#anette birkin
ch-4-eri · 4 days
anette birkin is a milf
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sailoraspie90 · 2 years
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Leon screenshots - Scenario B
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possessionisamyth · 8 months
Anette Birkin: Receives an interesting story where she struggles with pursuing her job as a researcher, upholding her husband's final will, or sticking to her duty as a mother.
William Birkin: Dies in the first cut scene we see him in as a human and stomps around with 0 dialogue doing monster shit.
Players who have yet to uncrack the nut that's their internalized misogyny when it comes to character analysis: OMG William is SO interesting. His wife is stupid and abusive though. :/
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thepig · 2 years
my boyfriend keeps posting about re characters being pan and now im ready to contribute. anette birkin kins skyler white
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robtheherb · 5 years
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Anette is trying to help
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somnus-maya · 5 years
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William X Anette in love
Resident Evil 2 Remake
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gabydastrevas · 6 years
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Ada is Like :
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ratherdrawn · 6 years
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20 years since the events and the release of Resident Evil 2.
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lovvedaggers · 3 years
I watched the Resident Evil movie (wish i didn't but here we are)
Chris is a cardboard of Max Steel
Jill is trigger happy and in love with Wesker (would not mind this if Wesker had the same character arc)
Wesker isn't the man behind it all but just some guy that wants to leave
Claire becomes the main character which means a lot of other character's skills go to her.
Leon is turned into an useless drunk who's dad is covering up for him. Of course he can't load a shotgun or even shoot properly despite being a trained officer. He's stupid so we can prop up the white girl.
The Birkins have no use. William is there for a boss fight. Anette goes from evil genius in the games to screaming caring mother in the movie. Sherry does nothing.
Chief Irons isn't disgusting enough
No Ada which means no character development for Leon. But it's ok because in this version Ada is a girlboss above Wesker! She's the villain! That's so progressive of us!
Well, it was awful. Why is it so hard to make a movie inside a mansion and then make a second one in the city? You don’t have to cram 10 characters and 20+ hours of story into a 2h movie.
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
Black And White (Leon x Reader)
Characters: Leon Kennedy
Fandom: Resident Evil 2 Remake
Tags: Reader Insert, Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: None
Requested by anon: Could you do a eyesight is black and white until you meet with soulmate with Leon Kennedy. They meet in the Umbrella lab since she was an intern and didn't known what they did. They only reason she was alive this long was because Annette found her early on. 
A/N: I might come up with some of my own or open requests again soon, but this will be the last scenario request in a while because I’m not too motivated or inspired to write these lately. 
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You ran as fast as you could, terrified out of your mind as you discovered the chaos that reigned on the building. Lights flickered and failed, surrounding everything in darkness as your coworkers and superiors, who had turned into zombies, lurked prepared to attack you at any moment.
What had you gotten yourself into? You just wanted to work at Umbrella because it was a well-known place that you thought would give you plenty of great experience, but your internship had not gone like you expected.
You ran aimlessly, still unfamiliar with most of the lab. You were so new that you were barely familiar with some of the rooms and you had only known Anette and William Birkin. And even them you didn’t completely trust, there was something strange about them. Which culminated in him becoming a zombie monster that had already tried to kill you.
You stopped before a door and swung it open, screaming at the sight of a figure standing there.
“What are you doing here?!” Fortunately, it wasn’t a zombie, but Anette. “Get out of here! We’re in a crisis!”
“What is happening?!” You shouted in anger and frustration. “Why… How…?”
“Never mind that” Anette carelessly walked closer to you and handed you a gun. “Find the closest exit and run”
You had a feeling like she knew more than she was letting on. Like she was to blame and Umbrella wasn’t as great as you thought they were.
“I… I can’t…” You observed the gun in your shaky hands. It felt heavy and cold.
“You’re gonna have to” She pushed you out of the room and shut the door closed once you were outside.
You felt yourself shaking from head to toe, now also wielding a gun that you didn’t know how to use and didn’t want to either. Forcing your legs to move, as they felt like they were made of jelly, you kept on walking. You gulped, watching the eerie shine of the emergency lights illuminating the long empty corridors. In your head they were reddish, even if everything was in black and white for you ever since you were little.
You felt lost, out of breath and confused. It was only when a distant grunting noise startled you that you remembered the gravity of the situation and continued running.
Figures, noises and shadows frightened you on your way to the exit. You hesitated but ultimately decided against firing your gun when a wave of nausea hit you just at the thought of it. However, you knew you would be forced to use it at some point, and after what felt like hours of running and blindly navigating through endless corridors, it seemed like the time had come.
“No!” You yelped as a figure began moving closer to you. And closer, and closer, until it was right in front of you and you lifted your gun in spite of yourself. “No…”
“Wow!” To your surprise, the figure was speaking to you. “Don’t shoot!”
“You…” You breathed out, lowering your weapon. “You’re not a zombie…”
“N-No, I’m not!” A bright light suddenly illuminated the darkness, shinning on the person’s face. “See? I’m not a zombie”
You examined him, noting his wide shoulders and tall stature. He wore an RPD uniform with a vest. He had longish hair and a strong jaw. You looked at the boy, comforted by his warm eyes, and nodded. Tears arrived to your eyes with a mixture of emotions, even if you were mostly relieved to find someone who didn’t actually try to attack you or shoo you away.
“I’m… Leon” He spoke cautiously, aware of your obvious fear. “Want to tell me your name?”
“Y/N” You stuttered, staring into his eyes as you craved that comfort still.
“It’s okay, Y/N” Leon whispered softly, carefully pointing his flashlight to you not to blind you. “I can help you. Are you hurt?”
“N-No” You sobbed, trying to gather yourself even if you were overwhelmed. “I’m not hurt”
“Good, that’s good” He kindly offered his hand for you to take. “Can you tell me what’s going on?”
“I-I’m an intern, and… and suddenly everyone were zombies and I thought… I… I shouldn’t even be here, and I don’t know what to do!! I can’t find the exit and… and…” Seeing that it was taking you too long to take his hand, he gently held yours. As soon as you felt his gentle touch, you threw yourself to him and hugged him in search of some solace. He somehow felt warm and familiar. “I’m sorry, Leon, I’m so scared”
“It’s alright, I’m here…” He half-questioned, surprised to find himself saying it, almost like… he knew you. His arms tenderly wrapped around you, with the familiarity of an old friend or lover. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you find the exit”
You paused for a moment, treasuring the embrace and allowing a few tears to shed as you vented all your anxiety with the help of Leon’s patient and kind cares. His hands lovingly rubbed your back, further contributing to calming you down.
You looked up to him, suddenly quitting your crying for good when you saw the blue in his eyes. Before you touched him, they were black and now… Could it be? The soulmate magic you had heard about?
He watched you too, with the same happy astonishment that you felt. Leon smiled a little and you did too.
“Are you okay?” He asked you, slowly letting go of you.
“Yeah…” You whispered, taken aback by the sudden calmness that engulfed you.
For a few seconds you only stared at each other, lost in the moment. A delightful serene and magical aura surrounded you two, and you embraced that feeling.
A loud noise somewhere in the building brought you back to reality, making you both jump up in place. Leon’s beautiful blue eyes searched around, and he grew tense and cautious.
“Let’s go” Without wasting any more time, he took your hand in his and tugged at it.
“You know where the exit is?” You wondered as you ran with him.
“I think so!” Leon carried a gun with his free hand, which reminded you of your weapon.
“You should have my gun, I don’t…”
“No, you should keep it”
“But you know how to use it better than me and-“
“Y/N” Leon stopped for a moment, looking directly into your eyes. “You need something to defend yourself with”
“No! I can’t use it, I’m not brave enough” You felt the urge to cry again. “If it weren’t for you...”
“That’s not true, none of it” He smiled a little. “I… I can’t tell how I know this, but I do: You’re braver than you know, and you don’t need me”
“Leon…” His glance made you feel like he did know you, like he was reading you and he could see through you.
“And I’m gonna need your help, okay?” His soft smile never faltered. “Do you have my back?”
“I do” To reinforce your statement, you interlaced your fingers with his.
“Let’s do this” His smile widened even more.
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sailoraspie90 · 2 years
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Random Resident Evil 2 screenshots
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possessionisamyth · 1 year
I will defend Mia Winters and her desire for experimenting without limitation only for her to realize the hard way that the code of ethics is there for a reason. Like, it's a very classic scientist take and it was done well for her in RE7.
Mia keeps trying to protect Ethan and save him while under Eveline's control. She's so upset and mournful when she comes back to herself after severely injuring him or trying to kill him. Ethan keeps risking everything to try and save her too despite all the fucked up shit she's doing to him! He knows she's not doing it of her own violation even if he doesn't understand everything that's happening.
They absolutely love each other, and it's very obvious in RE8 for how little we see her that Ethan's death in the Baker home haunted the fuck out of Mia. Prior to being kidnapped, she's fighting with Ethan because he accidentally brought up Dulvey since he's too fucking stupid and traumatized to notice that it's not normal to GLUE YOUR HAND BACK ON WITH DISINFECTANT. The healing animation they chose and kept was deliberate from an audience point of view as he's the first protagonist to glue himself back together. Miranda wouldn't know everything Mia went through, so it was easy to play mad and shut down conversations during the two weeks she was in the Winter's home.
Mia knows the man she married and had a child with is half mold, and it's a horrible secret to keep, but she worked in the damn lab with Eveline. She knew they'd take Ethan away to have the same fucked up shit done to him, and she did prevent this by keeping the secret. She was trying to protect him and his freedom as limited as it was under witness protection. I think it's actually very sweet of her to keep the trauma of her loved one being killed to herself in order for him to have a shot at living!!!! Like!!!! There's something really poetic about it!
Yes, it ended in tragedy, but that's because Miranda was a huge cunt! No, I don't think Mia telling Ethan sooner would've done either of them any favors. He'd either tell Chris or he wouldn't. Ethan would be as concerned and scared about Rose as I know Mia was during the whole fucking 9 months she was carrying that baby and afterwards. I don't know a single white couple that celebrates making it to six months unless their baby is sickly, and Rose was clearly really healthy.
Mia was not perfect, and that's the point! She did a horrible thing in the name of science, but I remember a lot of letters in NEST from RE2 of scientists coming to the same realizations after shit hit the fan. And this was if they weren't being actively threatened to remain employed. She also did give up her old career and went on the straight and narrow instead of having a child and ignoring her to pursue more science like someone I know (Anette Birkin, love ya girl, terrible parenting tho).
You know who else did horrible things in the name of science and regrets it only when shit hits the fan? Gasp! Is that your favorite spaniard Luis who worked on Nemesis? Hmm, it's almost as though working without the moral code of ethics in mind can lead you down a path of producing terrible things whether or not your intentions were well meaning, but hey, at least everyone wore their PPE.
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residentevil-4 · 4 years
also do local idiot Leon S Kennedy
i have a lot of thoughts about leon
favorite thing about them: i think its very funny how you can see the shift from him being a good natured young man to very very tired. hes not there yet in 4 but you can tell he stopped giving a fuck when his response to people dying is “haha yikes!”. oh i also like how NO ONE likes degen leon, he didnt need to be there. 
least favorite thing about them: no content…… also they could not resist making the brown people eeeEEEEEeeevil -_-
favorite line: "wheres everyone going? bingo?” is a strong contender, the time when he tried to continue a conversation with a dying woman (anette birkin) was also hilarious, but i think its funny when he dies in 4 because he goes “HOURRGHHH”
brOTP: ashley, claire, hunnigan. ashley is more like a sister and the other two are lesbians. manuela, JD, and sasha are maybes brotps/ships.
OTP: ada, krauser, chris, LUIS. 4 tops 1 bottom...fight for your right...
nOTP: sherry thats his fuckign daughter. i hate you people. also people ship him and jake? for why? i also dont like him and angela because he didnt need to be there, he barely even speaks to her and their relationship was just there to pander to straight people -____- 
random headcanon: every character i like is black. hes just white passing :/
unpopular opinion: straight people do NOT understand leon s kennedy and that is a fact! he is not a womanizer he cant fuck! also this goes for basically every RE character but his whole character is nothing. they did not develop him. ik you dont need a backstory but we have no motivations for him whatsoever. why did he wanna be a cop? we know he gets forced into being an agent but why did he suddenly decide he WANTED to work with them? we honestly dont even know why hes so in love with ada, they met like 4 times total and every time its at most for a few hours. hes an interesting character if you fill in the lines but in reality hes just a bunch of dots to connect and im gonna do that
song i associate with them: most of them are ship related sooo aeon, kreon, chreon, and whatever you call luis/leon. a leon song i guess is this. i could make aeon and kreon playlists bc those are rich territories. these are all literally wildly different in tone so just keep that in mind also the chreon one is a little bit of a joke but only kind of
favorite picture of them: when hes worried about luis...... also a strong second is just when hes holding luis’ hand thats tenderness
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spaghettiappletater · 5 years
🍎- What’s the best way to tease your muse? Jane Doe, Sammy, Birkin and Don
Jane’s best teased with submissive presentation. Touching her outright before she initiates is advised against, but dressing up in something special/revealing, touching yourself for her, or otherwise putting on a little show will go a long way. Once she’s initiated touch, feather-light tease-brushing between her legs or over her chest or butt gets her worked up much quicker than anything firmer than that. She doesn’t really like receiving kisses either - there’s no particular reason for that. Gentle mouthing is okay, though, and once she’s really worked up, scruffing and squeezing her becomes acceptable.
Sammy enjoys being touched quite a lot but only after firm verbal permission. Caressing his chest, abs and arms makes him feel good about himself since he’s very proud of those areas. Compliments and praise are huge, relatively easy turn-ons as well. Dirty talk in the form of begging, asking him outright to do things to you tends to go over well if he’s at all interested. If you really want to get him going, ask him to tie you up, or give him a head-start in that by restraining yourself.
Birkin’s a little difficult because he’s very demi, freakishly kinky and has that whole gross bad weird instinct thing going on. I feel like he’d be disappointingly unresponsive to most forms of teasing that any sane, self-aware person would go through with, at least in his main verse. Prior to being infected with G, he was pretty susceptible to more “normal” things, like cute lingerie, attractive suits and respectful dirty talk. Note though that he’s only ever really been interested in Anette and Wesker that way, then much more recently Claire.
Don reacts most of all to being cuddled, fed, and having his belly rubbed. General comfort stuff counts as foreplay for him, and teasing him by talking sweetly while doing these things is his favorite. He also really, really likes having his balls squeezed and played with once things advance beyond the really sweet and innocent stuff.
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findseloy · 5 years
#9 Resident Evil 2 / Biohazard RE:2 - Anette Birkin (Dificuldade Intenso)
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adawong2017-blog · 7 years
Tudo sobre mim!! (Ada wong)
Repentinamente, Ada aparece na cidade de Raccoon City em 29 de setembro de1998 em busca de informações do seu namorado John, famoso cientista da empresa farmacêutica Umbrella Corporation na verdade era uma espiã com a missão de recolher o T-vírus a mando de Albert Wesker, encontra-se com o recém-formado policial Leon S. Kennedy, interagindo com este durante o jogo, e ambos se apaixonam, e depois ambos descobrem o que aconteceu com William Birkin, um aliado de Wesker. Dependendo dos eventos que você fizer no jogo, Willian Birkin infectado com o G-vírus ferirá Ada, e Leon encontrará o G-Vírus que estava em posse de Anette Birkin, mulher de William. Ada ameaçará matar Leon caso ele não entregue a amostra do vírus a ela, levando um tiro em seguida de Anette que se encontrava gravemente ferida, e após ser baleada, Ada cai da plataforma. Mais adiante, Ada aparece viva jogando um lança mísseis a Claire Redfield, que estava sendo perseguida por um Tyrant enviado pela Umbrella com a missão de eliminar testemunhas e principalmente recolher o vírus devido a outra amostra de vírus que estava com Sherry, filha de Anette e William Birkin. Ou após conseguir um pingente pertencente a Sherry Birkin, acaba sendo perseguida por um Tyrant e dada como morta durante a luta contra o monstro, porém sobrevive e entrega um lança mísseis a Leon antes da destruição do complexo da Umbrella.
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