#anti spn prequel casting
slenderm · 1 year
If i had to choose The Winchesters/SPN Prequel cast based on resemblance with the former actors (something the producers CLEARLY didn't give a shit) i would choose:
Angourie Rice
as Mary
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Israel Broussard
as John
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But, just to be clear, i know a good casting ins't just about looks, but also the acting. However, i watched two episodes of the prequel (one and a half actually, bc i couldn't watch the second til the end) and it doesn't seen that the producers even bother with either.
Fr, i just made this out of fun, no hate to Drake, Meg or anyone of the cast.
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sapphyreopal5 · 9 months
Hi there, I have just found your blog and I have found it very interesting.
I was wondering if you could do a reading on Drake Rodger, particularly his relationship to Jensen. Tbh I find it slightly creepy and he seems to be trying to emulate the relationship he and Jared had in the early years of supernatural but the big difference is he is now a middle aged man and Drake is not.
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Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. I also want to say thank you for complimenting my blog, I'm glad you enjoy reading and I hope you continue to do so :) I find your question interesting given the timing you sent this in given there's a convention coming up this weekend that I am attending in Charlotte, NC where both of them will be at! So, with this being said I was told by Loki to only shuffle my deck once, which is quite interesting and is a new occurrence on my part. First I'm gonna talk about the associated keywords with each of these cards and then throw in the interpretation work. This is a bit of a long read so please bear with me, I hope you find this answer insightful and a pleasurable read nonetheless.
In the tarot, the keywords associated with The Moon card include intuition, illusion, dreams, vagueness, instability, deception, anxiety, fear, misconception, subconscious, and insecurity. The 3 of Wands indicates progress, expansion, foresight, overseas opportunities, or possibly playing small, lack of foresight, unexpected delays. The 4 of Wands often can signify celebration, excitement, homecoming, family unity (or instead and frankly more fitting in this case) an unhappy family, cancellations, and feeling unwelcome. The King of Wands in the tarot often represents a natural born leader, an entrepreneur, and a visionary or possibly on the contrary impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations. The 4 of Pentacles tends to mean either saving money, security, conservatism, scarcity, control or in this case, over-spending, greed, and self-protection. The 4 of Swords connotes to rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation, or on the opposite end of things exhaustion, burn-out, deep contemplation, or stagnation. Of course, the 8 of Pentacles often indicates apprenticeship, repetitive tasks, mastery, skill development, self-development, perfectionism, and possibly misdirected activity.
The card with what I believe to be the most significant one and indicates the overall tone of this reading is The Moon. If you noticed in this particular post when I was initially discussing the keywords for each card I used words and phrases like "or", "on the contrary", "instead", etc. when I mentioned what the keywords for each of the cards are as opposed to just mentioning so called relevant keywords. I chose to do this for this post because a lot of the card combinations based on typical interpretations of such tend to be more positive. In this case however, there was a lot of deception going on with the creation of The Winchesters from start to finish, behind the scenes and on social media which The Moon card confirms.
I think many of the readers here are going to be quite familiar with the so called "Prequel Gate" that happened which started seemingly when Jared Padalecki made a post on Twitter saying "Dude. Happy for you. Wish I heard about this some way other than Twitter. I’m excited to watch, but bummed that Sam Winchester had no involvement whatsoever." and when people thought he was kidding, he responded with "No. It’s not. This is the first I’ve heard about it. I’m gutted." Also, when the show was introduced it was supposed to be "an epic love story". Instead, the big climax of the show and the highly anticipated tidbit ended up being the return of Dean Winchester on the screen. I feel a relevant movie to bring up is Bewitched with Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell starring, which is the movie where the remake of Bewitched is being filmed. As a synopsis, the show gets really poor ratings initially, as Jack Wyatt (Will Ferrell) made Darrin get most of the lines initially and the so called unknown girl Isabel Bigalow (Nicole Kidman) as Samantha got barely any lines. It's when Isabel calls Jack out on why the show was getting poor ratings and threatened to quit is when Jack comes to his senses and when he finally listens, the show ends up getting better ratings. See why I also included a photo of the movie's cover below?
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The location of the King of Wands (man on the elephant) being below the 4 of Wands (a crown) is interesting because we know that Jensen has a crown tattoo on his lower inner arm by his hand (which funnily enough was a topic of interest due to a photo edit "oopsies" some people saw on Twitter and here on Tumblr). Both of these cards showing up in the orientation they are is very interesting and definitely points to Jensen as I'll discuss here why. This particular quote stands out to me and sounds very relevant to Jensen regarding The King of Wands: "The King of Wands represents pure fire energy in its masculine form. Unlike the other Wands court cards, the King is not so interested in creation and creativity, or in dreaming up ideas and implementing them himself. Instead, he is more inclined to take an idea and then enlist others to help him actualise it." Also another interesting tidbit I saw from this same site about the King of Wands: "At times, the reversed King of Wands can be aggressive and even arrogant in the pursuit of his goals. Be mindful that as you strive towards your dream, you are not putting others off-side, dis-empowering them or taking their contributions for granted. You need their support one hundred percent of the way."
If you watch this interview of Jensen and Danneel discussing The Winchesters back in October 2022, around the 2:03 marker Jensen says "we've got touchstones that have been laid out in the mothership you know our lore. Maybe we can hit those markers in a way that isn't expected", which correlates with that quote I mentioned above I got from Biddy Tarot regarding the King of Wands talking about being more inclined to take an idea and enlisting others to make it happen. It's also interesting to notate that in this interview, Jensen is wearing velvet, which was often worn by aristocrats in Middle Aged Europe. Velvet has a long history that dates back to Ancient China and Egypt where it was also seen as a luxury and sign of royalty and still is seen as such today.
As I mentioned earlier, Jensen even has a crown tattoo on his lower right arm by his hand that he got the same year he was crowned king in Mardi Gras back in 2019 (The W on the crown apparently stands for Winchesters). It appears him, Jared and John getting this tattoo is a "seers hint" that was missed regarding The Winchesters (don't worry, we all apparently have missed some). Interestingly so, there are 3 cards in this reading with the number 4 (2019 was 4 years ago when all 3 of them got this tattoo) that are diagonal from one another. Oh and the Charlotte convention starts in 3 days this upcoming Friday (I however will be going Saturday and Sunday, or starting 4 days from now). Jensen said also he, John and Jared now call themselves "The Three Kings". Jensen at least prior to the cancellation of The Winchesters perceived himself as a "king". I do believe the King of Wands card quote above stated that the "King of Wands can be aggressive and even arrogant in the pursuit of his dreams", which is 100% fitting in this case. Ironically, the 4 of Wands as I mentioned earlier can foretell of cancellations. If only Jensen had a bit more foresight as the 3 of Wands suggests he lacked.
It seems in his arrogant approach as a so called "veteran" actor in taking away the spotlight from Drake, Meg, Jojo and the rest of the "apprentice" actors he ironically killed his and his wife's project. Perhaps he should've followed Jack Wyatt's approach and listened when fans asked legitimate questions and expressed genuine concerns about the storyline of the show. Instead Jensen chose the path of not listening to anyone else and even said something along the lines of "if people don't like the show, were they ever fans to begin with?"
So... to answer your bottom line question about Drake and Jensen's overall relationship. This reading 100% states Drake needs to trust his own instincts more. It also indicates that Drake was side-blinded quite a few times by Jensen and perhaps is not really seeing the entire picture. Clearly Drake sees Jensen as someone to look up to and seek career advice from because "he's a good actor with a lot of experience and knowledge in the entertainment industry". A father figure so to speak, and perhaps sees the rest of the cast of The Winchesters as "a family" and is part of the extended "spn family". However, Jensen quite frankly has talked a big game since he left Supernatural which can be seen in the clothing he chooses to wear and even in the things he's said as aforementioned in this post. Frankly, his career is not on such a high note currently. It seems the failure of The Winchesters may have served as a bit of a reality check for Jensen. Not sure if you agree with me here but lately I believe Jensen's been starting to look a little thin, pale, exhausted, and downright depressed.
As for Drake, he clearly is an ambitious, handsome young man who genuinely wants to succeed in the entertainment industry. He may not have been quite the same as JDM's John Winchester, and was criticized for not having the right personality or look to play young John. Casting Drake as John Winchester yet Jensen expecting a Sam Winchester tie to Drake and therefore placing high expectations on him is perhaps indicated in the King of Wands card. I sense Drake has been contemplating on his time on the set of The Winchesters in a more nostalgic way and is in a bit of a recuperation period, which I think is reflected in his reblogging this post on Twitter. It sees he was quite thrown off guard and shocked about the announcement of Jensen and Danneel's Chaos Machine Productions entering a deal with Amazon and Jensen. Jensen has withheld a lot of things from Drake I suspect but also has given some good advice to Drake at the same time based on what he said in an interview Drake did in April.
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I know this was a longer answer and such but I hope that you found this insightful and interesting. Thank you again for this ask!
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laf-outloud · 1 year
I love how close the cast is! This isn't just a cake on set, this was a bunch of the main cast getting together on their free time to celebrate their friend. And it wasn't show PR because we wouldn't have even known about it if Mitch's daughter hadn't posted that ig story.
It's even funnier because I saw zulu58 on twitter arguing just a few days ago that Mitch only said nice things about Jared because "he's grateful for a job":
Sorry, but Mitch is an old dude grateful for a job. I mean, he was never even invited to cons before Walker? Still, I get it, and he should be grateful and gracious. 🤷‍♂️ https://twitter.com/Zulu582/status/1643082285816905728
And also that he only does it because according to them, the only reason he does con is because of Jared/Walker... even though he was also on spn and has every right to be at an spn con. Or ya know, that cult hit X-Files... which I can guarantee would still get him invited to general cons even if he wasn't on spn or Walker....
Mitch is a well known and respected actor and has been for years (much like Mark Sheppard) and isn't just "some old man grateful for a job." That is just insulting to the man's 40 year career in the industry. Mitch could get a different job or even retire, but he CHOOSES to stay on Walker because he loves it.
I love seeing the candid moments between friends, because they’re more than just cast mates. You can hear the affection in Mitch’s voice. 🥰
If AAs are disrespecting Mitch, it’s because they’re feeling insecure over the recent news that The Winchesters set was not nearly as great as Jensen made it out to be, whereas, multiple people have confirmed that Walker is a fantastic set (that is influencing the industry) and Jared is a wonderful person and producer.
It’s pathological at this point. Jared/Walker gets praise and the haters try to dismiss the source (regardless of how offensive they are) because it gets in the way of their belief that Jensen is the superior person.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I’m sure you don’t share most insider information given that you don’t want it to fall into the wrong hands // make it to the crazy side of the fandom, but any word on how things are going on the set of The Winchesters? I know Jensen has been busy filming for Big Sky and his Buddy Games 2 cameo, so has Danneel been on set representing them and pretending to work? I would have thought the TW cast would have taken a similar route to the WIndy cast and used social media to show behind the scenes to build up hype for the project, especially because Meg does that for her Disney projects and they’re all that young, social media focused age. But it’s been very quiet from that project, and I can’t help but wonder why. I know it’s a low budget embarrassment so Jensen is going to mostly avoid it, but the powers that be are still trying to make it happen (even creation is getting in on the ruse) and this is the first real job for many in the cast so they should be trying their hardest to turn this into an experience they can make a career out of.
"should be trying their hardest to turn this into an experience they can make a career out of."
THIS. Yet all we get is amateur like posts now and then that just make the whole project look cheap and the cast unprofessional. If Elta is working it's probably on her next face. 🤣 Even the Costume department epically failed the show. I mean, there's not much to expect and you are 150% right, they should be putting the right twist on this series with the help of a great PR company to save the project or at least give it a fighting chance. Yet the lack of enthusiasm comes through and it's reflected in everything that gets put out. It seems like everyone is being overly cautious about this series so perhaps they are already aware it won't be going forward after the ordered episodes.
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incarnateirony · 1 year
i think 2po forgets that there's actually a fair amount of quiet, unknown fans that attend cons regularly and even m&gs *gasp* but we don't shout about it or leak stuff.... and we know that he's just trying to sound like he has info when really, he's just like any other fan digging in sandboxes and trying to make a jigsaw out of the scraps they find there. there's 20 people in these things, just because he's loud and has loud sources, and hangs around in loud circles, doesn't mean the other fans sitting in those chairs are statues. we listen, we take note, we go back to our quiet little lives and have to watch BNFs run their mouths like they've been chosen as a direct conduit between the gods (actors) and the insects (fans). but actually, they're no different than those of us who are having a nice time in our spn bubble while we point at him and go "...the fuck is he talking about?"
lots of love from a m&g attendee that is tired of seeing him talk shit when he wasn't in the fucking room. he's also the most blatant anti in disguise i've ever seen. p.s. the whole reason i follow you is because of a m&g. do you know who i don't follow for the same reason? 2po. hopefully this helps some people that still think 2po is legit "ITK."
Lemme guess, it's the one I busted him lying on. You don't have to confirm it, but yeah. We knew he had been lying and spinning M&Gs for years for the same reason you just said. Nobody could pin him down on it. 20 people in the room and yeah, a lot hear how he's lying and everyone's been trapped on pinning him down on it. Because the SECOND I pulled the truth out he went WE'RE REPORTING IT. Huh. So you admit it's real then. Too bad your friend was drunk with an open container violating the NDA in row A of the theater within 5 minutes. That sucks for you. Very loud ranting. And the threats for hellers daring to heller in a cockles M&G were just a nice touch of frosting on the shit cake.
And it's so funny bc if you look at his sources--he thought he was being slick when he blatantly described Gayle and Suzanne--they're still. just fans. It's fans sourcing fans sourcing fans, and those bloated fans think they're Someone and they're getting furiouser and furiouser and coming at me harder and harder. Like, no, it doesn't matter that you invested millions in Jared and Mantra, Suzanne, he isn't running the show. Probably why yall flipped shit. Their corner is drying up, Jared's M&Gs aren't even selling out anymore at bottom price, even selling J2 only adds like +100 to Jensen's value. They're realizing only a few people wanna work with him anymore, he doesn't hang out with people from the old lot anymore, and no, he wasn't included in the prequel organization, and their brains are fucking melting.
Also why they hate the origin of it. Because then. Well. Let's just say when Jared exploded I was like
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our bad ig. Whatever. So like. Yeah. At least it's good to know other congoers are aware. I got a few reports today too of certain fans like "oh my god I met them you're right they're incredibly fucking obnoxious and think they're part of the cast", and really, that's what drives 2po's "ITK" shit. Fans feeding fans feeding fans feeding fans. Even Wiki is just a glorified fan, and the way she reeled back when 2po got her burned a few times tells me she's starting to realize that real quick.
And somehow this fandom had a stroke and forgot my warnings about coffeerunners like her that get elevated into first media roles not grokking their limitations and babbling to equally unqualified idiots, they forgot Manchin/Market Testing, they let that "fake script" shit get out of hand on purpose, and so on. What it boiled down to was she was salty I found a newer script than she was given access to, because she was hired in feb but given an old draft, which shows her content is screened, and I think she really did NOT like that reality.
It came from lack of understanding that like. Scripts are released the way they are to root out leakers just like her. Like TPTB knows now. She's never gonna get anything of worth now. She's just there as a rubber stamp hire to go LOOK OUR CANON WILL BE FINE WE HAVE THE WIKI when, realistically, as she isn't trained or studied for the job, her underqualification lets them get away with A LOT MORE SHIT so they get to giggle and flee and pat her on the head for a good job.
Like i said. the spnscripthunt server is a condensed form of the worst fans in all lanes. Antis, bitters, J2 tinhats, misha haters, manipulators, grifters, and active liars basically form the base, but they use the appeal of shiny scripts to radiate their garbage out through the people they manipulate into giving them free gold tickets.
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lol-jackles · 2 years
I read a Reddit thread about Jared taking steroids in season 3 which lead to him getting roid rage and assaulting a AD on set. Is there any truth to this? The Reddit user claims to have worked on Supernatural during season 5. I’m new to this fandom and know nothing about the show’s early days.
Reddit thread
Reddit comment in question
Season 3 when Jared was diagnosed on-set for having clinical depression after he had his first breakdown. He then tried to leave the show before it could by syndicated and costing $millions in lucrative deals for the network, studio, and producers, not to mention cast and crew losing their jobs.  So people were mad at Jared for inconveniently having mental illness and a subsequent breakdown, which could have killed their golden goose.  Hell the same people are mad at Jared for “ending” SPN after 15 seasons because he took CBS holding deal even though technically only WB can end SPN.
*read reddit links*  Whoa it's my buddy Heidi!!!  *waves!!!!* Heidi is a Jensen stan and like most of them, she's obsessed with Jared and subscribes to the AA narrative blaming Jared for why Jensen doesn't have a bigger career according to their expectations.
Remember kids, expectations are premediated disappointments.
Heidi is HighD on reddit and SPN_Gossip, where she did her best to turn it into an anti-Jared board, I mean, more than it already was. She was/is obsessed with his hairline and tried to get others to talk about it at length but even AAs weren't interested because, you know, it barley moved in 15 years. Heidi was also on tumblr trying to pass herself off as a Bibro but it became too hard for her to keep up the facade.
The last time an Anon updated me on Heidi's antics on reddit was when she crowed that the news of Jensen's role on The Boys getting lots of upvotes means it's more valid than Q scores. The last time I saw her on tumblr she was super pissed at Jared for exposing the prequel debacle and making Jensen look like a noob at best, a backstabber at worst. Basic victim blaming, as is the AA's M.O
Heidi occasionally concern troll my Ask box and I keep offering her to come off Anon and DM me. She followed me long enough to know that I never reveal private DM convos but she never took up my offer.
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whengeorgiawentblue · 3 years
Honestly I hate how everyone is suddenly coming out as a secret anti jared fan. I was a die hard spn fan in the 2013-2016 era. I'd watch hours of videos, every episode, spent HOURS reading fanfic, posts, memes, theories, etc. Not once did I see anyone say, oh it seems like Jensen and Jared aren't as close as they seem they are.
Everyone's like "yeah I've always noticed Jensen was annoyed with JP" or "yeah I always knew he was a dick" idk it just seems disingenuous to me? I fully admit stanning him in the past, but now that I've seen the twitter posts, the rants, the comments, and really sat back and thought about it with my now adult mind vs my then teenage mind, I fully admit I was wrong to stan him. So I don't know why people finding it so hard to admit they were wrong instead of lying saying they alwaysss knew. If they always knew they'd have spoken out back then and not once the show ended.
Related side rant, I also only now realise how Jensen acted when he was with JP vs with Misha and/or other cast members. When Jensen was with JP he hyped up his personality and acted more "rude" for laughs and would do anything to get a laugh, especially at the expense of Misha, but with Misha and others he's more calm and knows when to end a joke and when he goes too far.
Like that one time Jen apologised to Misha for going too far on set, yet JP never apologised. Meaning Jensen knew he wasn't acting like himself, but went along with it anyway because of Jared. Jared didn't apologise, because he didn't change his personality. Honestly I can't fault Jensen because we've all been in positions where we acted different to match our friends energy.
But ya, fuck Jared lol. Only wish teenage me saw the signs
I don't know about other people so I can only talk about my own experience. I'm a newcomer to the spn fandom, I only learnt about this show during the events of the 5th of november of 2020 here in tumblr. So back then I read posts from other blogs about cockles, J2 and J2M and they all seemed to me very good friends. I legit thought Jared and Jensen were almost like real brothers, and I didn't believe the J2 fallot theory the first time I learnt about it. Yes, I read about the many questionable things Jared did in the past but I thought he had changed and grown up.
But then the prequel happened and Jared had his tantrum, and that moment I realized Jared had been and still was an asshole all along from the start. And I dig more into other blogs and realized he never apologized for anything, always had a pass and had never changed. That was the time my blog, which until then was only dedicated to cockles and destiel, also became an anti-Jared blog. So don't blame your teenage self, many of us including myself were also blind about Jared until the blindfold fell off and we saw the truth.
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
Not an ask, just an opinion.
Personally, I think Jensen has been in love with Jared the whole filming of SPN and Jared and he were involved all that time. When Jared decided to try to make his marriage with Gen work, broke up with Jensen and wanted to leave SPN, it devastated Jensen to the point where he wanted to hurt Jared very badly, by stealing the legacy they created together and making the Prequel. That would explain the anger exhibited by those videos/pictures he posted of him body building during The Boys, the refusing to take responsibility for his own actions and blaming Jared, the bad decisions, the sadness and self-loathing he exhibits whenever he is around his wife, the self-aggrandizing (to get Jared's attention) and why he only looks alive and happy when he's with Jared. The supposed women he is having affairs with are just for cover, to appease his ego and stroke his soul, which is probably the only thing keeping him going right now, underneath the swagger of ego. He's an unhappy, jilted, ex who met his soul mate and now has to live without him. I don't see his unhappiness ending anytime soon.
Hmm interesting opinion/ask you shared with me here, Anon. I see you are a so called "tin hatter" who has managed to find my blog. Thank you for stopping by to share your thoughts with me. So, I am going to begin by saying that I will admit I myself have had some questions about some things I've learned and noticed myself with what I have seen, heard, etc. I do think a lot of what you're saying here has some truth to it. However, it is not as simple as them being exes or in a secret relationship or in love with each other and I highly suspect things are one sided. I don't know if you've read much about my blog or if you've just seen certain anti Danneel posts of mine but my blog is mainly about the SPN cast along with spirituality related topics, particularly divination. For that reason, I am going to share with you a reading I did about this topic back on October 4, 2023 after a friend of mine and I have been seeing some things while dreamwalking, and noticing some things that have manifested after seeing said things.
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In the Tarot, The Hierophant who is said to be the masculine counterpart to The High Priestess represents spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition, institutions, personal beliefs, freedom, and sometimes on the contrary challenging the status quo. The 3 of Cups is said to be a card of celebration, friendship, creativity, collaborations, independence, alone time, hardcore partying, and sometimes even the notion that ‘three’s a crowd’. The King of Pentacles is symbolic of wealth, business, leadership, security, discipline, abundance, or on the opposite end of things being financially inept, obsessed with wealth and status, and also a stubborn personality. The Page of Wands represents inspiration, ideas, discovery, limitless potential, a free spirit, newly-formed ideas, redirecting energy, self-limiting beliefs, and a spiritual path being presented. The 7 of Swords (a card I admittedly am not liking in this reading I did) is a card that stands for betrayal, deception, getting away with something, acting strategically, imposter syndrome, self-deceit, and states someone is keeping secrets. Death in the Tarot may sound self-explanatory as to its meaning but is not always meant to be telling of a literal death. In the Tarot, Death is about endings, change (and resistance to), transformation (internal and external), transition, and inner purging. Lastly, The Emperor in this deck ties in somewhat with The Hierophant with some similar meanings and what the card represents, which include authority, establishment, structure, a father figure, domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, and generally being inflexible.
So, I post an extremely small fraction of the things I receive divination readings about and post things with the direction of my guides. Some of my guides include the higher selves (in Jensen's case, former higher selves [currently a "dumped" incarnation]) of both Jensen's and Jared's. Some of the things I have not posted on here involve the true nature of their relationship, which again is not as straight forward or as simple as a said secret relationship between them or both being in love with each other. I do agree with you that Jensen seems to feel some hurt from some thing(s) Jared has done (or not) behind closed doors. After watching some old interview clips, con videos, etc., I do notice some interesting looks and behaviors coming from Jensen's direction (body language, how he looks at Jared compared to other people, etc.).
The King of Pentacles being diagonal from the Page of Wands (which I feel symbolizes Jared in this particular case) and also the 7 of Swords is very interesting (and concerning as I'll explain why). The Hierophant and The Emperor (boot looking card) paired in present in this reading together states there is an authoritative father figure that's fairly religious (Jensen's father who Jared reportedly called "Papa Ackles") involved that is a big reason why Jensen is in the closet. However, the 2 cards that tinhatters are probably not gonna like seeing the explanation for here are Death and 7 of Swords. As I'll explain below, these 2 cards are setting half the tone in this reading with . I am not here to appease to people with what I write and such. If it resonates okay if not then it doesn't, simple as that. The card in the center (Page of Wands) curiously is the same card I feel represents Jared. This to me confirms that Jared is more or less on the receiving end of things and isn't so much "giving" out as much as some think but instead "goes with the flow". I also believe greatly that Jared doubts himself a lot and seems to put himself down a lot when praising Gen and others, which is part of what's called Imposter Syndrome.
Based on what I know of his dad Alan and have seen in some YouTube videos (like this one, [trigger warning: this is a Pro Life related video so if this is a trigger do not watch!]), I do believe now based on what I've learned about his past, have observed both on and off camera with women versus Jared say, and even his actions (or inactions) that Jensen is not of the straight orientation. I believe also his dad is a big reason for this, as I think he is afraid of not getting approval from his dad should he not conform to the Christian family man image Jensen to this day tries to sell (and is failing at doing so more and more as the days go on). The Emperor (authoritative father figure) and The Hierophant (religious, institutional, and traditional ways of being) I believe tie in strongly with the dynamic between Jensen and his dad. Is Jensen afraid of "getting the boot" (The Emperor) from his religious dad (The Hierophant) and therefore his family? You mentioned the women/woman Jensen's sleeping with is all for cover and even his marriage with Danneel, or the so called "bearding". I have been wondering if this is why Jensen has never once that I can recall shown Danneel any real affection publicly (and vice versa). You can talk all you want about feeling this and that about her Jensen at cons but those of us who pay attention know better. Actions (and inactions) speak much louder than words. The 3 of Cups in this reading seems to point to what you are suggesting here.
With regards to the King of Pentacles representing Jensen, he likes to dress "nicer" (personally, I want to burn the green shirt he wore to the Charlotte con a couple months back), is VERY big on personal image and sticks with the Christian family man persona that clearly isn't working out. However, I believe he makes a lot of very poor decisions both from a business aspect (thus the "financially inept" tidbit from the King of Pentacles description coming into play here) AND in his personal life. I also elaborated a good deal here on the King of Pentacles representing Jensen in this reading I did a few months ago regarding Drake and Jensen's relationship dynamic (Drake being a so called "mini Jared" or "Jared 2.0). I also mentioned in that post things about Jensen wearing green velvet to interviews before The Winchesters aired. Rumors have been going around for a while that Family Business Beer Company is doing badly but I believe it's becoming more apparent in recent months. They are aggressively trying to expand the distribution of their beers yet their location hours remain at a solid 30 hours, which in itself is a troubling sign (as is being closed for 3 days of the week). Recently I've read a couple posts here on Tumblr mentioning possible layoffs have happened at FBBC in the last couple weeks, which is also always a troubling sign things aren't going so well. With respect to his personal life, whew I think that's just a downright hot mess. The lawsuit that was announced at the end of August with Jensen and Danneel Ackles named certainly will impact both their personal and business lives.
The house that Jensen bought back in July is surrounded by cemeteries (aka marked graves, who knows about unmarked graves), as I posted about here. I'll make another post about this but some speculated it was for business ventures aka a business investment to which my guides say "not quite, more like a real estate investment period". I agree with my guides 100% for multiple reasons and trust they are right. If Jensen intends on using this giant mansion for purposes remotely related to business investments, he and Danneel will be very unpleasantly surprised for multiple reasons. There is understandably some doubt about whether Jensen actually moved to Connecticut at all, due to several sightings of him in Texas at different times after he and Danneel were announced as the new owners of their CT mansion back in July 2023. Regardless of whether Jensen is fully living there, lives there part of the year, just bought it for a vacation home or whatever the story is, the fact is the Ackles don't seem to have had any strong ties to the state prior to them buying this house. Why buy a house on the other side of the country where you've barely visited previously if everything good going on for Jensen is in Austin, including Jensen's said best friend Jared?
I hate the be the bearer of bad news here but if you all think this is merely a business investment and that this will be converted into a B&B or another brewery location, I'll point you to 3 sources that says to me any plans Danneel and Jensen may have like this are extremely likely gonna get foiled real fast (type of zone their house is in, what you can and can't do in different zones in Connecticut, and oh my someone tried to petition to allow B&Bs in residential zones over 10 years in a house that's not even 4 miles away from the mansion and DENIED). Oh, and when signing the papers for buying the house, the lines indicating the purposes of buying the house per the online deeds records did not include any commercial purposes, only personal residence purposes. Hmm.... I would call the mix of these things being financially inept.
Jared on the other hand I wholeheartedly believe is represented by the Page of Wands in this particular reading. While both of them own businesses, are obviously wealthy, and both have refered to themselves along with Jeffrey Dean Morgan "the three kings", I believe that Jared has a more youthful spirit and can be more free-spirited than Jensen by a long shot. Generally, Pages cards represent either children, the younger self of a person in question, or in my opinion someone who has a youthful spirit (can be full of energy, enthusiasm for new ideas, is playful, etc.). Although the description of this card doesn't directly say it on the link I provided I always think of a youthful or playful soul when I see the Page of Wands. The Page of Wands in my deck has 3 peppers on it. It has been said that Jared switched out the prop Ghost Pepper jerky Dean ate in Season 15 Episode 5 "Proverbs 17:3" (scene clip from YouTube below) with real Ghost Pepper Jerky as a prank. Sam and Dean in Season 1 Episode 17 "Hell House" (which happens to be playing on my new TV in my room now as I'm writing this) also pulled quite a few pranks on each other going back and forth, and also reportedly did so in real life on the set but off camera. Jared I noticed also tends to dress more casually or if he dresses up more nicely it's not in elaborate outfits unlike Jensen. I mean also the second clip I shared from YouTube below says it all for me with regards to this card representing Jared in this reading from a youthful spirit point of view.
I also recall reading about how Jared explored Epcot Center and Universal Studios for a day by himself when he was just 8 years old, scaring his grandfather nearly to death who was crying when Jared walked out of the gates of Disney World. This to me shows that Jared is indeed a free-spirited soul who isn't afraid of embarking on new journeys alone (even if others don't like it and Jared doesn't end up liking what follows, thus at times does challenge the status quo even if he and others don't like the outcome), and seems to value novelty or discovering new things and even has more of a creative streak than Jensen if we're to be frank. It was also stated in this article I linked to earlier in this paragraph that Kripke felt that Jared's soulfulness and likeability would be more suitable for Sam Winchester while Jensen's more "charismatic" character would better fit Dean Winchester. Therefore it seems that Kripke and others just might agree with my statements about Jared's personality and that the Page of Wands represents Jared in this particular case.
If you notice in this reading, The Hierophant (the card that looks like a hand) is pointing down towards the 7 of Swords. Along with the 3 of cups being next to The Hierophant, this suggests that secrets are being kept hidden from the public's ears regarding sexual orientation and feelings overall (many signs point to it... literally). I'm not going to go digging through the tinhatters stuff because there's frankly way too much of it ha ha, and I'm sure you Anon are aware of at least a lot of it (and others who are coming across this will probably know some things). It's interesting going across the reading on the other side is the King of Pentacles above The Emperor which to me points to Jensen and his dad, along with society's expectations of men like Jensen as a whole (thus the whole Christian family man image Jensen's trying to uphold versus the reality of things).
Now, onto the part where at least a lot of tinhatters are likely not going to believe what I say or will like me less for it. I'm not here to appease people's beliefs or tell them what they want to hear but I'm instead here to simply state what I've observed, my interpretation of this tarot reading, etc. If someone resonates with this cool but if not, well that's on them not me. The 7 of Swords card is one of the most dominant cards in this entire reading and very much sets the tone. This card as I mentioned earlier speaks of things such as betrayal, deception, keeping secrets, ulterior motives, and even getting away with something. Jensen has been called homophobic for multiple reasons, including his remarks regarding how Brokeback Mountain ruined western films for himself and also saying that Destiel is not a thing. I have heard of the saying that the most homophobic men are in fact in the closet and trying to compensate. As Dean Winchester once said "Of course, the most troubling question is: "Why do these people assume we're gay?" and Sam Winchester said "Well, you are kinda butch, probably think you're overcompensating." (interestingly the website however says "but I just think you're overcompensating). People also do say art imitates life (and sometimes seems to predict things), which I won't fully explain here why that is the truth with Supernatural and Jensen and Jared holistically, not just in a tinhatter's kind of way. It seems Supernatural really did model Jensen and Jared's relationship in many ways... at least, that's what we're supposed to believe.
Based on what I've been observing myself, have been learning via divination (and watching manifest), and what another friend and I have been learning via dreamwalking, a lot of what we're all seeing publicly is in fact smoke and mirrors. I do believe that some of the negative things that have happened between them did manifest in part as a result of Jensen acting upon hurt emotions, but also due to more self-serving ulterior motives on his part. I believe Prequel Gate (along with The Winchesters related posts happening while Walker was airing on multiple occasions) and YANA ring a bell for some people.
Regarding Prequelgate, I saw a Tweet of an old clip where Jensen specifically said "hell no" about doing a reboot as Dean after Supernatural ends and Jared confidently says "I'll answer that for him... NO". I agree with the OP that this didn't age well... This goes back to the 7 of Swords card. I agree with Jensen's critics, that Jensen is an opportunist who looks at every chance he can get to make money. Did Jensen genuinely believe he'd never consider making a SPN reboot as Dean, or did he intend to do so in the back of his mind all along? Clearly The Winchesters became the Dean Winchester show. I was given an interesting nudge a couple weeks ago to watch the movie Jennifer's Body in my divine hearing. I realized there are many parallels between Jensen and Jared, and Jennifer and Anita "Needy. In fact, I have concluded that the relationship dynamic between Jennifer/Anita and Jensen/Jared is in fact 100% identical behind closed doors.
Something else that's been bothering me lately as I'm doing this research. Now, I'm not sure what Jared's views were when Jensen decided to open the Family Business Beer Company physically in 2018 given the name was clearly a nod to SPN, 2 years after Jared opened San Jac Saloon in 2016. However, the FBBC LLC itself was filed and therefore was actually born November 5, 2014, which was 2 years before San Jac Saloon was opened. Did Jensen have plans of essentially "taking over" the Supernatural brand possibly for years and cashing in on it without Jared?
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With regards to YANA, I noticed also in my research that Jared wanted to end SPN multiple times (from what I understand 2 of these times took place in 2008 and 2015) but was stopped from doing so by Jensen and perhaps others chimed in as well. Was Jensen truly concerned about Jared's well-being and just enjoyed working with Jared so much he doesn't want to stop and that continuing SPN (and therefore those big paychecks) was just an added bonus... or was Jensen simply acting concerned about Jared's well-being while having ulterior motives up his sleeve the entire time? Also why, just why would Jensen and Misha even go with the YANA nonsense? I mean some of the posts correlated with things like Jared announcing his return to Gilmore Girls, Jared's McDonald's commercial airing the same day a YANA video gets released, Jared getting his 3rd national corporate sponsor from Chevy again on the same day a YANA video gets released, etc. Honestly, this YANA businesses sounds an awful lot to me like another money grab. And don't sit there and say this was all the studio making them do it. At the end of the day, we all have choices. You can't really force people to do things they don't want to. Instead of choosing to say no to making YANA a thing, Jensen and Misha still went about it. Conforming to an authoritative institution's wishes (The Hierophant and The Emperor) for self-serving business and therefore financial purposes (King of Pentacles), eh Jensen?
I'm also interested in hearing from anyone why exactly Jensen reportedly made 50% more than Jared per SPN episode in later seasons (100k for Jared versus 150k for Jensen). The most logical explanation I could come up with based on research was Jensen got a director title attached to his paygrade after season 5, even if he wasn't actually directing the episode in question (directed 6 episodes in all). I suspect some favoritism may also have played a role, even if no one is saying it. I especially find it interesting that Kripke who was the original Show Runner for Supernatural initially didn't think Jared was smart enough to play the role of Sam Winchester. Sure, Jared certainly may have proven he is intelligent and therefore Kripke stood corrected on that tidbit; however, Kripke has repeatedly praised Jensen for things like his charisma (riiiight, go watch any interview of Jensen and you'll hear lots of umms, uhhs, and even inconsistencies between what he says from interview to interview), looks, charm, etc. It can't just be feeling overwhelmed or burned out with work as to why Jared wanted to leave SPN multiple times but didn't, nor does it explain why Jared had the breakdowns that he did in the past and why he was diagnosed with depression to begin with.
Edit: Adding this in because I believe it's very important to note here with the suspected favoritism and hostility on the set of SPN. Now, if this is remotely true at all, that Kripke got onto Jared's case "for having a bad day" and essentially holding production up over what some called "a hissy fit" back when he had his breakdown in 2007, oh boy am I now a big time Kripke critic. Also, Kripke overly praising Jensen as seen here is just absurd. Get it together Kripke, you're embarrassing yourself.
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Now, for the other part of this reading the tinhatters are probably REALLY not gonna like... the Death card. Like I mentioned before, Death in the tarot isn't always about a literal death but is often times about the death of something and following that, the birth of another. This translates to things like transformation, change (and resistance to), inner purging, and endings. *Shudders* ENDINGS?! Like the so called "Jivorce" is really happening?! THIS CAN'T BE OMG! Chill out all... just a bit. I don't believe as Poseidon said that they will completely drift apart. However, there are only so many chances someone like Jensen will get from Jared as far as maintaining friendships and such goes. I also believe that with the physical distance that is presenting itself, a distance between them on a spiritual, psychological and emotional level will follow suit if it hasn't started already.
I briefly touched onto Jared's playful, youthful personality earlier when I explained my interpretation as the Page of Wands representing Jared and how this card has 3 peppers on it. I also touched onto Jared pranking Jensen by switching out the prop Ghost Pepper jerky with real Ghost Pepper jerky. The title of this episode is "Proverbs 17:3". The ESV Biblical verse says "The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the LORD tests hearts." According to bibleref.com, the meaning of this verse says: "Scripture often uses the metaphor of a crucible: a container used to heat metals to burn off impurities. Passages frequently apply this in the context of God testing, purifying, cleansing, or providing loving correction to His people (Malachi 3:3; Zechariah 13:9; Jeremiah 9:7; 1 Corinthians 3:11–15). The "fire" of hardships, persecution, or God's testing proves what parts of a person's life are godly and which are not". Interestingly, Jensen eating real Ghost Pepper jerky could in a metaphorical sense be compared to "turning up the heat" physically and is therefore the "crucible" here. I believe however with the way things did go for Jared with regards to the set of SPN, YANA, Prequelgate, etc. that it is Jared's heart that is being tested and that Jensen (equivalent to crucible here) is being tested physically.
I mentioned the 3 of cups earlier having a possible interpretation that "3's a crowd". Interestingly, the Page of Wands happens to have 3 peppers on it. Often times this card is a very positive one and indicates a time of celebration, friendship, creativity, and even hardcore partying. I believe however that while this card offers a silver lining in that things will turn out okay overall for all parties involved, it won't be the happy ending certain parties involved are hoping for. In this case, the said wishes for Jensen of being involved with Jared as more than friends, and also any and all current lovers and relationships. I personally think that it's partially true what tinhatters believe but it's alot more complicated than what people want to believe. I've generally held more positive views of Jensen in previous posts. I still believe there is some goodness in Jensen somewhere. However, based on learning more things about Jensen, looking at his mannerisms and especially when I went to the main panel physically at the Charlotte convention earlier this year, my views of him have admittedly shifted some. After noticing some things personally, what I felt in the room during the main panel along with what I've learned about their dynamic, I believe Jensen has a so called "dark personality" for multiple reasons that in itself is for another possible post. Jensen can advocate for Jared all he wants with words BUTt based on the events and funny timing of when things were announced/aired surrounding The Winchesters versus Walker and YANA, along with other things, his actions sing a very different tune...
I mentioned earlier that I believe Jared struggles with Imposter Syndrome with regards to the 7 of Swords card, which is apparently common in people who have anxiety and depression. Jared was diagnosed with depression as many of us here know. I believe the one who is transforming and changing here is Jared, and Jensen is who is resisting these changes. Provided that Jared's been given the greenlight for a fourth season while Jensen's The Winchesters was cancelled (and not to mention a lawsuit naming Jensen and Danneel came out of it), it seems Jensen did not listen to signs pointing to no (and therefore resisted changing his ways). I do believe that the way things went with The Winchesters being criticized heavily was the death of Jensen's life as he knows it... Given the Page of Wands is in the center of this reading, it seems many signs and things in this reading point to Jensen and in this case ultimately going back to Jared. According to this Tumblr post, Jared took with him from the set of SPN the fact it's not necessary to work 14 hour days. Based on how this post was written, from my understanding of things it was suggested that Jared wanted it to be clear that people can joke around with him and be comfortable around him despite being the boss. I may be misreading this but to me, this does imply that there could've been some mistreatment or passive aggressive type of behaviors on the set of Supernatural... or just like I said earlier in one sweet word, favoritism.
On a final note, I noticed that timing is everything just as Jared knew while timing his announcements with the AKF versus YANA business. The Emperor in my tarot deck is the boot looking card and the 7 of Swords card is depicted as a mouse holding knives. The day I did this reading (October 4, 2023) I happened to watch "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1" a couple hours before I did this tarot reading. In the first scene of the movie after the title screen and Peter is no longer a citizen of Earth, he is seen putting his headphones on and starts kicking around small creatures that stand only a little above his ankles (equivalent to the mouse in this tarot reading in the sense of being smaller than we are and both being seen as "pests") while wearing what appears to be rain boots prior to stealing The Orb from Morag. Peter Quill aka Star-Lord is certainly no conformist, loves his freedom, is obviously free-spirited, creative, and is highly receptive to changing for the better. On a perhaps more odd note, my guides have told me for a while now that I am essentially the real life female Star Lord (personalities being very similar, some intimate life details, many encounters with "other kinds", issues with educational institutions, leaving Earth [in my case via dreamwalking many nights, almost crossing over aka "ascending" off Earth multiple times, and almost physically once too over 10 years ago], problems with authority figures and discipline, and more). I'm not sure if this is true or not but as an added bonus, some websites including this one stated that Jensen auditioned for the role of Star-Lord/Peter Quill.
How interesting, given I received this particular reading on the same day I watched this movie for the first time since I finally understood why my guides kept saying "nope" for me screwing or fucking around", and would instead consistently say "you Fooled Around and Fell in Love"....
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laf-outloud · 1 year
Creation has caught the irony disease. On the latest prequel addition to the circuit, they say "our Supernatural family is growing." No. They are TW. And TW is actually the show that fractured our fandom apart. SPN adjacent they may be, but I'm avoiding them like third cousins at a bbq who somehow still want to claim kin.
As much as Creation likes to claim SPN is growing, we all know TW cast will be tossed aside as soon as the show is canceled and Creation realizes no one ever actually cared about them (including hellers and AAs). The only reason people will go to any TW panel now is to ask about Dean/Jensen or Castiel/Misha (since the show is still running and there's always that possibility).
I'll be interested to see if the three TW cast members can hold their own in a panel or if Creation will ask Tom or Gil to join them (or even Jensen).
"I'm avoiding them like third cousins at a bbq who somehow still want to claim kin." LMAO!
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
I'm sorry, didn't Jensen say Chaos Machine was working on something SPN related with SPN alum in their virtual pannel? It's not like JP was completely blindsided. He said he was doing it months ago, just didn't give details. Also, isn't JP working on Walker? Didn't he say he wanted to work close to home? Didn't he say that overworking himself lead to his breakdown? Doesn't he already have like 4 other side projects going on? Like, why would Jensen involve him if JP was already busy enough? Doesn't he have a family to worry about? J and D are working together on this so it makes sense that wherever the might have to go for it, the kids will be with them, but Gen would most likely not be involved, so why bother? Is he itching to get away from his family that bad?
And you are absolutely right. It's a little (a lot) hypocritical for JP to hijack the spnfamily and turn it in to the walkerfamily, use spn easter eggs and actors to promote his show and get views, claim that his show will last longer than the show that gave him a majority of his fame, then get butthurt when Jensen ( who was equally involved in said show) makes his own spn project. Do the people who are pissed honestly think JP consulted Jensen about all the SPN junk he used? Also,it's a prequel about John and Mary. Dean and Sam weren't even born yet. "Sam Winchester won't be involved whatsoever" yeah no sh*t sherlock. He didn't exist yet. Jensen said he wasn't going to talk about it (again in the virtual panel) until he got the ball rolling. The other cast members made jokes about being on the show because they knew their characters weren't even involved in the story at that point. No one was except, John and Mary.
Like, the two of them worked together for 16 years, they are allowed to do their own thing without involving the other.
And as for the people saying " Well I guess Soldier Boy isn't going to be such a big role after all if Jensen already has another project lined up"... uh yeah..no shit. For a group of people who were complaining about h*llers joining The Boys fandom for Jensen, y'all sure act like you don't know how that show works either. I've read the comics so I knew SB wasn't gonna last long ( it could change idk) but like, no one is safe on that show except for The Boys themselves and select members of the Seven. Literally everyone dies. Have they even watched the show? The killed a main supe a few episodes in. Did they join the fandom for Jensen? Were they projecting? The character they made a big deal about last season got torn to shreds in the season finale. Like, c'mon pay attention. The supes are the bad guys.
And how does JP know Jensen wasn't going to involve him later? He doesn't. Instead he created public dramathis fandom is absolutely ridiculous sometimes, I swear.
You win the award for best ask today because you have brought ALL the points!
I doubt Jared asked Jensen's permission or anything like that before using SPN for his show, using the "family" thing for his new projects, or using his face for views and interest for his own personal gain. I can see him being upset if it was about Sam and Dean because of course he'd need to be involved, but a prequel before the boys' time? Why would Sam or Dean be involved?
We don't know if Jensen tried to tell Jared behind the scenes, but knowing what we know about Jensen, I don't think he did this as a dick move. He probably figured he wouldn't need to warn Jared considering SAM AND DEAN AREN'T EVEN INVOLVED. Also, HE ALREADY TALKED ABOUT IT WITH JARED. So him acting like this is some big surprise is shitty and manipulative. Can't let the CW golden child be outshined, now can we?
Maybe he's just worried that this show (if it even gets picked up, I think it's just in the works right now, no?) will do better than Walker and will further prove that Jared can't seem to hold his own. You can't sit there and distance yourself from the show to try and make yourself a big star (except when it comes to using it for your own personal gain) and then get pissed off when someone else takes the opportunity you didn't want.
Jared could have done something with SPN, a prequel, a sequel, whatever. He chose to take the job that was handed to him on a silver platter instead and wanted to try and be the next big thing. Jensen decided to do something with the show and that's his right.
The stans trying to downplay Jensen's role on The Boys seems like they're just looking for things to use against him. I don't think Jensen was acting like this was going to be his next big break and that he was going to be on a 15 season arc (cough cough), so the only people who thought that were the stans. Jensen has talked about being behind the camera for years, no? So it's no surprise that he's going to try and do something behind the scenes, and why not have it be SPN related for that debut?
Also, it was easy for Jared to just piss off to his new life as long as the fans keep lining his pocket. Jensen seems to want to do something for the fans that have been there since the beginning. Just comparing their behaviors since SPN ended, Jensen seems to want to do something for the fans rather than seeing them as dollar signs.
Again, Jared knew exactly what he was doing with those tweets. He doesn't have a very good track record with handling things privately, and I'm just glad he didn't doxx the Ackles' for being mean to him like he does with customer service workers.
I don't want to make assumptions about Jensen talking to Jared or not until we hear from him because it seems out of character for him. If he really didn't reach out, then yeah that's kinda crappy, but Jared is also getting karma for his shit behavior lately so it's a catch 22.
All in all, this might be the thing that officially makes me anti Jared.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I saw an AA tweet about how anyone can hate Danneel and that she’s a queen. And then I ask myself how can y’all hate Gen for no reason. You can dislike a person, but you can’t hate a person who doesn’t deserved to be hated. I don’t hate D, I dislike her, but i don’t hate her. The one thing I don’t get about AAs and hellers is why do they stalk the anti tags and then get mad about what’s being said. Like I don’t stalk the anti Chris Evans blogs, even though I highly doubt those tags exist because it’s Chris Evans, but you get my point. Anyway I don’t like Danneel because of how she (and Jensen) have inserted herself into the spn brand and is trying to take over it. I don’t like her because she was never into spn to begin with until she saw it as beneficial for herself. I don’t like her because Jensen revealed she had only seen 5 episodes of spn, one of them she’s in, and he’s still trying to insert her. She pretty much lied about castiel being her favorite and knowing all of his lines. She’s a narcissist and pretends so she can have all of the attention (and money) and then gets bored and moves on i.e FBBC, her jewelry line, and sooner or later spn. Probably sooner if that prequel doesn’t get picked up by the network in May. Also I’m pretty sure AAs and hellers know this, which is why they’re doubling down on defending her, because 1 it destroys their fantasy they have going on in their heads and 2 because she’s Jensen’s wife.
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A friend sent me this. My jaw dropped. The low standards these people have. She's a functionally illiterate, no talent, no training, no class "actress" who is a disgrace to her own industry but they see her as a Queen and it makes me wonder what level they are on to say that about someone like Danneel. I don't have a problem with Gen, she's emotionally intelligent independent and extremely supportive of Jared. Let's not forget she landed her role on SPN not by sleeping with one of the cast...I know there are people who dislike her out of envy but then there are those I do know of are like comedians, they are funny and they don't go over the line, they just genuinely express their feelings without trying to make her into something she is not. So they are like an entertainment blog. I also see a lot of Gen lovers who write wonderful things about her. The difference in perception between Gen and Danneel is abysmal. Gen fans actually know WHY they like her and what her qualities are and how she impacts them but in a grounded way. Danneel stans, much like their queen, exaggerate in a grandiose manner with no essence to back it up. There are so many examples of incredible rolemodels and yet these stans say Danneel is a Kweeen. If that's their perception more power to them but they need to realize that burying their head in the sand doesn't change Elta's demeanor. I don't know about them but I for one would be sad to find out an Actor or Actress I admire is a shitty person and I wouldn't want to continue enabling them.
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italwayshadtobeyou · 2 years
Hey y’all, I’m returning to Tumblr after a long time off, but completely new to Tumblr SPN fandom, and I’m looking for moots. Unfortunately, the current tagging cluster system is sabotaging my attempts to find people with similar preferences, so I’m hoping this will cross show up in some nice people’s search results if the tags fail me again. (Note: I follow from my main, @brunnismemorybank .) This account may contain NSFW text and canon-level suggestive/violent images. No DNI/DNF, but minors please don’t send DMs.
Things I like:
Dark canon-divergent AUs (Endverse, Boy King, actually-scary Deanmon, etc.) and case fic
Fic, edits, and meta for gencest, Wincest, Samruby, & Samwena
Some of the more nuanced depictions of John, Mary, & Bobby-- where they’re as screwed up as Sam and Dean, but they’re still trying to achieve something good
Sam Winchester. Sam Winchester possessed by Lucifer. Sam Winchester being a semi-accurate Biblical antichrist.. Sam Winchester mourning Jess. Sam Winchester in love with Dean. Sam Winchester needing comfort. Sam Winchester kicking ass. Just SAM WINCHESTER.
Continuity in canon. For me personally, continuity is like David’s harp... Ahhh.
Things I dislike:
Stupid retcons that assign Sam and John’s relationship to Dean, change the date at which they learned about certain monsters, or make hash of monsters’ and spirits’ established powers and weaknesses.
Stupid people who can’t tell the difference between AUs and headcanons
Misha & Cass. I try not to put too much wank on this blog, but I block Misha- & Cass-related tags, get salty about untagged content, and have no patience with minions trying to spread false rumors or organize boycotts. Same with Destiel and hellers.
RP. No shade if you like it-- I just get annoyed when it breaks up my own  dash.
RPF. If there’s only an occasional post, I’ll just block your tag for it; however, like with RP, following an RPF-heavy account would waste my time.
Anti-shippers. I was raised by right-wing fundamentalists, & I’m not interested in exploring the mirror version of that experience. 
Everything I know about the upcoming prequel, except for the fact that they somehow snagged the competent Robert Ulrich as their casting director.
Mpreg, A/B/O, watersports, scat, age regression, and all-human, role-reversal, or different-sex/gender AUs.
Personal info below the cut, for people who worry about weirdness cooties:
Floridian by way of Alabama, raised in the country but now in a city, white, bisexual, agnostic, female, classical liberal, pro-shipper, occasional activist for animal welfare & privacy, gender-critical feminist, homeschooled (K-12), BDS supporter, Millennial, autistic, spoonie, gardener of native plants, and... IDK what else... brunette? Public identification isn’t my strong suit. That said, I don’t consider fanblogging activism, and therefore I don’t really care which of these boxes you do or don’t tick, as long as you’re polite & don’t try to convert me.
I currently own the dreamsofghostsandstars.net website, which I plan to shutter at the end of the year. You can find my fanfiction at dreamsofghostsandstars on Ao3.
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cooloddball · 3 years
I swear to God, these copy pasta anons have me so on edge that every time I see an anon saying they’re losing their faith in cockles or whatever I just think they’re an undercover anti or something. So here’s the thing, I think Jensen’s been a lot more active on social media purely because of business. He’s posted about and commented on his new co workers’ instagram posts a lot lately. It’s obviously for pr and that’s ok, in fact I think until two weeks ago, most of his interactions with J@red were about w@lker, and then the fallout drama happened and now he’s going out of his way to show that he and the overgrown man-child are ok again, it’s actually a little funny. He doesn’t really need to do that anymore with Misha, as of now they won’t be in any new projects together (that we know of) but he still makes a point of liking Misha’s posts, even ones that made me raise an eyebrow, like the bloody shirt one or the 4th of July one. Besides we know Jenmish like to keep their business private. Technically speaking, they don’t really need to interact anymore because they’re just former coworkers to the outside world, I don’t think they’ll rock the boat and go out of their way to flirt on social media, especially because a lot more people are zooming in on their relationship lately. But like I said, they like to mostly keep their shit private, it’s been proven to us many times. The whole “Vicki helped me move in with a friend” business,and then it turns out that friend was Jensen all these years later, or all the times that they hung out outside of work that we only find out about later on, the latest example being that ridiculously couple-y picture where they’re holding their coworker’s new baby in a hospital. My point is, Jenmish will be perceived by us when they want to be perceived by us. We don’t really have a way of knowing how much they’ve kept in touch, but based on things like “ok babe” or ‘blanygate’ as some like to call it, I’m guessing they’re doing just fine.
Yes I agree with all this.
However, Jensen has always commented on his friends' posts. And what's interesting it's almost always something thirsty especially under Max's posts :)
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What's interesting is that he rarely comments on Misha's photos and he even has a particular way in which he likes Misha's posts.
As for him and JP, yes I think it's for PR to show everything is okay. I think he wants to put all the bs behind him being that he's doing a spn prequel and spn is based on the premise of family. He and JP have been branded as family for so long so much so that that's all there ever will be. I also believe they made up and are still friends but that tantrum JP threw put an extra strain on their friendship.
Speaking of PR. Jensen has liked all of Clif's posts from June. Nothing in that is weird per se, but he rarely likes his posts. What's even more interesting is that Clif always tags JP, Gen, Jensen and Dee on his posts( why does he do that though? It's a bit odd. Also do you remember when Clif's brother was hating on hellers and cockles shippers on twitter last year and Speaking on behalf of the Ackles and Dee said he doesn't even know who he is and should stop spaeaking on behalf of her family?)
Anyway Clif stopped tagging Jensen and Dee after the JP's Twitter tantrum. However, Jensen has liked each and every photo since that date. It's just funny.
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Also Clif and Misha don't follow each other on IG anymore. I think they used to follow each other or at least Clif used to follow Misha because he follows everyone from the spn cast 👀 even Alaina and Matt. Something isn't adding up.
Also remember Dee posting the mantra tea on her IG stories a few days after the scandal whilst on a walk in the woods? 👀 all I'm saying is if they are trying too hard all of a sudden and it's damage control. It's all a out family and this is not far fetched tbh.
All in all, Jensen "coping with shit" Ackles J"gutted" P and Misha "I love and miss you both" Collins are all still friends though the dynamics of that friendship may have changed greatly since the spn prequel announcement.
On cockles. Yes there are still together. As I said in my answer earlier, social media comments and likes don't mean anything tbh.
This digressed a lot but I think it's in the purview of PR and even if you didn't ask for this, it's what you got, LOL.
Speaking of copy pasta anons I have one very bitter anon in my inbox and I just laughed at what they had to say about me and cockles. Stay tuned for developments.
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