#annette x bernadetta
round 1 match 4
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mikia87 · 1 year
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I finished FE3H (Claude’s story). It was great!😁 I love Claude.🥰 And I got the ships I wanted.👌
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randoimago · 2 years
Could I request yandere bernadetta, Annette, hilda headcanons?
Yandere Headcanons
Fandom: Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Characters: Bernadetta, Annette, Hilda
Type of Request: Headcanons, Yandere
Notes: Sure, it's been a while but just as a reminder to others that these are headcanons for the post timeskip!!
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Annette is still pretty clumsy so there are times when she'd accidentally get annoyed or frustrated and shoot a bit of magic at you. 
She always apologizes and feels appalled for hurting you, but it's always an accident.
She's always nearby. You can go where you want, talk to who you want, but she is with you so it's like you're being supervised. 
If there is anyone that you spend too much time with, she'll give them a warning to leave you alone or they vanish. Simple as that. 
People are terrifying. They might hurt her. They might hurt you! Bernie can't let that happen. You can be a shut in with her, S/O!
Of course she knows that you need things to live so she'll be the one to "brave the elements" to get food or something. Just don't leave while she's gone otherwise she will find you and be very mad.
She'd never harm you though! Manipulate a bit maybe but never physically harm you. She couldn't forgive herself if she did hit you or something. You don't deserve that.
Bernie would absolutely do the whole "If you loved me, you would-" manipulation against you. Just because she loves you so much and it really is only you she cares about so if you don't return her affections then she's heartbroken.
Hilda is the one that would hit you or something to hurt you if you go against what she says. Really, Hilda lays down some simple rules for you to follow and so you should just do what she says.
Also gladly gets rid of anyone that is giving you too much attention for her liking. You get to go out with her to have fun with her. No one else should be giving you that much attention.
That's another thing. You get to go outside and go shopping or to some festival, but only if she is with you. Otherwise you stay inside, but at least you have a mansion by yourself to explore.
Hilda would never really really hurt you. She thinks that hitting you a few times is enough for you to learn your lesson. But if you do try to escape her then she'll have to resort to crueler punishment for you to learn your lesson that you aren't leaving her.
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dvrtrblhr · 4 months
Everytime I post one of these someone mentions that X ship isn't a rarepair. Please take my categorization with a grain of salt. I usually don't know what I'm doing 😅
It should go without saying but please don’t be rude just because you don’t like a ship. If you want to debate or discuss a ship, do it in the tags/comments in a polite manner. This is supposed to be fun. Let’s all be mature adults!
If your favorite ship is not here, it’s probably featured in another poll. You can see all the polls by going to my blog and choosing the tag “valentines polls”. You can also just tell me in the tags or comments.
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sheikahwarriork · 1 month
Aww thanks you!! Now I can follow you too, because I'm sorry I tend to be really shy when I use anon ^^"
- Reincarnation AU? I can't wait to see how you're going to deal with the concept :] And it's lovely you included Mercedes/Byleth and Ashe/Dedue friendship. Also, ohhh Angst! I admit I looove hurt/comfort-
- You're right, I've never heard of it ( and I know ship like Kronya/Ignatz! ), but it could be so interesting :0 The enemy to lover, the whole confrontation between Nabateans and Agarthans, and their very particular situation- Also very funny, I'm sure they would bicker a lot :] Also, what do you like about Flayn and Shez? And I've heard of Marianne/Ashe before but it's definitely a rarepair, though a really sweet one. Very uderstandable with Dimileth, respect for sticking with your OTP!!
- I've never heard of Annette with Marianne and Bernadetta! I admit I really love developing platonic relationship and this one sounds so nice :] And to be honest I was kinda excepting the Faerghus four x)
- The Black Eagles girls!! ( With Shamir and Thyrus- ) I'm really happy to hear you like them!
- That's good because I love LGBT headcanons >:] Asexual spectrum Byleth is the finest, especially demi! 
To be fair there's not a single Blue Lions that doesn't have homoromantic subtext in some way- Dedue with Dimitri and Ashe, Annette with Mercedes, all the coding with Ingrid, and I don't think I even need to mention anything for Felix because his ending are some of the most obvious in the whole game. Sylvain is not even just in subtext anymore!! 
As for Sothis there's no way she care about gender anyway- And transfem Arval :0 I really like the story behind the headcanon!
And I'd love to share my thoughts and headcanons!! Though to warnw you I'm very invested in them and I tend to rant :') I have a lot too, is there any specific subject you like?
yayy new friend :3 btw sorry for the late reply, i was busy and then got sick these past days cwc
- yes i have few rarepairs but theyre very weird i know xD i like to think sothisxarval would tease each other all the time, also enemies to lovers!! about flayn and shez, i dont have much ships with shez bc i see them much more as aroace, but flayn's supports with f!shez are very funny and i like to think how seteth would react when hearing the two are dating! his brain first goes "thank the goddess my little daughter sister is not dating an ugly and insolent man" then he realizes flayn is getting laid anyway. eheh
- about annette with marianne and bernie: the idea was born when i first wrote the modern!au, because even if the blue lions are my fav characters, i wanted bernadetta and marianne to be there too since i love them so much!! so in my modern!au, they are all in the gardening club at school, and annie became friends with them bc theyre both shy but also sweet, and annette thought "i want to be friends with them!! they deserve to be happy so i want to see them smile!!!!" (in my au, mercedes and annette havent met yet at the beginning of the story). this is how the "chaotic singer becoming friend with depressed sweetheart and anxious writer" idea was born xD
but enough with my rambling lmao, it's your turn now! 👀 (as you said to me, feel free to respond whenever you can and to whatever you want! also do you prefer my questions to be in your inbox? if so i'll re-write them as an ask to you!)
1) i imagine edelgard is your favourite lord, but which route do you prefer the most?
2) your fav house and characters?
3) what are your OTPs in the game? and rarepairs?
4) i'd like to hear your LGTBQ+ headcanons too!
5) what is your favourite map in the game? and the best class?
6) best track in the game in your opinion?
(i'm having so much fun, thank you!!! <3)
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outerspacebun · 3 months
DSJFLKSDF okay since one person liked my post, which is enough for me, I am going to write a long list of who I ship/who I pair with in Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses/Hopes. It's going to be long, will include rarepairs, and oc x canon because I can't help myself.
For Awakening:
Basilio/Flavia (we were robbed of an A Support from them)
Morgan/Nah (doesn't matter the gender for Morgan)
For Fates:
For Three Houses/Hopes:
Byleth/Dedue (I like either with them. Dedue is so precious)
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tinnictheguardian · 8 months
As I have been making my way through the Fodlan Tea Collection, I have started to notice more and more duplicates. So I decided to see which characters have "steep-support" i.e. they enjoy the same type of tea! There were some surprises.
Edelgard X Sylvain: Bergamot
Maybe Sylvain can seduce Edelgard over tea
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Ingrid X Ashe: Mint Leaves
So an afternoon of sharing tea and talking about knights? Sounds good!
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Annette X Constance: Sweet-Apple Blend
Magic Academy graduates unite!
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Hubert X Hapi: Dagda Fruit Blend
They can talk about how much they hate the TWSITD!
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Casper X Balthus: Ginger Tea
They can grapple before and/or after!
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Ignatz X Yuri: Seiros Tea
Maybe Yuri can model for Ignatz!
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Linhardt x Leonie: Angelica Tea
They do get along, so I am sure they will have a good time together!
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Bernadetta X Dorothea: Albinean Berry Blend
Dorothea can sing while Bernadetta draws!
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Felix X Petra: Four-Spice Blend
I am sure Petra can keep Felix entertained by discussing sword techniques from her homeland!
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Ferdinand X Claude: Almyran Pine Needles
What a noble tea time! ^.^
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There are a six student birthdays to go, church characters didn't get teas, and I am looking forward to drinking them Especially since the last tea is Dimitri's!
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Info dump your A.Us I'd be interested to hear something about them!
I’ll talk about the ones I’m most excited about rn
*Ghost and Pals x Hatchetfield*
The main characters are all followers of different Lords in Black! Christopher Pierre(Pokey), Nana(Blinky), Kennith(Wiggly), and my Sona(Nibbly) are the mcs and have a loose sorta friendship. No there is no Tinky follower
Emma has been replaced by Emdroid, and Paul has been replaced by Paul23
Henry Elsner and Hannah Foster are incredibly damn similar. Like to a ridiculous degree. Telepathy and all
Nancy Elsner and Charlotte Sweetly are good friends. Nancy thinks Charlotte should get a divorce(she SHOULD but that’s besides the point)
Frances Elsner moved to Clivesdale
Christopher’s parents suck, so Uncle Wiley adopted him. Also he calls Emdroid and Paul23 “Auntie Emma” and “Uncle Paul” respectively
99% of the cast is Trans because I said so
*Fire Emblem Three Houses x Danganronpa*
Byleth(fem) is the Protag, Claude is support 1, Dimitri is support 2, Edelgard is antag, and Rhea is the mastermind
The current confirmed victims are Ignatz, Dedue, and Dimitri
Sylvain, Marianne, Lysithea, Flayn, Hubert, and Edelgard are the current confirmed killers
The survivors are Byleth, Claude, Hilda, Linhardt, Bernadetta, Felix, and Annette. I just couldn’t bring myself to kill Bernie ;-;
Ashe is the only character to die by neither murder nor execution. He dies of an illness he develops after getting clubbed in the head as a distraction while his attacker went to commit murder. He appears to be getting better and in fact comes in useful several times before the illness gets worse without warning and one day Flayn wakes up to realize he’s stopped breathing
Before he died Ashe taught Claude to pick locks
Seteth is being controlled by Rhea at the beginning and is the arbiter of class trials, but when Rhea tries to execute Flayn he betrays her and steps in to stop the execution
He fails and Flayn dies anyway
He joins the students when he realizes how cruel Rhea is
He steps in a second time to stop Byleth’s execution and this time he succeeds, dying in the process
anyway that’s the two I’m most excited abt rn! I hope you liked them!
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authordgaster · 2 years
Once I play Personas 3-5 I’m probably gonna make a Fire Emblem 3 Houses X Persona AU since each Crest is associated with a Tarot Card.
Here’s what I’ve got so far.
Here’s the main squad, in recruitment order:
Byleth, Persona: Sothis, Tarot: The World
Yuri, Persona: Dromi, Tarot: The Hanged Man
Edelgard, Persona: Aymr, Tarot: The High Priestess
Constance, Persona: Talos, Tarot: The Heirophant
Dimitri, Persona: Arendbhar, Tarot: Justice
Balthus, Persona: Vajra-Mushti, Tarot: The Sun
Claude, Persona: Failnaught, Tarot: The Moon
Hapi, Persona: Hrotti, Tarot: The Star
Flayn, Persona: Caduceus, Tarot: The Lovers
Here’s the additional confidants, in no particular order:
Lysithea, The Tower
Ingrid, The Chariot
Annette: The Empress
Felix: The Emperor
Sylvain: Death
Lorenz: The Hermit
Hilda: Wheel of Fortune
Mercedes: Judgement
Marianne: The Devil
Seteth: Strength
Bernadetta: Temperence
Monica: The Magician
Anna: The Fool
Obviously the other characters will be there as well, just slightly more in the background.
The plot would probably involve trouble being started with The Agarthans. Idk what they or the Nabateans would be like in this world.
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round 2 match 2
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yesterdaylovedme · 2 years
Fire Emblem Three Houses RP
I am seeking literate discord writers for a 1x1 FE3H Roleplay. I play as men and women though I prefer women I am happy and eager to double. And when I do double, I ensure both characters meet the same word count to ensure both are being developed and balanced fairly. I am partial to canon ships but have an option for adding an OC, provided they aren't from a fan-made noble house, have a crest, are related to an existing canon and don't have an excessively trope-ridden background (both parents dead, lone survivor from their village, sold to a family, etc) is just too much for me to deal with and it's a drag to deal with. I'd like our OCs to be pretty normal and average so they fit easily into our narrative. Your OC isn't the main character but hopefully one of four characters who gets development, time to shine but isn't trying to cope with too much personal baggage.
Generally, I can write 500-800 words per character I'm writing and when I double, it's twice the amount. I have no qualms about sharing side roles as needed. I'm pretty flexible and want us to have a fun time writing together. I would love an active OOC and to get to know my writing partner, posts should come a few times a week. For me once or twice a week is fine, I'm not looking to stress my partner out so a slow pace is honestly perfect, provided we're still chatting OOC and on the same page!
My discord: MK Meringue }#0169
Should you add me, please reach out to me first explaining you found me on tumblr and have some ideas in mind for FE3H. I've had people add me in the past and I have no clue why. In order for us to see if we're on the same page, we should be open with communication! :3
I also want to add that for our RP, our characters are 18+ years and up. This isn't something I'll budge on as our RP will have violence, sexual content, and such.
Now onto the pairs!
Seteth x Flayn
Seteth x Hilda
Seteth x Ingrid
Seteth x Hapi
Seteth x Annette
Claude x Hilda
Claude x Edelgard
Claude x Bernadetta
Lorenz x Hilda
Lorenz x Ingrid
Lorenz x Constance
Ignatz x Hilda
Ignatz x Edelgard
Ignatz x Mercedes
Raphael x Leonie
Dimitri x Ingrid
Dimitri x Flayn
Dimitri x Hapi
Dimitri x Marianne
Dedue x Petra
Dedue x Hilda
Dedue x Dorothea
Dedue x Mercedes
Sylvain x Hilda
Hubert x Edelgard
Hubert x ingrid
Hubert x Hilda
Hubert x Hapi
Yuri x Hapi
Yuri x Bernie
Yuri x Dorothea
Linhardt x Hilda
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yourlexicality · 3 months
Welcome to my personal nightmare... A place where I can say WHATEVER I WANT!
So heres what to expected Deranged & depraved posting about FE3H ships could be fics or just general posting & some OC character stuff maybe... that's kinda it for now.
List of ships I like. (Bold = Favorites)
Hapila (Hapi x Hilda)
Yuripi (Yuri & Hapi)
Yuridetta (Yuri & Bernadetta)
Yurivain (Yuri & Sylvain)
Ashepi (Ashe & Hapi)
Claudpi (Claude & Hapi)
HilClaulde (Hilda & Claude)
Hildetta (Hilda & Bernadetta)
Petradetta (Petra & Bernadetta)
Petreonie (Petra & Leonie)
Sylvcedes (Sylvain & Mercedes)
Mercette (Mercedes & Annette)
Clauldette (Claude & Annette)
Netteflix (Annette & Felix)
!!! General Poly stuff expected + all students are head-cannoned to be super messed up & be addicted to stuff so like oop.
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moodyl69 · 5 months
masterlist :3
black eagles
edelgard von hresvelg - nothing yet!
monica von ochs - nothing yet!
hubert von vestra - nothing yet!
ferdinand von aegir - nothing yet!
bernadetta von varley - nothing yet!
linhardt von hevring - nothing yet!
caspar von bergliez - nothing yet!
petra macneary - nothing yet!
dorothea arnault - nothing yet!
blue lions
dimitri alexandre blaiddyd - nothing yet!
dedue monilaro - nothing yet!
ashe ubert - nothing yet!
felix hugo fraldarius - nothing yet!
sylvain jose gautier - nothing yet!
mercedes von martritz - nothing yet!
annette fantine dominic - nothing yet!
ingrid brandl galetea - nothing yet!
golden deer
claude von riegan - nothing yet!
hilda valentine goneril - nothing yet!
lorenz hellman gloucester - nothing yet!
ignatz victor - nothing yet!
raphael kirsten - nothing yet!
marianne von edmund - nothing yet!
lysithea von ordelia - nothing yet!
leonie pinelli - nothing yet!
church of seiros/other
byleth eisner - nothing yet!
alois rangeld - nothing yet!
shamir nevrand - nothing yet!
catherine - nothing yet!
seteth - nothing yet!
flayn - nothing yet!
rhea - nothing yet!
ichika hoshino - nothing yet!
saki tenma - nothing yet!
honami mochizuki - nothing yet!
shiho hinomori - nothing yet!
more more jump!
minori hanasato - nothing yet!
haruka kiritani - what love will do to you
airi momoi - nothing yet!
shizuku hinomori - how they'd react to a sick s/o
vivid bad squad
kohane azusawa - nothing yet!
an shiraishi - nothing yet!
akito shinonome - how they'd react to a sick s/o
toya aoyagi - nothing yet!
wonderland x showtime
tsukasa tenma - dating tsukasa tenma
emu otori - nothing yet!
nene kusanagi - nothing yet!
rui kamishiro - nothing yet!
nightcord at 25:00
kanade yoisaki - nothing yet!
mafuyu asahina - nothing yet!
ena shinonome - nothing yet!
mizuki akiyama - nothing yet!
coming soon...
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ajentmm · 10 months
Harmony amid Chaos Theorycraft
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Finally, the highly anticipated third Three Houses banner, here to mark the end of March 2020, the start of the dystopian nightmare we called the pandemic. It even has such a fitting title, Harmony amid Chaos. Did you know “amid” isn't capitalized because it’s preposition with four letters? Now you do.  
These heroes would go on to be well used by their fans, but I bet they were dumped and replaced with their later competition or their future alts once they came around, with one exception. I’ll go through each of these students from the Officers Academy at Garreg Mach Monastery, and predict a fitting refine for each. 
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Bernadetta: Eternal Loner 
Lvl 40 5 ☆ 38/32/38/22/26 Max Invest* 47/41/47/30/34 
Persecution Bow: Effective against flying foes. Grants Atk+3. At start of combat, if [Penalty] is active on unit or if unit's HP < 100%, grants Atk/Spd+5 during combat, and if unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack. 
Ardent Sacrifice - Atk/Spd Push 4 - Lull Spd/Def 3 - Close Guard 3 
It’s Bernie’s time to shine! Persecution bow plays off Bernadette’s personal skill, which grants bonus effects with she has at least 1 damage, in this case, it’s Atk/Spd+5 and Desperation. Bernie comes with a Push skill and Ardent Sacrifice, so she can hurt herself, but that not as easy as just being above 25% Hp, like Arcane Darkbow. 
Bernie also had two alts. One is her winter alt that fixed the above issue by hurting herself, and her allies, at the start of the turn. She then swapped Desperation with 30% damage reduction. This helped as a counter to many “If foe is at 100% Hp,” conditions, in perf weapons which faded out with refines, but is skill used in Catch skills. The second advantage came from using new positional healing assists from healers to make the Ai move the injured ally closer to the enemy for devilish Aether Raid defense teams. Spring Bernie had this same effect, but added Accelerate Special Trigger, NFU, Null-Guard, and Spd/Def penalties based on how many spaces moved, which was helped by the new Escape Route 4. So, enough talk, what’s the upgrade. 
Effective against flying foes. Grants Atk+3. At start of turn, if unit’s HP = 100% and unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, deals 1 damage to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit. At start of combat, if [Penalty] is active on unit or if unit's HP <= 99%, grants Atk/Spd+5 during combat, and if unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack. 
Enable [Canto (1)] Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or within a 2 tile radius of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 during combat and neutralizes effects that prevent unit’s follow-up attacks during combat, and also, if unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd, neutralizes effects that inflict “Special cooldown charge -X” on unit during combat. 
The first part of the weapon matches the new perfs she has, while leaving the [Penalty] condition. The second gives her Canto 1, AS, Null-Follow-Up, and Null-Guard for a weapon that’s better than Arcane Darkbow. The one thing left out was its Penalty negation, which doesn’t fix Bernie’s style anyway. Plus, Grand Strategy is meta. 
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Annette: Overachiever 
Lvl 40 5 ☆ 40/39/36/28/30 Max Invest* 49/48/45/36/38 
Crusher: Grants Atk+3. Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res. If a Rally Assist skill is used by unit, target can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack. No effect on cavalry allies with Range = 2.) 
Rally Atk/Spd+ - Def/Res Ruse 3 - Atk/Def Gap 3 
Ta da! A net! This might be the one a fore mention exemption to the power creep. Annette’s ability to Rally movement is incredible, so she provides utility without investing in stats. As a bonus, she gets adaptive damage with no condition. Well, these were unique, we now have two inheritable skills that can do her job. S/D Rein Snap can provide Movement to the unit, melee infantry allies, and armored allies, without needing to Rally at all. Atk/Spd Hexblade grants adaptive damage if the unit is near a magic unit at the start of turn, much better than the original. So, what do I do? 
Crusher: Grants Atk+3. Calculates damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res. If a Rally Assist skill is used by unit, grant target “if unit initiate combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack”, “Special Cooldown Charge +1 per attack,” and unit can move 1 extra space (That turn only. Does not stack.) At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat. 
Ta da again! I decided, if you are rallying a unit to have 1 additional movement, you would be rallying a Galeforce ally if you had one. So here are two things a Galeforce unit needs (instead of Triangle Adapt or Dual Strike), two hits that grant two cooldown. You also need AS but everybody got that, and if you don’t, the foe might counterattack you for two cooldown, then just one more hit does it. This is best for units that have all the Atk and true damage, and none of the Spd. I also removed the restriction of movement buff to mage and bow cavs. We may not have a readily available extra movement skill for them yet, but there is one way they can get the buff, and that’s with L!Sigurd and the brand new Tea Time! Sigurd, who is himself a mage cav. And like, you have to use up Annette’s turn to rally, compared to Sigurd needs to attack a foe (the new version doesn’t even need to live the combat). 
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +X to unit (X = 4 + highest bonus on each stat between unit and allies within 3 spaces of unit; calculates each stat bonus independently), reduces damage from foe's first attack by 30%, and grant damage equal to X% of foe's Atk (if foe uses breath or beast, X = 20; otherwise, X = 10; including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), and after combat, inflict inflicts Def/Res-5 and [Guard] on target and nearest foes within a 3 tile radius. 
And now for the “combat” part of the refine. If you didn’t know, Crusher is a relic weapon, and crest barriers like Annette can use their relic weapons for unique combat art, in this case, Dust. This increases the damage, is effective against dragons, and inflicts Def-5 on foe. In my case, Annette is getting true damage based on foe’s Atk, with an increase if they are a dragon or beast, just like Ruptured Sky. This then inflicts Def/Res-5 and [Guard] to all targets, just so other allies can clean up. She also has 30% damage reduction on first hit to keep her alive.  
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Ferdinand: Noblest of Nobles 
Lvl 40 5 ☆ 41/32/35/30/24 Max Invest* 50/41/44/38/32 
Vanguard+: If foe initiates combat, grants Def+7 during combat. 
Reposition - Fortress Def 3 - Rouse Spd/Def 3 
He is Ferdinand von Aegir, and he just so happens to get a new alt in the Teatime Banner. It’s a green mage flier with an inheritable tome, but there is still one little thing to this kit that stands out to be uniquely Ferdinand. As for this normal version, it’s a balanced lance caviler with skills and an inheritable weapon that grants more Def, to resist the enemy. This was before Canto was introduced, so he needed this to stay alive when in enemy range. The Rouse Spd/Def was also nice. Alright, enough stalling.  
Ferdinand von Lance: If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75%, Grant Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack, foe cannot make a follow-up attack, and also, if unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd, neutralizes effects that prevent unit's follow-up attacks.  
This is the Ferdinand von Lance. Continuing with the defensive theme, he has the enemy phase standard condition for the usual +4, omni breaker, and a Spd check to get null follow-up on both phases. This would be a good combination with Windsweep, which Teatime! Ferdinand has. But what if we go further. 
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 75% or if [Bonus] is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat, increase damage by 15% of unit's Spd, and reduce damage by 15% of unit's Def, and also, if unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd, and foe cannot counterattack. 
Ferddie's personal skill happens to trigger when he is full health, so I gave him a condition similar to the ideal skills, which he can’t inherit. Additionally, he comes with Rouse, so he can get bonuses on his own. With this, he gets +8 in total, true damage base on Spd (about 7), true damage reduction based on Def (about 7), and a Spd check to get the foe to not counterattack. This effect mirrors his crest power, that prevents foe from counterattack when performing a combat art. Well, that will do. Shout out to Ricco Fajardo for taking the mantel of Billy Kametz. They are big shoes to fill.  
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Lysithea: Child Prodigy 
Lvl 40 5 ☆ 38/42/40/19/23 Max Invest* 46/50/46/29/32 
Hades Ω: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd+4 during combat, and if unit's Special is ready, grants an additional Atk+6 during combat. 
Moonbow – Death Blow 4 – Lull Spd/Res 3 – Time's Pulse 3 
Now, Lysithea is the final hero of the banner. Lysithea was in a very lucky predicament where she was very popular, not in heroes for the first two banner, and CYL voting happened, and well, she won CYL4 alongside the three house leaders, before getting in normally. It was the same Feh channel that announced the winners that we got a teaser of Lyithea, as her banner was coming that following month. So we had two Lysitheas in a year. Brave Lyithea, as you know, was the horse slaying, two tapping, desperation nuke, while this Lysithea was just the one tap nuke. She does this with Death Blow 4, Lull Spd/Res, and Time’s Pulse, to precharge her special and get the additional Atk. Well, here’s how we make her nuke in one hit. 
Hades Ω: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). If unit initiates combat or is within 2 tile radius of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 during combat, neutralizes effects that inflict “Special Cooldown -X” on unit, and also, if unit's Special is ready or unit's Special triggered before or during this combat, deals +7 damage during combat. (Except when dealing damage with area-of-effect Specials.)  
We are giving her the Null-Guard and change the pre-charge special to that of the Finish skills, so that she can use higher cost Specials to nuke with the follow-up skill, if the player desires. The next part, I’m not to sure about. Like Ferddie, Lysithia was on the Teatime banner. Unlike Ferddie thou, she came with a perf weapon and brand-new perf skill, Mastermaid . . . uh - Mastermind. So I can add that to second part of the refine. But what else? NFU would be good, but Magic NFU is a great skill to inherit, and some may have already done that. Specials that Nullify DR would be great, but how many people inherited Special Spiral 4. And Warp? The Oath 4 skills have that. No, if I’m just copying and pasting Mastermind, she needs to apply bonuses and penalties. 
At start of turn, deals 1 damage to unit. At start of turn, if unit is within 2 spaces of an ally or a foe, inflicts Atk/Spd-6 on nearest foes within 4 spaces of unit and foes within 2 spaces of those foes through their next actions, and grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit for 1 turn. If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+4 to unit during combat and deals damage = X + Y (X = 80% of highest total bonuses among unit and allies within 2 spaces of unit; Y = 80% of highest total penalties among target and foes within 2 spaces of target; excluding area-of-effect Specials). 
And this is what we are doing. Lysithea is going to have a modified Atk/Spd Menace that grants bonuses to her allies, to ensure the 9 true damage she gets from the highest total bonuses among her team. She gets another 9 from foe’s penalties. The difference between her and the new alt is the Res bonuses are swapped with Atk bonuses, and no [Sabotage]. This means she and her allies can take reduced damage from physical or magical foes, while still dealing more damage herself. The other way worked better on mage teams.   
And with the end of the banner, we are not ending this blog.  
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Flame Emperor: Bringer of War 
Lvl 40 5 ☆ 50/40/25/37/26 Max Invest* 59/49/33/46/34 
Guard Axe+: Inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack during combat. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.) 
Ignis – Bracing Stance 2 – Wary Fighter 3 
Fun time is over. It’s Flame Emperor time. This mid-game boss is here as an easy axe armor unit for new players to invest in but doesn’t give much in personality or uniqueness. They have an inheritable axe, that provides an unconditional Guard effect, but with Protection Pike, you get extra Atk/Def and Guard just by being near an ally, and that’s all tanks are good for. Also, Murdok is in the game as the newest Axe armor GHB unit, and he comes with a perf weapon, with distant counter no less. Well, here we go. 
Flame Axe: Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. If foe initiates combat or foe's HP ≥ 75% at start of combat, inflicts Atk/Def-X on foe (X = 12 - current penalty on foe's Atk; min 6) and Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. Inflicts Atk/Def-6 on foe through its next action after combat. 
Wow, what do you know, the Flame Emperor had the Distant counter skill in three houses, along with Seal Str and Seal Mag. Might as well put those skills in here weapon, along with in combat penalties for when those skills aren’t there, and Guard for extra measures.  
At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25% or the number of foes within 2 spaces of unit (excluding target) ≥ the number of allies within 2 spaces of unit (excluding unit), inflicts Atk/Def-6 on foe, deals damage = 10% of unit's Atk (including when dealing damage with a Special triggered before combat), and restores 7 HP to unit when unit deals damage to foe during combat (triggers even if 0 damage is dealt) 
And now, here’s some more Atk/Def-6, some extra damage based on Atk, and 7 healing per hit, just for spice. That condition looks familiar and so does the effect. Did the Flame Emperor have a crest like these other units or-oh yep, Crest of Flame. Huh, I wonder who could be under that mask.  
*The max investment was calculated with +10 Merges and all levels of dragonflowers using my own personal spreadsheet. As the dragonflowers count is rising with CYL7, I checked my formulas and found the last handful was 5 levels short, no doubt since all units since CYL3. For now, these units have 20 Dragonflowers, but as of posting this blog, and for future blogs going further, it will be 25. Sorry for the inconvenience. 
Alright, time to write for CYL7 cuz OH GOD! Like and subscribe.
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sheikahwarriork · 1 month
Aw I'm so happy to see Bernadetta appreciation! AND MERCEDES X DEDUE!! They're so neat together!
And I'm not surprised at all by your favorite moment + line bc this is like THE Dimileth moment :]
Bi awakening!! If fire emblem had support about subject like queerness it would have been so good... And for Dimitri, I'm sorry for him because he's definitely closeted. He try so hard to be what society want him to be ( a king despite not wanting to rule, a soldier despite hating violence, etc ) and he's so hard on himself :( It would do him so much good, especially with someone like Dorothea! ( And I personally have so much LGBT headcanon for him too :] )
I WILL try to discover your all your hcs too >:] And Dimitri recovering taste because of Byleth is really sweet.
Thanks you for sharing your playlist too!! I'll go look at it!
And by alternate universe I mean really anything, from "Everything is the same but Dimitri is a ginger" to very complex science fiction version of Fodlan. Modern AU perfectly fit the bill, if it's not too much to ask, can you say more?
Also magic would be so great, as an Edelgard fan I can't argue with you there- And the weather would look so nice!! 
Also if you want here's another set of questions: 
- Have you got any rarepair? Also do you only ship Dimitri with Byleth and Byleth with Dimitri?
- Do you have friendship headcanon? And what's your top friendship from teh game?
- What are you top recruits? ( For the other house too if you have some! )
- Do you have any LGBTQ+ or neurodivergent headcanons?
( And once again take any time you need, days, weeks, months if necessary! And no pressure to answer at all too! Also going off anon because it's easier- )
hello!! i'm glad you turned off the anon, i'm gonna follow you because you seem a very cool and nice person u.u
- yes dimitri is TOTALLY closeted. my boy is bisexual and no one can change my mind. i mean... *stares at his relationships and supports with dedue, felix, m!byleth*
- my moder!au is so long lmao, but i plan to start publish it after i finish my azure moon fic! a little snippet: it's a reincarnation au, byleth works at a high school where some of the characters study (dimitri, ingrid, felix, annette, bernadetta, marianne, flayn and others), mercedes works in byleth's fav pub while she studies in nurse school and she and byleth are friends, dedue's family has a famous restaurant and ashe works with him, sylvain is in university and the faerghus four are all long time friends (chaotic friends ofc u.u), f!shez is there too... and so are arval and sothis!! sothis is byleth's best friend while arval is shez's best friend. stuff happens, mostly dimileth but also netteflix, sylgrid, mercedue and other minor ships. mostly comedy and fluff but there's also angst 👀
- about the rarepair: i think i'm the only person on earth who ships sothis with arval LMAOOO 😭 (relevant to my modern au eheh) i also like the idea of f!shez with flayn. i ship ashe and marianne but i'm not sure it's a rarepair. as for dimitri and byleth- yes, i cant bring myself to really ship anything that isnt dimileth xD i do like some byleth ships (mercedes, seteth, felix, jeritza, dorothea, even edelgard) but i dont engage with them often; if i had to choose someone else for dimitri (like in a world without byleth) i'd go for dedue or felix, but again, dimileth is the only ship for them in my heart and in my mind LMAO
- friendship headcanons: annette and marianne and bernadetta!!!!! annie is so cheerful and i'm sure she would help bernie and marianne!! (again, relevant to my modern!au....) but my fav friendship in the game it's the faerghus four, i love them so much
- top recruits! well, i actually always recruit everyone, i cant kill my babies ç___ç but if i had to choose only some of them (for a azure moon run) i'd say: bernadetta, dorothea, petra, lysithea, shamir, and lorenz just for thyrsus. i love three houses girls
- i have a LOT of LGBT+ headcanons!! first of all, dimitri is bi ofc u.u byleth is bi and in the ace spectrum, like demisexual (just like me fr.......). ashe is a trans guy and marianne a trans girl (t4t power couple), and i like the headcanon about ignatz being a trans girl too! bernadetta is aroace imo. oh, and all the blue lions are bisexual bc i say so :] also due to some funny stuff at first i thought arval was supposed to be a girl, then i realized they/them pronouns are used for arval in the game, then the epimenides reveal happened... so i now headcanon arval to be a trans girl who uses they/she (... again, relevant to my modern au)!! oh, and sothis is bisexual too. bc she's the goddess and she WILL fuck anyone she wants u.U
i'm really enjoying your questions, thank you so much!! <3<3 if it's okay i'd like to hear your headcanons and other thoughts about three houses:3
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merryfortune · 2 years
Maybe a little bit too at home
Written as part of the FE3H Femslash Exchange for FunAndWhimsy
Ship: Annette/Bernadetta
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,254
Tags: Post-Canon, Meeting the Parents, Jealousy, Healthy Communication
   Annette had everything she could ever want and more.
   She had finally realised her adolescent dream of bringing her Father home and it was every bit of idyllic, familial peace that she could have dreamed. Her Mother forgave him and so did she and now their bonds were stronger than ever. Food on the dinner table tasted better as a family as a gentle serenity took a hold of them, the greatest comfort imaginable with all the horrors of war that had finally subsided.
   And then there was the more, her dear Bernadetta.
   Bernadetta had joined their class before the war when Professor Byleth had asked if she was interested in joining. Annette was certainly thrilled about the possibility of a new classmate, Bernadetta, however, not so much and yet she hesitantly agreed, hoping maybe new peers would ignore her since surely too much time had passed. They would have bonded, making it impossible for her presence to penetrate those good times they had already gone and had without her. Bernadetta would have liked that very much thank you, that would have been perfect for her and her squirrely, hermit self but the reality was actually more flowery and comforting than fiction, strangely enough. Rather than be met with the cold, isolation that she was bracing for and even hoping for, Bernadetta, instead, she was welcomed with open arms and particularly by Annette.
   Annette had made a very strong effort to welcome Bernadetta into the classroom, more so than the others. She wasn’t sure what it was about the fluffy-headed eccentric but she wanted to get to know her better and so, she took every opportunity to spend time with Bernadetta and pry open the closed door to her heart. They discovered that they had much in common, actually. 
   The books that Bernadetta liked, Annette liked as well as she was happy to read anything and everything, devouring them with glee. They both liked sweet teas and even sweeter foods to pair with them, everything from sarget and cream to sorbet. They both had a penchant for getting into inadvertent disasters resulting in close calls. They both appreciated how a good owl feather could be fashioned into a better pen as they were both eager in their own literature, too, Bernadetta with her stories and Annette with her studies. Truly, their bond went deep as it was the first time that Bernadetta felt that she was liked for being herself and for her interests; Annette a natural social butterfly but even she picked up that their bond seemed to be more special than she had with others.
   It was because of that friendliness from the Blue Lion House, Bernadetta even decided to fight with them five years later, rather than her home regency, when the war spearheaded by Edelgard occurred. Those memories she made - the cooking mishaps, the gardening and weeding, all those books she had shared with Annette - that had gotten her out of her room at the Monastery and usually placed her beside Annette were far too precious. More precious than the Black Eagles had given her and thus, she found herself at home in Faergus.
   Maybe a little bit too at home, Annette would think but she most certainly did not think that!
   Or at least, that’s what she wanted to believe. Annette was stuffing pang of jealousy after pang of jealousy down the more she watched her father and her girlfriend spend time with another. Annette could just sense it and it frazzled her. It was happening again, her father was clearly taking a liking to another man’s child rather than caring for his own.
   But Annette most certainly did not want to be mean or jealous about it. Bernadetta had confided to her in many nights, after many anxiety attacks and other breakdowns, what her own flesh and blood father had put her through in the name of making her a suitable bride, a suitable token to marry out at his best expense. It sickened Annette to the core, so she didn’t want to take this meagre joy away from Bernadetta but… Knowing that did not ease her own emotions but she was trying. She was managing.
   From across the table at dinner, which may as well have been half a world away, Annette watched as Bernadetta and her father chatted oh so blithely. Giddy and raucous and loud, even her mother chuckling demurely from beside her father at the banter the two were making. It was infuriating to Annette. She didn’t consider herself an ingenuine or envious person but that was exactly the ill flames that she felt stoked inside of herself as she tried to insert cheerfully into these conversations all to little avail. She could have snapped her fork in half as she endured just how lovely a bond that her girlfriend and her father were appearing to have in front of her.
   For once, Annette couldn’t wait for meal time to be over and she decided she would do all the washing up. She would prove herself a capable and helpful one and only daughter to her parents, declining Bernadetta’s sweet, mumbled offers of help. Nope, she was all good. But even ruthlessly scrubbing everything down did little to quell the destructive urge borne of jealousy. In fact, her desire to one-up Bernadetta and prove herself helpful might have even backfired on her as she had to listen to yet more merrymaking between her father and her girlfriend. From the kitchen with the washtub, she had no chance at all at being heard no matter how she yelled for them as they stayed by the hearth.
   Annette broke a plate as she felt her emotions spike and twist. No one even noticed or thought anything odd of it as it was something she did often, though her mother did call out, making sure she hadn’t cut herself on one of the resulting, porcelain shards. Thankfully, she didn’t, not even as she picked them up and felt guilty. This poor, innocent plate, she thought to herself. Annette immediately decided that she needed a better outlet so she reigned herself in and managed to finish the wash up without issue.
   But as soon as she finished, she took a torch and she bolted out the door - something that did alarm her family and Bernadetta. Annette lit herself a path through the garden as behind all her mother’s immaculate flowers and shrubbery was her father’s training grounds. She had many, many fond memories of both her parents in these outdoor lawns of theirs, from helping her mother to training under her father. Already, stomping out through the grass, Annette felt a little bit better.
   However, she felt a lot better once she could finally exorcise her heavy, jealous feelings from her body. She grabbed a wooden training axe and began to hack away at the training dummies. Over and over. All by the feeble, trembling light of her torch and what stars could be seen from their home in the mountainous Faergus range.
   Annette lost herself in the repetitive movements of going through the drills of axe swinging. In every heft and hack, she recalled her father’s firm but warm words of warning about the best stance, the best posture, and how her feet should look planted on the ground. Everything and especially those fleeting touches that meant so much to her and even more so after he abandoned his lot here to serve at Garreg Mach but now he was back. They all were. She should be happy and yet, she was brimming with jealousy and envy, all because it wasn’t quite the storybook ending that she was hoping for when she found him and brought him back.
   Annette didn’t even notice how Bernadetta had followed her out of the back. She crept along the pathways, not wanting to intrude and now she watched and she watched utterly awestruck. Annette exuded such power as she went through her drills, her expression was etched in determination, and it ultimately gave Bernadetta great thrill down her spine to watch. She had always admired how Annette was both brain and brawn but Bernadetta couldn’t help but worry for the dummy. 
   Every swing looked fit to pulverise the wooden prop. Bernadetta quivered at every impact as Annette grunted with all the effort she exerted. Just who was she projecting such force onto? It had to be someone, right? And it had to be her, obviously, yes? She began to tremble with anxiety.
   And so, fortunately knowing better than to just run out and get in the middle of things recklessly, Bernadetta waited until Annette was satisfied. After perhaps an hour of going through her drills, Bernadetta had sat down and was utterly infatuated with how Annette sweated until she tired.
   Annette wiped her brow and set down her axe. Bernadetta popped up, seemingly out of nowhere, making Annette scream and because Annette was screaming, Bernadetta screamed too. The result turned their throats raw but then raw with laughter.
   “I’m so sorry,” Annette said, now wiping a tear from her eye, “I didn’t see you there.” Her giggles finished up untidily.
   “I-I didn’t mean to surprise you, I should’ve said something earlier.” Bernadetta clamoured.
   They sat down together, backs to the small shed where Gilbert kept his tools for training, more axes and more dummies, mostly. Annette sat cross-legged whilst Bernadetta held her knees underneath her chin, hugging her legs. She kept stealing glances at Annette who exuded an awkward aura.
   “Is something the matter?” Annette asked.
   “Are you mad at me?” Bernadetta asked in reply. “Did I do something wrong?”
   “N-no, not at all.” Annette stammered, surprised. “I’m… I’m mad at myself.”
   “You are?” Bernadetta’s eyes went huge. She felt oddly giddy in the relief that she hadn’t made Annette mad but there was something more to it. How Annette chewed her bottom lip and how her brows knitted together. She tensed.
   “I’m really, really mad at myself.” Annette emphasised. “I feel like I’m stealing your happiness because I want it to be my happiness.”
   Bernadetta blinked and then took a moment of pause before whispering, “Is this about your father accepting me…?” 
   “Yes.” Annette nodded, sad and petulant and scolding, all piling on herself, of course. Not Bernadetta, never Bernadetta, she genuinely wanted her to be happy but… “He’s accepted you like a daughter and it feels like he’s paying less attention to me now. Just like when I was a kid and he’d go off to go knight for King Lambert, how he’d look after Dimitri. After a while, it started to feel like he cared more about other people’s kids than his own.”
   “Oh, Annie…” Bernadetta murmured and she shyly reached out for Annette.
   Annette, thankfully, didn’t recoil at her touch. Bernadetta stroked her knee through the fabric of her long dress. Annette hazarded a smile.
   “Thanks, Bernie…” Annette mumbled. “I remember you telling me how your father treated you so I’m really glad my dad is nice to you but…”
   “I know, I get it, too, I remember how fervently you looked for the man who was avoiding you for the longest time.” Bernadetta said and she chuckled. “You're quite the go-getter when it comes to recluses.”
   “I am, aren’t I?” Annette agreed.
   Bernadetta looked up, “It's because of that I find it totally understandable that you’d get jealous, and it's our first serious relationship, as much as we both love romance books, there are going to be some messy firsts and not exactly fairy tale worthy moments but I’d rather talk through it then pent it up. I think trying to strongarm it down just makes it worse.”
   “When did you get to be so wise?” Annette rolled her eyes but it was in good humour.
   “When someone helped me to enjoy the world outside my room.” Bernadetta replied softly. “So, how are you feeling?”
   “I still feel jealous.” Annette admitted, her cheeks going red. “But I feel better for saying that, thanks Bernie.”
   “It’ll get easier, I promise… er, well, hope. I don’t know for sure but-”
   “But I think you're right. It will get easier.” Annette said. She blushed, she looked embarrassed for her behaviour but she smiled, too. “Just with time.”
   “Yes, exactly.” Bernadetta enthusiastically agreed. 
   “Thanks, Bernadetta.” Annette mumbled, it was all she could manage as she felt tears edge along her eyes and streak down her cheeks. She pawed at her face with her hand, feeling hot under her collar, flushed with yet more embarrassment yet it was oddly freeing.
   “Are you ready to go back inside? Maybe spend time with your girlfriend and your father…?” Bernadetta awkwardly suggested.
   “I feel really stinky though.” Annette laughed.
   “Okay, well, after that.” Bernadetta said, her nose wrinkling, not because she had finally noticed the post work-out aroma on Annette, which yes was a little pungent and a bit musky, but more because she found Annette funny.
   “Yes, I’d like that.” Annette said.
   Bernadetta smiled and she lifted herself off the ground. She looked so tiny and egg-shaped before but in truth, she was a lot taller than Annette sometimes felt or remembered. She offered Annette her hand and Annette blithely took it. Annette curled to her and Bernadetta grabbed the torch that Annette had brought with her earlier with her free hand. Together, they walked back to the homestead, hand in hand, entranced by the familial atmosphere they were building with each other.
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