#anti flamekeepers
Sheidheda Should Have Been A Teenager
Okay, so hear me out, cause I really feel like this would have made his storyline more interesting, more nuanced, and more thematically resonant. 
We first hear about Sheidheda from Gaia (a flame-keeper) as the “dark commander” who killed three of his flame-keepers before being killed by his fourth. And that’s really all the evidence Gaia gives for why this commander was evil. But from what we see of the flame-keepers... they do not have the nightblood novitiates or the commanders interests at heart and are in fact a danger to them. From what we see in season 3, for example, the nightblood novitiates seem to only have Titus and Lexa as guardians/teachers/adult figures in their lives- and Titus (and Lexa but we’re talking about flame-keepers), besides essentially raising these children for the slaughter, was emotionally distant/unequipped to raise a bunch of kids (”love is weakness”) and played favorites- in which kid he wanted to live and kill all the others (as Luna says about Lexa being Titus’ favorite and what Lexa says about Aden being commander after her (in front of the other kids, even) supports this as just a thing that the people surrounding the nightblood kids did). And then Titus kills Lexa (unintentionally, but still he killed her while he was trying to control and manipulate her). And I feel like it’s worth noting that the whole system revolves around child commanders that aren’t expected to last long, with other (younger and more pliable children) in the wings should the they die- this is the perfect system for allowing (head?) flame-keepers to discretely (or not so discretely, see Sheidheda) do away with commanders that they deem too troublesome- that don’t follow their advice or, like Lexa, try to change traditions. And then the flame-keepers are still alive and institutionally powerful enough to control the narrative of the dead commander’s legacy.
So it’s easy to Sheidheda as having been made a commander as a child (say the same age as Madi, even), who’s just been forced to kill the children he grew up with to survive. And now, he’s friendless, surrounded by people watching with hawk eyes for weakness, with only a flame-keeper as an ally. A flame-keeper who’s emotionally distant (probably neglectful), who probably views Sheidheda as replaceable, maybe even would have preferred another child as commander and now resents Sheidheda for it. (And with how much power the flame-keepers have, especially over the nightblood children; well who would have stopped the flame-keeper if they were outright abusive). It’s to see how Sheidheda would see violence as the only way to survive (that is after all how he’s commander and his classmates are dead) and resents his flame-keeper or feel like his flame-keeper is a danger to him. So he kills his flame-keeper. And the next flame-keeper distrusts Sheidheda and Sheidheda distrusts the flame-keeper and eventually murders this flame-keeper, too. And so on, until the fourth flame-keeper murders Sheidheda, at say, age sixteen, confirming to Sheidheda that flame-keepers are dangerous, out to get him, and that he was right to kill the first three.  
So, what? Am I saying that Shiedheda should have been the good guy, an unfairly maligned commander? Not really. I still think Sheidheda should be a ruthless, merciless, violent commander who, paraphrasing from Luna, was taught by the flame-keepers to revel in his anger and violence. I am saying it would be more interesting if he was painted (at least somewhat) sympathetic villain, as a teenager who embodies of the cycle of violence. 
I also think it would be interesting if he genuinely had what he thought were Madi’s best interests at heart.
Maybe he sees himself in Madi (a child commander of a society that uses and discards nightblood children) or maybe he sees the nighblood children he grew up with before he was forced to kill them. 
And this could have easily fit with his actions for most of season 6. He repeatedly tells Madi to kill Gaia, because from his experience with flame-keepers, they’re dangerous so you’d better kill them before they kill you. And hell, Sheidheda is not exactly wrong about Gaia, either. Yes in the end she decides to sacrifice the flame to save Madi, but before that she stated- multiple times- that she would murder Madi before allowing Sheidheda control of Wonkru.
Sheidheda’s plans for murdering all the primes? Well, Madi clearly wants revenge for them murdering Clarke and they’ll be a threat to Madi if they find out she’s a nightblood. Better to kill them all now.
Telling her to kill Jackson while he’s forcibly taking her bone marrow is pretty self-explanatory (especially when you consider he didn’t seem like he was going to do anything when Russell ordered them to take enough doses that would kill her).
Even threatening to “kill this child” if Raven doesn’t stop trying to delete his code fits with this if you view it as self preservation (he’s looking out for Madi but he’s not willing to die for her) and/or a bluff because he thinks he’s the only one looking out for Madi and he thinks she’ll die without him (he’s projecting his experiences of being a child commander onto her).
And can you imagine the reveal, if for episodes we’d been hearing about this scary, evil commander and oh no, he’s starting to control Madi and telling her to murder Gaia, and then we go into Madi’s mindscape and holy shit Sheidheda’s sixteen.
And thematically, we could get into the cycle of violence. How when children are taught they have to kill to survive, that violence and anger are strength, they will kill and keep killing. How this system of child commanders and child soldiers hurts children, and is bad all around. How in order to “do better”, you have to stop this cycle of violence (and you can’t keep using fucking child soldiers, yes I’m talking about Madi). And- especially if you keep some of the season 7 “Sheidheda in Russell’s body” plot- the question of “how do you stop the cycle of violence when those still caught in the cycle are determined to still commit violence?” is much more present than what we actually got in season 7. 
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gritsandbrits · 4 years
I don't know what was going on in Stan Berkowitz's mind when he wrote that episode that singlehandedly ruined Elena Validus.
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azhefa-archived · 4 years
and on that note skaikru/clarke stealing the fleim is so fucking fucked. literally would be like colonizers stealing indigenous people’s most precious religious symbol. 
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ashfate-blog · 6 years
i see a lot of rumours about bellamy vs gaia in the pit and honestly if they make it that bellamy is the one to kill gaia (especially if it’s a pit fight) i’m gonna be so pissed and disappointed because not only would he not realistically be able to beat her (she was trained by indra previously and has had flamekeeper training, meaning she has to have the skills necessary to protect a commander) but they keep making bellamy an enemy to every single grounder (he literally made an enemy of niylah, the one character who had no enemies lmfao) EVEN THOUGH the grounders as a concept basically no longer exists. why is he always the one to be fucking up their lives? even clarke has made alliances and connections within the grounders and that was after she annihilated three hundred of anya and lexa’s people. AFTER THEY FORCED HER TO KILL FINN. and it’s not just a male thing, because even miller and kane have enough sense to align themselves with particular grounders. it just bothers me so much that bellamy does things and always gets a free pass and i feel like it would be really insensitive of the writers to make him be the one to kill her, ESPECIALLY taking into account her beliefs and just how close she is to the original grounder faith that has been lost over the six years.
like, i’ve pretty much accepted that gaia’s going to die but at this point i’d rather octavia do it herself or literally anyone else who doesn’t have a long, long history of an anti grounder attitude. not saying it’s necessarily gonna happen this way but i’m just airing my grievances with it lmao.
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alwaysaprille · 7 years
When you're pretty sure Bellarke will happen, but you don't even care anymore because they're obviously setting Clarke up to become L.exa 2.0.
Again, doubtful. This fandom excels at automatically jumping to the worst case scenario, I’ll tell you that much. 
This entire Season has been a setup to move Clarke away from L/xa. See evidence:
Clarke voluntarily gives Roan the chip. 
It is discovered that Raven can access Becca’s memories with perfect recall (which means they don’t need to use the chip for that purpose).
The chip is stolen from Roan.
They literally did a slow motion smash of the chip on screen (even if it was a fakeout, that’s significant-especially as they KNEW the reaction it would most likely garner from antis)
 The chip is now in the hands of Gaia, a Flamekeeper who is ardent in her beliefs and in her duty.
When Roan brings up the fact that it appears the Arkadians are trying to create their own Commander by engineering Nightblood, Clarke is the one who points out that the chip has been destroyed, and she doesn’t seem too cut up about it. 
She’s not grief stricken over Niylah and later Roan bringing up L/xa. 
She has sex with Niylah-the same person she had sex the last time she was trying to get over an emotional burden. 
She rejected L/xa’s teachings in 408 and did not allow someone else to “die for her”. 
I really hope the show wouldn’t be tone deaf enough to put an 18 year old white woman who came down from space 6 months ago and who is largely ignorant of the culture of the “native” people, suddenly become their leader.
Like…..look at the facts, not what your shipper googles are telling you and I promise you guys, the show is a lot more fun to watch. 
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ragnarssons · 7 years
Do you think Clarke will be tempted to take the chip? I hope if she's tempted is because of the chip has relevant information that can help to save them or something like this. I really hope they don't put a scene where Clarke is tempted because she wants to be connected to L for always. That would mean she didn't move on. It would be a harmful and creepy message. They would be throwing away Clarke's development of this season and discrediting bellarke (since they're really close to be canon)
Okay, now that the whole frenzy kinda dissipated around that, I gotta say, I really DON’T see the point in this storyline, if it happens? Clearly Raven “has access” to Becca as we can see on the stills, yes, it endangers her life, tho, so maybe they will use the AI to do something about that. BUT, from a political standpoint, there literally IS NO WAY the Grounders would “offer” the Flame to Clarke and be like “be our leader oh great no fighter, peace lover sky person” (imagine the writers pull a stupid move like “Lxa woulda want you to have it” LOOOL the level of bs - ps, don’t get paranoid, I don’t think they will haha). They are still Grounders, and as much as people (in this fandom) like to call Sky People “Skyrats” and be like “Grounders are INNOCENT cupcakes” these dudes are as xenophobic as Pike and the “Skyrats” “are” (I put “” on here cuz I don’t see this as a “true” xenophobic vision, it’s called a war actually). There is NO WAY any of these people we see on the stills would be like “pwease Wanheda, help us, you’re our only ho-” I mean, come on, even Indra was like “daffuq?” when Clarke didn’t want to give the Flame back on ep1. It’s part of their tradition that exist for wayyy longer than Clarke, Wanheda, CL or even Lxa; I do think the Flame should remain that, a part of the plot that will remind us that, at the end, Lxa, Becca, all of them were PIECES of a whole story. So anyway, the storyline will be about the Bunker, not about who will become the leader, they will have to pull a similar system to the List™ on ep3, hence, the future episode called “The Chosen”. Also, yes, I agree with the fact that it would “discredit” Bellarke, and even put them back on s3′s track, while s4 is about a whole different relationship for them: lemme explain, Clarke “embracing” the whole Grounder “identity” they gave her “Wanheda” (that damn 303 episode) was the “breaking point” between Bellamy and Clarke. It’s not the storyline they are giving us now. I do think Clarke will be confronted to that choice again to parallel the “God Like” decisions she took on ep3 (hence, making the list). There, we can see she’s not alone, Ambassadors of all the Clans will be here to talk with her. She will just represent the Sky People: and yes, let’s be honest, for the Grounders she DOES have more credibility than Kane (the fault to season 2). I do think that, for example, Indra (she might have allies), learning that Clarke has Nightblood, might kinda try to convince her to become Commander, to have “that” leader on her side (and against Roan, since Indra is very anti-Roan). But, on one of the stills, we see Roan and another dude shaking hands, meaning Roan IS included in the deal. That being said, iF the storyline of this episode is supposed to parallel ep3, and show us that Clarke DID evolve as a leader since then, she won’t take the Flame. Actually, I do think they will all realize that all in all, the Flame doesn’t matter that much anymore (hence, Ilian and his crew, and the Grounders who are like “mehhh” when they learnt their “Commander” was destroyed). And as Marie said, then the Flame wouldn’t have that much importance for the rest of the storyline. Yes, that’s how I see things go for the “big story”. Now, will Gaia offer the Flame to Clarke, as she had it on ep1, to “hold on” to Lxa? It’s also a possibility, even tho she is a religious, if it’s about protecting the Flame, Gaia can understand that this part of the Flame/memory will be protected by Clarke in this little box (hence, she was “assigned” Flamekeeper on s3 after Lxa’s death). Will Clarke take it? Idk, I do think they need to show that Clarke has moved on (and I’m not talking with shipper goggles here, JRoth and ET literally SAID IT at Comic Con). I do think there is a possibility for Clarke to see the “love” Gaia has for what she believes in and the Flame (the literal fact that she saved it and protected it), so maybe Gaia will keep it. Yes, right now i do think the Flame will become a “piece of memory”, and that Lxa will be the “Last Commander” (yes I do know there was Ontari too but she never had the Flame in her) (tbh it’s a beautiful legacy) and that the political “progression” will be an important theme of next season: how will Grounders and Sky People live together in that bunker, who will be the leader(s)? How will they adapt? I do think the next episode might give us a little indication to how things will go there. They totally desacrificed the whole Nightblood/Flame thing by making it all about science, and a process that CAN be reproduced and isn’t “God Like”, it’s an important message around the Flame and the Grounders culture, and I do think we’ll see how they try to move on from that on next episode. I certainly don’t think they will make an Ascension of any kind, the show doesn’t have time for that, and there would be wayyyy too many people disagreeing with the process (because there should also be a Conclave, and even tho Clarke is a Nightblood, she isn’t the only one (even if Luna doesn’t want the Flame, there would still be people be like “but there is another Nightblood!”, and I mean, come on, Roan could inject himself with the thing and be a Nightblood too, and everyone who wants to be a Nightblood could be a Nightblood too, you know what I mean? It’s more and more the idea of some elections, everyone who thinks he can be a leader, try and be the leader) There is no legitimacy to Clarke being anywhere NEAR the “Commander” title, that’s it, period; it’s not her history, not her traditions, not her place, not her culture, not her “legacy”. Tons of Grounders challenged Lxa by saying “Wanheda is making you weak” or whatever, tons of Grounders HATE Clarke (hence 401 that scene where they were all ready to slay her ass). If they do, they would just have pulled so deepshit-level of plothole that would totally make me quit the show.
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hithelleth · 7 years
The 100 4 x 03 “The Four Horsemen”
Okay, just a few quick notes to self, so I don’t forget everything.
So, ALIE’s calculations were wrong and the radiation is coming sooner than they thought.
Jaha learned of a Second Dawn doomsday cult shelter and went in search for it with Bellamy and Clarke in tow, but the bunker wasn’t sealed properly and everyone inside died, so that was of no help. But maybe there are other bunkers they could use?
Anyway, after the return, Clarke made a list of 100 99 people to save while Bellamy took a nap and then he demanded she be on that list, too, and wrote her in himself. And my Bellarke feels exploded with all the mutual supportiveness and co-leadership we saw this episode. Oh, and Jaha’s ‘she kkeps you cantered’ and Bellamy’s ‘you got it backward’. *squeals* Obviously, they got each other cantered.
Luna’s people already got sick from irradiated fish and Nyko brought the remaining few to Arkadia to get them help.
Raven was put in charge of rations and didn’t want to waste the few doses of anti radiation sickness medicine on lost cases.
Meanwhile, Emori and John didn’t have luck at finding food because the game became scarce – another sign of radiation.
So, Murphy went to Arkadia to steal but overheard Abby and Raven talking about radiation and decided to start collecting survival points by stealing the medicine for Abby. Abby was really happy to see him.
I loved how he and Emori are always on the same page and she instantly agreed with him to work on making sure they are on the right side of the door when radiation hits.
Anyway, the kid they tried the drugs on died, but Luna recovered on her own, because she’s nightblood and as we’ve been guessing, Becca’s serum must have also contained something that made people radiation resistant.
Meanwhile in Polis, Indra’s daughter Gaia (who had chosen to follow a religious calling and become a Flamekeeper instead of an army leader to Indra’s disappointment) stole the Flame from Roan (who didn’t know it was she) and Roan enlisted Octavia to help him find it, which she did.
However, Illian and his looting followers who want to destroy all tech so that no one can control them ever again also found Gaia while Octavia and Indra were trying to convince her to give up the Flame. Luckily, Octavia managed to at least convince her to switch the Flame for the fake chip from her necklace, so the looters destroyed the fake Flame chip.
And while Octavia brought Roan a looter’s heat and remains of the ‘destroyed Flame’, promising him to stand protect his rule with her sword now that there, ahem, is no Flame, Gaia still has the real Flame. Which I guess will come in handy for finding the cure (or more like vaccine? Something gene-altering, like Becca’s nightblood serum, to make people radiation-resistant) for radiation.
(And Luna will have to take the Flame to access that info, I guess, since she’s the only nightblood left.)
This is all coming together very nicely.
*rubs her hands together in anticipation*
(Although I’m not looking forward to the end of the alliance and what that might in the end mean for Roan, but eh. I assume they’ll (hopefully) make up before he dies at some point and he’ll get a refuge in Arkadia. Shut up, I’ll believe what I want until canon turns out otherwise and probably even after.)
I already flailed about Roan before even watching the episode.
Also, no one should look like that in that damn cloak. :P
LOTR fetish jokes aside, they kinda are writing him like Aragorn?
Let’s see. He was exiled from home, just like after the fall of Arthedain the Dunedain were basically homeless, wandering the Wild and protecting unassuming folks. (In the damn movies, Aragorn’s exile is even more emphasised by being kinda self-imposed. But, meh, moveies.)
All he wants is to return to his people and resume his rightful position (like Aragorn in Gondor).
On the way/in exile, he has so far helped Clarke (functioning as Frodo) fulfil her quest once and is helping (for now) her through even a bigger quest, while his throne is far from secure – and Echo kinda functions like a resentful Denethor, who doesn’t believe this ‘weak’ king is worthy of the throne.
Oh, I could even think of an Arwen to his Aragorn: someone of an important/royal bloodline who refuses to fight (or, similarly, like Arwen in the movies, is sent away from the fight) but is still a badass warrior (movie!Arwen; I mean, book!Arwen is badass, too, just in a different way)): Luna.
(Okay, I really ship him with Bellamy (and Clarke, and Raven; you get the idea; also I’d have zero problems with him and Echo hate-banging), but I could see him with Luna, too.)
He also nearly died (like Aragorn was presumed as good as dead due to taking the Paths of the Dead; and after the Warg attack in Rohan in the movies).
Of course, his story isn't over yet and it probably won't end as nicely as for Aragorn, but I wouldn't mind if it did.
There might be more parallels, but it’s late and I should stop, because I got carried away, anyway. Oops.
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clarkesjourney-blog · 7 years
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#The100Season4 ep3: The Four Horsemen. From The Ashes We Will Rise ~ Clarke saying that sent chills all over me & I screamed with happiness! Yes! Here's what Jason had to say about Luna & Nightblood via EW. JR: She gives them hope, that’s for sure. Nightblood is highly resistant to radiation, and obviously high levels of radiation are coming. As it turns out — Becca knew this — the flame itself emitted radiation. The human body needed to have resistance to that radiation, so she designed it in the serum to give that anti-radiation ability. Now, 100 years later, nightblood has become genetic, and it’s passed down. It’s a recessive gene, so it skips generations, and it’s very rare, but those who have it find themselves suddenly immune to this thing that’s coming — that’s what’s revealed at the end of episode 3 in Luna’s recovery and becomes a huge, huge, huge part of the story going forward. For more on this season visit: http://ew.com/tv/2017/02/15/the-100 #TheFlame #Flamekeeper #Fleimkepa #Natblida #Nightblood #FromTheAshesWeWillRise #Apocalypse #GaiaTheFleimkepa #TatiGabrielle #Commander #The100 airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET on @thecw.
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