “So, who fancies a drink?”
“Hey, it’s alright. I don’t mind competition.” Kai said with a chuckle when you quietly sipped your soda.
“Who says it’s a competition, Mate?” Kol said with a dry chuckle. “Hello, Darling.” He directed at you when you didn’t say anything to him.
You raised your hand, two fingers slightly raised in greeting, without turning to face him. You knew if you looked into his eyes, you’d be putty in his hands, as you always had been. And of course he knew it. He placed his hands on your shoulder, leaning down to whisper in your ear. Kai jumped in before he could.
“Are we telling secrets?” Kai whispered loudly, causing you to stifle a giggle and nearly choke on your drink.
“None that concern you, thanks.” Kol said bitterly.
“Be nice, Kol.” You sighed, turning your head towards Kai, catching a glimpse of Kol out the corner of your eye. “He’s been good to me these past few weeks.”
“Really, now?” Kol laughed, taking one hand off your shoulders.
“Better than you’ve been to her.” Kai countered.
“Want to say that again?” Kol chuckled dryly.
“Gladly.” Kai shrugged with an amused smile.
“Come on, Kai.” You said, dropping a ten on the counter top and taking Kai’s hand in yours. “Kol’s just passing through anyways, right?” You glanced at Kol.
He stood at you with a clenched jaw, arms crossed over his chest. He lifted his eyebrows in challenge, as if to ask if you knew what you were doing. You shot him a wink and left with Kai.
Later that week, they both found you again. You were walking the halls of the high school, waiting for Stefan to finish football practice. Leave it to Stefan to get roped into high school antics again.
“Well, if isn’t my favorite vampire.” Kai said with a smile.
“Why am I not surprised?” You sighed in amusement. “Nice to see you again.”
“Always nice to see you, Y/N.” He winked, linking arms with you and leading you around the school. “So what’s up with Kol?”
“That’s complicated.” You shrugged. “I loved him. He left. Now he’s back and I don’t know how I feel.”
“I came back for a reason, Y/N.” Kol’s voice came from behind you.
“Yeah, well when it takes you this long to come back, maybe it’s not worth it.” You countered, stopping your steps. Kai came around and stood in 
front of you, watching Kol over your shoulder.
“Did you ever think that maybe I couldn’t come back?” Kol argued.
“If it mattered that much to you, you would’ve found a way back. You could’ve at least called. Wrote a damn letter or something.” You sighed.
“Please, Y/N.. I came back for you. I love y-” Kol tried.
“No. You don’t get to ghost me for years on end and show up here like nothing happened.” You spun on your heel to face him. “You meant the world to me, Kol. I would’ve moved mountains, split oceans, and calmed storms if you had asked me to. I would’ve given my life for yours in a second, and you left. I get that I let you leave, but you didn’t even ask if I wanted to go with you.”
“Let me explain, please.” Kol pleaded.
“No, I think it’s time for you to go.” Kai defended you, stepping around you to block you from view.
“Kai, don’t.” You said softly, putting a hand on his arm.
“I’d listen to Y/N.” Kol said calmly. “You wouldn’t stand a chance.”
“I think you’d be surprised.” Kai retorted.
“Alright, just stop!” You exclaimed, pushing past the boys. “You’re acting like overly hormonal teenagers, acting like I’m some prize. I’m not something to be won in a pissing contest!”
You stormed out of the school. As you left, you messaged Stefan and told him you had to leave. You entered the Salvatore house and made you way to your room, ignoring Damon and Elena’s questions.You locked yourself in your room for the next week. You came out only for a snack and you took it back to your room with you. Kai and Kol had called a thousand times each, with twice as messages texts to go with it. Some were apologies. Some wanted to set up something so you could talk. Some were asking how you were. A couple were just random updates on their lives.
“You’re obsessed with her! You don’t care about her.” You heard Damon say from the other side of your door.
“She’s probably the only person I care about.” Kai countered.
“Oh, come on!” Damon argued. “You’re a sociopath, Kai. You don’t care about anything.”
“I think that’s a stretch coming from you, Damon, don’t you think?” Kol interjected.
“Why are you still here?” Kai asked.
“She’s the only reason you’re still alive. You do realize that, don’t you?” Kol threatened.
“If she hasn’t answered either of you by now, she might not answer either of you ever again.” Damon said, his voice fading as if he was walking away. “Think about that.”
“She was fine until you came back. You can’t just stay gone, can you?” Kai said in annoyance.
You sighed, sitting up in your bed and tilting your head to hear what the boys were saying a little bit better. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to talk to either of them again. It was more that you didn’t want to choose between them. As annoying and obsessive as Kai was towards you, he was there for you. You got used to having him around, for better or for worse. But Kol was Kol. You had spent so much time wanting him back that the second you saw him, a fire reignited in your heart.
“And you can’t just mind your business. Looks like we’re both overstepping then, hmm?” Kol pressed. “Besides, I’m going to ask her to come to New Orleans with me so we won’t have to be apart anymore.”
“Mikaelsons are all the same.” Kai snapped. “All you do is take and take and take until there’s nothing left for someone to give to you and then what? And then you disappear without a trace until you need some sort of validation.”
“You don’t know me or my family!” Kol defended. “Who do you think you are, talking to me as if you’re my better, or even my equal? Do you even know what she really wants?”
“She wants someone who is going to actually be there and watch out for her. And not just when it’s convenient.”
“That’s rich coming from you.” Kol laughed. “Weren’t you in a prison world most of your life?”
And with that sentence, Kol went flying through your doorway, knocking your door off it’s hinges. You gasped audibly and pulled your legs onto the bed to avoid any lose splinters.“Kai, what the hell?” You yelled.
Before you could get any sort of an answer, Kol and Kai were locked in a fist fight. Fists and bodies were being thrown as the two scuffled across the floor. Blood splattered on them and on various spots around your room.“Enough!” You yelled, making your way to get between the boys. You managed to shove your arms between their chests and using your elbows, you pushed them apart. You managed to keep them at arms length on either side. Kol on your left and Kai on your right.
They both wore proud smirks, as if they had been waiting to throw a punch or two at each other their whole lives. It was impossible to decipher what blood belonged to either one of them but in that moment, you didn’t quite care. You were fed up with their conflicting agendas.“I hope you don’t think beating the shit out of each other is going to convince me to pick either of you over the other.” You said after a long silence, finally breaking the stare down they were having.
“Y/N...” Kol said softly, suddenly forgetting about the third person in the room.“I thought about you everyday. I wanted to come back for you, I swear to God.”
“So why didn’t you then?” You asked, a weight lifting off your chest as you asked that simple question that had been nagging the back of your mind since he showed up again.
“I was afraid that you would hate me, but it turns out that the longer I stayed away, the worse I made things.”
“You can’t really believe this, Y/N.” Kai groaned from the other side.
“Kai, you don’t know him. You don’t know what we had.” You countered kindly.
“I know that he doesn’t deserve you.” Kai desperately argued.
“And you think you do?” You laughed a little. “Kai, you don’t know anything about me. You’ve been by my side but you don’t love me.”
“I do. I do love you. I do. I do.” He tried to assure you. 
“No, you don’t.” You shook your head, speaking softly to try to avoid a meltdown. “You’re infatuated, obsessed with me even. This isn’t love. Trust me. We’re friends, for sure. And you’re very important to my life but you don’t love me.”
Slowly, you took your hand away from Kol and moved closer to Kai. He stood frozen, staring and seemingly trying to make sense of what you had just told him. You carefully put your arms around him in a gentle hug. You held him for a moment, waiting for him to react to your embrace. To your surprise, he hugged you back.
“You have to let me make my own choices, Kai.” You said against his shoulder.
“Maybe you’re right.” He said with a small nod when he pulled away. “I’ll see you around, Y/N/N.” He patted your arm before walking by and towards the door. He looked back once to add a comment for Kol. “You still don’t deserve her, but that’s her call to make. Don't make her regret it, Kol. Or I'll make you regret it.”
And with that, Kai had left the building. Now, it was only you and Kol in the room.“He’s right...” Kol mumbled.
“Maybe he is. But that’s my call to make.” You answered. You went and sat down on your bed, dropping your hands into your folded lap. Kol soon joined you, leaving space between you two.
“Y/N-” He tried before you interjected.
“No. You’re going to listen right now.” You shook your head. “I gave up so much so early for you. And we were great. Everything I put in, you put in too. And then suddenly you needed space. And I gave it to you. I gave it to you because it was for your family. But you couldn’t even write? Couldn’t call? I heard from Klaus all the time. But not even once from you. How am I supposed to have hope when you were practically dead to me?”
“I know. I know did wrong by you, Y/N, but if you give me this last chance, I can promise that I’ll never hurt you like that again. I’ll never leave your side. I’ll never do anything to break your trust or your heart. You are all that matters to me, all that ever mattered. When I left with my siblings, I should’ve gone with you as well. I never should’ve turned my back on you. But I did. I was stupid. Can you ever forgive me?”
“Not after one apology.” You said honestly. “If you really want me back, you’ll have to prove it. And you’ll have to prove it here, in Mystic Falls. With Kai and Stefan and Damon and Elena and Bonnie and Caroline and everyone around.”
“So there’s a chance for us still?” He asked, a hopeful smile tugging the corners of his mouth up.
“Yeah, I guess there is still a chance for us.”
"That's all I can ask for, Y/N." He said proudly, gently placing a hand over yours. "I've missed you."
"Yeah, yeah." You smiled, nudging him with your shoulder.
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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It Hurts Like Hell          - Part XII
Kai Parker x Reader word count : 1 817 *not my gif _______________________ “Y/N … I know we are stuck in this Prison World and that’s not how you imagined spending your immortal life…” Kai said laying sideways on the blanket in front of the fire place , his fingertips trailing up and down her arm. “But I meant what I said before - I want to show you the world. Granted it would be just the two of us but -” “Are you kidding?” she said smiling. “That sound like Heaven - just you and me. No obstacles , no one to walk in on us or separate us. We literally have forever to ourselves now.” her hand cupping his face. “You all I’ve ever wanted and all I could ever want - to be with you forever. And we are going to get out of here. There has to be a way out."  The following week passed all too quickly. If Stefan or Damon ever came to the Prison World and visited their house - they’d throw a fit. There were cracks in the walls , the stair railing was missing pieces of wood and some of the pillows were no longer of any use. After Y/N had flipped on her humanity switch she and Kai had spent the next few days attached to each other.  Back in the real world before Kai had gotten trapped there , they had been under a time crunch but in the Prison World that problem did not exist so they took their time indulging in one another in every way possible. Kai was worried and on edge sometimes because he wanted to get out if this place. He’d have nightmares some nights that he is all alone again. During those nightmares Y/N would wake him and comfort him… except this night was different. Kai wasn’t tossing and turning in his sleep, not yet anyways. Y/N had stayed up late , looking through her diary and writing another entry for the first time in four somewhat years when suddenly Kai’s hand reached for hers in his sleep and without realising it she slipped into his dream. Kai sat on the steps of his childhood home holding his head in his hands. He was covered in blood and was wearing the same clothes as he had on the night of the wedding. He got up looking around - the ground covered in blood, bodies of his dead relatives all around him. Kai walked up the porch opening the door and trying to enter. "Father !” he called out. “I know you are in there… I can hear you breathing…. I can hear her breathing… ” Kai kept hitting the invisible barrier with his fists , his knuckles breaking and healing. His eyes locked on something inside. “I am going to kill you.” Kai hissed. “Let her go. Now.” he demanded. Y/N heard her own voice coming from inside the house. “Kai … don’t -” “Stop talking little girl.” said Kai’s father turning towards his son.  "You murdered everyone I’ve ever loved. My children … It’s time I return the favour by taking away the only person you care about.“ "If you touch a hair on her head I swear…” Kai hissed back. “You will what ? You haven’t been invited in and you never will be.” Joshua Parker hissed back. “Abominations like you don’t deserve happiness… I’ll be doing her a favor. You will only  ruin her.” Y/N heard herself scream in pain. “NO!” Kai’s scream pierced the air, he kept  trying to break through the invisible barrier on the door. Y/N ran towards him from across the lawn ,  wrapping her arms around him. “I’m here.” she said softly. Kai turned around his eyes going wide. “Y/N? H-how did you get out h-here?” he asked confused , a look of shock passing across his face and then relief. “I thought my father …” “Its not real , Kai. You grabbed my hand and pulled me into your dream.” she said softly , cupping his face. “Wake up.. You have to wake up.” A few moments later Kai opened his eyes , turning immediately towards her seeing her look at him with concern. Y/N quickly closed her diary tossing it off the bed and onto the floor , Kai’s hands pulling her close. He was about to start crying - tears were glistening in his eyes. “It felt so real …” he whispered stroking her hair. “I know …” she thought back of the dream , hearing him scream and seeing a glimpse of her bleeding body tumbling down the stairs inside the house while Kai’s dad stood at the top with a triumphant look on his face. Y/N reached for his hand , intertwining their fingers together. “ … but it was just a nightmare. I’m not going anywhere… and your father is gone. He can’t hurt you or anyone ever again. It’s just you and me.” “I .. I can’t bare to lose you Y/N.” he whispered , his hands pulling her tighter to him. Y/N felt a peck of guilt inside , remembering how twice she had caused him that kind of pain when her humanity had been off. Kai needed a distraction and she already had an idea. “You are never going to lose me.” she said pressing her lips on his. “I love you more than words.” she whispered , her fingers tracing his jaw line his eyes meeting hers.  The next morning Y/N walked … more like danced downstairs to the kitchen , wearing Kai’s shirt. She had a surprise for him and just couldn’t wait to see his face. Kai noticed her right away entering the kitchen , his eyes widening but before he has had time to think or say something her hands wrapped around him from behind. “Y/N … go back to bed. Now.” he said his tone serious. “I am trying to make you breakfast in bed and you’ve ruined it.” he said with a pouty face and puppy dog eyes making her laugh. She tapped his nose , biting her lower lip not taking her eyes off him. “W-what ?” he asked confused. He knew very well that look. There was something she was hiding from him. “I’ll tell you after breakfast.” she said grabbing a chocolate strawberry from the platter. “We’ll have to get changed for it anyways…” “Oohh-kay …” Kai said suddenly disappointed at her last words. He didn’t see a reason for her to change. “Are you going to give me a hint ? I hate surprises , you know that…” Y/N winked at him. “This one you will love trust me.” They sat together having breakfast , laughing. Kai demanded to feed her the chocolate covered strawberries himself , holding her hand the whole time unable to believe everything that had happened in the past few weeks. He wiped some chocolate off her lip with his finger , leaning in to kiss her again. Y/N , his Y/N was back and nothing was going to separate them again. After they were done with breakfast she insisted on doing the dishes , and Kai insisted on helping her - he didn’t want to spend a second away from her. “Go upstairs. You should change too. Just … don’t take anything from Damon’s closet , try Stefan’s … Meet me in the living room in 5 minutes.” she said serious before disappearing to change herself - into a set of short shorts and a tank top , clothes left in the house from Elena’s multiple stays. She walked out of the room , nearly bumping into Kai near the stairs. “Hi.” he said smiling. Y/N loved seeing him smile , seeing him happy. The glow in his eyes was enough to make her heart flutter and sent butterflies in her stomach … For a moment she got lost in the memory of last night but quickly snapped back to reality. Y/N wiggled a set of keys in her hand.“Guess what I found in Stefan’s room the other day?” “You are kidding!?” Kai said , his eyes widening with excitement. “Are those - ” “ - the keys for his motorcycle? Yes.” she said nodding and smiling. “Yes , they are. Do you want to -” Kai had rushed towards her , lifting her up in the air making her laugh. “ - go for a ride?” he finished her sentence. “Yes ! Let’s go princess.”  He said tossing her over his shoulders , her laugh echoing in the house. When they got outside he gently let her down on the ground ,backing her against one of the columns , reaching for her hand raised up high dangling the keys. “Kiss me .. and I’ll give them to you.” she said smiling. Like she has to ask. Kai thought , kissing her like never before reaching his hand up to meet hers. He could feel her melting away under his touch. Suddenly he was torn between the motorcycle ride and taking her back inside , going for another round but they had all the time in the world now. Kai sat on the motorcycle , Y/N taking the spot behind him wrapping her hands around him. “Hold on tight princess.” he said smiling, the motorcycle’s engine coming to life. “Have I mentioned ?” she said , leaning to speak in his ear. “I love you."   *    *   *  About two weeks later they had already mapped out their world win world tour. The plan was to start in Mexico , then Peru before getting on a plane (piloted by Kai of course) and heading to Europe - Paris , London , Madrid … They had located the Ascendant and were planning on stopping by the Armoury first , making sure there isn’t something they had missed. Kai was convinced there was a celestial event , because there was no other way to create a Prison World , as soon as they figured out what Bonnie used to create it they were going to get out.Kai tossed the last of their bags into the car , closing the trunk. He turned towards Y/N , his breath catching in his throat for a moment. She was wearing short shorts and a tank top , nothing fancy but it was the aura around her - she was radiating happiness which was enough for him to forget everything else. "I really like your hair.” he said pointing at the blue strand mixed with her locks, she smiled. “Thank you.” “Are you ready to see the world ?” Kai asked , taking a step towards her putting his arms around her waist as she hooked her arms around his neck. “ You will be so impressed by my flying ski- ” Her lips smashed against his not letting him finish. Ever since her humanity switch had flipped back on , she couldn’t keep her hands and lips off him. “Born ready.” she winked at him. A moment later Kai lifted her up off the ground twirling her around , letting her back on the ground still holding her hand and twirling her again until her body smacked against his. “I love you.” he said lovingly gazing into her eyes. “I love you more.” “I love you most.” said Kai pressing his lips against hers. ____________________________ MASTERLIST March / April 2017 MASTERLIST MAY 2017 ____________________________ NOTE : Apologies for taking too long posting this part 🙈 I was hoping to make it a bit longer but ... For now the story ends here , tho it is so not the end … when i get an idea for the next chapter(s) , there won’t be a delay or anything …
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missnmikaelson-main · 5 years
Consequences Part 21
Summary: What do you do when your old frenemy threatens to cut off your army at the source? Obviously you abscond with the doppelganger in the dead of night, but every action has consequences. Pairing: Klaus x Elena Word Count: 3246
She curled her toes tightly so they pressed against the balls of her feet; the tiny appendages were practically frozen. She had been pleasantly warm all day and had neglected to wear her socks but the cold had come on suddenly. She should have gotten up from where she was reading on the couch for socks, but her feet hurt and she had a much better idea.
She leaned back a bit against the armrest and tilted her head. A sly smile lifted the edges of her mouth as a mischievous twinkle entered her dark eyes.
He was sitting on the other end of the couch with a sketchbook in his lap and a stick of charcoal between his thumb and forefinger. His brows were knit together in concentration as he drew the dark stub across the page.
Casually she stretched out her leg and uncurled her toes.
Cold might not have bothered vampires but he still jumped when her freezing toes pressed against his exposed forearm.
“Bloody hell,” he swore and fixed her with a stern look, “your feet are like ice.”
“It’s cold in here,” she shrugged innocently. She closed her book and laid it in her lap when she stretched out her other leg.
“Have you ever considered socks, love?” He rolled his eyes and moved his sketchbook to the end table.
“I thought about it,” she toyed with the ties around her black and white plaid tunic, “but they’re all too tight. I feel like socks cut off my circulation.”
In the month since leaving Mystic Falls her legs, ankles, and feet had all swollen. It was just enough to make her ache after the shortest of walks. She was sincerely hoping that it was just a phase she was going through and that it wouldn’t persist for the final eight weeks of her pregnancy.
She rested her elbow on the back of the couch and pushed her insanely thick hair back from her face. She grunted softly when he took her left foot between his hands. His thumbs slowly applied a light pressure to the top of her foot as he made his way from her toes to her swollen ankle and back again a few times.
She closed her eyes and reveled in the relief that came from his thumb rotating around her ankle before moving to her arch. He rubbed small circles in opposite directions applying a firm pressure that was the epitome of pleasure; she had never felt anything so wonderful in her life.
She ascended to seventh heaven when he switched to the other foot and repeated the actions that were warming her frozen toes.
She didn’t realize she was moaning until Kol leaned over the back of the couch.
“Is that really all it takes to make you moan, darling?” He smirked and laughed when she smacked his shoulder with her book.
“Shut up,” she mumbled. A crimson stain covered her cheeks. “My feet have been sore all day, and I swear his hands are magic.”
“She said that this morning too,” Klaus chuckled, “during a far more intimate massage.”
“One day,” Elijah dropped into a chair across from the parents to be, “I just want to go one day without an innuendo said. Is that too much to hope for?”
“With your brothers?” Elena cocked an eyebrow and looked between the pair closest to her. “I’m going to say yes.”
“This is getting ridiculous,” Damon scoffed and shook his head.
He couldn’t believe that she was actually doing this. That she was actually playing house with the Originals. They had to be compelling her. They just had to be.
Watching her relationship with his brother had been hard enough, but seeing the way she spoke with the homicidal maniac that had fathered her child was sickening.
He had to believe the bastard had compelled her into his bed. Likely after learning it was possible for him to conceive a child that he could use to make an army.
There was no way Elena would choose him. In what universe would she choose Klaus fucking Mikaelson?
He was obviously compelling her. He was obviously using her and she was blind to it.
That was not real affection in his eyes.
His hand absentmindedly rubbed the length of her blanket clad calve while he sketched a picture of her from memory.
In the image her eyes were shut as she slept peacefully with a sated smile on her lips. It was exactly how she had looked that first night in Greece: mussed hair, kiss swollen lips, and love bites along her throat. The sheet had been down around her waist, but the picture cut off at the swell of her breast before her rosy nipples.
He was so focused on the drawing that he didn’t immediately notice when his siblings trickled out of the room or when her breathing leveled out and she drifted off.
He smiled fondly when he finally looked up and found her curled into sofa snuggling into the warm blanket he had retrieved when her feet grew cold again.
The late afternoon sunlight shimmered through curtains and illuminated her glowing skin. She was radiant in her sleep. She was radiant all of the time, but he would only ever watch her when she was like this.
He was afraid if she were to catch him watching her like this, with blatant love and devotion in his eyes that she would ask why he was looking at her like that. He didn’t think he would be able to lie to her; the words had been on the tip of his tongue for weeks, but he couldn’t manage to voice them. This was a vampire’s greatest weakness, and he had never wanted to be weak or even perceived as weak; but he was coming to believe that maybe, just maybe, it could be his greatest strength as well.
That or she would break him into a million pieces. How could she ever care for him? One drunken night did not reveal her emotions and pregnant woman had been known to act differently than they would normally behave; everything could have easily been a result of her hormones. She might have his child and decide she wanted nothing to do with him.
He knew they could be friends though, and he didn’t want to ruin that relationship should she make the very sound decision to stop associating with him. He wanted a relationship with his child, and hopefully a healthy relationship with her mother; even if it wasn’t the one he wanted.
It would have been unwise for her to reciprocate his feelings in any way. He was a monster who definitely didn’t deserve her. Hadn’t every woman he’d ever cared for delivered that sentiment over the centuries.
He was a manipulative, power hungry bastard, wasn’t he?
He had used her for her blood over the course of a year and made enough hybrids to set her ex-lover and his brother on edge.
For nearly a year he had seen her as no more than a means to an end. Taking her to Greece had been his undoing. Taking her to Greece had allowed them time to actually get to know each other. Taking her to Greece had shown him she was nothing like her predecessors; she was kind, loyal to those she loved, and forgiving to a fault. She could also be manipulative and stubborn; and he absolutely adored the light in her eyes when she was determined. She hadn’t actually feared him in a long time; he didn’t think she had feared him the night of the ritual either.
There had been something in her eyes that night. A defiant spark that said he would never break her, and he hadn’t. The relief he had felt when finding her alive months later was palpable. He had told himself and anyone who would listen that it was because he needed her blood, but he wasn’t so sure anymore.
He couldn’t remember the last time he had said those words to anyone. Not even his siblings had heard the expression fall from his lips.
Part of him wanted to bury his feelings down deep and never think about them again, but dammit he wanted to tell her… just once.
Her face scrunched up adorably and her eyelids fluttered as she woke up.
The words stuck in his throat.
Elena licked her lips and rubbed them together while exhaling deeply and turning in his direction.
“Are you watching me sleep?” She blinked the last of the sand from her eyes.
Elena covered her mouth with her hand. Her eyes sparkled when the colour kissed his cheeks and he couldn’t quite meet her gaze. She had noticed his gaze a few times when she woke up but had never called him out on it; it was cute how flustered he got.
“Creep,” Damon sneered. He was inches from the hybrid’s face. “You should be embarrassed staring at a girl like that.”
“Will you give it a rest?” Tyler paced in front of the picture window. He was getting sick and tired of Damon and his attitude. He was starting to miss Stefan who had disappeared before they left Mystic Falls.
“What’s the matter, wolf boy?” Damon glared at Klaus. He wanted to tear the bastard apart.
“Nothing,” Tyler growled. He was starting to believe what Elena had said, but it was clear Damon never would. “It’s just that… I’ve been all over this backwater town. There is a pack in the Bayou and only one of them has been turned.”
“So?” Damon shrugged. “I told you: he’s waiting until the kid pops out. Klaus needs his demon spawn for when he inevitably kills her.”
Tyler shook his head. As loathe as he was to admit it he was starting to believe it was true: Klaus wouldn’t hurt her, her child, or anyone else who didn’t pose a threat to Elena and the baby.
Tyler had always been an impulsive person. He never listened to reason, and only now in death was he realizing that this had been his fatal flaw. It was when he’d had that thought that it happened.
Damon gaped at the spot Tyler had occupied a moment before he had dissolved into thin air just as Stefan had done in Elena’s old bedroom; he hadn’t seen his baby brother since.
“Just as well,” he muttered, “I’m the only one who appreciates my own wit, anyway.”
Rebekah was on her way out but paused in the corridor when she caught a glimpse of Davina alone in the kitchen.
The girl’s feet were hooked around the stool legs, her arms were crossed over the island, and her chin was propped on her arms. She was staring miserably at her dim reflection in the oven door.
Rebekah hadn’t seen the young witch that melancholy since she’d first come to the mansion.
“Are you alright, love?” She circled around the counter to block Davina’s view of the makeshift mirror.
Davina started when she saw the blonde. Her movements were sluggish as she slowly sat up a bit and ran her delicate fingers through her wavy brown hair. She was disgusted at the sorrow that closed her throat; surely she shouldn’t feel like this after everything that had happened.
“Davina?” Rebekah tilted her head and took the girl’s hand.
She debated telling the Original what was wrong for a moment before opening her mouth.
“It’s my birthday,” she stared at the blinking calendar on the oven over Rebekah’s shoulder: December 22. She’d always hated having her birthday so close to Christmas; everyone always gave her Christmas themed presents. It was one of the many drawbacks of a December birthday, but this year she would have welcomed one of her mom’s cheesy gifts.
“I miss my mom,” she whispered into the still room. “I shouldn’t miss her. I should hate her; she stood by while they tried to kill me, but I miss her. Am I crazy?”
Rebekah flashed around the side of the counter and wrapped her arms around Davina’s shaking shoulders. She held the girl’s head to the crook of her neck and let her cry for a minute.
“You’re not crazy, Davina,” she sighed. “My mother made me what I am. She took away so many options, so many things I wanted out of life were stolen by her and I still miss her.”
“I don’t think you’re mom tried to kill you,” Davina muttered angrily.
“You’re right,” Rebekah nodded solemnly. She took Davina’s shoulders and stared into her wet blue eyes. “She didn’t try to kill me; she actually did. The spell had never before been tried; it could have killed all of us, but she still did it.” She saw the surprise in the girl’s eyes. “It’s okay to miss her Davina; she was your mum.”
Davina nodded sadly. She ran her hands over her thighs and squeezed her knees.
“If she were here now what would you be doing?” Rebekah leaned an elbow on the counter top.
“Getting ready for Christmas,” Davina shrugged.
“How about helping me with some shopping?” Rebekah held out her hand.
“You left your Christmas shopping until now?” A line appeared between Davina’s brows.
“Of course not,” Rebekah pulled the teenager towards the door. “I have to pick up one present and then decide on another. I only forgot one present, and that’s only because I didn’t realize the importance of it. Come on, love, no birthday should pass without celebration.”
She sent a few text messages after closing Davina’s car door and sliding into the driver’s seat.
Davina blinked in surprise when Rebekah steered them out onto the highway rather than back towards the mansion.
“Hey, Rebekah,” she stared out the window at the passing trees, “why did we take Klaus’ car? Yours would have had plenty of room for the shopping bags.” They had somehow managed to fill the trunk of the SUV with purchases; she was certain Klaus and Elena’s baby would never wear the same outfit twice before she outgrew her clothes.
“Because,” Rebekah smiled cryptically, “we’re picking something up for Nik: a Christmas surprise for Elena.” She took an off ramp and passed a few cars before pulling into a long driveway.
Elena waved her hand in front of her face to dispel the smoke and coughed on her way to the window. Throwing open the pane she snapped a towel and directed the grey haze out into the cool December air.
It took a few minutes for the smoke to dissipate enough for her to clearly see Klaus and Kol who were staring at the warped tray on the cooling rack.
“Alright,” her hands settled on her hips, “it you two are going to insist on keeping me from the oven then you’re going to have to watch the timer carefully.”
She shook her head and crossed the kitchen to view the completely blackened cookies.
“I don’t think they look that bad,” Kol rubbed the back of his neck and leaned over the counter.
“Really?” Elena cocked an eyebrow. She grabbed a spatula to lift one from the tray and held it out to him with a sweet smile. “Take a bite and tell me how good they are then.”
Klaus heard his little brother swallow audibly. He placed a fresh tray in the oven and made sure to set the timer while his brother took a bite and gagged on the cookie.
Elijah and Finn paused in the door frame when they caught the lingering smell of burnt cinnamon.
“What happened in here?” Elijah surveyed the ruined cookies. “We were only gone an hour.”
“These two geniuses burnt the cookies,” Elena snickered. She tapped a sugar cookie that had been cooling on the table before lifting a bag of white frosting. She twisted the end of the bag and started adding strips to a candy cane. “Finn, you’ve got some pine in your hair.”
“Where are Rebekah and Davina?” Elena slapped Kol’s fingers when he reached for a half-frosted cookie. “Shouldn’t they have been back by now?”
Klaus pulled the finished tray of gingerbread from the oven and flashed around to lay the cookies out on the table to cool. He cocked his head to the left when he heard the front door opening.
“I asked Rebekah to go and pick up your Christmas present,” he deposited the tray on the counter and watched Elena frosting some cookies. “She’s delivering it now.”
“You know,” Elena finished outlining a snowman and used her right hand to support the bulk of the icing bag upwards, “typically presents are kept under the tree.”
“That’s true,” Klaus leaned his hip on the table and smirked, “but the UN frowns on wrapping people in brightly coloured boxes.”
Elena frowned and narrowed her eyes in confusion.
Klaus carefully took her shoulder and spun her around to where Rebekah and Davina were standing on either side of the door.
Elena’s eyes grew round. Her mouth formed a perfect ‘o’. It took her a moment to get over her slack shock before she grinned and clenched her hand into tight fists. The icing bag squished in her hands sending a glob of white frosting through the air where it hit Kol, who had been reaching for a cookie behind her back.
She moved faster than she had in weeks and threw her arms around her little brother’s neck.
“Jeremy,” she laughed and swiped away a tear, “what are you doing here?”
“Seeing my sister,” he laughed, “and attempting to hug her, but it’s rather difficult because she’s gotten so big.”
Elena pulled back and playfully slapped his arm.
“How come whenever I say something like that I get the nearest heavy object thrown at me?” Kol wiped a line of frosting from his eyes.
“It’s rather amusing when they make contact,” Elena looked back at him over her shoulder.
“I bet,” Caroline stepped around Jeremy and hugged her friend. “That’s an interesting look for you Kol.”
Davina covered her mouth and giggled at the vampire cleaning the frosting from his face. She looked around the kitchen to the plethora of cookies that were slowly making the whole house smell just like Christmas. She had caught sight of the tree standing in the living room and had assumed that the Originals had always planned on putting it up; after all everyone had been caught wrapping gifts over the last two weeks, but the cookies made her smile.
She knew Rebekah had been behind the rich smells that were invading her senses. Unless Elena had gotten a crazy craving for Christmas cookies then Rebekah had orchestrated it to make her feel better.
The thought that the Originals had come together to try and cheer her up, without even knowing what was wrong, brought a smile to her face. It slowly banished her melancholy.
He watched on in silence at the sickening display of holiday cheer. At some point they were going to slip up and he would be there to gloat when they did. Hopefully it happened while Baby Gilbert was still in the house so he could relay the ‘I-told-you-so’ message to his sister, and get the delusional girl out of there.
Until then he planned on staying out of the mediums way. It shouldn’t be too hard; the house was huge.
Tag List: @rissyrapp20
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