jennynailstudio · 2 years
Jenny's Transcend Anti-Puff and Wrinkle Cream
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Our eyes are one of the first areas to show signs of ageing and taking care of the skin around your eyes doesn’t need to be complicated. This delicate area is sensitive to stretching and sagging, so it matures faster than other parts of your face. 
Even though, no, eye creams are not a requirement, they can still be a positive addition to your morning routine if they’re formulated with the right ingredients. When you want to ‘Say it with your eyes’, you definitely wouldn’t want the wrinkles and puffiness to interrupt. So after lots of research, testing, and true dedication, we are proud to introduce Jenny's Transcend Anti-Puff and Wrinkle Cream. 
This cult-favorite is like an invisible film that won’t sit heavy on the skin. It contains minerals from refined and purified clay with a blend of antioxidants and peptides to proactively work to reduce the visible effects of aging. It’s also known for creating a sheer film on your skin that tightens as it dries. Effects last about 4-5 hours. Using a melody of nutrients and vitamins, this formula powerfully minimizes the appearance of wrinkles, brightens the eye area, firms skin, and delivers deep hydration.
Visit Jenny’s Nail Studio with your bottle, you'll receive a free sample container to try. If you are completely dissatisfied, you may return the unused product for a full refund.  You can also visit our website  jennysnailsstudio.com to buy online.
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nikkoleon · 5 years
Hi, Rando Advice Giver here again with something I forgot to say in my original post: I've been following you since back when you were first starting your 035 blog. I don't interact with your posts as much as I could, but seeing your art on my dash always brightens my day. I'm here silently cheering you on, and I'd bet my bottom dollar there are more like me doing the same. The SCP stuff might have been what made me a fan, but I'm def. sticking around for anything else you do!
Most of my following really kicked off with the 035 blog, and I really enjoyed the fact that so many people liked my work, especially since I was going through a very rough time in my life during a good amount of the beginning duration of that blog.
I know not everyone is going to like my original work, my other fanart work, ect, but I do highly appreciate each and every follower I get who enjoys my work whether it’s just for a specific fandom, my original work, a patchwork of things, or just sitting and trucking through every bit of mayhem I post, lol.
And thank you, your pep-talk really has brightened me up. ;v;
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bondsmagii · 5 years
(In reference to the haunted butthole post) "#me when my ass briefly became a 4chan meme" Excuse me WHAT. Ratthew, I am SO curious to hear this backstory. Like, the 'my ass' in conjunction with the post being about buttholes makes me think it was your actual ass that was the meme, and that raises /so many questions/ xD
oh my lord lmao I’ve mentioned this a few times before I think but not for a while... honestly as you can imagine it doesn’t come up much but I’m truly surprised it comes up at all 😂
basically Back In The Day™ (2007-2010 era, so approximately a million years ago in Internet Time) I was a fairly prolific creepypasta writer on 4chan’s Paranormal board, /x/. back in those days the creepypasta content was pretty good, a lot of the classics come from that time period, alternate reality games were popular, etc. I spent a lot of time on there taking prompts or inspiration from the creepy pictures people would post, and a lot of people started recognising me around. the honourable citizens of 4chan decided they liked me, and this meant a kind of personality cult status where people would draw pictures of me and have a few memes here and there and basically have me as a kind of mascot, which was pretty wild. 
one day I wrote up and posted a new creepypasta that went down really well. the thread was alight with people talking about how it scared the hell out them, etc, and one person commented that, and I quote, “this story is so fucking good I want to die and come back just so I can haunt your ass”. this is an exact quote, because this is not the kind of thing you can forget. anyway, for some reason this comment above all others seemed to resonate with everyone, and the idea of a ghost haunting my ass took off. just my ass, mind you. not my house. not even me personally. just my ass. 
there were creepypastas written about me and my haunted ass. there were comics drawn of me trying to live my life with my haunted ass. there were intentionally bad creepypastas of me and my haunted ass. people were using tripcodes/nicknames related to me, my haunted ass, or both. someone wondered if we could create a cult based around my haunted ass. it was a wild time. it lasted a few weeks, which for 4chan back then was quite some time, and then faded out.
some say my ass is still haunted to this day...
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harinezumiko · 5 years
Long  Pearlnet Discussion Under Cut
ITT: Meta, bitching, and @antipuff letting me have my Opinions and putting up with my mad ramblings. 
(ITT we never finish our goddamn fics)
god, I should relent and reread the Jaspearl Kyou Kara Maou Fake Married fic and finish it
I say knowing I went so far from canon that I would die from it
You have amazing precog
I think I actually had Jasper call Pearl out on being Pink's Pearl because Everyone Knew But Steven in that fic
where's the Pearlnet Sugar woman
I came for the OTP when do I get it
You've guessed everything correctly, you deserve the Pearlnet xD
I. DO.
Garnet also, by How Writing A Character Arc Works, deserves to a) have the autonomy to decide if she wants sum fuk individually and not just declare that it'd be impeding on Rupphire, b) needs to be demonstrably wrong about her future vision in a way that isn't just for comedy or just to idiot ball a plot point, c) get sum fuk damn son she and Pearl are both hopeless romantics why are they not dating, d) stop being a pillar of the group and actually make good on letting the others in where we get to see it, e) not end the series being Solitary Black [Woman] Who Don't Need No [Man]™
having said this, I would also accept option f) get down to Bismuth ;D
also permafusion needs to stop being the only romantic demonstration of love between Gems
also why did we get "Three's a Crowd" declared twice and then Steven tells Amethyst Bismuth's third wordplay namedrop would be funny and get proven wrong, why are you not giving me my rule of three with Three's A Crowd, where the fuck is the final note
I mean I guess the numbered Lion episodes wasn't 3 either but >_>
But yeah, those are some good points
also I feel okay with my e) point mainly because [friend] not only agrees, I think they're the one who gave me the formatting, so.
*nod nod nod I think that one's the best point!
I do too! Although I also don't think that the ship should sail solely to subvert the trope. But like... what was the point of Sardonyx arc if they end the series more emotionally distant than they started it?
like, Pearl lying to Garnet [and Ruby and Sapphire] is so distressing that Garnet can't exist over it
and they then make it clear that this is Not Normal and also that finding out Rose was a lying liar is at least as distressing when they drop the Pink Diamond Bomb, when do I get resolution
like, at least lampshade it outside of the book on fusion where the only page with Garnet as an individual component to the fusion other than Rupphire is the Sardonyx lead-in where Sugar used a line typically describing romantic relationships for it
I would not be #satisfied but like at least have someone say it in the show??
give me someone from the rebellion noticing they're domestic damn you Sugar
xD God, right? Don't just tease it!
like, it wouldn't even be totally unprecedented, we literally have Bismuth and Amethyst who've only seen them at wildly different points in knowing each other
and Bismuth already remarked on Pearl's affectionate behavior being Not What She's Used To like a liar, because give me touch-starved overly-affectionate Pearl who lavishes affection on her friends after battle because she's afraid she won't see them again because she has to go back with Pink and pretend they didn't just fight  Yellow's troupes directly and Pink's not disposable like she is
it would be completely appropriate for her to be like Amethyst wtf they're attached at the hip, I have never seen this, and Amethyst to be like yeah no they were worse, also this is why I visit the barn always, Steven's room is too crowded now that he's got a neck
sgfbhrwbhgwal too crowded
If Bismuth isn't used to it, I wonder at what point they started being touchy-feely with each other?
Pearl was pretty handsy with Amethyst in the early-90s because someone had to reign in the feral child, so my assumption without shipping goggles was that they were all more physical before Rose died
and where Amethyst and Pearl clashed utterly on Not Dealing With That Shit and wound up fighting about everything, Pearl overcompensated for losing both the opportunity to cling on Rose and the closeness she'd had with Amethyst by gluing herself to Garnet's arm all the time, and Garnet allowed it because her new Leader Spot prevented her from being outwardly vulnerable
and then the +shipping opinion on my end was that they've been in love the entire time because OTP friends-to-lovers, and Garnet never said anything because Rose Reasons, and was waiting for Pearl to get her head out of the sand
...and also, obviously, in Pearl's case, a side of "oh my god the Gem I was made for is half of a meaty human baby now and everyone from the rebellion is either shattered or corrupted, I can't lose Garnet too" which only gets gayer the longer the series goes on
but I don't think Sardonyx would be who she is if the closeness was just after Rose died
No, I don't think she would be either
I don't think they'd been Sardonyx since Rose died tbh
I think if they had, it would've been to get shit done, but I generally agree
it would've only been short-bursts
but it'd also explain Amethyst's buttmad if she had a snag in her mane deep down that they still formed Sardonyx but she and Pearl couldn't form Opal
Yeahhhh that absolutely tracks!
watch, though, Sardonyx only existed post-Rose because Escapism outside of instances where Amethyst's life was at stake, but Amethyst being Amethyst only ever needed Sardonyx Intervention right before poofing
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docjackal · 4 years
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Doc, I am endlessly amused by the placement of your avatar in your header image xD …Hi this is a completely mature way to strike up a conversation with someone for the first time. 100% quality first impression here.
I don’t see what the problem is it’s just a picture of the Walrider and my icon in a completely harmless, tumblr friendly position.
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detectivekonan · 5 years
hi!! i drew 2 of swords for you!
january will be like a sort of break from how you usually do with things- whether its thinking, a way you act, ect, to consider other viewpoints. its a month of rest and relaxation ahead!! you’ll have an easier time being diplomatic this upcoming month, and you’ll need to learn to compromise or let things continue as they are, rather than gained through aggression.  two of swords is about balance so it also calls for you to avoid procrastination and stalemate with the help of compromise and diplomacy.
my post
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windynebula · 6 years
antipuff replied to your post: Does anyone else have dashboard pull the 404 page?...
It happened to me earlier too!
I've heard from 3 different people getting this so it really do be the Glitch Of The Week(TM).
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nyanbinaryrose · 6 years
Malik vs Sigfried?
This is so hard, cause I headcanon both of them as gay? And they’re my otp? So, uh setting that aside for this ask...
This is tough, cause neither of them get much personality shown after their redemptions. Malik is present in S5, but only to provide commentary on the final duel. Siegfried’s shown even less, with only the last few moments of the KC Grand Prix showing him bonding with Leon, and then he’s also seen in the credits in the Japanese version for like 2 seconds. So it’s tough to say what they’re like minus the villainy...
I’m not big on dating either of them with their villain status, so I’m gonna go with my post-series headcanons for these two:
Malik is an adventurer post-series. He’s passionate about discovering the world he was denied for so long. He loves to travel and explore. He has hedonistic tendencies, often doing whatever makes him happy or feels right in his gut. He lives for new experiences, and bettering himself. He doesn’t let anyone get him down, or shame him for the things he’s interested in. Malik doesn’t have a bucket list, only a to-do list.
Siegfried suffers from anxiety post-series. He feels intense regret for what happened at the Grand Prix. His company faced lawsuits after those events, and he was publically humiliated. His goal is to try and restore his company’s reputation in the future. He hides his emotions, lest he be sent to a mental institution like his father was. He carries the shame of his father’s mental illness- now his- as well as shame for the fact he was willing to sacrifice Leon for success.
tl;dr.... Malik. He’d be fun.
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nikkoleon · 5 years
antipuff replied to your post: Not sure what’s wrong with my foot, but it’s been...
I have Plantar Fasciitis and it sometimes feels like the pain’s right around the middle toe for some reason? I obviously don’t know enough to say whether that’s what’s going on with you, but I can recommend some gentle stretches! If they relieve your pain and walking becomes easier, congrats you’ve got plantar fasciitis! If not, you’re at least stretched out
Hopefully, it’s just a pulled/strained muscle!
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bondsmagii · 5 years
Harvest, fog, maize!
thank you!!
harvest: what fictional character do you most identify with? Why?
ooh [rubs hands together] time to be declared Problematique™! first of all definitely Henry Winter (The Secret History), like… reading that book was such a snatch of my entire being. Henry and I have a lot of very similar things going on, and we’re very similar in personality. both of us are quite solitary, very odd in our mannerisms, ridiculously loyal, prone to taking on far too much responsibility, and are very much dumb of ass. we also both suffer the curse of being natural leaders in a group, despite not knowing much more than everyone else, and people tend to look to us to fix everything and then turn on us when we can’t. oh, and did I mention we’re both dumbasses?
another major one is Eli Ever (the Villains series). like Henry, there’s a lot about our personalities that are similar, both the good and the bad. not to go into too much detail (a running theme with the rest of these characters) but there’s a resonance there with the whole feeling like different people, and the weird relationship with existence because it’s not fun to get used to being alive when you’ve been dead in any capacity. also we’re both prone to absolutely galactic takes if we don’t keep ourselves in check lmao.
now the two that are for Very Private Reasons: the Darkling (Grishaverse) and Holland Vosijk (Shades of Magic series). make of that what you will.
fog: how well do you think you’d do in a zombie apocalypse scenario?
maize: share the weirdest encounter you’ve had with a stranger on the street.
man I just… attract weirdos. I’m not even sure where I would begin. the first one that came to mind was a few years back when @vestriis and I went to go get a pizza from Domino’s, which is a perfectly ordinary thing to do, and you would expect it would go off without a hitch. not so. as soon as we stepped outside this drunk guy started following us telling us how he had been in jail, and how he was going to beat me up (me, specifically, for some reason), and how we didn’t want to Fuck With Him, and other shit I didn’t pay attention to. he even followed us into the pizza place and placed an order for like 4 pizzas and a bunch of other stuff, and then went back outside, and I told the staff not to bother because he was not going to pay for it lmao. he was still carrying on when we came back out with the pizza, going on about how he’d been In Prison, and finally I told him I’d been in prison too, and what was he in for? his eyes literally bugged out of his head, and he fucked off soon after when a police car came past.
really though, that’s just the first one I thought of. I seem to just draw weird people to me, and it’s both a blessing and a curse.
autumnal asks 🍁🍂
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harinezumiko · 5 years
rat - favourite children’s tale?
Now that’s cheating, you sent in Rat so now all I can think is Redwall. (Spoiler: the answer is Redwall. Basically all the time the answer is Redwall.)
But honestly... hm. I guess when I was a children, the answer would have been this:
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Because I LOVED the art, and I loved the message, and I remember fuckall about it now other than that I liked it, multiple teachers had to take it from me, and the aesthetic was gorgeous, and Journey makes me think of it every time I catch Twin playing.
We read a lot of Native American folklore in elementary school, and I think this one and the one with the buffalo girl who was testing her marriage prospect while trying to run off and be a buffalo were my favorites. 
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maraquanwocky · 6 years
👻 Do you believe in ghosts
not really. i feel like that kind of thing can be explained by creaky pipes, subtle vibrations, little kids sneaking into a murder house and getting caught on camera, and all that
though for some reason im able to suspend my disbelief for the specter of newby church?? idk. i sure hope he’s real, he looks like a friend
send me a symbol
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redactdead-moved · 6 years
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Chibi Vincent!
AC: @antipuff
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brahston · 3 years
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🌞 Sunnier days are almost here. #BRAHSTON® natural skin and body products will get you shining your best in no time. #naturaldefense #antiaging #eyetreatment #antipuff #bostonskincare #natural #organic #premiumskincare #massachusettsskincare #boston #massachusetts #spring2021 #quarantinecomplexion #staywickedfresh® (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMSiDoCDCiE/?igshid=1mzzqcmtvvnil
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white--face-blog1 · 7 years
Mars, asteroid!
| mars: who is your ideal best friend?
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| astroid: what’s your biggest fear? is there a reason why you’re scared of it?
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